The Brussels Post, 1916-4-27, Page 2A f LONE HAND
The Capture of a German Pirate
CHAPTER II,—(Coat'd), Nearly all that day he lay in his hid•
It was nearly midnight when he un- lag -place, venturing out only for a
folded his cramped limbs and drew brief reconnaissance to fix in his mind
himself up to the edge of the wharf. certain information that be needed for
He had turned his sant adrift. The formulating his plans. On one lin-
long dock was deserted; most of the portant point he had had grave male+
lights had been turned off. His ears giviegs, and bo was relieved to lied
had told Mm that a angle watchman tbat they were groundless. He had
paced the deck of the ship, making been able to bring only a little food
regular rounds, This man lead just with 'Mm, and had to risk finding a
passed down toward the stern; he dis- supply on board; so he was glad to ells -
appeared behind the deekhouse. Crane cover a plentiful supply of canned
tossed his bag over the edge and hoist• meats and vegetables, nuts, See,; and
ed himself after it; then he picked it he also found a fresh -water faucet in
up and ran to the forward hatch• one corner, and toots a much-needed
'way, moving noiselessly in his robber•
eoled tennis -shoes.
Luck was with him; the hatch-eov-
er bad not been batteued down. He
dropped hastily through, bag and all,
climbed down the lathier, and eroueh•
ed behind a pile of freight, hearing
the measured tread of the w ctchman
pass over his head. Then he drew a
long breath and looked around hint.
He }vas in the forward hold, a large
One of the things on his mental list
he managed to accomplish that day.
Ile wished to Arid a way ID get a peep 'elites Wm. J, Bald, in Farm and
out on deck. Whale he was ponder - prise the herd as in determining which
Ing this problem hilt eye fell on the IDairy. I cow now milking shall remain in the
ventilatoepening near him, He' ned tomatoes, stretched his tired body'. Then we come to those who are, herd,
soon found that he could thrust his on his bed of straw, and was shortly more up-to-date and own a spreader• i It is important also that no faulty
shoulders through it, and, laying hold! sound asleep. I do not wish to give the impression individual as -to conformation and
of a prejecthtg brace -bolt, he drew I Ile awoke late in the afternoon, eon- that I condemn this machine. It is type be kept in the Nord. It is not en -
himself up till he could peer out into 1 solous of voices in the forward part all right in its place, and can be usedough that the sire be from good Mille -
Skin irritations of all sorts
yield fo
Yedo Mork
Ptteiesam nee
An unexcelled emollient for
wounds, burns, sores and cuts.
Sold in glass bottles and handy
tin tubes at chemists and gen-
eral stores everywhere. Refuse
substitutes. Illustrated book-
let on request.
t>r hl 8II "'r it
1880 Chabot Ave need) Montreal
wvv/0Nw •4111r''at'sL ►wlbs11 e R
Handling Manure on a Large Farm.
! There are various methods of handl-
ing manure in practice in our locality.
Quite frequently we see the manure
drawn out and spread off the eleigh
on top of a lot of snow, a very poor
way unless, perhaps, on a real level
field of sod, If put on plowed ground
in this way it tends to leave the soil,
if any way heavy, in a soggy con-
dition. Another method followed by
some, but gradually becoming less
popular, is 'to team the manure out in
winter in small piles ready to spread
in the early spring, but owing to
the frost remaining in these heaps so
long, they usually are not spread for
a long time, and lie exposed to sum
rain and wind until very little but
straw is left to be thrown about, and
the spots where the piles lay can be
noticed in several succeeding crops,
Fresh from .the Gardens
of the finest Tea -producing country in
the world.
00C 7 -el. B 7�
Sealed Packets Only.
Try it—it's delicious. MACK GREEN or MIXED.
The point is, to be able to pick out
calves which should remain in the
herd, something must be known about
the producing ability of their dame
and this cannot be estimated by the
ord'nary guess -work method, The
scales and the tests should be made
just as. important in determining the
future individuals which shall com-
room, taking up nearly all the spam the open air, ills view commanded! of the hold. There seemed to be a to great advantage, but for handling ing ancestry and the cow be a heavy
ahead of the engineroorn, from which the forward deck and the upper works; 1 number of men engaged in some sort a big hulk of manure successfully and milker herself. They must have such
it was separated by a steel bulkhead the deckhouse and bridge cut off sight of drill, as the sound of shcrt, crisp in the shortest possible time, unless conformation and prepotency that the
pierced by one door. The room did et the stern. Land was already low 1 commands reached hint, though he You can afford two spreaders, we calves show the desirable type of the
not run forward to a point in the prow, down on the horizon. Two officers could not distinguish the words, •Also,Prefer our own method. 1 milking breeds.
however. but was cut off square by, stood on the bridge, and some of the there were sharp clangs of metal and We leave the manure all in the yard Faulty calves should be discarded
another steel bulkhead where tire' crew were busy at routine tasks one the shuffling of feet. This coutlnu- where it becomes tramped down tight,' even though their ancestry be right,
beton of the vessel narrowed to some, deck. IIe risked only a brief glimpse, l ed for half -an -hour, while he strained freezes quite hard, and very little is This close selection will send thou -
eighteen feet. This bulkhead show- for he had no wish to test what might; his ears to discover its meaning, Pre- Wasted. Right after the other spring sands of calves to the block as veal
ed no doer. The hold was piled with happen should one of them look up and, sently it ceased, the men filed out, and seeding is done, we engage another wb'ch would otherwise be kept in the
freight, generally to within a few see his face staring out at them.the hatch -cover was slammed down. I extra man or two, and with two good herd at a loss. It may be after all
inches of the eeiling, except for a clear' After the ditg-watch had passed,! After waiting for some minutes, and teams and low truck wagons, if far that there are not too many calves
space of some twenty feet next to the! however, and the ship,.,had settled! hearing no sound, he slipped out and to haul, we take a third, we manage slaughtered young, but that there is
forward wall, and two narrow ens: dawn for the night, lie slid from his went forward to investigate. Too to put a very heavy coat on all our not enough system followed in deter -
riders between the piles. running back perch, feeling he would be reasonably! wooden porthole shutters had been corn ground, and probably some for mining which shall so and which shall
to the engine -room partition. The secure for some a mos f hours.Th t' opened, but otherwise he could see no hoe crop that hasn't been manured be kept. Undoubtedly, many are kep,
Place was lighted by several fhcandes- pressing problem was to find some' evidence of the recent activity. Stand- in the fall, in about th ee.days, We which should go and equally true is it
cent bulbs, and was ventilated by a place where he would be safe from dis-.Ing in the open space and peering then get the men at spreading which that many go which should be kept.
row of circular openings through the covery and fairly comfortable. Search-! around, he suddenly dropped flaton is not a bad job when done while The matter is In the hands of the
ceiling, each some eighteen inches in lag among the piles of freight, he soon the oor and crawled rapidly behind fresh. If the field is one that has been dairyman, and the sooner he makes all
diameter and protected on decks by tire; found a place that suited hien perfect.; a pile of freight. A man's head had plowed in the fall we give it a his selections on conformation and
usual metal funnels, which stood about Iy, ' passed by outside one of the port- thorough cultivation before the man- type, backed by production, will it be
ri htediri
six feet high, with the upper end turn•. In the wall of boxes that lined one of, holes. Listening carefully, he heard ure goes on. Now, while the manure g .—Pra
e Farm and Home.
ed inboard to keep out rale and the the corridors, well toward the engine'
a slight bumping and scraping against is being spread, two light twin' -- --
surf from heavy seas. The place r •om bulkhead was a place where the' the outside of the hull. Ile climbed plows are going, being very careful FAMOUS OLD HOTEL.
reeked with the characteristic odour' first six feet in height was built up oil to his ventilator lookout station and not to turn the manure under and --
of copra, and he breathed his heartfelt Burin eases of kerosene -tins. On top: peered out. Two painters were at deeper than that it is covered, and in Permanent Home Near London for
thanks that the pearl -shell portion of or these was ]tiled a tier of the long' work on the funnels, swinging in course of a week or less rur manure, War Cripples.
the vessel's cargo, with its penetrate boxes that had first excited his sus-! bo's'un's chairs, and the red -and -black is out and under ground. I think in; Since the fateful day in August,
lug stench, had evidently been stored piston at Coatzacoalcos. By prising at, coats of these were rapidly changing this way we have the least waste, and 1914, when it became known that
elsewhere. one of the small cases he soon loosen-, to a dingy blue -gray. Ile surmised the soil gets all that is in the good Great Britain was involved in the
These details crane noted in his; ed It and slid it out. The next one, that the red baud around the vessel's old barnyard manure.
hull was likewise merging into the pre -1 When all the planting is done we great •
war, the men and women of
search for his most immediate need---; came out easily. tarrying these cases England—the latter more especially
a temporary hiding -place. He knew. forward, he built then into an un -1 veiling neutral tint, making her much take the spreader, clean up all the _have been sympathetically endear-
its 50011 Ira the shin put to sea tire' finisher tier of similar ones, reckon- more difficult to distinguish at a dis- manure that may have been left about mingto alleviate the lot of the vice
batch would be battened down, and! lag that so slight a change lit the ar-' ranee or at night. A11 doubt as to the the yard and put it on some nearby tims of the great devastation.
opened only occasionally. to take out rattgement of freight would not bel ship's nationality had now left his field of grain or meadow. Alight top Charities of every description have
supplies or to handle cargo. Now he noticed. Working in this manner, her mind. She was surely a German dressing on a field of oats, when upa been started, money has been poured
searched the piles of freight, and final' fiscally produced a chamber some eight, craft, disguised as a Dutch trader, anu few inches, works wonderfully. out without stint in very direction.
ly found a place where a narrow space feet long by four feet Bride, in which hemanned by a crew proficient in that' To prove that our plan works sue- The great families have vied one with
remained between the upper tier of could just stand erect. The last boxes' language, carrying out her elaborate' cessfully, we have a silo 12 x 23 which another in turning their town and
boxes and the ceiling. By shifting taken out he used to rebuild the out-: masquerade for some purpose which, we filled last fall with Less than six country houses into hotels and hospi-
the boxes somewhat, he contrived e. side tier, holding them safely in place' whateverit might be, boded no good acres of corn, had four good men tale for the wounded and sick. But
cubby-hole in which he could lie at full with wedges. By pushing two of them to Britain, His task was to find out tramping continually, using the in- fn the welter of charitable endeavor
length, with his head on his bag. safely aside he could crawl in and out. i what she was doing and how she was side pipes, and on account of rain i
hidden, unless snore one should crawl He soon transferred his belongings to doing it, and give warning to some ves- were stopped one day and one night,! ---
there is the particular scheme which
has laid hold of the imagination of the
people, the home for totally disabled
soldiers which it is proposed to estab-
lish in one of the beauty vote of Eng-
In a few 'months the old Star and
Garter Hotel at Richmond, rich in
memories of bygone festivities, will be
ready for the reception of a number
of men who have given their health
and strength, their all, for their coun-
t All Londoners have made acquain-
tance with -the beautiful scene which
one obtains from the summit of Rich-
mond Hill. The Star and Garter
Hotel, on whose site wall rise the new
hospital for totally disabled soldiers,
has been the scene of much and varied
gayety. Marshall Sault, Louis Pril-
lips, King Victor Emmanuel and Na-
poleon were among the many distin-
guished guests who have lived in it;
the young guardsmen of the days of
Waterloo took the air on its ample
terraces, and the beaux who reified
there in the early days of last cen-
tury are said to have paid as much as
$3 for the sight to look through its
windows on the fair picture below.
Since then gay weddings and count-
less merry excursions of humbler folk
have spread wide its name, but the
coming of the automobile spelled dis-
aster and ruin for the once so pros-
perous hostel. Richmond was found
to be too near the metropolis to be
used as more than a temporary halt-
ing place. Motorists stopped on the
summit of the hill, gave an admiring
glances at the superb view and aped
on their way. But the new guests
are among those to whom speeding
in any shape or form is no longer pos-
sible. Their day for work or pleasure
is over, at least they can and must
take Life easily, wherefore it is fitting
that the nation should find for then'
a place of perfect peace and restful-
ness. The old, old song the "Lass of
Richmond Hill" sang of the beauties
lof nature, beauties which can never be
more appreciated than they will be by
England's crippled heroes,
in to loop far him. There was a cere these palatial quarters, and proceeded ser of the Allies. which gave It a nice chance to settle.
Min risk, of course: but he had to take to furnish and provision then. Bits The funnels were not smoking now.
it. lull U,: (0013 1t, with 1115 automatic of sacking, straw, and shavings from! They seemed to reserve that function'
pistol lying ready to his haute l broken packing -cases made up a pass- for the benefit of curious eyes only.!One of the ventilators opened above' able beet. Several small boxes of tin- But above the edge of one of themhie head, and the fresh air was very 1111) hleate and vegetables, not readily, rose the head and shoulders of a look -
welcome. He dozed quite (matfett- missed from the large stock, were out, with a telescope, busily scanning
ably for the next few110,1•,, waking, elllfpd against the wall; and when a' the horizon. He stood inside the Uig
alert, at times wheel the Tread of the large empty oilcan had been cleaned steel cylinder, probably ou u grill-
ou deck permed within a and 11)16.11 with fresh water from the work floor a few Peet below the top -
few inches of his Mee. Ile was glad faucet, he felt able to stand a siege, is cleverly devised crow's-nest, truly:
he did not have •the habit of snoring.' Ile now carried his bag into his new Crane's next task, when night had
Presently there Meuse ere were sounds of the e, and closed his door of boxes;' brought his chosen work -time, was to
ship's bell and the awakened activity' for Iris watch showed five o'clock a.m get connection with the ship's ten -
morning, lien came into the hold ami be saw no reason for running un- phone system, He had marked the
and worked at shoring up the cargo neer.:;s:try risks by working when the ;cent -lea GI' the wires along the ("l -
against shifting in heavy ANIS, They full env: were awake, fly way of lig, cooling in Over the rear I. '.•
talked little among themselves, aI• completing his furnishing, he hung hi? Head and passing out through the for.
ways inDutch, but only personalitieselectric push-button lamp on u peg in word one, Out of his bag he took a
and comments on the work in baud:; the wall, then producedfrom the bag sail of small insulated Hopper were,
After what seemed an interminable a folded chart of the Pacific Ocean and brought for this very purpose. He
time they went nut, and the heavy a small 0111,),ase. The compass was rosin a 0000111100 with the main just
hatch -cover was drepp011. Sooi1 the pleccd 0n a hex, while the map was beside a stanchion, pushing the tiny
screws began to revolve,. there it ere tacked 0n the wall opposite his bunk. wires out of sight in a corvenieut
loud commands, oral a great 8tu11ffling vrul times 5Inee he had been crack that led behind the freight,
of feet on deck. and ('rune knew that' aboard he had enacted the beat of the thence between the cast's and au to
the elite was under way. The die was sr'rcw) by his watch and made cal- his chamber. This work 110 Ltrfurtu-
east, and sotuehow his clearestsense.' enlations of the ship's speed, and also rd with the gteat : t erne, its a ,irntt
tion was as the loosening of 11 certain noted the compass bearing. 11p now circuit cu the line might 151111 In a
tension. There could be no turning' proceeded to plot her (Turn on the search and the disec;ery of his tap,
back now; he was conneitted to this chart, and found that she was bearing with the wired looking a plain troll to
course to the end of tine chapter; and, 011 0 lite (Lout a hundred miles north ills lair, That bottomless bag of bis
he turned to the work ahead with a' fwd east of Honolulu, cutting the, lfkewime furnished a uuruli_tr•id i1'
curlew, elation of spirit. Also, he per- 4.3,14.3,111,
,, ,. of t e c'ls bound frau, that phone instrument; sorb aN 1111:-.111Q11
matted to himself the material tendert popelar fart call to the west toast entry, This was rr0unee't,ed up "-i1i1 the
of prcduc-Ing seine 30.n11wiebee from! 0ltiee of the Hilted States• This wins and hung on a peg Just uhr:ve
his ling and making leis bre:dints!, for: matter settieri, he telt;' a hearty meal th' head of his hums, 11 had no 111.11,
be was ravenously hungry, ! aft :11(c:'moan peril and beaus and can- of course, but any voice c n the line
would be audible several fuer from it, h
This works, involving much t..ifting cf nits
freight to get his wilts nut of
Picking Out the Calves.
From time to time, says one farm-'
paper, some exponent of more live-
stock rises to remark against the;
slaughter of the calves and not always'
is this without reason. We must!
agree that very often calves which!
should be kept in the herd for breed
ing purposes are turned away for veal
and their owner gets little profit from 1
them, and they are not permitted to
do the good in the herd which they,
would have done if kept for treed-!
ing purposes. However, there are
largo numbers of calves raised each
year which should go to the veal
route, and many of those which are
killed while very young would be no
use if kept in the herd as breeders.The good dairyman hes a basis
upon which he works in selling or
keeling, his calves as the case may
be , . ti 1s1$ first of all, a pare -brad
sire Web milking propenstics well
marked in the blood of his ancestors.
He keeps in 1111 herd nothing but the
Lest individual animals and heaviest
milkers and he weighs the milk from
each cew or heifer regularly and sys-
tematically, end, if necessary, has the
mill: tinted for fat, so he knows ex -
eerily \VIII:t each 0f bis cows is doing
and whether or net calves from that
cow are likely to go on and matte val-
uable -animals to place in his herd. If
the cow, mother of the calf, canna`,
threaten h milk production, justify her'
0tence, 10 the herd there is little
0011 early the self from such a
OOoo,ta'iil', 2P: ,lie llieel08. r •qui ' Ct'.^ a'e 3' „" 3'7 c•uussmed the nrtbl Ileum end he ;liet ply
Let Him. Help Himself To
� r x
T will do more than satisfy iii- r +dolt
be:nethl,ec'voet' rtwittt r r.y
the fool l elements needed to
his little holy and help him to gala in
health en) etreneth
Crown Sr , 1 . wt,0ta.ome, awrl:l:-
1,07,110,(0i --c3 well as 11.0
dent:Iona of 3,010
Tee vet )inoirno:r
belt,"118013138 and
Candle til 1.111 1 : i 1 I ^v t. ft l.r teary 0931,3 a�
ways, )rite 1' a yt ..A.0-11101 cJ.ry'1.1 '. «1' +'. ..� n,m.i" b, 2, , ittan•1
2.1 pernd tins - a. -.i 1 jl os 11, 313 .re,
teeNTSTAL, CAn1I*AL, ei0ANTF000, 140(0 WILLIAM.
idnfr s./"✓t f f " 11.n.C1r,r,' 1n. les ( t?
,,,rr,/l 1,1' .',,,er 1,:1:• 1 ,,,,,d>, ..u,
utI83 01ilfrtlieleaSl 11ialeli OIi9➢tilillNiiMuuiW
his breakfast while traittllg fel the
crew to come on duty, se that he might
test his 111staliatiou,
The fir,;t tail lie beard we: from
the officer of the watch to lire „us;iue-
roon, The 111(313(13 '11' '4( in1.1110d
that the log /pawed twenty-three
knots, and that tl1e captain had order- i
ell the speed to be enc,, , ;• d to t11 1(ty- e
six Mints. Crane ell e.'.;,+d by his 1
walc4l, cauuthig the pn > (,f the screw• i
vibrations, and found that 11,. hod ,. ti- p
oohed the 8.100w 10(11:0 1 abet 10w. 8
Ile corrected his chart w et rdl, •le. A f
trip to Iiia lockout station ,lust before
dawn had shown 11110 t1al the, EMI) s
drivieg ahead into the night with c
all lights I.l0nicc'ted 1
I'ro i11, i 0311.11111 .a.) 1
1lTlw Neglected Vocation,
.'•iris (le tight: r 001110,4 t>cauiiful I
"T) 11' m ch. tut tn5" (('inctrl the
man, '•'and ih , world 130 hu .,.'. v frn'
good coop,."
e. Kept past veal age,
Ind 't is far better that such a calf
'hnuld go to thebuteh91' early in life
hen to prove a hill of etcnense, in
fact, 11 robber, in the dairy herd.
The Prefiticss Calf.
Ti:, 131110 1150, of keeping an
nferit,dairy calf to the age of two
r three years, 11eeitt1Ctr it ov'll goner -
Illy (net more, eeper'ially when grain
s high in 'price, an it is now, to
ut mat on the wedge-shaped dairy
arca 'hon it is worth, It would be
oily then to ,seep all calves without
d"irrh1ltr,atien, Only the best should
melee for breeding mimeses, s, x111 tho
tnly 1r1a1 who knows whu'h are the
rest is the man who is using a pro -
ter rive of e heavy milking .,train r
r • regularly
out weighing Clic to"lis I" ulltrl
from 11e cows to which this afire is
rood, and peeping the calves from
Mete cows which lead in milk produc-
tive i e 1 live enough t0 pay for all
f,•11 end Mime mfr( heave a handsome
profit bt..,•des,
Little WilliDad, give nip five
cents, and P11 be a good boy." His
Pa: "No, my boy, I want you to under_
stand that a son of mine must be good
for nothing."
•— 6000 01 G t ST 10 NIMother Severe Syrup eerreete and stimulate.
When your digestion is faulty, weakness acid the d(Aestive ordain and banishes the many
Dain are certain and disease is Invited, nilments•which arise from Indigestion,
mull Druggists. or direct on receipt el price, (Go. and 51.00. The large bottle con sins three times a
much as the smaller, A.J. W to & Co LIMITED. C alg Street West Montreal.
Cl For Coughs, Colds and Distemper. and at the first amp -
toms of any such ailment give small doses of that won.
i ,� I dorful remedy, In existence.
OIJ Sv the mest d
0: For sale by any good druggist, harness dealer, or de-
livered by
SPOEN MEDICAL 00., Chemists and Bacteriologists,
Goshen, Ind., U.S.A,
From the Ocean Shore
Items of Interest Front Places)
Lapped Ey Waves of the
Nova Scotia is enjoying an unusual
season of prosperity,
The new building of the St. John's
N.B., Post Office has just been com-
•Upwards of 40 steamers were
freighted in St, John's Harbor during
Th1'esult of the seal catch thus far,
off Newfoundland north, is 170,000
Scores of West Indians from theft
battalion, are 111 the hospital at Han
fax suffering from frost bites.
Three bodies of infants were found
on three consrecently,
days re' ntly,
one at Fairville, N,B., and the others
in the vicinity.
A St, John, N.B„ paper says that not
since the St. John lire have sugar highe
prices been anywhere near the present
Snowfall for March In Fredericton u
was more than 18 inches—six mes
greater than the amount for the month
last Year.
The St, John's Young Ladies
Patriotic Association are actively seek.el
ing positions for women to release
men for war service. I.C.R.The new steel bridge on the
at Cross Creek has been put 1n place.
It is 45 feet in length and res on
naw concrete abutments.
Several young ladies of Halifax
have decided to fill positions now oa
eupied by men, in order that the atter
may go to the front.
A hero of Digby is Lance -Cor oral
Alexauder Griswold Viets, who r turn-
ed last week from England, havin lost
the sight of both eyes in action.
The Ladies' Association of the Nat.
ural History Society are offering a
large number of valuable prizes to the
school children of St John for making
bird houses.
Of 62 silver -black fox skins Sent to
New York and Boston from PIM.,
20 were sold at an average of $720;
10 of these brought an average of
$946 each; 8 brought $1,000 each.
The farm residence of Private John
Watson, one of the returned heroes do-
ing duty at the Provincial Parliament
Buildings, was burned to the ground
At a winter picnic held near Fred-
ericton, some of the picnickers went
to the scene of the gathering on snow
shoes. A supper was served by In-
dian cooks and a huge bonfire was
At Digby recently the highest prices
on record have been obtained for large
and medium-sized lobsters shipped
alive to the U.S. markets. Stormy
weather in March prevented the fisher-
men from going out.
At present there Is no infectious dis-
ease in the outports except at Port
Rexton where a case of smallpox was
reported last week. The recent out-
break of diphtheria at Stephenville
has been completely checked.
A feud days ago the Natural History
Museum at St. John, N.13., received a
magnificent skin of a South Americananaconda, the gift of a former resident
of the city, Mr. Roy Harding. The
snake sldn measures 18 fent 8 inches
without the head. The reptile was
killed near Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Only Two Per Cent. of the French
Wounded Die.
Amidst the never -ceasing reports of
'ct the tremendous less of life occasioned
by the present European war there
has been a growing curiosity to know
just how ninny of the wounded who
are brought back to the hospitals re-
cover. In previous wars where in-
struments of death were less thorough
it was known that the death rate in
military hospitals was about 80 per
Dr. Jaques Bert1llon, who is in
charge of 111 medico -surgical stet-
rsttcs for the entire French army, has
just stated that the mortality at pre-
sent is only 2 per cent, His figures,
made lap and avernged from the re-
ports from all French military hos-
pitals, at least give an authoritative
answer ID American queries. He
says: "Out of every 100 patients at
present being recieved and treated at
Dur hospitals 98 1100 sent away in re-
e-covery, -
Toward the first of the war the
mortality was 4.5 per cent. he states,
but since the improvement of the
medical service and the (Recovery of a
remarkable number of 110W treatments
Watch Your Colts
We are now paying for SP'RINC MUSKRATS from (Mario, Quebec,
and Ilastern Canada the following guaranteed prices._
Ivx Large Large Medium Small Shot and Cut
.70 .00 .db ,50 according
to value.
We are the largest handlers of this article in Canada and need 500,000
shins for present demand, 050 want. your Collections. Our average pr'1ce
will positively exceed all others, Ship early and often. Ship small par-
cels of 20 shins or under by parcel post. We play all charges.
All other lines 'full 370 St. Paul Street West
Market values, Montreal, P.Q.
Dept. W.
make certain
the quality of
every raw material
prove the easy
working quality
and enduring wear
E apeiiment and Experience
Both point to t(,tnuas s 'Paint ,,a nr 10..11 Iltoic0. (111(11, w5.,l , d 11 ,115 oI
•plot 11103 014 411 •utp•lwrd hl 5 0414,111 tbr; nr,• 40,54b'n d. (conte, s01011'.'
hem loyal 4,80(3 11,11' tot 11101 rim; 710,03 htr,altn0
I o
A. RAMSAY & SON CO. iEetabliahed 18471 MONTREAL. Que.
FOR SALM 13'0 ALL i3 G AL1e r. cu
the advantage of science has been
materially increased.
Hog Pastures.
Piga innnke the cheapest gains en
pasture. Trials at the North Dekola
Experiment Station ind"eate that
brood sows 1'wn111ng 011 good paster,
and nursing litters will do as well
when receiving one to ons AMA a half
p01111d4 of grain per 1.8011 1(10 pommels
live weight of ,our, r3 ,;nw•a 'n dry
lot receiving 2 pannds t tin per daV
per each 100 pounds live woight, The
pasture just about cute the feed stet
two. The pnstwe stlrue rine:; not-
orfurnish enough feed for either •
brood sow with litter e for the weasel
11'gs. They ohould he fed ratml are
so as to make a rapid growth, 1'1 this
way the spring pig can ire ready for
market before • red end weather .'ots
Alfalfe, clover, brooms and winter
rye:M811 the caring" peel uree. 'When
those have not been provided veiny
s1n'inft seeding of :;Welt groin', its oaia,
Bind barley err ('13)1eue the nidi hest