HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-16, Page 7zisewites
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What Complicates Cooking?
ft may, be pleasant to sit down to a
runner of boiled soup, friedchicken,
baited potatoes and steamed apple bet-
ty. But from the point of view of the
woman who does Tier own work, this
sort of a. meal involves too eomplicat•
led cooking, The meal in which ee-
verai different processes, as boilhig,
frying, baking and steaming are all caps water, one-quarter cup prepared
involved is the meal that is most dif- tapioca, pinch of salt, sugar to taste,
fruit as ne-ded. Sliced apples, canned
or fresh'u••-.,,hes or pineapple can be
used for this dessert. Place liberal
layer of fruit in bottom of small pud-
ding dish, sugar to taste, and if ap-
ples are used add a little cinnamon.
Put water and salt in double boiler.
When hot stir in tapioca and cook
pnn and when flour hes browned
add pint of hot water and spices tied
in cheesecloth. Slice onion over meat
and bice„three hours, basting freely
with liquid in pan. More water may
be added, •if necessary, Split note -
tees and put in pan with meat, half
an hour before serving time. Malce
gravy from liquid in pan.
Fruit Tapioca.—One and one-half
flcult to cook and serve,
We do not gitarr•el with such meals
served in hotels or in the home if
• there le sufficient; service. -But for'the
woman who does her own housework
the meal involving different cooking
processes is wasteful of time and de-
cidedly wasteful of fuel and utensils.
It is not possible to serve as easily a until clear. Pour this over fruit and
meal -with boiled; baked, steamed and 'hake until fruit is done. This can be
fried Woods as it is the •one -fuel meal told by trying with straw. Serve
in whish all the foods are virtually with whipped cream or thin custard
evoked by the same method. sauce,
Wo wonder why our grandmother,
with 10 children, could accomplish all
the marvels that she did. Perhaps
one little secret may be that when she
Household Hints,
When stewing apples add a few
baked she baked, and when she boiled chopped dates; the improvement will
she boiled, and that she did not at be surprising.
tempt so many kinds of cooking at Mustard mixed with warm water
once. For jnstance, there is the time and a pinch of salt keeps its color for
honored "boiled dinner” in which the many clays.
moat, potatoes, vegetables ,and even 1 A cloth clipped into ammonia will
soup were all cooked together. There often remove stains from the collar
was also the baked diner, in which of a cloth coat.
perhaps baked beans, baked potatoes
and a baked pudding were served.
Now, although we may prefer dif-
ferent kinds of cooking at the same
Boot polish which has become dry
can be successfully softened with a
few drops of turpentine.
To keep lemons in a fresh condition
meal, we 7i11 not follow this plan if place them on paper on a shelf wit
we are willing to conserve our time and a tumbler turned over each one.
energy. We will frequently, at least, To keep your linen a good color
.follow the, one fuel meal and carry on drop a few pieces of camphor gum
only one kind of process at a time. into the drawer in which it is kept.
flesh. ��
to gain THE
food. Such a one is a roast, baked who wants
potatoes, a boiled vegetable cooked,l Glassware should always be washed
however, in its pot in the oven, and a in as, wooden bowl, and there will be
baked pudding. It. is just as easy to far less chance of it's getting broken.
boil vegetables in an oven as it is to Prunes cooked in the oven after Soak -
boil them. on top of the stove. ling over night, seasoned and sweet -
Again, there is the steamer dinner, ened to taste, are much richer than if
in which everything --meat, potatoes, merely stewed.
ve otables and dessert—can all be . Stick a pin through the cork of Lesson XIL—Philip and the Ethiop-
� � This will
For instance, there are many dinners l Honey is very nutritious, and
Cssao1s. former A,sottAx,0N
A class of our population, almosted a committee to investigate the
ignored, are the 4,000 lonely bliud men whole question, but in England prii-
and women of Canada. Because of vete benefactions will never be
their unobtrusiveness they are nog- divorced from state aid, which is
betted more than any other class of quite as it should be. It is very /in -
our poor, and nearly all of them are portant that in Canada each province
poor. Even those whose families may should pass legislation, placing work.
not he in poverty, are poor, as it is shops in towns or municipalities
so difficult fee.' then to become self where necessary, these institutions to
supporting. he supervised and managed with goy-
Between 80 and 90 per cent, of the ; ernment assistance•
Father Bull: "We'll have to stop every financial leak if we want to win
this war."
Jack Canticle: "Leave it to me. l'11 put another million acres under wheat,"
-Father Bull: "That is mere patchwork,' my boy. Why not stop your forests
from burning down? Theseacresof splendid timber at your door re
present the easiest money you can ever lay your hands on."
Newspaper Note:—"The Canadian Forestry Association makes the state-
ment that if Canada would take the simple measures be stop the
plague of forest fires, the timber saved would pay the annual interest
on the last Dominion loan of $100,000,000."
Cures Might Be Regarded a
Were Thcy Not sen and
Voachrd VAT,
One of the %yonder:: of the v:ate,
about which little cls. +:ot:i 1t. Li heard •
liy the genet's! public, is the mir:teu-
blind of evory civilized country are 1 Mr. Swift, the general secretary of lone surgery performed in aur hos-
adulbs, some of them from childhood, the Canadian Free Library for the Pitals.
others as the result of their occupa-; Blind, Toronto, is an interesting and There have been ninny in_taiues in
tion or from other causes. Canada pleasing speaker, and is glad of any which edifiers' tact.; have been patch -
has made no preparation to care 1 opportunity of giving infoimr.tinn on el and repaired almost as the cub -
for these people or to teach them to i[ this s+tbjeet.—Canaditin Countryman. 1 bier would repau 1,°r,t5, Ntw lips
care for themselves, by any of the I have 1 eta given, h lr m tht face have
newer systems of training being tried THE —LEA—G-171; OF HONOR. been filled up—indeed, ih . work of
in other countries. Now that num- repairing faces has become almost a
b f blind soldiers may return For the Women and Girls of - the distinct branch of modern surgery.
ere o t
from the war the unpreparedness is 1 British Empire. /It Paris there exists a hospital de -
!voted to the work of me`idmg
sol -
assuming serious proportions. In This league was formed in Englanddiers' features, says London Answers.
France the blind have organized the in September, 1914, for the purpose of 1 Wounded by Gramophone Needles.
Valentine Hoye Association, name uniting all the woman and girls of 1•he The bursting of a shell sometimes
attar Boyo, who, in 1784, introduced Empire in upholding the honor of causes queer injuries. Recently a
intelligent methods of work. They' the nation and maintaining the soldier in the 4th Welsh happened to
now have hundreds of blind ,,soldiers , strength of its man by prayer, purity be close to a gramophone when a shell
who are taught the Braille system and temperance. (the raised printing for the blind) P led a near g The one nee scsCte-
also a trade. Not to add to the many orgauiza etl a box of gramophone needles, sev-
andtions it seeks to work through wo- enteen of which were subsequently
Great Britain has been preparing men's and girls' societies seeking to extracted i'rem the soldier's back. In
for a hundred years to properly care permeate, unite and strengthen them• another ease, a man was found to
far the blind. They have the National 'Each on desiring to become a meet- have over a hundred l file bits of
Institute for the Blind, of which King ter signs the membership card bear- metal In his hand from a shrapnel
George is the patron. Since the war
St. Dunstan's Hostel has been estab-
lished at an expenditure of thousands
of pounds, all voluntary contributions, .
to care for the blind soldiers and'
sailors, of whom they some time ago
- had 148, among them several Cana-
dians. 'This is now the centre of hope
for the helpless. They are taught the
Braille system of reading, " steno -1
graphy, gardening, mat and shoemak- 1
ing and carpentry. In Canada it used
to be thought that the only trades the
in which everything can be a baked be on the bill of fare of every person
put into a steam cooker over one hole bottles containing poisons.ran, Acts 8.20-40. .Golden Text..
and be ready at the same time. prevent tragic mistakes when seeking Acts B. 30.
There is also the boiled dinner, which medi . thedark
is preferably cooked in one large
kettle, and good corned beef, good pot
roast and other meats are - delicious
. cooked with the vegetables, potatoes,
If we are frying, it is beat to make -
the meal almost wholly a fried meal,
as a fried steak, accompanied with
fried potatoes, fried peppers or toma-
toes, or other vegetables which can
ing the words "I, promise, by the help
of God, to do all that is in my pow-
er to uphold the honor of our nation
and its defenders in this time of war
by prayer, purity and temperance."
The membership card and badge are
given on the receipt of tea cents, to
any girl over twelve years who
wishes to become a member. If any
member does not already belong to
some society of women working for
the nation in this time of stress, she
will ba brought into contact with
--"' preacher's blind could learn were basket, brooactivities which can make use of her
that on this occasion the preach@ and brush making, anct a hundredservices.
text was chosen for him. 1 years' experience have shown it ins- , The motto of the league is "Strength
36. A certain water—The gospel possible for him to thus support him and Honor:" "Not by might nor by
preaching regularly began with the self, because of the competition and power, but by my Spirit." The wo-
baptism of John (Actsl. 22), as our the centralization of labor in these men of the nation are working hard
bldest gospel still shows (Mark 1. 4). lines. But now under better methods preparing necessities and comforts
This preparatory doctrine of cleans- the blind can undertake mental work for the men, but we mast not in the I marry cases of loss of speech
ing, vividly presented in acted parable and enjoy the proper pride of being demands of the physical overlook the through shock or wounds have been
by baptism, was preached by the self-supporting, at stenography, real spiritual side of our support of the successfully dealt with; but the num-
apostles as the necessary precursor estate, law or medicine. eIr. C. Ar- men. Nor must we neglect to train bei of cases arising from shock are
of spirituel. baptism, with "Holy spirit thus Pearson, the magazine writer, is and prepare ourselves to be ready to few now, because the men are getting
and fire." The eunuch has accordingly blind. Dr. Babcock of Chicago, the do practical work that may release more accustomed to the heavy fire
cines m learned that he must break with his best heart and lung specialist in the some man for active service, if ne- and huge shells.
Verse 2G. An angel—The manner past and make open confessionstinof his United States, a blind men, took the cessary, or to give the nation the One ease of loss of voice was that
—,—,e---- new Master. An interesting and an-' full course and graduated with a benefit of trained hands and minds of a man who was wounded while ly-
of the divine monition is not explain- tient interpolation (verse 37) gives class of mon who had their sight.He for philanthropic service. The Young ing asleep in his dug -out. He was
_ ed, If -we know the plain prose of us Philip's reply and the eunuch's is the author. of an excellent text Women's Christian Association, awakened by a violent noise, and real_
The War is 73elgiiig Many Half -for- the event we might' say it was only brief, but •sufflaient creed,."Jesus book, accepted as an authority even through its Dominion Council, 322 tied that a shell had burst close to
some strange coincidence. Luke is Christ is Lord:' •i in Canada. Many surgeons will not Bloor St. West, Toronto, is introduc him. He triad to shout to his Friends,
ing this work.
was happily n
In the latest German newspapers successfully treated, and had almost
and medical journals there are sir- entirely recovered his normal powers
cumstantial statements about Ger- o£ speech when he left the hospital.
That meals are often taken under
considerable disadvantages at the
Front is shown by the experience of
a soldier, who was pleasantly oceu-
piel in eating bully beef when a shell
came eleug. The shock of the explo-
sion caused him to swallow a tin
disc, with ragged edges, about the
size of half a dollar. The disc lodged
in the man's gullet, and he had great
difficulty in swallowing his food. It
remained in the gullet a week, and
finally established itself opposite the
breastbone. The task of extracting
the disc was successfully performed
by "spreading out" the wound and
pulling out the metal.
Due to Shock.
gotten Village Industries.
mainly concerned with its being taken 89 The manner of Philip's disap-
One curious result of the war has as the Lord's doing. Philip—One of pearance is not explained any more
been to revive some of the ancient, the seven, as Acts 21. 8 makes fairly man the outward form of God's mes-
ialf-forgotten English village Indus- certain, and not the apostle.. Desert, „age to him. The main thought
operate unless he has recommended
it. Mr. Malloy, a blind graduate of
Queen's College, is now a Professor
of English. Sir Frederick Fraser, the
blind principal of the School for the
Blind in Halifax, is a strong opponent
of the indiscriminate teaching of
trades to the blind adult, and his
former training and profession enable
trim to do good work in many lines
bl tries. and therefore so absurd a ,place for seems to be that Philip's work is done
be cooked on the top of the stove at Flint-knapping,for instance, which an evangelist to travel in that the and the preacher—like every true
the same time. The Mexicans and the has been carried on at Brandon, in monition or impulse can only be di- preacher -as thenlul to efface hint-
SPanish know how to fry, but you will Suffolk, for many generations, and vine• self and leave the happy soul alone l
vegetablesnote that they fry rich almost received its death -blow: 27, A eunuch, and as such exclud- with its heave th d Toy.
with the meat and do not, 'like our -l__ •but not quite—when the old hint ed from the congregation of Israel liy 40 azotus—The Philistine city of
;;elves, have a flied meat, a boiled
vegetable and a baked dessert, per-
One of the,most difficult paints for
the young housekeeper is to co-ordin-
ate her cooking and to serve the dif-
ferent portions of the meal complete -
but found that he had lost his voice,
although he felt no pain, It was found
that a shrapnel bullet had entered the
_ neck and cut a nerve connected with
Nervous Strain Causes " erves and the larysut, or "voice box." It lay
Insanityin the Army. close up to the large artery, which
unhurt. Tho man was
lock musket was superseded by the the law. He could hardly have been Ashdod, where evangelist finds new impossible to ono who has never had many's nervous strain in the rear. In another case of loss of voice
percussion -cap rifle, has recently been a proselyte, but the Septuagint was work to do, In Caesarea he seems to sight. This institution in Halifax is Apparently the increase of hysteria through shock, the pateint was given
given a tremendous fillip owing to the open to him—the papyri of upper have settled (Acts 21, 8), and found one of the, finest in all Canada, and and insanity has been far greater ether while he lay on the operating -
demand for flints for tinder -boxes by Egypt shows us hory Greek was spoken ' a sphere of service where there ryas •in all these there is almost no 0.e than most people imagine. A fine table. He startled those around him
the men at the front, in those distant regions --and in its; enough to do for many years. 11 commodation and no way of instructsasarticle in the Deutsche Medizinische by suddenly getting off the operating -
Charcoal -burning, again, which was pages he would come as near as he four daughters were also preachers; ing blind soldiers. Ontario h
a flourishing industry in the Susses they fortunately lived in a place where school in Brantford but its system Wochenachrift is by Dr. Meyer, a table and singing and shouting tg at the
could to the true God. i surgeon back from the front, and des- top of his voice. The cure was cone-
ly done at the same time. The reason weald hundreds of years ago before 28. Reading—Aloud, as the word :the public ministry of women raised deals only with those of from seven
this is usually hard is because she has coal was thought of, may now be seen usually implies. Since Greek MSS. tribes the nerve shattered effects of plate,
to estimate the different time for dif- in full swing there once again, the p no scandal such as forced Paul to lis to twenty-one years, high explosives on the typical Ger-1 Bullets on Their Travels.
were written without division of words A£ontreel has the Mackay Institute man recruit
forest Cooking methods. If on the War Office having recently ordered or punctuation, reading aloud was the £ot Deaf and Blmd, the "lVe must says this melt -I h
other hand, she follows the same- large supplies for use in the trenches. easiest way of taking in the meaning,
method at the same meal, she could Charcoal ptakes an ideal fuel for this and it became a habit. The prophet
accomplish her work with less effort. purpose, -being. smokeless, and giving Isaiah—The book that bore his name,
We flu not mean that this should be out an intense heat: Chapter G3 hes, in fact, within the
done every day, hut that co-ordinated The charcoal -burner Pursues his great section that was written a cen-
cooking is easier and should be used callMg•in the open air, and he worlcs tory and a half after Israel's time.
to reliovo the complicated cooking we on an accepted formula handed down 30. ijndersta after The verb is
generally ally follow. from earliest through many ,gen- that of which realest is a compound,
Tested Recipes.
erations. Green oak logs only must but it is hardly passible to reproduce
b used,and those are all cut to the English words
Cream of Celery Soup.—Put two.
cups chopped celery into saucepan
with one quart sold water and cook
until tender. In another saucepan have carry.
cooking two slices onion, blade of cut turf, and set fito to; but it needs 3L How can I—The history of the
'mace and two cups of milk. In twenty constant watching and attention, for interpretation of Iso. a hi t comment -
minutes strain into celery saucepan• if combustion proceeds too quickly 'n on the question.
Melt four' tablespoons butter, add two the smouldering pile may burst into y
tablespoons flour, seasoning with salt, flame, when the resultant product will 32. The quotation is from a very im-
celery salt and red pepper. Add cal be, of course, not charcoal, but ashes. perfect translation, so that eve must
try mills mixtures; cook -flee min -1 Ordinarily if proper care be exorcised, study the Revised Version of the or- man orces, energetic and normal, whose ner-
y m y authority tinder an act of Paelia-
rtes and 'serve. tht calcining process is complete in iginal or some modern commentai t°' meat passe in 1846 to issue notes, Otntario is she only Province that vous systems are not equal to the which bullets have entered one aide
Gra e Bavarian Cream.—one pint about twelve hours; after which the realize what the prophet mean o not' p i tin of the war the makes the education of the blind tom •strain and borsht of modern war- o£ the bale, passed right through the
p lifer a few days course detailed mistxanslations d and at the beg n g
t 'n En - pillory, A law was passed two years Th t sir of their souls is nasal cavities without injuring them,
and gone out again on the other side
of the face,
ly cover gelatin with cold -water, an from ime immemorial,
minutes lis- tunnel for the little creatures had infirmity in Isa. 42. 1812. But as British Pennies in France.
when it has soaped live
in helm Water, Add Sugary and greatly fallen off durithg recency@ora. the prophet contemplates the work for through the loudly r t reduces a shock a English pennies and ranee.
solve. boiling
Stir mix- Now, horrevcr, orvmg to the insistent which God has called Israel, he
totes issued in excess of the anon
• concussion of the b p .- u
cottutenance it in many churches.
Never so Much Money There as at shop, where they now have in add-
our could not be traced. The patten
Present tion, to their 16 inmates, ,4: blind sol- an increase of hysteria."It appears
from other communications that it made very slow progress, and pre -
has been necessary to have special sently developed complications.
Ireland as there is at present, The The Halifax school will take as Eventually the bullet was found to
many soldiers as possible, if it can wards in hospitals for the growing -have travelled up the limb and lodged
eves hl prosperitymeoof.the country be done without interfering with pre- class of demented soldiers and nee-,
was the theme of the speeches of the vous breakdowns. Evidently this in the pelvis. Had the bullet not
b d t n been discovered and extracted, the
Nazareth In- allow," There are many cases in which the
stitute in charge of the Grey Nuns, cal authority, "that the new offensive course of the bullet has been most ex -
hasthe Montreal Institute, which in the west and the poor quality of traordinary. For instance, a soldier
has a literary school and abroom- recruits have brought with thein' was shot in the knee, and the bullet
° iu the play upon • chairnau of all tate leading banks` sent arrangemen s an sys e t subject presses more and. more upon,
same size, and stacked ;together in which have just held their senxi- ` J man would probably have died in
such a way as to form a' low, conical- (Such plays were very common in The Government is working on the the public mind of Germany as the
Greek, and had none of the light as- annual meetings. The Uanlcs all problem of how to prepare these men War we. on. Everywhere .the1 great pain.
lyThis is heap. ' _ sec attons our plays upon words to be self-supporting, but if people Another instance of the vagaries of
This is then covered with freshly maintained their dividends and all pp press and the medical authorities, bullets, but without so happy an end-
) showed increased pxoflts, had realized the great need and help though carefully censored, go sur-
prisingly far in laying bare the less ing as the previous one, is that of a
Roughly; it may be said that though had been given six years ago when it I soldier who was shot the face, and
£10,000,000 ($60,000,000) was sub- was urgently asked for by the Cana- theatrical side of war. The follow -
scribed in Ireland to war loans there dials Free Library for the Blind,thera ing passage from an article by Pro -the ballet was found under the skin
is as much money in the tanks at would not now be the heart breaking fessor Gaupp is well worth quoting:,at the back of his head. It had tray -
Several of the Irish banks have retarneci soldiers than facing the Ger- the German expert, "men otherwise poor fellow of bis sight.
f nr4,+� rosea have been observed in
grape juice, one and one half tea- stack is left o coo affect the general sense. The "ser -
spoons granulated gelatin, ono -half before being opened,
ter, one eu su ax one The breeding of ferrets has been a vent of Jehovah" in this great pro -
and oneboil-half
wa , p g , l
and_ono-half cups Heavy cream, Part- village industry in .England almost- pltecy was Israel' to begin with. Gon-
d t' but the de- pare the scathing denunciation of Itis
held all
crisis which had to be me i g age cont ening parents to eduente a fare. a emp
land by the issue of one pound tress- g, p not proof against the danger, exn-
ury notes did not exist in Ireland, child either at home or ata school,
where the one pound nota is an
The only public moneys given to- elty and terror." The professor has
of the currency. ward the education of the blind in coined a word, granatkontusionen,"
established feature Canada are Menitoba, $200; Alberta to describe the effect of an exploding
But as the act provides that money work of Mrs, ale- shell, Without causing a single ex -
shall be as cover against• terra wont i p
Clung), several hundred, Ontatto 1 d rain and s me, noir circulate freely in France.
MUM melted, grape -alma nd more till at last. Inc
half -pennies
rets bo kill the rats which tees more a i They
tore occasionally be when cooling, ked call for the rises utter].. beyond the scheduled ie. the act, and as there hkewrse gives a grant, All other are generally accepted without ob-
rel begun to thicken' 01 'swarm in trenches in Prance and conceptionY l the funds are given by private subserip- which often leaves men unconscious 'cadge, hilly particularly since the dearth
when it has berely 6 er the demand has yumpecl reach of a nation, or the best men in has beets a great increase in
fold m ocean, whipped stilif. Pour PIdde s, asJeromiale i stress transacted in can- ti In the by Toronto Free fat hours and er•en days• When they; of French copper coins trade itself
a few hourslsudd�nly to tai in excess of the sup-�it;or even such a prophet volume of bu
to mold and bat'standonlyvection with the ever nd the lama
ti ly and prices have soared accord- In chapter G3 we can say that ! the blind rvtth a splendid and dumb td demented,: or they are 1 i 1
G tt St 9e—Se tat ate tngly. � A
a atL to
time a contraction of the gold supply, apartfor delirious and cava over their oxpert-
the banks have issued notes greatly library, to which the Government
in excess of the figures provided .in gives a grant of $800, the best of encs. This is the "kriegsbysterle"
accord_ its kind in America, avid facilities for or wee hysteria,
the act. To cover these they a' class in Braille and in typewriting, 1. 3 ---
-- ---
tfgly have had to lode up a great deal are to be commenced.
ofidle money, Denmark, Bessie, and France ex- I Row Deptford Fituutces War,
Reports from telt parts of Ireland Mbit co -o cistron between state and 1 Deptford, a southern suburb of Lon-
show the last hoeest was very goof P ce for work for the
and indicate. at least a repetition of private asststan don, has grown hired of flag -days, ba -
blind. Denmark and France give .free entire,, mid outer methods of collecting
it 'this year. railway passes for the blind and their for the numerous war -time charities.
guides travelling on business within So je has passed an ordinance braining
°its` t are awalcenecl they are often deaf'
n whole floor has been sot ( felt. Curiously enough, the Senators
are the most rebellious to the c rcula-
tion of their ally's copper tnoney.
news woman ab the Luxemburg Pal-
ace says the grey-haired tnen of the
Upper House stubbornly refuse tho
English coppers. The Deputies, bow- .
ever, necept them without a weed,
Post card vendors seek them out and
save them for English customers, con-
sidering it nu advantage eo bo able to
offer a "Tamely the coin of his emus
try tit change.
•1i at the bottom of
In general, pride s
all great mistakes. --Ruskin.
If your foot slip you nay roravee
your balance, but if yotlr tongue+ clip
yet cannot recall your Weeds,
11 cold: out ty ' 3 1 P l "he sew his glory, and he spelt@ of.
string of fresh es, prick' Fora sadly sufficient reason, and him..
pork sausages,
each sausage with fork, put all in� one that will be ab once apparent to 33. His judgment—IntheIXetrew
shallow pan with boiling water to. everybody, the fashtott for jet one- oppression and judgment --that is, an
coverr, and cools slowly for` ftftetn,ments has beet recently revived, unjust triel. The reek z rna for
minutes. Drain and lot.,:; sausages:more especially in the English bottles thinks of the'1rUson
ce i . tobrown a little. Have counties, with the result. that a Ones, justice, His generation—The Hebrew
let a minute
list filled with time flourishing Yorlsslwo village in- has as for his generation, Who
reeay Otte baking c t
Arran e l clustry has been given a new leas@ of (among them) eonsidereil T
creamy mashed potatoes:
le on toplife. +`Amongst the Irish peasantry 34. Answered—An idiom Luise has
sausages i;n sow, side try side, „
of potables and tulle in hot oven until sitnilnr "mourning jewelry is inado batten over from biblical languages,
browned, Serve ieifrom ,bog oak, the best varieties' of where the verb steed not imply an -
sante dis are well
sante dish garnished with parsley. which ora nearly as black and lustttous swerhtg spoken' rvords.outli•-h.uotlhor
r limey as hard as the best Whit- 35. Opened his mouth ---Another
Il st —Four pounds anti nen y ,
5 aced P. uric Roast—Four
Teach pork loin, one table spoon mixed by jet, This, -too, is stow being turn- biblical p tasn appropriate
c out in increasing quantities, In solemn and Weighty utterance, 7.his
pickle spice, on onion, eight. sweet. c l
r stilt and pepper. hundreds of lonely cabins in those i taxa was nattu ally .h favorite
potatoes, flour,
Sprinkle moat with salt mud pepper disbeicl.s of Ireland. where rarv'Mater-
and- dredge with fletln Place in toast- lel is found,
eel p r the
tamaht text epistolic sat'- long to button his: best girl's gioyes
Old Tes t
niona. But it was a grout tele:ntnge as it floes Itis sister's.
An auntie of prevention is worth a n certain radius of their place of rest- , them all, replacing them with a
pound of cure, and wit writ also save donee, In New South Wales tate blind scheme formulated by the Mayor. Urs
a jserlc of trouble, are transferred fr=ee for vacabimts.' der his scheme two cents a week froth
The city of Manchester, England, ' each family in the borough, thus
takes a our snap feu' tittles as gives them 'free i 1 see.; the tram-', creating a fund from wliiclt'the May -
ways, yowl Pusses c teh year. out s teatiled weekly rants
ways, rencwini, the pn i or will pay l 1~
Tloforc ilio war lesteeacul had appoint- to the various war funds.