The Brussels Post, 1916-4-6, Page 31 NERVOUS DIS ASES i From the Ocean Shore _it TEEFolksTEE Sp I G BITS OF NEWS FROM 'I'll 1.3 MARITIME vuovisCES. Cured by Toning the Blood Ho v the Dwarfs Change Their Clothes and Strengthening the Philip and May and Don sat on the Nerves, rug by the bright fire in Cousin An nie's sitting room. None of them; It is the opinion of the best medical know what to do with themselves. authorities, after long observatio `, that nervous diseases are more co 0r Elmer Lh Gra 84tons has en - They had tried all their games and , y, , service. n mole a •ious in the s fin thel were tired of them, �11fo and s i p tared the lupi er carrying trade, "I wish I could see something won- than at any ,other time' of. the year. Private Geo 'o Boone, of St. An- Both men .on their arrival in Eng- derful" said May, Vital changes in the system, after ,drews who has twice been wounded, 1anc1 were recognized by the military) "There's the fife," said Cousin An -hong winter months, may cause much returned for the''thira time to the authorities as having o enlabadly nie, looking intb,the beautiful red and; more trouble than the familia springy front last week, a wounded and brought last summer. One of thein yellow flames. weakness and weariness from which i A company in Woo tock, N.B has prisoners "We see that every night," said Don.! most people suffer as the result of had actually lost an arm. In course secured a contract fram,�the Dominion "Well, the wonderful snow is fall-! indoor life, in poorly ventilated and Government for early \ delivery of of time the two men were, with others, ing outside " Cousin Annie went on.1 often overheated buildings. Official 5,000 tons of hay sent back to Germany in exchange British incapacitated den vase and is piled up above the neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy in St. John's, Nfnd., that seals aro fox fur er sorvtce, edge till it makes the vase look like I and other forms of nerve troubles 1 plentiful along the S. E. coast,but ,course never imagined that they 1 t d bh t then ' would be seen again. Evidently, however, the Germans are hard pressed for men, for the one armed soldier and his "incapacitated" comrade were once more sent to the trenches, where for the second time they fell into British hands. Both men, when challenged by the military authorities at the camp to which they were sent, frankly Admit- ted that they had been captured twice. Items of .interest From ['lace* Lapped By Waves of the Atlantic. The littl'e,Gloucecter fishing seboon- the only thing that there is left to the' Turks is their religious fanaticism which will hold them together, but not avail much in carrying on a� wal•,1 CRIPPLES AGAIN CAPTURED. 111d?n British Had Freed in German Ranks.. Among a batch of German prison- ers who have just arrived in England are two soldiers who only a few months ago were ; sent back from England to Germany as unfit for fur -1 "See how it had filled the great gar- records prove that in April and May! Several reports have been received for B1.11s prisoners th• and it t, a great dish of pop corn." aro at t tetr wore, an a , "We have seen snow so often that,nmore than any other time, a blood -I it doesn't seem wonderful any more," making, nerve -restoring tonic is, said Philip; "but what is pop corn?"needed. "What?" cried Cousin Annie, "Did The antiquated custom of taking you never see pop corn? I can hard- purgatives in the spring is useless, ly believe it!" 1for the system really needs strength -I The children all said that they had ening, while purgatives only gallop never seen pop corn for in their far -'through the bowels, leaving you away home there was no such thing.! weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are; Then little Mary began to fret again.1 the best medicine, for they actually I She did not know what pop corn was, make the new, rich, red blood that 1 d ^d thus' and did not want to see any. "I wish;feed5 the starve nerves, fairies would come and dance hero ont cure the many forms of nervous dis- the rug for us," she whispered. i orders. They cure -also, such other "They shall," said Cousin Annie.' forms of spring tronbles as head - "Wait a minute till I come back." E aches, poor appetite, weakness in the When she came back and knelt on limbs, as well as remove unsightly the rug again, she held in one hand i unfallinglyd eruptions. i n tions. Infact they hey three little ears of corn and in the g other a funny thing that looked like; strength to weak, tired and depressed a little cage made of wire and that had; men, women and children. a long handle. To each child 81101 Sold by all medicine dealers or by gave an ear of corn—a yellow one tol mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes May, a red one to Philip, and one of for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. '1' brown and pale yellow to Don. "This is only corn," Philip said, disappointed. "Just a little smaller than other corn, that's all." "Yes," Cousin Annie answered gra- vely. "But it is something else, too. Each of these grains is a little dwarf. The dwarfs do not like to be so small, RUSSIA'S STRENGTH GROWS. New Prime Minister Says She Is "Bound to Win." "Instead of diminishing, our strength is growing greater day by so far only a few have ben taken. Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, O'Donnell, Little Lorraine, recently. This makes the third birth of twins in that district since Christ- mas. The public lands department at St. John's displays a marked improve- ment on any previous year. There is a $1,900 increase in revenue from leases. The Halifax Graving Dock Co., is making another up-to-date addition to its plant by building and equipping a floating electric welding plant. At Newcastle the dead body of Miss Hannah McInnes was found in, her home where for some time she had lived alone. She had been dead se- veral days. Woman knitters in the Provincial Hospital at St. John, N.B., . have turned out 1,500 pairs of socks in addition to doing a great deal of sew- ing for the Red Cross. John March, very well-known in St. John and Kings county as long con- nected with educational and news- paper work in this province, died at Greenfield, Queen's Co., N.S., March his home in Hampton. 27th, (Special).—"To anyone who suf- Andrew Paul, a native of Whycoco fers from rheumatism I say: "Take —the Indian settlement, Tufts Cove, Dodd's Kidney Pills. They will be died recently at an advanced age. He sure to give you a release from pain." and they hate to wear such tight, stiff day. Our armament is now equal to was well known to sportsmen of the This is the message of Cornelius clothes; but they always try to be that of the enemy, while we possess past generation as a guide. Hirtle, a well known farmer living cheerful about it, and do their best. more fighting men than Germany, The Board of School Commissioners near here. Mr. Hirtle suffered from They are mostly little girl dwarfs, but Turkey and Austria. The inevitable had before them one evening recently rheumatism for four years and found all of them like to dress in white, conclusion is that we are bound to twenty-five fathers to answer to the a cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. fluffy clothes."i,, charge that sons and daughters under "I was in bad shape for four years," wn The children's eyes grew big. And The foregoing is an extinct taken the age of sixteen were delinquent Mr. Hirtle says in giving his expert - can't they have any fluffy clothes?' from an interview given by Premier attendants at school, ence. "My back and hips troubled me asked May. Sturmer of Russia to the Petrograd There is a much larger quantity of so much that I was not able to do "They can, but they have to do a correspondent of the Paris Journal. lumber cut on the Monquart stream very hard thing to get them," said The balance of the interview follows: at Bath, this winter, than has been Cousin Annie. "There is only one "The Czar's policy toward Poland cut for a number of years. One firm way for them to change their clothes. is based on honor. His intentions re- has 2,000,000 feet of lumber to drive First, you must push them out of their little beds." Philip and May and Don went to work in great haste, and soon had several handfuls of corn shelled from the cobs. "Now," said Cousin Annie, "we will put them into this cage and lock them in, and then we will hold it out like this —" The children shook the cage willing- ly; their eyes were as bright and their cheeks as red as the fire itself. May had forgotten that she had been fretting a moment before. They were very quiet, for Cousin Annie had told them to listen, so that they might hear the first dwarf when he jumped out of his tight clothes into his beauti- ful whit fluffy suit. Presently, pop! pop! pop! came from the cage; and Don, who was shaking the cage, almost dropped it, . for where there had been only little yellow or red kernels of corn there were now three beautiful big white things that, at first glance, looked like some kind of lovely flower, but that, it was easy to see were really the fluffy white dresses of three little dwarfs had changed their clothes. Then the pop! pop! pop! began to come so fast you could not count the different pops, and all the little dwarfs in the cage seemed to be dancing up and down and pushing one another about. Even after Cousin Annie had. taken the cage from the fire and had opened the door of it with a chip, some of the dark little dwarfs bopped up in the air before the children's very eyes, and, leaping over the top of the cage, changed into their white suits before they reached the floor. After a minute or two almost every dwarf had turned into a fairy—white and fluffy and beautiful. "Nobody could want to see anything 111010 wonderful than that!" said Mary. "Oh, look, Cousin Annie, look at Don —he's eating a fairyl" "Yes," said Cousin Annie. ' "That is what they like. They will not be perfectly happy, now, until they're all eaten up." And in a minute and a half all Lthe fairies were perfectly happy,— Contptinirn. Tile Snob. First Recruit—What do you think of the major, Bill? - Second Recruit—He's a changeable kind 0' bloke. Last night I says to 'int, "Oo goes there?" an' 'e says "Friend," an' to -day 'e 'artily knows me. \ al .1 Nova Scotia Man 'Has Good News National Preparedness does not come from guns and dreadnoughts alone, but from men who are fit for the day's work. The making of men is a question of food and rational exercise, You can't build stalwart men out of an unbalanced "ration," Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains all - the material needed for building the per- fect human body. It is the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam -cooking, shredding and baking. One or more Shredded Wheat Biscuits for breakfast with milk or cream makes a man fit for work or play. It is ready -cooked and ready - to -serve. Made in Canada. A SPLENDID FEAT. How British Motor -Boats Captured a German Gunboat. A thrilling narrative has reached Cape Town of the capture of a Ger- man gunboat on Lake Tanganyika by two British motor -boats. The gunboat was sighted ab eight in the morning, whereupon the motor- boats immediately rushed at full - speed to the attack. Fire was open- ed at 2,500 yards, the Germans failing to hit, The Britishers' second shot carried FINDS IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS away the gunboat's wireless appara A CURE FOR HIS RHEUMATISM. tus, and the third hit her on the wa- ter line. The gunboat then turned and fled, but the motor -boats were much States Out of His Own Experience the faster. The fifth shot killed the That Dodd's Kidney Pills Are a captain, who belonged to the Kcenigs- g The gunboat surrendered in twenty minutes after the action commenced. It was not seriously damaged. The engines and boilers were untouched, and repairs were effected within a week. The gunboat is five times the combined tonnage of the motor -boats. The capture was due to the splen- did dash and gunnery of the British, who fired fifteen shots while going at fell speed in a choppy sea, and hit the gunboat twelve times. The commanding officer had a tre- mendous reception on landing. Bel- gian officers tried to kiss him, while much without suffering. I also had ' thousands of natives did a war dance stiffness in the joints, my muscles; and rubbed their heads with sand. cramped and I felt heavy and sleepy e' after meals. I had a bitter taste in Worked Both Ways. Book Agent—Here's a volume crammed with useful information. Chapter one, for instance, tells you how to manage servants.. GanY Cana' n Woods Only Not ver lou ago ford Shaugh- nessy announced that so fax as pos- sible Canadian woods only would be used in connection with the con- , struetion and interior finish of all Canadian Pacific buildings, railway care, etc., an announcement which was hailed with great satisfaction by the lumber interests of bhe Domin- ion. That such a programme was possible was known to the forestry experts who have supplied to the various Canadian Government ex- hibite in Europe and the United States magnificent samples of 11ard- woods with beautiful grains and at- tractive 'finish. It would seem that these woods are not being exploited sufficiently, but, no doubt, now that it is known there will be a good de- mand for it, manufacturers will give the matter greater consideration. •1.____.. Breaking it Gently. He had just been accepted. "Does your father know I write poetry ?" he asked, anxiously. "Not yet, dear," she replied. "I've told him all about your drinking and your gambling debts, but I couldn't tell him everything at once." garding Poland have twice been mani- fested, once by Grand Duke Nicholas in his manifesto at the opening of hostilities; again through the declar- ation of my predecessor, Premier Goremykin, on July 19, 1915. The programme so categorically laid down by the Grand Duke and M. Goremykin will be applied to Poland with abso- lute integrity. We are aware of Po- land's sincere loyalty to our cause, and the high courage of the Polish sol- diers who have fought in our ranks since the war began. "We have the utmost confidence in the future. Thanks to veritable pro- digies in improvisation and organiza- tion which would have been consider- ed impossible two years ago, we have been able to build up our industries and national resources, until from having almost nothing with which to carry on the struggle we aro now pro- ducing everything we need. As for combatants, we have more trained men now than ever before." The pledges to Poland mentioned by Premier Sturmer guarantee Polish Jews civic liberties which they have not enjoyed heretofore. Togs for the Family. "I suppose tires. are a big expense in automobiling." "Yes, and attires." From1`i of view �•bulldog's 1011 t rho this a very quarrelsome old. world. No ratan can be happy furless he pies to melee others happy, (happiness is often the price of be- ing poor, Do'l't get too self-ilnportant; the world will go on just the same after Yonl . get out. .• from this stream this coming spring. Plans for a campaign to double Newfoundland's complement of sol- diers and sailors in active war ser- vice have been completed. So far 1,200 naval reservists and 2,000 sol- diers have been enlisted and sent to England. Stewart Cogswell, son of Dr. A. W. Cogswell, who has been taking a course at the Curtiss Aviation School at Newport News, has not only pass- ed a successful test for his pilot li- cense granted by the American Aero Club, but made the highest percentage of all students taking the course. BABY'S OWN TABLETS Ever Eat Grape Nuts ? (Made in Canada) There's a vast army of physical and mental work- ers who do not. One reason—lbs delicious, nut -like flavor. Another—it is easily and quickly digested—gener- ally in about one hour. But the big reason is— Grape-Nuts, besides hav- ing delicious taste, sb$- plies all the rich nutriment of whole wheat and mall - ed barley, including the "vital" mineral "alta ne- cessary for building brain, nerve and musole. Aiwas ready to eat direct �rora the packagti, ape- tits with a rea # ood milk la a Well rea- COration—theatmost Imind 1lourlshmeltt. >,fThere's u Reason" , r • SMfi. .,tw.T +•--Nola by Grocers, GOOD AS GUARANTEED Mrs. L. Isbell, Kingston, Ont., writes: "I am using Baby's Own Tab- lets and find them as good as adver- tised. They are certainly a wonder- ful remedy for little ones." Mrs. Is - bell's testimony is like that of thous- ands of other mothers. Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets she will use nothing else for her little ones. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TURKEY A VERY SICK MAN. The Treasury Is Empty and the Arsenals L'k ' The malady of the "Sick Man of Turkey" seems to have taken another and very acute form. In the past de- cade Turkey has suffered more than any other country from disasters, Holding Hint to His Word. wars and internal rows. The Young Bobby (trying to get away) -Say, Turks, headed by Enver Pasha, gahi- pa, wait a minute. Didn't you tell the ed a tottering ascendency and went callers last night that I couldn't be into the war on the side of Germany, beat for mischief? Now, they aro emphatically between Father—That's what S did, the Devil and the deep sen. The young rascal. sweeping advance of the Grand Duke Bolrlty—VP011, then, what do in the East and the defeat and de- mean by beating me now? moralization of the Turkish Army de - opposing him calls for every effort to be made to arrest his advance, and Savo all .that is left worth while of Turkey, that is, the fruitful region of Asia Minor, or Anatolia. Consequently, all the Turks in Eu- ropean Turkey must be hurried across the Dardanelles, and even then, they will probably not be able to stop bhe Grand Duke, Germany, hard pressed as she is, can send no relief in mon, ammuni- tion or Supplies to Turkey. The Bul- garians will probably break their un- welcome alliance with Turkey, and take advantage of the situation to recover file rich portions of territory which they lost to Turkey' in the last War. The hundred different factions which have been held down by Enver Pasha's military power, aided by the presence of the German Generals and troops, will now assort thoniselves, and chaos come again, The Turkish treasury is empty, the Turkish er- sonals likewise. Food, clothing and ammunition are not to be had, and i ewise. my mouth, especially in the morn- ing. My appetite was fitful and I was often dizzy. "I suffered from shortness of breath, I was often dizzy and I was depressed and low spirited. "I book six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they did me so much good that I am recommending them to all my friends. They are better than any doctor." Every one of Mr. Hirtle's symptoms was a symptom of kidney disease. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. His Military Age. Housewife—Don't want it. One can't get any help in this town to manage. Agent—Then there's another chap- ter in the book on self-help. Brave and Vigorous. Junior—So you didn't propose to her, after all? 'Weed—No. And I'm not going to. When I got to her house. I found her chasing a mouse with a broom. 5 MADE IN CANADA //..ereerniareste..res pewee vele e* LW0 141ETT COMPANYLUCTED 1111111.1 "''"4 TORONTp 05T' ne'/ Used for making I hard and soft soap, for softening water, for clean- Ing,dislnfecting and for over 500 other purposes. 8a1Uat SUVSTiTUTIS. EW OILLETT COMPANY LIMITED .,a 1 A Duplicate to be Desired. sore Eyes Granulated ted laied Eyeiido.. Bride -to -Be --I hope, dear, we won't by expo.. et en du lfcate wedding presents. *uroto Sus, Dasland Wiad g Y p qquicklyrelievedbyMurlas Groom-to-Be—Olt, I don't ]m0rv. Eyes Eset REyeyNmSartinAaDnawpormnitedminnsd age$,i0n0g0 a depk Your Drggists 50c per Bottle. faunae Eye date from your father. SalveinTubes25e. ForBookellheEyeh'eeask Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Cause of Collapse. Minardb Liniment Cures Dandruff The foreman employed by a big Moral suasion is all right in its contractor rushed into the office of way, but there are times when it • the boss, wild-eyed and palpitating. should be backed up with a gun. "Boss," said he in a greatly agi= SEED POTATOES . tated voice, "one of them ,new houses SEED POTATOES, IRISTI COB• of ours fell down in the night!" biers, Oeloware, Carman Or - "What's that?" exclaimed the boss, der at o'i e. su ply limtcd. write for jumping right up and beginning to quotations. I11 W. Dawson. Brampton• take notice. "What was the matter? POR EXCHANGE How did it happen?" PAIR SILVER BL reit CROSS BRED "It was the fault of the workmen, 1 force, trade for used car, acrd boss," answered the foreman. "They Bros•• Bothwell, oat. made the mistake of taking down the scaffolding before they put on the wallpaper." , Idinord's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, Cheering Thought. "Cheer a old man! All things M ,;ALD—CUA, Mir. AND (I.\ 80- l' 7hte The King and Queen recently paid a surprise visit to the National Hos- pital for Paralysis at Queen's Square, London. Some of the men were in ' bed, too ill to get up to greet their Majesties, but all who could do so lin.; ed at the front of their beds and saluted as the Royal visitors ap proached. The King had a long balk' with a very young soldier, and laugh -1 ed heartily at the patient's droll re- plies to some of his questions. Re- plying to a query as to his age the youth replied, "Nineteen, your Ma -1 jesty." "But bhat is your military age," said the King with a twinkle.; The soldier did not appreciate the 1 suggestion, but gravely replied that he was anxious to get back again and do Ms bit as soon as he was well enough. He is suffering from very severe shell shock. Trinard'a Liniment Cures Burne, Etc, you you To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MI- NARD'S LINIMENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a liniment was required and have ne- ver failed to get the desired effect. C. A. KING, MX. No Canso for Alarm. Mrs. Finnegan (to Mike, who basjust carne home)—Phwat's all the noise below? Did I heal' 50100 wan shout "Foire?" Finnegan—Ye dill; but make ;ver - soli: aisy. The fair's in Wieldy Ma lane's Liniment on thefirst flare, an' there's six flares bechune it an' us. Minara'e nutmeat for sale overywhore THERMOR Hot Bottlef r 120Hours Lasts a Lifetime Waterless of '41M ,r 1 "eton" .80 0*85 +Q. WATERLESS HOT -BOTTLE 11AYS 110T if 103135 tosl1N51 seven EXNA011 M NIUTES 110 ONLY It Is made of metal, nickel plated, of a convenient size. Simply boil the "Thetmor" for ten minutes only (no longer) and it stays hob for full twelve hours at an even temperature of 125 deg, Recommended by physi- cians on account of the steady heat and sanitary metal case, No trouble — no filling — no danger of scalding the hands— no leaks—no expense and one purchase lasts a lifetime. In sickness, such as Neuralgia, La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neu- ritis, Inflammation—in fact all aches and pains, the "Thermos" is invaluable. As a bed -warmer and a foot•warnler it has no equal. "The "Th ermor" measures 81ib" across and is lie thick, yet ft weighs less than a filled two quart rubber bottle. Tho price is $4.00 sent Postpaid anywhere and sold uncle, an ab- solute guarantee from the mak- era, High-class representatives wanted' in some territories, GOLDEN GATE MANUFAC- TURiNG COMIIPANY,LIMITED 9 Youville Street, Montreal. NURSERY STOCK II H1G-CLASS NURSERY STOCK — buy and save middleman's] pioiits; write for catalogue. Dominion Nurseries (Smith, Reed & Co) St. Catharines, Ont. FOR SALE. Bucl of e Traction Ditching come to those who wait" liacltiue' only did about three nnmtha "Not a situation; not a position." work will Neil right, on account or ill- ness. R. Phillips, 0hosley Ont. "Sure they do! You'll find your-, self in an unpleasant situation and' HELP WANTED. an embarrassing position if you only . , A 1 and bo} steady work, highest wages wait long enough." EMPIRE BUSINESS COLLEGE 846 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont. $3c/ 16 MONTHS COURSE ,Ni� t The only College in Canada kaching all Typewriter Keyboard" 0a rates are half those prevailing elsewhere vJ,a'/a 41,e1U ;:iiiieawi h4i0i8g 1 y' n T.afore p100- r FVY ing your order o seeds see our 1916 (Sold �'� ea Jubilee Oatalo¢us it is free Gov't. Stan. Bus. No, 1 Red Clover (Faney)$16.16 No. 1 Alsylte 11.00 1� No. 1 Timothy 6,66 11 Allow 50c for each cotton bag We pay railway freight in On- tario and Quebec over $25.00 " E D—UPHOLSTERERS, Machine -hands, Cabinet makers i Apply Lippert furniture Co., Ltd., Bei•- _ till, oat, :'.I24tcltiii%F!'. TO1t4NTO..'-' ur14OLSTERBXIS WANTED FOR lJ pad and slip ether world State experience. Factory running ten-hour day. Owen Sound Chair Co., Ltd.. Owen Sound, Out. Al` T ONr.E--DRt'Sn 11.1NDS W1TFI furniture experience preferred; steady employment. Address The elea- ford Mfg. ('o., Limited, 3Ieaford, Out j,VANTED GIRLS FOR KNITTING and Finishing Departments; good wages. Apply Kingston Iloisery, Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. CANADA'S GREATS ST Muskrat Handier is the old firm of HIRAM JOHNSON Limited, 410 St. Paul St. W., Montreal. Ship all your furs there and obtain full value. WANTED We furnish calls, pay express charges and guarantee highest prices WOOLEN MILT. HELP, ('AIWlI RS spinners and weavers. We will pay inexperienced Help while learning weaving. Good wages paid in all these departments and steady work for Months to come. For further partials- lags, apply to the Slingsby Manufactur- ing co., Ltd., Brantford, Ont. POR SALE. 1K ERY, ISIGEI CLANS; f.STAB- . • B , haled ten years. Sickness forces 1118 tot sacrifice. Bennett 580 Uundae Street, '00,011(0. N;C7I3IT1: LEGIit)RN COC1OI:RL•'LS; Y Leghorn Rhode island: 131ack Minorca, Buttercup hatching eggs. Ceeil Meehan, Portneuf Station, Qubee, CREAM SV,. EET OR SOUR Write for particulars, TORONTO CREAMERY 00„ LIMITED References TORONTO Any Banker ONT. (Dept. w) 0 I(t B ER DAuD The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful pelves, Saddle Riding, Golf. Tennis, Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing, Present Gar- rlson of the Ottawa (86th) Regi - Melte e —THE— NEM Hold is epos from DEOi1MBER to MAX Situated en the harbor of Ilamiiton. Acedmmodates LA0. Rates: $2t per week and upward, HOWE & TWOS OGER, rvranagors BBRMUDA HAMILTON, leernluda to reached by elle steaUt- ers11,o11roiaew'te, Neew `31011, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. OFIT-MAKING NEWS ANI JOB PROFIT-MARINO for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses, Full information .00 application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany, Ts West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. C\CETe TUMORS, I UT1I'S, 19Tc., aNinternal end external cured with- out pain by out Home treatment. Writs us before too late, I)r, Bcllmtut ltledleal Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed tree to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31st Sireet,New York Blocks wheels and takes profits. AXLE GREASE Kills friction and makes profits. ts. Healers Everytohero The Imperial Oil Company Limited nnANCllns IN Ai.1, 0151158