HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-5-4, Page 8•
NEW awnings have been placed et A.
11 I(1 IV.. 9 Strechan's and Robt, Ferguson's stores.
I�' �' ; ,. Paper Bxussees has now additional means of commnuioation with Toronto as the Bell
'I'1 ��f'.m `�� r, Telephone Company has put up another
v�/ line,This should facilitate bnsineasand
cut cut 'Line busy-"
This is the busy time in this depart- willA'r'raN'rs
meat, and really we no not remem- Aneurysm; probably be given to
bey when the: papers have been as ' '1`unrberry Street SDuth in the WO of
pretty as this season.
ROOM. -There is nothing more suit-
able than the Oatmeal Papers, or
something a little d fferent is found'
in the Stippled Oatmeals. Along
with the new ready cut-out borders
to match, they make a decoration
you are sure to like.
FOR BEDROOMS- Chintz Papers -
We have these all over pattern pap-
ers to match the uew Chintz Cur-
tains, &c„ you may have gotten. Al-
so Plaits Stripes and Dotted Patterns
with saucy cat -out borders.
KITCHEN PAPERS -And also many
patterns very suitable for other
rooms at from 6c to Jac per roll,
Vest Pocket
Autographic Kodak
So small, compact and unobtrusive that
he can have it whit him always ready for
the unexpected picture opportunity that
always happens,
Right as a watch it may be carried
just as conveniently.
Developing and Printing
for Amateurs.
the ri ,Store F. R . SMITH
rnxa1 i C133S tea s
BRUSSELS market leads.
THE straw bat has arrived,
READ May weather forecast on page 4.
Seaool. Board Friday evening of next
$11,00 was paid an Brussels market
for hogs last week.
WRoornNG coughand mumps are still
on the kiddies program.
ADDITIONAL Local and District news
on pages 4 and 5. See it,
Forlx'rsr Division Court was held
Wednesday before Judge Holt.
A. Y. P. A. Egg Social Friday even-
ing of this week. Admission one dozen
fresh eggs.
AN additional quire has been added
to the output of THE Pos'r this week,
Advertisers should take notice.
OwiNn to the large recruiting advt. a
number of Local and District matters
are c•owdecl out, The Temple of Fame
report among them. Watcb for them
next issue.
TRE Rinke -Persons having skates,
curling stones or other property at the
Skating Rink are asked to kindly re-
move the same Saturday evening of
this week, 7 to 8 o'clock,
I, 0. 0. F. ,SERVICE. -The 97th an-
niversary of Canadian Odd Fellowship
was observed last Sunday evening when
some 3o members of Western Star
Lodge, No. 149, Brussels, attended ser•
vice its St. John's Church, with Bro. W.
A. Grewar as Marshal. Rev. R, E.
Page preached a very suitable discourse
from Romans lztb chapter and loth
verse, "Be kindly affectioned one to
another with brotherly love, in honor
referri❑ oee another."
p gTheduty,
of helpfulness and brotherliness were
practically exemplified. J. G. lones
sang a choice solo. A vote of thanks
was passed to Rector, choir and church
officials on returning to the Lodge
S. CARTER has disposed of his team
of fancy roadsters to Jno. Carter, Sea -
forth, at a good figure,
PRIVATE FUNDS, -Several parties have
placed various sums of money in the
hands of THE POST for investment on
first Mortgage on farm lands security.
It you require funds as above stated
enquire at THE POST for further par-
PASTURAGE for cattle to let. Phone 9015.
10 URA» of young cattle for sale, MARX
CARDIFF, Grey Twp, Phone 928,
DUCK eggs for hatching. Large variety of
bird. Phone 555. W. J. SiARpit,
Just mo RAND -Oar ofagood seed Delaware
Potatoes, $e 10 a hag, also a car of Basin Slag
Fertilizer, at $20.00 per ton. Czar of Milverton
Flour at $3.00 per cwt. or 500 02 90.
ALF. BAEKEe, Brussels.
Mos SALls.-Corner lot directly North of G.
A. Deadman's. Apply to F. 5, Scott, Brussels.
READY TO ATTEND 00 Woax.-I nm prepared
to take all jobs of cleaning up yards and pre.
raises and removing refuse, Satisfaction
guaranteed and charges moderate. Ordere
left at my house, Albert Street, will receive
prompt attention. GILREitT TctroinEAn,
9 Donn grass cattle for sale. HAa4EY Don'
SON, Ethel.
FERTTLTEHR,-We can now ffii all orders for
lime. Let us hear from you. CARDIFF &
DAMES, Brltssela.
Reds, White Wyendoites, Barred Rocks $1,00
per setting, $2.50 for 50 eggs. R. THOMSON,
EOGs FOR HAmonnNo. - Single and Rose
Comb Brown Leghorn eggs for hatching.
Price 41.00 for setting of 15, A 1 stock.
W. S. Scott, Brussels. Phone 5x,
A 0000 house for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply at THE Poem.
most necessary improvement. It is
proposed to grade the roadway and put
on broken stone. The road was very
bad this Spring.
'I'ENNIs - An organization meeting
was held in Fox's Drug Store Friday
afternoon. The following officers were
elected ;- Hon, -Pres , Reeve Leckie ;
Pres , W. M. Sinclair ; Vice -Pres.. Miss
Isabel Strachan ; Sec.-Treas , F H,
Gilroy; Refreshment Committee; Miss-
es Pearl Booker, Jessie Cunningham,
Minerva Tones, Lovise Sinclair; Mana-
ging Committee, Pres., Sec„ Tames
Fox and B. S. Scott, Motion of ap-
preciation of the kindness of Reeve
Leckie in granting the use of his grounds
for tennis purposes was unanimously
carried. Meeting adjourned, Grounds
rolled Saturday and are in fine shape
for the season's games.
People We Talk About
H. R. and Mrs, Elliott were visiting
Seaforth friends,
Miss Richards, of Bayfield, is visiting
relatives in town.
Miss Eva Bryans is visiting with Tor-
onto relatives and friend,,
Mrs S Fear has been visiting with
relatives at Blyth and locality.
Miss Ruby Plum was visiting with
Toronto friends during the past week.
Mrs. A Hunter and Mrs. (Dr.) 1. M.
Moore have heeu visiting in Toronto.
Mrs. C Sheriff let' for Toronto this
week euroute to her home in Winnipeg.
Mrs George Edwards is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Harry Churchill, at Me-
Pte, C'eve, Denbow is in Ireland at
present, The rebels knew when 10
Mrs. (Rev ) A. J. Mann is attending
the Women's Missionary Convention at
London this week.
Rev. D. B. McRae, of Armow, was a
visitor in town while returning from the
Synod at Stratford. He bas many old
friends here.
Lieut. C. H. Herr, who was wounded
in the battle of St. Eloi. France, is now
in a hospital in England. We trust Ise
will make favorable progress.
Mrs. Dodds cud daughter, Paris,
were visitors with Mrs. A. McGuire last
week. Mrs. Rankiu, mother of both
ladies, returned with Mrs. Dodds for a
Jean, youngest daughter of Druggist
and Mrs. Fox, is not having very robust
health. We hope the treatment and
care being received will tend to speedy
restoration of phys cal vigor.
W. P. and Mrs. Bray have gone on a
pleasure trip to Colorado and California.
They took the Southerly route going
and will return by the Pacific Coast d
the Northwest, visiting relatives and old
friends en route. We wish them an
extra good time.
THE Poor is sorry to hear that Mrs,
Herbert Cunningham, Palmerston, is
Druggist Glen Armstrong, Toronto,
was home for a visit of a few days,
looking fine,
A. E, Hersey was called to Toronto
Tuesday, owing to the serious illness of
his mother, who suffered a stroke of
apoplexy She is'66 years of age.
Dr, McNaughton has been bothered 11 z OF CANADA
with something after the pattern of HAD Oit•FICE - TORONTO
neuritis toffs in one ie has limbs but is attend- SOLDIERS, ATTENTION!
ins his practice as usual He struck i� � �
his leg against the step of a buggy
some ime a Our SavingsBa
s t gena t this was probably the �( nl; provides a snItable and
initial eanse. We hope the trouble will convenient place for your surplus Funds.
soon disappear. A joint
Roy, eldest son of Peter and Mrs. r� account is specially ad apted for
Stewart, Bressets, left last Monday for those going overseas.
Maidstone, Sask. where he will assist awe 'n laTi Apply to
his uncle, A. F. Stewart, in farming
operations for the coming season. He
is taking advantage of the regulation of
the Education Department relative to
privileges of students to aid in farm
work and still be granted their standing
on the test exams. He is a clever youth
and we wish him a good time.
THE ••••••••••••1M•••••••••••
Sapolin ♦
Church Chimes
Rev, D. W. Snider, Secretary of the
Lord's Day Alliance, will preach in
Melville church next Sunday at 11 a, m.
Wednesday evening of next week the
union Red Cross prayer service will be
held in St. John's church, commencing
at 8 o'clock, Rev. R. E, Page will con-
duct the service. Offering taken for
Red Cross work,
Quarterly Communion service next
Sabbath morning in the Methodist
church, Fellowship servide commences
at so o'clock, Rev. D. W. Snider,
Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance,
will occupy the pulpit in the evening at
7 o'clock,
Rev. J. H. Ratcliffe, of St. Catharines,
for nearly 20 years Clerk of the Presby-
terian Synod of Hamilton and London,
was the unanimous choice as Moderator
at the opening session of the Presbyter-
ian Synod at Stratford, succeeding Rev,
J. Moore, Parkhill.,
Followiug are the office bearers of the
W. M. S. of the Methodist church,
Brussels, for the current year; -Hon, -
President, Mrs. (Rev ) Paul ; President,
Miss Gordon ; rst. Vtce•President, Mrs.
(Rev ) Wren ; end Vice President, Mrs,
G. C. Manners; Treasurer, Mrs. R.
Leatberdalc ; Rec.-Secretary, Mrs,
Skelton ; Cor.•Secre'ary, Mrs. H. L.
Jackson ; Christian Stewardship, Mrs.
A J,Lowry ; Organists, Miss Smith
and Mrs. Rowland ; Outlook Agent.
Mrs, Pope ; Floral Committee, Mrs. A.
C. Baeker ; Auditor, Mrs. Anderson,
Total money raised during the year,
5108,5o. Bale valued at $s75,00 sent to
Decouess Home,
Morris Council
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Council Hall, Mortis, on Mouday
April 10th. Members all present.
Reeve presiding, Engineer's report
on the Warwick and McNeil Drains
were read and provisionally adopted,
Richard Procter was appointed Col-
o- ons an lector for 1916. Salary $125.00. Fol-
lowing accounts were paid : Munici- Moved by John Hewitt, seconded by
pal World supplies, 30c ; H. B. Elliot, It. Thomson, tliat above accounts be
advertising, $3 50 : S. Paul, Fornlalde- Paid, Carried,
hyde, $8.50 ; W. Abram, fumigating, Moved by R. Thomson, seconded by
not snaking progress toward recoveryas 516 00 ; D. Laidlaw, fumigating, Jno. Hewitt, that the Poll Tax be
• $18.50 ; Formaldehyde, 56,50 ; A. Mc- 53.00 this year in Brussels. Cm r•ied.
still getting its his work. We watched ;quickly as friends would wish. Her Ewan, telephones, 90c ; Caporation of A letter was read from T. McLean,
old "Sport" die and we San assure the ; mother, Mrs JDo. Manning, of town, is Blyth, Hall rent for Court. 57.60 • J. ' Wingbam, relative to street work.
public that we regret the dog's death witb her. Another operation may be . MacDonald, snow plow, East bdv„ H. James and Geo. Birt asked con -
more than we would the death of the necessary. Old friends here wish her $2.00 ; Jae. Watt., gravelling, South cerning n sewer or cellar drain on
one who is throwing the poison around, speedy convalescence. 1 bdy., $76,42 ; Russel Fear, fixing Turnberry street, North of bridge,
THE Kincardine Reporter of last week
says :-"Sport", that fine brown curly
water spaniel, owned by R. Ross, (form-
erly of Brussels) war poisoned on Satur-
day evening last. The poison fiend is
d. F. Rowland. r O�d Manager.
++•1•+++++ 7-•A-b•t••i•r•rti••i•3••i••I••i•d••i'•F•F•1•
161st Battalion Notes
8,•k•i•9••4••D••p•,i,•p••p••1i„D••i +3••e••F•P••b•F•Fa•+++
Sergt, Burchill is taking a course at
the Military College, London.
Brussels Company attended the
Methodist church last Sunday morn-
Pies. Milligan and Rankin have
gone to Clinton to assist in duties in
headquarter's offices. -They should
H]1 the bill.
Lieute. D. S. Scott, Rev. R. E. Page
and R. M. Sinclair tu•e back from the
Military School, London, having com-
pleted tlteit' course, TEE Pos' con-
Lt, -Col. Coombe and Adjutant Cap-
tain Vanstone were in town Monday
evening pushing the work of recruit-
ing, 250 men tu'e wanted to complete
the Huron Battalion, Will you lend
washout, 75c ; Peter Haley, fixing
washout, 5I.50. Court of Revieion on
the Assessment Roll will be held at
the next Connell meeting, Monday,
May, 29th.
A. MACEWEN, Clerk.
Brussels Council
Regular monthly meeting was held
Monday eveuieg. Reeve Leckie and
Councillnrs present except Councillor
Burchill, he being at the Military
College, n
6 London. Minutes of last
meeting read and passed. Following
accounts were presented ;-
Geo, Henderson, streets $ 24 65
0. Thihidean, streets 4 20
T. Eaton & Co., Formaldehyde10 65
R. Oliver, salary, 40 00
Jas. Burgess, work at park.. ,, 1 75
John Long, Assessor's salary, 40 00
R. Thomson, Hydro -Electric7 50
D. Walker, " 7 50.
W. M. Sinclair, " " ,. 7 50
also if proposed cement curbing on
the new street making could not be
"cut out." The necessary informa-
tion was given.
Moved by J. Hewitt, seconded by
D. Walker, that the town advance
Mrs. John Lunn $50 to purchase a
knitting -machine, to be repayable by
Money earned at knitting. Carried.
Mre. Lunn was present and stated
her caee.
A. C. Dames enquired as to some
streetirnprovement on Albert street
to afford' better roadway for hauling
fertilizes• to 0, T. R. for shipment.
Report was not presented to the
Council from Hydro -Radial Conven-
tion delegates.
After an informal chat on necessary
road improvement Council adjourned.
D1Dwotrmn. At Mettler, Alta„ on April 2nd,
1918, to Mr. and hire, Russell Dilworth, a
JOnNapON.-In $otvfek. on April 22nd, 1018, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jae, Johneton,9th con., twins
-son and daughter,
WORKMAN -In Bruase]s, on April Bth, 1010, to
Mr. and Mre.
Oboe. Workman, a eon.
AKINs.-In Howiok, on April 18th, 1010, Mary
Ann Wiggin. beloved wife of Thos. Akins,
Orange 011111, aged 58 years, 10 months and
21 days.
HIOesNO.-In Wroxeter, on April 90th, 1910,
Thos. Hi1,•gine, aged 79 years.
WALKEtt,-In Wroxeter, on April 29th, 1910,
Mrs. Jane Walker, aged 84 years.
Potatoes per bus
f 05
1 0000
1 40
3 05
11 00
14 00
1 90
Help Wanted
A number of good steady men wanted im-
The Boht, Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd
11070 (255881 Enrolment No. 1807
Inspected and Approved,
during well
seasose nal hie owin stables,
Leadbnry, Lot 22, Con, 18, Moliillop.
Colts from this horse won 1st prizes at Olin -
ton and Seaforth Spring Faire,
Gold Enamel •
• For decorating Mouldings, 2
• Picture firaivae, Reed tied ;
• Wicker Furniture, Electric •
• : Fixtures, &c, Haar to apply
2 and won't wash aft, •
: Liquid Veneer •
• Makes old things new- •
• Woodwork, Pianos, Furui- •
: tura, Carriages, Autos, &e. •
• It is not a varnish but a 2
• strictly high class polish -25 •
• and 50c. Try it -you wilrbe 2
: pleased with the results.
2 Lavender and •
Cedar Flakes
• For the preservation of Furs, •
2 Clothes, Carpets, Blankets,
: &c. 15c per large package.
Will make your last year's
Shaw Pint look like a new
one. It is neither a dye nor
a paint, Easily applied with j
a brush. In ,let Black, Dull •
Black, Brown, Red, Violet, •
Navy Blue, Cadet Bine, Sage 2
Green and Natural. 250 per /r
package. •
• Fish Food :
• Put up in boxes containing •
• full directions as to use.
• 10c per box
Express Money Orders
• To al] parts of the Dominion •
• and 'Milted States at any •
• hour of the day :- •
$ 5,00 and under Sc •
5.00 to $10 00 On :
• • 10.00 to 30 00 10c •
30,00 to 60.00 15c •
• 4
"' r
• The Penslar Store •
Court of Revision
Township of Gray
The Court of Revlelon on the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Grey for the year 7910,
will be held in the Township Ball, Ethel on
Monday, the 22nd day of May, 1910, at 11 o'clock
n. m. All parties interested will govern them-
selves accordingly. Roll le in Clerk's office
and open for inspection.
Dated May 8rd, 1010. Township Clerk.
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• P••• 0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'N••••••••••NN•••••••••••
• • + •2
+ +
Has been ordered to Mobilize about May 15
And at Full Strength
Will Your County be Humiliated by having
• the first reproach throughout the Empire ?
fi Or will the People of this County Rally to
• their Pride and to THEiR HONOR ?
+1. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
k 250 Huron Men for Hur-
enjY -
w YkG'of
The 161st Huron B
on's Own and in
•• + .5.
•••V•••0•••••••••••••s••1,••••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •400•4••••••••0041.••♦••••• ♦••••••••4••4.••••444•••••0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••i•••••••••••••••••••• •
The Last Call for Volunteers
To the Men :
The Business of the Young Men of the County to -day is the Completion of
the Battalion she was asked to form.
Kitchener urges "Men and More Men." Canada has promised him
500,000. Will you be one ?
Are you content to remain at home in ease and reap business advantages while
other men take your place in the firing line ?
Will your conscience remain clear and clean each day of the long years to come ?
Does the sight of your chum in Khaki leave you untroubled and undisturbed ?
Make such sacrifices as may be necessary (the Empire is worthy of them) to en-
able you to take your place in your County Battalion.
Enlist and Enlist to -day, with the knowledge that, at last you are playing the
part of a MAN.
To the Mothers, Wives and Sisters :
Do you know what is happening to Women in Europe to -day ?
Do you know what the women of Belgium, of Servia, of Flanders, and even of
your own race in the Old Land have suffered by the invading Huns ?
Do you know that Thousands and Tens of Thousands, with their little ones,
are driven starving from their homes to die in misery ; that they are being
violated and slaughtered ?
Do you realize that if this War is not fought out in Europe, you and your child-
ren may be forced to share the sufferings of those in Europe ?
Do you realize that if Canada is to protect her people, her homes and her liber-
ty her men must be given without stint to take part in the struggle ?
Thousands of glorious mothers, wives and sisters have given their dearest to
this cause of Humanity and of Empire. Can you meet this type of womanhood
in social intercourse ? Are you content to see other mothers, wives and sisters
proudly sending off their manhood to protect you and your men -folk ?
Or will you meet the burden of this generation with COURAGE, "the highest
of Divine Virtues ?
Your Reason is Only a Larne Excuse