HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-23, Page 8ea,dyfdi' Showhii
The New
Wall Papers
Our Sample Books of new Wall Papers
for Spring are now ready for showing
and es our stock tide time is much larger
and better than ever before we know we
can suit you no platter .Whet the require-
ments may be Among the samples will
be found Ready Cut Out Borders and
Trimmers, ready for hanging and made
to match some of the new weaves of
Wall Paper. Mattiues-3o inches wide.
heavily embossed and very suitable fur
Parlors. Oatmeal Ingrains, Stippled
Oatmeal Ingrains, Striped and Floral
Patterus for Bedrooms, Cheaper Papers
—We have not overlooked these and
have many Papers to show that are in
good taste at very low prices indeed.
If you have Papering to do be sure and see what we have, You will have cheerful
attention whether you buy or not.
The 1�� Store F. R.
)tcard ebcts Items
linos have been s great price.
MAacn is keeping up the record for
cold weather.
SATURDAY of next week will usher in
the mouth of April.
IT hes snowed, more or less, almost
every day this month,
AUCTIONEER P S. Scott is engaged
for Auction Sales every day this week.
That is going some.
LADY'S muff tound. Owner may have
it by proving property and paying for
this twice at THE PosT,
WINGIIAM Band at Brussels Skating
Rink Thursday evening of this week.
Good time expected.,
NEXT and last Monthly Horse Fair for
this season will be held in Brussels on
Thursday April o:b. Don't miss it.
How is your subscription to THE
Posit.? We are thankful for a goodly
number who have squared up to endcf
H. R. ELLIOTT is resigning as care-
taker of Melville church and applica-
tions are beiug asked for in an adver-
tisement in this issue,
Do you skate? Wingham Band will
be at Brussels Skating Rink Thursday
evening of this week to the enjoyment
of the skaters and onlookers.
FRED., the sorrel horse owned by the
late Jno. Currie and used on the butcher
delivery cart for many a year, died this
week. He was 26 years of age and had
been as tough as whalebone.
TUESDAY evening "The Minister's
Bride" Compaoy were at Blnevale pre-
senting the play in the interests of the
Red Cross. They enjoyed the outing
and were most hospitably entertained.
J. F. Rows -AND, manager of the Stand-
ard Bank, is practically providing to
aid in the shortage of male help in the
hanks by growing an assistant of 1312
own, For further particulars see Birth
Tice Spring Millinery Openings will
be held in Brussels Friday and Saturday
of next week. Every lady should mark
down the dates so that there would be
no uncertainty about getting to the dis-
BRUSSELS soldiers expect to go to Clin-
ton Thursday April 6th. 'I'bev are
mobolizing the Battalion of Huron
County on that day to see bow they
look. It will also be Clinton's Spring
the big recruiting meeting in the Town
Hall, Brussels, Friday evening of this
week. Rev, Mr. Fairfull, an expert
machine gun man, will be one of the
THE building South of the post office,
formerly occupied by A. E. Hersey, has
been leased by Will. Ament, agent for
the Cheverolet car, for a garage. A
couple of cars are now on exhibitioo
and Mr. Ament wants you to call and
learn about this new car.
BABY Oren —Last Saturday, Wilfrid
lames Henry, infant son of Peter and
Mrs Dudley, Brussels South, died aged
31 weeks, Phe funeral was held Mon-
day afternoon, Rev. D. Wren conduct=
ing the service. Burial was made in
Brussels cemetery.
LAND or WHEAT.— Homeeeekers' Ex-
cursions to Western Canada at low fares
via Canadian Pacific each 'Tuesday
March 7th to October 3551 inclusive.
Particulars from any Canadian Pacific
Agent, or W. 13. Howard, District Pas-
senger Agent, Toronto.
S. CARTER bas disposed of his resi-
dence, corner of Elizabeth and Mill
streets, to Mre, Duncan McKenzie, of
Grey. 'ownship, whose husband died a
few weeks ago. She and her daughter
purpose leaving the farm and locating
in Brussels in the near future, Mrs,
McKenz'e and Mrs, James Fulton, of
town, are sisters, Mr, Carter will pur-
chase another property if he finds what
suits him.
BADLY WouNnxn.—Letter from Sergt.
Allingham, formerly of Brussels, who has
been in the trenches doing his duty for
the Empire, says he got a bullet in his
right shoulder, another in his right hip
and also suffered a compound fracture
of his right artn. He is now in Belfast,
Ireland, hospital. His many old friends
here hope he will soon be able to return
to Canada and that he may regain, as
far as possible the use of hie members,
RED CR6ss CIRCLE TEA.—Next 'rues-
dey afternoon the following ladies will
take charge of the Red Cross Circle Tea
in the Public Library Board ROM to
which the public, both male and female
is cordially invited :--Mesdames 11. L:
Jackson, N. F, Gerry, Jno, Ballantyne,
J. G. Jones, W. M. Sinclair, I, C,
Richards, R. F. Downing, F. H. Gil,
roy and Jno'. Hewitt. A very pleasing
feature of the occasion, at 4 3o o'clock,
f tl of a Red Croat;will be
the resentat o
Honorary Heather's Certificate to Mrs,
(Captain) J. M. Moore accompanied by
the etnblematio Society pin. Be one of
the nomppeny next 1 Uesday afternoon at
the Circle Tett end bring a friend along,
TvasnnY was the first day of Spring.
P. ANENT loSt ago
from indigestion.
THE fine sleighing has given a good
chance for the hauling of stone to be
utilized for the Macadam street building
Up to date 35o loads have been delivered
ready for the crusher when it gets to
work this Spring.
RECRUITING RALLY —• Friday of this
week closes the four days whirlwind
campaign for recruits for the 16rst Hur•
on Battalion and ou the evening of that
day, a big Recruiting Rally will be held
in the Town Hall, Brussels. at 8 o'clock,
when the results all over the County of
Huron will be announced. The efforts
of the boys in khaki have so far been
very satisfactory, over 75o men are now
enrolled An address will be given by
the Rev J K Faitfull, of Clinton. the
resident clergymen and others. All the
boys in this locality will be ou hand.
Everybody come and bring a recruit
with you,
SouNo green cedar posts for stile, 8 feet long
and average 8 lichee top. Russell Robertson,
Phone 2518.
EGOS 1roR HATcn1NG. — Single end Rose
Comb Brown Leghorn eggs for hatching.
Price 51.00 for setting of 16.. A 1 stock.
W.S. Scott, Brossele. Phone Ex.
Goon Hca is brodriving drive. mare rApnlyng B at Lot 9, Oen,
0, Grey Township. ALEX, DEITNEH, Brusaele
P. 0.
FARM TO RENT,—Lot 4, Con. 18 Grey, 100
aorea. 8 acres second cat hay, 87 sores plough-
ed. Good bank barn, concrete house. Good
orchard. Apply Jas. Ballantyne, Groner,
Faw Seed Oats. at 80 cents a bushel, for sale,
Harvey Dobson, Ethel, Phone 8515.
8EEn Oats and Barley for sale. L. Hof,
Taman, Brussels, Shaw farm adjoining vil-
BESTED THE MoGnxoott Sarre. — Having
leaeed the Tont McGregor shop I am prepared
to attend to saw gumming and tiling, cooper-
age, wood work repairs, etc. Give me a call.
Satisfoetion assured and moderate prices.
APARTMENTS 10 let in the Graham block
lately vacated by the Pryne family.
MALCOLM nu cut.
A GOOD house for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply at THE Poss.
BAND AT THE RINK.—Thursday even•
ing of next week. 23rd inst.. Wingham
Band will be at the Brussels Rink to add
to the pleasure of the skaters and others.
Admission 25 and 15 cents. Spectators
15 cents. A fine time is expected so
keep tab oo tbe date.
UNrrs= STATES subscribers in arrears
to Tux Pos'r are asked to kindly square
up. In addition to the price of the paper
we are compelled to pay au extra cent a
week for postage. That is whV the rate
has been 81.50 Take a couple of hund-
red subscriptions in arrears it soon
counts up.
THE LATE C, H. CONERY —'rhe death
occu'red Friday afternoon, Toth inst, at
St. Joseph's Hospital, of one of Guelpt's
most iiihlY
respected citizens in tbe.
person of the late C. H. Conery. Mr
ConeryI'v in Guelph 28 Veers and
conduted a cementp business veru
'successfully. He leaves to mourn his
loss a sorrowing widow, one son, Al.
fred, two sisters, Mrs John Fowler,
Wingham , and Mrs George Herring-
ton, Winnipeg ; and two brothers, Wit,
Ham, Hiawatha, Michigan ; and John
C , Guelph. The funeral of the late Mr.
Conery took place from his late resi-
dence, Yorkshire St , to the Union
Cemetery and was very largely attended.
'Phe tuucral was held tinder the auspices
of the Masonic Order, he having been a
member of Speed Lodge, No, r8o ;
Guelph Chapter, No. 4.0 and Victoria
Preceptory No. 20. A service was eon•
ducted ty Rev. Dr. 'MacGillivray, Knox
Church, previous to the Masonic service.
There was a good turnout of the breth-
ren who marched fu a body to the ceme-
tery where the Masonic burial service
was also conducted following the other
service. Pallbearers were : — Speed
Ledge, No. 18o, A F, & A. M , Wor.
Bro. Bard Whetstone, Wor. Bro. John
Gould ; Guelph Cnapter, No 40, R, A,.
M Comp, Win W Piper eolwill, Comp.
William, Lodge; Victoria Preceptory
No. 1o, K. 'C, EIn Sir Kt. A. McLaren,
Em. Sir Kt, R. S. Cull, The many
floral offerings testified to the high
esteem in which the deceased was beld
by his inane friends. The following are
some of the flowers : —The *keystone
from the Guelph Chapter R. A. M ; a
equate and eo.mnass, from Sped Lodge,
No, 18J; a wreath, 'from ritems and
members of Court Grove No, 69, C 0
F. ; a pillow from wife, son and sister,
Mrs, Fowler ; a crescent, from Mr. and
Mrs J C, Conery and Ernest ; a spray
from Mr. and Mrs. W. Buskin ; a sore',
from Mr. Menzies and a spray from
Florence. The friends from a distance
attending the funeral were Jno. and
Mrs Fowler and son, Charles, Wing -
toham, iuein r and Brown,
lm his s Mr. Mrs
1' r and ()there Deceased
from G ,ffo d r her Deceas 1
was born in Morris township, Huron
Co , and spent his early years near
Brussels, He is well and !'avorably re-
membered in this locality,
4448+414*s4 ; •4.4441 t+•+4•+1 F•I•+ 11444.444+4404,4+4144444400 40+
The Ladies of Brussels and locality are invited
to attend the Spring Millinery Opening at our.
Show Room
• Friday and Saturday
March 31st and ApriI 1st
i••4'•4•449•441444444404444 90+4, +•+•'4•••t•'tI+t+
A choice line of New and Up-to-date
Millinery will be on exhibition. •
Come and see the latest Styles.
M. E. RISS Richards Block
Cies Wanted
We can give employment to a
few more bright girls as
Knitters and Learners
Fare paid to Clinton.
Clinton Knitting Co. limited
CLINTON, ON's'. 36.4
People We Talk About
Mrs Alex. Smith, Wroxeter, is renew-
ing old frieudsbips in Brussels.
j. 'r, Wood went to Berlin for the
week end to visit his mother who is past
83 years of age.
W. B. Sperling, Mail Clerk of Guelph,
spent the week end with his parents,
Fletcher and Mrs. Sperling, Church
Lance -Corporal C. Pope, who is in
training with the Both Batt. in Strat-
ford, spent the week end at his home
Wm. Cunningham, Colborne Town-
ship, spent the week end at the home of
his brother, Jno. Cunningham, Turu-
berry street. Brussels. •
Rev. D. Wren took a run over to. St.
Marys when supplying at Stratford and
visited Norman and Mrs. Brandon and
slaughter Mrs Brandon is a sister.
Miss Viola Long, Cranbrook, has been
housekeeping at her Grandfather Ennis'
for the past 2 weeks as her Grandmother
was ill w th the grippe. We are glad to
report improvement,
Wm. Currie and daughter. Miss Jessie,
who were visiting here for the past few
months at the home of the former's bro-
ther, A. R Currie. John street, left for
the West Thursday of last week. The
visitors live at Bdren, Manitoba.
Pies. Fox, Burton and Mustard, were
here for several days this week from
Clinton where they are taking a course
of military instruction. They are well
pleased with Clinton but the two latter
will be back to Brussels shortly.
W. H. Maunders, of Idaho. is combin•
ing business and pleasure in a short visit
to Brussels and locality. He spent a few
days with his mother, sister and brother
in Detroit as he came Eastward. Idaho
is evidently agreeing well with him,
Hilton Hunter, of the Wingham Ad-
vance :staff, was in town for a short
visit Saturday. His daughter, who is
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A.
Hunter, has been on the sick list with
(Dr ) J. M,
Moore has arrived
back to Brussels from the East and will
make her home here in the meantime
with her mother, Mrs. A. Hunter. Dr,
Moore has gone overseas with the 33rd
Bat alion.
Fred, McCreeken is vit iting in Peter-
rn o alit
Miss Kate Ewan was visiting .rola.
tives in Toronto
Ernest Roz -11, Clinton, was a visitor
here on Wednesdev.
NEXT week M Yolleck will ship a5 or
re, cars of old metal from Brussels. The
market has been some what fist but he
has decided to run no further risk.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Laura
Cloff Stratford, is not enj lying very
good health but we hone the corning of
Spring will .tend to her upbuildiug.
Miss Cluff is a niece of Barrister sud
Mrs, Sinclair, snd known to a good
many readers of THE POST.
Oliver and Mrs Smith and ehlldreu,
who were holicleying in Ontario .for the
past few months left for their home at
Watrous, Sask.. last week The former
is a son of John Smith, Turnberry
street, North, who is doing well in the
West. We hope they will continue to
Robert Warwick was home last week
for a short visit He has been employed
in a Galt shell factory but has now en-
listed with the trent portation corps at
Toronto and expects to go overseas
shortly. He is already acquainted with
phases of military drill. We wish him
E. B White, teller in the Bank of
Nova Scotia, Brussels, bas tendered his
resignation and will go to his home at
Milton, Halton County, and enlist with
the Battalion of that Co, Mr. White
has only been in town a short time but
he will carry with him the good wishes
of the community as be patriotically
lends his aid to the Empire.
Listowel Standard of last week says of
a formerBrusselile:—Pte. H. C. Moore,
of "D" Company Detachment, was
ordered to Stratford this week to assist
in the remnitinE campaign. He is
speaking at different meetings every
night this week. Pte. Moore is aclever,
fluent and sincere speaker and his ap-
peal goes from the heart, No doubt he
will mee' with success in his efforts
to get recruits.
Church Chimes
Maitland Presbytery notes may be
read on page 5 of this issue,
Chatham Presbytery tavored Church
Union by a vote of 24 to 90.
Rev. Mr, Poulterer, Methodist minis.
ter at Tiverton, has enlisted with the
Bruce Battalion,as a private.
Rev Mr. Harper, Presbyterian minis-
ter at Clinton, has accepted the office
of Chaplain of the Simcoe Co. Battalion.
Melville Church anniversary ou East-
er Sunday and Monday, Rev. Dr. Mc.
Gillivrary, Guelph, will be the preacher
for the occasion.
Important Notice
DEAR EDITOR. I m in receipt of a
circular letter from the Hon. Jas. 5.
Duff, Minister of Agriculture for
Ontario, a similar one being sent to
every Mayor and Reeve, in the Pro.
vince, asking ns to adopt sorne system
of seeing or canvassingall the retired
men, retired farmers particularly, in
Tuesday, March to October
Every Wednesday During Season Navigation
"Great Lakes Route"
Somewhere out on the prairies where lest year Canada's Greeted
Wheat Crop was produced there le a home waiting for you, The
will take you there, give you all the information about the best
places, and help you to success. 1. 11 .. 0 .
Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket
Agent, or write W, B, Howard, District Fa•eenger
Agent, Toronto,
N t•tttt•t.tt•tttt�ttt4ttr.e.
Our Savings Bank provides a suitable and o I
convenient place for your surplus funds, o
A joint account is specially adapted for
those going overseas. g
asT'o 1813 Apply to 2 2
J. F. f owland, Q �' Manager. • v
the towns and villages and making
out a list of all of such mei" as are
abletl go
and willing to out and work
on the farms in their several districts,
according to their ability and capa-
city, during the cooling Spring and
Summer, the lists of such men to be
sent to the Department of Agriculture
as soon as possible.
In response to the call, 1 have token
the liberty of using THE BRUSSELS
Post, as the medium through which
I can see and get the names of such
men, and I will be pleased to see them
all at my private residence on any
day or evening during the uext two
weeks, Sunday excepted'.
The idea is to aid in production dur-
ing the coming season which isgreat-
ly needed andon bath patriotic and
economic grounds.I trust
the re-
sponse may be generous, J. LECKIE,
Brussels, 20th March, 1916. Reeve.
HOY,—In Welton, on March 20th, 1918, to Mr.
and Mrs. It, W. Hoy, a eon.
LAMONT —In Grey Township, on March 22nd,
1010, to Mr. and Mre. W. A. Lamont, a son.
RowLaNn.—In Brussels, on March -10th, 1010,
bo Mr, and Mrs, J. F, Rowland, a eon. '
BOLT.—In East Wawanosh,- on Marsh 1210,
1918, John Bolt, aged 78years and 5 months.
DIIDLEY.—In Brussels South, on March 18th,
1918, Wilfrid James Henry, infant son of
Peter and Mrs. Dudley, aged 854 weeks,
LOCKRr0Oo.—A, Lower Wingho in, on march
1511, 1016, Clara Mae Lockildggo, daughter
of' fames and Mrs, Lookridge, aged 17
years, 2 months and 14 days.
MAasa.—Suddenly on March 10th, 1016, at The
Manse, Holstein, Annie McGowan, daugh-
ter of Alexander Gardiner, Walton, be-
loved wife of Rev. D. B. Marsh, SeD,,
P.R. A. 8.
WAGaonc — ,
Toronto,edMarch 1610,Lina MoArter, beloved ifn of Robert
Wogho-I, 85 years, 4 months 24 days.
WALit Ia Winnipeg,
(ca ,on March 15th, 1910,
Lottie Maxwell, loved wife 0 W. J.
Wlkey, of Winnipeg.
BRUSSELS CONTINUATION SCHOOL B 23.4n1r0t.VbAOr B Morrie Townahinp n0ele ut
2 p. m. Mn. Wm. Kelly, Proprietress.
F. 8, Scott, Ano.
Reports for Form III. Examined
in Chem„ Comp., and Science, 11
L Wright 79 A. Sperlirtg......02
13 Denman .75 13 Campbell 81
5 Grant .........,.•08 R Stewart... 80
L Aruent.........67 111 Bowes 58
E McKay ........,67 A Davidson. 66
I McLane Un.. 65 J 0 .40
Form 11 Examiued in Science,
Geom., Hist.
K McDonald...... 86 13 Wright......... 03.
A Fulton 85 I Hoover. 80
EMiller 75 3 Grant ........ 58
J Scott 76 D Ross 56
151 Penile 74 H Stewart .55
0 Beet 73 V McLeod—. ....54
11 Currie 71 13 Gerry 61
0 Sellers ..........70 M Alderson 46
L Turvey:.... .....09 111 McQuarrie34
G Ames 87 A Johnston 82
5 Hall 85
Foran I. Examined in Literature,
Algebra, Science, Acithmetic.
V Heist 84 0 Hemiugway.05
31 Skelton ,82 **J Armstrong .63
0 Armstrong 79 J Fox '59
1 Wilkinson 78 *84 Lowe ........58
E Sperling 77 A Thuell. 57
I -Hunter. 75 E Pennington 64
L Baker............74 A Cardiff 54
A McKay ........73 A Fox 63
1 Kreuter 73 3 Warwick 62
11 Armstrong —73 *M.Carter 52
M Roes .... ......,,06 A Currie .. 50
S Ynill...............05 S. Baker. 39
*P Barkley ...... ...05
t tio 89
Oats 40 $ 0
Peas 1 855 1 115
Butter 50 28
HIM 25 25
Ba72 00 10 00
Potatoes per bus 1 40 1 40
Caretaker Wanted
Applications for Caretaker of Melville
by the
Wednesda, March 20th.Ap-
plloants to state salary expected. Particulars
as to duties required may be had from the
Secre to JAMESx
Secretary. F0
Secretary Board of eIanxgors,
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore subsisting betweense, the under-
signed, as Implement Agents and Merchants
in the Village of Walton, in Ile County of
Huron, has tide day been dissolved by mutual
All debts owing to the amid pnrtnerohlp are
to bo paid to William H. Humphries, at the
Village of Walton, afareseid, and all claims
against the said partnership are to be pend
when presented to the said William Et.Hum-
Dated at the Village of Brussels this 8111 day
of March, 1916, and at Herbert, Saskatchewan,
the day of March. 1910.
As to William H, Humphries
AS to Janes H. Humphries
Auction Sales
ebo —F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has received
instructions from the undersigned to sell by
public auction at 8. Baif Lot 24, Con. 8, Morrie,
(farm occupied by Joseph Bewley)- on Friday,
March 24th,. at 2 o'clock, the following proper-
ty:—] Massey -Harris binder and trucks, 1 horse
rake, 1 pea harvester, 1 grain crueller with
belt, 1 set 2000 lb. softies with platform for
weighing stock, 1 fanning mill,1 grindstone, 1
root paiper, 1 set single harness, 1 buggy, 1
cutter, 1 plow, lbagger, 1 log boat, 1 iron neck
yoke, 1 hay knife, 1 drawbar, 1 stick timber 65
or 49 feet long, 1 pair of all wool horse blankets
new. Everything must be sold. Terms: Ail
sums of 0500 nut under cash; over that
amount 8 months credit given on furnishing
approved joint notes. 5 per cent off for cosh
on credit amounts. MRS, WM. KELLY,
In a short time seeding op- o
orations will be comment:- 0
ing. We have had some •
very satisfactory remarks
made regarding the quality 2
of our Formaldehyde last a
season and we wish to its= 2
sure•our customers of even d
better satisfaction this year •
as we have a large order 2
placed with Parke Davies & 2
Oo., of Walket'ville, for our ,•y
season's supply, and as theyy 2
occupy a foremost piace as• •
Mantjfaaturing Cheluiets we •
feel satisfied that the • qual- •
itY of our m PlnaY
ldeh de will
be9 trictlY g g high nide. •
While many things have -ad- 2
vanced greatly in price, this, 2
the aro pleased to say, re- 2
mains the Flame as in former •
Soliciting a continuance of o
your esteemed patronage. 2
Yours sincelrely,
1'damC b
e Druggist & Stationer a
o . •
The •Penslar Store ee• •
• V
• March 1916
Farm for Sale
Being NM - Lot 12, Con. 6, Morris Township,
contalnin6. 100 nares. Good Irma house, bank
barn, well &a 8 gores herd wood bush. Farm
Is seeded- down excepting 25 nares andthe lute
ter plowed. Close to school and church and 5
milo4 to Brussels. Possession at once For
further particulars a+ to trice, terms, &e., ap-
ply on the premises to ROBT. CRAIG.
n B6.4 Phone 887 Brussels P. 0.
Farm For Sale
17nderalgned offers for Bale his 60 acre farm,
being N w i/a Let 14, Con. 7. Morris township.
There lea comfortable log house, Promo barn
with stone steblhtg, nbont an tome of orchard,
2 walla and abont 1344 acres of sugar 110.911: on
the premises. 6 miles to either Brussels or
Blyth. lj miles to church. Immedtnts pos.
session if desired. 2 sores Fall wheat and 22
acres ready for crop, balance in grass and
]lay. For price, easy terms, &c., apply en the
premises to .JOHN NIVINS, !Myth P. 0.
R,11.No. 2.
• t}••••••N••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4.0••• ••
Brussels Daylight Store
Gr N,. McLaren
IJ'Lr'IJ'L''li"tWllldle'W't,'Io4J4i'A,'41t,41; mrm'Id't�4d'L"L'h'il,n4'IJ'I,PL+tli Ib'M^ui'I,PIe'ii, arin'lll'Id'6+4d�1i 419A'I,Il�,llt'IlPlli aPtPhl'4"t�'I'�Lnu'tdt•4,nli Ili'L'lli Ili lli Ili ,nV„'I,r+4P4'V,nlrbi b,n
• M3.
New. Spring Suits, the latest $10 to $25 •
NewSpring Suits
SDr1DB Coats
Our New Stocks of Ladies' and
Misses' New Spring Suits and
Spring Coats are in stock. We
have the very latest in Clothes and
Styles made by some of the best
makers, The prices are very rea-
sonable and we want you to call
and see them.
New Spring Coats, the Iateet. $5 to $15
New Suits for Men and
Our new Suits for Men and .Boys are in stock and the best fitting garments we e
c.• have ever had. The prices are very reasonable, We want you to call and see them. .n
Boys' Suits for ages 5 to 18 years. Men's Suits all sizes and rices,.
I-l'ighest Prices for Produce.