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The Brussels Post, 1916-5-25, Page 5
.4 BUSINESS e CARDS, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED • DNWJ6iu691 WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee fa 1.110 Posh *Mee, Ethel. 00-4 AUCTIONEERS. pis S. kl'UUTT AS AN AUCTION- L • gen, will sell for better prices, to better men, in lees time find leas charges 10tcagay Auctioneer Heron or10 Man nh in edrder can aiwaye be arranged at this offioe or by nreonal application, MAL AND CONVEYM1GiNN. V1M. BINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solloitor, Cnuveyanoer, Notary Public, deo. ullto0-8 tewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. fionoltor for the Metropolitan Bank, • Own, Femur R:ylL r BRUSSELS Go1N0 SOUTH: 00lNO Non78 EpesMe11:22 8 m 8:52 p m CldExavtim •PaeLFuE' ----- VIAL-TON To Toronto -' To Goderich Express 7:60 a 1n I Express 11:58 am Express,.,...... 0:19 p m Express 8:54 pm•. WROXETER Going East 7:05 a. m. and 5:40 p. m,- Going West 19:10 and- D:50p.m. All trains going (Cast connect with 0, P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. eta Mons. GEO. ALLAN, Loral Agent, ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or " 95Kitig StWTbronte W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brneaela, A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best • goods in Windmills, Iron and Wonden Pnmps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- es Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. VIt1 Give me a call. A. BAYMANN, Cranbrook ". .etiCENTRAL �,.. .1 ^aTRATFORD, ONT. I You Can Secure a Position to r If you take a course with ns. The de- 0 mond upon ue for trained help le many times the number graduating. Sto- ktt are entering each week. You a may enter any time. Write at once for D our free catalogue. 6v %�5�S D. A. MOLAOHLAN, Princlpal.. Y cry rev ryy v6v :Si vay vS/ �- ty ru7. 1 Ne; d..ta SMoy .d. -AtAM it 56' THE Best Brains in Canada have peak:dented In the pre- paration of our splendid Home Study Courses in Banking, Economies, Higher Accounting Commercial Art, Show Carta Writing, Photography, Journal- ism, Short Story Writing, Shortland and Bookkeeping. Select the work which 0109E Interests yon and write us for partioulnra. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCENOL SCHOOL 301-7 Yong o St. Toronto , insmemsee COLLEGE GE AT HOME o Thousands of ambitious young peo- hple are fast preparing In their Own omes to oo0upy 'iterative ' positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, tol0gs'a- ph8rs, otvil 00ry51150 in feet every sphere of-uotivItie0, 'Yolk may finish 115 college if you. NO wish. P881t18110 guar- anteed. Enter college any day, Nth. victual Nab -notion. Expert teachers, • Thirty 'mare' 'experience. Largest trainers in Canada: Seven colleges. Spoolnl mown for tono1ers. Affiliated with Commerotel Educa- tor's Association of Canada; Summer School at famous Spotton Sulam 001 - lege, London. Winham Business College 9e GnO. 8-5OTTON, W, T, 980099, President. • Principal. Business Cards t/ A S. ANDERSON. N A VETERINARY SURGEON, Snooeesor to M. H. Moore, 011180 at Ander. sou Brod. Livery feeble, Brus88le, Telepiloae No, 29, T. T. ,M'RAE M. B M. O.P•, a S O M. O. H. Vlltega of Brussels, Physician, Surgeon, Acoeuohour Office over Standard Bank DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medtdne, University et Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior house Surgeon of W eeteml Hoepltal, Toronto, Offices of late Dr. A. MoKeveyy, Smith Block, Brussels, li;ura1 phone 46, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses London (Engel, New York and Chicago Hos- pitals. Spacial attention todlooane of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Paoulty of Dentistry. Office in Mord Block, Wrngharn Phone 240, Post Office box 278 Painless:Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a 8poclalty MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of O hthal• urology,di McCormick Mecal College, Chicago, 111., is prepared to test eyes and nt glasses at her office over Miss Inman'e millinery store, Office Jaye—Wadnosday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. (Moe hours—l0 to 12 a. nl. ; 1 to 0 pp, m. Evenings by appoint- laent. Phone 1219, OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and nightoalls. Office opposite Floor Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone it not convenient to call, Both Brussels end North Huron Phones. BELOBAVE P.O. PROUOFOOT, AILLORAN At PROUOFOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, a.c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERICH. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Pnounroom, K. 0. ,T. L. 5011,r,0800 WM, PI100DFOOT Jit, Easel Melva Mems H. B. CHURCHILL, C. P. R. agent, McGRW. purchased a new "Chevrolet" car, HAVE you ordered your car yet ? There are now 23 automobiles owned iu Brussels, with more to follow. Letter from Pte. Will. Mayberry says he is well and expects shortly to be moved to Shorncliffe camp, England. Lieut. Frank Gerry, of the troth Bat- talion, and Miss Elsie Brown, Stratford, spent the week end at the former's home, King street, Brussels. THE tap to the rainwater supply ap- pears to be within easy reach judging by the frequency of the showers. Some think the old Noahic days are returning, Harry Wylde and Harry Keeuan have been drafted into the 14th Batt. and Cleve. Denbow and Pat. Crampsie into the 13th. The quartette is now in France, Jack Peogrift is at the mac- hine gun ac-hinegun base. You are safe in expecting :— Early onions and lettuces England and her allies to win. Enconiums to Canadian soldiery. Efforts to beautify Brussels increase. Expert bowliug and tennis players. Enthusiastic stipport of Huron Batt. Enterprising business men to adver- tise. Toe Poor regrets to bear of the illness of Beatrice, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fetid, Oweu Sound, and granddaughter to bars, Edward Bryaus, of town. Ty- phoid Lever is the ailmeut'which is vers. rife in their town. Old friends here wish the patient speedy recovery. Dr, and Mrs. Feild were former residents of. Brussels. SAMUEL BEA'rrIE sx, DECEASED. — Brusselites regret the death of a former old resident, Samuel Beattie, who passed away at Wingbatn Monday afternoon, 15th inst., after a short illness of about 2 weeks, caused by a fall in which a frac- lured rib punctured his left lung. He was in the 89th year of his age. Sur viving are a family of three sons sad out daughter, Roland, Alliston ; James, Cbe§ley ; autl Robert, Wiughain ; 500 Mrs, A. Irwin, Bayfield. The remain, were taken CO Wlarton on the early trail' Wednesday. Deceased lived in Brussels for several years. Tax POST received a letter last ween from a former well kuowu Brusaelite iu the person of 'Phos. Watson, wile was engaged in business hero for years. He and Mrs. Watson are at present iu n over 12 C Watch he designates VR co s , g as a lovely city, that overreached itsell n o real tes,ate speculation. They owing t P X expect to takes trip to Southern Cali- fornia before definitely deciding where they will locate. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are enjoying their usual good health and Mr. Watson adds "We are always glad to get THE POST as it keeps us in touch with- our old friends, many of whom have crossed the river.' One splendid recommendation • concerning Mr, Watson is he always keeps his POST well paid in advance. Et'woR'ru LEAGUE, — Following are the ollicere of the Epworth League, Brussels, for the current tette :—Hon. - President, Rev. D. Wren, M. A. ; President, Mrs. Ira Parker ; Asst. Pres., Miss Clara Huuter ; 1st Vice Pres„ Miss Laura Leatherdale ; 2nd Vice Pres., Miss Eva McCracken ; 3rd Vice Pres„ Miss Lizzie Downing ; 411 Vice Pres„ Bert Lott ; Secretary, Miss Pearl Back- er ; Cor; -Secretary, Miss Ruby Plum ; Treasurer, Roy McKay ; Organist, Miss Winnie Long ; Asst. -Organist, Miss Martha Smith ; Auditor, Fred. j, Wood. Amount contributed for Missions $77.00, The League meets each Monday even - fug when interesting and profitable ses- sions are held, A new program has been pteparetl for the ensuing 6 mouths, ISltveast. June weddings are said' to be on the program, We are not at liberty' A t0 mellow) names at present, "1'H m t s R, x Po"1• does very neat Worlc in weddingluvlla• Hous, aunouuceuleute and cards MARRIAGES IN ONTARIO,—There were 739 fewer mat:sages in Ontario in 1915 than the year brfure. The figures being 23,505 and 24,245. Nineteen divorced' men anti 3o divorced Women were a- mong the pumber in 19(5. Fourteen of the divorced men married spinsters, two married widows, and three married divorced women. Twentyone divorced women married bachelors, six married widowers. and three married divorced men. The number of widowers who were again married was 1,480, while 1,078 widows -are included in the total. POSTAGE PARCEts.—•For the informa- tion of those sending parcels to soldiers in England or to the front, THE POST again publishes the rates of postage as follows :—'Po England, the rate is 12 cents a pound, or Rey fraction thereof. The limit weight on parcels to Engleud is x1 pounds To France or Belgium, the rate is 24 cents for parcels any weight up to 3 pounds ; fsom 3 pounds to 7 pounds (the limit), the rate is 32 cents, not 32 omits per pound, but 32 cents for any weight from 3 to 7 pounds. Any letter or parcel for any soldier in a hospital (even if the hospital is not known to the sender), having the word "hospital" milted across it, will he delivered. A customs declaration must be attached to each parcel, for. which application should be made at the s amp window.' of the post office. I1 CRON OLD BOYS' RECURSiON —Hur- on Old Buys' Association, of 'Toronto, has for several years been in the habit of running an annual excursion to the County, thus giving former residents an opportunity to visit their old home and many pleasant reunions have thus been enjoyed. Last year it was found In- advisable to run an excursion, many being disappointed thereat. 'This year Ole Executive has decided to resume the excursion and, though nothing definite has yet been deciders upon as to date, it is intended to run one on or eblut the St1 of July, if arrangement can be made accordingly. Formerly the excursion was run to Goderich and Kincardine Jointly, the latter being to accotmmodate persons who had resided in the North- ern part of the County. The destination this year will be Guderich and Sarnia, the Southern part of the Couuty being served iu thea way. It is anticipated that low rates will be secured to both points. Arrangements will also be made so that those who wish to take a boat trip Iron' Sarnia to Detroit --a de- lightful ride—will be able to do so for a small additional amount. The tickets to Goderich will be good until Monday evening, and to Sarnia until Tuesday. THE POST wonders if the arrangement is just fair play to the Northerly part of the County. KEEP OFF THE GRADS.—Thoughtless fellows blithely pass and cot a corner here or there and wear a path across the grass and fill the owner with despair. I try to have a nifty lawn, that will do credit to the town, and thoughtless tel. lows trot thereon, and break the donde. lions down. I set out flowers till Igo broke—I buy the richest and the best— and bow vows owned by thoughtless folk come there and knock things galley West. And thoughtless people let their. cows perambulate the town by night, and on the well -kept lawns they browse, and make the scenery a sight. And thoughtless people all keep hens and roosters with destructive feet, which come a -whooping from their pens, and spoil my flower beds and repeat. There's no protection far the jay who'd make his home a beauty spot ; the thoughtless skates will come his way, and climb all o'er his garden plot, and spoil the grass and pluck the flowers, and bark the trees and crush the shrubs ; and it will take him nineteen hours to tell just how be views the dubs, Molesworth Andrew Doig, sr., has purchased a ,. new Ford touring car. Its makes i u es seven in the vicinity. D. E. Campbell is improving the ap- leatailce of his faros by 0 wire net v fence at rl not of premises ; Ile also is erecting a new 11811 110118e. MI the 10 pupils of the geminating class of \Vestern Medius School, Lon- don, have been successful in passing. They include W. N. Me0otunick, of Trowbridge. Mrs. Clyde, who lived with her daughter, met with a serious accident by falling down the cellar steps into the cellar. She broke one of her arms 1811(1 also her hip bone, resulting in her death. She was in her 89th year. Belgrave 11. Fasken, G. T. ft. agent, who has been ht ilelgrave for the lust couple of years, nus Cakes the agency its %ip- pon, eucct'edilg the late W. H. Rey- nolds, It 1111 dim' rer•enlly. -. 1$pwoi' u 1>T,ACUE, — Following is- the list 01' new officers in 1Onnectioli with the lilpworth League of Belgiave Methodist ehuteh :— 13814, -President, Ltev, Mr. Ptu'naby ; President, R. 0. Procter ; 1st, Vice Pres,, Miss Edna Scandreit ;• 2nd Vice PI es., Mrs, R. 0. Prnrlet• ; 8rt1 Vice Pres., Miss Edith Prnrlrr; 4111 Vice Pave., Harry Hop- pe' Sect Howard Wilkinsone \ ! y i l t itstiu tn Mies Utirlo Stonehouse OI nnlat Mies Florence Ptooter. A fine program has been harked out for the coming year in the list of topics. Morns Did yen say you intend enlisting Council meeting, Court of Revision and letting contract for .Dock et drain is all on 1110 Township Father's pro- gram on Monday, 20th inst. S. S. No. 6 1\lotl•ie (Anderson's school) intend holding a Garden Patty on 5118 school gr0unte on June 9th. Proceeds fur Red Cross. Watch for bilis Inter. Frank Bryaus has accepted a posi- tion as teacher at Scotland, Ont., and will, no doubt, give a good account of fiimeelf, This Canadian Scotland is near Brampton. If you have an interesting iters of hews telephone of send it to THE POST by mail, 13y so doing you will be broadening the iuteree1 to the sub- scriber and having the Editoh'8 bless- ing. 31 anis 32 are THE POST'phohles. What was ktlotvn as the Beam 100 acre farm on the 7111 line, now owned by Alfred Beaker, Brussels, is Under. going a number' of hnprevenlents by 1110 proprietor in the way of drainage, gars, a l'nruser highly respected HE STRUCK IT IP81de111 O1' \'Vol 1011. She w110 1451 ac• tive (11 ether 0f 111e Aleglieau ahuroh L0011011. and highly esteemed i byall who knew leer. She le surviveby her Inrlrtnd and femur childrau. I(i- RIGNT AT LAST lrry rut Etna rmtde in Brussels Hama. After Suffering Almost Two Tears, 1 (lprrio "Fruit -et -tires" Brought Relief` Rev, Mr. Rivers and VVtn. Stilson were in Brussels attending the Wing- haru District annual meeting, Word wits ('0oeived here of the death in California of Walter Evans, son of the late John and airs. Evans, of this pima. The remains were brought to London for burial, inter - meet taking p1a00 on Wednesday of last week," The deceased was Well- known here. He is survived by his wife, Rlrs. Emile and John and Mrs. SI111Nnn were iu attendance at the funeral. Osage MR. WHITMAN 882 St. Valier St,, Montreal. "In 1912, I was taken suddenly ill with Acute Stomach Trouble and dropped in the street. Y was treated by several physicians for nearly two years. I was in constant misery from my stomach and my weight dropped down from 225 pounds to 160 pounds, Several of my friends advised me to try `Fruit-a-tives' and I did so. That was eight months ago. .1 began to improve almost with the first dose. No other medicine I ever used acted so pleasantly and quickly as 'Fruit -a -Lives', and by using it I recoveredfrom the distressing Stomach Trouble, and all pain and Constipation and misery were cured. I completely recovered by the use of `Fruit-a-tives' and now I weigh 208 pounds. I cannot praise'Fruit-a-tives' enough". H. WHIT1''AN. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. &c. Wm. Beirlhes is engaged by 181r. Seeker to take charge of the place. Ethel PURCHASED A HORSE,— 1110. N. Lamont has purchased from ton. Gal- braith, Brussels, the Imported Olydeo- dale Stallion, "Pride 3rd of %ilnhill." He is a fine animal and Mr. Lamont will no doubt do well with his pur- chase. Rev. H. Newcombe, who resides in Clinton, a former Methodist pastor here, has not been very well, but be- ing full of vim he is up and about again. His old ftiends at ELlie1 and locality hope that with the advent of warmer weather his health will im- prove, Among some changes in the offici- ary of the Methodist Sabbath School here are the following :— Superin- tendent, A. P, McKee, who succeeds John McDonald ; S. M. Howlett, Treasurer, who succeeds H. Dobson ; Secretary, Miss Luella Henry ; Organ- ist, Miss Pearl Dobson. Blyth Roy anti Mrs. McDonald, Brigtlen, were guests of W. A. and Mrs. Logan. A promenade Concert was held under the auspices of Blyth Band, in the Agricultural Hall, Thursday evening. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Olysdale and little daughter, Edith Mabel, Salem, were visiting Mrs. Olysdale's mother, Mrs. 1, Mills. Grey. V Hoover,o teacher No. W. S. school t ae at 1 5, B1111 IL. has been re-engaged for no er year at a Substn111' sal salary. ath ye Y Grey hews is always tvelcome at THIS POST. Telephone Nos. 31 or 32 when you have a newsy note or two. and it will be much appreciated by the readers as well its the Editor, A number of new all 151 111101 boxes are being placed on several routes in Grey township. The rural telephone, which has become a practical necessity is also extending its scope of useful- ness among the residents. Norman Hill, formerly a resident of 10th Con. of Grey, lint for some time of Penticton, B. C., passed away at his home in the Coast Province re- cently. His wifewas formerly Mise Daley, and nail her marriage she had resided in Seaforth. Word was received that Rev, Rnbt, Pearson, who is now commanding officer of 13, Company, 39(1 Battalion, Calgary, left for the East Friday of last week with his leen as a unit of the 8001, and will go overseas in the near future. Rev, "Bob" will Stand in much the same position as Slimly McGraw, of whotn it was :— Sandysaid1 1 o - the 40 two McGraw, atv f The tallest 111151) Aman thein a', 1 to s g Many old vends in this localityhope he will ltfriends safe and sound when the 00112 011 is over, Walton Hearty cmlgratulaliens are being given to Rev. Dir. Lundy for his fine ptaclical help to the 131:11811 Empire, assisted by his fanner friends. He has reared 30 line beeves, and having sold 1110111, has donated the proceeds to the war 711 MIS of the British Har- pies). May allele follow his noble example. Quarterly business heeling of the Official Board, Wal hon 1.1111111 WAS Well attended, Rev. Me, 01'ttik is au active and energetic pastor. Financi- al conditions were fotund to be in good shape, It was decided to put a new roof on the pat'eonage. J. J. Irvitne was re.appollILed Recordiwg Steward, his 10th year term. Albert Dundee was appointed delegate to District tweeting. Meas, J007,09 HEW1TT,---'Phe death took place 111 Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, amdon, on May 15111, after a long and trying illness, patiently borne of Mrs, Josiah Hewitt, of that city, She was the eldest daughter of Ridley SIo'1'ag. Henfryn f3RAl7Ea(AN ()RUSHED —R. Morning, brakeman cm the G. T. R , who resides at Palmerston, was severely injured about the head when he wa0 caught between the side of the car and the cattle pen atIlenfryn. The train had just finished some shunting, and after Brakeman Horning had turned the brake 1114 the top of the car he started to crime down the side, it ie thought, while the: train was in motion. As it IR an old fashioned cattle pen and pro- jects out to the track, it leaves little room between and it wae there that 13rukeulan Horning received his in- juries, being cut badly about the head and Price. A. doctor was imtnediately summoned and after the injuries were dressed, the injured 1rnt11 was return- ed to Palmerston. The train was in charge of Onnductoe T. Leaky and Engineer J. Collins, both of Palmer- ston, Seaforth aimless are again prevalent in the tati 1V1w,111ttn1 Sican, 07 Nanalino, B. 0., who formerly represented Corneae - Arlin in Parliament, is renewing old acgnal nlances here. The anniversary services last Sun- day in the Presbyterian church were couductad by Dr. Fraser, Knox church, Galt, a highly gifted man. Pte. Will. Brine, of the 134511 High- land Battalion, was home to visit his mother, Mrs. J. P. Brine. He expects that this will be hie last visit before going overseas. A quiet but pretty wedding wa8 solemnized 051 Wednesday at high noon, at the residence of Mrs. Richard Hammett, when her youngest daugh- ter, Leila May, was united in mar- riage to John Thomas Fell, photo- grapher, Rev. Geo, McKinley of- ficiating. Beide, who was unattend- r•••rr•••r••r•••i••r•r••••eo • • niinniirn i • 0 • • Iafa 0• slllfllrsl�l • o • Larger and More Assorted Stock •. • • • • • of Buggies this Season than ever • • LOOK through EWAN & Oo's 111re) show mans will convince • • A rnnany intending buyer that it dnesn'1 pay to mirellaee any otiot' _ • than these Buggiee. They are made oi' first-class material, most • • desirable in style and design UW011101. with easy draft, and guaranteed t0 laet longer than any 5111181 waste, When repah'eatre required every • • • • part can be found at L+''VAN & Uo's Factory at half price and short, • • notice, No advance iu 1)11009 on our Buggies this year. Prices are • • low Baud every Buggy gutuanteed, • y aEwanBuggy and encourage home trade. Give us a call and - we will satisfy you in price and style. • A Number of Wagons always on hand, •• • all Oak and Rock Elm, at Low Prices. • • Rigs Re painted and Repaired and promptly looked after. ••• • 1D•" Please call and sec ournew Home-made •Buggies. • •• BOOS'P BRUSSELS is nen' motto, •• • In thanking our Oustorners for Hast patronage we would like to • • have a record• -breaker business in 1010, For low prices go to • •• • • , • • • D. Ewan & ®sFactory Carriage • • Be-rubbering Rubber Tires a Specialty, 111 8 •et ••••i••••••••••••ee•ek'p11b4tDr54.0 ase©rclpoomet,9si0000Aaidn•4t1••O•• Coeeeierreeer erre•le•rrMr1 BUGGIES! 1 ed, wore a dainty and bt•n0ming gown of white silk crepe de 018110. After the wedding repast was partakers of the happy couple motored to Strat- ford en mute for Niagara and Toron- to, accompanied by the good wishes of a large (thole of friends. Among the rinmernus gifts received was a sil- ver bake dish presented by the Ep- worth League, of which the bride is President, and the clloir of the Metho- dist church. Fordwich Cheese Factory opened Monday. The Siniugbank Cheese Factory connuenretl operations Monday. The cheesenutker, E. G. Williams, and wife, Cliutou, are now living at the factory. 1 Two more of our young men have enlisted with The Hurons, the 181st 13atlalioth, Erle Corbett, only son of \S'in, and Mrs. Corbett, Ott Con., and 110111, 0, Waiters, of the Record staff, only sou of i1'lre. Watters, of town. — i Fordwich District meeting of the L. 0. L. was held in Fordwioh Saturday afternoon. Dr. Eckert, V. S., has arrived from Sabi ingville, and opened an office in Cook's Motel, Rev. Mr. Walden was at Brussels last week attending \Viugbam Dis- trict meeting of the Meihndiel church. Little ktoward Williatus, while climbing over a wire fence at his grandfathers, Henry Schaefer, fell and broke his right leg just above the knee. Rev. Mr. Roberts failed Ln pees the medical examination and is Intich dis- appointed because not able to en- list. His congregation here is pleased to know he will remain in charge. FEEBLE, AGED WOMAN Says Vinol Made Her Strong Grand Saline, Texas,—"I am an aged woman and for a long time was weak and feeble but Vinol restored my health and strength so that I feel almost young again and am doing all my housework. Old people who are weak and feeble should try Vinol and know its merits as I do. It is the best medicine to create strength and for chronic colds I have ever taken.''—Mrs.FANNIE E. RODGERS. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, is sold on our guarantee to benefit or your money will be returned. F. R, SMITH, Druggist, Brussels lUWI5lUlI 111111 Wnlll 5WWNIIWIIWWWtWIWIII Canadian Ford Car Parts Reduced $147 Per Car Since War Began It is well known that the war has increased the price of practically all raw materials. And, although all but $16.88 worth of material that goes into the construction of the Ford car is bought right here in Canada, a high Import duty adds its burden to that material that must be bought in the United States, But in spite of increased duty and increased cost, the prices of parts that go to make up a complete Ford car have been decreased $147 since war began. . This reduction was made for two reasons. First, because under normal conditions, increased quantity pro- duction would have made these lessened prices possible. Second, under abnormal conditions brought about by the . war, the executives of this company felt it their duty as loyal British subjects to absorb these taxes of war mto their manufacturing costs. This reduction in price of parts is of first importance as a reduction in the cost of service to Ford owners. Prices of Ford spare parts have always been exceptionally low as compared to prices of parts for other cars, and under war time conditions the Ford company might have with- held, with seeming justice, any reduction m the price of parts In times such as these. But the Ford Canadian executives had enough confi- dence in the progress of the Dominion and of the Empire to feel that the future prosperity of the country was suffi- ciently assured to warrant making these reductions, This is improving a service already unrivalled in its efficiency. Ford the Universal Car, can as well be named the Car of Universal Service. Thus the Ford Company has left dollars in the pockets of Ford owners which it hays might h acquired were it not g 4 for its policy of the best service at the lowest cost. Even the finest piece of mechanism, often through abuse or neglect, sometimes requires attention. The remarkable economy of this Ford service is known to motorists all over the world. In every community of any size in the Dominion there Ise Ford dealer who carries a complete stock of parts and whose establishment is in itself a well equipped service tation. A Ford owner, no matter where he drives his car, is never far distant from a Ford service station that is ready to give prompt and efficient service in any emer- gency that may arise. Moreover, Ford parts, as is the Ford car itself, ars standardizedand rid well fit in place in any Ford car to the thousandth part of an inch. And every Ford dealer because of this standardization of parts over a number of years, has an expert knowledge of the construction and repair of the Ford car. There absolutely no614 esswork in this Universal Service to Fo Owners. Backing up the service afforded by over five hundred Ford dealers are the nine Ford branches located in the nine leading Canadian cities from St. John to Vancouver. In four of these Canadian cities new branch buildings have been constructed since the war began and are them- selves as large as many automobile factories. They are so completely equipped as to be able to build a Ford car complete. The buildings alone for these four new branches were erected at a cost of over a million dollars. This immense expenditure is another indication of the attitude of absolute confidence in Canadian prosperity that has always been shown by the Canadian Ford execu- tives and that has not been altered in the slightest degree by any war conditions. At the same time that reductions in the price of Ford car parts were made there was also made a reduction in On price of complete car. Twice—on August 1st, 1914 and August 1st, 1915, the price of the Ford car was reduced by 860—a total reduction of $120 in the price of the car start of the tar. since the v This reduction is made on an estimated production of* definite number of cars for the d o coming year. Forty thou- sand Canadian Ford cars must be built and sold by August 1st, 1016 in order to warrant this last reduction of $130 in price. And here is another most emphatic expression of con- fidence in Canada. The Ford Canadian executives are basing everything on the continued and increasing pros• perity of the Dominion. And their judgment is being fully justified. 1 Ford Motor Company ®f Canada, Limited Ford, Ontario a. ilei; et d Para Runabout • - $480 Ford Touring• - • 530 Ford Coupelt - - - 730 Ford Sedan -- - 890 Ford Town Car - - - - 780 f.o.b. Ford, Ontario S. Carter, Dealer, 0-A All cars completelyequippeds including electric headlights, Equipment does not include speedometer. Brussels