HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-5-18, Page 8Clean
Here are a few of the
Preparations we keep
for cleaning the Teeth
ReXnll Tooth Paste
Euthymol Tooth Paste
Pearl !both Powder All 25c
.exnll Antiser❑'tic Powder 'preparations
Woodbury's Tooth Paste
W oo d b u ry's Too t h P o w de r)
Pearl Tooth Brushes 250
Other Tooth Brushes Inc, 150, a50 & 350
Toilet Soap
Rexa11 Glycerine Soap—a pure trans-
parent Soap—two kinds, Rose and
Violet. 2 Targe cakes for 25c, It's
the Soap that lasts and will not leave
the skin rough. Try it.
Developing and
And You don't Walt
Your Films and Prints are ready on
the dot—we don't believe in empty
And not only will your work be
done promptly, but just as well as
up -+o date methods and good mater.
cal can make them.
Take a Kodak with You
on the 24th
?'lieaf,X,Cat Store F. Rs SMITH
Xrard ( eb s gems
MARKET your woo! at Brussels.
THE street watering cart made its first
appearance this season last week.
NEXT Wednesday will be the 2451a of.
May. A day of pleasant memory to
older folk.
"THe Village Doctor" Friday evening
of this week in Town Hall, Brussels.
Hear and see It. 1
J. F. RnVLAND exchanged his 5 pas -1
singer Studebaker car for one of the
same snake to accommodate 7 people.
Dotr'•r forget the annual meeting of
Brussels Women's Institute Friday
afternoon of this week. See local on
page 5.
IF you have money to loan, on gilt
edged security, a good opportunity is
offered in Huron County Debentures.
See the advt. on page 4 of this isue.
THERE was an interested gathering at
the Family Theatre last Friday evening
to see the fine war pictures designated,
"The Campbells are coming" in which
scenes in the historic Sepoy Mutiny
were depicted. There were 5 reels.
THE Sewing Class, under the instruc-
tion of Miss McKay, although not so
large as on her former visit, probably on
account of the busy season, has had an
enjoyable and progressive schooling
which will no doubt be of great advant-
age to them in years to come,
WEDNESDAY evening of this week J.
F. and Mrs. Rowland were presented
with a gold watch and a Life Member-
ship Certificate and pin in the Red Cross
Association, respectively, by the citizens
of Brussels on the eve of their departure
to Tillsonburg. Presentation was made
in the Public Library audience room. i
A more extended notice will be given
next week,
READ the Local and District news on
pages 4 and 5 in this issue and each suc-
ceeding week.
A Nuossea of young ladies took a hand
in the Enlisting Campaign. They wore
white badges, emblematic of peace, with
I inscription in red ink, indicative of
danger, "Knit or Fight."
--- o—
Bor wanted for delivery wagon. GEo,
GOOD stable end 35 acre 101, well located, for
sale. Apply to Tan Poets.
COOKING stove and sideboard for sale, Ap.
ply to PTE. JNo. THSBIDEAU or at his home,
A Naw Bain wagon and box complete for
sale, also a heifer calf about 0 weeks old. Am
ply at Lot 0, Con, 0, Grey. Mae. CHAS,
COOKE. Phone 908.
INONNAae IN PRIOR.— Brttesele tee cream
dealers have been compelled to advance the
price of Syrup Sundaes and Sodas train 5 to 10
cents. Banana Solite and Crushed' Fruit
Snn0aea will be 10 cents straight. plain ice
creams remain at 0 cents, New price Hat
comes into effeot June 1st. W. A. GiEwAR,
S. C, Wlrso2,
ROUSE far sale. Apply to Mae R. Roraima,
Ducar 'eggs for hatching. Large variety of
bird- Phone 036. W. J. SnAfPE,
Jour ro lsANn,—Ger of good seed Delaware
Potatoes, 02 10 a bag, Mao a car of Basis Slag
Fertilizer, at $20.00 per ton. Car of Milverton
Floor at 05 00 per cwt. or 500 $2 90.
ALF. BARIUM, Brussel..
FDRTILI'AEa.—We can now fill all orders for
lime. Let us hear from you. CARDIFF &
DAarEB, 10reseels.
A coon house for Bale with stable end fruit
trees. Apply to I. C. RICBARDC,
harness business to Richards &4 Co. I
take pleasure in recommending thein to
my customers, believing they will do
their best to supply you with anything
you may want in that line Thanking
you all for the generous trade extended
to me in the past and trusting the same
will be extended to my successors.
W. H. WILsoN, Brussels.
"TAN VILLAGR DocTog."—This is the
title of a new and interesting play to be
presented by a score of Walton young
people in the Town Hall, B(ussels on
the evening of Fridn�y, May lgth pude(
the auspices of the Women a Institute of
Brussels Play is by the same author es
"The Mluisler's Bride and is stile to
please. Tickets will be 25 and 15 cents
and program will commence at 8 o'clock,
CIRCLE TEA. --The next Red Cross
Circle Tea will beheld in the audience
room of the Public: Library Tuesday
afternoon of next week from 3 to 7 P-
m., when a large attendance is hoped
for as the cause is a worthy one. Yourattendance will be appreciated, The
ladies in charge will be :—Mesdames D.
C. Ross, S. Bailey, Edward Bryans, D.
Ewan, R" Thomson, J Duncan and J.
T. Wood and Misses 13. McDonald and
A. Ross,
Il, Semis has been appointed successor
to J. F. Rowland as local manager of the
Standard Bank. The former is no
stranger to Brussels as he was Teller
here for over a year a few years ago.
He has barn in charge of branches at
Grafton, Claremont and Orono and has
done well. Mr, Saints commenced his
banking career under G. P. Schofield,
formerly of Brussels, now General Mana-
ger, Toronto. We wish hits a comfort-
able and successful tenure of office.
Mrs, Semis isa daughter of Postmaster
and Mrs, Scott, of Brussels, who has
kept in touch with her birthplace by
frequent visits. It is coming home to
her and the young laddie of the home
will have no objection to live in the
town where his grandparents are. Mr,
and Mrs. Samis will reside in the resi-
dence formerly occupied by D. M. and
Mrs. Scott, Elizabeth street
—Friday evening of last week a large
audience listened with interest to Col,.
Malloy, known as the Blind Trooper,
who lost his eyesight In military service
in the South African campaign. Before
the Colonel was called upon musical
numbers were rendered by Miss Ruth
Sinclair on the piano, followed by a
harmonica duet by Pies. Tbibldeau_aod
Williamson, Rev. Mr. Page urged, in a
brief, enthusiastic address. hearty re-
sponse to the call for men to fill up Huron
Battalion. Col. Mu'loy did not tollow the
beaten path but d missed phases of the
present day situation, overseas and
Canada's imperative duty unless they
wish toprove dis'otal to the Motherland
and this Dominion The recruiting prob-
lem was dealt with and Conscription
urged as the fairest method of filling up
the ranks and was the only efflrient way
at this period of the war. Pastor Rus-
sell and "Conscientious objectors" were
not esteemed very highly, The present
Militia Act gives power to compel men
between the ages of 18 and 6o years to
take up arms. It was a forceful appeal
and was attentively listened to and s
should bear practical results. Col Mol-
loy did not press for recruits nor did he
desire an appeal at the close of the meet- 0
ing but hoped patriotism and loyalty to
hunts and loved ones would win the
necessary number of men for the 16tst o
Battalion. Huron County should be t
ashamed to even think of leaving their t
Battalion short of the necessary men to 11
enable them to go into camp The Na-
tional Anthem brought the meeting to a
close, W. H. Kerr was Chairman. Col.
Mnlloy makes out a good case and the
oonly pity is he was not earlier on the
CHANGE 1'F- BUSINESS,— Riebsil'ds &
Co. having purchased, the Harness busi-
ness of W, H. Wilton and have moved
the same into their store where they will
Carry on the trade in conne0Uou with
their (,hoes Repairs in harness or col-
oblets promptly attended to. It is al
veers since Mr, Richards first opened
business in Brussels. We understand
Mr, Wilson may go back to Brilislt
Columbia, where he formerly resided,
We wish him good luck.
Saturday eveuiug Lorue and Mrs Eclt-
mier were taken by surprise e when a
company of friends called at the dome
of Geo. and Mrs, Muldoon, where they
had been taking tea, and made there
the recipients of a gold signet ring and
a 'cut glass water service. Following
address was read by Rev. A, J. Mann,
B. A , and the choice gifts were pre-
sentei by Geo. Muldoon and Thos,
Armstrong :•--
Faimmis,—Learning, with deep regret,
Of your earlydeparture from our midst
and not willng to have you go without
showing our appreciation of the valuable
services which you have rendered to the
Church andcommunity, we havegather-
edhere this evening to bid you God
speed and to wish you His blessing and
prosperity. Your services. which have
always been so freely and willingly
given, have. we can assure you, been
much appreciated. You have been en-
dowed with talents, which you have
ever been willing to use for the glory of
God and the joy and pleasure of the
people of Brussels and community,
The talent of song is second to none
among all the gifts with which man has
been endowed. It will cheer, hearten
and encourage when everything else
fails, May this splendid talent, bestow-
ed upon you in a marked degree and
which you have consecrated to God,'
coatiaue to be a blessing to mankind.
Your bright. sunny, happy dispositions
have cheered us all, driven the blues in-
to the netherworld, confirmed our be-
lief that Ibis world need not be a place
with a long face and a sad contenance,
and statnped more indelibly upon our
hearts the great and mach forgotten
truth that "A merry heart doeth good
like medicine." You have great possi-
bilities before you and in availing your-
selves of them, may God's richest
blessings rest upon you. You will be
missed but never forgotten. 'rhe place
which you have won for yourselves in
the affections of the people of Brussels
and community, cannot easily be filled,
if ever. Our loss will be another's gain,
and wherever your lot in life may be
Fast may you go on singing and work-
ing for God's glory and the good of
men, It is with deep regret that we
bid you farewell. We wish you God's
richest blessing and prosperity. May
your pathway ever be marked with His
pecial favor. Any and every time you
return to Brussels the welcome hand
will be extended to you. In the words
f the poet we say "Will ye no' come
back again, Better lo'ed ye canna be",
We ask you Mrs. Eckmier to accept this
ut glass service and you Mr. Eckmier
bis gold signet ring as slight tokens of
he love and esteem in which you are
eld. Signed on behalf of the citizens,
R. McKAY, GEo. Mv0nooE.
Mr. Eckmier made a brief reply in
which heteturned hearty thanks in be-
half of Mrs. Eckmier and himself for the
TF1 :t*
Our Savings Bank provides a suitable
convenient place for your surplus p`unds,
A joint
account is specially adapted
those going overseas,
da'r'n 0873 Apply to
ei rim Manager.
J. F. Rowland,
generous words and highly appreciated
tokens. They would always remember
Brussels and the happy years spent here.
He wished success to every good cause.
Short, complimenlaty speeches followed
expressing regret at the removal of Mr.
and Mrs. Eektnier from town tied hop-
ing that their highest expectations
would be realized in Flint, Mich., or
wherever a kindly Providence might
lead them. A fey' hours after the above
happy event Mr Eckinier was presented
with a gold headed cane from Melville
(Ptesbvterian) church where Mr, Eck-
mier's voice was so often heard in sacred
song. The following card accompanied
the gift :—"Presented to Lorne Eck-
mier by the congregation of Melville
Church, Biussels, with many good wish•
es for a prosperous future." The
recipient expressed his gratitude for the
thought fulness prompting the gift. Mr.
Ecltmier left for Flint Monday morning
followed by the best wishes of the eom-
muuity. His example as a young man
in town is worthy of emulation and imi-
tation. He was well nicknamed as
"Happy," Mrs Eckmier will be in
town for the present visiting at the
parental home with D. and Mrs. Ewan,
Mr. Eckmier, who is possessed of an ex-
cellent voice, expects to join the Buie°
Male Quartette as rat tenor. It the
other three are as competent as he the
quartette will be well worth going miles
to bear, His engagement is a compli-
ment to Mrs. Addie Wright, Brussels,
under whose tuition he made such
rapid progress. Tice Posts wishes Mr.
and Mrs. Eektnier many happy, prosper-
ous years.
Roger, Miss Edith and G. A. Dead-
man leave for Scotia Junction on Satur-
day. '1'be latter will go to look of ter his
Apiary at Merlin for the Summer in a
will be a sale of home made cooking in
the Public Library Audience Room
Saturday afternoon of this week, from 3
to 4 p. m , proueeds to go to our local
soldier boys, who will be leaving May
22nd. Every lady in Brussels and
vicinity is cordially requested to con•
tribute to this sale, eituer in cooking,
fruit, butter or eggs. We hope it will
bring the boys some little comfort. Surly
every woman in this neighborhood will
respoud to this call as it all we can do to
show:our appreciation in a sin dl way of
what our soldiers are doing for us. It
is a busy time but never mind is busier
at the front.
Dr. Ed. Bryans, who has been en,
gaged in practice at Sydney, Mao„ was
here for a short visit at the parental
home, Queen street, while euroute to
Halifax. The Dr, has joined the Royal
Canadian Medical Corps and is destined
for overseas service. Miss Berea
Bryans, of Toronto, was here with her
brother. Old friends about here wish
him success in plying tba healing art.
MOMILLAN,—In Brussels, on May 18th, 1910,
to Mr, and Mre, Wm, MGM Ilion, a dough.
5100ALLUH. In Hallett Township, on May
^ 1010, 1910 to Mr. and Mra, Duncan McCaI'
lum, (nee Grace Hoover, Grey township)
a son.
MT0LE0—SMITH.—At the home of'tke bride's
parents, Thoe. and Mrs. Rmith, Ames.
town, by Corporal (Rev.) Wesley, on May
17th, 1518, Pte. Jno, M. Miller to Miss
Mary H. Smith.
Joeaeort:—In Morris Township, on May 18th,
(918, Charlotte Mabel, eldest daughter of
Henry and Margaret J. Johnson, aged 26
years, 4 menthe and 28 daps.
MAnenALD.—At the General tioepltal, Guelph,
on May 10th, 1916, John Marshall, Bolniore,
aged 60 years and 9 months.
M0IDLaoy.—In Me$ilop, en May 6th, 1018,
John McElroy,aged 98 years.
Tnosw.—In Seaforth, on May 9th, :1918, Samuel
Trott, aged 84 years and 8 manna.
Potatoes per bus
91000 91 00
10000 iso
21 2429
10 00 10 00
1400 14400
North Huron liberals
The Annual Meeting of the Liberals of North
Buron (Federal) will be held in the Council
Chamber, Wingham, on Tuesday, May 8050, at
2n, m. Annul report(' will be pre+ented and
officers elected for the coming year. A good
attendanes asked for.
Secretary President.
Tenders Wanted
Sealed tenders will be received by the un.
deralgned, tip to 8 p. m. June 8rd, 1910, for the
ooaetruntlon of the propped Macadam work
on apeoitloeh one may(rbe 'sen after May 24th, at
Clerk's aloe. The lowest or any tender not
necessarily soaepted. F. 8. SCOTT,
Village Clerk, Brussels.
4. N1•++tl+R+••11•f N}}+fit••
iffll'S Drug
590r e _
++4'+++.p„h,i i„i, p+,i'+++•p'p++4 ••
a The
I An •
Line Z
I 4
• • •
E desire to announce to •
the public that during •
the past week we have •
• put in a very nice lot of Anseo •
Line of Cameras and a stock of •
• Camera supplies generally. The •
IArmco Line, while being a new •
one to us is by no means of re- •
cent origin. •
The makers of the Ana ;
• were the fiver to manufacture• DaguerrotypePlates in America. •
• They were the first manufactur- •
• • ens of Professional Camerae and •
• Photographic Supplies in Amer-
• tca ; the first manufacturers of
Z. Dry Plate and Film Hand Oam.
• eras in the world ; and the high
i standard of efficiency applied in
• the manufacture of the profes-
• sional line is equally applicable
s to She Amateur Oatueras now
being manufactured by them.
• The line comes to us backed •
up by some of the very best •
• dealers in Western Ontario
• whose experience with the Ana- •
•• co line has proven to be entirely •
• satisfactory and we desire to as- •
sure our customers that our per- •
aortal guarantee is also behind •
Z the line and we guarantee setae- •
• +!action in every particular or •
2 purchase money cheerfully re- •
• tded. ••
• Come in and Innis over our
• • assortment and if in need of a •
• Camera we will be very glad to
•• receive your order at •
• •
• •
• The Penslar Store •
Court of Revision
Village of Brueeole
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll of the Village of Bruasele, for the year
1910, will be held In the Council Chamber, on
Monday, the 8rd day of June, 9910, at 8 o'clock
p, m. All parties interested will govern them.
selves accordingly. Roll is in Clerk's office
and open for inspection.
Dated May, loth, 1910. Village Clerk.
++.4-+++++++++++++++++++++++ }••Pfi•'h•1••1••1••9••1••S•r' •1•✓r•F•1••1•++++++++4++++4+4+ .++++4+++4.3 •II••3 : •t+ 3• -54..,4.4- i••; 4.4.4-4.4, : 4.4. o ++++++++++. 4.444.+++++++++++++++++
II } r :• h 4 i t t 1 d• 0.3.3-•i d•rti d•d•d• € r l !
the 161st Huron Battalion has been ordered to Mobffize and at Full Strength
Will Your County be Humiliated by having the first reproach throughout the Empire ? Or will
the People of this County Rally to their Pride and to THEIR HONOR ?
•:•ea••4..+••f'A'p•.i'•+•+•+,4..+•4', 3••'F•+•4.4,+4,+. '•+•iNi1'!'•+.+
•444.4144 •+044+•+•+w+•4•+•++4•+•4 •+•+•+•+•.144,44i 44444 •t•+ s+•+•• •g.•. •+•444.•444,•+•+•• 44.•+••r
The Last Call for Volunteers
To the Mothers, Wives and Sisters :
To the Men s
The Business of the Young Men of the County to -day is the Completion of the
Battalion she was asked to form.
Kitchener urges "MEN AND MORE MEN." Canada has promised him
500,0oo. Will you be one ?
Are you content to remain at home in ease and reap business advantages while
other men take your place in the firing line ?
Will your conscience remain clear and clean each day of the long years to come?
Does the sight of your chum in Khaki leave you untroubled and undisturbed ?
Make such sacrifices as may be necessary (the Empire is worthy of them) to
enable you to take your place in your County Battalion,
Enlist and E !list to day, with the knowledge that, at least you are playing the
part of ,d MAN,
150 Mei for Huron's Own, Your Beason is only a Lome Excuse.
Do you know what is happening to Women in Europe to -day ?
Do you know what the Women of Belgium, of Servia, of Flanders, and even of your own
race in the Old Land have suffered by the invading Tuns ?
Do you know that Thousands and Tens of Thousands, with their little ones, are driven
starving from their homes to die in misery ; that they are being violated and siaughtered ?
Do you realize that if this. War is not fought out in Europe, you and your children may be
forced to share the sufferings of those in Europe?.
Do you realize that if Canada is to protect her people, her homes and her liberty, her men
must be given without stint to take part hi the struggle ?
Thousands of Glorious Mothers, Wives and Sisters have given their dearest to this cause of
Are you content to see oher Mothers, Wives anou meet this d Sisters proudly sending off e of omanhood in socia(their manhood
to protect you andi your men -folk?
Or will you meet the burden of this generation with COURAGE, "the highest of Divine
Virtues ?
0+++++++4414++++++ +4++444+'!^F+++++'i'+6•+++++++444 ++++4+14++++++++++++++++++ 44+4444^!'44+++✓r'4'•9.4'+++++++14.4.+3"44$.4.+++4i44'dF++•i++++44f" +44.144 4+++++4.44++++44+++++++++++++++++++++