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The Brussels Post, 1916-3-23, Page 4
'fie tirnostis Vogt -THt7itSDAY, 1tiAIiCHY 23 016 16 Doiv'•r forget the Provincial Prnhibi lien Convention to be held in Massey Hall, Toronto, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, Slugle fere on certificate plan on all railways. Now would be a goodtime for every- body to arrange for e general clean up when the snow and ice get away Every Board of Health sliauld be on the alert and people generally should lend a band so that the good work could be thorough. ly done. Those who neglect should be firmly dealt with. IF you have not had the measles, la - grippe or mumps on your household pro- gram this Winter your name should ap- pear in print and some special thank offering should be made, Past Winter has been a memorable one but better days are coming, so cheer u,I and give the people you meet the bent fit el a bright smile and an optimistic note. I'r is said a London, Ontario, Co , has secured a war order for the British Army of a million cases -of pork and beaus, aggregating $3,000,000. We ex- pect if the goods are properly put up, that "bully" beet and hard -tack will not be in it with the'Tommies in the trench- es and camps, A very noticeable dif- ference is evident in the commissary de- partment of the army to -day anti 25 years ago. To -day the needs of the sol- dier boys are well served as they should be and 11 does not always end with what are designated necessaries. They should have the best going. TDaus are said to be 3g,000 German residents in the Dominion of Canada and 520,000 Austro Hungatiaus. A goodly number of them are inclus'rious, thrifty people who have done well in this Dominion. The large proportion, while not forgetful of the Fatherlaud, are loyal 'subjects and would not desire to exchange the privileges they enjoy in the British Empire for that of any other Nation, 'there is a great host of des- cendants of Germans lined up under the Red, White and Blue and who believe in the downfall of militarism as one of the ideals to be sought for. Wseo will do your share of fivhting if you don't enlist ? The success or failure of the Allies will make or mar" the old world for many a year. To win means the overthrow of the theory that Might is Right and unshackle millions of peop le who have been slaves to militar,sm. It will also show that Natious cannot, without impunity. violate sacred egree- meats and trample on the rights of weaker people. If the Allies should lose freedom and liberty will be things of the past and we will be chained to the chariot wheel of Prussianism. Do you wish this condition ? MANITOBA did herself proud lest week when a Prohibitory measure re- garding the liquor traffic was carried by a great sweep pf about 2 to r. Every constituency except two got o0 the water wagon and set an example that will be of genuine service to other Pro- vinces. While woman suffrage will come in vogue in Manitoba, the law having been passed, the ladies had not the privilege of voting on the measure Wednesday of last week. Premier Nor. ris is making an enduring name for himself. More power to his style of legislation. About 25,000 is the major- ity for the extension of the "d y belt." WHAT would be the sense of taking another referendum in Ontario on the Prohibition question now? 'Three fav- orable votes y have already been recorded in the past 22 years last in 19e2 showing a majority of 95,210, nearly 2 to 1. It wottld only be a big bill of expense to prove what is already patent to almost everybody. Ontario is not setking Old Tomorrow Legislation but crisp, prac. tical laws in the best interests of the great majority Of the people. The peti- tion presented to the Hearst Govern ment recently had. 825,562 names upon it asking to have Ontario put in the van- guard of countries who are enjoying freedom from intoxicants. John Barley corn is being cornered up on alt sides and the day is not far distant when the licensing of the evil will be at an end. A MEAN beggar named Somers, who lived le Aldboro' Township, Elgin County, sparked Mary Sohtnellz for 6 years and then refused to marry her, after agreeing to do so last Fall. The fair maiden with the Teutonic sounding name, was not going to be put off that way and said Duncan would have to pay for changing his mind. 12 jurymen at St, Thomas after listening to Mary's story decided that $5o0 was necessary to heal the wound. Somers was not even gentlemanly enough to attend the Court, Probably he felt his courting days had been the cause of the trouble. Trio POST does not, publish the above to cause trouble, rather as a Warning that too Meg courtships are dangerous roles to pilot and an earlier Call ou the parson is :advised. $300 is A lot of money to pay out and still be tniees the home- maker, Perhaps the wer did it, WitliitW1 newspapers, owing to the largely inureasetl post of prodnctlon, aro finding that a' credit price. et 11,00 per annum is a losing van, With conpI(4 t- ing results, Bruce, Huron Perth, Grey, Lincoln and Welland Countles, and probably,othere, have cleeicled that to pay their way they will Have to put, the subscription et 3 ceot5 per week in- stead of 2. People take more kindly to reductions than increases, of course, but a man is lacking in bushless foresight who attempts tit, produce an 'article be- low cost and if be fails, as he is sure to do, about the only satisfaction is to know that 'folks call hint a tool for his pales. At the increased price rural journalism should attain a higher stand- ard and thereby give better value than ever for the money. PEOPLE of Huron County who know or have heard of the splendid record of the County House of Refuge, located at Clinton, will feel pleased, we are sure, that the following discreditable finding in Essex County, is foreign to Huron in every particular. The Grand Jury's report was as follows .- "Neglect, which we fear is the re- sult of parsimony, is written in large characters in the inmates' quarters at the County House of Refuge at Leamington, which we inspected. This public institution, which ought to be kept scrupulously clean. is extremely filthly, anti instead of be- ing a credit, is a disgrace to the County." It is to be hoped the black eye given by the Grand Jury will be speedily remedied and the blur on the good old County of Essex removed. N. Musgrove, M. P. P., for North Huron, on the Budget. In a session of the Legishttuee that is fraught with more than usual sig- niticttuce by reason cif the prolonga- tion of the war and the Meieaxtng necessity fnf all sections of the Pro- vince to unite h, a great Wert to bring the struggle to successful terrnina- tion, it Is reasuring to hear the voice of rural Ontario expressed nu the Bud- get debate as its the speech r.f A. 11. Musgrove, member far North klurtro, From Isis place in the front rank of the treasury benches, Mr.'121u,grove's quiet but pei suasive manner always gets a close henries; flow his fellow members. The annual financial stiimnuent of theProvirsoial '1't•rm:over is a bintte0 of no small importance to the people of the P,ovince. It is doubly impntt- ent this year because- or the way es well as by reason of the fact that itis Hon. 1'. W. McGaery's fleet full year as Treasurer, and the Hence was anxious to see what results Ise had achieved. The Treasurer himself dealt largely with the work of the year and the re- sult of the financial operations he had conducted on behalf of the Province. It remained for Mr. Musgrove to amp- lify that, which be did in a manner that won for hint warm commenda- tion from his colleagues. It was tin easy matter, Mr. Mus- grove said, to congratulate the Pro- vincial Treasurer this year nn the satisfactory showing revealed in the financial statement. "You must re- member we are living at a tine that is not (emanon, and there was a time when it was difficult to get sufficient money to conduct the affairs of the Province as they should be conducted, and I am glad the Treasurer was able to say that the services were pi operly conducted and he had a substantial surplus at the end of the year." The surplus of ordinary receipts over ordinary expenditures showed a bal- ance of $271,000, and no account was taken in this of the amount received or expended in conuertiou with the war fund. But it was particularly gratifying to note, in spite of the stress of the war that the revenue horn meet of the branches had been considerably over the estimate, It showed that the various departments bad been carefully managed. The Dominion Government derived most of its revenue from customs and excise duties. The municipalities could levy it againstP Y. real P no art incnone s t id business, but the Province was de- pendent upon what it got from the Dominion subsidy, what it collected from companies doing business throughout the Province. It was tint an easy matter to levy taxes equitably and he thought that the 'J's Peewee who collected between $I1,000,000 and $12.000,000 dm ing the year had exer- cised great ekill in providing sources of revenue. Proceeding, Mr. Musgrave showed how the expenditure of the Pi evince touched the home life of the people, and in a much more vital way than any expenditure by the Federal Par- liament. "'The large grants given for education touch every home in the land. We grant large sums for agri- culture. We have the tnaintenmtce of the institutions where the unfortu- nate are cared for. We have to main- tain the hospitals and charitable in- etitutinine of this Province. We have to look after the health of the com- munity, and we have to administer jnstice in the Province. Nearly every itemof expenditure in the Province of Ontario cornea to the dont' of the people. 'Therefore it Is a diflieult mat- ter to withdraw a dollar from any of these eervlces without it being felt directly." This was illustrated a year ago when it was proposed to mit the grants to Agricultural ascieties in half, but he was glad to see that the revenues during the past year had Meer) sufficient to enable these grants to be paid is full. (Applause.) Analysing lite figurer; given by the Provincial Treasurer of the assets and liabilities of the Provint'e, Mr, Mus- grove agreed that wisile the assets of the Province were well worth the value of $536,000,000 plared upon Iter in by Mr. McGarry and this was the thea time any such atab'ment had been given to the Legislature, there were other emcees of wealth ill the Pres - omen' Lnualido Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a Miracle. All women ought to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: Harrisburg, Penn.—" When I was single I suf- fered a great deal from female weakness because my work compelled me to stand all day. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound fror that and was made stronger by its use. After I was married I took the Compound again for a female trouble and after three months I passed what the doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle that it came away as one generally goes under the knife to have them removed. I never want to be without your Compound in the house."—Mrs. FRANK KNOBL,1842 Fulton St., Harrisburg, Penn. Hardly Able to Move. Albert Lea, Minn.—" For about a year I had sharp pains across my back and hips and was hardly -able to move around the house. My head would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. .After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, I am feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight months old and am doing my work all alone. I would not be without your remedies in the house as there are none like them."— Mrs. F. E. Yon, 811 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her Up. Pittsburg Penn.—" Your medicine has helped me wonderfully. When I was a girl 18 years old I was always sickly and delicate and suffered from irregularities. Three doctors gave me up and said I would go into consumption. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and with the third bottle began to feel better. I soon became regular and I got strong and shortly after I was married. Now I have two nice stout healthy children and am able to work hard every day."—Mr's. CLSnENTINA Duxunnes, 84 Gardner. St.,Troy Hill, Pittsburg,Penn. All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi - eine Co., Lynn, Mase., for special advice,—it will be confidential. vince, which ought to be taken into account. The wealth of the Province was not tailing off, it was increasing. Taking the figures supplied by the Bureau of Industries, in 1910 the farm lands of the Province were worth 5700,000,000. In 1914 - four years afterwards- they had increased to $700,000,000, or an increase in that time of13 percent. Asimlar increase was shown in buildings, which had, appreciated int value from $800,000,000 to 5347,000,000• implements from 581,- 500,000 to $91,500,000. During the same period live stock showed a large increase, the figures being $194,000,000 ill 1910 and $250,000,000 in 1914. The total figures were $1,283,000,000 lid 1910 and $1,480,000,000 in 1914, or an increase all round of 15 per cent. According to the statistics, he found that twenty years ago there were 541 per cent of the people of the Province on the farms and 46 pet' cent in the towns. Conditions in that regard had changed recently and there were more in the cities and towns than on the faros, Leaving -out the small incor- porated towns and villages, the total increase of 5197,000,000 in farm values gave an increase of almost 5200 for every man, woman and child on the land. There was no doubt what lite Government and the Department of Agri cid ture through the Agricultural College and ether agencies had been doing has assisted in this satisfactory result. (Applause.) Meeting the arguments of U nosiE Lion speakers that the expenses of the Province were increasing, Mr, hLus- grnve pointed nut that the services of the Province were increasing and the Government was discharging its re- sponsibilities to the people to -day that had never been attempted before. Grants to hospitals and charities to care for the sink and helpless had in- creased from $202,000 in 1906 to $480,- 000 in 1915. For the maintenance of public institutions where the unfortu- nate were in custody had increased from 5907,000 to $1,390;000. The grants to agriculture had been worthi- lyspent, and last year amounted to $6855,000. an increase of 5280,000 since 1906. For education the Province spent last year 52,067,000, a gain of ' 5936,000. I Briefly Mr. Musgrove reviewed other development that had taken place since 1900. Then the missing industry was in its infancy. Now Ontario was leading the Dominion in 1 gold production. The Ontario Muni- cipal and Railway Board did not exist ' in 1906. The Boaad of Health had grown in usefulness, and was now saving thousands of dollars' and he hoped thousands of lives through the Province by its free distribution of antitoxin and serums to prevent disease carrying off the youth of the Province. Legislation already before the House to create a Department of Labor showed that the Governrnent was meeting the requirements of every situation that came up, and the de- velopment of the Highways Branch in OHIO WOMAN'S WISH For Tired, Weak, Nervous Women Bellefontaine, Ohio.—"I wish every tired weak, nervous woman could have Vinol for e I never spent anymoney in P mylife that did me so much good as tht I spent for Vinol. I waweak, tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinol made me strong, well and vigorous after everything else had failed to help me, and I can now do my housework with pleasure." -Mrs. 3. F. LAMBORN. We guarantee Vinol our delicious cod liver and iron tonic for all weak, run- down, nervous, debilitated conditions. F. R. SMITI-1, Druggist, Brussels t1,3 A post card addressed to us es below, with your name and address oirtyonthe other side, will cost but one cent. Drop it in the nearest mail box, and itwill bring prompt- ly a copy of our illustrated prompt- 81 for 1816. With it will come also -free —a 15c. packet of Byron Pink Tomato A perfectly formed tomato, the Byron Pink is uniform, large, and attractive. 'The flesh Is firm, and the flavor delicious and full-bodied. It is a robust grower and a heavy cropper. Itis an Ideal tomato for forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you might just as well send for our catalogue and got this free premium for yourself, The Catalogue tells about the other valuable premiums which we glue with every order, DARCH & ,t1uNTER SEED CO., LIMITED, LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA Mffl Pi a S P; fe (9. the Interest of Rana reads would bring comfort.to the x11161 remnttlrllies, thoidiiiuns wail' 1111nt'ovitig, said 1111 llusgtvvi' hr conclnsiun, i'uu eoald urit drive nver the Northern ('nurttry Ince the prttil'iec, lull it waaa fact 1 hitt tlnn bsI llrt• nu Not thein Out, OHO ln:day tutu hatch hatter nil than the pluteers nl' Huron anti Bt;tt'e. eminties, Hewaspleased 10 note.l.be 5(5(11 I'veling that existed between niembecs'uri butte sides o1'One 1Lntise,. and belted all would unite in ,i. 5reat t lfnt't 10 nntl Iter- (noel n'ar. "1 hope tVn will.all 5('tiu'h to 005 hnirnes wiih a sLroogett reeling that all we have and 01)41 all the Call give will be for Lite maintenance of the freedom which conies Eines Great Britain." (Ap. phtuae.) Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of John Dunbar, late of the'townslip of Gres', in he enemy of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pnrsuent tics the Re. visod Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, Acatiun 50, that all creditors end others having claims against the estate of the said John Dunbar who died on or about the Twain 'ft vt dsy of nlaroh, A. D. 1110, are hereby required on or belOre the Tenth day of AprilA. D. 1010, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Elisa D Lamont, the Admtnletratrix ofthe estace, as Ethel P. 0 , their Chrietian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their olelms, the statement of their no - counts and the nature of the securities if any held by them, A ort further tnkanottee that aft er such last mentioned date, the Adminiatratrlx will pro. es'ed to distribute the assets of the said de - (.rased amongst the pnrtiee entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of whichI shall then have had notice and I willnot be liable for the said acsste orally pert thereof to ally person or persons of whose claim I shall not then neve received notice 'at the time of pori diatiibntinn. Dated this 8• h day of March, A. D. 1910. EL.1ZA D LAMONT,' 01.0 Adtrtinistratrix of estate John Dunbar.. The People's Column: FARM FOR RALE -95 awe lei= "Maple Lodge" adjoining the Village of Oran• brook, for sale. Good frame bowie, barn, new stabling, windmill, orchard, ro. Convenient to school and churdtes. - Terms to cult pur- chaser For further information apply to Mis. G. Sperling, Cranbrook, Ontario, FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -Lot 8, Oon 4, Grey ; 100 eeree. On the farm is a two-story cement house and bank barn, oleo gond orchard. For particulars apply to F. S. ;300TT, Brussels, 1000 Loads Field Stolle Wanted Brussels Corporation 1s reedy to purchase 1000 loads of field stone, to be delivered nn a vacant Int opposite John Long's home, Flora street 00 obits a square yard will be paid. Stones are to be crushed and used for street improvement. For further particulars apply to members of Brussels Comscil or Robt Oliver. F, S, SOOT', Clerk. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone If not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGIZAVE P, 0. For Sale Grain Warehouse with horsepower elevator, scales, carts, floor oars, .&o. Also part of Lot 80, Oon. 5, Township of Mor- rie,29 acres, adjoining the Ville go of Brussels, and 0 building tote on Turnberry street. For particulars apply to the owner. T. LECKIE. Thoro'-bred Stock,. FOR SERVICE ARISTOCRAT 101.512, will be kept for ser-' vice at Lot 80, Oon. 8, Morrie, by the under- signed. His sire is Gainford deal =00882=; grand sirs Gainford Marquis limp.)=88760=,. bred by .T. A. Watt. Service fee $3,60 for grades and 97,00 for thoro'-bre(ts, FOR SALE 8COT0H LAD, a dark red ; calved about Nov. hat, 1014 ; every appearance of being a good sire. Prices reasonable. Call and Hee them. THOMAS PIERCE. Bulls for Sale Several choice bred .Short Horn young belle for sale, some fit for serVlce. Anybody inter- ested. should call and Inspect. TAMES SPEIR•'Bruseele P. 0. Phone 100 Lot 80, Con. 0, Morrie. "Grimy" Cbstabarinia r Bronchitis "There is no disease that should cause more anxiety in the home than Bronchitis, for if neglected in the earlier stages it often becomes chronic and may even prove fatal. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the medicine for this disease, and if given in regular doses will relieve the cough, ease the pain, remove the difficulty in breathing and produce a free and, easy expectoration, thus reducing the inflammation. Old people, and those who have weak lungs, cannot be too careful in guarding against this disease. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. strengthens the throat and lungs and makes them less susceptible to changes of the atmosphere. In, fact, the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent an attack of Bronchitis becoming chronic." A Fine harvest—of pleasures and profits is reaped by the man who drives a Ford. For the trip to town—for a run to the neighbors—for a hurry -up drive any- where business or. pleasure demands— there's no other car which will go so well at anywhere near the cost. The FordiTouring Cards 0580 ; the Conpelet 8780 ; the Sedan 5890 1 the Town Oar $790. All prtoes are f, n. b. Ford, Ontario. All oars completely equipped, including eln'tric headlights. Equipment does not include speedometer. Cars on sale at a. CARTER'S, Brussels. 0.•.. .e.....!♦.'.••••••••O• •••••••••.•..•0000.O•••E••0000.00000aaoavorfia•{0000• 3 0 O 0 (�` r9 11 I) • 5 © e a a tit 111 fo r D Chevrolet "Four -Ninety" Product of Experience" 0 0 0 e 5 O to e 0 a 00 e e a e a e e 0 0 • • e r r D n A a e • • I• I• • e • '• 0 a • e • Valve -in -head Motor • 50 00 Powerful and Price Complete $675.00 F.O.B.Oshawa 41 ea Regular Equipment, Mohair Tailored Top. Envelope and Side Curtains, electric Z Horn, Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield, Speedometer. Electric Slat and Lighting o ' System. Ammeter and License Brackets. rto e o NOTE,—HWing to the great demand for this Cur, we would suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery, • We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and aLighting i rhtulgSys- tom,• is with Beridix Drive, seine type and grade as used on the high-priced call's, tl A complete line of Repairs will always be in stock, ce 0 . e • • • • • . • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• aatoae•o•••••••••••••A•••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•• • P. AMENT, Agent Brussels