HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-16, Page 8• -7-7.- ""'""7"'"'"1-7
eady for Showing
fa' t's.."Attal.
Th New
Wall Pap,-rs
Our Sample Books of new Wall Papers
for Spriug are now ready or allowing
and as our stock this time is much larger
and better than over before we know we
can suit yeti 110 matter what the require-
ments may be. Among the samples will
be found Ready Cut Out Borders and
Trimmers, ready for haugieg and made
to match some of the new weaves of
Wall Paper. Mattines-3o inches wide,
heavily embossed and very suitable fur
Parlors. Oatmeal Ingraius, Stippled
Oatmeal Iugraies, Striped and Floral
Patterns for Bedrooms. Cheaper Papers
-We have not overlooked these and
have many Papers to show that are in
good taste at very low prices indeed. .
If you have Papering to do be sure and see what we have, You will have cheerful
attention whether you buy or not.
The 14(Zta Beare
F. R.
gum' balm bras
CROWS are here.
ARTHUR HENRY now speaks of his
son. Congratulations.
THE POsT telephones are Nos. 31 and
32. Ring us up and do it early in the
FRIDAY will be St, Patrick's Day.
Read the account of St. Patrick on page
4 of this issue,
AUCTION Sale of 15 head of 2 year old
steers at Nic Lot 29, Con. 8, Morris, on
Friday, tyth inst • at 2 p, m. Alf.
Baeker is the Proprietor and F. S. Scott
A LARGE number of splendid draft and
general purpose mares have been bought
in this locality and shipped to the West
during the past month. Many fine
animals were In the outgo.
ACCIDENT - While working in the
bush near Shakespeare, Perth Couuty,
Albert Laing, a nephew of R. Oliver,
town, was seriously injured by a falling
limb striking him on the head.
DEsTITE the inclemency of the weath-
er the Leap Year Skating Party Thurs-
day evening of last week was fairly well
patronized. Wingbam Band was in at-
tendance and enlivened the proceedings.
DIED. -William Robertson, of Bright,
Ont„ passed .away Wednesday of last
week, after an extended illness and was
buried on Friday. His wife. who pre-
deceased him, was a sister of Robert
Oliver, of Bruasels.
BAND AT THE RINK. -Thursday even.
ifg of next week, 23rd inst.. Wingham
Band will be at the Brussels Rink to add
'to the pleasure of the skaters and others.
Admission 25 and Is cents, Spectators
25 cents. A fine time is expected so
keep tab on the date.
HARD WINTER. -C. R. Bennett, form-
erly of Brussels, writing from Stongh.
ton, Sask.. renewing for THE POST
says i -We bevelled a very bard Winter.
It has been as low as 55 0 below zero.
Snow is very deep, the biggest banks
I ever saw in the West, Had a good
crop last year and also good prices. We
are all well excepting Tillie who has a
bad cold.
sad news was received by S. and Mrs.
Bailey last Saturday, that their sou, J.
C. Bailey, Lad passed away the day
previous at the hospital, St. Joseph,
Missouri. He had been ill six weeks at
home and was then removed to the
hospital where on March tst he under-
went an operation for a stomach trouble
in the hope of prolonging his life.
Such was not the case and be died as
above stated in his 49111 year. His wife
and a Son 4. years old survive. Mr.
Bailey lived at St, Paul before taking up
residence in St. Joseph, He was a
successful traveller and made hosts of
friends, Mr. Bailey visited in Brussels
6 years ago, The widow and the father-
less laddie will share in the sympathy of
TUFSDAY afternoon and evening the
Red Cross Circle Tea at the Library,
with a busy bevy of good looking young
ladies as hostesses, was an unqualified
success and was well patronized. Bill of
fare was very tasty. Proceeds totalled
$27.60. Mrs, J. Meadows and Miss
Carrie Hingston contributed appro-
priate solos. A large share of knitting,
sewing and quilting was done The
number of the male sex who called tor
tea was in advance ot former ocenaions
and is a good sign of increasing popu-
larity in this good work of aiding the
Red Cross,
Saturday morning Thos. Bone, a well
known resident, answered the irnpera-
tive call and passed peacefully away, in
his Both year. He was born in Hemp.
shire, England, and came to Canada
when ra yeare of age. After living In
the townsbip of Vaughan, York Co , he
came Westward and located near Blue.
vale, atterwarl perchasing /no acres on
the 3rd Line of Morris towuship, where
he resided until moving to Brussels 16
years ago, Mr. Bone was twice married,
first to Him Margaret Walker, by whom
.he had a family of 7 children, of whom
the following survive - Henry and
Thomas, Morris township ; John, f..aug-
don, North Dakota ; and Mrs. Clark,
Toronto. The present Mrs. Bone's
maiden name was Miss Maber, and
she 1,and two daughters (Mrs. Palen,
•Toronto, turd Mra. Jno. Ritchie, Fires-
sels) atirvive, ri years ago the subject
of this notice fell on the stalt•way ot bis
home and broke big thigh and had been
confined to his home since. He was
'highly esteemed by a wide circle of
friends and 0055 50 honest, honorable
tnau. The funeral took place Monday
aftertmon, Rev. D. Wren, ot the Metho.
dist °bomb and cleceased'a pastor, con.
ducting at appropriete service. biter -
merit was merle in the family plot, Blue -
vale cemetery, Pallbearers were Henry
and Thomas Bone, Frank Smyth, Thol,
Palen,George Bone and Wm, Sotich,
Mra, i3one sod family share in the
SyMpathy of many old friends,
A TELEPHONE has been installed in the
home of Z McCallum, Turnberry street,
North. The No. is 3913.
SAMUEL CARTER unloaded a second
carload of Ford automobiles for this
season. This is optunistic.
THE incubators at Alfred Baeker's
Poultry Farm were set in motion this
week for the first time in 1916.
THE POsT never talked to a wider
constituency than it does at present.
Advertising men should wake up to this
NEXT and last monthly Horse Fair for
this season will be held Thursday, April
eth. There should be a big crowd in
town that slate.
EGGS FOR BATOR - Single and Rose
Oomb Brown Leghorn eggs for hatehing.
Price 61.00 for setrieg 01 15. A 1 stook.
W. S. Scott, Brussels, Phone 5x,
Goon driving mere rising 8 years for Bale.
She tabroken to drive. Apply at Lot 9, Con.
E. Grey Township, ALY.E, DEI Brussele
P, 0.
FARM To RENT -Tmt 4, Con, ID Grey, 100
acmes. 8 acres second cut hay, 87 acres plough
ed. GOOd bank barn, concrete house. Good:
orchard. Apply Jas. Ballantyne, Grocer
Few Seed Oat's. a580 cents a bushel, for sale.
Harvey Dobson, Ethel. Phone 8515.
Goon grade cow for male, dna to calve about
April let. A poly to W. H. Huarennies, Wel-
Is you have 9100000 that you would like to
loan for five years at 7 per rent on the security
ole first toorterme on veluable property, A p-
ly at Tan POST.
BOY wanted to work on farm. One with ex.
perience with horses. Apply to John Robb,
Lot 20, eth Line DI orris, Brussels P. 0, Tele-
phone 105.
GoLD brooch 11 home shoe almpe Met on
Sunday, Marsh 518. Owner will be greatly
obliged for its return ae it is,, keepsake.
hlrierrds CARTER.
PritIsK rug lost. Owner will be greatly
obliged if finder will leave it at THE POST,
4 YEAR old mare, general purpose, also :seed
Oats and Barley Inc sale. Apply to L. Hob -
LINGER, Brussels. Shaw farm adjoining vil-
RENTED TRH MeGuiterni, RROP. - Having
leased the TOM alreireger shop Ian, prepared.
to attend to now gumming and filing, cooper-
age, wood work repairs, eta. Give me a can.
Satisfaction assured and moderate prices.
APARTMENTS to let in the Graham block
lately vacated by the Pryne
A GOOD house for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply at THE Poem.
BRUssELs Scutum Nores.Friday, the
3rd inst., the Literary Society held its
first meeting under the management of
the new executive. A number of inter-
esting !keret and musical numbers
were ab'y rendered. The success of the
meeting speaks well for the work of the
new committee. An interesting inci-
dent was the presentation to Privates
John Ballantyne and Fred. Hillson,
former fellow students, of metallic mir-
rors and the following' address :-
DEAR FRIEND', -It is with feelings of
pride that we welcome you at this meet -
Ing of our Literary Society. At such
meetiogs you have aasembted with your
fellow students on many occasions in
the past and have participated in the ex
ercises conducted thereat with the view
of giving a practical training in the colt -
duet of affairs fitting for broader citizen-
ship. You have experienced that mag-
nificent esprit de corps which i', the very
essence of the life of this Society. We
hope you will never cease to remember
the pleasant hours you have thus enjoy-
ed with us. To day we are pleased to
have you with us not only as esteemed
former fellow students, but also bt cause
we delight to honor yon as soldiers of
the Ring. Yon have chosen to take up
the burden of citizenship sooner than
most of us and going further are prepar-
ed to make the supreme sacrifice if neees.
retry, that of giving your life for your
country that the truths and principles
with which you have so often s' riven in
these class towns should not perish but
abide -that the children of to -morrow
may feel some day the blessed ibfluence
of their reality. We congratulate you
and honor you for the noble, unselfish
stand you have taken and we feel sure
that the ranks of Ring George's men do
not boast two braver or mare worthy
SOklierS. YOGI' SC11001 and your coni -
reties will ever he proud of their repre-
sentatives who go Forth to battle against
pus minions of the fanatical war lord
Po remind you that your welfare will
ever be our concern we ask you to 50.
coot this small metnetto, (a metallic
mirror and cage) end though its bright
surface may catch the glint of the 'aun's
raya in far off Frnnce or Germany, it
will never be out of focus of tile rays of
kindly interest emanating from the
hearts of your 13. 0 S. contraries.
Signed CM behal f of the Literary Society,
AM ENT, President,
C. BEST, Secretary.
.At the conclusion Priva•e Ballantine
made a fitting reply Private rlillaon
was unable to be present, his address
and token were sent to him. The Hon. -
President, Rey. R E. Page aud Idea.
Girls Wanted
IES11111111111110111111 IMMIENEENIESErmerom
We can give employment to a
few more bright girls as
Knitters and Learners
Fare paid to Clinton,
Clinton Knitting Co. limited
HURON County sittings of the
Supreme Court of Ontario was open in
Goderich on Tuesday, March 141h.
AN interesting communication is to
hand from Vanderbilt, Mich , which
will appear in THE PosT next week,
FIRE from a stove in a car loaded with
potatoes at the G. I', R. caused a thrill
of excitement Tuesday evening when
the fire bell rang an alarm, Some dam-
age was done. Car was eousigned to
G. A, Best, Brussels.
Maple syrup,
Spring weather,
House cleaning,
Millinery Openings,
Overthrow of grippe.
A few more weddings,
25 recruits for Brussels Co.
"Tux Minister's Bride" party had a
very enjoyable visit to Gorrie last Mon-
day evening where the play was pre-
sented for the benefit of the Red Cross.
About $65 oo were the receipts. Over-
flowing hospitality and friendliness were
meted out to the Brusselites by the
Gorrie folk and their courtesy was very
highly appreciated by the party,
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. - 'Phe regular
monthly meeting of Brussels Women's
Institute will be held in the audience
room of the Public Library on Friday,
March t 7t11, at 2 30 p. m , when Rev. A.
I. Mean, B A., will give an address on
the subject "Does the mother rule the
world ?' As this subject will be well
threshed out by Mr. Mann a large at-
tendarce of ladies from town and
country is asked.
Fitott THE WEST. -A letter from Mrs.
lames Wilkinson, Alberni, Vancouver
Island, (who is a daughter of Mrs. Jane
Walker, Brussels) written on March
tot, says :-Enclosect find subscription
for THE POT for Nth. I cannot do
without it, although fora long time we
got rnail of no kind. We bad real Hur-
on weather, snow and frost in plenty.
I received 3 POSTS in one mail and when
we got that train in it had to stay in
owiug to snow slides on the line. That
is the first time anything like this hap-
pened in 3) years, so the Indians say
Eves the harbors up the coast were
frozen and the steamer could not land
provtsions for 3 trips. The best of it
Victoria got it even worse than here,
and by; their reports everything good
comes to them, It will fix the real
estate men for a while. It is going fair-
ly fast now. The copper mines are
moving again and mining men are com-
ing io. Trusting your time for nice
weather has come. I am, Yours Truly,
People We Talk About
Roger Deadman is home from Parry
Scott, London, was in town for
the week end.
Jack Cunningham, Palmerston, is
visiting relatives in town.
Mrs S Wilton is home from a visit
with friends at Cadillac. Michigan.
G. A. Deadman is at Chatham and
Merlin on a business trip this week.
Miss Lizzie Denman is back from FM
enjoyable visit with Toronto friends.
Ptes. Woodley and Mayberry, of
Galt, were here fur a vit it over the week
Sergt R. M Sinclair, who is attend-
ing London Military School, was here
over Sunday.
Mrs, H. L. Jackson spent the week
end,in the Classic city where t er son is
a student in the Collegiate.
Chas Stephenson. of Cathcart, was a
visitor at the home of his son, 1,, W.
Stephenson, Turnberi y street,
R Leatherdale atteuded the A. 0. U.
W. Grand Lodge this week at Toronto
as representative of Brussels Lodge No.
Max Scarrow, Rathwell, Mao., is
visiting at R. Thomson's. He is a
cousin to Mrs. Thomson and R. j, Mc-
Mrs, C. E. Buck and daughter. Miss
Eileen, Saskatoon'are visitors with
Principal 13. S. and Mrs. Scott. The
ladies are sisters.
Pte. George Davis, Stratford, was in
Brussels for a few clays. He should
properly:belong to our Company, which
would save him railway fare. •
Last Sundry Mrs. S Fear had a blood
vessel behind one of her eyes rup•ured,
necessitating the care of a physician
We trust she will soon be as hearty as
Mra, john Manning is at the home of
her clatiehter, Mrs. Herbert Cunning-
ham, Palmerston, who underwent an
operation on Monday, We wish her a
Si eedy recovery,
Jno L. Cavanagh, son of the late Dr.
Cavanaah, Oven Sound, and nephew of
J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin and W. H. aud
Mrs. Kerr, Brussels, has enlisted end is
attached 10 I he 55111 Battery training at'
Guelph. We hope he will suffer no
harm as he lends bis help to the Empire's
Jno Crerar, who was Principal of
Port Rowan aChOol, at a salary of *1700.
has enlisted, it is e case of both sacri-
fice and service. He is a son of Donald
and Mrs Crerar, Bright, formerly of
Grey township, and a nephew of Con-
stable Oliver of town. Mr. Crerar was
a pupil of Brussel's school at one tirne,
We admire his
fleeter P Meltenzie, of Chesaning,
Mirth. Wag ft visitor with his slater, Mrs.
George McNichol, Wessels. He was
over atteuding the funeral of hia
brother, the late Duncan McKenzie, of
Grey towualitn. The former left here in
1863 for he United Statea, He put in
about 2 years as a ?soldier the lime of the
V. S. rebellion and is quite interested
D. S. Scott gave brief, interesting talks in the Mexico kielc-ttp and what part
to the stucleets. ' Uncle SAM. may have to play in it,
2,9714,81,1SHED OVER 11 YEARS
Condensed from Government Report:
Notes in Circulation.", , 3,27l,753,�0
Deposita 43,0990e0.7 •
Due to Banks
DIVidend payable let 'Fa... 289'5580T
Capital Bald up. ,, 3 0(8110010,08
Reserve Fund nue' undivided
• profits 4,061,646 89
Acceptances under Lettere of *
Credit 22,598,15
161st Battalion Notes
Do your "bit" and do it now.
"Marine never shall be slaves."
We'll never let the old Flag Fall,
Have you heard the call of the
bugle ?
"If you cannot fight yourself help
the man who is."
Pte, Vernon Sinclair is back from
Fergus and in the ranks,
Last Sunday morning the soldiers
attended service in Melville church.
Brussels Company of soldiers will
attend et. John's church next Sunday
Make next week a busy one in plac-
ing Huron Battalion in line with its
full quota of men.
Help fill up the ranks of the 16105
an that by the Mose of March the full
1200 will be secured.
Did you read the announcement
concerning Enlisting on page 5 of this
issue of THE POST?
The mumps have run their race and
the khaki lads who were victims are
about ready to resume regular train-
5 days next week will be devoted by
the boys to a whirlwind recruiting
crusade, during which there will be
no drilling.
Ptes. Clifford Dunbar and George
Barron are the latest recruits,' swell-
ing the Brussels Company to 64.
Who'll be next ?
Rev. Mr. Wesley, Presbyterian
minister at Wenxeter, has donned the
King's colors and is drilling with the
Wroxeter squad.
Rev. Mr. Parnaby, Belgrave, has
resigned as Chaplain of the 161st Bat-
talion and will resume his pastoral
duties next Senday.
Lord Kitchener says the way to
end the war is to send men and muni-
tions and literally "smother" the
enemy if they won't quit any other
Among members of Brussels Uom-
pany, who went to Clinton this week
for Military instruction are Corp,
Black and Ptes. Clark, Savage,
Hastie and Porter.
Rev. R. E. Page, rector of St.
John's church, is attending the Mili-
tary College at London, taking the
Lieutenant's course. He is an en-
thusiastic Britisher.
Sergeant Burchill downs the 400
sturdy lads training at Montreal in
"heft" and Sergt. Nash also of the
ltilst ean "look down" on his comrades.
The exercises are strenuous.
Word has been received that farm-
er's sons who enlist will be granted
leave of absence to assist in putting in
the Spring Crop. Their pay will be
continued. Eluting this intermission
from military duties,
Grey Township, which has made a
good start in offering a goodly number
of her sons in defence of fair play and
in upholding the weak, is asked to
contribute 25 more rect•uits in an ef-
fort to be made next week to close up
the ranks of Huron Co. Battalion.
Volunteering is better then conscrip-
tion and this good old township will
be sure to do its duty. The soldier
boys in khaki will do the scout work
aided by Anybody who is determined
to see the allies win. Hurrah for the
Miss Verne Walker is visiting at Chat-
ham and Blenheim for a few weeks.
Joseph Schwathon and Master Ysi,
are spending a few clays in Toronto.
Mrs, Allan Lamont is visiting her
daughter, Mrs S. Bell in Teeswater
Miss Mayfrid Alli, of Clinton, is
visiting her brother:A. E Allin, B. A.,
at Toronto,
Mrs, Fred, Turner and 1 shy left for
their home in Regina after spendiug the
past three months v fib her parents,
Rev, and Mrs S. I. Mlle, Clinton.
Andrew and Wm. 'Platt, who were
here from the West for a few months
visiting relatives and friends, left on
Tuesday, Their sister, Kiss Elsie, an-
companted them.
Church Chimes .
Brussels Co, of the r6tst Huron Bats
talion, will attend service in St. John's
church next Sunday morning.
The Bishop of Huron has appointed
Rev. J 13 Eotheringliam, M. A., of
Goderich, Rural Dean of Huron,
Rev. R E. Page, who is taking a
Lieutenant's course at London Military
School. came back Saturday night and
eonducted the regular services' in St
John's church en Sonday.
An enjoyable Gospel song service was
given in the Methodist church last Sab
bath evening presided over bv P. H.
Gilroy. Short addresses were given re.
Wive to Sabbath School work by Rev.
D Wren, W. H. Kerr and J, T. Wood
Mies Barks contributed a well rendered
solo 101 addition to anthem by the choir.'
Epworth League Anniveraery sermons
will be preachednext Sabbath in the
Methodist church by Rev. George W,
Dewey, Stratford; at 11 5 M. Ittlfl 7 p,
M. He is a good speaker. Special
MIMIC by the ehoir. Monde, et -ening a
EMIRICIIII and idefary program Will he
presented including an address by Rev.
Dewey on "We Love, You Love, They
Love." Lunch Will be screed.
Cash on hand$ 8' ' 2 1 431 93
Pelmeit in central Gold Re,
Serves 500,000,00
Due by Basks 4,191,715.36
British, Dominiou and Pro-
vincial Government and'
other debts 3,196,429.24
200000 90 call in Canada, , .„2,325,242.74
Leaps and Discounte 33,942,916,34
Deposit with Governmeut _
Circulation Fund. 150,000.0a
Batik Premisea (Freehold)1,171,268,75
Other Assets 120,619.60
Acceptances per contra 22,598.15
Let the Hogs
Gririd their own Feed
with a Hog Motor
Hog 111 o tors are machines that feed
hogs better than 00 per cent of
farmers can with methods now in
Hog Motorail cut out the weekly
trip to town for chop.
They keep yout bogs strong and
You can see scores of Hog Motors
in use within a few miles of Bees-
Why not call at the farm of Mr.
Edward Wood, just. East of Ethel,
where a motor can be seen attend-
ing to almost 20 hogs.
By driving to Listowel via Trow-
bridge you may see some 20 more
in use.
Why not otdee your Motor now?
For mi particulars address
The Canadian flog .Mator Company Limited
Rev. Richard Halts Dies in .
The death took place at the family
residence, 20 Meagher avenue, TOYOD-
10, late Tuesday night of last week, of
Rev. Richard Hobbs, one of the best
known Methodist ministers of West-
ern Ontario. He was 70 years of age
and had been living in Toronto, since
his superannuation, A stroke some
time ago began the illness .which end-
ed in his death. Rev: Mr. Hobbs was
born in England but came to Canada
when a young man, entering the
Methodist church as a probationer
he served on Kippen and Aylmer cir-
cuits and after ordination was sue.
cessively at Berlin, Acton, Washing-
ton and Mount; Pleasant, Niagara
Palls, Tilsonburg, Brantford, London,
(Askin street), Wingharn, Strathroy,
Toronto and Exeter. He was an ex -
President of London Conference, had
been Chairman of the district many
years and on several occasions a dele-
gate to the General Conference. He
was a fluent preacher, an ardent
evangelist and held strong views
which he would defend with great
tenacity. He was married twice, his
second wife being Mrs. Fellman,
of Waterloo County, by whom he is
survived. Two sons and four daugh-
ters also suevive, Allan Hobbs, with
the Oanadian Expeditionary Force :
Arthur Feliman, Toronto ; Mrs. Mar-
ron, Brantford ; Mrs. Dr. Snell, Es-
sex ; Mrs. Southeott, Exeter ; and
Mies Delight at home. His eldest son,
William, died some months ago. The
funeral was held Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock at the family residence in
Toronto, with interment at Niagara
Falls at 4.30 p. m. .
Grey Council
Municipal Council of the Township
of Grey met in the Township Hall,
Ethel, Monday Mar. 6th, Members
all present except Deputy -Reeve
Brown, Minutes of last meeting read
and confirmed.
A resolution favoring the establish-
ment of a Mobilization Camp at
Goderich for the training of Over-
seas Battalions wits passed.
Engineer's report on the Dockett
Death, initiated by the munthipality
of Morris, was veer] and adopted.
By -Law No. 8 for 1916, appointing
Path masters for the year 1016 was put
through lis several stages and finally
Following accounts were presented
and oedeeed to be paid Balmier,
cornrnubed S tofu t e Labor, $3.00
Treas. Blunt, bal, on boundary, 1915,
$3.60 ; William Close, repairing (ad-
vert, $1.00 ; Edward Fulton, saltu•y
auditor, $15,00 ; Wm. T, Spence,
salary auditor, $15 00; stationery 00c. ;
J. N. Lamont, plartarding and disin-
fecting, $18,00 ; John Melville, stip-
piles to John Pride, *gm
Ootinell adjourned to meet on Mon -
clay, Mar, 20th,
RENnv.-In Grey, on ?derail Oth, 1916, to Mr,
and Mra, A Klutz Henry, a RCM -Stewart
LIAOttin Wraxster, ort March 12th. 1916, to
lair. libil ll,e, George Limit le, a daughter.
PIOAnanN.-Tn Gray TOWindlin, 011 March 1111,
19111, to Mr arid Mrs ,les, T. Pearson,
daughter -13111a Margaret,
Berr,ev.-M at. haeoph, Mo., en March 10th,
1010,7. 0. Salley, in his 40th year.
RODINGMON 711 BlandrOrd townelda Ox-
ford Co On Meech 81h, 1016, William
Roberteon, aged 74 .yearts, a Months a01515
130NE. -In Prrtaffelft, on March llth, 1916,
Thomas Hone, le his flOth year.
• ,1,1).4.4We
f+++++++++++++++++++++++++ I •• Build up0
Address Label
Watch the 2
d. * i :
se 0
I OU ea th t4.
*** and wa would be glad if those P 0
.... We earreel, the mailing list * V of a. •
I.' Trak Porn, Monday of etteh week *
.1, paying &Mesita y renntlang)
+ ( ' II • ' ' '
4 then' subectiptions would take --WI'l II-- 0
± notice of the eorrection in date. #
Wo try to be exaet but (lord
s•• A i.
ptnl'eao perfection and hence 4 • Penslar
1: would be pleased to have our 1' •
.T. attention called to omission of
as changing3
the Address lebel. •
•1_ Take a look at your label now * •
and give us the opportunityOf I:
÷ Marking it up 10 I lie end of 1016, 4. •
• Some are years behind. ÷ •
* 4
4. BRUSSELS. .9•
HUFISMAN-MOKAY.-At the manse. Walton,
on March 13th, 1910, by Rev. fi, A, Lundy,
Mr. Milton Huff man to Miss Lottie matey,
birth of Grey township.
MoGATIN-HAlenTS.-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on March 8th, 1015, by Bev,
11. A, Lundy, Mr, Wm, Alden MaGnyin,of
MoKillop township, to Mies Lens, daugh-
ter of NU, and Mra, John Harris, Grey
90 890
40 40
• 105 1111
50 55
28 28
28 25
10 00 10 00
12 00 1505
145 145
Potatoes per bus
Auction Sales
S. Scott, Auctioneer, has been inetructecl by
the Executors of the estate of the late D11110/111
McKenzie to sell by public auction at Lot 15,
Com 18, Grey, on WedneednY, March 22nd, at 1
o'olook p. m., the following valuable property
I grey brood mare Hiring 10 years in foal to
Cumberland Gem, 1 grey brood mare rising 4
yeara in foal to Drumburlie's Boat, 1 grey horse
rising 9 yeare, 1 pair of matched grey geldinge
rising 2 and 8 years, 1 driving mare I Wilt; 8
Years quiet and reliable far n woman to drive,
1 gelding Aisle g 2 yearn, 4 fresh valved oows, 2
cows due to calve in May, 1 cow due to naive
in April, 2 heifers rising 2 years ds to calve
In October, 11 steers rising 2 years, 8 heifers
rising 2 years, 4 steers rising 1 yes, 2 heifers
rising 1 year, 4 young selves, 1 brood eow, 6
pigs 8 weeks 015, 00 young hens add millets, 1
elassey.Harrie binder, 1 15 -hoe Massey -
Burris seed drill, 1 536-fe. Massey -Harris mow-
er, 1 Dain Swath hay loader, 1 1045 Peter Ham-
ilton steel hay rake, 1 moOonniolt low down
all steel manure spreader, 1 MoOormick
plate disc harrow with tore 'servings, 1 Mee°,
mica spring tooth cultivator, 18-15, Ceakshutt
all steel land roller, 1 Cookshutt 2 furrow rid -
11(11121347C:Liforrlivrillianri,1,8proVe°,8i tilir81610Flit,' 1
Melon° 000 lbs, calumny cream tepurator, 1
pea he rvester and bundler, 1 hay rack, 1 wagon
'male 2000 lbs. capacity, 1 fanning ni111, 1 bay
fork, car, ropes, Filings and pulleys, 1 buggy, 1
(ratter, 2 wheelbarrows, 1 set 'Angle harneee, 2
seta double harness, 1 6 -ft. water tank, 11005
pu per, about 800 of bus. 001,,, forks, chains,
shovele, whillietreea, &e. There will also be
offered for sale at.the same time and place,
(subject to a reserve bid, the farms translating
of Lots Bland 14, in the 18th Con., and the East
Half of Let I% In the 1711, Com, both in the
Township of Grey, These fa ma are in a good
state of cultivation, eaoh Lot being about heir
seeded to grans, with good barna and wells on
eaoh, and a windmill on the farm on the 18th
Con., which would make a grand grass Mem
for a drover. Implements are all nearly new
and in igood repair, Sale unreserved owing to
death of the proprietor. Terme-All sums of
$10 and under cash ; over that moue t 10 mos.
credit given on furnishing approved joint
notee ; 5 per cent off for cash on credit a-
mounts. Term for farm made known on day
of sale or on application to the undernigmed.
s% ELEMENTS, &0.-F. S. Soott, Auctioneer
has received instructions from the undereign-
ed proprietor to sell by public auction tit Lot
11, Con. 4, Grey, on Thursday, March 23rd, ,at 1
o'clook, the following valuable property :-1
heavy colt 3 years old, 1 driving theme 8 year's
old by Oliver Wilkes, 1 driving mere 0 years
old, 1 driving colt 2 years old by mytre Beaver,
6 cows supposed in calf, 2 ()OWN dos to calve at
time of sale, I well bred Holstein bull 1 year
old, 7 calves 1 year old2 Fall calves, I brood
now due to litter at time of eale, 1 Chester
White sow, 10 store pigs, 2 well bred ewes, 1
turkey and 1 gobbler. about 100 youtig hens, 80
ducks and I drake, 2 top buggies, lope,, buggy,
1 democrat, 1 cutter nearly new, 1 jumper cut.
ter, 1 DeLaval cream separator nearly new, 1
set 2000 lb. scales, 1 wagon, 1 cultivator, I Deet,
irnat:,111elicingiCr.r1°EreLlItiugn IdlY1
1,1000 harrow, 1 set single harness, 2 sets dou-
ble harness, number of oedur posts, 180 hue. of
treed oats, 1110 bus. feed oats, a quantity of bay,
1 cupbeerd, hoes, shovel's, forks, chains and
numerous other artioles. Sale will be with-
out reserve as proprietor lure rented hie farm,
Terms :-All sume of el0.00 and under cash;
over that amount 8 months credit en farniele
ing approved joint notes. ' 4 per cent off for
mesh on credit runoun to.
RODERICK MoliAY, Proprietor,
Cod Liver
• • •
• Here are some Important
• Questions: •
• • Are you rundown and weak ?
Are you stibieet to. coughs and .
:0 001116 ?'. .0
• Are you gaining sthength ton ;
i ' any other serious ill- •
• Is1leoswe 1py after. grip, 1:mullion- •
ia or
* If sosolint speliBtoeNavilssitLybioAenThbaure
ihi'.1,:ni. atteieldd. of ci,
• •
• 4
• EorTRLAIeviE.
,R. ,
• se
o is the article you ripa. It is •
• vety pleasanl to take -contains
; the Ilypophosphi tea of Lime and •
• Soria and also Extt•adt of Malt. •
• 0
, We are having a big rade °till's ;
; article with the roost gratifying sp
• results. Out, personal guarantee 42
• is behind every bottle we sell. ;
1 Perfect n satiefactioor money :
lefanded. 4,
• Pitt tip in two size8500 35 $1.00 ;
O .0
4 0
• —AT--- •
4 •
• •
• •
• 4)
I The Penslar Store V ,
FRIDAY, MARCH 17.-I2 head of 2 year old
steers. Me 20, (Ion. 8, at orris, Sale at 2 p. in.
, c.
SAyrnumi, al Aeon 18 - 10 COWS and 40
cralvee, Central Hotel yards, Brussels. Saleat
2 8T111813,1114RD'ARY, r'SloAnigt011P'.2°IsPm..-F,Ft8am8"m stot'akA.nehl.
elements. etc., Lot 22, 000.15, Grey Township,
sale unreaeryed et I p. in. Jos. D. MoNotir,
Prop, le S. SOOWT, AIM
MONDAy, MARCH lOire. - Farm stock,
Lot 0, Con, 2, GrOY. Salo unreserved at 1 p.
tn. Andrew 'Timken, Prop.le. S. Sn',L, Aye,
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 222b.- Farms, farm
atonic, implements, eta, Lot 18, Con, 18, Gray
Towngdp. Sale unreserved at 1 p, in. .7no.
Renkin and WS. maruaret McKenzie, lexeem•
t • F, 8, $TtMilloov, 61.a.'non Zino -.Farm Mock,
planiatita, household furniture, etu, Lot 11,
Con. 4, Grey Township, Salo unreserved at 1
p. M. Roderick McKay, Prop. F. S. Scott,
FRIDAY. matron 24. -Farm, Implements, eta..
S 3414524, Con. 8, alorrie Township. Sale at
p. Mrs. Wel, Kelly, Proprietress,
F. S. Scott, Atio,
Farm for Sale
Being Ni.6 T.ot 12, Con. 0, Morris Townehip,
containing 100 acres. Geed frame house, bankbarn, barn, well, &a litSPOS herr ti wood hush. Farm
le seeded down exeepting 25 'Iambi and the lat-
ter plowed. Cloerr to sehool end church and 6
miles to Brussels. PO89014011 at once. For
further parte:oilers to price, terms, 000, ap-
ply on the preinisee to 1(05523.A
. (MRL
85.4 Phone 1E7 Brunets P. 0.
Farm For Sale
Undersigned offers for sale 1100 00 sore farm,
being/0 W 34 Lot 14, 001107, Morrie townehip.
There is a comfortable log house, Prime barn
with stone stabling, about an aero of orchard,
2 wells and about 10" sore of sugae bush on
the premises. 6 miles to either Brussels or
Blyth. 1.A ulnae to church. ,Immediate peas
session if desired. 2 troves Fall wheat anti 22
acres ready for crop, bedtime in grass and
linY. Por Pelee, easy terms, &c.,Upply on the
premises to JOHN NIVINS, myth P. 0.
10.20. No. 2.
llome seekers
Excursi ns
Every Tuesday, March to October
"All Rail"
Every Wednesday During Season Navigation
“Great Lakes Route"
Somewhere out on the prairies where last year Canada's Greatest
Wheat Crop was produced there 15 A home waiting for you, The
will take you there, give you all the informatiOn about the beat
places, and help you to Weems. 11 11 ti 51 ::
Particulans free) any Canadian Facille Ticket
Agent, or write W. B, Howard, Militia Peesenger
Agent, Toronto.