HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-30, Page 8early ng The New Wall Papers Our Sample'13ooke of uew Wali Papers' for Spring are linty ready for showing and 'mow stock this time in much larger tied better Ihan ever before we know we can suifyou no matter what the require- ments may be...Among the samples will be found heady Cut Out Borders and Trimmers, ready fur hauging and made to match some of the new weaves of Wall Paper. Mattiues-3o Welles wide, heavily embossed and very suitable fur Parlors. Oatmeal Ingrains,, Stippled Oatmeal Ingrains, Striped. and Floral Patterns for Bedrooms. Cheaper Papers —We have not overlooked these and have many Papers to show that are to good taste at very low prices indeed. If you have Papering to do be sure and see what we have, _-. . attention whether you buy or not: Thea.S",402LArecire 8 DRUGGIST AND You will have cheerful SMITH S'L'ATIONER: Taal i� Plus etv u s CUUNon meeting next Monday even- ing SOME wheeled rigs have put in an- ap- pearance. • How readeth the address label on your .Pos'r ? READ the Hicks predictions concern- ing oncern-ing. his opinion of April weather. GET the snow and ice off your share of the sidewalk is now the slogan. PpELic Library Board is asked to meet Tuesday evening of next week at 8 8 o'clock. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thntsday of next week,the last for this season. Take it in: BE'1W iN the thaw and rain of the past week many of the roads were rath- er badly knocked out as Far as sleighing is concerned. S. CARTER: and family will takeup residence in the meantime in the apart- ments vacated by W. H. Pryne and family, Graham block. LAsT week George Henderson, dray - man and family took possession of their recently purchased home, corner of John and Market streets. We wish them many comfortable years in its occupancy. 33RD BATT. ARRIVED SAFELY,—Word has been received that the well known 33rd Battalion, to which so many Huron men belong, arrived safely overseas and will go into training in England. A- mong man we know are Col. Alex, Wilson, Major Jewitt and Capt. (Dr.) J, M. Moore. SALE OF MAGrzlNEs.—Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock, the year's sup- ply of magazines will be sold by auction, at the Public Library, by F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, There should be a good at- tendance as often some great bargains are secured in first class reading for a year. Remember the date -- Friday evening of this week, Env A BUTTON.—The girls in the Continuation School Brussels, have tin- dertaken the work of selling 50o sou- venir buttons, at ro cents each, the pro- ceeds of which will go toward the pur- chase of new Instruments for the rerst Battalion Band. They will call on you Tuesday of next week so be ready with your dime. This is a Ccuu y -wide movement and is expected to greatly aid the Battalion Band, which we hope to see visit Brussels shortly. MRs. A. W. LEWIS DECEASED —Word 'was received last week of the death of Mrs. A. W. Lewis, formerly of BTUs - sets, at her home in St. Thomas, Fun- eral took place Wednesday and remains were laid to rest in St. Thomas Steel Vault. The floral contributions were beautiful. Old friends in Brussels re- gret Mrs. Lewis' death and sympathise with Mr. Lewis and family, Mr, Lewis was in charge of Gerry & Walker's tin- smithing department when iu town. BOUGHT RESIDENCE AND PRACTICE — Last week Dr. T. T. McRae,town, ow n he fine home of Dr W. L. Hurchased tolmes, William street, and will get possession next July. 'Ibis has always beet) the residence of a Dr. It was carefully built by Dr. Graham, now of Toronto, later owned by Dr. Kalbfleisch, b wenthen Dr. Holme ' who o Berlin w s bought the property is years ago. It is most desirably located, convenient in arrangement and buildings in good con- dition, We have not learned what Dr. Holmes' plans are but understand be will probably take a holiday for a time and do some travelling for the benefit of his health. Goon MEETING.—Friday evening of last week a large audience assembled in the Town Hall at what was designated a Recruiting meeting, Barrister W. M. Sinclair, chairman of the looal auxiliary, occupied the chair and after preliminary remarks called for the patriotic song, "We'll never let the old flag fall," by a company of khaki clad lads, the audi- ence joining in the chorus, Short ad- dresses were given by Reeds, Messrs. Wren and Mann, interspersed by an in- strumental trio by Ptes, 'Thibideau, Cameron and Slemmon and solo by Pte. Rankin, Rev, Mr. Fairfull, Clin• ton, wee then introduced and de- livered a tins address, into which he wove his early expefiebnes in the manu- facturing of machine guns and a period of service In naval affairs. He is an interesting speaker and marked out a course not often followed as he showed the duty of Canadiens'to the Empire. The navy was specially eulogized as of vital importance in safeguarding our interests as Canadians, A vote of thanks Was accorded Rev. Mr, Fairfull on motion of Rev, D, Wren and Rev: A, 3, Mann, Mise Isabel Strachan ren- daredi a choice solo with Miss Minerva Jones as aeoompaulst, Lieut. Frank Scott offered a few remnrks on the Week's roe rttitin crusade and after the proposed sale of patriotic buttons for the benefit of the Battalion, Hand was ex- ' Walnut the meeting, closed with the National Anthem, Mise Ruth Sinclair Was the plauist for the evening. T ,REGULAR nee i f"the W C V. to o t g. will be held Friday afternoon of thi•s week in the Public Library audience room. you will be welcome at it. BAND FOR T61ST —Tag 'Day, 'Tuesday of uext week. The High sehool girls ere being organized `to'' dispose of 500 buttons at ro cents, the proceeds to be devoted to furnishing a band for our County Battalion. . CATTLE AND SWINE—Saturday after- noon of this week Jno. Loire will hold au.Aubtion Sale of Mitch Cows, a Hol- stein bull. young cattle and York brood sows at the Central Hotel yard., Brus- sels, at 2 o'clock. E. S, Scott will be the Auctioneer, Do von want anything in this line? Tf so attend the sale. • o ^� TxrwrnoNR Rosette—Attention of all ten- ants in the Telephone service is called to she following resolution passed bytheBoard of Directors Nov. 8th. 1915 :—"After ,laniary gat, 1916, all tenants of 'phones, one month. In. ar- rears be notified and if within two weeks from 'date of said notion the rent he not paid the determent's 'phonebeoutoff." If a ten- ant in rs over t mon, and oar 'phone (MASS v be o yonr i ndly al ren you will know the tier and kindly attend nroinptly to lila matter and save any unpleasantness. 8.11 F. S. SCOTT, President. Ginn Brooch found in Brussels. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying for tbisnotioe, at THE POST,' LIMITED quantity of 2 and 0 rowed Barley, suitable for seed, for sale. First corns, .first served. 75. cents per bushel. T005. MILLER, Phone 1918. HATOTTTNO EGOS FOR SATs,,—Rose 00,011 Rede, White Wvandottes, Barred Rocks 1100 per setting, $2.60 for 50 eggs. R. Taous0N, Brussels. GOOD, choice mealy potatoes, best in tows, at J. T. Rose', 1 dogforsale. J. HARKNESa Yocum collie , Brussels. EOGs FOR HATCHING, — Single and Rose Oomb Brown Leghorn egg. for batching. Price 81.09 for setting of 15, A 1 stock, W. S. Scott, Brussels. Phone fix. FARM To RENT.—f.ot 1, Con, la Grey, 100 acres. 8 acres second ent hay, 87 twee plowele ed. Good bank barn, concrete house. Good orchard. .Apply Jas. Ballantyne, Grocer, Brussels, Fast Seed Oats, at 80 cents a bushel, for sale. Harvey Dobson, Ethel. Phone 8515. SEED Oeta and Barley for side. L. HOD. LINGER, Brussels, Shaw farm adjoining vil- lage. RENTED THE SICGRsoOR 0ee1', — Having leased the Tom McGregor shop I am prepared to attend to saw gumming and filing, cnoper- age,wood work repairs, eta. Give me scall, Satisfaction assured and moderate prices. Geo. EnWARns. A GOOD house for sale with stable and fruit trees. Apply at THE Poem. —0— LE'rTER from Mrs Griffith, Winnipeg, in renewing for '1'Hs Poste says —We are always pleased to receive the paper and get the news from home through it. Winter has been very cord and is still anything but like Spring A Toronto subscrit•er remarks :—We are always glad to receive TBE Posr as it always has news from our old surroundings MONDAY evening the great war mov- ing picture, "The Ordeal" was present. ed in the Town Hall, Brussels, for the benefit of thef aiv nces of the !orai Com- pany of soldiers. 'There was a large audience and the moving pictures were very good. Lieut, Frank Scott was in charge, Dating the evening musical aelectioua were given by Miss Carrie Hingston, F. H. Gilroy and Pte.. 'rtnbfdeau and nd S1 emmon A musketry "owed gave an txhihti n Pie. Harr F xwho was home fr m Toronto, o was called to the platform and was presented with a safely razor as a remembrance of Brussels. Rev D Wren read the address and little Miss Snider, daughter of Pte. B, Snider, made the presentation and a100 pinned a boquet on the lapel of the recipient's coat. ,Pte, Fox gave a brief reply. Ad- dress Was as follows :— To PRIVATE, HARRY Fox —Soldier of the Empire, DEAR FRIEND —We take tide npportuuily upon your return to your native village and upon the eve of your departdre for overseas service for King and Country, to express to you our highest appreciation of the noble stand which you have taken at this time of crisis to our Dominion and Empire. Yon have donned the khaki, the colors of the Empire. We assure you tonight that we have no hesitancy in snhsotibing our faith in your valor, bravery and heroism when the time of real testing semen. Canadians have proven them. selves to be among the finest soldiers of the Empire and upon the field of battle. Our enemies have paid us the glorious tribute --we are second to none. We Will follow you with our, prayers and most ardently will we prey that you may return to 00 with all the glory and hon- or of a victorious soldier, but with none of the scars arid -marks of battle, May He, who wateheth over Israel nod 'who slumbers not, neither doth He sleep, guard and protect colt from nll danger and harm. We ask you to accept this safety razor OS a slight token of oar esteem and it ion your noble and adln at Of patriotic spirit, .May it ever remind you 01 your many friends in BruISels, Absent you shall not be forgotten and upon 'your return we will give you a royal welcome, 424'•+•+0 »: 40+0.,'•44+'444•41+044+ '844+404444.4444+444444444''44' 4, i LINERY 0EIL P NING ..... 4 The Ladies of Brussels and locality are invited ^ e + to attend the Spring Millinery Opening at our e Show Room 4. • e' Friday and Saturday •. Ilst• March 31st and Apra • A choice line of New and. Up-to-date • • Millinery yy will be on exhibition. + 4. Coe and see the latest Styles. • es + • .q•. • o Richards Block e + M ■ E. ROSS Brussels $ •d- • s e d-•-I44•''r••F•+•+•+•'i'•+•4•••F•+• +•+••N'F•+•+•+••••P•+•••+••• WHOSE gbt the button 2 . MAI'rLAND river is at flood tide this week day and at a f eek. '. s urdvethis w s ATTEND the Millinery. Op eoings' CARD OF OF THANKS —We wish lit thank our•ueighbots and other friends for their kind words and deeds in connectioh With the'siokness and demise of the lare Thoinas Bone. It will never he for- gotten, •. Mas: BONE AND •FAIITLY. Robt. •Thompson; of Wetaskiw n, Alta., .who has been ill. is now a• the home of R :Black Wroxeter,. his bru- 'ther: in law, iMr, l liompsou was a for- mer Brusselite and old friends here hope he will soon regain his former good `health. Since the above was put in type he died and was hurried at Strath.. Miss Annie Ross was visiting at Ches- ley last week and bade God. speed to her 'nephew, Glenn Ross, son of 'Thos. and Mrs. Ross, of -that ere he departed for England with the 71st Battalion to do duty for the Empire's cause. We trust this'gallaut soldier boy will suffer no harm. He is agraodson to our veter- an townsman, David Ross, Elizabeth street. Pte. Jack Langan, who was in training s` Essex, Ont., was accidentally but fat- ally shot in the head while in barracks the other night. A soldier name Cou'- sens had come off guard and in attempt- ing to remove the cartridge from his rifle the shell was discharged killing Langan. The latter was a cousin to Mrs. J. J. Gilpin and W. H. Kerr, of town. SUCCESSFUL Box SOCIAL.— Fordwich Record—The Bux Social- held at S. S. No. 12, on Friday evening was a success in every way A good program was well rendered for which great praise is due the teacher, Miss Juneve Taylor, (of Brussels) and those who took part. The house was well filled and Moses. Aldrich acted as Chairman in his usual good- natured way. A large and beautiful ar- rayof boxes were auctioned off byJos. Bewitherick in right good style, me buying two or three boxes each, The amount realized was 8107.00, a splendid sum. Sceooa Nom, — Literary meeting Friday to take the form of a Shakes peare ,Memorial. Three hundred years ago April 23rd, nitre, this greatest drama - List departed this life. The program con- sists of scenes from Shakespeare's plays. acted by students, readings from his work., addresses on his life, work, etc. There is no name in the world of litera- ture like the name of William Shakes- peare Homer woke as a sudden dawn through the darkness of the earlier ages and sang the grandest of heroic songs Dante, when the gods of Homer were no more, towered up proud and solitary with his sad and solemn dreams, his fierce bate and his majestic love. Mil- ton opened the gates of death, of heaven and of hell and saw visions such as 00 nian ever saw before or will see again. l; But Homer Dante and Milton do not aofnot twine live in our heart hearts do v ne round= affections, does not satisfy our souls as Shakespeare. ADDREss AND PRESENTATION —An in- teresting feature of the Red Cross Circle Tee Tuesday afternoon in .the Public Librar Auchet ce Room was the presen- tation P i' la.mn of a Lite Membershi Certificate P and a Life Member's embematic pin to Mrs. (Dr.) Moore, nee Miss Rilla Hun- ter, for personal effort resulting in financial returns of $62 0o to Brussels Branch. The following address was read by B 5, Scott, while J. F. Rowland and Mrs, P. Scott presented Certificate and Pin :— Mee. (DR) J, M. MOORE, DEAR FRIEND —'Phe Executive of the local branch of the Red Cross Society take this opportunity of expressing to you its gratitude. for your efforts in aid- , log so generously, the good work of this Society We appreciate the spirit that promoted woo to do ynur "bit" to- wards relieving the sufferings ane, bring- ing some measure of comfort to our brave boys at the front. We know that such actions bear their own reward, far greeter than it is in man's power to re- ward, nevertheless we desire especially to cointnend the display of that Spirit which places the happiness of others foremost. As token of appreciation of your kindly efforts wo ask you to accept this Certificate entitling yyou to Life Membership in our Red Cross Socie'y and this Life Member's pin as well ae this expression of thanks from Brussels Branch, B 5 Snorr, Secretary, T. F. linwLAND: 'Treasurer, W. H KERft, President. Mrs, Moore brit fly replied thanking the S,ciet's for their kind words and valued i Bebe gift. W W. Kerr was chairman. Campbell sang "When Jack cornett back" in good style. 'Pea fol owed, a r hill of large company enjoying the kasty fare prepared by the garlics in charge, Pitiancial proceeds were $22.20. 'rdes- dsv, April lith, the ladies in connection with "The Minister's Bride" plat will be the hostesses of the next Circle Tea, gar pedted,b ,,I will have, about April 10th. one car of potatoes. Oar will eon tain 200 bags seed potatoes and 800 bags . •table potatoes, They collie from the greatest potato section in Brit- ish Columbia. Every bag is in- speeted'by Government and guar- anteed to .you. Parties wanting seed or eating potatoes should leave orders now. and will be noti fled When car arrives. $2.10 a bag. ALF. BAEKER, Brussels Church Chimes . (here was no service in St. John's church last Sunday in the Rector's absence, There will be five Sundays in April. This should give you a good chance to gat to church. Monthly Missionary service at Metho- dist Sabbath School next Sunday. In- teresting program will be presented. Read the helpful Sunday School Les- son Notes on page of THE POST. Sub• ject is "Saul's Wonderful Conversion." Rev. Dr. McGillivray, Guelph, will conduct anniversary services in Mel ville church on Easter Sunday. Tea meeting follows on Monday evening' The monthly Red Cross union prayer meeting will be held Wednesday even- ing of next week, commencing at 8 o'clock. Offering will be taken for the Red Cross. The Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church Brussels, purpose holding an entertainment in the near future. Further particulars will be given next week. Rev. F. E Powell, rector of St. Barnabas' Church, Toronto, and son of Reeve Powell, of Turoberry, recently gave a pint of blood to save a woman in his congregation. The reverend gent- leman supplied in St. John's church for several weeks at one time The Sabbath School orchestra of the Methodist church has added Leonard Ruttan and Pte. Melvin Slemmon to their number with cornet and violin. Both are experienced musicians. Other members ere H. L. Jackson (conductor) 1st violin ; Miss Martha Smith and violin ; W. J. McCracken bass viol ; and Miss Stella Gerry organist. Gospel songs go with a Inc swing with such an instrumental lead. People We Talk About Wyman Sperling is ill with measles at Guelph, Mrs. A Strachan and Miss Isabel are visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Mann were visit - e s Rev. A T and ing relatives at Exeter this week. Mrs. Hennessey and children, Lon- don, are visiting relatives in Brussels, R and Mrs. Ross, Kincardine, were visiting relatives in Brussels last week. Mrs. Alex, Mc Ans Iter and children were welcome visitors at the borne of MrEdward .ln Brussels,dtirin S Br y Sg the past week. Mrs rhos Bone returned with her daughter, Mrs Palen, to 'Toronto, this week, for a visit, Mrs, Jno. Ritchie is retnaining in town. Herbert Lowry, youngest sou of D A. and Mrr. Lowry, Toronto, has donned' the Kings's uniform and is now in train- ing in the Queen city. Pte. Hariy Fox was home froin'l'or- onto for a short visit on Monday before leaving overseas with the medical staff Pte. Stewart Fox was also here from Clinton to sae Goodbye to his brother before his departure: Will. Henderson, son of R. and Mrs. Henderson, has resigned his position as druggist at Port Colborne, and will shortly put on the uniform es a soldier of the King. He will have the good wishes of many old friends here. Ptes. Mayberry and Woodley were here from Galt and Pte, Cook from Stratford training camp to say Goodbye before, their Battalion, the 71st, left for overseas. Good luck to them and tae cause they have espoused. We hope to welcome them back, '+j, C. Munro, an old Ridgetown, boy, son of Rev. Dr. Monro, for some time eceotititent at Cha'hnm, tins been ap- pointed manager of the Cayuga branch of the Bank of Commerce.' Mrs. Mun- ro wits formerly Miss Eva Snider, of Brussels and after of Cayuga, whose father is Dr. Snider, Week end visilors were Corp: Mo. Gnire and Ple, Scott Ameut, both of the froth Battalion el Perth Co. The boy; bear evidence of the ndvsntage of the trainisig Cot p McGuire i$ograduate ofTile POs'tt end hits sojourned in Mll• Verton for a number of years, doipg duty on the WOE of "The Sun," EAT 'D 11173 $RU J. F. Rowland, y STANDARD BANK . - OF CANADA ' HEAD OFFICE: - TORONTO ' SOLDIERS; ATTENTION ! Our Savings Bank provides a suitable and convenient place for your surplus Funds, A joint account is specially adapted for those going overseas, .' Apply to SSELS BRANCH, ruin ill Manager. Earl -Ament is home' from Flint, Mich , fopr a visit. Pte, Warwick is home 'from Toronto for a few days. He goes overseas short- ly, Miss Myrtle Wilson is enjoying a visit with relatives and .friends in Tor- onto Miss Thelma Smeildon. Cranbrook, visited' her cousin Miss Lil, Lamont, last week Lieut. Ernie Danfordof the 161st Batt , training in . Clinton,. visited with Ids uucle and aunt, Allan and Mrs. Lamont last week. Belmore . NLWSY.. N6TEs. — Geo. Harkness. ,andJumrs Dickson took in the Mope 0 stet Temperance Demonstration 'Tor- onto.—Fred. and Mrs Doubledee of Ohio, visited' the formers brother, George, foe a few days hist week:—R. J. -and Mrs, Douglas were. visitors at Kincardine this 'week.—Mra. Wm. Lowry visited at Rev, 14n. Rogers', Lon- don, last week.—W. Campbell, Orange organizer, was in the - brug on Tues day.—tioward Lowry has returned borne after visiting friends 'bene,—The. many friends -of John Willits are sorry to learn he is not improving very quickly after his operation in Fergus.—Miss Minnie Jetfray has re- turned Bonne after visiting friends in Toronto.—Miss, May Johann is con- fined to the house with measles. W. Martell, Teeswater. spent Sun- day with his parents here. Hugo Johann was married to Miss Jessie Rosewell, of Guelph, on Wednesday, March 22nd. Congratulations.- Mrs. James llerkley is on the sick list this r i onsson week.—Mr. , and Miss 1 Th , Clif- ford. visited at the manse on Tuesday. —The following boys joined, the colors last week :—Roscoe Mahoney, Sterl- ing Haskins, E. Renick, J. Vittde and W. Anchor. Clinton JOE RATTENBURY DEAD, —One of the best known hotelmen in Western Ontario, Joseph Rattenbnry, died at theRattenbnry House, here, Sunday morning. His father conducted the first hotel established in this place, which was then known as Ratten- bur 's Corners and on the father's death, his son Isaac took charge of the hotel, and at Isaac's death "Joe", as Lie was familiarity known, took charge, and, with the exception of a couple of years, has conducted ibis well-known house ever'since. Joseph ftettenbury was a general favorite. While of a reciting 'disposition he al- ways did his best to,make the travellers home as comforable as pos- sible and took a keen interest in the welfare of the community. His sick- ness was short and only confined him to his bed for a few days. He was iu his 67th year and is survived by his wife, who was Martha Logan, also one son and one daughter. His son, Isaac, has had charge of the 'hotel during the father's illness, and will conduct it until a satisfactory disposal can be arranged Mr... Rattenbury'a only sister living is Mrs. Bessie Reid,. London. The funeral service was con- ducted in St. 'Paul's Church, Tuesday, at 2.80_p. m. He was a member of' the A. F. and A. M., also O. O. F. and a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church. • _ Oranbrook'. • Oranbrook will have a sturdy repre- sentative at the front bye and bye in the person'of Leslie, son of Wm.. -and Nits., Pantie, of Oranbrook. He re- sponded last week to the Empire's call. 'Christian Fischer, formerly, of this place, a locdmotive'fireinati, has 'en- listed at St. Thomas with ' the'9lat Batt. He is 21 years. of age. We congratulate "him on his patriotism and wish hint good luck as he does his duty.. . Justice Lafontaine annulled the mar- riage of Frank Paulin and Lucean Leduc of Montreal,. on the ground that the woman already bad a legal 'husband liv- ing. •it•N9••F•h4+•1'•MF•1••F'F++•F$••i ++++•!'+++ Standing Field . • Crop Competition t. + •• e East Huron Agricultural So- + eiety offers $7600 divided as .;. follows :—$20, 515, 512, 10, $S, + 58, and $4 for the best Field of + .1. White Oats, + The Ontario Department of •b e Agriculture' • will furnish the fi • Judges. Nature of competition—Field ,1 ,entered for competition most consist of not lees than five + acres and notmore than twenty. + ,l, Competitors — Competition 't ♦ will be limited to menthe's of .f. • East Huron Agricultural' So- + e ciety. Competitors can only, •i, + enter in one Society and but one eentry can be made by, each corn- etitor. Anyindivindal canP +-make entry for this competition + by becoming a member of the e + Society and paying an entrance .e + fee of $1. + All competitors must be with- + ,1, in 15 miles of Brussels. Applies- ,i, + tions must be in by the let day + of May. • Entry forms arid further par-+ + oculars may be had by apply- Wheat + ing t0 M. BLACK,. Poats ana Secretary, •1' Brussels t suetee + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hoge rias•••+••••e•e•••••••4••'• 2 • The Charm of • GoodInter5or • • • a Llp.cni'atinn • 0 • _ For adding to .the charm and m •. attraotiveness of the'horns there 0 •' is nothing' t0 equal the use, of • an appropriate -Wall Paper, • Our ,stock enmprises some • • distinctive novelties both as tont • design and color, ranging itt s•, • price front' our cheapest; air o to '0 • 'ottr handsome embossed Parlors' • e at $1.00 per roll • $ For the 13edroont we have 2 • some, pretty effects in Flot'aI t r Stripes aTsd also all-over Floral • • T'reatntenl• with out -out. Borders. _ • .• For the Dining Molt' and 0 • Living Room we offer ,a fine .. ♦ choice in Sethi -conventional' • t Stripes, Foliage Tapestry and • Shadow Sbrfpo with Out'otlt • • Border and Case in great varle 4. • ty of designs and colorings.; Al- • • • so the always !Minder OatDteale • different • • n soine.7 0 is 1 ♦ • a 0 e ■ e . s S ecial• o Bargain • • • • • • • On Friday of this week we • e` are pl'ttcing 20 bundles of Wsm. l : Paper in our window. They, • S consist,of not'less thein 10 single • .Z rolls,some of them' with Borders, • . and we price them all the same • s • cper • There etre some splendid pntterna amongst thew suitable ilii ally renin. Don't forget — Your O choice50c perbuudle at •• . O DRUG STORE The Perlslar .Rare 50 Bundle • • • • Z 9 80RA, ELLTOTT,—ACkeltow Grass, Rask., on Marnh 19th, 1916,50 SOr. and Mrs. Elliott 'Mee Miss Annie Garnias form arty of Brussels, Ont.) 80011. DIED ANDERSON.—IR Morris Township,on Marchi 25111, 016,. David A. eson of James and Mary Anderson, aged 19 years, 1 month and 18 days. PRounvoow,--Ht Gode,'ich, on March 22nd, 1510. Robert Proudfoot, father of Barrister Proudfoot. 14 P. P., aged 9t years. Teotrrsox. — In Wroxoter, on March 28th, 1019, Robert J. Thompson, of Wetaakiwh,, Alta. BRUSSELS MARKET t 000 1 5805 21 10 85 • , Eggs t 90 l 6 55 28 10 85 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••NN•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••♦• 0 ' Brussels Daylight Store G. S. _McLaren si hrhl'1,'U,nh'4111'h,'hAq,h,l IJ h h,'h,'h1hN„Sa'Is'hr hr L 4'hdh,:h'hr'hrhsb'4lUr'hrw,'Ishn'urur,s'h, pl Ir h e, 4rinhdhdV,al,g1111r'lli'hr'Idhdhi Ilrsu'I,n¢rh,'h,'W'0,'h; U; y, Ish,dhr'h,hJ'I,rhdh,'pr'his Z• • 1 • • • •• • • • • • •• •• • •• s • •s • • •• • •• •• Ladies' NewSpring Sulis and Spring Coats Our New Stocks of Ladies' and Misses' New Spring Suits and Spring ,Coats are in stock. We have the very latest in Clothes and Styles made by some of `'the best makers. The prices are very rea- sonable and we want you to call and see them. New Spring Suits the latest $10 to $25 p 9 New Spring g Coats the latest $5 to $15 ! New Suits for Men and nd BoVs. .7 • •. ®. • • O ••• O O • e • + 61 s e . • 0 • it; • • • • s, •. O 0' a; O Our new Suits for Men and Boys are in stock and the best fitting garments we • • have ever had. The prices are very reasonable, We want • you Cali and see them. • Boys' Suits for ages 5to I$ years Men s Suits all sizes and • prices. . +♦l. Highest Prices ces for Produce, G. N. McLaren •••••••••••••••••••••••••♦s♦••••e•••••••e•••••••••••e••s•••••••••ssss•s•4,•*se •••