HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-5-25, Page 4l e ilrusseisp oat
Ps pnasing away of Jessieeli-
lan, the Scottish vocalist, will be regret.
ted by all lovers of the songs of auld
Scotia. She was queen of the stirring
music of the land of the thistle. Her
last days were spent in Scotland.
WEDNEsPAY afternoon holidays among
business men during the Summer
months appears to be :gaining in favor
in the cities and towns. Those who
have tried it think it no loss to their re•
ceipts once., the program is understood.
JUDGING by the election returns in
Quebec Province a casual observer
natural) come to the concluslou
that Liberalwas tock bus ant. On
s buoy
Nomination clayfor the
Election, 22 Liberals were elected by
acclamation 10 3 Conservatives.
BEWARE of the oily tongued stranger
who wishes to become particularly
friendly with you on the train or else-
where: There is a gang of sharpers on
the move who ply their sneak their avo
cation with neatness and dispatch. Who-
ever bites at the bait held out is caught
as a sucker. Watch for these gentry
both aa home and abroad.
TnuxanAY of last week the sessions of
the r¢th Parliament of Canada was pro-
rogued. Speech from the throne was
read by Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, of the
Supreme Court, in the abseuce of the
Duke of Connaught, Governor General
The "boys" will he home to chip into
work until next Fall or Winter we sup-
' Ganong anion discussions ere again
live subjects on the program of religious
bodies Those opposed appear to have
a big job on their hands to keep hack
the increasing tide of popular opinion on
this subject. We venture to predict the
antis will stiffer defeat before many
years elapse as many see numerous ad.
vantages in the proposal, particularly as
it relates to Western Canada,
RUSSIAN soldiers are chasing up the
Turks toward a place called Mush, in
Mesopotamia. If it were Irishmen or
Scotties who were being cbased to such
a point, the name might cause them to
think that they were heading homeward
but the followers of the Sultan may not
care for a warns breakfast from the big
Bear at Mush.
SOME of the Dominion Senators would
not be so silly in their speech -making,
as opponents to the Prohibition question,
if they were amenable to the electors
on election day. A good seeking up to
arouse them from their Rip Van Winkle
snooze, would no doubt save them from
the foolish position they placed them-
selves in on this issue. An elective
Senate would get rid of these incum-
brances on the body politic.
DoN'T fool with firearms The fact
tbat you "didn't know it was loaded,"
while it may be given as an excuse, will
not cure the damage ` nor possibly
save the life. Careless handling of re-
volvers, shot guns or rifles are foolhardy
in the extreme and despite all the warn-
ings is about as common as ever.
Weapons should not be left loaded
where there is a posribilily of children
or greenhorns getting at them. It is
too late to be sorry after the mischief
has been done.
AFTER a very campaign strenuous cam ai n the
citizens of Berlin voted last Friday on
the much discussed question of changing
the Teutonic name of their city. Vote
was the largest ever known, standing
1,569 for the proposed change to 1,488
against, a majority for of Si. While
some may think this did not show a very
marked expression of opinion favorable
to adopting a new name, 12 out of 23
divisions gave majorities for it. A com-
mittee of 91 citizens have the interesting
contract of choosing a half dozen names,
one of which will be selected by voice
of the people, We hope the bickering
will now cease and the folk settle down
to promote peace and harmony.
OccAs1°NALLY the fair sex get them-
selves into trouble by a desire to evade
the law and percbance save a few
pickles in the purchase of supposed bar-
gains. Such has been the recent history
Of placing a lady customs officer' on the
ferry dock at Sarnia, where hundreds of
townsfolk were held up and compelled
to pay duty on their Port Huron pur-
chased goods. It is said there was great
excitement as the work of inspeetiou
went on under the direction of the
hawk-eyed officer. No doubt that
"bench" won't do their buying across
the river for a twelve month, unless they
are ready to contribute to the coffers of.
the Dominion, Hundreds of people tip•
pear to tl.itik it is a smart trick to beat
the customs btu it is bot a bit humorous
when the official beckons thein into .lite
office to make a few enquiries, They
don't receive Much pity,
T'PALr% troubles were increased last
week by it shock of earthquake, which it
Is feared, may be repeated. An oltl
addat;e siva ''Proubles never dome
singly" and we guess it is not far out,
Tlntonolta RoOallvELT, ex President
of the United States, matte n red hot
fighting speech on a visit to Detroit last
week. The retlonbtsble "'Teddy" has
no use for the "watchful waiting"
policy hut assumes there is a duly to be
performed by a more renounced alti-
tude. He's a Militant witltoft any
to receive•the appointment r of
Chaplain to the Huron Battalion ?
is a query oft propounded en ro-onndrd but on
whinh little information eppears to be
forthcoming. Like almost all lona; de.
laved appointments the hesitancy has
not been promohve o good feeling.
mentioned and
been nentio
Eames have
probably the powers that be may make
an early appointment as the time for
mobilization is at hand. Canada has had
many things to learn about war prepara-
tion but we hope after the artier ,narch
down the streets s f Berlin that many a
year mar elapse bel ore experiences may
be waited fi •st hand by practice in this
Dominion. Om• people have no desire
to espouse the cause of militarism or be-
come experts in the science of war as
our destiny is to be worked out on
broader and better pathwals with Peace
and Goodwill as our motto.
'MANY a slip 1 etween the nap and the
lip" was proven a literally true say
ing last week al lbe village tf Branch•
too, where a weddiug was slated and the
bride and guests ready but the wicked
bridegroom, who was to cotne from an
outside point did not pet in bis appear-
ance and of course the ceremony could
not proceed without him. The courting
bad commenced through a matrimonial
a ivertiselnett which is rather a risky
style of Cupitl. The disappointment did
not appear to interfere with appetites of
the guests who disposed of the wedding
feast iu the orthodox fashion in the ab.
sence of the very uaughty expectant
bridegroom. While we believe in ad-
vertising, probably the choosing of a
life partner cau be better done in .the
good old fashioned w.ty rasher than by
newer methods.
Brussels Continuation School
L Kranter, 88 ; L. Baker, 81 ; V.
Hoist, 77 ; ,I. Fox, 77 (3 subjects) ;
Ross, 75 ; 0. As mstrong, 74 (missed
Spelling) ; E. Sparling, 72 (4 subjects
only) ; M. Lowe, 71 (missed Arith.,
Science, Art) ; I. Wilkinson, 70 ; M.
Skelton 70 ; I. Hunter, 67 (failed in
Arith ) ; S. Yuill, 60 ; 0. Hemingway,
66 ; F. McNanghtot 64 ; A. Tbuell,
64 ; P. Barkley, 64 (8 subjects) ; M.
Armstrong, 63 (8 subjects) ; J. War-
wick, 61 ; A. Currie, 60 (Lat. Fr. Alg.) ;
A. McKay 60.
Failed to secure totals,—A. Fox, 58 ;
J. Armstrong, 56 (missed Algebra,
French) • E. Pennington, 54 (3 sub-
jects only) ; M. Carter, 46 (failed Alg.
Arith) ; A. Sardiff, 48 (2 subjects only.)
On account of ilInese of many stu-
dents it has been found impossible to
have complete tests ; some students
present Inc a few papers only ; others
absent throughout. This test is there-
fore only an indication of general
P. MCPUERSON, 1 Teachers.
B. S. Scoax.
Help Huron and country
Why this is the cry
Will anyone hear it
And still stand by P
Come now show the manhood
Your fathers have done
Up Hurons 1 each one
he Hun.
❑d help P hunt t
Will Huron fall shot
In the aim they've begun P
Did our fathers e'er falter
Until they had won ?
Think deeply, think wisely
Then shoulder a gun.
Up Hurons ! each one
And help hunt the Hun.
Have you given a reason P
Just said, r'ot's no use,"
Think I Was it a reason
Or just an excuse ?
Put by all excuses
Take down your old gun
Up Hurons 1 each one
And help hunt the Hun.
Luau NALn.
ByL F McDo
Wallace McBain left for Charlton,
New Ontario, to spend the Summer.
Mrs. Sam. Ducklow was taken to
Stratford hospital where she under-
went a successful operation for ap-
Jeri, and Mrs. Hall, announce the
engagement of their daughter, Annie,
to Norman 1i NOM ane, Mee tinge to
take place in lube.
Following of0cere were elected Inc
the Fite Brigade for ensiling year ;—
thief, John Roger ; Deputy -Chief,
Win. Robb ; Captain of Fite Engine,
W. Blackwell ; Captain of Bucket
Brigade, Geo. i3town ; (Thief of Hose'
Department, Thos, Dickson, Armlet -
ants, Gen. Greenaides, Wm. Jambe
and Jas, Hem y ; Chief of }look and
Ladder D.'partmeut, Wm. Sheets,
Aeeistants, \l. It. Morrison, Ear ,
Switzer and Jas. Fergusnn ; Sec. -
Treasurer, T. G. Ratcliffe , Auditors,
R, A, Thompson and F, H. Swing
Ti•neteea. John Roger, 1. A. Roe and
'Plias, Dickson, Geo. Lochhead was
to -appointed to see that the boll ie
rang a reasonable length of time
when a fire ocoure,
161st Battalion Notes YOUNG WOMEN
++4+.�.1+++++++++++1..1+++++10+ MAY AVOID PAIN
Have you applied for that new
khaki suit yet?
Have you done your part in filling
up the ranks of Huron Battalion ? Need Only Trust to Lydia E.
Willoughby, manager or the
Seafo'th News, has enlisted with the
161st Huron local Battalion. He is a
young !toweied Mutt, his wire being an
Ingersoll yunng tynllntll. He wile ail
active member and Sunday Sclinol
teacher in the Methodist church.
Harvey Hoover, who is teaching at
Leadbury, has enlisted and will go in-
to training as steno as school closes,
He is a son of R J. and Mis, Hoover,
1vnehi . They will
flt11 Oo Greytot t
n be able to organize a school
son o g
teachers Company by the way the
birch wielders are rallying to the cal.
Clerk L ,chheail reports statistics
Township lotvnshlp of Blom, for 1916, from
Assessutrnt Roll as follows :—Arres
cleated, 55.789 ; Acres oP woodland,
2,929 ; Act 1'e of sbuhland, 8,648 ; Acres
of wasteland, 15 ; Acres assessed, 67,-
381 ; Laud assoesm .11 t 82.582,625.00 ;
Buildings assessment, 51.084460.00 ;
13usifless asaest-m„ut, $19,62200; In-
cnute assessment, 3500,00 ; 'Telephone
assessment, 88,125 00 ; Telegraph as-
sessment, $015,00 ; Total taxable assess-
ment, $3,588,947.00 ; Value of proper,
exempt from Laxation, 539,30000 ;
Children between the ages of 5 and 21,
866 ; Children between the ages 5 raid
16, 698 ; Peraoua in the !temps, 3,111;
;;tale persons between 21 and 60, 835 ;
Days of 5150110 latent., 4 547 ; Births,
37 ; Deaths, 8 ; Dogs, 48.1 ; Bitches, 4,
Win gham
SI mgt. elnjnr 1t 11. N. 13ai ran, roma
arty boy /runt leader in WWII, has
been blown up by a high expleeive
shell and is now in a hospital Suffer-
ing from Shr ek.
A horse standing on Josephine
street attached to a light rig, got
scared ata pawing auto and tried to
rule away, but helot e it had gone any
distance broke a wheel t tf the rig and
Election of offl•'ers in tiee Citizens'
Band was held May 15511, They are :
—President, Jos. Carruth ; Vice -Pres„
Ray Dunlop ; Sec., E. Nash ; Tress.,
A. Pilon ; Prop. Orlin., F. Fuller, W.
$eid, Lloyd Hingst.ou ; Bu,. Cont.,
Pres. and Sec, ; Janitor, Richard
Harry McAllister, section man nn
the G. T. R. met with a painful acci-
dent as he was coiling home on the
handcar. A wheelbarrow on the top
toppled off and Sir. McAllister in get-
ting out of its way, fell breaking his
left ankle.
Miss Elizabeth Dulmage, a former
Wiugharn givi, has been named by
La Col. Seaborn, M. D., commanding
officer of the Western University
overseas Hospital Unit, as matron of
Lite hospital. Her staff will consist of
twenty trained nurses.
Little Joe Vanstone, son of Barrister
and ;\ars. Vtenstoite, received a painful
injury while he and other children
were playing with a lawn mower.
Ile put itis hand near the knives and
the lawn mower was moved with the
result that the index finger ou his
right hand was badly cut.
While workmen were digging the
foundation Inc Lhe new shed which is
to be built for the Farmers' Home
here by 0. Leopard, a peculiar old
axe was found, which has been there
for many years. It was in a good
state of preservation. An old head-
stone was also dug up with the name
of Charles Sheller, which was malty
feet under the ground, as the epot
where they are building is made land,
filled with heavy timbers and bould-
An orchestra has been formed in
connection with the Methodist Sun.
day School,
Anniversary services were held in
Christ Church on Sunday when the
Rev. T. 13. Jeakins, St. Jude's church,
Bran Lloyd, preached.
Siiss Clara Stevenson has success-
fully passed her examinations at Tor-
onto University in English History
with Moderne and will receive her de-
gree of B. A.
Emmerson H. Schneider, son of L.
and Mis, Schneider, Listowel, student
at Wesley College, Winnipeg,iPag. has
been successful in securing his 13, A.,
degree. During the period of his
course he has secured four scholar-
Professor Mark Everette Wright,
Orangeville, has been engaged as
organist and choir master in Listowel
Methodist church and commences his
duties Sunday, June 11th. It is ex-
pected Mrs,ri who has con-
siderabie talent as a vocalist, will as-
sist in the choir,
0. Walter, Wallace, had the mis-
fortune, to lose two very valuable
cows. The barn was struck by lightn-
ing, Lightning ran down the lightn-
ing rod to about 6 feet from the
ground where there was a break in
the rod. It then entered the barn
killing two cows.
Rev. E G. Powell, Clinton, was ap-
pointed Field Secretary for Perth and
Huron Counties ata uteeting of com-
mittees representing the temperance
organizations of the two counties, in
Knox clutch vestry, here, His salary
wee fixed at $1,500 a year and ex-
penses, an equal portion of which is
to be paid by each County.
OHEESE BOARD.—At the annual
meeting of the Listowel Dairymen's
Exchange Friday, eighr factories
boarded 550 white and 705 colored
cheers. The p1iee8 paid were 19c.
Officers were elected as follows t—
Preeirlettt, James Donaldson ; Vice -
President, ,Jacob Aitkerman ; Secre-
tary -Treasurer, 0. V. Blatchford
Anclitora, Messrs, R. H. Ohamney and
T.'- Ankerrnan ; Board of Directors,
Meeara, Richmond, Biffin, Booth
0harnney and Framer. The fee for
1916 was fixed et 42.
A vete pleasant evening was spent
at the hnnte of 11, and furs, Seaman
When the members of the Methodist
Sunday School hssembled to show in
re tangible way their appreciation of
.a•+•+•4••4 ••t'*I'•40+.+••i'•+•+•+ 4••+.+. F.•F•d'••t•+•F•*.'!••+«r'*
, Five Roses
Flour •
Pinkharn's Vegetable Com-
pound, says Mrs.Kurtzweg. •
Buffalo, N.Y.—” My daughter, whose
picture is herewith, was much troubled
with pains in her
back and sides every
month and they
would sometimes be +
so bad it would •
that t
seem like acute in-
flammation of some ' l
organ. She read +
your advertisement •
in the newspapers •
and tiled LydiaE.
Y •
Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound.
She praises it highly as she has been •
relieved of all these pains by its use.
All mothers should know of this remedy, 4.
and all young girls who suffer should •
try it."—Mrs: MATILDA KURTZWEG, 529
High St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Young women who are troubled with
painful or irregular periods, backache,
headache, dragging -down sensations,
fainting spells or indigestion, should
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Thousands have been re-
stored to health by this root and herb
If you know of any young wo-
man who is sick and needs help-
ful advice, ask her to write to the
Lydia E.Pinkhatn Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass. Only woolen will
receive her letter, and it will be
held in strictest confidence.
15 G. and Mrs. Matthews and Mrs.
Oliver, and their deep regret at their
depar'tur'e from Listowel. Beautiful
umbrellas were given to Mr, and Mrs.
Matthews (although Mr. Matthews
was not present) and a gold pin to
Mrs, Oliver, Au address expressing
the high esteems in which the depart-
ing friends are held by all was read
by O. V. Blatchford,
Smoot, REPORT. —The following:- is
tate school report of 111e Easter
Promotion Exams. of Leadbury
anhool, S. S. No. 7, McKillop Honors
75 and pass 64 Entrance Class teats.
—Eva Scott 82, Nellie Crozier 81. Sr,
III to Jr. I V—Peat l 'Tamer 78 ; Hugh
Rion 70, Chas, lioyd 63. Jr. III eo Sr.
IIL—Mabel Campbell 72, John Jeffrey
71 ; Belle Theurer 66, Harry Finn 57,
Louis Storey 51. Jr. I1. to Sr, II•—
Marjorie Reid 78, Anna Stewart 74,
Gnrdott SlcGaviu 74, Melissa Holmes
62, Janet Clark 60, Gerrie Thames 59,
Edith Holmes58, Gordon Holmes 19.
T. Sunbury, Guelph, has been en-
gaged as organist and choirmaster of
Knox church.
Huron Lodge, No, 62, is presenting
its members who are wearing khaki,
with wrist watches,
Reuben, Grigg, Tipperary, has a
mare that gave birth to twin colts
but they are both dead.
A dinner set and table linen were
presented to Mrs. (Rev.) Rose before
removing to Montreal by the ladies of
Knox church.
James Mitchell was in Toronto last
week attending a Dominion confer-
ence of representatives of the Can-
adian Patriotic Fund.
Board of Trustees of Alexandia
Hospital has engaged blies Kimg,
Kincardine, as Superintendent to suc-
ceed Miss Chandler, who has resigned.
Anneal excutsion to the Guelph
Experimental Farm, under the aus-
pices of the West Huron Farmers'
Institute will be run Saturday, June
Mrs. Wm. Green Was the recipient
of many hearty congratulations at her
home on Trafalgar street, on Wed-
nesday evening, on the occasion of
het 98rd birthday. In spite of her ad-
vanced years Mrs. Green still enjoys
a fair measure of health and strength.
AT THE COURT. ameron v Moyes
et al—A motion for judgment. The
Platntltf, M G. Cameron shed in be-
half of himself and all other share-
holders of the Ontario West Shore
Railway Co. L. E. Dancey for plain-
tiff ; defendants not represented by
counsel. Judgment was ordered to be
entered against defendant J. W.
Moyes for $120,818.76.
Pte. Will. Greig, son of Thos, and
Mrs, Greig, town, is laid up in France
with rheumatism.
Rev. F. C. Harper went to London
of the mot ning train and returned in
the evening driving a new Dodge auto.
Robert t Victoria College
student., has enlisted with the 227111
Battalion at the Otlnatlion Son and is e
with the Paymasters staff. He spent •
a week with his parents, J. A, and
Mrs.. Irwin,
• Will. Manning, only son of the late
A, H. and Mrs, Manning, (Minton,
died of wounds at the battle front.
He received his education at the pub-
lic and 0, I. here and was a graduate
Also the Finest
Grades of
Clover, Timothy
Turnip and Mangel Seed
At Geo. Thomson's
• +•+•+•+•+•+•+•d'••r••M•a•sa••+• 'r•++•t••+•+++•+•+•+•+++•+++es
Nearly everyone has
ripp ng, tearing headaches
at times. Disordered atom-
ach—sluggish liver does it.
Cheer up I here's the real
relief—Ch am b ern ain'e
Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They put the stomach and bowels right.
All druggists, 26c., or by mail from 9
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto
A Christian• college -home,
healthful situation.
Por prospectus and terms,wrtte the Principal
R.I. Werner, M.A.,D.D.,St.Thomes, Oat,
Goderich Township Telephone's' Sys-
tem and the Bell Telephone Company
have entered into another year
agreement by which the snbseribers
to the Clinton central pay 43 per year
for service and those in the God et ieh
neutral $4,
]i.ev, Mr, Snowden, former pastor
of liolrneeville Methodist church, now
• stationed at 'Ynrmnnth Centre, has
of Queen's, Kingston. He was 26 purchased the brick residence on Eat -
len bury street !ruin J. C. Henry, NU.
Snowden will superannuate this com-
ing June and settle in Clinton.
years old.
500 young then have enlisted Inc
overseas service from the Methodist
Churches of the Goderich District ac-
cording to reports presented at the
District meeting Held at Londesboro.
While the churches are all reported
to be in a prosperous and healthy con -
(Minn the loss of these young men is
the cause of a slight depreciation in
contributions and membership. The
chairman, Rev. J. E. Fot•d, 6f Gode-
rich, made a sal ring appeal to the
ministers of the District to increase
the misslnoary contributions so that
the year may be closed by holding the
advance made last year instead of a
reduction of $500, as reported at
present. Rev, 11. J. McCormick, of
Holmeeville, was appointed as the
District representative on the Station-
ing Committee, and Dewitt Comte
was received as a candidate to the
ministry and recommended to college.
Good Ontario Potatoes
'Hand picked and olilnatized et 52.00 per
bag, either for Beed or table use.
Car Royal Household flour
Shorts and Bran Coming
8peoial price 1f taken from car.
Timothy and Clover Seed
No, 1 Government Standard, at lowest
possible price, Also keep Mangold and
Turnip seeds, the best to be had,
Produce taken as cash.
Choice Stock of Groceries.
W. J. McCracken
Phone 43 or 27.
Let the Hogs
Grind their own Feed
with a Hog Motor
Hog Motors are machines I hat feed
hogs better than 90 per cent of
farmers can with methods now in
Hog Motors cut out the weekly
trip to town for chop.
They keep your hogs strong and
You can see scores of Hog Motors
in use within a few miles of Brus-
Why not call at the farm of Mr.
Edward Wood, just East of Ethel,
where a motor can be seen attend-
ing to almost 20 hogs.
By driving to Listowel via Trete,-
bridge you may see sonic. 20 more
in use.
Why not older your Motor now ?
0 1
For fu 1P articulare address
The Canadian Hag Motor Company limited
Eggssor Hatching
Single Coin!) White Leghorn, Barron strait,
Prioe 95 to 06 cents per setting of 15,
Alex. Perrie,
90.8 Phone 2616 R, It. No. 11,. Brussels,
Drumburle's Best
JAMES BPEIfI Proprietor
MONDAY—Will leave hie own stable. Lot 29,
01j1 Lino Morris, andgoSouth apd West to
Jos,. Bewley's for noon; then West to-Batton's
school house, South to boundary and East to
Jailer's Betel, Walton; for night.
— u t miles, North 1 and
AY 1C l 8 1 s
TVESD a }�
?' Y
noon then Jas. Faiteris for o h night. to,
r to T. Inglis' for tel •h
m I t t.
t von or off
and East, M i g
and North to Sliver
t vs
s n'it oa noon East soil North to J. t to LI.
Bon's for nook ,flea North and West to O.
Ecitnlier s Ethel, for night.
TBUI;SDAY—East and South to Andrew
Lderosds for noon; then Best to Oranbrouk
sl Cranbrook for
Broad to J.Long's Dot ,
AY To its own atnolo till Saturdayrdn
own Hotee here he
untiltlp in. then tohos yIs stable where he
will remain until Monday morning.
1097$11$9801 Enrolment No. 1807
' Inspected and Approved,
This well bred horse will stand for service
during the present Reason at his -own stables,
Leadbury, Lot 22, Con. 10, MoKillop,
Colts from this horse won let prizes at Clin-
ton and Sea fo, th Spring hairs,
Notice to Creditors
In th.- matter of the estate of 'Thomas
Bone, late of the township of Morris,
in the Cunnty if Huron, Farmer,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, Seatlon
68, that all creditors and others having olaiule
against the estate of the -aid Thomas Bono,
who died on or about the Eleventh day. of
March, A, D. 1210. are hereby required on
or before the Fifth day of June A. D.
1910, to send by post prepaid or deliver to
Thomas W. Bone, one of the Executors of the
estate, at Brussels Post Office, their Chrlstinn
and surnames, add resaes and descriptions, full
particulars of their claims. and the nature of
the esearittea 11t oily) held by thein duly veri-
fied by an affidavit.
And further take nntlon that after snail last
mentioned dots, the Executors will pro-
cred to distribute the assets of the said de-
ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of whirh
they shall than have rvoetved, and they will
not be liable for the field assets or any part
thereof to any person of whose claims they
shall not then have received notice at the time
of 80011 distribution.
Executors of Thomas Bone Estate,
Dated this 4,11 day of May, A. D, 1910.
The People's Column
Tenders Wanted
Pealed renders will be received 115 11 0 un-
dersigned,npto0p.in. June 3rd, 1010, for the
construction of the proposed Macadam work
on Turnberry street, Brussels. Plans and
specifications may be seen after May 24th, at
Clerk's office. The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted. F. S. SCOTT,..
Village Clerk, Brussels,
. Farm for Sale
The 60 acre grans farm, 11.15 Lot 26, Con 6,
Grey Township, is offered for sale, Excellent
pasturage and water all the year. Pow:oaatott
can be given at once, ELIZA U, LA MOf1T,
Phone 3416 Ethel P. 0.
For Sale
Grain Warehouse with horsepower elevator,
scales, carte, floor oars, do.
Also part of Lot 80, Con. 0, Township of Mor -
ria 29 acres, adjoining the Mega of Brussels,
and 0 building Iota on Turnberry street, For
particulars apply to the owner,
Court of Revision
Village of Brussels
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll of the Vilingo of Brussels, for the year
1910, wlil ho held in the Counotl Chamber,. on
toad» ttto$rd da 07,Tuna t
T 91
y, y 0, tet $ o clock
.m All parties interested
will govern timn•
evesaccordingly. Roll is in Clerk's office
and open for Ittpeotton,
11.8, SCOTT,
Village Clerk.
Dated May 1001, 1910,
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Foor Ni
"The Product of Experience" •
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A r ;r,...x¢ tn',iv?rRC 1'• ' 7' ass �c.;, vel :.+,
• Motor' .} y,.� ✓rGy)s Quiet Running •
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Finds Health In Our Vinol
Collinsville Ill.—"I suffered from e
nervous break -down and terrible head-
aches, and wee tired all over, totally
worn out and discouraged but as I had
a large family I had to work despite my
Buffering: I saw Vinol advertised and
decided to try it and within two Weeks
I noticed a decided improvement, and
now I am a well woman. —Mrs. ANA
We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod
livor and iron tonic, to strengthen and
build up weak, nut -down, overworked
7'. R. SMiTH, Druggist, Brussels
Price Complete $675.00 F.O.B. Oshawa
Regular Equipment, Mohair Tailored Top. Envelope and Side Curtains, Electric
Hoo. Cleat 'Vision Ventilating Wind Shield. Speedometer. Electric Hem Ling and Lighting
System. Ammeter and License Brackets.
NOTE,—Owing to the great demand for this Car, we would suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery,
We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting Sys-
tem, with Bendix Drive, sante type and grade as used on the bigll.pt'hced cars, g y
A complete line of Repairs will always be in stock.
P. AMENT Agent Brussels
y '1
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