The Brussels Post, 1916-4-13, Page 5BUSINESS CAROt, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS - LI MITED GO14l/PIf ®a *?'.41110 WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER ima ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES lace In the .Post Office, Ethel. 20.4 AUCTIONEERS. "i1 B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • F.OR, Will sell for batter prime, to better men,in lees time and less charges than any oher Anotioneer in Had Baron or be won't ohargo anything, Datesand orders can nlwayo be arranged at this ofifoe or by p"rirmal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINULAIR• - 1' 9 • Barrister, Solicitor, Oouveyaneer, Notary Public, deo, office -8 tewnrt'e Brook 1 door North al Central Hotel. So)iottor tor the Metropolitan Bonk, &Maw Tama' ,$ :rfUZ1roA' BRUSSELS GolNa Souwn Goloo N0000 Express 7:18 a mMail 11;22-a m Express 9:46 pin I Eamon - 8:62 p m WALTON To Toronto To Godertoh Express - 7:60 a m I Express 11:88 am Express - 8:19 p m Express 8:64 ;ins WROXETER Going East - 7:06 a. rn, and 8:40 p. m. Going West - 12;19 and 9:00 p. m. All trains going Bast connect with C. P. B. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. station. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fite, modern steam- ers - equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, Or " 95Ki , : StlerToroate W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. tk p 3 1 y hon 72, Annie Kelly 68, Lucie Rouse ou Can Secure a Position ` 43 Leo Ornnyn 38 Se. II. -Viola tIf you taken course with no The de- g mond upon u••• for trained help ie many ,o limos the number graduating. Stn. vdunts ere entering each week. You Sv T" may tinter any time. Write at once for �� s74 our true catalogue. tgfr 4 D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. Ezra ku-Vz Ali; e.gtoWA4;rOW-Walt O.d J CENTRAL , SITRATFARD. ONT .O Bu01n11g Ciai'dt Mled ill, Cult Pet tamed 1)nlht; last 1 week 'loom a plea:mitt visit With JAS. ANDERSON, friends In London. VETERINARY SURGEON.',t 't A a few days bu,iuess trip Le I n c Ulu. i Joseph Coombe lute returned from Successor tp iu, et, Moore. Oifee et Ander- /8M Sroo, Ltyery etablo, Brussels. Telephone No, 20. T. T. M'RAE M. B., M. O. P•. d S. O. M, 0. H. 'Village of Brussels, Phyeloim, Surgeon, A00onebeur Office over Standard Dank DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine,. University of Toronto ;. Licentiate of college of Physloiane and Sur- geona,Ontario ; ex -Senior Boon Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, Offices of late Dr, A., MoKeveyy, Smith Block, Bruaoole, Rural phone 46, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, .ONT, Physician and Surgeon: Poet Graduate courses London (Eng.),New York and Chicago Hos- pitals. Special attention todieeaeo of eye, ear, none and throat. Eyes tested for glossae. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental 8nr- geonnofOntario and Graduate University of Toronto Fatuity of Dentistry, Office in Ward Bleck, Wingham Phone 249, Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAL/DE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology,- MOOormfok Medical Collage, Chicago, Ill.,. is prepared to teat eyes and fit glosses at her office over Miss Llman's millinery store. Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to12 u. in,. ; 1 to 0 p. m. Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 1219. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Office opposite Floor M115 Ethel, JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satiataction assured ; ()hargen moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Brueeele and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P. 0. PROUDFOOT, IILLORAN & PROUDFOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pubine, &c. Moe on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROU00000, K, 0. a L. KTL'LORAN WM. PaounrooT JR. ala istrict li.etus Morris SOnOOL REPORT. -Following 18 re- port of U. S. S. No. 3, E. Wawanosh and Mor is. Pupils, standing taken frotn monthly exanninatiols. Those marked with an asterisk missed some examinations :-Sr. 1V. -Mary Potter 76, Annie Ormnyn 64.. Jr. IV. -Mary Helly 55, *Ida Stalker 51. Se. III. - Susie Lattimer 85, Maggie Oi'noyn 01, Bernard Craig 72, *Biedetta Noble 70, Roy Noble 64, Nellie Hallahan 61 Jr. Iii. -Frank Con er 75, Annie Halla - i COLLEGE AT HOME Ttloneando of ambitions ycung peo- ple 1100 fast preparing in their own 1101,101 to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra- phers, civil servants in fact every sphere of aotivitiea, You may finish at college if von so 101011. Positions ponr- anteod, hater college any day. Ind'- vidual instruction: Expert teachers. Thirty years' experience. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven colleges. Special course for teaohere. Affiliated with Commercial Educa- tor's.Aoeoolatton of Canada, Summer Salami at famous Spotton Basins Col 0 P 5s lege, London. Wingham Business College GEO, 2000000, W. T. M0001inci, President, Prpal, 8111111111111 tillEIPESEEINEEMEN THE Best Brains 41/0114/01111111111 • n, Canada love intrblottnited in the pre- paration of our splendid fields Study Courses 1n Banking, Eoonoulioa, Higher &ecotone t)Olillllel•Oiat Art, Show Card Writing, Photography ,Journal• fent, Short Story Writing, Photography, Mitt' Bookkeeping. Select the work Whtalt most interests you and write us for pnrttoulnrs, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL . 301-7 Vongo St., Toronto mis•••••••••••Mt A. RAYMANN as prepared to supply the best g{�oods to Windmills, Iron and Wootiou Ptnmpo and Stable Fittings, such as Pipilig, Wat- er Bowie for stook, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a eall- IAYMANNra_ ..r. C rwb sok Rause 84, *Mary EI6n 81, John ban a- ban 80. *Marguerite Phelan 79, Rertie Oraig 78, Fred. Rnnse 50, *Jim Stalk- er 49. 1r. II. Mike Haley 61, Joe Phaelan 60, Joe Belly 53 Sr. I. - Ernest Owning, Ernest Rouse. Jr, I. -li'ergue Kelly. Printer -Dan. Hal- l/than, Florence Rouse; Vincent Kelly. Average attendance 25. Those present every day -Mary Felly, Susie Latti- mer, Bernard Craig, Joe Kelly, Bei tie Craig. M. GILBERTSON, Teacher. Box Social .held at the home of Roht. Powell, 8111 Line, under the auspices of the Morris branch of the Huron War Auxiliary, was largely at- tended and a splendid time enjoyed by all present. J, A. Brown, Secretary of the Auxiliary, acted as auctioneer oI' the boxes endwith hie jovial say- , etc., did Atwell to inereuee the bids.The full• amount realized was $87.60. Londesboro INDUCTION AT BURNS' CHURCH.- Presbytery of Huron met in Burne' church, Hallett, on Tuesday, April 4th, at 2 p. in. for the put pose of gIn- r • in- ducting the Rev. Jas.Abe v fironed v on of Grant, Ont., into the pastn'ltl charge of Burns' church, Mullett, and Knox °hutch, Londesboro.. Rev, W. D. Turner, Blyth, ',acting Moderator, presided and inducted • Rev: F. O. Hat per, Clinton. preached the ser- 10im1 ; Rev. J. Richardson, Kippen, addressed the newly inducted minister and Rev, A. A. Laing, Amhara, gave the•address to the purple. Rev, Jas. Hamilton, Godericb, Olrrk of the Presbytery, was iinavoidebly absent through illness, and Rev, D•ivid Cars- well, Winthrop, acted as Clerk. At the close of the service Mr. Abery was introduced to his people by Jas. Watt' and .100 11 Melville after which the ladiestlfthe entietegatnn provided most tenulth,g ,aid satisfying lunch. 14h'. Turner e lea presented with a dhegee for $40110 -in recoguiLine of his services 'no 'I„rletalor during the vacancy. It is only 0 weeks shine this charge became vareid, and the people are to be ennge•"ilnitled upon their early and happy settlement. Blyth H, A. - Thomas 1109 paw:based a Chevrolet tire. Mise Shaw, Clinton, WM gueet of the iseee McM,i Alis. Mrs Win an eon and slaughter, Fleitnor have 10(1iet eel flow it three weeks visit with Whitby and Toronto friends. Aikenlnead Bros., London, . have purchased the Blolll saw mill from W. F. Vrtnatorte, Wingharn,' and took p0eseeainn, • Miss Mildred McColl, Goderich, has taken the leadetShip of St. Andrew's Obm!eh choir find cominenced her duties 00 Sabbath Net. P. McTaggart, Exeter, Made a 011005 visit here, last week, with ilia two sons, G. F. and Dr. J. A. McTaggart, i lie was eicco(npanied by hie nepeew, Milton McTaggart, who is a prosper- ous busihees than In Winthorst, Sask. While there he had a slight operation for adenoids. Jon; Stewart, who wLs p 000clt8' ng heading bolte herr, (luting the Witt - ter, for l5Iesor14, Arnen5, of (3r tweets, shipped two oar loads to lbeim ltev. Geo Jewel, mid A. B. anti 01,9, Ulu r wane in ,i1 lend,u• u p at the Ontl• volition of I he °Merle liranah of 1he Dominion Alliance held in Tot onto, W loges on Il, Davis was In Toronto last week attending the funeral of his brother, the late le. It Davie. Total assesatneut this year is $2,629 nese than it was least year, Population is 2444, an ineteaae of 11 over last year, The numbers of clogs 75, competed frith 38 last year. C. E. Lepard hies pm chased Ezra elerkley's ellopper and elect, is motor told will erect a new building South of the Exchange hotel and engage in chopping business. 0. E. Le} tad has started walk on the remodelling of the Exchange hotel, which will hereafter be known as the Farmers' Horne. The work will be rushed along as rapidly as pnssible. Street Committee recoinmended that Roberb Leggatt be engaged to clean Josephine street at $1.45 per day and that W. A. Sanderson be a - welded street watering Cnitl'aCt at $29000 for the six months, elating from April 10th. Fordwich There are a few cases of measles in this vicinity, A new boiler arrived for the Grist Mill, 10 carloads of horses have been shipped from, here to the West this Spring. Mrs. (Rev.) Walden, who was oper- ateel on in Toronto for appendicitis, is recovering nicely. Miss Dandy, Wingharn, has been engaged as teacher null' Easter at S. S. No. 8. Miss Rowe, who has been the teacher for the past couple of. months, left for Brandon, Man. D. M. Kennedy, 0. P. R. station agent, will he ori duty from 7 a. M. to 6 p. 111. Parties travelling on the night train will have to purchase their tickets on the train now, and those having baggage; etc , will need to mltke all arrangements eluting the above mentioned hours. The waiting room will remain open at all tirnes for the accommodation of the travelling public. This same rule will apply to Gorrie and Wroxeter. We wonder whet et e rights of the travelling pub- lic come in. The members of Cook's Lodge 0. Y. 13. No. 4, Fnrdwieh, held a special meeting in the lodge room on Wed- nesday evening for the purpose of linnln'ing 3 of their members who have lately offered their services for Sing and Country, viz :-Cecil Cooper, who is in training at Harriston ; and Charles Morrie and John Barber. An address was read and wrist watches presented to the boys, after which a happy social timewasspent and lunch served, This makes 9 members of Cook's Lodge with the colors, as fol- lows:- Wm. Hawkaby and Wm. Bradford, )Sth Battalion, now in France ; Earl Denny and Wrn. Ellis, 71st Battalion, recently left for Eng- land ; Rnbt. Boyd, 70th Battalion, London ; Chas. Manna, 158rd Batta- lion, Palmerston ; Cecil- Cooper, Chas. Morris and John Barber, 153rd Bat- talion, Harriston. - Clinton W. D. Wiseman, son of Jno. and Mrs. Wiseman, whn has been a mem- ber of the famous Northwest Mounted Police for almost five year's, has re- signed to join the 51st Battalion which is now in readiness for overseas service. He had in view joining The Hurons, the hone Oouuty Battalion, but as the 161st ie practically just en- tering upon its training and the 5105 is fit he decided for the latter, desiring to get right on to the firing line 118 00011 as possible. W. SHANE BORIED.-The remains of \Vm, Shane, a former well known resident of Blyth, were laid to rest in Cheton Cemetery on Monday of last week. Late Mr. Shane was in the hotel business Blyth about the year 1868, and later followed the carpenter hei8ineee for 80)11e year's. Many year's ago heleftBlyth tolive ithhis dau daugh- ter, Mrs. Alf. Montreal, later moving with then( to Nesv York and Detroit, bring a leaden( of the latter place et the time of his demise. Be was 013 veal s of age, Those left to mourn hit loss are three daughters and ons son, namely : Mrs. Nation, Mrs. Belfry and Oluts, Shane, who re- eide in the States, and Mts. R. S. Bays, Se:dn•tit HURON BA1I'ALION REVIEWED IN A BODY -The 161st Battalion cane to- getherfot• the first time, when about 700 elan paraded under Lieut. -Cot. (Nunn bee and were inspected by Lieut, Onlnnel Shannon and Lieut, -Col. Smith of divisional headquarters of Thursday of last week. The soldiers arrived front various ports of the ()minty no all trains. A. review took place in I he park. Ont. Shannon ex- pressed himself as well satisfied with the appearance and de'ill of the unit,' giving consideration to the fact that it had never been together. The Bat- talion, Band headed • the parade through the streets and the musical or- ganization 011150rised everyone with the manlier in which it had "come RUN-DOWN WOMAN Made Strong By Our Vinol Fort Edward, N.Y.-" I was in a run- down, nervous and weak condition, so 1 could not do the housework for.myaittle family of three. I had taken cod liver ell emulsions and other remedied with- out benefit. A friend told me about Vinol. 1 tried it and it soon built up my strength and made the a well woman so I now do all of my housework." -Mrs. ELMER GLooDEN. ' We guarantee Vinol, our delicious, cod liver and iron tonic for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. P, H. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels ti i Life Unbearable froze Indigestion Health Restored by "Fant -a -tires" MELLE. C. GAUDREAU Rochon P.Q., Jan.141h, 1915, "1 suffered for many years milli terrible indigesliou and Gansu, aiion, I became thin and miserable. 1 had frequent dizzy spells and became so run down that I never thought I would get well. again. A neighbor advised me to try `lernit- a-tives'. I did so and to the surprise of my doctor, I began to improve and headvisedfnelogoonwith 'FirfiL a lir'es'. I continued this medicine and all my Indigestion and Constipation was relieved. I consider that I owe my life to `Fruit -a -tires' end I want to sayto those who suffer from Indigestion, Constipation or Headaches, try 'Fruit- a-tives'. Give this lovely fruit saredicine a fair chance and you will get well the same as I did". C0R1NE GAUDR,EAU. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, along." In the evening the Gnderich Canoe Olub Minstrels gave a Coneeet in the Town Hall, the proceeds of which amounted to $15(1 and will go into the 181st Recruiting Fund. . Listowel Two new flags, one for each school, have been odeoed. Recruits are coaling in steadily and there are several new prnspects in view. The local quota has now reach- ed 56 in strength. Edwin G. Matthews left for Toron- to where he has accepted a gond posi- tion with the head office of the Stell- ing Bank of Canada. A. B. George purchased from his father, Conrad George thehnsiness block on Main street, which his restaurant partly occupies, 84,800 be- ing the price paid. .Mabel, the 4 year old daughter, of Rev. H. H. and Mrs. Liebold, under - Went an operation for a trouble re- sulting from pneumonia and is now getting along nicely. Another Listowel boy has been call- ed upon to make the supreme sacrifice. Tuesday morning of last week Aaron and Mrs, Ringler received the sad in- telligence by wire that their son, Gun- ner William John Ringlet., had been killed in action on Saturday, March 251(1. • It was a proud moment in t11e his- tory of Knox church, when 011 Sunday morning of last week, before an un- usually large congregation, the mini- ster, Rev. J. M. Nicol, unveiled the roll of honor, containing the names of 58, in some way connected with the church, who have donned the khaki, thus signifying their willingness to fight and if necessary die, that the cause of righteousness and liberty (011ty be upheld. Atwood Choir concert will be held Tuesday April 25th, R. A. Thompson spent a few days at Guelph getting instructions at the 0. A. College before commencing his work as Dairy Inspector. for this dis- trict. Dr. Roe was called to Tine -into through the illness of his aunt, Miss Fullerton, who passed away on Satur- day, April let. The rem -tins were bran ht to Milverton, FINE WOMAN PASSES AWAY. -M011 - day, March 27th, 1916, Airs. Ellen Gibb Hamilton departed this life after be- ing an invalid for about 4 years. Mrs. Hamilton was barn in the township of Downie. County of Perth, on July 291,11, 1841. 5 sisters and 2 brothels survive her. She was married to John B. Hattliltmt, se, of the town- ship of Elena, on October 20th, 1864, when they settled of Lot 6, Con. 7, Eltna, when the country was com- paratively new. They proved to At- wood about 6 years ago where they, with their youngest daughter, have lived since. She was a kind, loving mother, a good friend and neighbor' in any time of need and while her health would allow a regular attendant lu God's house in the Presbyterian Chat ch, Atwood, Her husband and 7 children survive her -Mrs. Jobe Clarke, Rockville ; John 13„ 1.,ot7, Con. 8 ; Joan, a student in Columbia College, New York ; Mrs. Wm. J. Hunter, Toronto ; Miss Ella at home who tend ety cared fo her mother daring her long illness , 'i'houas on the homestead, and Nesbit in business in. Atwood, Funeral 9ervi0ee were coll- dncted by Rev, W. D. 'McDonald, her pastor, atter which the rennins were taken to the Mina cemetery, Pall- bearers were her 8 sons -John, ',Phonn- as and Nesbit, her son -in -Imes W111.3. ,Hunter and her bl'others, .Robert and George Gibb, Downie, • J, 0. and Mrs, Roller celebrated the sixtieth annivereiury of their wedding, some forty of their 'relatives and Mends being presort.' The couple re- tired from farming sone 14 years ago, and have since been rospeoted resi- dents of 1Iitsbell. Thke the Hard Vark out of Washday f1{ ;, •tBYmv,< )�g� � iaronmuin°im M1 ,111 1 t 1.�MBir',(1 i eai'1`,4di::-a'r('^ 1111111(1IIIIIII II,I 1 THIS MAXWRLL "HOME" WASHER takes all the back.breaking work out of washing. Just put.theclothes in. The washer does the wot•k- easier and better -in less than half the tittle. Delicate fabrics are as and cleaned just as well as blankets, table -clothe or sheets -no tearing or wearing. Maxwell 'HOME" WASHER is light, noiseless and eaey run- ning. Enclosed automatically cut gears Make it. safe in opera - Lint The "springs" in the lid make the cover lift up easily, Constructed of best quality Cyp- ress, and handsomely finished, Insist on seeing the Maxwell "Home" Washer. D. M. Mulcahy Agent, Ethel Turnberry Council Council meeting was held in Blue - vale 011 March 27111. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved on 111011011 of Wheeler - Moffat t. Moved by Wheeler -Bolt, that Council petition Minister of Militia to establish a mobilization camp at Gode- rich for the purpose of training Huron On. volunteers.-Oarried. Tonder for township printing was meal fled to Wingham Advance. Women's Institute of Bluevale and Wingham were given, respectively, $50 and $40, for Red Cross work on 10053011 of Adair -Moffatt. By-laws were regularly passed ap- pointing following officers Fenceviewers - Wm, H. Mundell, .Tas. I. Scott, \'+Ven. S. King, Thos. Haugh, Sam, Vanstoue, Jas- E. Nich- ol, Joseph Lovell, F. Wright jr., E. Oe vis and R. Leathorn. Pound Keepers.- R. lticKague, Alex. Findlater, J. I.. Scott, Hugh Tucker Andrew Getnmill, Jas. Kirton, P. S. eicEwen, F. W. Wright sr., E. andOwls,W?, I) HulSVillletta111so)1, .1 011 Alttndeall . , Patlutlastus-A, N'iudlater, Robert Jeffry, Wee IJ. Mundell, Joe, Me, Glyn'', John Little, D. Holmes, A. Stapleton, G. Doyen, J. Tereitt, D, Marshall, 14, Stokes, J 1. Scott, W, Mitchell, J. 11. Linklater, John Port- er, 3. E Henault, S. Woods, A. Fin - gie, P, Hastings, T. Gil Mom., F. O,u-, rnthere. A, Wheelans, A, ie. Ho - mirth, uWi, 1G1. WiUlta, lIh 13u1t, A Mc- Pherson, J. Powell, 1, J. Wright, R. Sharpen, S. King, W. Holmes P. Mc- Ewen, F. Wright jr„ 1e. H11p1'er, J, Hislop, J, McEwen sr,, P. Scott, 0. Higgins, 1t. Black, P. King, H. Di- nient, M. Proctor; J, Lennox, 3, R. McKenzie, G. Simmons, G. Gannett, G. Hustle, J, Moffatt, G, Weikel, H, Meekley, h Neil, A. eiemmill, E. Pal- mer, Jeff. Musgrove and A, Miller, 1Vingham Town Plot•- ,lobo Mllohell, G, Orvie, G. Phippen, T. E, Gray, 0. Welsh, If, Copeland. Bluevale-Rohl, Musgrove. Accounts wore passed and cheques issued :-18it's. 01 awfurd '1411 e, \\'tn11- au'oInslitute,Blnevale, $50; ales. J. 1. Moffatt, Wornen's lost' tule, Wing hewn, $40 •, Miss, L. Mathews, Hoepi- tal fees, H. Cawed, 57; Mtu,icipal 1Vot Id supplies, 516 40 ; Onlin 71561,1, survey - Eadie •drain, $1.7"0 ; Alex. Baird, survey -Eadie drain, $1.75 ; 3. Roberts, -survey-Eadie drirm $1.75; David Wallace, survey, -Eadie denim, $1.75 ; W. J. Campbell, board , and livery, surveyor, 55 25 ; Howard Bolt, damages to engine, Howick bdy., 817.25 ; P. Powell, supplies, Board of Health, $1 70 ; Robt. Hogg, work on bridge, 54.00 ; Stapleton 13000., part pay for timber at sink hole, ,25.00. Next Council meeting will be held at Bluevale, Monday,- May 1st, at 2 p; m. P. PowELL, Clerk. Perth County The management of the Mitchell Wollen Mills are considering the ad= visibility of erecting another large addition to their plant. Hugh Campbell, who recently re- turned to Mitchell from the West, left last week for the Niagara district where he will embark in the fruit rais- ing industry. Fullerton township has issued a pro- clamation ordering all dogs within the township to be tied up fora space of 60 days, as a preeautiou against a possible outbreak of rabies. Mitchell soldiers now have comfort- able rooms in Town Hall building, fit- ted up especially for their benefit. Rooms comprise a canteen, and et ler ge reading and amusement compartment. Herbert Taylor was appointed Con- stable at Listowel at a salary of $40 per month and fees, John Inglis was appointed Truant officer, Herbert Taylot• Sanitary Inspector and A. St. Geo. Hawkins Bread Inspector. It was decided to purchase a uniform for the Constable. Yes, the Pain goes! The very first rob gives relief and as you massage m the heal- ing, penetrating oils of Cham,. berlien'8 Liniment, you exper. fence a feeling of ease, comfort and relief,'that assure^you a real euro is taking place. This fine old family safeguard Chamberlain's Liniment. hae noqual for rheumatIsm, tum. halts no ealgla and all Pains la 180 modes awl Joints. Unequal!. 04 to rub nnthe throat and chest for the cureof wale and croup. All Araasub 25c. The mad dog scare has again en- sued in Fullerton, Downie and St.. arys. Last Friday Editor W. R. Davis oeleberated his 5001 year 150lldlto1. and prnprieter of the Mitchell Advocate. I3e's a veteran all right. P150 GERMAN SCHOOL BOY. - Re- ports come from a school near Brod- beget] to the effect that a British teacher in the said school has a hard time to keep some of the scholars in subjection to the rules laid dowo. One boy in particular, when the school was opened, refused to sing the Na- tional Anthem but would sing "God Save the Kaiser", and instead of draw- ing the Union Jack nn the black board would draw the German flag. This the teacher would not stand for, and the report reached Lieut. Bondi, of Mitchell, who along with a private visited the school but the boy was not there. Before leaving the officer had, the school sing "God 8(500 the Ring" and it was sung most heartily and he learned them that this was to be sting every ))loaning or he would see why . Leaving there be pro - reeled to the home of the boy and found him and the mother there but the father was away. After making the bay apologize and promise to obey_ his teacher, Lieut. Booth left for Brodhagen to find the father who on being made acquainted with the facts felt very bac' over the affair and begged Lieut. Booth to not make any trouble and said that he world see that his boy would comply with the laws of the country, If Lieut. Booth has to be called there again there will be something doing. Always the Same Day in and Day out. Week in and Week Out. Year in and Year Out. Always the same. ¢1. 0•••••s•••••••••i•••••••fiii•••••••••••••••••NN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Q • • •• • ■ • Huron BattaIonF hs • esseoesssessocoascaseceaoo©oesseseseseeamisseseessoesassaseeaeosoeseaoses The Appeals to the loyalty of the young men of Huron who have not yet answer- ed the call of duty. Every Mailable Man is Needed if the 161st is to be recruited up to strength, The chief business of the nation at thep resent time is FIGHTING, and the buying and selling of goods will have to take Second place until the war is over, THIS MEANS that if you are a man of Military age and physically fit you should make it YOUR BUSINESS to enlist, But You are Needed Far Worse 1#T THE FRONT. Answer the call TO -DAY, The Honor of Huron is at stake. For information apply at the local Recruiting Station, LIEUT. SCOTT, Recruiting Officer. • • 0 • • • • A • • • e • • • • • • • • O • w • • • • te 0 • 5) 00 G • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••.•••••••••••.•40•••••••••00••••••••t •••