HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-5-11, Page 7NG FOLKS A Birthday Town. FLAMES.One day, about three ,years ago, 'FROMDick and Dorothy paused at the rail- A "'lie Is All You Need. FROM Way crossing while on their way home Not exactly stele -but not feeling. --'". from downstreet. Old Uncle Hiram, quite well. That is the Way mostpeo- They Worked Daily Under hire and the gateman, whom everyone in Del- pre feel in the spring. Easily toed, ton knew and loved, was sitting at the appetite fickle, sometimes headaehee, Hid in Cellar During A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING Do Not Use harsh Purgatives - VERMINFIREP4E! 5 and a e1 a h t ru a ril ti t `oud of m 1 r h'a't D L HEROES methodically to look at the damage--- , spend two dollars for a meal' ARE RSA used to cities collapsing oveSethem, or- OSS y011tt FOdd' THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY; zr dust erose, They Wedded out dost YQu GO1id easily n the ten- , bort to keep mister cover unbii they body-building nutriment as these old ones, as nue cat's I le and not get as much real, lel' rench way anti cautioned Ilam- I REVAINED IN TOWN TO SAVE IT returned, By -and -bye they came back you get in two Shredded door of his little house' as they came and.a feeling of depression. Phnples Bombardment. along. or eruptions may appear on the skin, "14Iy," said Uncle Hiram, "what big or there may be twinges of rheuma- This is the story of the heroes of been killed. One expects courage o parcels for little folks tobe;carrying! " tlsm oi' neuralgia. Aity of these in- Verdun. It will not abound in detnih a soldier and of young men. 7 ell a Ick explained, W you D 1 Y P end threw off the shrapnel helmets Wheat Biscuits, the food that they wear in going about where the air may at a: moment fill with that contains all the muscle i cutting slivers • of white-hot metal,; making material in the whole and told Humbert what had happen -wheat grain prepared in a ed, and settled clown to wait for the digestible form. Two next shell. g these WheatBiscuits They need not have. served, the Shredded meh. Some of bhem, 1 am told, have with n-iilk or cream will make But France led, wo (Beate that the blood is out of order- Little is known as yet. These men were old. heat have been shopping, for the b!rt7,day that the indoor life of whiter has left knows that some old men lived there - Pak.' its mark upon you and may easily and died -as bravely as any men in - -- "What birthdayarty?" , asked develop into more serious trouble. all the history of Trance. BIRDS AND GLASS. Uncle Hiram as he looked 1 up ane If iDo not dose yourself with purga- - S Humbert told Senator um erthe s 1 ¢ P tory down the track. tives, as so many people do, in the when he returned to Paris from Ver- Sometimes Fly Through Windows of "The baby's," :spoke. up Dorothy hope that you can put your blood dun the other day. Because he is a Country Houses. "Our little Billy, you know. He's right. Purgatives gallop through the Senator be had been enabled to visit three to -morrow, and we're going to system and weaken instead of giving the beleaguered city. What he told has It has been frequently noticed that give hien the finest birthday party strength. • Any doctor will tell you been dovetailed in with what others no wild bird can understand the pro - that ever was." this is true. What you need in spring have heard. Little news has leaked perties of glass, and great numbers, "Yes," said Diels, "we have a lot of is a tonic that will make new blood through the military lines in the many l ranging in size from a pheasant to a toys, and there's res c to be a'big and build `up the nerves. Dr. Wil- weeks of the battle. In the intense titmouse, are killed by flying against frosted cake with three candles." 1•iams' Pink Pills is the only medicine interest felt by all in the major event the windows of country houses. "Think of that, now:" cried Uncle that can do this speedily, safely and the old men who merely lived on If a room, possesses a large mirror Hiram, slapping, his knee. "It makes surely. Every dose of this medicine there, doing their duty, were forgot- reflecting the view seen through an me wish I could have a birthday makes new blood, which clears the ten. open window birds are particularly party myself." skin, strengthens the appetite and The heroes -the real heroes -of liable to be deceived, and especially if "Why can't you have one?" asked makes tired, depressed, men, women Verdun are the town firemen, Two frightened, into thinking that they Dorothy, -"Eveayone in town would and children bright, active and strong• civilians have figured in previous can fly through it. love to eomo,'I know." L. R. Whitman, Harmony Mflls, N.S„ stories. It is .not positively known Sparrow hawks will sometimes "Yes," added Dick. "of course every- says: "As a tonic and strength build- how this pair managed to remain be- chase their intendedvictims into o a one would. .Don't old folks -I mean, er I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills hind when every other man and wo strange places Some years ag don't grown-up folks have birthdays?" wonderful. My whole system was man and child was forced by the sol-: member of this species pursued "Oh, yes, we old folks have lots of badly run down, and although I faith- diers to flee from the rain of Ger-email bird through' the open window birthdays,' chuckled Uncle Hiram. fully took a tonic given me by my man shells. One of them has some of a railway carriage in motion. In "We have them mach more often doctor I could note no improvement. ill-defined occupation which has been its blinded determination to secure the than you young folks, too; but some- Then T began De. Williams' Pink Pills, recognized by -the soldiers. The other panting fugitive it entangled its once owned a home in' Verdun. When claws in the meshes of the hat rack parties:' health. I can most heartily endorse visitors come to 'the city now he and was ignominiously slain by an as - how we get out of the habit of having and was soon restored to my old time "That's too bad," said Dorothy. this medicine." welts, smiling, g "What fun you miss! Now, if you Sold by all medicine dealers or. by will just tell us when your next birth,- mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for day comes, we'll plan a real party for $2.50+from The Dr. Williams' Medi-. you." eine Co., Brockville, Ont. Uncle Hiram did not laugh this time, 3- but looked down hard at the bright' LONDON PRICES SOARING. ..- eyes raised to his. - "I can think of something better Necessities Show Rise During War of than that," he said at last, "Do you .,15 to 50 Per cent. know Aunt Lizzie Wheeler, who lives While a very great deal has been almost out to the North Road school- heard of the enormous , rise in the house with only a housekeeper for price of food and other .necessaries i as though in propitia- tion, until he can gain their attention. "Come with me," he begs. So the visitors go with him. By - and -bye they come to the shattered wall, which is all that remains of what was once a handsome house. The man who once owned it stands on the pile of stone which mark what was once a doorway, and beckons to the visitor's. "Come in," he says. "I bid you welcome, This is my home." company? Well, she will be eightythat has taken place in Germany and But the civilians, homehow, have years old next Monday. She has been other enemy countries little attention not the appeal to me that the old too lame for years to get out of the, has been paid to the very great in- firemen have. When the war began house. If you wanq to make an old crease in the cost of living in Lon- the younger men of the Fire Depart - person .ha don, England. ppy with a' birthday party, The following list of prices has been ment were mobilized. Some were jnst take her up some flowers or a i specially compiled in a locality where not needed then, but as months pass - rake, or any little thing, to show her: the population is thick and the com- ed by they found their way into the Grand Narrows, Victoria Co., N.S., Etat some one remembers and cares.", petition especially keen. Even a cur- army. Manifestly the town could "We'll do. it!" cried Dorothy. "And! sory glance at them shows that every- not be left without protection from' May 1st. -(Special.) -That Dodd's T know that Bessie Fuller and her! day necessities like bread, onions, fire- fire. So men who had served in for Kidney Pills will cure kidney disease brother Joe and Madge Bowman, wood, coal, cheese, milk, soda, soap, mer years in the Fire Department m its ofors foul derickis rdenced by ld,the h ge and matches all show an increase of case lnd Ted Rust and a lot of others will' and had been superannuated volar- go an with us " from 15 to'50 per cent.: Pre- Pre -I tee's. their services. Little by little estimable resident of this place. Mrs. old men joined, until at last there McDonald suffered from diabetes for were enough for a full company. two years, and found her first relief in Then the Germans attacked Verdun. Dodd's Kidney Pills. • "I am sure I would be in my grave Old Firemen Remained. to -day but for Dodd's Kidney Pills; tonished passenger with an umbrella., She Did Not Reed the Danger Signals BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUR- ED HER DIABETES. Mrs. McDonald Might Have Saved Herself Months of Pain, Sleepless- ness and Anxiety by Using Dodd's Kidney Pills Earlier. Then she and Dick hurried home, so war sent full of the idea of a birthday surprise Article price price for Aunt Lizzie Wheeler that they Firewood, 6 bundles $ .06 $ .09 .alrnost forgot the morrow's party for Onions, 4 pounds .06 08 08 *,14 little Billy. Ale, q That was how it began. Dick and Whiskey, bottle I)oreil'1y and a dozen of their young Flour 2 pounds friends promptly formed a sort of Bread, loaf Coal, cwt, . birthday club, and their parents have Gas, 1,000 cubic feet gladly helped them in their plans. Gas mantles, each Uncle Hiram seems to know, or to, Bacon, pound have ways of finding out, every time MeatChees(flank), flaurid pound any old person or sick person in the , p village is going to have a birthday, Bulk, rquart ound and no one can measure the hapPi- Tea, pound ness of the bright days that the birth- Sugar emoist), pound day club has brought into the lives of Jam, 2 pounds such persons in the past three years. Currants, pound That is how Belton came to be known es "a birthday town." NEW BURGLAR ALARM. Bow You May Scare a Hold-up Man Out of His Wite. "Hands upl" Bang! Ding! Dong! Dong-ong-ong! Bang! 'This -is the; principle of a new bur- glar alarm devised by an inventor to rout bank robbers and holdup 'men. It's all a little, inconspicuous box holding a small fire gong and five 38 - caliber. cartridges. Mr. Robber comes into the store or hank. Hands go up .all around, but kites: somebody leans against n desk or "My wife was a victim of nervous- steps on a loose board and the noise ness, weak stomach and loss of appe- bombardment lets loose. The cart- tits for years, and although we ye - Prunes, pound Minerals, bottle Cotton, reel Soda (washing),•4 pounds Soap, pound Matches, dozen boxes *Per pound. EXPERIMENTS. Teach Things of Value. Where one has never made the ex- periment of leaving off tea or coffee and drinking Postum, it is still easy to learn something about it by reading the experiences of others. Drinking Postum is a pleasant way out of tea or coffee troubles. A man .84 1.80 .05 .09 .05 .09 .28 .44 The civilians -man, woman and Mrs. McDonald states. "The doctor child -were ordered out. The old fire- attended me for five months for dia- men would not go. They were in the hetes, bub I was worse when I stopped service of the State just as much as taking his medicine than when I start- ed. I could not get a wink of sleep. "As soon as I started taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I fell in a solid sleep for one hour, and soon I got so that I could sleep fine. "Dodd's Kidney Pills have done so much for me that I feel like recom- mending them to everybody." Mrs. McDonald states that her ear- lier symptoms were shortness of breath, dizziness, backache and a bit- ter taste in her mouth in the morn- ing. All these are symptoms of kid- ney trouble -danger signals that no one can afford to neglect. Had site heeded them and taken Dodd's Kidney Pills she would have saved herself moiiths of pain and anxiety. .60 .72 anyman who festers in a trench or .04 , .081 runs forward cheering against the white flashes of the mitrailleuse. Most of them had sons at the front. Some had lost sons in the war. Life was as sweet to these old men as it is to any inan in the security of Paris. But they stayed. Their duty lay plain .11 .17 .16' .24 .26 .88 .07 .10 .86 .56 .20 .08 .2° before them. It was to guard the boron .08 .101! There are gendarmes there, it is 06 06!true. They see to it that no one .04 .08 touches, property in Verdun that be - .06 .09 longs to another. Every window is .08` .07 closed and shuttered, and every door is locked. Now and then a 380 shell comes hurtling through the air with that gurgling scream it favors- sounds somehow like a locomotive being strangled to death in a tunnel- and falls upon a house. Then that house ceases to be. The gendarmes walk to the scene in their theatric blue capes and caps, or bicycle .to it if the street approach is sufficiently free of massses of stone and brick. They solemnly write out their re- port, that in some future time the city archives shall bear witness to the fact that on a day of February, 1916, Alphonse Picot's home was de- stroyed by a German shall. Always they find the old firemen there, The gendarmes aro not presss ed for time, you comprehend, If they do not make their report to -day, then it may well be made to -morrow. But the old firemen mush hurry. Fire is fire to "them, an enemy to be fought ridges are fvecl at intervals of • ten seconds. Any member of small wires lead from the bandit alarm with push but- ton terminals. The buttons are con- cealed beneath a rug under a window for the house thief or behind a panel or back of a drawer in 0 desk in a store or office. The robber steps en the rug or the merchant leans against the false drawee'. Noise is infinitely more am noying to him than bullets, so he may well wish himself in a Verdun trench when the alarm is released. ?'ho principle of the alarm is psy- chological], It is a\yell-known scien- tiiic fact that a robber, keyed up to a high nerve tension, is thrown off his mental balance by any unusual hap-. peeing. This is true of the house- hold robber and doubly true of the holdup man, who conducts his cam- paigns of "crane face to face with his victim, 10 your home the discharge of five shots and the ringing of an alarm bell would send the robber helter- skelter for cover. He would flee igno- miniously-any place to get away from the dreaded noise. Should he hold up a bank, however, and in the midst of his robbery hear the shots and the bell it is extremely. likely that he would be paralyzed with fent and stand rooted to the spot, for e a moment at least That would be time enough, for the bank officials, who habitually are armed to draw their own weapons and made the rob- ber surrender. l.,:u1s ,Must be feminine because it is Pe emairtain. sorted to numerous methods for re- lief, one of, which was a change from coffee to teq, it was all to no pur- pose." (Both tea and coffee are in- .furious to many persons, because they contain the subtle, poisonous drug, caffeine.) "We knew coffee was causing the trouble, but could not find anything to take its place until we tried Pos- tum. Within two weeks after -"she quit coffee and began using Postum almost all of her troubles had disap- peared as if by magic. It was truly wonderful Her nervousness was gone, stomach trouble relieved, appetite im- proved, and, above all, a night's rest was complete and refreshing. "This sounds like an exaggeration, as it all happened so quickly, Each day there was improvement, for the Postum was undoubtedly strengthen- ing hdr. Every particle of this good work was due to drinking Postum in place of coffee." Name given by Canadian Postum Co„ Windsor, Ont. Postum Comes in two f ormst Postum Cereal-theoriginal ' form - must be well boile. 15c, and 25e, pkgs. Instant Pos}r'um-a soluble powder - dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa- ter and, with cream and sugar, mases a delicious beverage instantly. 30c. and 50c, tins, Both forms are equally delicious and cost about the same pet cup. "There's a Reason" for Postum, p --sek1 by Cirocers, ed they were, as though they 'were after the war. a complete, perfect meal at a cost of not over five for young- sters cents. A food Y g sters and grown-ups. Eat it for breakfast with milk or cream; eat it for luncheon with fresh berries or other. fruits; a perfect meal for the Spring days. We live merely on the crust or rind of things,-Froude• fellows who have no tongues are often all eyes and ears.--Iialiburton• All philosophylies in two words - "sustain" and 'bstain."-Epictetns. Many delight mere in giving of pre- sents` than in paying off debts. -Sir Philip Sydney, Moderation is the silken string rum ning through the pearl chain of all virtues, -Fuller, People. do not talk for the sake of u maim opinions, b t 4o sin expressing', an opinion for the sake of talking.- Ilazht. Good intentions do not pave the road to hell; they are the stepping - s i v r now and stone. t t lift me l e o _hell; Y i com lot Ilfe t i o n a hen nut of the n re t dth 1 fi uc erose. 'Thor age few of us that are not father ashamed of our sins and follies as }ve look out on the'blessed morning sunlight, which comes to us like a tiright-winged mlgei beckoning us to quit the old path of vanity that stretches its dreary length behind us, Made in Canada. -George Eliot. NOTHING TO EQUAL BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Lawrence M. Brown, Walton, N.S„ writes "I have used - Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years, and believe there is nothing to equal them for little ones. They instantly banish constipation and teething trou- bles, and, unlike any other medicine I have used, they are pleasant to take and do not gripe the baby." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The A film version of "Tom Brown's Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - Schooldays" has been prepared and ville, Ont. Brock - will shortly be presented in London. "Potato bread" is to be introduced One or the Other. • don Board of Guardians as a war Pat -iris, sorr, work is sauce, but economy. Oi a 'ob last that brought A motion in favor of disallowing me five dollars. Sunday cinematograph entertain Mr. Smith -What; You broke the ments has been defeated by the Lon- Sabbath? don County Council, Pat (apologetically) -Well, sore, 'twos wan av us had t' be broke! an oro is lope 0r everyone save he who clitnhe on them no more, -J', F B 1 PERMANENT BAN ON RUM. Bill Has Been, Introduced Into the Russian Duma. A bill has been introduced into the Russian Duma to put into effect the government's promise that the war prohibition of alcoholic drinks shall continue in force after the war. The bill, as summarized by the Novoe Vremya, provides:-- "It rovides:- "It is forbidden to produce alcohol for the 'purposes of manpfacture of vodka. Equally prohibited is the import of alcohol :from foreign coun- tries and from the Grand Duchy of Finland. The production of alcohol by private institutions and persons, either for sale or for their own con - sum Mon or for household imposes, whether it has it9 origin in a stuffed is also prohibited. flue or is carried over fifteen kilo- i The production of alcohol for tech - metres by a German gun. The prop -laical or medical purposes is to be erty of their townsmen must be carried on by the government directly saved. They fight the flames wher- or through contractors. The govern- nrent has the sole right to sell spirits ever they spring up and save what for these purposes. property they can, and in their turn "The sale of light wines is only al - make their report. Then they go lowed in towns. In provinces and back to the cellar that serves them districts which grow grapes the sale for headquarters. and wait for the next alarm. Few Fires in Verdin. NEWS FROMENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Commer- sial World. Oddly enough, there have been very few fires in Verdun. A French town is solidly .built, for one thing. The roofs are tile and the walls are stone and the floors are hardwood that would hardly burn until it had been lit with an axe. Also a descend- ing shellproduces such a havoc of t flame n Incipient flame may mortar any P be quenched hi the stifling dust. But the old firemen do their duty as they see it. Sometimes they trundle an old hand apparat(ts througtthe oho ed urket and a alt els, 1;Ylore often a we cloth Will serve the nhontent's nee, 1 IiUmbert found the old i1len crouch- ing i their cellar, Perfectly composed of wine -not on draug lt-is allowed. The limit of alcohol for different kltlds of wines is to be fixed by the government. "The sale of Leer is allowed only 111 towns, The government is also to fix for beer the limit of alcohol. Town councils have the right to isaue regu- lations limiting, or prohibiting alto- gether the sale of beer or light wines," The government's position in the natter was thus outlined by Mr. Bark Minister of Finance; in ills budget speech.- Aniong the factors which have ]helped to keep our budget hal- impossible to overestimate n It i int b 0 a a new factor In the econ011110 life of the , ow our. country -the total abstinence fp`pm alcoholic drinks, The success cif this measure, which cannot be com- pletelV realized, is snob that I am bound to state most emphatically. that the prohibition is trot to he.abolishedr in the local workhouse by the Cloy - f LETT &AMPANV SIM ",NNippp AONTO, oraap ,'„ ipThe best 1 yeast in the world. �Makes iB t, perfect �0i t , breed. �y MADE °ht IN !t CA,ADA N �IBo► E ILLET ` COMPANY LIMITED ��( we rMP rTORONTO,ONT. OR N Eo M ONTREA L WINNIPEG II i!� iI Visible and Strong, "Goodness!" exclaimed a gentle- man coming into a restaurant, and even then holding on to his hat from habit because of the gale blowing out- side. "I never' saw such a wind in my life.' , "Never saw such a wind?" said an- 1 an- other. "What a stupid remark! Who • ever saw a wind? Pray what is it , like?' "Like," replied the first speaker; "like to have blown my het off." Lek for Minard'a and. take no other Simple. "Those twin boy$ of yours are so much alike that I don't see how you can tell them apart." "That's easy enough. When they're on their good behavior they answer to their own names, and when they've been in mischief each one answers to the name of the other." 3, gotd SundaySEED POTATOES Work on London's new reservoir near Staines, has been stopped by the Ministry of Munitions which wants the plant and labor. At the Parkhurst Convict Prison, Isle of Wight, convalescent convicts in the infirmary are knitting woolen Minard's Liniment Lambermaa'e Priead tr Idle Tears. scarves for soldiers. , Y ' n1usband ain' killed, Mrs, The Northumberland coal owners Marks. No sooner did I put all the, have renewed their offer to give kids in mournm, even to Biby in the miners an advance in .wages in lieu Pham, when I gets a telegram a say - of free houses and coal. in' 'e's alive and well. Yes, an' all The British Board of Agriculture this expense for nothin'." has announced that 12,000 to 14,000 "Wot a creel shame!" women have gone to work on the land since the outbreak of the war. The ladies' committee of the Nor- folk War Agriculture Committee have secured remise from over er 3 000 wo- men to work on the land when called on p The War Office has asked the Metropolitan Asylum Board to pro- vide another hospital with 800 - or more beds for wounded soldiers. The death has taken place at New- ton Abbot, Devon, of Lady Baker, widow of Sir Samuel White Baker, the Central African explorer who stied in 1893. During February the supplies of fish at Billingsgate market amounted to 9,516 tons. In the corresponding month last year 12,473 tons were re- be intimation has been 'seely Gt ANGER TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., Minard's Liniment Co., Limited: Dear Sirs, -Your MINARD'S LINI- MENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and cure promptly. CHAS. WHOOTEN. Port Mul.grave. (sue Ei9D POTATOES, IRISH COB- 1� biers, Deleware, Carman. Or- der at onao. Supply limited. Write for quotations. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. POR sATE. ��n(� ACRES, NICE HOME, BRICK e)lJ' house. 2 barns, all cultivated, just outside City, Dover Township. John liachclilor, Chatham, Ont, KJQ� EWING MACHINE SUPPLIES -1e Superior Needles 26c, Shuttles 75c, Bobbins 5c, Belts 20e, for any Machina Superior Supplies Co„ Hamilton, Ont. HELP WANTED. 111RST-CLASS COATBI'AIKER - i Steady job to good man. }Patters and Bodell, Pembroke, Ont. I)Ox RIPPERS WANTED IMME- D diatelr. good wages for good men. Flrstbrook Bros., Penetang, Ont. rCI31 NIST,, FITTERS, TOOL- dJI makers, handy men, also operatet•s experienced on shells. -Phone, wire, or write. 13. Bell & Son Company, Ltd., St. George, Ont. NEWSPAPEBS FOB SALE, 5. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application 73oWest o Adelaide lson Streets Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES WAN'TE'D TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at hone, whole or spare time, good pay work sent any dis- id Send stamp for lance. Charge pa So Silly of Them! particulars. National. Manufacturing Asa train was etting up steam company, Montreal. Official- to leave a certain station, it sudden - ed that Warwick Prison will shortly internal and external, oared with. ed closed owing to the large decrease ly parted in the middle. Of course, ustbefo a too late c Dr tT3iiman'Ma Write of prisoners and the pressing need of the communication cord broke and Co., Ltmltea, Couingwood, ort. one end of it shuck an old lady, who was standing on the platform, in the face. "Goodness me.!" she gasped in astonishment. "What was that?'" "Tho train has broken in two, ma dam.' :aid a gentleman who stood' near by. "And I should just think so!" saidI the old lady indignantly, as she eyed the broken cord. "Did they really; think that a piece of string like that could hold a train together?" economy. Mrs. Pleasant Lowman, who has died at Eversley, Hants, aged 82, de- livered letters daily in the scattered districts of Bramshill and Eversley for 42 years. Hundreds of shopkeepers in Man- chester and suburbs, owing to the lighting restrictions, are to close be- fore iris necessary to light up, except- ing on Fridays and Saturdays. Erected at a cost of nearly $250,000, delay is being experienced in starting a new spinning mill and a ne}v weav- ing hill at Walkden, near Manches- ter, owing to the scarcity of labor. The death has occurred of the Rev. T. Bustin, 50 years Congregational minister of Long Bihelcly, Rugby, who had been congratulated by the King on having six soldier sons, one of whom was recently awarded a com-I mission. Mr. William E. Cain, chairman of the Mersey Brewery, Liverpool, has offered to tile- Government his resi- dence, Wilton Grange, West Kirby, Cheshire, as a home for totally and permanently disabled soldiers. It was built only a few years ago at a cost of $125,000. f ---- Putting Him Wise. Traveller -How's your train ser- vice here? Small Town Native -Wal, they ad- Suddenly the razor slipped, mak-' vertiso one train a day, but you and ing a great gash in the man's face, ire know them advertisements exage and he sprang to his feet with a yell Beratel of pain and anger. , "Shut up, man! said the barber, holding up his hand. "I've cut my thumb!" Seep Minard's Liniment in the /tense S0 'Granulated Eyelids. Eyes inflamed by expo- eure to Sun, Dust and Wind � quellemekly elievedSmby rti Murine yeRemedy.NoBnrarting, lust Eye Comfort, At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye SalveinTubea25c.ForpookellheEysfreeask Druggists or Marine EyellemedyCa.,Chicago What Angered the Barber. Aman entered a barber shop for, the purpose of being shaved, As he', was somewhat hollow -checked, thel barber, as is the custom in some! country dirtriets put his thumb in the customer's mouth, in order to press out the cheek, America's Pioneer Dog Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author II. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31st Street, New York HAVE YOU A OH SORE? 11 so, remember these facts --Zana [rule is by far the most widely used balm in Canada! Why has it become' so popular? Because it heals sores, cures skin diseases, and does what is claimed for it. Why not let it heal your sore? Reinember that 'Lam-Buk Is alto• gather different to the ordinary oint• meats. Moet of these consist of animal tats, Zam-Buk contains no trace of any animal fat, or any mineral matter. it is absolutely herbal. Remember that Zain-Buk is at the sante time healing, soothing, and antiseptic. Kilia -poison instantly, and all harmful germs. It is suitable alike ror recent !njuries and diseases, and, for chronic sores, -ulcers, etc, 'Deet how different and superior Zam-Buk really Is All druggists and stores at 8Oc, box. Use also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieves emmbnrn and prevents freckles, Lost for baby's bath, 25e. tablet. His Verdict. "How did you come nut with your lawsuit?" "I `von it." "Get damages?" "Sure! I got almost enough to pay my 111wyee." How Changed. "Before we were married he bought me a box of candy every time he call- ed." "And now?" "He gives ole a. call every time 1 buy a box of candy," ?Riaarcise Lininteat c:rea Uy Physlolaan. Money is a man's beat friend, yet it. is ahvays .trying to get away frog` him. SELF hl SEE a big knee like this, but your horse may have a bunch or bruise on his ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat. will clean it off without laying up the horse. No blister, no hart ells a few Concentratcil-only f w drops required at an application. $2 per bottle delivered. Describe your came for special instructions and Book 8 M free. A13SORBINIs, JR., the anti. septic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellinee. Enlarged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veins, allays Pain and inflammation. Price 51 and $7. a bottle at druceita, or delivered. Made In the u. B. A. by W. F.105118, P. 0. F„ 818 Lymans Bldg., Moans!, Gan, 8bsorbine and Absorbine, dr„ are made In Canada., SPECIALLY MADE FARM FOOTWEAR - IDaLIVEREO TO YOU $32 Hero ie a light weight, durable and comfortable Working shoo siseholli' suitable for fanners, s, woodsmen, ini11• Melt, track111e11 laborer's --ail who re- quire 05 Mt strong, Cosy footwear for working ill.. We 'rake them of the splendid o11 -tanned Skowhegan water- proofed leatherthathas made Palmer's "Moose Head Brand" fatuous eor almost forty retire. No need le suffer with tired, sore, w}oh- ing, burning fent, Gnat n pair of Olean and and ease and comfort. If 'your names, doesn'tcam), i13. them, nc1n Send sW111 ship ddu a pair, all charges , pale,to any address I) rentals el V, S, peso mit `stating size) by postal or express order. Samn sl vie 50 drown, 8 eye- lets high. $3.78.}i.•rtte for our catalo la r }1 ]'lilt �� it U'atfl,;; ,nu ,urnntn it 75111n1 footwear. 200504 PAxacant CO, Limited. rrederieton, -N. i3., Canada,'.' 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