HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-5-25, Page 8Clean
Hero are a few of the
Preparations we keep
for cleaning the Teeth
Rexall Tooth Paste
Euthymol Tooth Paste
Pearl Tooth Powder All 25e
Rexall Antiseptic Powder preparations
Woodbury's Tooth Paste
Woodbury's ToothPowder,
Pearl Tooth Brushes 252
Tooth Brushes me, 5 t 0 & e
2a -c 35
Toilet Soap
Rexall Glycerine Soap -a pure trans-
parent Soap -two kinds, Rose and
Violet. 2 large calces for 25e, It's
the Soap that lasts and will not leave
the skin rough. Try it.
Developing and
And You don't Walt
Your Films and Prints are ready on
the dot -we don't believe in empty
And not only will your work be
done promptly, but just as well as
up -'o date methods and good mater-
ial can make them.
Take a Kodak with You
on the 24th
The ef2 sStore
F. R. senora
betas Puts
WEDNESDAY -May 241h -was a Public
HURON Co. Connell will meet at Gode-
rich on Tuesday, June 6th.
LOCAL and District news on pages 4
anis 5 of this issue, Read the news.
ARE you tendering tor the new Mac -
edam street work? See the advt. in an-
other column.
SATURDAY of next week twill be King
George's Birthday and will be a Bank
holiday. Don't forget this.
WEDNESDAY was a quiet day in town.
A goodly number weut to Clinton to the
revie v of the r61st Battalion.
MANY a furnace in homes in Brussels
is still eating up coal owing to the back-
ward condition of the weather.
THE Pon' for balance of 1916 for 5o
cents in advance. You ought to take it
or send it to absentee members of the
Tux Inspector of the Uudero%riters
Association paid a aisit to Brussels last
Friday and called out the Fire appli-
ances for inspection.
OPERATION. -Last week, Willie, young-
est son of F. and Mrs. Naegele, under-
went an operation for appendicitis. He
is making favorable progress and we
hope will soon be able to be about as
goodly number have paid up their sub-
scription to THE POST there are many
who appear to be waiting to pay it to a
Collecting Agency with the costs added. ,
If this has to be done it will not be our
fault but yours. 'Phe address label will
show you where you are at. No news-
paper, run at $r.00 a year, cau afford to
carry subscribers for years, nor should
they be expected to do so.
THURsnAY of next week ushers in the
month of June. 1916 is hustling along
$12 0o were the receipts of the home-
made baking sale for the Soldiers' Fund
last Saturday.
"THE Village Doctor", the play pre-
sented by a company of Walton young
people in Brussels Town Hall last Fri-
day evening, was well done and many a
good laugh.
BRUSSELS Branch of the W. C. T. U.
will bold their regular meeting in the
audience room of the Public Library on
Friday afternoon of this week. A large
attendance is asked as this is the annnal
meeting when reports will be received
and officers for the year chosen..
Ren CRose Circle Tea Tuesday even-
ing was as usual a very pleasant func-
tion. The ladies in charge had a very
tasty bill of fare and nearly $16.00 were
realized Miss VauNorman, Wingham,
rendered two excellent solos. She is a
fine vocalist.
A letter from Lieut. Charlie Kerr,
who was wounded in the battle of St.
Eloi, France, says he will not be able to
return to the trenches for 3 mouths, ac-
cording to the doctor's statement. He
is the eldest sou of Rev. W. E, and Mrs.
Kerr, Vancouver, B. C.
FRIDAY forenoon the fire alarm rang
and au incipient blaze was announced at
the Ament factory near tbe smoke stack.
Before the fire engine was gut to the
water tank danger was prevented by tbe
application of steam from the factory
boiler. Brusselites would be very sorry
to have anything happen to the Ament
mills as they employ a large staff. There
is talk of a uew water tank being placed
near the factory to avert a similar dis-
aster to that of a former occasion when
the factory was destroyed by fire. On
account of the inflammable character of
the stock 'special care is taken by Mr.
ANNUAL Conference of Medical Health
officers for the Province of Ontario will
be held in Torouto Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, Mey 3otlt and 31st. All officers
of health are required by law to attend
tltls meeting..
'Pim Pow i5 glad to bear that Mrs.
Herbert Cunnittghtuu, Palmerston, who
recently uuiltrwent au operation for ap-
pendicitis, is improving nicely and will
soon be eonvalesceut we hope. She is a
daughter of Mre. loo Mauling. Brits-
sets, who has been iu Palmerston owing
to her illness.
FOR 5o CENTS -THE POST would like
to be a weekly visitor in every home in
two and district. Our list of subscrib-
ers in this territory Is already letge, but
to add those who are net receiving the
paper now, to our family of readers, we
are going to make a special offer, For
the remaining 7 months of 1916 we will
give the paper for 500. This sum does
Dat cover the 0011 of the 'white paper,
enter every
we want Tug Posr n
home in both town and townships
hence make this bargain offer, OArr.,
502 until Dec 31, 1916 Present sfold'
scribers will confer a favor by telling
those who are not receiving the paper
now, of our offer, Postage et the rate
of a cent per week must be added if
paper has to go to the United States or
France. Now is the time to invest and
thereby secure the news first band.
LINE.-U, a one or two tale per care ground
Lime atone on your corn land. It prevents
crusting, increases yield and makes absolutely
certain a catch of clver when seeded.
QAaD1.PP 46 DA.URM, Idrueeels.
BOY wanted for delivery wagon. GEo.
GOOD Stable and 3i aore lot, well located, for
sale. Apply to Ten Poste.
A NEw Bain wagon and box complete for
plypl' also
Loheifer0,Ocou. about6,reey. 150. 0511)5
Oo0KE, Phone 408.
INOREAsll IN PRIDE.- Br1138el8 Ice cream
dealers have been compelled to advance the
price of Syrup Sundaes and Sodas from 5 to 10
cents, Banana Solite and Crushed- Fruit
SundaeB will he 10 cents straight. Plain ice
creams remain et 5 cents. New prioe list
comes into effect June 1st, W.A. G1taWAR,
R. 0. W OL00N,
HOOSE for sale. Apply to Nies R. HoLME0,
A Ooon house for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply to L Q. RICHARDB,
SOME BREEZE -'Phe Calvin (North
Dakota) Times streaks of recent wind-
storms in that locality as fol ows :-For
a week past this section of North D.,ko-
ta has been experiencing one of the
worst wind swims in the history of the
State, About a week ago it started to
blow and has been increasing in velocity
ever since. For a few days farmers con•
tinned their work of seeding but were
finally compelled to give it up• as the
dust was so bad that et times they could
hardly see their horses. A large per
cent of the seeding will have to be doue
over again as much of the seed has been
blown out of the ground." Local inter-
est is given to the above from the fact
that Peter Stewart hos 4oe acres near
Calvin and this week he got word from
the man who is working his farm that 8o
acres will have to be re.sowed. Mr.
Stewart has to supply the se'ed and as
wheat is worth 81 15 per bushel it will
mean considerable expense. This is not
his ffrst experience with Summer follow-
ed land in Dakota. Soil comparatively
light suffers worst of course. If they
had as much rain as we have there would
not be much danger of seed being blown
out of the ground.
People We Talk About
Miss lrene Barkley is home from Tor-
Rev, A. J. Mann was in Toronto this
Rev R E. Page is visiting ill Moat.-
1 ea! this week
Miss Elsie Mayl erry has token a post•
tion in Wii gham
Mrs. 12, Leallierdaie.ls visiting her.
danghler, Mrs, R. A Prrne, if Toronto,
Pte$ Stewart Fox end Revnald Bark
ley were home from Clinton over Snn
Jas. and Mrs. ,Ballantyne and Archie
were visitors with Clintun relatives this
Mrs Neil McLaucblin has returned
from a visit with relatives and friends et
Mrs. Angus Shaw is back from .au
extended visit at the home of her son in
Vancouver, couver B. C.
tt of the Bank of Nova
Scotia, who was offduty with measles,
is back to work once more,
Sant. Bell, of Teeswater locality,
spent the week end in BI u.sSets t0 visit
his new daughter. Cougratulations;
Rev. D. Wren was at Trowbridge
last Monday evening delivering apatri-
otic address at the Methodist Sabbath
School anniversary,
Mrs. Jno Angus, Brussels, is not en-
joying very good health at present but
we hope the coming of better weather
will aid in her restoration.
Mrs. las. Longmire, Atwood, and
Miss Warnock, Minnedoea, Man, were
visitors with Mrs A, McGuire, William
street. The ladies are cousins
Misses Millie Grewar and Georgia
Ross, of the Central Telephone, have
been "enjoying" the slumps Miss
Madge Donaldson is back Irom Atwood
Congratulations are extended to Jack
Leckie, B A.. who passed his end, year's
exam in Law with honors. We hope he
will keep up this stride and be a medal
A PIC NIC Is being arranged by S.
Carter, agent of the Ford car in Brus-
sels, to which all owners of Fords will
be invited to attend. The date will be
announced shortly.
Mrs. A. McGuire, Secretary of Brus-
sels W C. '1'. U., attended a meeting of
the County Executive last Friday in
Clinton, arreuging for the County Con-
_veution iu Exeter next July.
Alex Lsinout, 5, A., who has been
attending the School of Pedagogy at
Kingston, is home on a visit for a few
weeks. He has done well in his studies
and should make a success of his life.
A cablegram was received from Mrs,
(Di ) Moore by her mother, Mrs. A.
Hueter, Brussels, informing her of safe
arrival to Eugland. A wireless message
when 3 days on the Atlantic bad arrived
earl ier.
Wednesday of this week Hugh
Lamont, Qileen street, Brussels, cele-
brated his 8otb birthday. He enjoys
comparatively good health for a man of
his age. His many old friends in this
locality tender him bearty congratula-
The death occurred in Windsor on
Sunday, 14th inst., of fames Ronald,
uncle of Mrs. W. M. Sinclair, Brussels.
The late Mr. Ronald was an only broth-
er of Mrs. Sinclair's father, J D.
Ronald, of Windsor, who resided for
years in town. Deceased was a fine
Our Savings Bank provides a stable and
convenient place for your surplus rune's.
A joint account is specially adapted for
those going overseas.
aer'p ta7a Apply to
J. F. Rowland, D D MJ' manager.
Mrs. Loftus Stark and children, of
Toronto, arrived in Brussel;; last week
and will make an extended visit with
the former's mother and "sister, Mrs.
Marsden Smith and Miss Martha, Prin-
cess street, Er. Stark, whose health
has not been vigorous, will come; in
a week. We hope the change will aid
in his recruiting so that he will soon be
as hearty as ever.
Church Chimes
The addresses given by Sergts,
Haight and Meredith, in Melville church
last Sunday evening were listened to
with Interest. They both suffered in
the trenches and urged a rallying to
the defence of the Empire.
Services in St. John's church last Sun-
day were taken by Rev, Mr. Payne, of
Huron College, London. He has been
appointed by tbe Bishop to Preston,
Out., to which charge be will go in the
near future. Mr. Payne is no stranger
here as he supplied on former occasions.
We wish him A i success as he goes to
his first regular appointment.
Rev. D. Wren leaves next week for
the annual session of the London Con-
ference at Kingsville, He is slated for
an address at the Epworth League and
Sabbath School Auuiversary. J. T.
Wood and W. H, Kerr were chosen as
lay deleeates to Conference. Ministerial
session opens on May stet and the gen-
session on the following day.
At the regular meeting of Hurou Pres-
bytery held at Clinton the following
Comm ssiouers were appointed to the
General Assembly which meets in Win•
nipeg :-Rev. Dr, Fletcher, Thames
Road ; Rev, D. Carswell, Winthrop ;
Rev. James Hamilton, Goderich ; with
Rev. W. D. Turner, Blyth, as alternate
delegate should any of these ministers
be unable to attend.
BeLL,-In Brussels on May 1915, 1916, to Mr.
and Mrs. Sam. Bell, of Teeswater locality,
a daughter, (Wilma Elene,)
HILLEN.-In btoKillop, on May 1565, 1918, to
Mr, and Mrs Calvin Millen. a eon.
Stciwn: In Brussels, on May 20th, 1918, to Mr.
and. Mrs Albert Smith, a eon.
BPETTAN.-In Grey township, on May 21at,
1910, to Mr. and Mrs, George Speiran, a
MILLER-8Mrmn.-At the home of the bride's
parents, Prospect Farm," on May 17th,
1910, by Rev, Oar. Wesley,Wroxeter, Pte.
John M. holler to Mise Mry, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, of Jamestown.
ELL100'.-Iu London, on May 22nd. 1916, at his
realdenee 782 Wellington et., Edward E1.
Boit, Junior Judge of County of Middlesex,
in his 72nd year.
Swso'zen,-At 8eldeld, Seek, on May 18th,
1010, Ohne. Switzer, formerly of Grey town•
ship, aged 07 years.
Wheat 1100
$1 00
1 60 150
80 80
28 29
24 24
Hays A 10 1400 14 00
Potatoes per bus 2 10 2 10
Meeting of Huron Co. Council.
The council of the corporation of the County
of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in
the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 6th
day of June next, at 8 o'clock p. m.
Dated May 22nd, 1910,
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for pale his 160 acre
farm- . ` being E54 Lot 14 and W34 Lot 16, Con. 5,
and NLot 14, Con. 6, Grey township, Huron
Oo. The latter lea pasture farm. About 70
acres under crop on other lots, balance paw
tare and bush, Good brickhouse, bank barn
with windmill and water in both house and
stables; litter carrier, Aa. Good orchard and
farts 1n A 1 shape. Only Si mile to school ;
rural telephone and rural mail. Reasons for
selling poor health. Possession at awe if de..
aired. Good shareof principle could be left on
farm. For further particulars apply on prem•
lees to P. J BISHOP.
Phone 407 Ethel P. O.
2 04f 48971 A. T. R.
The Grand Circuit Reoe Stallion, Mac Thle-
tle, is the fastest horse that twos ever offered
for service in this part of the country. He
raced through the largest racing circuit in the
world and defeated the Grand Circuli stare as
often se they defeated him. Mac Thistle 2 0434
is also a full brother to Independence Boy 0.014
the onlytwo full brothers out of one dam,
both wih marks of 2.06 or better, Mao Thistle
2 04 has himself been miles In 201, 5 in 67
seconds. Mao Thistle is a grand big brown
stallion. Be Is a ieede•to•order horse, having
size, quality, individuality, brain and breeding.
Will stand at lila ewn•barn, Blyth, this season
for a limited number of mares at $20 ea to in-
sure. Accommodation made for mares from a
distance. Write for folder of breeding and
full particulars to
Blyth, Ont.
FOV- Drug s
• 4., huh` .H.+'ht+P�'*F•F'F'h�'h'i+4 •
s The 1
sse/ P s
E desirethe public that
to announce to • ,
li t t durin
week we have •
the act
put fn a very nice sol of Anson
Line of Oameras and a stock 0f
The neral) 1
Camera lies e h
Dame g
t Armco Line, Awhile .being a now Z
one to us is by no means of re- •
.cent origin,
The makers of the Ansco
♦; were the first to manufacture
• Daguerrotype Plates in America.
They were the first manufaetur-
ere of Professional Cameras and
Photographic Supplies in Amer-
• lea ; the first manufacturers of
Dry Plate and Film Hand Cam-
* eras in the world ; and the high
t standard of efficiency applied in
• the manufacture of the profes-
•sional line is equally applicable
• to the Amateur Cameras now
is being manufactured by thele,
S The line comes to us backed
s up by some of the very best
dealers in Western Ontario
• whose experience with the Ana-
• co line has proven to be entirely
Z satisfactory and we desire to as-
• sure our customers that, mu, per-
• sonal guarantee is also behind
Z the line and we guarantee satis-
• faction in every particular or
• purchase money cheerfully re-
• funded.
Dome in and look over our
• assortment and if in need of a
• Camera we will be very glad to
receive your circlet at
: The Penslar Store o
North Huron liberals
The Annual Meeting of the Liberele or North
Boron (Federal) will be held in She Council
Chamber, Winghem, on Tueeday, May 80th, at
2 D. m, Annual reports will be presented and
officers elected for the Doming year. A. good
attendance milted for.
Booretnry. President.
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Purpose placing in the Public Archives of the County a complete 1
List containing the Names of all Men of Military Age who have
not Enlisted by June 1st, together with the reason, as given by q.
.1. '.
each Man, for his non -enlistment. This Record will be available
1 through all the years to come and will be open to inspection by the ,
�1-.. Public. ''rl -`, : dry - 4
,�r _ r..R P I 1.:. 9
1�..�. �'d e iyv
;.i,,k ;; Will YOUR NAME be shown upon this Record and will YOUR
4.4. REASONS stand the searching glare and severest criticism of Parents, of:.
Wives, of Sinters and Sweethearts who willingly gave of their men -folk that
an Empire's Life and a County's Honour might be saved ? .
++++++++++44.44 44 + 444.44++++4,44+4444++++++++44+4444.4444+444444444, ++44+44+
• ++ +44 +4. i+i"a4+ + 1•+ ++a.l++!•a'4 +ti'a ' ' + 3•'l+ +4.4.4'4"x+'1.444 r4+4.4.4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++4-14++++++++++++++ +4. 4444
IiII Your Name be Bandied and Your Reason Scorned �