HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-16, Page 3Restflal'Istesiof pt?ii nerLoveliness- S.S. BERMUDIAN sails from New York March 15 '— & 22. B.S. EVANG£LINE sails tram _ New York March 21 & 30 1••area, including mals ants Lunn, only 122 and up. Apply for Mists end ltooa741 - N. 0. rani:S0N. Co. Agent Canada 6.9. Linea, Limited. 46 Yong., St., Toronto. or any ticket wont. Chums,, My Tiger knows! Why, he's the wisest dog, I guess, In all the world—unless Some other boy like me Has one as wise as he! Everywhere he goes, Just wben he passes by, The people say, "Oh my, 11ow gross he looks!" But I know they are wrong; I've had him, oh,'solong:-- Before I rend in books! He's never Cross to me, But good as good can be. That cross look, I suppose, Is just because lie knows! Tige understands) When I go out, you know, He always trots along, And never guesses wrong The place I want to go. If I have in my hands A bit of lunch to eat,— Perhaps it's something sweet, Ile knows he'll get his share. And then again PI1 throw A stick across the snow; Then like a flash he's there To bring it back to He's wise as wise can be! And oh, what fun to play With Tiger every dayl Queer Water Folk. NEURASTHENIA MAT asleep from sheer exhaustion on his way home in tramcar or train. Every effort is made by the Ministry ar thehealth of Munitions to safeguard 1 h FO L W .A RIPE of the yuungsters, but thet-h problem is a' difficult ono. Eight-hour shifts are being made to improve the trans- portation facilities to and from the Proper Treatment Ms.' 1 Authority Says Rest and a Tonic Is the tinguished inediea There is a form of neurasthenia. that follows la grippe. Doctors call it 'post-grippal" neurasthenia, One of the foremost' medial au- thorities of New York city in a lec- ture in the international clinics, said: "Broadly speaking, every victim of la: grippe will suffer from post-gripp- al neuraathenia also. Lowering of nervous tone with iltcreased irritabil- ity is the most striking effect of bhe disease, languor of mind and body, disturbed, fitful sleep and vague pains in the headandelsewhere. The treat- ment calls for rest and a tonic," If you have had la grippe read those symptoms again: "Languor of mind and body, disturbed, fitful sleep and vague pains in the head and else- where." If you have any or all of them it means that yep aro still suf- fering from the effects of la grippe and that you will not be well and free Suppose you were fishing and felt a big tug on your line, and when you Started to pull it in you suddenly got a powerful shock of electricity. You would probably drop the line in fright and wonder what had taken your hook. Something of that kind would happen if you caught a torpedo fish. Sometimes fishermen who are haul- ing in their net receive an electric shock. They know then that they have caught a torpedo fish in the net, and that the shock it sent out has kill- ed all the other fish in the net. ,The strange power of sending out a strong electric shock has been given to the torpedo fish to enable it to catch the fish it lives on, for it is a very slow swimmer, and could not overtake even the slowest of the fish that it uses for food. The torpedo fish hides in the growth of seaweed, and when a fish comes along it sends out its current, which kills its victim. before it even suspects there is so terrible a foe at hand. The torpedo fish is a living electric battery. When full-grown it can send out shocks so powerful that they will severely injure a human being. It is curious to think that nature gave to fish the power of using elec- tricity thousands of years before man discovered it and found a way to make it light his houses and drive street cars for him to ride in.—Youths Companion. from danger of relapse until your blood is built up. The treatment, says the distinguish- ed physician quoted above, is rest and a tonic, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a non-alcoholic tonic, are particularly suited for building up the blood and strengthening the nerves after an at- tack of grippe, The rich, red blood expels the lingering germs from the system and transforms despondent grippe victims into cheerful, healthy, happy ,men and women. If you have had la grippe do not wait for a relapse or for the neuras- thenie that so often follows grippe, but get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now from bhe nearest drug store and begin the treatment at once. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail, at 50 cents a box or: six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont, PERSONAL POINTERS. Specially Selected Notes About Fam- ous Men and Women. King Manuel is a first-rate domino player, M. Briand, the French premier, never wears gloves. Since the outbreak of war, Queen Mary has not purchased en evening gown. Sir George Reid, the Australian High Commissioner, is a crack shot with a revolver Prince Alexander of Teck is now serving with bhe Belgian Army as British Military Attache: The Duchess of Norfolk has a col- lection of parasols of all countries, said to be worth £500. Sir Felix Schuster says that his ex- perience in business has raised his opinion of human nature. The Duchess of Connaught plays a geed game of draughts, and the game is her favorite indoor recreation. General Sir Douglas Haig is one of the best linguists in the Army. He speaks French and German perfectly. The favorite dish of the Crown Prince of Sweden is a salad made of chicken, bananas, -grape-fruit, and wine sauce. King George has now two valets; in peace time he has three. The Kaiser has seven valets, the King of Spain five. Four English menservants in the German Royal Household were intern- ed in Germany a week after the out- break of war. Lieut. von Tirpitz, son of the Ger- man admiral, wbo is a prisoner of war in England, is the best lawn -tennis player in the German Navy. One of the boasts of Dr. Von Beth- mann-Holiweg, the German Chancel- lor, is that he has never had bo pay a visit to a dentist since he was four- teen. Autographed photographs of the Czar and Czarina were sold at a -pri- vate auction in Petrograd for $2,500 each. The proceeds event to a war chariby, The Prince of Wales a little while ago had a pipe knocked out of his mouth by a flying fragment of a shell that burst within thirty yards of his Royal Highness. The titles held by Lord Stamford - ham and Lord Ribblesdale will become extinct owing to their heirs having been killed in the war, unless they are granted "special remainders" by the King, as was done in the cases , of Lord Roberts and Lord Wolseley. j• THE FIRST TASTE. BRITAIN WANTS FISHERMEN. Needed to Man the Trawlers and De- I mand is Acute. Good fishermen are worth almost their weight in gold at Grimsby, Eng- land, so scarce have they become since i the war's outbreak. Notwithstanding'; the mining of so many parts of the t North Sen and other waters adjacent to the British Isles the industry has', suffered no decline. There are just as many fish and the demand for them i is greater than ever. The difficulty in catching them is due to the fact 1, that so many fishermen and their boats have been pressed into the l Royal Naval Reserve Section to man' the mine sweepers and other vessels on war service. The original steam -fishing fleet at Grimsby, which in peace times num- bered more than 600 vessels, has been materially depleted. The type of fish- erman has undergone a change, com- prising largely the class of man who works only when necessity demands. Trawler owners are offering big wages to good fishermen, the highest in years along the English coast, and the decrease in the number of trawlers available for fishing has bad the ef- fect of creabing a financial boom among owners whose vessels have not been interfered with by the Admiralty. Voyages are now profitable in the widest sense.of the term. Prices for fish have more titan quadrupled, and, with the continuous shortage, duo nob only to the naval requirements in re- gard to vessels, but also to the re- stricted fishing area, utero is always an overwhelming demancl from all parts of the country. WILL SOON BE CRUSHED, Germany's Powers of Endurance Not Sufficient to Hold Out. "Germany must at no long date be crushed to death." This was the confident statement made by Lord Rosebery when he was entertained et lunch by the Edin- burgh Rotary Clnb of business men. "I think it is quite clear, from all reports of the varying imniber of millions of men that she has lost, that Prussia must be nearly ap- preaching the stage of exhausbion. "We shall have, I dare say, many lock days yet to pass, but whatever happoth, however long the war may he. v are ccrtnin to win by the fere esdr re nee which has' always ,., , r.: national enterprise.' 'THE ENGLISH ARE AHEAD. How They Sent a Man to an Address By Parcel Post. The parcel post has made its use- fulness felt in many ways, unexpected as,well as foreseen. But the English parcel post does one surprising thing that has not yet been introduced into. our own system. An Englishman wished to reach a customer living in a remote part of Balham; one of bhe . suburbs of Lon- don, and it was very necessary that he find him quickly. Knowing nothing of the district, he called at the gen- eral post office at St. Martin's -le Grand, to consult a directory. On ex- plaining his case bo a clerk, he was amazed to learn that he could be sent to the address by parcel post by pay- ing a ay-ing'a fee of three pence a mile. The gentleman had never heard of such a thing, and it Is said that very few persons in England know that it can be done. He was placed in charge of a messenger who was fam- iliar with all parts of the city, and was soon on his way. The boy car- ried a printed slip on whichwas writ- ten a description of the "parcel" in charge, under the heading, "Article required to be delivered," and before leaving the easterner's house both the customer and the gentleman had to put their signatures on the paper. The limit in weight for anything delivered by parcel post in England is general- ly understood to be eleven pounds, but there is one clause that reads, "A person may be conducted by express messenger to any address on payment of the mileage fee." Acquired the Habit When a Boy. If parents realized the fact that tea and coffee contains drug—caffeine-- which rug—caffeine—which lo especially harmful to chil- dren, they would doubtless hesitate before giving them tea or coffee to drink. "When I was a child in my mother's arms and first began to nibble at things at the table, Mother used to give mo sips of coffee. And so 1 contracted the coffee habit early. • "I continued to time coffee until I was 27, and' when I got into office work I began to have nervous spells. Especially after breakfast I was '80 nervous I eotild scarcely attend to my correspondence." (Tea produces about the same ill effects as coffee, because they both contain the drug, caffeine.) "At night, after having had coffee for supper, I could hardly sleep, and on rising hi the morning would feel weak and nervous. "A Friend persuaded me to try Postero." "I can now got good sleep, am free from nervousness and headaches,. I recommend Postmen." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., 'Windsor, Ont. Postern comes in two forms. Posh)* Cereal --the original form— must; be well boiled. 1.5c and 25c pack- ages. Instant Poetunt---a soluble powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa- ter, and su ar ter, and; with e g , makes a delicious beverage instantly, 30c and 50c tins. Both forms are equally dolieious and cost about the same per cup, ;. "There's a Reason", for Postxlm. sold by Grocers. arsenal. One of the latest suggestions, and the one most likely to be carried out is to build miles of huts close to the arsenal, where the boys could live while engaged in shell -making, • "Cutting Off It's Retreat," In the little village school room the children were very quiet and atten- tive, for the school -mistress was giv- ing them an interesting and instruc- tive account of a certain rat which had caused much 'annoyance in her household. "It was a great nuisance, children," she said, "and great was my satisfaction when, ett last, it was tracked to,its favorite haunt, and I and severaothers were enabled to cut off his retreat." "By the way," she added, asa king of after thought, "can ony of you tell me what 'cutting off its retreat' means?" Silence reigned for some moments, but at length a small girl put up her hand. '`That's right, Ethel," said the mistress encouragingly. "What is 'its retreat?'" '`Please, miss," an- swered Ethel at once, "it means its tail)" Just a StraR - ht. You Can't be Neutral on the food question. You have to decide between mere palate -foods that con. tain no nutriment and foods that repair the bodily waste. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is both a palate food and a muscle builder. Yon can keep in good health and at the top-notch of physical fitness by eating this deli- cious, ready -cooked, whole wheat cereal for breakfast, luncheon or any meal. Made in Canada. Britain and United States. A few things that England l:as dove for the United States: Granted us our independence. Outdistanced us in the race for de- mocracy. Laughed at some of our jokes. Conferred citizenship upon others. and Appreciated Walt Whitman. Simple Story Relieved us of Henry Jamed. Furnished the only noteworthy ex- ample of respect for the Monroe Doc - MISS .BLANCHARD TELLS OF trine. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Fought hard for the worthy ideals for which we whimper.—New York Life. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY FOR THE CHILDREN Mrs. Laura Jackson, Brantford, Ont., writes: "I have found Baby's Own Tablets such'an excellent remedy for children that I have no hesitation l in recommending them to all mo- thers." Thousands of mothers say the same thing concerning the Tab- lets. Once a mother has used them she would use nothing else. They are for sale at all druggists or _ by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CHILDREN MAKING SHELLS.. 10,000 Boys' Work in the Arsenal at Woolwich. Ten thousand boys too young to. fight are doing what they consider the next best service for their'coun- try—turning out munitions in the Government arsenal at Woolwich, In ordinary times many would have be- come office boys, clerks, or telegraph messengers, but to -day the majority coins: from points miles from the fac- tory, and help the older men make the shells and guns needed by. the men at the reed The pay 10 attractive. A smart boy can earn $7.50 a week, or even $10, if he has a good machine and can keep steadily at work for as long as 12 hours a day. Parents who have to choose between putting their boys to learn a trade at 32 or $2,50 a week, and allowing them to go into the ar- senal at the higher remuneration are aaaturally inclined to decide on the work which not only brings in the quickest return, bub seems to be in the national interests as well. Social workers who have the boys' welfare at heart are inclined to lament that so many should be entering what mny not perhaps prove a permanent occupation. They say that their future is not unlikely to become a problem after the war, and that the country inight well remember then that bhe great army of boy munition workers played no small part in the difficult time. Tho daily t ail. life of 'these boys shows What sacrifices they are making. Thousands live an hour's journey from the factory, and some have to leave home as early as 0.30 in the morning, and camtot get back till 9,30 in the eveldttg, All Work 12 hours a day, starting at 8 and finishing at 8. They take the slight shift, too, also for. 12 ]mourn, and oftcn a boy may be seblm They Cured Her Kidney Troubles and MintarWs Liniment Cures 'Earns, Etc. Other Sufferers Can Learn From Her Experience How They Can Find Her Ups and Downs. Lady(who was on a visit Pa uetvflie, Gloucester .B.— native town)—How is Mrs. Gabble? q Co.,, I haven't seen her for a long time. Mar. 6th (Special)—Simple and) Hostess—She. is having her ups and straight to the point is the statement downs. of Miss Justine Blanchard, of this l Lady Visitor—And what may they place. She has tried Dodd's Kidney be I pray? Pills and found them good and she 1 Hostess—Oh, running up hills and wants everybody to know it. Miss [running down her neighbors. Blanchard says: "I suffered for a long time wibh my I Minara's Liniment Cures Dandruff kidneys. I used Dodd's Kidney Pills! and they cufed me completely:" i Just Like a Queen. One simple statement like that is . An officer who has just been dis- worth a dozen learned dissertations on charged from one of the Landon hos- Kidney disease. It tells the sufferer pitals, has been telling me a delight - from kidney trouble just what he or fill story of Queen Alexandra. One she wants to know: that a cure can day Her Majesty visited the hospital, be found' in Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 and chatted with my friend for a few For Dodd's Kidney Pills are no minutes. "Do you know what she cure-all. They are purely and simply said to me?" he asked. "She sat on a kidney remedy. The' reason why they my bed for nearly five minutes, and cure Rheumatism, Lumbago, Diabetes, as she was leaving said, 'I know your Bright's Disease, Heart Flutterings, needs are well looked after, but'if Dropsy, Pain in the Back, and other there is anything extra you would diseases is that all these are either like, tell me,'" Kidney diseases or are caused by dis- ordered kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills More Important. cure them by 'curing the kidneys. "What! A strange man walked off The Original Method. ' with my umbrella? Why, I have my Original name on it." Katherine and Margaret found "That mthy be, but the other fel- themselves seated next each other at low has his hand on it." a dinner party` and immediately be- came confidential. NOTICE TO STALLION OWNERS. "Molly told me that. you told her that secret I told you not to tell her,'„ whispered Margaret. "Weil," returned Margaret, "I told her I wouldn't tell you she told me, a Cure,to her so don't tell her I did." Possible Reason. There's nothing in drinking, There's not a thing to it. And maybe, I'm thinking, That's just why we do it. soreemulated Eyelids; Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dustand Wind a } quickly relieved by Marine EyeRemedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's SOo per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve inTubcs25c. ForOookoitheEyefrceask Druggists or Morin Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Many a man becomes a jailbird through his strenuous efforts to fea- ther his nest. a I.otoro pjae. lug your order for seeds, see our 1010 Gold - ' a on Jubilee Catalogue it is floe ,t Gov't. Stan 110s. No. 114ed Clove, $10.40 & $17 No. 1 Alsyko Mee No. 1 -.Timothy ' 5,05 Allow 300 for nttah cotton bag Wo pay rallway freight in On - tarso. and .Quetteo over 525.00 Notice to Stal= lion Ownerg The inspection of stallions tinder the Ontario Stallion Earolmunt Aot, will conlirlonee March nand, 1916. AU applications for an• rormeitt and inspection, aoobnt. panted by the proper foe, must be In the Ssarotary'a o0800, s'at'lla- anent Buildings, Toronto, by March 13th. 111 ease of appltoatioas re- ceived after. March 1380, inspoo tion will only bo made at inoroesed expense to owner.. Add •ese 01 communications to a, VV., wa4o, seereseny, outer's° atenton Enrol- ment Board, Parliament BuliSings, Toronto. Eb. 6. The inspection of stallions under the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Act will commence March 23rd, 1916. Stallion owners will notice that horses inspected in the Fall of 1914 do not require to be inspected at this time but all other horses inspected previous to the Fall of 1914, which were nob then eight years old, must be inspect- ed in order to be enrolled for 1916. Application should bo made at once to the Secretary of the Ontario Stal- lion Enrolment Board, R. W. Wade, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. "I say, old chap, I'm in shocking luck. I want money badly, and haven't the least idea where I can get it." "Well , I'm glad to hear that, I thought perhaps you bad an idea you could borrow from me!" A FAMOUS GRAPEVINE,, Supplies Bing George With 20Q Bunches Yearly. James Jack, keeper of the famous grapevine at Hampton Court Palace, England, has retired after' thirty-two years active service as chief eusbodian of the King's vine. The vine was planted in 1768 by "Capability" Brown, the famous landscape gard- ener of the eighteenth century. The vine is now considered one of the finest in the world. It stretches. in wide perfectly trimmed squares, eighty feet by twenty-six, the whole length and breadth of the greenhouse. Two hundred bunches of grapes from ib are sent to King George at Wind- sor every year. The grape is the old Black Hamburg, Some years ago twelve bunches were shown at an exhibition of the Royal Horticultural Society and were award- ed the Hogg memorial medal for spe- I tial excellence and culture. Two of the bunches weighed 13 pounds 14 ounces cacti, and the whole twelve weighed about 42 pounds, an average of 31/4 pounds each. WASTE NECESSARY IN FOOD Because our ancestors ate coarser out Hato by our home treatment. 'wrft4' waste with their food they developed us before too late. Ar. Beliman lledlcai a long bowel, mostly a muscular tube.! Co., Limited. ColitngW cod. Ont. This muscle was not intended for digestion purposes, but to carry our waste. We have inherited this mus- cular tube. Waste -containing food is as essential to its proper function as light is to the eye. Because modern foods have little waste the human bowel muscles have weakened from lack of exercise. Constipation and indigestion have resulted. Dr. Jack- son, who practised for years as an intestinal specialist, bas devised Ro- man Meal, a food which has plenty of waste to exercise the bowel mus- cles and is also highly nourishing. It prevents indigestion and constipa- tion. Most grocers sell it Made by the Roman Meal Com• parry, Toronto, Canada. _- Real Forbodings. "My son," said the father impres- sively, "suppose I should be taken away . suddenly, what would become of you?" "Why," said the son, irreverently, "I'd stay here; the question is, wbat would become of you?" MEED IOTAvazi S blaeeemale , Dlwre, Oarnore der at eaoe, Supply limited. Writ, OCR quotations, 11, w, Da v ori, OfiialiTtton• non BALE p10DzGUEMD Navyrot/N.1,, A 0518 puppies for sale. Alive Ow Peri si d, kittens.QuR, A. Gillespie,, Ab»otse hors EXCHANGE PAIR SILS ER BLACK CRASS 5111'10 toXes, trade for Used eats Roid Bros., Bothwell, Ont. HELP WANTED UTS OOLEN MILL 1I)9Lr', CARDISR spinners and weavers. We will pay inexperienced -hole while learning weaving, Good wages paid 10 alt tbeae months to oomo.For furthe departnienta,. and steady work fp further motion!: lets, a.,.pply to the S1ingsby Manefaotur. Ina OeLtd•, Brantford, Ont.. NEWSPAPERS Pon SAL£, t l00FLT-MAKING NEWS. AND J03 ii.. Offices for sale to good Ontarfq towns, The most useful and interns tl,itZ et all businesses. Full lnformatlo i on implication to Wilson Publishing Cowl pany, 7s West Adelaide St, 'roronto, ! WANTED {I j)tGS--WILL PAY CASII FOR OAT, & flour and aup'ar Hags Write offer. Ira Evans, Ft. \4.iillam, Ont. talSrELLANEOU& CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC. internal and external, cured with. Some men are such tightwads that they won't even lend trouble without good security. You will find relief in Zam•Buk 1 It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove this 7 d11 Drv,ppixra8or. and Stores,— icb �y AS =TAT. a PRSTOOSiTR CON - E.4 STBVCTTON The aalestnnn tout works every day and night during the year. Send for catalog • W' IE. J. ST. 00.0220 00., rtd., 27 Toronto Arcade. - Toronto America's Pioneer Dog Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. ' 118' West 31stStreet, New York HAWK BICYCLES An trpdodate High' Grade BicyctefittedtsithRollerC11 ain, New DePa, lure or Hercules Coaster lbaka and H,rbs, Dela. citable T, ter, 'high. grade equip. ,nerit,i.eeladiaglllnd- p 2`151 guards,Pcn p,a:Tools cod FREE 1916 Catalogue, 00 ppogos of J0,crdrs, Saud'i's buy yoarr,nlpliesl. Toucan buy yy0111 Prices. from us at , Wholesale Prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame St. West,Montreal. SOU CAN'T CET OUT A Bog Spavin or Thoroalghpnn but you can clean them all promptly with We leave been using ?JINARD'S LINIMENT in our home for a num.' ber 07 years and use no other Lin- iment but MINARD'S, and we can recommend it highly for sprains, I chest, soreness of _the throat, head- ache or anything of that sort. We will not be without it one single day, for we get a new bottle before the other is all used. I Call recduimond it highly to lttlyolle. JOHN WALKMELD, LeHave Islands, l..unenbtu•g go.,'N. S. bruises, pains or tightness of the Subbubs: " I believe Swamphurst is unhealthy` Since we have lived out there my wife can scarcely speak above n whisper." Ilenpeeko: Do yon suppose I could find a lkntse Elora?" Mnlard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, BERmui5A%I The Ideal Winter Resort . Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding, Golf, Tennis. Yaohting, Fishing and Sea Bathing, Present Gar- rison of the Ottawa (33th) Regi- ment. —TEE— Princess Hotel Us open from DECEMBER, to MAY Situated on the harbor of Hamilton. Accommodates 400. Rates : 025 per ween and upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, Manage= HAMILTON, - BERMUDA Bermuda is reached by the steam- ers of the Quebec B. S. Co.. 02 Broadway, New York, HARNESS and you work the horse same time. Does not blister or remove the I hair. $100 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. 1 Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE, SR.,' the antiseptic liniment for mankind, I reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured' ni msriea or ligaments. Peine,) Glands, Wens, Cysts. Ailara sato quickly. Price Sl sot S3 a Wait at &outgo or dellerred. mode In the V. &. A. by , 71 F 00018, P. 0 7., 618 Lyman& Bldg, Montreal, Can. bb,erbiue Dad Abst;)inc, Jr.. arc'Oad2 le Cando, Despite the economizing tendency of the war, Lord Lonsdale still smokes his big cigars. 1'i/hen in the right mood the in an excellent raconteur. His best story is that al an American traveller who spoke of having seen petr%iiod forests in Texas, and .petri- fied birds flying over them. "Come, come)" he was told. "That's surely against the la\vs ,of gravitation?"' "Quito so," replied Aniomol, 1101 a whit abashed; "but, yea see, the avVs of .gravitation there are petrified, tool"' ISSi7I1 11.----'16. Otlnard'n Liniuiont got tale overywhore pelts nen• life in your harness. Keeps it from drying up and cracking. 1114akes it soft, pliable and strong. Contains no animal or vegetable fats to become rancid. It makes harness last longer. Dealers Evert/where The Imperial Oil Company Limited eoAnr'Elas I:r ALL MAN N 3 Grand Varieties—Good as Gold [.. Beans—Batton Wax—Pods round, clear and tri `.pare t and m I uul- some appearance. le tender, very prodert ,' f1 , fru,,, ru and stands dry weather well. '/, lb. 15o., 1lb. u 'ba. 12,ri0,. Poatppid. Ci}r1—Genian Eantnm—An early, 'tardy, productive rnriety, of "most. 3 finality and dolicions anrpr, It is a vire, ''cella yrllow, dieprnina to ornngayellow when ripe. 44 1b. 10o,, 1 10. 50e., 0 lbs., 41.41)•, featp«'L Peas---Brnco's Early Settler—A grand extort enrly wriol,trat marrow vur01t' The pods nod lnrge, deep green, mid 0llnd 0rilr largo Oona, pnsseoab,g the rich flavor end I,laliit of 1' •` 1,rot lulu varletice. It Whine n height of obgrrt 11.1 fie .0l;. is very productive. 'A ib. 15o., 3. le, SOc, 8 lits. $0.75, 1 ostr aid. If sent b • Express at pttrrhnahr'e exposer, de,luo t. 1nr pro ,.•rand. 18181101('S Seeds are the :cheapest,, 1)eentoe 010 ,. nye the loll. rilEEOnt handsomely 111n&treted 12$`pago rai:do no- of l"etirtoble, Parra and llon•rr krone, I'Innia.. Ma.poultry l ,Opnrv, Garden Yurplaiaupla, rte., for '1016...l+rn,d .or it. Hamilton, Ontario taio O A. BruceHamilton,Elnr '-^•' `-"'' gyp `^r'1 aLlintleixtio