HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-6-1, Page 8To Brighten up Your Rooms Try some of our Wall Paper, The late season has prolonged the Wall Paper season, and it is none too late on to secure pretty patterns, as our stock is large and many of the as- sortments unbroken. Three Points about Our Wafi Paper We trim a paper free, We take back any paper you have over-abything over and including a single roll, If you run short of Wall, Ceiling or Border you eau get what is needed at once without a tireaome wait, as is the case very often when the paper is sant away for, SEE OUR SAMPLES Autographic Kodaks Compact, easy to operate, with the added autographic feature, which. enables you to write the date and title on the film at the time of mak- Ing the exposure, This is some- thing different from any other make of Camera. Vest Poeket Autogra- phic Ifotlak, $7 00. Other Autogra• phis Kodaks at eg.o0, $11,00 and up. Developing and Printing for Amateurs, 7he lim,i� Store F. R. SMITH D1td7GGIST AND STATIONER. goad It etvis Ithrts JUNE. `ouNCIL meeting next Monday even- ing. Punic School Board Friday evening of next week. HUEw r Co, Council will convene next 'Tuesday, THE Poar Publishing House is ready to print the invitations for the June brides. SATURDAY of this week is the King's Birthday and will be observed as a Bank holiday. ARE you ready for the Sanitary In- spector's visit? He'll be aboug one of these days. SEVERAL subscribers have squared up their accounts at THE POST during the past week. Bowi.ixo green is in good shape but there has been so much wet weather the season is late in opening. Some great catches of fish have been made at the dam during the past week. The heaviest weighed 4 pounds IF blossom is any indication of trait - age there should be an abundance of fruit next Summer and Autumn. D. EWAN & Co.' sold no less than 5 rubber tired buggies last Friday. It pays to advertise an right. Read their advt, in this issue. RED CRoss Society will meet Tuesday evening of next week at 8 o'clock. A good rally is asked for as tbere are business matters to Attend to. BRUSSELS Public Library Board will meet in the Board room Tuesday even- ing of next week at 7 3o o'clock, Will the members kind'y he prompt, THE Electric Light power house chop- ping plant has ceased work until- next Fall. Messrs: Logan & Naegele are running full swing as usual at their mill. Tag Spring of rgib has been a bad one for beekeepers but the flee weather coming at last has set the sweets - gatherers going after a long tiresome wait. A GOODLY number of our soldier boys came home from Winghain last Sa'ur- dayafternoon returning Monday on the noon train. They left for camp at Lon- don on Tuesday, A CARR load of new Ford automobiles arrived from Ford, Ont., last week for Samuel Carter. local agent for Brussels and vicinity, Read the Ford Company advt, in this issue. BRUaseLs is without either a Foot Ball team or a Base Ball nine so far. So many of the young men have enlisted there is a shortage of material as all a- vailable help is well taken up at present. SATURDAY 15 the closing day for the receipts of tenders for the new macadam street work, Brussels, on Turnberry street from the iron bridge to the Grand Trunk railway. Work shonld be com- menced as soon as possible so as to have it Completed in the early Fall• Advt. may be read in another column. ANNOUNCEMENT, -'rhe engagement of Miss Pearl Sharpe, to W. H. Ibbersoo, of Saskatoon, is announced. Wedding will take place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Poole, Dauphin, Manitoba, on Wednesday, June mist. Mrs. A. J. Lowry, town, is a sister to the coming bride, who is well and favor- ably known here, AUCTION SALE OF Goo° COWS AND CALVES, -Friday of this week an Auction Sale of eo choice Durham cows, either in caif or with calf at foot and 20 extra good Durham calves, will be held at the Central. Hotel, Brussels, at 2 o'cloclt. Neil Coutts is the Proprietor and John Purvis, the Auctioneer, This will be an extra good chance to secure either cows or calves, Don't miss this sale ANNUAL ExcUESION 1'o THE 0. A. C. GUELSH,-Thursday, June 15111, is the date set for the Union Farmers' Ex- cursion, Special train will ruts embrac- ing nil the stations from Kincardine to an Henfryninelusf re, Fares are the same w as last year. Train gets to Guelph at if es a.,m, and leaves at 7 p. rn. It is a de- m lightful outing anti often worth many a ex dollar in workable information gleaned an from the visit. Arraege to go and go mark down the date -Thursday, June r5th. See the bills, GARDEN Parties are On the program, FORD CAR FOR SALE -rgt5 mode!, good as new. Ouly run 2000 miles and will be sold cheap, See W. Ammer, Brussels, A't'1'RNn the Auction Sale of choice Durham cows and extra good calves Friday afternoon of this week, at the Ceutral Hotel, .B ubsels, at a o'clock. Neil Coutts is the owner, EXCHANGED PARASOLS. Tuesday afternoon of last week somep arson took a parasol belonging to Miss Margaret Stewart, by mistake• and left another. Miss Stewart would be glad to make the exchange again so that each may have their own. Tare annual sermon to the members of Court Prlucess Alexaudria, C. 0. F.No. 24, Brussels, will be preached next Sun- day evening in St. lohn's church, at 7 o'clock, by Rev. R E. Page. Brethren are asked to meet at their Hall at 6.3o so as to march to the church, —0— Miss B. PARR will do plain dress -snaking or other sewing at her home, Turnberry street, North. 96.2 LAWN mowers put in first-class shape and sharpened by Geo, Edwards, Millet., Brussels. CONVENIENT dwelling roma to let over stores. Soft water. I. 0, BIGHARna. LIME. -Use one or two tons per acre ground Lime stone on your corn land • It prevents crusting, increases yield and makes absolutely certain a catch or clover when seeded. CARprra 8c DAnte6, Brussels. Goon stable and ;Isere lot, well located, for sale. Apply to THE PosT. A New Bain wagon and box complete for sale, also a heifer calf about 0 weeks old. Ap- ply at Lot 9, Con. 0, Grey. Mat. CHAS. OooKE. :Phone 908. A 0000 house for sale with stable and fruit trees. Apply to I.O. B oto ane. 0 EVERY lady dy or gentleman man who is •b should not forget tba' Prof. Doren- wend's repret eutative will be at Brussels American Hotel on Thursday June rsth with beautiful Bair goods to suit ladie and gentlemen in wigs and toupees als ladies fine switches and braids, trans formations, wavey fronts, everything t make ladies look young and attractive, Don't fail to call and see the newest creations in hair goods. LAST Friday afternoon Brussels Branch of the W. C. T. U held its an- nual meeting in the audience room of the Public Library. The office bearers of the part year were re-elected as fol. tows :--President, Mrs R. Dark ; 1st Vice President, Mrs. W. Rauds ; end Vice, Mrs. (Rev ) A. 1. Mann ; 3rd Vice, Mrs. (Rev) Paul ; Rec,-Sec , Mrs, A. lvIuGutre ; Cor. -Sec,, Miss Martha Smith ; Treas,, Mrs W. Rands. They are a resolute band of workers for a good cause. RED CROSS CIRCLE TEA -The date of the next Red Cross Circle Tea will be Tuesday afternoon cf next week, in the Public Library audience room. Ladies in charge will be as follows t -Mrs W. W. Harris, Mts. Clouse, Mrs H Keys, Mrs. J .A Kyle, Mrs. A. Bryans, Miss Pipe, Mrs. H. Lamont, Mrs. J Sim- mons and Miss M. Stewart. A good tea is not only awaiting you but also a hearty welcome as you show your will- ingness to aid the cause of our sick and wounded soldiers as well as those. who are heroically fighting our battles at the front amidst the roar of cannon and clash of arms. BRUSSELS WOMEN'S INSTITU'T'E - At the amus! meeting of Brussels Wom• en's Institute the annual report was pre- sented, which proved quite satisfactory, Receipts were two and expenditure $80.04, leaving balance of $4S 96. Fol- lowing are the officers for the current term :- Presideir t Mrs. P. Scott • ist Vice -Pres , Mrs, D. B. Moore ; 2nd Vice -Pres., Mrs. (Rev) Ferguson ; Sec - '1'reas., Mrs. Jobe Robb ; Assistant See., Mrs. W. Rands ; District Director, Mrs. P. Scott; Organist, Miss Martha Smith ; Directors, Mrs, Kreuter, Mrs R. Daik, Mrs. P. Ament, Mrs. Roht, Thomson. Auditors, Mrs, J. Hewitt cd Miss Margaret Stewart. A paper as read by Mrs. J. Robb on the inter - ting subject, "The danger of luxury in oderu life," BI =vets Institute has an cellent record and the ladies are as xious as ever to help forward every od word and work, MRS. W. F. VANSTONE PASSES '1•o HER RRWARDr About midnight Tuesday of this week the spirit of Mrs, W. F. Van - atone fn , W hent was beako g ned Away. She bad not enjoyed good health for some time but her demise was not ex• pected so soon. Mrs, Vanstone's maiden name was Minnie Montgomery arid after her marriage lived in Brussels for Tears before removing to Wingham. 5 addition to her husband, she is sur- vived by one son, Adjutant Gat field and 3 daughters, The body of Mrs Van. stone will be brought to Brussels Oh the 7 13 train Saturday morning end service will he c0nducttrl 10 St, Tobn's church on arrivgl. Interment will he made in great- lyBbeloved byt aytbic enceased circle ofafriends and WAS a most estimable person. Her death sad ympetli1' tendered to tllg bereaved by a host of people. Young Men Young men' or others who are unable to join for oversea service can serve their King and Country by helping on Munition Work, Apply to The Sabt, Bel. Engine & ihreyhet, Co,, Ltd. SEAFORTH GEo BARKER, Craubrook, will have a car of lime at Brussels G. '1', R. by the end of this week. See his advt. in an- other bolmmn, Dr n AT AKRON, OH1o.-W. A. Grew- ar received word this week of the de- mise of his uncle, Alex Grewar, of Akron, Obio, He passed away et the hospital on May and, from the effects of an operaliou• He had not been well for some dive but was not confined to bed until he weut for the operation on April WI. He was getting along all right apparently but he passed away as above stated. Deceased was a brother to the late John Grewar, of Brussels, and lived here years ago, Church Chimes The General Assembly of the Presby terian church will assemble in Winnipeg next week. Communion service next Sabbath merniug In Melville church. Prepare tory service Friday afternoon. London Methodist Conference is in session this week at Kingsville, It will conclude next Tuesday, it is expected. The young people of Melville church propose bolding a Picnic iu Mr David son's grove on July ist. Everyone cordially invited, ReyD. Wreu preached two good ser- mons last Sabbath on "Sonehip at the morning service and in the evening the text was "Without Faith it is impossible to please God," Ie the absence of the pastor at Con- ference next Sunday the morning ser- vice will be supplied locally and Rev. J. L. McCulloch, Cranbrook, will preach in the evening, Commencing next Snndsyafternoon a contest coverin,, the next 3 months will ensue in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School The members are represented by Red and Blue ribbon. knots, under the Captaincy of Miss Viola McCracken and Ray McKay. The Sunday following the close of the contest will be observed as the anniver- Bary of the school and on Monday after -Labor Day -there will be a program of games and sports concluding with an entertainment in the evening. I.t the minutes of Maitland Presby- tery, which may be read on page 4 of this issue, two items of special local in- terest are that Rev, D. B. McRae, of Armow, formerly of Cranbrook, has a-krd for a superannuated relation. to came Into effect next September. Rev. Mr. McRae has enioyed a long, happy and successful period of faithful service and t ' s wellentitled to a relax 'o alto al- though still hearty and vigorous. Many olid friends hope he and Mrs. McRae will locate in Brussels. The other item referred to is the election of S. C. Wil - s sou, Brussels, and Wm. Perrie, Cran- ° brook, as Commissioners to the General A-sembly which meets at Winnipeg. "SIYOwEEs,"- A Winnipeg Daily speaks es follows ws of items of inters B , russelites'-st to Miss Kathleen Dell, egg lfeuuedy street, entertained Satrday evening at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Pearl Sharpe, a June bride elect. Miss Sharpe was the re- cipient of many dainty and useful gifts. The guests fnehided Mrs. W. L, Leath- erdale, Mrs, 0, E Wright, Miss Mettle McCellooh, Miss Motley Foley, Miss Etta Madden, Miss Clara Holland, Miss Plt2 xi mmous, Miss Vista Watson and Miss Marie Griese. Miss Sharpe leavaa shortly for the West, Another shower was tendered the same young ledv, at 223 Kennedy street by the girls of the snits where Mist Shetpe roomed, A greet box was placed upon the table filled with linens, over wgieh she was. Made to marvel, People We Talk About James Sharpe is visiting his daughter, Mrs, Aldleck, at Port Hope. Miss Grace Hosking, Palmerston, is visiting Miss Jessie Cunningham. Mrs Geo. Edwards has been visiting her daughter at Megaw, near Goderich. Mrs. Neil McPhail, Southampton, was the quest of Mrs. Wm. McKelvey over the 24th. F. H. Gilroy, local manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, made a business trip to Toronto last week. Rev and Mrs. Page and Master Eustace arrived back from an enjoyable visit to Montreal last Friday. D. A Lowry, Toronto, was visiting in Brussels and locality for a few days, He stands the passing years well R A Pryne, Miss Laura Lealherdale, H. L and Mrs. Jackson spent Victoria Day with the Pryne family at Walker- ton, Mrs. Alfred Lowry will attend the Women's Missionary Convention of London Conference to be held at St. Phomas this week. Sergt• Frank Gerry was home from London for the week end, He has just completed his course at the Military Col- lege for Lieut. He enjoys his work, Mrs. Wallace and daughter, Marguer ite, Toronto, are here oo a visit to the former's mother, Mrs. Robert Kerr The latter is glad for the company at a period of loneliness In the going of her soldier son, Angus, to camp at Loudon, Mrs Jut), Thibid-au and children have moved from Brussels to the home of the former's father, Robt. Bowen, near Listowel, where they will make their home during the absence of hus- band and father, Pte. 1'hibideati. Mrs, W. H. Kerr spent a few days at the Classic City at the home of her brother. P. stmaster Kay, where .her mother and sisters. of Winnipeg, ale visiting prior to their corning to Brus- sels to visit old scenes for a few weeks. Sergt, Gordon Ross, son of Robert end Mrs. Ross, Kincardine, formerly of Brussels, met with an accident on Thursday evening receiving 'a badly bruised • shoulder, He was returning from Walkerton, driving a Ford cer when ep it stewed w d au d upset with t ieload. No one else was hurt, Will. end Miss Winnie Long Gave gone to Detroit for a visit With rela- tives and old friends. The former will return to his position in the Beek of Nova Seotta, Toronto, from Detroit. He was off duty for a couple of months atm' an operation for appendicitis from whicli'he has made a rood recovery, Barrister Blair, city solicitor of Regina, was a welcome ostler on old friends in Brussels, for a day last week He and the City 'Treasurer had beets to Toronto and Montreal on civic briefness and Mr, Bleb' took a run up to liruseels and Goderich, Hie eldest son, Wilfrid, has er mistedWi' thtlm ei t hBattalion at Regina and will train at Camp Sewell for a time. Barrister Blair has tnnby old friends in Huron Co Hate You Tried Our New Shorte�i� IIYI WIIIII 9 Swift's Cotosuet is largely a vegetable product, he- ing e,unpoaed of prime eottcul eeed Oil, specially refitted under their own process, and pure beef suet selected from the best cattle, Sw1FT's CoT•os17g'r is time ideal shortening for cakes and pastry of all khida. Swnur 8 poTOSUET is'especiallyre- cornmended for use in pastry, for people who cannot enjoy rich preparations. SWIFT'S COTOSUET is economical,' it being necessary tows only two- thirds as much as other shortening. Swrrr's CQTQSUET is absolutely pure and wholesome, and ie Can- ada approved. CoTOBUET Shortening is a delicate product, healthful, digestible and guaranteed pure. It is an ideal shortening and is unexcelled for, frying.. Put t1 in 1 lb. prints and 31b. pails. , Baeker Bros. Mrs Geo Jackson has returned from, visiting friends at Walton, Biyth and Seaforth. • Mrs. W. H. Willis. Wingham, wasla holiday visitor with Mrs. N. 1'. Gerry, Kin street. t. King s'e Mrs. L J. Corbett, Rothsay, nes a visitor at the home of W. W. Harris. Queen st'eet. Mrs. (Dr) McKelvey, Toronto, has been renewing old friendships in Brus- sels and locality Rev. 11. M. Lang -Ford, Berlin, form- erly of Brus,els, is feeling improved after a recent operation in Buffalo. Georg and Mrs. Grimoldby are re. moving to Owen Sound, where the former has a position in one of the Fur- niture factories. We wish them pros- perity. Mrs (Rev.) A. J. Mann was chosen President of Mail laud Presbyterial as successor to Mrs (Rev ) D. Perrie, of Wingham. She should prove a worthy successor. W. 13 Ballantyne, Elitor of the Em- erson Journal, made a brief visit to rela- tives and friends in Brussels this week while E •et to attend the Press Associa• tion in 'Toronto. He is a graduate of THE Por•r and looks about as young as atter. Ed and Mrs. Town, Winnipeg, are here for a holiday visit. It is about 30 years since Mr. Town left Brussels but he still retains a lively interest in the locality although many changes are noted Mrs. Town isa daughter au titer of Mrs. S. Crawford, awford of town. A pleasant surprise to many old friends was the coming of Mrs. T. Maunders and Mrs. Joseph Hunter last Saturday evening froth Detroit, to visit old frirnda in Brussels and locality. They were former residents for a num- ber of y ars. The City of the Straits is agreeing well with them judging from appearances Mrs. Maunders still owns a too acre farm South of Brussels, which was the homestead for some time and where Mr. Maunders died. Belgrave James Oloakey spent Sunday iu Wivgbam. John Clegg has disposed of his Ford oar for a new Studebaker, Bert Williams, of London, is engag- ed for the Summer with Sam, Mc- Curdy. The union prayer msetingeave being well attended. Last Friday it was held in Knox church, Rev. Mr. Haw- Ri kins being the speaker, An epidemic of measles is now hold- H ing away here and in -surrounding w community. A fine of $50 if not re- ported to Municipal Medical Health, P Officer is the law. Go Lyles. Robert Anderson while engag- cs•r'o THE STANDARD BANK .' OF. -CANADA HEAD orriC,E TORONTO SOLDIERS, ATTENTION t Our ,Savings Rank provides a suitable and convenient place for your surplus Funds, A ,joint riceouut is specially ` adapted for those going overseas; lova. Apply to BRUSSELS- BRANCH G. H. SAMIS, G O E. Manager. bled. Alter being seated attlie table, Rev, Mr. Boyle on behalf of the ladies and gentlemen present, made a few remarks of. welcorne t0 the boyo. When the inner' ratan had been satisfi- ed a hearty vote of thanks was ex- tended to the ]adios, followed, by. cheers. After having an hour's test they resumed their march to Wing - ham. • Delmore Miss Id, Walker, Teeewater, is in the burg for s: few days. We are sorry to learn that James Merkley is not vet'y well,. Wm. and Mrs. McGrogan spent the 24th with friends in Tot on to, D, J. Weir, Stratford, spent Thurs- daywith his mother, Mrs, Jos. Mur- ray. the Women's Institute meeting on Saturday June 3rd in the Hall. Paul Willis' ,house is now complet- ed and quite improvement nemeu q t to the p burg. George Doubledee spent a few days last week with his father in Harris - ton, who is i11. - Mtge, Jno, Mulvey spent a' few days last week with her parents, M. and Mrs, Murray, Lucan, J. and Ml's. Mulvey, Wingham, are visiting their daughter, Mrs, Jos. Hall and son, John, for a few days. A. and Mrs. Lamanby and P, and Dire. . Sanderson, Wroxeter, spent Wednesday at James Fleming's. Privates George Wese, Marshall and Wm. Abraham and John and James Lawrence of the 100st Batt., Walkerton, spent Sunday at their homes here, Rev, Mr. Rivers, Gorrie, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church here on Sunday. Mr. Rivers is a fine speaker. We would be pleased to have hint with us again. Among those from here who attend- ed Military Field Day, at Walkerton on the 24th •were W. B. and Mrs. Ed- wards, Jno. and Mrs, Abraham, Mar- garet Marshall, Lillian and Blanche Irwin, Myrtle Galloway; Lily Ortman and Mrs. Lawrence, All report a good time. • •• The • . •• AnSC O: Cameras• • 2 ° Pietures tell a Story better end quicker then Wardsr Y • t; 0 We are living in a Pictorial 2 • 4 age. Evidence of this is on 4 every side, and -there are good • reasons why this is a Pictorial • BRUSSELS MARKET •"age. Pictures tell a. story better • octant t.86 g B6 and quicker than words. The, 60 60 . Camera has made pictures pos- Peas • 1 60 1 50 Barley OB 00 Bible,,. Butter. 8E ge a#... Old landmarks are passing ays 10 00 10 r0 - away ; the scenes of your young- • Potatoes per bun 14 00 1400 er days will be more dear to you S 2.22 2 10 each day. • There's the boy -his funny • Strayed Mare antics will cheer you in the days y • to come if you photograph hurt Strayed from Lot 4, Com '10 Grey township, •. now' An accurate photogra.re on May 26th, a brown general purpose mare, phic record will prove a treasure heavy in foal, small whiteetar on face, Any information leadinig to her recovery will be I partwith. whichyou will be troth rSe 2 e thankfully receive • . SILAB JOHNBTON, - •. Phone 276 - R. 11. -No, 2, Brussels. Have you - seen OUr nett • stock of Auseo Cameras ? See • _• thein in •our window this week, • We also carry a very com- • pptete steak of Carnet's Supplies, : A 8.year-old bay roadster Ally strayed from • Films, Developers, &o. i.' She premises of the undersigned on May 7th and its whereabouts has not yet been made • known. It liae a white star on face and little.. and white on one hind leg. Suitable reward will • b id e a for its recovery. ve P 1 y. Printing Phone 9418 - A. SIMPSON, ♦ Jamestown. * We have arranged with • • Messrs. Fres Brae, to do our De- • veloping and Printing and'we 2 : assure our customers that all • • ANDREW F,. EMBURY & 80N, • wos'k entrusted 00 us will be Proprietore. ± promptly attended to and antis faction guaranteed in every way. • MONDAY will leave his own. stable Lot 21, - • grd Line, Morrie, and go Etter to bliptient • When next in need 0f an '• west vin gror avel road to�Brueeele hento'gbti y Camera Sapplfee we will apple • Niehol's tor night. • .elate your patronage' • ' TUESDAY -Beet to gravel road, then South • • to 8th-Line,.Morrl a, Lo Geo Belly'a for noon • • --AT- then South to boundary, West 1'4. miles, and • • South to Barlopk line, then West to Bert. Al- • 4 len's for night. WEDNESDAY -North to boundary, East1 • _ ' •• mile, then North to John Bell's for noon ; than • ♦ • North 05 Oth Line, Morrie, then West to Wet. • ,p iSlyd'e for night. • 4 TRURSDAY-Went to 6th Line, Morrie, then ♦ DRUG STORE •'� West to John Wighta,an'a for noon ; then • • North via Belgrave to 2nd Line, Morris, to • • Wm Elston's for night • The Penslar Store ♦ FRIDAY -East to Agar Bros. for noon ; then • • North to lst Line, Morrie, East 236 miles and ss•,••••♦,•••'♦•••••.•••♦•.* home for night. where he will remain until Monday morning. Reward for Strayed Filly . • ♦ Developing ♦ ng. Shethin Stamp . .•••♦••......N.•.•..,..••••,•••4.$•. F4 • .••,...•... •ZdFIRSTDRAFT LONDON s • • , .............. ............... : METHODIST CONFERENCE • : JOHN A. BRUCE & Co. report that "Their ex- • tensive stock of Farm Seeds have . be • been secured • from the growers in excellent condition' and may • ibe relied upon to give satisfaction." w Via have in stock the following Varieties, viz. •• Bruce's Giant White Feeding Sugar Beet.' • Bruce's Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangel. • v • • Swede Turnips . • Bruce's• NewCenturyHall's Westbury v• • epantor Jumbo Kangaroo _ Hartleyms Bronze and Derby • vera, Soft Turnips Stratford DiQtrict-Machell, W. G. • p McAllister ; Atwood, H. J. Fair ; • Yellow. Aberdeen and GreyStone 4 allace, H. 11'. Ball. • • Wingham District -Kincardine, A. r • Lloyd ; Teeswater, S. J. Allis ; • • rrie, G. J. Kerr ; Bernie, J. N. •s old, J. Lawson. A.Strachan • Godeich Distri of-Olnon Ontario meet, A. J. Agnew; Holmesville, A. it The Epworth League and Sunday School anniversary, the first meeting of the London Methodist Cnnferenoe, was held Tuesday evening in Kings- ville, fine addresses being delivered by C. E. German and Rev. D. Wt en, The first draft of stations changes more than fifty men. The committee had a strenuous session and finished at midnight Monday. The appoint- ments are provisionally as follows London District -Wellington Street, W. J. Ashton ; Centennial, H. T. Ferguson; Empress Avenue, J. D. Richardson Ridout Street, J. E. Holmes ; I[dil Street, L. Butler ;, London Junction, B. Snell ; Niles - town, S. E. Taylor ; Siloam, G. C. Gifford ; Doroheater, G. W. W • • • ed in mllkmg a cow last Sunday, met f breaking her limb, tramp- S Exeter James with a onin ul accident. The animal so kicked her ing on her and giving her a general shaking up. The patient has been in St a very precarious condition. Re The Belgrave Patriotic Society de- Gra sire to acknowledge with thanks the Or following donations : Mrs. James bit, Nicholson, 10 yards new cotton ; Mrs. Wm. Johnston, 6 yards ' Mrs. .Frank Ha Shoebottom, 5 yards ; Mre, Wm. 0, Ar Scott, 10 yards. The Society shipped get, last week, 5 shirts valued at $12,50 ; Pri 1 air pyjamas nae ab p pY 1,2"0: J $ 21pair socks at$i7.OD. The ladies of Belgrave and vicinityStr have again proved that they delight iwP getler'otts hospitality. Monday of last R week, although onlyshort notice was given, they provided an excellent and Av abundant lunch with hob coffee in the A. 0. 0. F. Hall, which was deeorat Wh ed with the different flags of the allies A. for about 70 of the boys in the khaki lin who marched • from Brussels to Ci Wingham, via Belgrave. As the Wa eoldiera arrived three hearty cheers lace were given them by the men assefn Ed melair ; B1ytl , R. J. McOormick, •••••••,•••••,•„•.,..,... ♦•••••N•.••••••• • Exeter District - t e fa•Nt1•.M meet, J. W. Baird ; Parkhill, J, 0, id ; Crediton, T. J. Snowden ; and Bend, H. Winans ; Ailsa ai W. R. Vance t Woodham, A. Kibbon ; Kirkton, F. S. Okell. trathrny 'District-Cairngowan, S. nn ; Warwick, C. W. Baker ; kona, R. C. Burton ; Mount Bryd- , 3. F. Reycraft ; . Melburne, J. ng Hay's Mills, ; . Jo na h ton. arnia District - Sarnia Devine tet, G. N. Hazen ; Parker Street, F. Clark ; Cantlaehie, J. E. Cook ; yorning, 0, R. Durrant; Brigden, 0. Onnpland. Windsor District -Windsor Howard enue, l0. Bently ; Wallrerville, H, Graham ; Harrow, Jt Ilitsear; eatley, E. A, Fear ; Goldsmith, D. Whaley ; Rornnev, L. Spcack- ; Atnberatburg, A. M. Stuart. Latham District- Merlin, A. V. lden; Dever, W. Pattet•Bot1 • Wal burg; A. J. Langford ; Merlin, S. worthy, Ridgotown District-Ridtretown, H, J. "(Inn ; Mtn eth p 3, M. Keyes ; Warclaville, J. Kennedy ; Glencoe, R. w' , Ii It. r t1 'Florence, e a J, Jones t Ca Dut- ton, IT, Kennedy tool..• c y Highgate, P. E. Jnmea, 80..Thomao Diatrist-Springfieid, G. Jewitt ;'Lyons, G. Bull ; Malahide, D. W, Williams ; Yarmouth Centre, A. H. Brown ; 'i'elhotville, S. Jefferson Sparta, W. M, Kiteley, PJants ssomosismosommeminsii Choice assortment of Geranianns and Annuals B tl„ing Cabbage, a9a, Cauiiflower Tomato and House Plants Agent for pale's Out Flowers; MISS KELLY, 48.4 Bruesele Greetlhouse. 01- CLn Anafaritnnc,-Ie Morrie township, en May 28, 10'0, ttialiarrl B. Armstrong, aged 00 yearn and 4 months. Beam. -Bi Langdon, North Dakota,` on May 4, 1014, Bap. ar -ogees non of Mr. and Mrs, O. J Bono. in his 18th year. Gan AR.•-InAi,ion, Ohio,. an May2nt1, 1010, Alex Grewar. LOTT -lit Grey Thos, Lett, need 011 years,' 1 inatntit asttiIS drays, VANar°NE,--In Wirtgltem, an Merlotti, One, Minnie 'Montgomery, beloved wife of W, F, Vanatone, aged 04 yearn, ••••• •••••••••••••• 044.14+•••••••&••{••••••••F•i••i•••k••F••i •• • + • •• ; x vroom r ager • • Wectr • 4• •. • • • t • •• • Shoe'. •i• Men and boys a•• (young men) work- - ing outdoors, knocking about need good boots to standr r strong'l the racket. '1' We've got the very kind you want—stout, thick soles (solid d 1ea l e 1r mind you ), good strong instelis, put together with the knowledge Ye that they must be • • strong, strollb to stand the strain, 's These boots are not'ex • ,pensive, though they do wear like iron. You can get them for prices like these r-- ' Boys' Strong Shoes $1.50 to $2.25 . Men's Strong Shoes, ... 2.00 3.50 2 Repairs PromptlyDone. • C a d 5 Ga►■♦ •b�•F��k•,••h.�M,t►...,•k�••i•�•►•Id•��P,'1.^D•••6•.•1.•l'.•1••1,+♦,•,i