HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-30, Page 5BUSINESS CAROL
pip 7ty 'p1ppLIMITED
GrzeApir LDi, 'gvsfdb*,(O
.a"?aa~srirtvmu4dat�aSPVay^� YRsa4r�t
''"/} E ENT1AL
You Can Secure a Position fig
P,c� It you Eahs a onut'ro Willi 418 Tho de• "r
mond upon u+for Iralnrrl heip io amity k
times toe number gradulating, Btu -
k),, do its are entering unrh week. You p
( miry enter oily t1,ne. Write et once for•
�t oto' frog optnlogne• p��
0 , D. A. MOLAOHLAN Princl al.. I
vm . v8Y q9' xaa-1 t8i Obi vim, 141 ver
tdr' 141
A1tYY4 Q. ,1 A ,>r ,f,
.A`.S b 4. ..b
One Hundred Young -:Women
and One Hundred Young Men 'wanted
'1at otrce t train or collie Office pod-
/ [ m
t , on h
ion Tho demandthe
JA ')>=LiltTT
iy fully f vTo times Sur supply. write aa
d ;once --for p,irtioulars,. We will uonvince
t n that alit fs YOII
YO a
will on .sows
Business vacation
on -
s a
f ` Midsummer. Enter
No noaG on at
_ for
w. v. ELLIOTT,
781 Yon o at,Principal.
8� p
'tY d+ar' '
da . Y�34d>a s�l,ravda4' dam
Srp.4m.,l ,1Y'4..AYavbvu` V -,
at rho - �
• Courses taught b
Competent 'r`eachels.
For particulars address—
Listowel, Ont.:
y6aS'R aye Offir'/.i2' ai11'a le slogs .w. • 3
Thoumauda of ambitious young peo-
Hple are fast preparing in their own
omes to occupy laorativo positions as
Stenographers. bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, civil servants,in fact every
sphere of activities. You may finish at
college If you to wick. Positions guar-
anteed. Enter collegeany day. Indi-
vidual instruction. Expert teachers.'
Thirty yearn' experience. Largest
trainers in Canada,. Seven colleges.
Special oaorae for, teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial Edam.
tor's Association of Canada. Summer
School at famous Spotton Business Col-
lege, London.
Wingham Business College
President. Principal.
Girls Wanted
We cats give employment to a
few more bright girls as
knitters and Learners
Fare paid to Clinton.
Clinton Knitting Co. limited
During the month of January there
were Iso police oonrt eases in Listowel
and only one in February
Will. lClemtn• was in Gnelph last
week and sighed up with the beth
Battery. Listowel has how 6 men in
ilk' Both Battery.
Word has Veen received from Capt.
Will. Moore of No. I Base. 1-loypital,
• France, He is in the best of health
and now is Adjutant Mame.
Listowel Recrnildig League received
the such of $25.00 from Robert Teem-
bnlf, Gowttnstown, to be used for re-
cruieiig in this vicinity,
.Miss Luella Seat, daughter of J.
and Mee. Scott, Slain street, went to
•'Toront'o ;tel underwent all operatinu
for nose trouble, in the General Hospi•
Dt •J, Jaques has returned to town
tveathtg the Captain's uniform of the
Imperial Army, • De, Jaques hits been
gazetted in the Imperial Army in the
vetern inary 5uegeoies .carps, He
leaves for ,England iii the immediate
f u titre.
Vino. Restored ML Nartlet! Strength
Wapakoneta, Ohio,—err I am a farmer
by occupation, and the grippe left me
With a batt sough and in a nervous,weak,
run-down condition, and I could not
seen to getan thing to do me any good
until I took Vinol Which built nee up,
es es are all
andrvo n a
mycctugh and 410
tens and I can trulylsay Vinol is all
hat is claimed for it' —JAMAS MARTIN,
Vinol is a constitutional remedy for
all weak,' nervous and tun -deem condi-
tions of Men, women and children and
for °beet coughs, colds and brourisitis.
F, I. SMITH, Druggist, Breesele
Businoels Dards
E aAnder-
Successor Brom. Liver l table, Bog else Telephone
No. •29. ,
T. T.' M' RAE
M. B„ M. O. P„ a S, O,
81, 0, H., 'Village of Ementa.
Physician, Surgeon, Acoodohonr
Offico over Standard. Bank
Bachelor of Medicine. University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of. Phyoiotuns and Sur•
g_egas. Outarin ; ex -Senor House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto, OHieee of late Dr.
A,Mo1Ceve •, Smith Block, Brussels,
Rural phone 45.
Physician and Surgeon ; Poet Graduate courses
'London (Eng,), Now York and Chicago Hos.
Otitis, Special a ttentlon to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasses.
G. H. ROSS, 0 D.S., L.O.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental aur•
genus of Ontario and Graduate University. of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
O1fieo in Isard Block, Wingham
Phone 249.. Post Office box 278
Palnigas Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Persona) graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago,
III., is prepared to test eyes and It glasses at
her office over Miss Inman a.mtlllnery store..
Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. OMoe hours -10
to 12 a. In. , 1 to 8 p. m. Evenings by appoint•
meet Phone 1219.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Da and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Satisfaction assured ;. Chargee moderate.
Wor Telephone if not convenient to call -
. h
r eels and North Huron Phonon.
Both eBus
Barristers, Solicito&rs, Notaries Public,
O1Boe on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
• Street,
Private [nude to loan at lowest rates. '
-W.PnoUDrOOT, E. O. J. L. $2LLORAN
Tzrat . et% Items
WHEN are you intending to enlist?
Tnie has beau a heavy Winter on coal.
A FEW cases of measles and mumps
still hang on.
"WE do enjoy our "home paper" so
much" is the written testimony of a
Petrolia subscriber in remitting for THE
POST. for 1016. '
OLD PAPERS.—Big bundles of old
newspapers at THE Posy at 5 and Io
cents each. Big sheets of heavy brown
wrapping paper at 1 cent a sheet.
A. LETTER from James Osborne,,Pow-
essan, Ont., forwarding his subscription
to 'THE Pon, says :—We havebad a
lovely Winter, mild and very little snow.
Have had quite a lot of grippe. About
too soldiers are drilling here. THE -
POST is like a letter from Huron.
IN many cases articles lost and adver-
tised in Toe posy are restored to their,
owners. The same is largely true in
Securing customers for what 18 offered
tor sale.You can test the matter for a
few lens
t add correctness of
prove the
this statement,
The rural toad route on the 5th and
6th lines of Morris township, that has
been in charge of A. Adams, has been
transferred to Den. Denman, of Brus-
sels. 'Mr. Adams made a very efficient
Courier and Mr. Denman• will prove
equally wilting to serve his patrons, we
have no doubt Former has his farm to
look after so will not have to hunt a job,
THE P05T old like to see
Law breakers trapped.
Price of coal come down,
Good maple syrup season.
European war soon terminate.
25 recruits for Brussels' Company.
The Millinery Openings a success.
Some things you might do.—
Write a better hand.
Support the Red Cross.
Stay home more evenings.
Help your=wife house clean.
• Attend church more regularly.
Supply newsv items to THE POST.
urer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Consumptives desires gratefully to
acknowledge the following contribu
tions received in Brussels by the Fieltl
Secretary of the National Sanitarium"
Association :—
Collection at meeting,,,....., „ •g
J. '1'. Wood,. 5 00
Dr, MeN uighton 3 00
Dr. McRae :......... 3 00
F, H, Gilroy 3 on
le, Ament ,,... 3 oo
F`..5. St:Olr 2 00
W. H, Kerr .................. 2 00
P. Scott 1 00
Electric bight Plant 1 00
John Leckie........ 1 00
H. Gslbraitb.. 1 co
Harry James,....,.,. r 04
0, N. McLaren I co
Dr. F. T. 1311/ans. ,.......„. r 00
Dr. :i?;. S, Hamditon1 oO
Free Bros 1 o0
R. R. McKay 1 co
L. Downing i„ . r 00
J, H. Hewitt 100
W.,ll Wiboon I OO
W. N', Steelton I 00
McCracken 1 00
A. CDames ,..... ,., I o0
Abderenn Bros I OO
J. F. Rowland Ioo
I+. R. Smith o0
S. Cartel' I o0
G. C.
t 00
Jas, Fox
••• t
C, Wilson ,..., 00
Public School oollectiou ,.., . „ r 3t
Lieut, F, Scott and Squad. 7 45
$ 60 56'
Gino, A. Rain, Secretary and Treasurer.
9 30
i`lilofrst byctelo of the eeasoh' was in
commission last week,
REV. . Ia1. HICKS promises some lively
doings in April weather.
DON'T let the jollier fool you oq Saint,
slay. It will t is April f'ool's Day,
RED Cross meeting '.Tuesday evening
of next week In the Board Room of the
Public Library.
LAs'l' Monthly' Horse hair for thissea-
son will be iteid in brussels Thursday
of next week.. 1aon'k forget it.
—klotnroeeker,' lexcul•rious to Western
a a I tiA PAoi '
Canada t u fairs via Car 1 u Bt.'
each 'Tue.day, March 7111a to. October
31st inclusive, Particulars from any
Canadian Pacific Agent, or W. 13.
Howard, District Passenger Agent,
A ',E'rl'ER from, Walter Innes,. of
Moosejaw, a former Bressellte,' says ;—
We are getting out of Winter which
was pretty severe after New Years for
6 weeks and it still loops wintry although
not cold. It is changeable. Fanners
are anxious for Spring, One told me
to -day he was working on bis land laet
year 041 March 29th. Recruiting for the
war is the principal uews here. We
have over 1,000 meu here ready for the
an a
call t time,
a m.
JOG THIS EDITOR. -The $1 00 weekly
newspaper in Oauada will soon be a
thing of the past. Alberta, Saskatche-
wan and Manitoba have put the price
tip to $1 50, and British Columbia for
satire time past, has been selling the
weekly at $2 00. This gives the pub-
lisher a
ub.lishera better margin and will help
12t1to'(nalce more easily,, There
should be a better newspaper.
A poorly paid editor is like a poorly
paid pre/teller. Living iron hand to
mouth does not get the best out of a
n r1411 e
When vont newspaper goes up
$1.50,i i dais riot suit you ll the
tof tto
editor so anti give him pointers as to
what rte is missing that is of vital in-
terest to you and your-ueighbore, It
will do him good to jog him along and
it will keep ben up ou the bit, ' Often
a. poor tlewepeper could be made a
good 'uewsuaper if its patrons were
candid with the editor soil told him
he had fallen into a rue Show him
you have the rigbt to .receive value
for your money. If you do this you
will be helping the commuoity as well
a[yotrselfald eh
e• editor..
. Bluevale
Travelling Library• containing an ex-
cellent selection of books has been re-
ceived at the school and is ready for
circulation. The library contains
works of fiction by snob popular writ.,
els as 'Mrs. Florence Barclay and Sir
Gibert Pat ker, several books on India,
a .volume of travel in Russia, a 116113-
sornely illustrated book ou "Cate",
honks on Game and Fishing, 'Verse,
(Biography, etc. Library is free to all,
whether belonging to the School Sec-
tinn menet. Another useful book that
has been added'tn the Reference Lib-
rary is the "B. T. Barn Book" con-
taining a great amount of useful be
Fmrmatinn on the building and equip-
ment of barns and stables and vele,
handsomely illustrated. .
• Belgrave
Belgrave Patriotic Society is very'
grateful to those friends who have so.
kiilily sent in donations asfollows ;—
Mrs. James Nicholson, 10 yards new
cotton ; Ladies' Guild of Trinity
church, 18 pairs of socks ; Miss E.
Lyon, proceeds of concert ie S. S. No.
11, 0. Wawanosh, $81.15 ; Mrs. W. J.
Geddes, proceeds of Pancake Tea,
$17.50 ; a soldier friend. 31.00. We
also acknowledge with appreciation
the donation of 383 84 from the East
Wawannsh Council ; Mrs. Robert
McCrea 1 pail' socks ; Miss E. Harris.
on, '1 pair socks ; old cotton— Mrs.
r} 11 I H. BI'andonl
Wm. \VI Jtllla Mrs. 6
MIs. Mc re or and Miss 7 Jamieson.
We have sl»Aped this week 61 pr. of
socks, 6 lnil1taty sidles and 1 snit
pajamas.. We are always --glad to re-
ceive new cotton fee bandages and
.old cotton for dressings, the same to
he left with 3Iiee McClelland, Next
monthly meeting will be held at the
home of hiss L, \9tOhea. ,
Stanley Daibrook has donned the
khaki and is training at Stratford.
We are sorry to report the illness of
Nellie Chapman with typhnid fever.
Rev. Dr. Russel' wits confined to his.
home with an attack of sciatica and
Corp. Walter Saywell of "B" Com-.
pony, 71st Battalion, received the sad
news of the death in England of his
rather. Corp, Saywell, who was em-
ployed sera .cheeeei esker at Elute
factory before eIllistmeit, is orderly
oorporltl nt. 1118 Al ntouries.
A. pleasant event took place Mar,
13th, at the home of John Barton
when friends gathered and presented
Mr, aid Mr•. Berton with a beautiful
ve1•011[t001101 and an address read by
Nnrman Acheson, prior to, their re-
\It;s.•Lane, of Lnckno'v, mother of
Mt s. (Rev.) We D. MCDoneld, of the
PI'eshvterian chetah, died on '11101'0.
1141y, 1601 (het. A 1211raiytin stroke a
few yettrs ego, followed by an attack
Of pneumonia, broke tiown her health
end she never rec0vet•ed, She 0418 fre
her 139th year. Fune1al was held
ethel •
The death took place recently at
Guelph, of Rev: James Walker, form-
erly Methodist pltetn1 of Ethel, fol-
lowed very shortly after by the de-
etis0. of his wife. The two funerals,
took place the same' day. They were
a fine old couple and left many friends.
nil their various fields of .labor.
The following notice, taken from the
Oheistian Guardian of March 1601,
win be of interest t --Bleu. James
Welker, cis of our etlpeuulnuated
ministers, has )stet passedaway. He
had been indisposed fora 0oulile of
weeks with a vary heavy colli, hat
there was every expectation he would
soon be well. A sudden weakee80 of
the heart developed and in a little
over three Iiotlt's ilu had slipped into
the joys of the better country, He
entered the ministryin 1888 tinder the
Prituitive Methodiseinr0h and three
years age he celebrated his jubilee.
For eleven years lie has been superall.
boated, and during that time has
wot'ahipped With the congregation at
Dublin street, Guelph, where he has
Carried Safely, Through. Change
of Life by Lydia E. Pinlcharn's
Vegetable Compound.
Naahville,Tenn. "When I was going
through the Change of Life I had a tu-
mor as large as a
child's head. The
doctor said it was
three years coming.
and gave me medi-
cine for it until I
was calledaway
from the city for
some time. Of
course I could not
to then, en,so
my aister•in-law told
me that she thought
Lyda E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound o4113 cure-t.It helped both
the Change of Life and the tumor and
when I got home I did not nee820146 doetw'.
I took the Pinkham remedies until the
tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I
have not felt it since. I tell every one
how T was cured. If this letter will
help others you are welcome to use it."
. Joseph —Mrs. E. H. BEAN, 525 Jos p Avenue,
Nashville, Tenn.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, a pure remedy containing the
extractive properties
er of good old fash-
ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs
of woman s system at s cr ea per o
of her life. Try it.
If there is any, symptom in your
ease which puzzles you, write to
the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass.
been much beloved both by pastor a•id
people. Although in his eighty-first
vigorous 11211 men
cru he was as as
y g Y
of mach younger age ie leaves
widow, who is very ill (cold has since
died) and 0 eons William Newark,
N. J. ; George, of Guelph ; Herold .7.,
of Peterborough ; Maurice, of Flat
Rook, Michigan ; Dwight. of New
York, and Claude, of Banff.
Harry Dane has returned from Tor-
onto where he was attending the
Chevrolet Motor School.
Mr. Campbell, C. O. F. organizer,
was very successful in this district,
several new members being added to
A meeting washeld in the Hall het e
to consider building a -public shed. A
committee was appointed to look after
the matter and they will report later.
NomanSharpie, who has been visit-
ing friendsliere, has returned to the
West. John and Mre. Jarcliee, Nor-
man Jardine and Albert Heibein, also
left for the West. •
Gerrie District Society are intend-•
ing to send' away a shipment of
papers, magazines, rags, etc., about
the end of April, the proceeds to be
used for Patriotic purposes.
The North Street Meti,orliet elude is
preparing for a emicel t to be given on
Good Friday, April 21st.
• A •further change in the 0. P. R.
time table makes the afternoon train
leave Goder'ich at 2.05, arriving in
Toronto at 0.50.
Bert Onit left last, week fot .Elora,
rred the llon of
where e he sec osi
u p
organist and choirmaster in the
Presbyterian church.
G. L. Parsons has been appointed
Secretary -Treasurer and elentiger of
the Gndericl Elevator and Transit
Co., Ltd., 111 seccession to the late W.
L. Horton. Mr. Parsons latterly had
been the virtual Manager and is well
gnalilied for the poli tion. •
Face the Issue SquareIy---Yoursef
11 ••
• You are Wanted NOW to Fight for Your King and Country =
_ --A Year from Now may be Too Late.
-... •
: The Stupendous Issues of the War now stand out in a. Blaze of Light .
IIbefore the Whole World.
To da
• y the call c cines from those'who are holding the lines in France, in Flanders ; holding the lines against the
• mightiest l ghtlest armaments the world has ever yet borne on its surface ; and the call to all wh'o will hear is :� •
: o m e ! Enlist To•
elle. Attain Koenig vetorned to her
home hi Parde last week after a fo1•t-
elght'a melt with bar daughter, Mts.
J, O. Carrie, CAM Win, road..
Sunday was Anniversary Sunday iu
Noelh Street Methodisteherch. Rev,
Dr, Cougall, of Askin Street Meth°.
diet ohurch,- London, preached at bol h
set vices.
Mis John L, Aitken left for Vaawti',
Mich., after rec:elving word 111411 no
hope Was held stn' I'. he a envery of her
eldest, brother, Banjo min \Vil5on; who
hod nndergnfa an operation in Sagi-
naw Hospital,
Walter Mitchell, the well known
Ineilber. of the G, T. R. freight office
Staff, who has been laid off ditty for
the Inst few weeks, with an attack of
heart: tr0nhie, is feeling somewhat
better but make forward to another
utnm h's rest bofore he can resume
Fe rdwich
T. 1I and Mrs. Gibson went to Ter -
me.. when. 61ts. G. u113940ent an
°me/e'en l'ul appendicitis.
Oongratnletions to Peter F, Dnig,
4111 Qin„ 14113 Mre. Mat the, D. Whit -
Mere, of Harriston, who woe. quietly.
nos pried in 'lemon to.
Jas IuxTMi•s. Downey'receivedan-
crthee letter from their eon, Wesley, in'
France, saying he was well and enjoy-
ing everything in genteel,
Roy Heipel, who has been working
for H. W,'COodc liri•e for the. past few
menthe, Mee enlisted with the 153rd
Wellington Battalion and left for
Yltirristnn to commence Gaining.
\Vhile playing at school, Master
WiliieSpotton, son of W. J. and Mre,
Spotton, Orange Hill, WAR 50 unfortu-
nate Lo' 1 e•his l broken near be
ars as 1 ttv e G
hianotherflip on it.
thigb b byboyfalling B R
D. Bu'-gitrd bas accepted a position
in the Canadian Express Co. with M.
Ralph Oressweil and two 818tet8left
for .Toeksrlville, Florida, where they
will spend it couple of months.
Russel Marson, son of W. 0. T.
lelorsml, manager Bank of Commerce
here, has enlisted with the 161st Bat-
talion a
talin t Goder.ich.
J S and Mrs. Welsh celebrated the
50111 anniversary of their marriage on
Fehr nary 28th lase but owing to the
contunled Ill health of Mi'. Welsh. no
demonstration was held,
Word' was received by Jas. and Mrs.
Spreat, Egmondville, that their son,
Jake, who is with the Princess
Patricia Regiment, at the front, had
been wounded and was now in. the
Oanndien Hospital at Norwich. No
particulars were received.
Miss Etta Jewitt is visiting friends
in Lambeth.
When are you going to enlistP
You said you would go if needed and
now is Ghe time.
Epworth League of the Methodist
church will hold a "shoe social" on
the evening of April 4th.
Albert P. and Mrs. Young will leave
the first week of April for North Bat-
delord, Sask., where Mr. Young has.
secured a lucrative position.
David Snell, who has been visiting
m left for
'uthese parts some time, of
1 pa,
his home in Camoose, Alberta, accom-
panied by his mother, who intends
visiting there for some time.
The many friends of Mrs. Wm.
Johnston will be pleased to learn that
she is improving as rapidly as could
he expected, from 1 he sefincls opera-
tion which took place in WellesIy.Hos-
pi tal, Toronto.
Rev. and Mrs. George Jewitt re-
ceived a cablegram that their sons,
Privates E. W. and G. G. Jewitt. who
left London a short time ago, with an
work at the
n s for
Ambulance r. t
bent, arrived safelyin England.
Rev. Geo.Jewit and �F Metcalf
organized Polling Div. No. 1, War
Auxiliary with the following officers ;
President, R. Newcombe ; Vice -
President, 13. Fear ; Secretary-Treae-
ni•ee, John Brown ; , Committee, J.
Craig, 1t. J. Powell, W. Laidlaw, J.
W. Scott.
*, •r • q..,,.:7,. •
"All -that certainly feels good"
The dull throbbing pain in the' joints die-
appeats, the burning ache in the Muscles gieee
I . way to e?tee and comfort—that's the finish of
rhgumatiem when the beetling, ponett•ating mile. n
•d r no need
are low,. to dot their r o u aid
allowed h w 1 T
to sower from ack or hoy de muscular , Oar
nese,, s lame balls or slaouldar, neuralgia,
ao, sift-
necsore mai's, amens, nor cuts, i etause .
ds,oaChamberlain's Liniment, For antiseptic
wounds, :roost: iete0, .oto., valuables, uables, and
healing properties urs vary va1uablo,
Get a bottle today, all druggists 250,
There passed away on Srtturday
night 18t11 lost„ Janet, the eldest
daughter of Mea. Jantee Dodds, after.
an illness extending over 8 year's.
The late Miss Dodds was born in
Blyth 50 years ago and has lived. hero
all her life.
Peter Gibson, of Hamilton, who 12449
been visiting hie name Airs. Wm.
Moses, huts returned to his home.
SCHOOL REPORT. - B. S. - No. 10,
Morris; IV. Class — Examined til
Arith , Spell., Geog., Read. Total
800—Ret La 'survey 237, Elva Rnmsay
213, Harvey Robertson 210, Chlfstie
Forrest 210, Bezel Robb 205. Sr. III.
—Sperling Johnson 289, Ruby Ker41 .
han 240. Verna Johnson 210. Jr. III,
Grace R
24 9
Genie Robertson
aft 197,B t
ban 208,G don Mo
Smillie 186, Sr. II. --Barry Robb 274,
Greta •Mektnrer 274, Mabel Johisou
289, Laura Jibeson 249, Jessie Messer
229, Duncan McDougall183, `Margaret
McDougall, *Louise Fraser. Pt. II.--
I.—Exam. in Arith., Read. and daily
work. Total 275.— Campbell Robert-
son 268, Harold Thomas 281, Clarence
301111501 208, Willie Peacock 141,
"Vera Sellers, *Stanley Moffatt.
',Missed exams. No. on roll 28.
Children's Hospital tel Pund $1.50.
B. M08Es, Teacher.
Major 1VLhdi0, eltratfot 41, was pre-
seeded by the citizens 101111 a well tile
ed poise of gold, puler to his .leaving
for eve)Bette, anda handsome gold
watch as it token of regard from hie
legal associates.
• A. shockingly sudden death occurred .
in Mitchell On Monday" of last
which is another rentimlee "that in
the midst of life we are in death;"
Lewis Jewell, after attending to his
duties clown town, (vent to his home
in the North Ward, and seated him-
self at the table foe- supper. Ile
8niehed the men!, and pushing the
plate to nue Side, started to reach an
arm chair when he dull forward t0 the
floor and ineteettly expired. No one
was present at the dine butilie wife.
A few months ago 1e sustained 'a
slight paralytic stroke; and it is
thought that e had 11410theh,
ended sit suddenly. Nit.Jewellev hadd
resided in Mitchell int some thirteen
years, Loci wee universally respected.
Mee. Rnht. Devirisnn, Hicks House,
and Mrs. John Heal, are daughters.
He was m,uried twice. -
'Che House u6 Assembly passed an
amendment to the Prohibition bill,
bringing the measure into Mice in Bali -
fax on the 30th of June next.
Analysis showed the presence of
- •e' than suf-
Y ,
the stomach of
E. fatal
Perth County Lindsay, of Swift Current, Sack, who
incl sudcleuty on Mardi 5, white under
on -
The Spring Fair will be held in the
Mitchell skating rink on Wednesday,
April 12t h,
The eldest son of Rev. T. J. 'Charl-
ton, Mitchell, has joined the South
African overseas force.
The faithful old bay horse "George,"
owned by Jas. Wilson, Mitchell, died
on Wednesday of last week. The
animal was well known in Mitchell
having been delivering meat for the
past thirty years. The horse was 85
years old. .
arres• in conuecttOn vitt] roadwork c
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.
For p roepectue rand terme,write the Princtpa,
R.I.Warner,M.A.,D.D.,5t.Themas,O L
The high quality of Purity Flour comes from
First—The selected wheat we use.
Second—This wheat, milled to a
rVISi'su etJn Of
standard under the closest p
millerrand chemist.
More Bread and Ierser Bra]
.•••eseeseaseeee•9eueee e< •i••••••••••M•.••M•MMIVeM•••••••••••••••NN•••eC•..... eeaeoesooeseeee••••e
g Jointhe 16tsti Huron's Own Battalion, and show by your example that Our County isllot'to be a laggard ill the
• Great Fight for Freedom. ,
y LIEUT. SCOTT, Recruiting Officer.
4 •••s•e•steesteeeemerste•MIIi