HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-5-18, Page 3usewifes eoraer Selected Recipes. Ginger Nuts.—Three cups flour, one- third cup Auger, one-fourth cup but- ter, one cup molasses, one tablespoon allspice, `t}yo tablespoons ginger, Mix together in order given, roll witll •Whip a half cup of sour cream and bands into smalls, flat nuts as large tis add half cup of powdered sugar and a quarter and lay on pans lined with , half a cup of blanched almonds, chop - brown, paper. Bake in very slow ped fine. Flavor With vanilla. even. Pancakes.—Dissolve half a teaspoon - Prune/ Charlotte —Stew one and f ul of soda in two cups of our milk one-half dozen large prunes. When and add one and one-half of bread - cold remove atones and chop very crumbs, one tablespoonful of melted fine. Whip pint of cream stiff with butter and two or three eggs. En- three tablespoone sugar, then whip ough flour must be added to make the minced prunes into this,. line glass batter the right consistency, dish with ladyfingers and fill center Housekeeping Helps. with prune cream. Or serve in One pint of lard weighs one pound. individual sherbet glasses. Leave in ice box until time to serve. Oil of turpentine will remove tar ains• Grape Cornstarch Pudding.—To one sStewed rhubarb le an excellent pint boiling grape juice and paste made of two tablespoons each of cold water and cornstarch. Cook until starch taste is gone, then add one teaspoon butter, two tablespoons sug- ar, juice pne oto -half lemon and one- fourth teaspoon salt. Lastly, fold in one stiffly beaten egg white and pour into mold decorated With split almonds and citron slivers. When cold, turn out, and serve garnished with grapes, Fruit Wheels.—Sift together two cups flour, one heaping teaspoon bak- ing powder, one-half teaspoon eat and one tablespoon sugar, Rub in two tablespoons butter: Mix to soft dough with milk and roll out one-half inch thick. Spread'with soft buttery dust with one teaspoon flour, four table- spoons sugar, one teaspoon cinnamon and nprinitle over one-third cup each of chopped, seeded raisins and ,clean- ed currants. Roll up, tut into one- half inch slices, put one inch apart on greased pans and bake in hot oven. Swiss Steak—Three pound tote tom round steak, flour, two teaspoons salt, one-fourth teaspoon pepper, small piece of suet, one-fourth teaspoon mustard. Wipe steak carefully, dust on salt and pepper, rub in as much flour as it will hold -at least ono cup —using edge of saucer to help grind flour in. Pry suet, add mustard, and brown steak in it on both hides. Al- . most cover with boiling water, boil rapidly five minutes, reduce heat and simmer three hours. This is good fireless cooker recipe Before serve taste, and half a cup each of chopped walnuts and raisins. Mix soft and drop from a spoon. These will keep a long time,, Sour Cream Filling for Cakes. -- spring food. Oatmeal makes a very good thick- ening for soups. • Eggs when scrambled should be stirred constantly. A wooden box is better for keeping bread than a tin one: There is no finer polish for tinware than wood ashes. A sweet red pepper should always hang in the canary's cage. Never buy spices in large quanti- ties; they lose their flavors. Beeswax and salt will make rusty. flatirons as smooth as glass. Coarse sandpaper is better than sandsoap to scour kettles, with. Fruit grows more important at breakfast as the spring advances. To remove shoe blacking that has been spilled on clothing use vinegar. Toothbrushes should be dipped in boiling water occasionally to disinr feet them. The good housekeeper goes over her food''supplie:e every day, to avoid waste. In using canned vegetables for cream soups, the liquor should be dis- carded. Worn table napkins are useful for drying the lettuce, when preparing it for the salad. Thick blotting paper under dailies will prevent hot dishes from marking the table. Blotting paper saturated with tur- pentine uipentine may be placed in drawers to ing add, if liked, one-half teaspoon keep away moths. celery salt and one tablespoon Wor- • The best cereals -are whole natural cortershire sauce to graves, which grains, steamed in a double boiler for should be rich and brown, and not need 24 hours, more flour to thicken. Chopped mushrooms are also Toed to add. LURED GERMANS OVER A MINE. Crown Roast of Lamb.—Mutton or — lamb may be used for this handsome Canadian Troops Trick the Enemy at roast. Have butcher prepare it, and the Front, be ,sure that he sends home all trim- mings;. as they constitute half the weight paid for and make up well into stew. Cover ends of bones securely with stripes of salt•pork. Rub flesh with salt, or salt when partly cooked. Set in hot oven ten or fifteen minutes, then reduce heat, and, if necessary to keep drippings from burning, add hot water. Baste often and cook from forty-five to sixty minutes. Press cup in center of circle of meat to inl sure its shape. Before serving fill center with peas or blanched chest- nuts, cooked tender in stock and glaz- ed, or with Saratoga or French -fried potatoes. KAISER'S CHANCE FOR PEACE MUST BE CONCESSIONS OR SURE DESTRUCTION. Germany's Return of Belgium and Alsace Would Avert This Fate. • Under the caption "The Might - Have -Beene of History" Mr. Wetter - son says in the Louisville, Ky., Cour- ier -Journal: "There is reason to believe that Germany is approaching, if it has not reached, the point which the South faced when Sherman marched across Georgia to the sea and Grant moved through the wilderness upon Rich- mond. "It is only a question of time when the Kaiser's wondrous fightingma- chine, set.for world conques, will some to its Appomattox. As God smote slavery in America, and struck down the war lord of France, will He find a way to circumventthe powers of darkness in Germany. Be the time limit long or short, the end is sure. "The medieval spirit must die. The Prussian militarist must be crushed and will be crushed as the Southern confederacy was crushed, as the vault- ing a, bition of Napoleon was crush- ed, elsethe century that is sinks back into the feudal ages that were, gov- ernment but en armed camp, the earth a universal battlefield. The "Might -Have -Beene," When Milk Turns. If the housewife will paste these recipes in her cookbook, it will not be a catastrophe when she finds the milk or cream has soured. She may even find that the family likes the new things better than what she had planned. Cake.—Cream one cup of sugar and one cup of shortening together. Sift together one and one-half cups of flour and a teaspoonful of soda, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg and add it to the sugar, alternately with a cup of sour milk. Chop a, couple of raisins, a fake set of orders, With the Ger- mans listening in orders were issued for an attack. The Germans did nob know, of course, that their trick had been discovered. The orders were clip o sour int to which a that the attack should be'made on a teaspoonful of soda has been dist• the very point under which there was solved, and a teaspoonful of melted a Canadian mine. The Germans buttet. Then add a cup of flour and didn't know about the mine, either, a cu of stoned cherries. Bake in a Profiting by the information obtained hot oven and serve with vanilla sauce. over the telephone wire, the Germans Sour Cream •, Pie.—Beat two . eggs in turn, planned a surprise for their till light, then add a cup of sugar, a aggressors. They literally packed g men in the trenches where the suppos- cup of thick sour cream, half a cup of ed attack would take place, two deep raisins and half a teaspoonful each they were aw,tmdddni '-sfl,..y• of cinnamon and nutmeg. Bake be --tire were,. waiting for the Canadians Y bo come on. When time had been given for the Germans to make ample preparation for effectual resistance, the Caiiadians Ginger Rolls. --Cream half a cup of exploded their mine and then made a small Attack, Scores of Germans sugar with half a cup of shortening. were killed and it' isn't likely that Add ono egg, well beaten, a cup of the Germans -will ever again believe molasses and a cup d sour milk in anything they hear over a telephone. which a teaspoonful of soda has been dissolved. Sift a half teaspoonful Making Headway. each of cloves, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg with a cup of flour and add. "Making any progress toward get - Then add enough more flour to make ting acquainted with those fashion- a rather stiff batter. Bake in gem able people next door 7' THE SUNDAY SCHOU t INTERNATIONAL LESSON. MAY 21, Lesson YIII. The Cripple at, Lystra -Acte 14, Golden Text.—Ira. g9, That Paul had an iron coni stitution is suflcientlry proved by his Surviving such experiences, go he re- gords In 2 Cor 11,.A thin and wiry ame Is quite consistent with the "weak bodily presence" his detractors described, ' Entered into the city-- This ityy— This casual notice is very character- retic: almost anybody else would have given Lystra a wide berth! But Paul even returned there from Derbe: how overwhelmingly striking in such a 40. 29, connection is the address he gave the Verse,8. Lystra—Six hours southr Lystrans then (verse 22)1 Derbe —" L Scarlet holtnfever ndta tlohas lbroken infaetlotls southwest of Icpnnum,, en a tableland Probably near the Cilician Gates , g nearly four thousand feet above sea through which they would naturally dl Ilse Sunday labor 1ultlre Armstrong - level, :g have returned to Antioch in Syria. level, t•Ience came Timothy (Acts Compare i journey t- r in Acte Whitworth munition works at Alex - 16. 1), Sat—In some public place where presumably he' begged his liv- ing. 9. Heard—The tense may imply re- peated hearing, or it may bo pictorial, In Germany the individual Belongs to of listening throughout a discourse, the State. Fastening hi, eyes—A. favorite vivid verb of Luke's (Acts `1, 10; 13. 9; + Early in bhe tear German professors 23. 1). To be made whole—"Saved,"( took it upon themselves to instruct in body or soul. Paul has the gift we; the uninformed people of the United call thought -reading, often found still • States on the beauties of the German in men who have the faculty of evan-i government, says the Wall Street gelistic preaching in a preeminent de -t Journal, Harvard's German professor see did some especially notable work of FROM OLD SCOTLAND NOTES OF.INTBKSST• FROM 1IER BAN1CS AND BRAES. Whet Is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. ' 16. 41 and 16. 1, andria, Dumbartonshire, is to be stop- ped. The blacksmiths of Hawiek and district are to increase their prices' owing to the further advances in ma- terial and labor. The Mamie and Marchioness of Zetland are presenting a large X.M. C.A. but for the use of soldiers in camp at Richmond. At the annual meeting of the pro- moters of Glasgow Hospital Sunday Fund, it was stabad that about $50,- 000 had been received. 10. Loud voice—Psychologically, this kind. He showed wherein the A fire which assumed alarming the effect of this sudden and utterly, Empire differed from the Republic of proportions and was only extin- unexpected shout Would be do pro the United States, with everything in guished after hard fighting occurred duce a thrill of conviction, leaving no'favor of the Empire. One of his grin- at Newton Park School, Ayr. ci al Dints was that in Germanythe While watching a fire that did time for questions. It produced the: P P $16,000 damage in Springfield Court, initial "leaping up": when the power' individual belonged to the State. Glasgow, a man named William Mil - was recognized, he "went on walk- Germany's compact strength and ler fell from a roof and was killed, ing"—note the force of the tenses. united front is a tribute to the ef- 11, They talked the Lycaonian ficiency of this form of government. It makes for strength. The individ- patois among themselves, but couldnal "belongs to the State" as much as use and understand Greek in dealing'• the feudal vassal who knelt before FREEMEN OR SERFS. with strangers. The apes s,es nae ��� his lord and savor that he was hence- Burgh of Lockerbie has now been idea what they were saying: the f . "gift of tongues" did not help them. forth his man "of life and limb and opened. It has been erected to the 12. Zeus and Hennes (margin)— "But what may Germany do to be The callous indifference to human $6,250, saved 7 Except the Kaiser, there is of which Jupiter and Mercury are rights or human life shown in the Important developments are ex- p who is the author of the best record Latin equivalents—must be understood none to speak for her. Will the of warfare since Napier's "Peninsula! as the nearest Greek equivalents of whole war is a ,the et. answer. The petted to take place shortly in cone Kaiser speak—can he speak? Or War"—his book, "Canada in Flan- I rho local Lycaonian deities, In rape of Belgium, the ruin and de Serbiast-a State an with a movement for the must the end come to Germany as it dere," being the official story of the Phrygia, not far awa�j anon wrought in Poland and Serbia, State control of the liquor traffin these •two gods cynical sneers at civilization's Scotland. came to Napoleon, to the South, in Canadian Expeditionary Force. .8b2 were fabled to have come down to }u,rror for the Armenian atrocities '. Damage estimated at "5 660 was Sergeant-Major Roderick McPhail, 8th Seaforth Highlanders, a native of Grangemouth, has been awarded the D.C.M. for conspicuous bravery. A public slaughter house for the Sir Max Aitken, M.P., bloody, all -embracing conflagration? "Let us give even the devil his due. There are those who believe that the Kaiser clid not want to go to war. Their theory is that the sword was thrust into his unwilling grasp by the war party—that is, the Prussian General Staff—using the bellicose Crown Prince as a monkey wrench bo open his hand. Certain it is that August 1, 1915, the first anniversary of the war, the Kaiser issued from Max Aitken is himself a Canadian by' earth unrecognized. and to have been furnish an answer. Louvain and', -birth, as he is the son of the Rev. hospitably entertained by n old caused by an alarming outbreak of William Aitken, who was Scotch min- couple, Philemon and Baucis, who re - !been aro answers. Verdun has fire, that occurred at the Adelphi ister at New Brunswick. Sir Max ceived a blessing when they depart- been presenting the obverse side answerof Starch Works, New Sneddon street, Aitken has sat as Unionist memberp 1 the medallion, where another paisley. ed. The people of Lystra were deter- .is written—that of the State's appre- Intimation has been received in for 'Ashton-under-Lyne since 1910, mined not to be caught napping this ciation of its own vassals. Edinburgh that Mr, Andrew Carnegie and on the outbreak of the war he time! Ramsay well remarks, True. Wave after wave of humanity has handed over a sum of $5,000 for was accepted as the.official "record- to the Oriental charaeter, the Lvcaonr er" to the Canadian Force. breaking upon an almost impregnable the funds of the Scottish Women's dans regarded the active and energe-'defense shows the value of an indi- Hospitals. tic preacher as the inferior, and the victual in the eyes of the master. In The Scottish Red Cross has tom - more silent and statuesque figure as eow its first hesieitei the columns of a recent issue of this ship for leted tthe asMediterrane n service. tion, the earth and the heavens meet- the leader." That Paul was hero army headquarters a manifesto m ing in dire combustion as they met for taken for Hermes, and in Acts 21. 38 newspaper a description of one as- The vessel. St. Margaret of Smetana, which he said: Napoleon after Waterloo, for the Con- sault as seen by an onlooker was pub- has sailed, for a brignd captain, aitfficiently lished. The Germans were proving I A window is being placed in Dun - "'Before God and history my con- federacy after Appomattox." �••,, shows that tradition has made an ab- Dun - science Is clear. I did not will this e..— ---rence forward in mass formation, when: negiefennline Abbey by Mr. Andrew Car- er and war. One year has elapsed since I WAITRESSES IN BERLIN, whensurd it deseribesromh m as "shortlbald--i "The French guns opened, and. n otther•,rthe artist be ng Mrof his , liDouglas t n„a,i +” call the German people to arms.' High Priced Cafes Are Forced to headed nd bowie od." Chief s oak-'. mangled humanity was piled in wind- + Strachan. g was bowlegged." p rows z. '" ^' Ina short time another The position of the retail coal er—Hermes was the inventor of lino in solid formation was sent for -i speech: god of a guence. trade in Glasgow shows that the sup - The as they started to pass over .lies available are again inadequate, The Hour as Striking. , Employ Women P The famou� Cambridge The Berliner Tageblatt discourses 13 menu -I the piled -up heaps of their comrades g q - "Germany has but one friend in script reads Zeus Propolis., that is,' and being utilized principally for fill - the world, and the German leaders, half mournfully, half jocularly, at the Zeus the defender of the city;and the French cannon again brazed, and ing orders. both in Germany and in America, changes which the war is effecting in this reading is very possiblyright.; like ails oflid wall. and wounded lookedat fol -Considerable damage was caused have done their utmost to nate the capital, and especially in the cafes Garlands—Used in Asia Minor as to -;by a fire that broke out in the north this friend. Except for thepro-Ger- and eatinghouses. The first sign -Of th t 1 lowed I think no man ever saw be- I wing of Newton Park School Asn• at man propaganda, making quasi war upon our industries whilst threaten- ing civil war, if we went to war with How the Canadians have once more the Kaiser, public opinion in the done the Huns is told by officers re United States would have been druid- burning on leave to London. The Can- adians have long been top -dog in their ed; At no time have the American peo- conflict with the Germans and it the ple been hostile to the German people. flcant change was the bread card in- stead of bread ad lib. Then the table d'hote was suppressed then the limit day sn India. Gates— e which the apostles happened to!fore. High. explosive shells began, present occupied by the Newfound- nearbe, blowing into pieces the masses of dead land Regiment. and dying, ( Leith coo ers have gone on strike ation of hours, the "verbot" about 14. Apostles—Note this wider use "It seemed fiendish. I wondered p of fire word, without restriction to the for an increase of two cents per hour•, schnaps after 9 p.m., the fleshless that the French were so insatiate , The masters refuse to make any such days, the fatless days, the shrinkage twelve. Rent—A well-knowri and when, horror of horrors! I discover -1 concession, having granted two ad - of beer, the shrinkage potatoes, universal sign of grief and horror. I ed that the high -explosive shells were vances last year. the diminution of the sugar supply, 16. Like nature (margin): so read. guns,g i Mr. John Macartney, things—Pointing to the sacci- from Germanblasting the walls y, a well-known iso earnce of the of dead and dying that another line Girvan fisherman, died with startling said that in the trenches opposite ° At all times have we recognized their and, finally, the d pp men from North Americatherearo fine which would produce no effecttwice. p suddenness while seated in his chats. virtues as citizens and neighbors. We waiter. The dassic picture of this "futility"; of German troops might pass Deceased was a native of Girvan and along as many sentries as elsewhere have resented with proper emphasis Instead of 'klops" and "braten'the through!" along rho line, for the Cn ew' t are and spirit an organized intrusion fin- waiter is now handing bombs in the is the great description of the priests, Why should they not do it, when was in his Glst year. forever thinking of some now' thrill speed and directed from Berlin, which trenches; instead , of offering pro- °f Baal at their Warship in 1 Kings; these individuals belonged to the Following the precedent of last for their enemies. has subsidized American newspapers . found remarks on various comestibles 18x25-299. That passage also vividly' Stets? Not long ago, vsoe the story goes, the printed in the German language and he is discussing machine guns at the illustrates the contrasted thought of There is a classic story of one who, Canadians discovered that the Ger- 1 t loose among us a horde of secret front, And in his place is the wait- a living God, Who made, eta Paul reading of the happiness of a future 1 t •ally into the familiar s a ' 'nm ed into the crater of Ve- unex- e cess, Waitresses have been longknown apses nam t t , g mans had, in some way wholly service agents who defy our laws, dis- language of the Docalogue (Exod. 20. petted, tapped a Canadian trench taro the public order and flour our m Berlin, but they were mainly cert- saurus that he might the sooner en- operative Wholesale Society has telephone wire. A connection had dignity as a nabion and a people. fined to establishments which sported be11 quotedt f oorttthhe e swoame rds nt joy it After the story of Verdun been authorized to erect a preserve n been made which led to the German "Concurrent with these offences a a red or a blue light over their door,greateven the hyphenated American might factory and other extensions at Leith, trenches, Thus the Germans were campaign of frightfulness has been establishments which were not visited of the 'Persian Kings on the Behia- be excused for hesitating to jump at a cost of $125,000. able to hear all of the orders passing tun Rock: many heathens" had a into the crater of pro -Germanism in Provost Rexton has recently des - on the telephone in that vicinity. pursued at sea in contravention alike theladies. In more reputable places complete doctrine of God as Creator. patched to. Peterhead for the 6th 1 of consterna- of humanity.and trbaty obligations, the waitress did not make her tipe To this germinal knowledge Paul. order to bring about in this country Gordon Highlanders, 200 pairs of There was a good dee o a campaign undiscriminating, unre-once, for the simple reason that the true missionary,' a government where the citizen "be socks that have been knitted by the tion when, the testing of'the: linlenting and barbarous; beneath: whose average Berliner never knew how to makes his appeal—alongs to the Stare." showed that it had. been tapped andhelpless d •conduct himself towards a respectable instinctively starting from the truth ladies of Ellen and district, the first impulse was to cut the Ger- ever, Now gal Trooper Robert Stilton, Scottish man wire. A Canadian colonel, how -d d—and But war has nt last compelled her 1G. I g Horse, is the first Alyth man to win ever, had a better notion. He took the D.C.M. Information of the honor the matter up with headquarters and woe be the consequence to that Ger app ld h been on the he has gained has just been received laid a deep plot to profit by the kir- y h t stay After y by his parents at Alyth. cumstance. not; that hesitate Pte. G. Wilson, 1st Highland L.I. Canadians h is not the waitress a purely Germanic marginal Gentiles is bet,er, far the There i f t' y f d 1 formerly Edinburgh news , At a certain point, the• Cana t fi lib institution? Was tt not one of the woad normally had finished a mine under the Ger f h Midlothian h a l Ger- man trenches. Its explosion was de- ferred, Then the Canadians arranged year, the Scottish agricultural grant has been reduced by $875,000, the sum formerly voted for the develop- ment of small holdings. The directors of the Scottish Co - sprinkle them with half a cup of flour and add to mixture. Frost with a croft chocolate icing. Cherry Pudding.—Beat one egg with is third of a cup of sugar. Add a f ilk ' hi h fourth of tween two crusts. Dressing for Cold Claw.—Whip a cup of sour cream till stiff, then add half a cup of vinegar, ,slowly, half a cup. of sugar, and salt to' taste. parte. Hermits.—Boat ono,ogg and add a cup of sugar creamed with n half cup of butter, Then add half a cup of "Supt a 'little. Their cat invited Ont' cat over to a mesicale last night." ter, Our idea of, true faith is that of soda cement, a teaspoonful of soda, two man who advertise§ for the return of tablospooni'ull of molasses, . Beide te-a lost umbrella. cruel sway our citizens, an that these people did know, unarmed, have been slaughtered. nn the generations gone by— we' demand --nay we nommen escapee at decent establishments, Had he been able to complete his ar- Hoa Wives May Cure Grumbling Many—to those Germans that heed and according to the Ta to heed; that fancy, as come• o is naburall much talk in as the foolish Mexicansotflfancy, thatexcludes the Jews,and war -time o rations andfood supp y, an • the Gringoes will not g minor duties of Wotan's daughters, Paul certainly did not regard bis own and the possibility or probability o ns arrivedata Deni a . Germany's Only Chance. the Valkyries, to offer the drinking people as having .been left to the light starving out one or other of the bells- He was awarded the V.C. for killing "Yet the solution. were so easy if horns to the heroes of Valhalla? They of nature. They were for him a gerents. But it is amazing what peo- i seven Germans and capturing a gun. the Kaiser—could are therefore in place when they servo missionary nation, trained to take plc will eat ata pinch. I At the niers' conference at Dal - the Kaiser—evensthe Berliners with the national beverage. God's truth to the world. I A recent Arctic explorer seriously � keith, it was stated that a greater only see opportunity, It is such an as Na Diems was of- But it is not a jovial crowd, they serve 17. Note the instinct by which advised the wearing of skin clothing output of coal had been secured dur- fe opportunity by p and th4 tables seldom dissolve in Paul goes straight to the one con -I in preference to woollen, simply and i ing the last two months in twenty fared by Metternich, as Jefferson Lothian collieries than since the war tral fact of religion which can be re-, solely because, if the worst came to began. ♦'-- alized from "natural theology'; the the worst, one's outfit could be stewed ; At a recent meeting in Glasgow of fact that God is good. Ile does not' for a meal, or at any rate given to the ' the Clyde Lighthouse Trust, it was suggest that the Lystrans might dogs! 1stated that it was decided to lay up have learnt marc from 'tire bounties) Well, when a man finds enjoyment the dredging plant, consequent on of nature. What they had actually. and a sort of inward satisfacbion in a the men refusing to continue work un - inferred was the divinity of the sky stew made of his vest, his shoelaces, i less granted an increase of wages. "Zeus" , which gave the rain and the and his sledge -gear, he must be pretty I Edinburgh Town Council have plants that produced fruit. Hearts "peckish," and when he gets back to , agreed to offer the freedom of the —Used as in 1 Sam. 26. 86, where civilization he will make a model bus- ' city to Bir. Hughes, the Australian — DESPERATE DIET. gablatt, she gument, it won have Husbands. aII he sa s lines of Acte 17. 30. Nations—The Davis was offered by Abraham Lin- coln. America is not the enemy of Germany, America is the friend of England. The true American hates no land and no people, loving none, except iris own. The Kaiser could ask the interven- tion of the United States and. make proposals so reasonable that the United States could compel a parley and in the end bring the War to a close without the annihilation of the Ger- man fabric. "Belgiurn must be put where Bel- gium wee. Alsace-Lorraine must be returned to France. Short of these acts of reparation there can be no lasting peace and should be no peace at all. Further details as to 'Poland and 'Serbia may be left to a congress or the Powers, Finally, universal disarmament, the four kingdoms composing the German Empire to determine their future as they please; no further war indemnity for Germany to pay; the United Statee, potent and rich, to stand by the Ger- Irian people and Gorman industries; to furnish them the credit and the ntcnoy, their tee° friend. • "The alternative to this is massacre and ruin; mere massacre and more rrrirr; and last scene of all, minihila- laughter. No Kick Coming. Mabel—So you asked papa for my hand? Did he give you any encour- agement? Arthur -Well, no; but he gave me a drink and a cigar, so I had no kick coming, Experienced, Suitor—What makes you think, sir, that I will. not be able to support your daughter? Her Father—The difficulty I have had in doing it myself. Safely Wounded. Mr, S. S, Kensington We have such good news from the front! Dear Charles is safely wounded at last. "Is ho rich enough to keep an auto- mobile and a yacht?" "'Yes. I e is oven richer than that. He keeps a lawyer." "What is the difference between lightning and eleetricity7" a school- boy Was asked one day. "Well, you don't have to pay for lightning)" he replied!. there is the same combination with band, never likely to turn up hie nose food nerd gladness. The last word,i at cold mutton on washing -days, euphrosyee, is personified in Milton'st The Bishop of Yukon thinks nothing L'Ailegro, and rendered as "hearts' of eating his boobs, He had probably cheer"—so the verb in Luke 15. 28. I declared he waseroedy for that opera - 19. Persuaded—The fickleness of i tion many a time when he was a boy, these "Galatians"—they lived within but he has actually done it since he the Rennin province of Galatia, and In' cane to man's estate—in his case, the spite oI, all hot disputes to the cosy- great goltl•freld of arctic Alaska. trary are best regarded as among the addresses of the Epistle—is well illus. trat d, by, Paul's distress at their "so quickly changing to a different os- an ,/.solation cure of three months, el" Gal, 1. 6). Stoned—Seep Cor, which he is passing in bed. 1]e sees p2S - e n111 reasonably assume nobody exoept one servant and every 1i• O• y one roust take pa,ius not to nrnke my that a stone left a permanent SCSI' on rt0ise in Mie hoose, Ile raeelves no hie Pace, to which he alludes iii Gal• G. letters or commentcntiens with the 17. S!nce scars wore regtilarly noted outside world except through the news. for identification, go may further as- miners. some that this sear prompted Clau- --- -- ius Lysias to identify Paul with the Not all the things are done cl "ivattted" brigand (Arts 21. 28) whose by the fools! the, wise men contribute official description he had by heart, %their share, too. _e, Poet's Vacation, Edmund Rostand, the poet, is taking Premier, in recognition of his repre- sentative position and eminent pub- lic services. A motion to appoint a lady doctor to carry on the medical treatment of school children was defeated at a meeting of the Leith School Board, and it was decided to obtain the ser- vices of a practitioner, Ban oh Fortune -Telling, The military authorities of Berlin have placed a ban on fortune-telling, It appears that women and girls with husbands and sweethearts at the front have been mulcted by crystaigazers, palmists and card readers who claimed to be able to tell when the war would enc, whether men would be killed, lora au aria or a log, gain the leen Cross or salter other fetes.