HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-5-4, Page 300 asewle onter Selected Recipes. forced through strainer, one cup wat- er, one-half eup sugar, juice of one leinon, white of one egg well beaten. Mix, Place on ice and serve cold. Or pack in freezer and freeze. Enough for six peraono. Spanish Roast.—Sear medium-siz- ed round steak in tablespoon butter. Roll in flour and put in voaster, cov- ered with thick slice e of potatoes, three or four • large onions, sliced, ea -find three green sweet peppers, cut , ) water to clear syrup, then lay in the Apple Snow.—One pint apple saucelphune and boil gently for 4Q ininute% TeIce out the fruit with easkinuner and lay on dishes to cool. When the syrup has cooked thick return the fruit and simmer 20 minutes more. Damsons are put up in the same way. Household Hints. When washing white woodwork put a little turpentine in the water. Salt (a tiny pinch) added to the vrhites of eggs manes them froth more- quickly. In Limes. Sprinkle all with flour Salt thrown on the fire once a day end dot with pieces of butter. Add prevents the accumulation of soot in pint u water and bake one hour in the flues, covered roaster. Thicken gravy and Dingy overshoes can be made to serve with roast. shine if wiped off with a cloth wrung Corn Bread.—Two cups corn meal, out of ammonia water, one-half cop sifted bread flour, one An old piano stool will, be found teaspoon gait, two teaspoons baking very useful, in the kitchen, as it can powder, One tablespoon sugar, two eggs, one and one-half cups water or water and milk, two tablespoon melt- ed lard and butter. Mix dry ingredi- ents, Beat eggs well and add to liquid. Add 'dry ingredients, then bird cage keeps the birds healthy, and mead shortening. Bake in flat pans also keeps away parasites. alma two inches deep. Grease pans To make- an excellent dish -cloth well end after butter is poured in dip take a piece of mosquito nettihg, a milk over top to make bat- double it, and sew round the edges. ter cruet. When serving, eut in Rub the flatirons over waxed paper summer, in pan and take up with flat before, setting them away and they will knife. Vegetable Soup.—One-haif cup lima benne, one-half cup dried peas, two taideepoons barley, two tablespoons rice, tee, tablespoonabrown beans, two pante...ea two onions, one small tur- nip, one carrot, one cup canned tome- eetesoniog of salt ancl pepper, one • stalk celery, one ham bone. Wash beiley and rice and soak for an boar and ball in sufficient cold wat. er t ewer. Bring to boiling point, into the skin. add v getables cut in little pieces and When cleaning windows in cold cool- etawly until tender. About one- weather add a dessertspoonful of salt linlf or previous to serving, add ham to the water. This prevents the bow-. end season with salt and pepper. glass from freezing and cracking. Stir a•equently and add boiling water When pouring hot jelly or fruit into as it ,2 'ohs down. Serve quite thick, glass jars set the jars first on e damp and el n vary hot. Cheap, delicious cloth. This goes a long way towards and neuriehing, preventing their breaking. eicellemet Finnan Haddie. — Two Crushed and faded artificial flowers poundfinnan haddie, one tablespoon can be made to look fresh and new cacti butter and flour, four hard- again if held over the steam from a boiltd eggs, one-half teaspoon salt, boiling kettle for a feel/minutes, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, one table- To save tea, put a lump of sugar to spoon chopped chives, three-fourths the teapot when making the tea, and cup plain or diluted evaporated milk, then the epoonful -usually put in "for Wash il.h, cover with boiling water, the pot" can be dispensed with. and simmer for ten minutes, Make' leaves of ahead of lettuce for the egg sauce a butter, flour, salt, pepper and ltaves of a heaa of lettuce for the egg milk, and add chives. Skin and flake salad, while the hearts are kept for fish. Butter baking dish, put hi -lay- the tomato, fruit, and other salads. or of fish, then, of sauce and one If potatoes are kept in a place chopped egg. Repeat until dish is where the light strikes them they will turn green. If they must be in a light place cover them with news- papers. Save all the tisue pepper that comes Save all the tissue paper that comes into the house. It is • excellent for drying and polishing lamp chimney they are washed.s be adjusted to different heights. Potatoes peelings should: be dried in the oven and used for lighting fires. Less wood will be required. A rag of sulphur hung up in. the lteep bright and emooth.. Before cleaning copper kettles fill them with boiling water. They vnu then. be found to polish more quickly, A, little vaseline applied to the hinges of a door which creaks will stop all noise. It is far more satisfactory than oil. If the hands are thoroughly greased with vaseline before using dyes iteen'll prevent the stain penetrating deeply full, sprinkle with bread crumbs, wet with melted butter, and bake until brown on top, about twenty-five min- utes. Belied Salad Dressing.—Mix toge- ther one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon sugar, one level teaspoon mustard, and tablespoons butter, stir in two table- To stop the sNeaking of new boots ated from Germany. "The most we portunities of entering into this "good may be drank subject to two condi- no news of t o . SOLDIER'S STATIONERY. 12..1VI.C/Piriciinanda4 fit SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 7. Lateen VL—The Miesioliariee of An- tioch; Acts 11, 19.30; 12. 25 to 18. 12, Golden Text t Matt, 28, 19 Verso 19. This takes us back to Ade. 8, 4, the narrative being resumr ed at that point, The disciples had obeyed the Lord's command, Matt, 10, 23. Travelled—The verb is regular- ly used of "travelling preachers" in Acts. Pluenicia—The long seaboard • (ekete 11. 26), Manaen (Monahan) t'aisntls Reeetfr9dderetrhie tateeit'erala' eni ll -assorted oBratepd' pair and the grace a God had a signal triumph over environment, 2, Ministered—The word suggests a time of "retreat," in which they "waited qn the Lord" to win a revelae Don of his will, At such a time fast- ing Wee Instinctive for an Onetital: to Interrupt meditation mid prayer by taking food seemed sacrilege. Fast- ing, however, is never prescribed in the 'nue) text of the New Testament; to the Western temperament it would generally be a hindrance rather than a help. huts only says it, must b genuine and unostentatious when it is observed, The Holy Spirit said— Presumably through one of the "MOP- hete." Separate—Peul recalls this word, so memorable in his experi- Plain to which Tyre and Sidon belong- once Gal. 1. 15, ed. Antioch—Of Syria, not the Pi- 3. Laid their hands—See Lesson sidlan Antioch of Acts 13. 14. It was a large and important city. 20, Men of Sypras and Oyrene „were countrymen respectively of Bar- imbos and the "Simon, father of Alex - 1 ander and Rufus" who carried the Lord's cross, Perhape it is not fanci- Alone. to a complete standstill, Even were Text Studies. for February 27, verse 6. FRENCH SOLDIERS WARNX.D. rs and manufacturers of lace, art- acIal flower Makers and jewellers, deal- laborers rents in the district from 30 ers in fashions, and milliners and cents to 34 cents per week, but was THE TRAGEDY OF BRUSSELS. It Was a Rieh, Gay City of 900,000 Before the War. "Before the war Brussel e had the reputation of being the g4tyest, the livelieet capital in Europe," writes Charles Saralee in the Sunday Pictorial. "It was a little Pane, where you could buy enjoyment at a lower cost than anywhere else, a city of plea- sure and a city of leistire, attracting residents from all parts of the world, To -day the city of pleasure is turned into a city of gloom. "Not only was Brussels before the war the most, cheerful capital of the Continent, It was also the most pros- perous, providing employment for its 900,000 inhabitants. But most of the trades were concerned with the super- fluities rather than the necessities of existence. There were carriage build - From Erin's Green Isle NEWS BY MAIL PROM 111E. LAND'S SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish. mem The Newry strike of seamen, shore - men, etc., has now collie to an and, The mien have gone back on the owners' terms. • At gt meeting of the members of the New Ross Agricultural Show Society it was decided to continue the an- nual show this year. Four police officers were seriously injured as the result of a shooting affair at a meeting of Sinn Feiners in the Sinn Fein Hall, Tullamore. At Omagh Rural District Council a resolution was moved to reduce the An Appeal to Them to Leave Alcohol "Al! deessmstkers, postponed. those luxury trades have come The Congested Districts Board are mama, near . Roscommon, amongst now dividing the lands of Knock- ful to see a flames ite such men's tak- The French soldier has been speci- there any money left for luxuries, the the uneconomic tenants in the viein- Mg up the wider mission. Greeks— fleetly warned against alcohol by the money -spending aristocracy have • ity of the farm The bear attested reading is Hellen- 'Academy of Medicine in -Paris which emigrated. The Belgian Government ists, Grecian Sews. The difficulty has drawn up an appeal to the army are at the Havre. The printing works and newspaper offices are closed. disastrous fire that occurred in the twenty head of fowl perished in a Ten cows, valued at $180, and about Greeks (that is Gentiles) is arid is circulating it by means of leaf - that Cornelius was the first, Gentile lets. The following translation was Railway traffic is still going on, but farm building of a farmer named convert, as is clearly implied it Acts made for the British Medical Journal, it is only used for the transport of James McCrory, Glenhordial. 15. 17. It also seems strange that if i from which we quobe it: troops and supplies. At a meeting of the Londonderry !Antioch had already witnessed such! 'Those who, like you, are exposed "Only the churches are filled with that therewere fif Board of Guardians ' it was reported fr tepee patients in lan extension of the Faith to Gentiles to exhausting labor, to' perilous enter- mothers and widows who are praying the institutions su ming from scarlet we should have in Acts. 14, 27 what ; prises, and to strong emotions, are for the absent and the dead. . fever and there had been one death. looks like the report of a novel fact.; ever inclined to look to alcohol as a "This paralysis of trade, which has At the annual meeting of the Royal 1.1But there is no necessity to make Acts , stimulant and a comforter, and to lasted now for nearly 18 months, has Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dub - 1 11, 20 fall earlier than the time of ' seelc for it in the tavern as a dietetic- resulted in appalling poverty. Worse lin, it was announced that 20 beds tion from the monotony of canton. even than the poverty of the poor is had been set apart for the use of sol- ment and garrison life. "It is, therefore, well that you should know what use you may make of alcohol without impairing your Peter's visit to Ccesarea, and the in- ference from Acts 14. 27 is not es- sential. The difficulty of the Mar- ' ginal "Grecian Jews" is obvious and has never been adequately explained. 1 Perhaps a very early copyist intro- health. "Certain errors about alcohol are duced it just because he felt the dif- I fieulty about Cornelius. !widespread: I "1. It is said to give strength. This • 21. The hand of the Lord, E an. is not exact. The truth is, it gives a 1.11,ECT..001,. 0. N. r ERBEATI, Old Testament phrase, naturally ' fees to Jehovah. But the Lord at the:re-false spurt of short duration, but a grave diminution of strength never who Juts been appointed conunandant; or the Royal Military College at end of the. verse is almaost certainly' Jesus. So Inevitably an. unconscious -I falls to follow this excitement. Thus iiingston, with the rank of colonol.! ly do thes,e New Ttesament writers,t alcohol takes away more strength Hitherto he has been only acting., 1 commandant. e '1 trained to a horror at compromising, than it gives. "2. It is also said that alcohol gives the unique Godhead of Jehovah, ap- ply his special titles to, Jesus, as e warmth. This is true for a few min - SAVAGE GERMAN SURGERY matter of course i ' 22. The church—Notice how this • t Deliberate cm o universal term denoting the whole Wounded French Soldiers. 1 body of those ' who "love the Lord followed by a lessening of warmth i are still extca ng . un e s o for restricting the sale of intoxicate throughout Ireland the regulations "There is no longer any doubt in , Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth," and..azstrength.. Men who take nips Me : lions of francs from a starving popu- my mind," said the chief surgeon; is qualified by the local designation.. eases to which men at the front are 1 gian trade have totally failed. Manddis- lateen, their attempts to revive Bel - A public indignation meeting of x • more subject to c ills to is- ; ing liquors. at this!" 1 church meeting in someone's house, "The patriotic Belgian workers the citizens of Dublin was held to aatigoaninasntdththeeapetuiobnlicofBothaerdCs,i0ty1 He stripped the bedclothes front the I and the plural "churches" thus be-lform of a 'pick -nee -up' alcohol stimu- land all the attempts at compulsion, “737Iii is further asserted that in the I have hitherto resisted all the bribes , peroortpe:rt Dublinlin demanding .3250,000 mere "it has been done on purpose. Look' It may be further narrowed to a- ,,,,,,,e and showed me his thigh. Shatteredi sion, but perfectly natural, by which! fates the appetite.. This is quite wrong. ; Bwhlich,.mif sucesasfhl,gewoumlucIntirticionnsfioarme_ f a,m the ratepayers in the current pallid. and shrunken body of a lad' comes possible. It is n later exten- . It would be difficult to produce any e gm into by ,a projectile, the thighbone had 1 we speak of an organized union of 1 „e„ 1 I year. At a meeting in Castlebar, Mr. John I really stimulated by a !pick-me-up.' 1 "More poignant even than the vis - whose appetite hatd ever been ;tory for the conqueror. „Garvey, D.L., County Controller, been allowed to set itself. The: such units, bound together by coin -1 dis- strong muscles; exercising pfessure mon order or doctrine, as the "Metho- ' These aperitifs, habitually taken, 16ad - ible suffering of unemployment and ; cussing the Lord Lieutenant's now together without any kind of artificial etc, Only we meet be careful to al-, without fail to disease of the stomach,1poverty is the invisible moral tragedy.lrecruiting scheme, said that there liver arid mind. 1 There is the moral suffering of a ' were still 20,000 men of military age in Mayo available and whb could be on the surounding tissues, had grown' dist Church," "the Roman Church," i conglomerate lump, extending from church" than that which depends on. "4. Lastly, it is maintained that al- proud, freedom -loving, easy-going peo-1spred. direction, forming a 'huge misshapena low no narrower definition of "the1 cohol taken during meals, as wine, I pie, groaning under the heel of the just below the hip to the knee, with i personal loyalty to Christ. There is general satisfaction 1 beer or cider, aids digestion. An im- I Hun. : amongst the members of the general , public inBelfastatthe action ofthe • ly inwards at an angle of nearly 45 i3ortant distinction must be drawn be- "To the intolerable oppression of ' the result that the leg was bent rigid -1 23. The grace—To Barnabas the one impression made by this "mass 1 tween `distilled' liquors like brandy martial law we must add the anguishiAdreiralty in requisitioning the degrees and could never be rootlet inevemento was that of the amazing' „d efeemeneed, liquors such as wine, of isolation. There are not manY1steamers of the Belfast Steamship Co. straight again. !Wealth of God's bounty which had' cider and beer. Alcohol is altogether families in Brusssels who have not a , and it is felt it will relieve the awk- The patient was one of a batch of been poured on so many unlikely Peoenoxious. The petit verre after meals soldier at the front or a refugee in', ward situation ceused by the stop - wounded French prisoners, hopeless-Iple. In India, where these notes are, should only be taken on rare occasions, exile. And, as Brussels is cut off Range. of the sailings from Belfast to ly infirm, who had just ben repatriel written, we have to -day many OP-' Fermented liquors, on the other hand from the rest of the world, they have -a; , . &eh ports. ..1.. the silent, unobtrusive, genteel poverty of the well-to-do. For the benefit of the 'wealthy' cheap meals are sold in public kitchens for twopence Or three- pence, and 10,000 'rich' people are tak- ing advantage of them. "There have been repeated attempts Roscommon are advocating the need. on the part of the Germans to rebuild for an increased production of home - the shattered fabric of trade and in- grownelasses foodstuffs amongst the people, particularly the tenant farming dustry. But, as the Germans divert all the traffic of the ordinary rail- A painful discovay was made in ways f or the transport of troops, as the Hon. Arthur Hill Trevor was the Ulster Club, Belfast, when Col. andspmoritleeds found dead in bed with a revolver tot; eyli ghhatv have railwaystornup thounbder edue into Poland and Russia, as they have wound in his head and a revolver . . ly- diet's at the request of the War °fame. Mr. Jeremiah Lane, a member of the Carle Corporation, has been ee- moved from the Commission of the Peace on account of an utterance at a recent meeting of the Town Council. Public bodies all over the County lifted all the available copper and nig beside hini. utes, but the feeling of warmth metal useful for military purposes, as The Archbishops and Bisliops of which spreads over the limbs after „ they have taken thousands of machine meeting passed a resolution asking the Church of Ireland at them last a nip of brandy is delusive and is soonitools for their own factories, as they . the Irish Government to enforce dash of caytnne pepper. Melt two and mirrors wh the fracture. Ho will be bether Exhorted—His own1tions. They must be consumed ini "And there is the harrowing uncer- — . spoons flour and seasonings. Add take a small oil can and put afew can do for him is to amputate above man's" joy. e'ff1name was "son of exhortatio " (A t 1 t 1 • t' la 1 • g •d tainty of the future. What will to- n e s , grea moc eia ion, w ic a as le al s ' 700 Different Kinds of Army Forms ' f alit Are Supplied. A shrewd observer once remarked one-half cup vinegar and cook in double boiler until mixture thickene. Remove from fire and cool. Mix two- thirds cup evaporated milk with one- third cup water. Beat two egg yolks slightly, add to evaporated milk, and cook until thick. Cool and stir into drop e of oil all round the boots, be- tween the upper leather and the soles When the kettle lid has lost the knob push a cork half through the little hole mid secure it by driving a nail horizontally. -It will last a long time and save burning the fingers. vinegar mixture. This salad' dress- , Never put away for any length of ing will keep some time if put in time linen that has been stmched. It cool place, closely covered. is apt to crack and even to rot, RillCq, Butterstotch Pic,. ---One cup butter, the articles. quite free fe om starch,' two cups dark brown sugar, four eggs, dry, and fold up in blue paper, as Dile four tableopoons flour, one cup, mina' keeps them from Welting yellow. seven -eighths cup granulated 'sugar, Cane bottomed chtiirs that have gone few grains salt, one-half teaspoon le- slack can be mencled and tightened up mon extract, flaky pastry. Melt sug-lby sponging both side with hot suds ar, add butter and flour blended to- in which a handful of salt has been gother, and then milk. Cook threel dissolved. Drying must be done out minutes, remove from heat, add egg. of doors, When nearly dry cover the yolks, slightly beaten, and salt.reat with a cloth and iron it. ' will Strain if necessary and cool. Fill' clean and "tight" after this treat - individual shells of flaky pastel', bak- merle. ed over inverted tins, Cover with', meringue made from egg White, an(1; _ granulated sugar. Beat whites un -1 F.NEMY TIRED OF WAR. until stiff, gradually- add two-thirds' of sugar, and continue beating until Letter to New York Ilan Declares meringue will hold its shape. Fold Teutons Want. Peace. n a an o ga eyed by. an old lady who called upon greatest of the eabbis, was suee to; can never become one of the leading g lemon extract. Brown in slow oven, e An interesting letter from Buda- • J3t 011Teespoon acid jelly may be epreacl pest was received by a business. man without a withered limb fixed. m that. 4, 36), It was his preeminent gift. 1 wive, should neva exceed one liter -- position. In this case the shorten-1The next verse shows us why "ex-! (a pint and three-quarters) in twenty- "The people of Brussels still believe ing of the log amounts to six inches. lhortation' or encouragement" went so four hours, and only at meals." in the triumph of the allied mmies, "To give you a further idea of the far when it came from him He was ea---. but they are living in daily terror that an army marches, not on its incredible brutality with which come' not a mighty genius like Paul; but he' SEES GERMANY ELIMINATED. that, when victory does come, it may etomach, but on its army forms. This of the German surgeons conducted their had that winsome kindliness and that;have to be paid for by the final des- in a great measure is true, for the transparent faith and spirituality'But Runerrhan Says Neutrals Will time ion o r . operation, here is another case, with. order ao extend the fractured leg an . pose—Note the atm* Mid on the wile :which made his words a tonic, pur-(. ' Contest for British Trade eibY'" • - a foun-inch shortening, in which in iron rod has actually been run through "Gut wills are ours— eve know not Sir Walter Runciman, M.P., in an FEW WOMEN STAMMER. the patient's flesh, between the tendon' how": when they are surrendered. interview in the London Chronicle, and the bone, and then adjusted to a. God will do the vest. predicts that the allies will win the Self - rough kind of pulley!' 1 24. Added unto tae Lord—The hope . •and that Germany can never Defect is Due to Nervousness or wai, says 'Phis conversation took place at, phrase suggests that the Loyd thies 1 leading mercantile powers of the to regain her place as one of the consciousness. Hospital 30 at Poitiers, the chief sur- increimes his wealth by the one ixect-1wortd. At the same time, he says, the • Have you ever met a woman who • If , .1 av ant are a d b ed army would be powerless without its army stationery. The stationery or- ganization otethe army comprises a score of officers and some 260 men, according to a special correspondent at the general headquarters, who deal daily with millions of forms and pa- pers for the administrative purposes of 'bhe army in the field, says London geon being Dr. Malaperf one of the sure he covets to obtain. 1 neutrals are advancing rapidly in . Tit -Bits. best known operator* in the French' commerce abroad, and they will be. in mart in a thousand, for stammering !missionaries had been used to work-, a strong position After the war. is extremely rare among the fair sex. The Stationery Service supplies an midlands. 1 25. Front the first the Christian lin pairs, as Jesus sent out the twelve, A hu 1Welter, "that "There is no doubt," declared Sir we are whining the stutters over Ms words is due to sheer types) army forms (about 700 d' umst cases the reason why a man unending variety of army books (106 , t if mble man, who knew and 10-1 war and when we have won eve must nervousness or selfconscioueness. He ferent kinds), books of regulations ' joicect in Paul's supenor gifts, Barna- see 'to it that Germany is no longer thinks he is going to stammer and e (105 varieties), and sixty different OUTWITTING A BORE. . ' bat feels that be needs his help ia menace from a naval, military, erithat makes hem do so, sorts of writing paper, ten of enve- - a Nuisance. bas had difficulty in finding him, al_ the allies have proved triumphant 1 whyn 1.p meu and that is fewer than twenty-six descriptions of Like most celebrities, Lord Rose- though Paul's father, as a Ralean1se:1°IuL dgeel*vsairouir n iter:cl-insal"oe'te.e...' theycseusnecossseldt'oliin stationer. If they berg has had to slitter a good deal citizen, was a evelt.lanown man. But' , q'here is no need for any serious re -1 firself-conscious they usually show it inks in powder fovm (black, blue, front the attentions of utter strange a Jew who sent his brilliant son away,' gard to be paid to the strength of bthyeir blushing and not by halting in red, green and violet, waterproof ink, speech. drawing Mk, etc.), dtime h . ft to jerusalem ,to study under the' the German mercantile fleet. Germanyl 0f come° there are cases of stem- Figures speak, they say. 'Up to I 1 t be cur last June the Stationery Service had supplied some 62,000,000 field service post cards (printed in English, Hine doo, Urdu, and Gurmukhi, the last three foe the different races among the Indian trps), nearly 100,000,000 army message forms, 7,000,000 mes- sage envelopes, 2,0000,000 war diaries and Intelligence Summary of Events (for army record purpotes), and 50,- 000,000 and 35,000,000 respectively of Otto different types of army form. There are several hundred diffev. ea kinds of labels for goods, etc. in . use. The stock usually stands at somewhere about 2,000,000, and it will probably come as a surprise to people wbo have visions of army commanders pencilliog despatches in tents at dead of night to know that there are eonsidentbly move than 1,000 typewriters, in special travelling cases, in use iti the field at the pre - tent timet and Dieu are kept in order and ropen.ed by travailing mechanics in the Stationery Service, Always Visible. How Lord Rosebery Got Even With 26. Tie suggestion is that Barna-lcommercial point of view. But when I Women suffelrl far less romself- 10 es, p twenty-one of permits, and no tvhich ed whatever means are tried. But 'm almost dail Of coarse his roma bitterly Paul'sperversion to• mercantile powers commercially. Mel hien by a civil migincer who had tea- .I.°11.1shiP the "sect of the Nazarene." We n Germans must in that respect be kept! nine people out of ten can cure them - always managed to avoid over. . filling before meringue le added,' in New Yak. Tt was delivered to hi Marmalade and Jam. yelled through A.ustria and Germany: her -when he was at home, but one day be mere Paul was cast out, e„d !meg., in the backt•ound, -where they have' selves if they will not think they are The writer of this letter, an ob- she hetnarned to see him just as he in obscurity. Very possibly he ,was their endeavors to revive trade and for a time to speak slowly and : been forced y the British 'navy. All going to stutter, and if they evill learn 17). Christians—A nickname to be-, will be futile. (Gal. 1.1re-establish their mercantile Seavice" tinctly. An excellent help, too, is to . • , " only just baekearom Arabia gin with, like "Metbodist.' Herod! "What is really giving concern to Agrippa uses it it n light sneer (Acts the British ship -owners is that the 26. 28); Peter speaks (I Pet. 4, 16) etneutral countries are reaping such a ' ft' '' ' " I •• t• e harvest jast now that the force of Grapefruit Marmalade -e -One grape- servant gohtteman, speaks of the was a u to entor g • . lord," she c.alled out, "I must see you fruit, one orange, one lemon. Slice high 1 Price of food prevailing every - m waves or put through food chonper,1 where and of real suffering orhong on a very important matter.' using all hut the Leeds. Measure the moan in consequence, Coffee, "Very well, madam," &aid Lord I' leer holclin open the door of read aloud to oneself. --e.---- and add three times the quantity of which the (.,ermans Rini Austnans'WORSHIP OF CROCODILES. , like so imfeh, no longer g dying God in this name," and " toe' ' •— tlitegoegampse ttoitievoenteetow,T7'cleeivli,1111,rbee E,N' What exitraori(dlierary t.pathological cold water, Let all stand 24 boors. graces Leo ' the carnage for her, "I beg, of you to , - . an equal quantity .Si sugar with such ti farecous man, the old lady ors, ' Delighted at the idea of driving It was of course conferrell ,by outsid- i 7 d ' . t „-'9.11 etitte can tie o Egyptian civilize - boll 10 neheutes; allow to stand 24 table eacept. in the homes of the get in." boil 2, mice cif retro°, when this letter was Lion have been in which treated cro- houvs.. "Aacl to the fruit and juice wealthe endtietile. In Atistrin the i and thee° heathens. ( Christ is a fsohocmgcoa%itfors,ariellx.niae4.is to ant - Metre or until it will jelly when chill-, wrilten two weeks ago, was sixteen ed, end pour oft into jars or glaesee, kronen n pound, winch represents 33 as preferred. in United States money. Meat is Cherry Jana—Stone and -stemtart,. mealy out of the (motion for the cherries, cawing all the juice. To poorer classes. every P2Und of fruit allow a pound of Milt, eggs and other necessities ougar. Put sugar and joie° in the have beeeme luxuries, and there is preserving kettle oyez' the fire, and much complant, The people, says when the sugar entirely dissolved Doi writer of the letter, have lost add the thanes. Cook mita the their enthusiasm end optimism, for syrup is thick, met into gime Mrs and they .feel now theta despite the tele - seal, toms of tluc Teutemic armies, they ['lam plans carefully' cannot win, tied the best. that is to bo end extract the steams fi•orn slits in' expected is a theiwain the eneflica the sides, taking car e not to wasteThe onepleepray for peace; they want_....,....e, the juic e. Weigh the areit, end . to it now whatever the issue of the wee every Potind alloW One:pound of sagne may be, end if they lied their Ivey and it Piet of WaVer. Conk auger endithey Woad have Pew ni mice, immediately jumped Otto the vehicle Greek rendering of a Hebrew word codilos as divinities worshipping them d balmhig their hideous but his Lordship gently closed tale door on her, before she could remon- strate, she heard hinesny to the coach- man; "Take this lady wherever she 1withes to go, James, and then home, Looking out of the -window the now irate old Indy saw her victim stepping Otto eali. After that she did not worry Lord Rosebery egain Lucky, ' Krise—What did you get out or your aunts estate? 1 Ti settling things up the havya Mow tee to a good dimme and Matted me $5. ("Anointed"), and till termination -Mites is Latin, so that we see the three great lenguages itf the Rome world combined itt nemetlthe world - 13. I. Prophets --13Vete1ters,' 1iVe should call them. But We must re- member that preaching irieleides both Moe functions—that of speaking as God's mouthpiece and Diet of instruet- big those whom the prophet has aroused. Note how the two fatv- 0118 ture totaled among those who ale otherwiee unknowe, though oee. WAS of royal' tmbringing. Lucius of Cerrthe was preauitiebla one of the evangelists who preached to Gentiles WORLD'S LARGEST TEAPOT. carcasses after death ? Was all that ---- world made together, and was it the The ler est teapot in the world was gortn of a spiritual sense which made at Shigm200 miles from aki, nourished itself ou such appalling Tokio, Japan. The teapot was made fancies and by the transaguringof things so Abominable? for exhibition in a Japanase tea house et the San Francisco Exposition. It measures three and one-querter fedi 01 diametee, and without the 'handle is Rome tied one-half eget Mah. When the wicker handle is raised the ten - pot is five and one-half feet high. Silly Billies. "What is your rAVOlite tune, ola Chap'!" 'Pimiento, d01.11' boy." Life vs. Existence. "Where do you live now, BM?" "No place, still boarding at the same house." If a tells yoo that lie was far happier \then he earned it dollar a day, ,,'mind him of what David said hi his Ineete, lIe»e--Did you re witneee your wile's a Peek—Yes, I witness it may day of tay l'fe.