HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-9, Page 8Free'
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Post Cards of the Soldiers Training
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go:rat eE gtems
WEDNESDAY was Ash Wednesday.
LAGRIPPE is still busy in and about
Scaoor, Board Friday evening of this
READ the Hicks weather forecast for
March on page 4,
PAUL CAMPBELL shipped a ear of
horses to Assinaboia from Brussels.
HARRY KEYS shipped a car of heavy
horses to the West this week. He will
likely be back in the course of a month
or so. He shipped to Cabri, Saskatche-
TUESDAY evening the Brussels Com-
pany drove to Winthrop and presented
the play, "The Minister's Bride."
There was a good attendance and re-
ceipts were about $40.00.
THE Leap Year Skating Party an-
nounced for Monday evening was post-
poned until this (Thursday) evening on
account of the inclement weather on
first date, Wingham Band will be in
attendance Thursday evening.
THE POST welcomes to Brussels L.
and Mrs. Ruttan, of Blnevale, who have
taken up residence on Queen street.
They are not strangers to a goodly num-
ber in town as they lived for years on
their farm at Jamestown.
BY notice elsewhere it will be seen
that Miss Hazel, eldest daughter of Mrs.
R. Crone, formerly of Brussels, was
united in marriage to Sergeant 1. G.
Marston, Peterboro, at Cannington.
We extend congratulations and wish
Sergt. and Mrs. Marston many happy
and prosperous years.
TUESDAY Fred, Cardiff, a well known
young farmer of the 8th Con., Grey
township, was united in marriage to
Miss Laura Keys, at the home of the
bride's mother, Queen street, Brussels.
They have the best wishes of a wide
circle ot relatives and friends for a long,
happy and prosperous life.
The Winnipeg Free Press of a recent
date gave a portrait of Frank Roche, of
that city, a son of Dick Roche, the well
known horseman, former residents of
Brussels. Frank has joined the ranks
of the IoSth Battalion. He is a well
known base ball pitcher, attaining note
in the box. Old friends here wish him
INTEREST will centre round the death
notice of R. Edwards, Canniegton, in
this locality in the fact that he is the
father of Mrs, A. C. McFarlane, whose
husband was manager of the Standard
Bank, Brussels, for several years. He is
now with the 116th Battalion as Pay-
master and expects to shortly go over-
seas. Mrs. McFarlane and daughters
have been making their home with Mr.
Edwards at Cannington.
WM, CAS2 DEcBASED,-Last Sunday,
William Case, a well known commercial
traveller for many years and a prominent
resident of Aylmer, died at his
home aged 78 years, The funeral
took place Tuesday afternoon. Mrs
Case and 4 daughters survive. Deceas-
ed was an uncle to Geo, C. Manners, of
Brussels, with whom he visited not
many months ago, Mr. Case was a fine
man and bad many friends throughout
the cou0try.
day afternoon Tea will be served in the
Board Room of the Public Library by
the following young ladies:- Misses
Margaret Ament, Alice Wilton. Isabel
Strachan, Addie Cardiff, Laura Leath-
erdate, Eva Bryans, Ina Bryans, Lovise
Sinclair, Minerva Jones and Myrtle
Wilson. There will be a welcome for
everybody. These Teas are growing in
interest and netting a very tidy sum for
Red Cross work. Don't forget next
day Miss Elizabeth Forsyth died at the
home of her brother, Alex. Forsyth,
Turnberry street, Brussels, aged 84
years, 1 mouth and Ir days. She was
born in Invernesshire, Scotland, and
came to Canada with her father's family
in 1853. After a short sojourn at Cale-
donia, Out, they moved to Grey town-
ship and took up land, teen in the pri-
meval forest, over 6o years ago Alex.
Forsyth and Mrs, Keltener, of Alberta.
are the surviving brother and sister.
The funeral took plane Tuesday after-
fternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. A. J.
Mann conducting the service. Miss
Forsyth had only been confined to bed
for about a week, although her health
had been failing' for some time.
DIED. -Rev, D. 'C, L. McKerroll, pas.
tor of Victoria Presbyterial) church,
West Toronto. received word on Satur.
day that his father, Malcolm Mo$erroll,
a retired farmer, of Sydenham township,
had died of apoplexy at the age of 73
years. The tate Mr, McKerroll was a
member of Knox Presbyterian church,
Owen Sound, He 18 survived by four
sons and five daughters, namely --Rev;
D, T. L. Maerroll, William, Malcolm,
Alexander, Mrs. Samuel Locke, Mrs,
Smith, Mrs, Joint Mond, of Orillia,
Mrs, 0, Morrison, of Strathavon and
Miss Jessie McKerroll, Rev, Mr, Ma
Karnali was formerly pastor of Lucknow
Presbyterian ohureh and known to
readers of THE Post
MONDAY was a trifle on the rough.
LocAL end district news on pages 4
and 5.
4 cm 5 weddings were on the program
within a radius of 8 or ro miles on Wed-
nesday of this week.
WINGHAM Band at the skating rink
Thursday evening ot this week at the
Leap Year skating party.
AUc'rlooe Sale of 1s head of 2 year old
steers at Ni Lot 29, Con. 8, Morris, on
Friday, 17th Inst , at 2 p. m. Alf.
Baeker is the Proprietor and F. S. Scott
FOR BALR.-Sapp panand about 90 sap pails
for sale. Also a tank 2x8 alt nearly new. Ap-
ply to GaAs. A. LAntoNT, Lot 10, Con. 7, Grey.
Phone 2118.
Goon grade cow for sale, due to calve about
April 1st. Apply to W. R. HUT;Puloms, Wal-
Is you have 3160000 that you: would like to
loan for five years at 7 per cent on the security
of a first mortgage on valuable property. Ap-
ly at THE POST,
BOY wanted to work on farm. One with ex-
perience with horses. Apply to John Robb,
Lot 28, 8th Line Morris, Brussels P. 0. Tele-
phone 185.
Gorr brooch In horse shoe shape lost on
Sunday,March 511I. Owner will be greatly
obliged or its return as it is a keepsake.
RAZOR and strop found. Owner or owners
may have the Fame by proving property and
paying for this notlae. TRE PosS.
MAa's leather mit found on 9th Oon. Own-
er may Lava it by proving property and pay-
ing for this notice at Tan Peva..
PLnan rug lost. Owner will be greatly
obliged if finder will leave it at Tun Poem.
YORK sow and 10 pigs about a week old for
sale, Lot12. Con. 8, Grey township.
LAMONT, Phone 8418.
4 YEAR old mare, general purpose, also Seed
Oats and Barley for Sale, Apply to L. HoL-
L mann, Brussels. Shaw farm adjoining vil-
Fommr.-A gold watch. Owner may have
the same by proving property and paying ex.
pauses. Apply to Lot 10, Con. 6, Grey town-
ship. D. G. EDTORINe0x,
GRovan BONE. -Leave your order with
Baeker Bros. for ground bone, It will help
make your hens lay.
leased tete Tom McGregor shop I am prepared
to attend to saw gumming and filing, 'cooper-
age, wood work repairs, eta. Give me a call.
Satisfaction assured and moderate prices.
APAaTMENTa to let in the Graham block
lately vacated by the Pryne family.
A GOOD house for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply -at TRE Po0T.
AT the Red Cross Union ;prayer ser-
vice, Wednesday evening in the Metho-
dist church, Rev. D Wren gave a most
suitable address, The offering was
$6 25.
FAMILY THEATRE. -A specialty attrac-
tion show, Saturday night. Two big
shows in one. Some or the best features
ever shown here, Eight reels Usual
admission. Performance 8 o'clock
THE monthly Red Crots meeting was
held Tuesday evening as usual with a
thin attendance. Report of 'Treasurer
Rowland was presented and business
matters discussed, Next meeting will
be held the tat Tuesday evening of
April. Show your interest by your
Homeseeker '
s Excursions to Western
Canada at low fares via Canadian Paci-
fic each Tuesday March 7th to October
31st, inclusive. Particulars from any
Canadian Pacific Agent, or W B
Howard, District Passenger Agent,
Last Friday afternoon Mise Edith Nee -
lin, of Seaforth, who recently returned
from England on sick leave, addressed a
large meeting in the Public Library
Audience room in a most interesting
manner. After "The Maple Leaf" had
been sting W. H. Kerr introduced the
speaker, She stated she was not a Red
Cross nurse, but was under 11 eauthority
of the Canadian Government and was
subject to military rule just As enV sold-
ier was, She spoke of the work at the
army hospital in England and paid a
tribute to the men who ilacl been in her
charge. As she told of the hardships
endured by 35 nurses who had been as-
signed to duty on the island of Leming,
the audience was visibly affected. Two
ships that were carrying hospital sup-
plies were sunk by the Austrians and
much privation was experienced, which
Was largely responsible for the death
ot the superintendent, Mrs laggard,
and her sister, also a nurse. Miss Nee.
lin made a strong appeal to all women
to give up their husbands, sons end
sweetbeerts for the cause of the Aliies
A mother, she said. who would not give
up her son was trot displaying love but
selfishness ; she was withholding the
boy at the cos of the girl. for if the
Germans should Win, Car+adise girls
would he treated as the Belgians were. 1
It WAS common talk among the German
soldiers that Canadian woolen were a
particularly fine class of people. She ;
commended the Red Cross workers, but
expressed the opinion that A pair of
pyjamas a week wag ecereely consistent
with the great ueed that there is for 1
hospital supplies Miss McBride, also a
nursing sister, from the front, was on
the platform but did trot speak, A vete
Girls Wanted
ussmsnme inommummouni
We can give employment to a
few more bright girls as
Knitters and Learners
e rad ears
Fare paid toClinton.lint
Clinton Knitting Co. Limited
of thanks was tendered the speaker on
motion of Mrs. P. Scott and Mrs, D. C,
Ross and the signing of the National
Anthem concluded the proceedings.
Nurse Hestia expects toreturn to her
work about the tst of May. She is a
good speaker and effective in the pre--
sentatlon of her case,
Brussels Council
The regular monthly meeting of Bras.
seta Council was held last Monday
evening in the Council chamber. Pres-
ent Reeve Leckie and Councillors Hew-
ewitt and Thomson. Minutes of last
meeting read and passed.
Accounts were ordered to be paid as
follows, on motion of Thomson and
0. N, McLaren, Auditor $ to 00
i. Ferguson, Auditor l0 00
D. Clark, wood for Town. Hall6 00
Anderson Bros.. snow plowing3 Oct
R. Oliver, salary 40 00
A communication was read from the
Muskoka Free Consumptive Sanitarium
asking a grant. Moved by Thomson-
Hewitt, as we have not now nor never
did have a patient there, no action be
taken, Carried.
Letter from John Ross Robertson,
asking aid for Sick Children's Hospital.
No action,
By -Law No. 5, 1916, relating to the
sale of Cigarettes, changing License
from $5o to $ro, was read 1st, and and
3rd time and passed,
Council men adjourned.
Church Chimes
Maitland Presbytery met in Wingham
on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Mann was un-
able to attend as be bad a wedding and
funeral that day. A. D. Grant was the
representative Elder from Melville
Sabbath morning Rev. D. Wren's
subject in the Methodist church was
"The unchangeable Christ" and in the
evening "The foolish Farmer." The
boys in khaki attended the morning
service in a body.
Rev. Mr. Mann discoursed last Sun-
day morning in Melville church 00
"God's Will the universal program."
In the evening Rev. Mr. McLennan oc-
cupied the pulpit and took for his
theme "The Brazen Serpent."
EPWORTU LEAGc*E; :Rev. Mr. Dewey,
of Stratford, bas been secured for the
League anniversary of Brussels Metho-
dist Church, on Sabbath, Nth inst. He
will preach at both services 00 Sunday
and will give an address Monday even-
ing following at a social evening to be
Sunday, April 23rd, the anniversary
sermons of Melville church will be
preached by Rev. A. J. McGillivray. D.
D., of Guelph. A Tea Meeting will
fallow on Monday evening and after
supper Rev. Dr, MoGillivary will give an
address. There will also be. a good
musical program and other numbers.
Watch out for the bills for further par-
The pastor will preach in the Metho-
dist church next Sunday morning.
There will be a special platform service
in the evening of a very interesting
character. A song service of old famili-
ar songs will be conducted by F. H.
Gilroy ; W. H. Kerr will relate some of
the experiences of a Sunday School
Superintendent for 35 nears, J. 'T,
Wood will give a short address on 'The
workman and his tools" and the pastor
will present the Sunday School with
four organized Adult Bible Class certifl
Cates. Service at 7 o'clock.
People We Talk About
R, Leatherdale is visiting in Toronto
this week.
Pte Scott Ament spent the week end
at his home here, He is in training at
Mrs J. Craig. of Morris, was a visitor
with the Misses Hunter, John street,
over Sunday.
Walter Binkle, of the G. T. R , Lis-
towel, spent Sunday with Station agent
Kyle, Brussels
Fred Wood, Erlu, was a visitor at the
borne of his brother, J. '1'. Wood, Brus-
sels, over Sunday,
Wm. McMillan, who has been visiting
here for the past few months, left for
Hamiota, Manitoba, this week.
Rev. Mr. McLennan has been visiting
in Brussels and making a canvass for the
Preaty'erian chttrmb newspaper,
Mrs (Rev.) Pare and son. Enstace,
have gone to Montreal for an extended
visit at the forme 's parental home.
Arch. McDonald and {'ride, Iron] the
West, were visitors with Misses Belle
and Mary McDonald, Brussels, last
Mrs. Ed Pollaid and daughtors, Rela
and Esther, who were i11 with the
grippe, ere able to he about once more,
flarold, the little son of Geo, and Mrs,
Henderson, has been quite ill but is im.
proving nicely now we are pleased to
Miss Gertrude B'elby was s visitor
with old friends in this iocality for the
week end. She will shortly remove to
Kelfield, Sesk.
'flumen and Mrs. Welker and children
attended the Procter -Halliday wedding
at Belgrsve on Wednesday,. The bride
19 a sister t0 Mrs. Walker.
Miss Isabel Strachan, sang at a Re-
cruiting meeting et Ethel Thursday
evening of last Week. Miss Minerva
Jo'tee was her accompanist,
Mrs, English end 0hitdren,
of (larding, Man., who have spent the
past 3 months here visiting, left an their
home trip Saturday of last week,
Condeiued'from Government Report;
in Circulation RCsoUROCI.
$ 3,271,,763,00 Cash on hand , $ 2.2 ei,s34 42
43,099,050,77 Deposit in Central Gold. Re -
269,502.30 serves 500,000,00
Due by Bunke 4,191,710.36
97,500,00 British,' Dominion and Fro-.
3,000,000,00 vindal Governmentand
other debts 3,196,429,24
4,061,646.89 Loans on call in Canada 2,325,242,74
Due to Hanks
Dividend payable 1st Feb„
Capital Paid up-
Reserve Fund and undivided
Acceplaecea under Letters of
I,oanaand Discounts 33942,915,34
Deposit. with Government rx.'
Oirculaton remise Pond , , 150,008.00
Bank Premises (Freehold), ., 1,171,268.75
Other Assets 120,519.68
Acceptances per contra 22,598.16
dMiss Kate Ament was home from Lon-
don over Sunday.
Wm, Jewitt and Miss Alice, of town.
Were guests at the wedding of Mr,
Waddell and Miss Mildred Jewitt,
Browntown, Wednesday.
Rev. George Jewitt and Miss Ena were
in town on Wednesday enroute 3o the
wedding of the former's niece at Brown -
town to Mr. Waddell, of Mornington,
Pte. W. H. Cooke, of Stratford 'Train-
ing camp, was calling on relatives and
old friends for the week end, He ex-
pects to veryshortly leave for overseas
with the 7rst Battalion.
Robert Tindall, of Fort William, son
of Henry Tindall, of Neei.awa, Mani-
toba, who was visiting relatives and
friends in this locality, has returned to
his homeafter an enjoyable holiday,
We are sorry to hear that John Lon-
desboro, Winnipeg, formerly of Brussels
has been ill with an attack of appendici-
tis. He is considerably better at last
report. It is a new thing for him to be
on the sick list,
We were sorry to observe in the
casualty list published on Tuesday the
name of Sergt, H. L. Allingham, form-
erly of the Standard Bank, Brussels.
We hope he will soon recover from his
The Goderich Signal of last week
says :-"Earl Elliott, principal of
Molesworth public school, epent the
week end in town on a visit to his
parents, Frank and Mrs. Elliott.
While here he visited the recruiting of-
fice of the 16101 Battalion with the
intention of enlisting, but was unable
to pass the medical examination. His
older brother, Louis, enlieted with the
16181 several weeks ago."
The. Kitchener. Surgical Supply
Klub will give a box social in the
music hall Friday evening next, A
large attendance is expected.
At the literary n;eetingFriday even-
ing last 16 wrist watches were present-
ed to the young men who have enlist-
ed from here. More than $400 were
contributed by the people for this pur-
Fifty-five soldiers of the 110th Bat-
talion, some from Listowel and some
from Stratford, attended divine ser-
vice in the Preebyteriao.Church here
Sunday, when Rev. W. D. McDonald,
B. A., preached an appropriate ser-
mon. Suitable music was furnished
by the choir. A large congregation
was present. •
FIRE. -Fire, which broke out at 11
o'clock Monday, badly damaged the
storehouse of the Goderich Planing
Mill Oo. It was a large building and
well filled with glass, dried lumber
and paint. The mill proper was sav-
ed. The fire apparently started in the
storehouse, but there had been no fire
there and the cause is unknown. The
flames were extinguished at 12.80.
The operation of the mill will not be
FRIDAr, MARCH 1OTE.-Farm stook, Miele -
meats, &c., Lot 28. Con, 4, Grey township,
Sale unreserved at 1 p. in. to close upestate of
the late Jno.. Dunbar, F. Scott, ADotioneer.
Mrs. P. Lamont, Administratrix,
MONDAY, MAf0OR 1820. -The Exeoators of
the eetste of the late Sohn Musgrove will sell
by Public Auction at Lot 9, Con. 4, Turnborry
township, on Monday, Maroh 18011, commenc-
ing at 1 o'clock, farm stook, implements, hay,
grain and roots, No reserve. Robb. Mus-
grove and A. H. Musgrove, Executors ; John
Purvis, Auctioneer.
FRIDAY, MAROE 17,-15 head of 2 year old
eteera. N34 29,Con, 8, aortia, Sale et 2 p. m,
Alf. Baeker, Prop„ F. S. Booth, Ana,
Tnuaa AY, Mason 218g. -Farm stook, Im-
plements, etc., Lot 22, Oon. 18. Grey Township,
Sale unreserved at 1 p. In.. JAe. D. MONAIn,
Prop, P. B. B0025, AUG.
Report of Room IV for February..
Examined in. Gram„ Lit., Arith.,
Writ„ daily work. Honore 75. Pass,
00. Sr, IV.-
M MoLauchlin .,83 G Thompson....65
S MoLanchlin ...76 V Hall 83
M. Hall 74 V Harris 61
H Cardiff ........70 • H Lott 56
M Dunford 68 *W Naegele....28
Jr. IV. -
D Holmes. 81 G Backer ` 52
M Wilton .88 I McNichol ..... 52
W Bnrgess,...,01 A Stewart 50
E Burgess .55 0 Anderson 50
*Missed one exam.
Sr. III Class. Exam. Lit.. Spell.,
Hist., Gram,, Read. and daily work.
Pass 60. Honors 75.
L Fulton 91 E Hollinger 72
F Stewart .82 L Barkley ......70
K McLaren .81 °D Walker .69
T Burgess . 80 J Lowry 69
0 Thompson..... 80 *L Donley 62
0 Hollinger .78 *1M. Oliver 58
Jr. III Olass. Exam. in Hist..
Grant., Read„ Geog., and daily work.
Pass 80. Honors 76.
W McDowell 84 G Wilson 63
E Fraset ,,,,,,.., 82 J Walker .62
H Keys .81 B Thuell 61
M McLanchlin ..80 A Ballantyne 54
13 Oal'diff 71 *D Currie ........53
M McOraoken.,70 *F Oliver ...52
M Wood 68 W 30150r......50
I7 Oliver ... 668 *L Thuell 40.
Those marked* missed exams.
B. HENnERs000
Sr. II. Exam. in Geog., Comp.,
Lit., Draw., Writ., and daily work,
Honors 75, Pass 60.
K Ferguson 92 L Platt 68
74 Rowland ..91 G Stewart 60
NI Wilson 88 D Thompson ...52
G Best 67 0 Lott . ,,..49
A Thompson 64
Jr, IL Examin the above subjects.
S Ballantyne 39 El Thibideau....68
J Keys 81 0 Anderson .,..88
W McFadzean,80 L Hollinger... 65
-E McLaren ...... 79 J McCracken ..64
M Little 78 *A Ritchie ......63
N McDowell„ -72 D Rowland 80
F Oliver 70 M Hollinger....51
* Missed exams.
Rooin I. Exam, in Aritb„ Spell,.
Read„ Dep. and daily work.
Class V. -
L Clouse 88 *R Pollard 68
H Pawaon ,...81 H Thibideau62
Y Scbwadron....75 *M Walker 50
*E Pollard 70 *L Champion...50
IV. Exam. in same.
Y Yolleck 96 141 Harkness ...75
M Thomson.- 90 K Snider 70
O Qnerin......,... 88 *9 Scott 50
L McKay 85 *I9 Edwards ....50
B Thibideau 80
III. Excellent -F. Oliver, M. Far.
guson, W. Galbraith, A. Grewar, D.
Warwick, Good -L, Champion, I3.
IL Excellent. -I. McLaren, C.
Thuell. Good -D. Lunn,
h Excellent -J, Stewart.
O is rat a 40 $ 40
Peas - 1 55 1 86
utt r 27 28
Bs 28 26
Hobs 9 00 0 00
12 00 18 00
140 140
Potatoes per bus
o➢me sed ars
Every Tuesday, March to October
"4A11 Rail"
Every Wednesday During Season Navigation
"Great Lakes Route"
Somewhere out on the prairies where last year Canada's Greatest
' Wheat CrOp was produced there is a home waiting for you. The
Will take you there, give you all the information about the beat'
places, and help you to success, 1; ., 11 11
Particulars' from any Canadian Pulite Ticket
Agent, or. write W. 13, Howard, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto. ..
FagMr. an Mrs, George
on March and, 1910, to
Mr. and Mrs, Geolge lrMarch n,a dn0gh-
ter Jean El8Or
HARRIe Tn Wroxeter on Feb 21st„ 1010, to
Mr, and Mre,. Zee, Harris,a son•
DfILL1OAx,-In Wroxeter, on Feb, 2700010,
to Mr. and Mrs, Peter Milligan, a daugh-
WALgnn,--In Regina, 85015, on February 28rd,
1910, to Mr. and Mrs. E, b, walker, a son.
0Anprl"P-Knve,-At the bride's mother, On
March 7th,1010, by Rev, A, J, Maim, B, A„
Mr, Peed. Cardiff, of Grey townshlp 00
Miss Laura, daughter of the late Henry
Kea of Brussels.
GITDe55-BnAn0EAw, -.- At Melville Manse,
Brussels, on Margit 8th, 1910, by. Rey. A. .7.
Mann, B. A,; Mr. Robert J. Gliders, of Cob
berm Township, to Miss Mary Aimee,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Bradshaw,
of Morris,
GLAOe0EH-AD0o0K: At the residence of the.
bride's parents, on March lot, 1910. by Rev.
B. B. Page, Mr, Jno, Glassier to MISS Jen-
nie, daughter of Mr. and Mre, R. B, A3-
aook, of Morrie Township.
MAe8TON-OnoNs.-At Cannington, on Feb.
10th, 1010, by Rev. J. F. Chapman, pastor of
the Methodist church, Sergeant John
George Marston, Peterboro, to Mies Hazel
Crone• eldest daughter of Mrs. R. Orono,
Ann at. Oanvington, formed of Brussels.
PROOTH1-RALLIDAY.-At the homehOf the
bride's parents, on March 8th, 1016, by Rev.
A. M. Boyle, Mr. Garner Procter, of Mel-
bourne Man., to Miss Teasie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Halliday, Belgrsve.
WADDELL-JEW1TT: At the reaidenoe of the
bride's parents, on March 8th, 1910, by
Rev. George Jewitt, Blyth, unole of the
bride, assisted by Rev. D. D. Thornpson,
Blnevale Mr. Thomas Norman Waddell,
Mornington township, to Mise Mildred L..
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Jewitt, Morris` townthip.
CABE.-In Aylmer, Ont., on March 6th, 1910,
Wm. Case, aged 78 years.
EDWARDO.-At his residence, "Aldersyyde,"
Cannington,ou February 14th, 1910, Rich-
ard Edwards, In hie 82nd year.
PonsYTH,-Inn Brussels, at the home of her
brother, Elizabeth Forsyth, aged 84 years,
1 month and 10 days.
MOHselzTE.-In Grey township, on March 4th,
1816, Duncan McKenzie, aged 69 years,.7
months and 20 days.
Farm For Sale
Undersigned offers for sale hie Bemire farm,
being N W 3, Lot 14, Con, 7. Morris township,
There lea comfortable log house, frame barn
with atone stabling, about an acre of orchard,
2 walla and about 134 acres of anger bush on
the premises. 0 miles to either Brussels or
Blyth, 136 miles to church. Immediate pos-
session if desired. 2 sores Fall wheat and 22
acres ready for Drop, balance in grass and
hay. For price, easy terms, &c., apply on the
premises to JOHN NIVINB, Myth P. 0.
R. R. No, 2.
Robb Drain Contract
Tenders for the eonatruotion of the Robb
Drain, Oth Line, Morris Township,will be re-
ceived by the undersigned up to 2p.m• en
Monday, March 18th. The lowest or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted.
Morris Township Clerk.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of John
Dunbar, late of the township of
Grey, io the County of Huron,
Farmer, deceased.
Notice la hereby given pursuant to the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, Section
58, that all creditors and others haring claims
agatnet the estate of the ,,aid. John Dunbar
who died on or about the •erdt day of
March, A. D. 1918, are hereby required on
or before the Tenth day of .April A. D.
1916 to send by post' prepaid or deliver to Eliza,
D. Ethel P.
the heir Christian
of the asthma,
at Ethel P. O•, their tions, la, and surnames,
addresses and descriptions, the full particulars
of thele claims,. the statement offtheir no-
eounte and the nature of the securities if any
held by them.
.And further take notice that after ll loot
mentioned date, the Admintetrntrla will pro -
need to distribute the assets of the said de-
ceased amongst the partied entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of whish I
shall then have had notice and I will not bo
liable for the said assets or any part thereof to
any person or receive of whose claim I shall
not then have received notice at the time of
such distribution.
Dated this 8th day of march, A. D. 1910.
80-8 Administratrix of estate Johp Dunbar.
•o•• •34a44t4.ia.0000aiga040'
Build u • •
1 DLII 116111r1 Z
Palatable l a aable
Cod Liver f
S,- Here are some Important
__ Questions':
Are youcolds rundown? and weak ? e
Are you subject to coughs and
Are you gaining strength too y
• slowly after grip, pneumou- •
• is or any other serious ill-
• nese ? 49
Z If so it shows yon are in need of •
,Y soone reliable builder and
• •
•is.the article you need. IL is
• very pleasant to take-eontaine o
• the Hypophospbites of Lime and 4
= Soda and also Extract of Malt. •
• We are having a big sale of this
Z article with the most gratifying
Zresults. Our personal guarantee A
is behind every bottle we sell. o
g Perfect satisrefundfactied.on or money g
O 0
it Put rap in two sizes --50c & $1.00 4
• -A'1'-
iF1.'X'S: 0
The Penslar store
Farm for Sale
Being N'.f Lot 12, Con. 0Morris Township,
containing -1100 acres. Good frame house, bank
barn, well, &e. 8 nares hardwood bush. harm
is seeded down excepting 25 nares and the lat-
ter plowed. Close to school and church and 5
mile4 to Brussels. Possession at once. For
further particulars a-, to price, terms, &a.,ap-
plyen the premishu o 9BBss
T. a0,
PP. O.
Valuable farm for Sale
The Executors of the estate of the late John
Musgrove offer for Bole Lot No. 9, Oon. 4, in
the Township of Tnrnberry. Th le farm con-
sists of 100 sores of good land In n high atute of
cultivation, being well fancied, nuderdrained
and free from stones and noxious weeds, there
are on the ppremises n modem; brick bowie with
kitchen and wood shhed,. a good bank barn with
stabling underneath, astraw and driving shed,
hog pen Imp'aneet house, drilled well and
windmill. This is a eholce farm. Immediate
Possession. For particulars apply to -
ROBT. MUSGROVE, Binevnle, or
A. H. MUSGROVE, Wln hum.
P. S. -The adjoining 00 aures ownoo1 by Mr.
Robt. Musgrove is also for sale. 81-8
Abstract of Accounts
-01? TUE-
Cash on land
Coo.ub account levied
Consolidated loan levied
School a000unt levied
Gov. grant $71.00; Tpp. of Morris
Tp of Grey $10.00
School loan levied 890 5O
Twp, Morris $4 27; Twp, Grey $1,80 ..,0 17
Local Improvement aa,. levied 1555 00
Sinking fund account levied. ., 9187 92
Brussels, Morris & Grey 'Phones 16280 86
Brnassls rates , . 1296 04
J. T. Wood.... - 815 17
Jahn street sewer - 8003 00
Turnborry street seWer 20112 85
Current loans 10650 00
Reoident taxes 2018,89
Dog tax ., 8400
Licenses 127 80
Fines 20 00
Rents 448 00
Miscellaneous- 61 81
$ 840 ea Count Treasurer $ 18224103701
008 12
1012 90. Canaolldated loan 10000s
1600 90 t
School account 8142.00
2999 89 School loot 90b 57
$88.48; Local Improvement 777 80
125 98 Gurranb loalfe 10250 00
Turnborry rollsewer 40'00
Jolut street rawer 200 00
Phones-Bruoeelo, Mord; & Gray 18120 42
Garside & James 828 76
Tou'sbarry street South. Pavement 8201 25
Turnborry street North rood 3028 d';
Salaried 881 40
Interest 425 4?
Printing and •postage 75 72
Low' costs 100 94
Roads and bridges
1100 80
Charity 80 00
Firs p,•obentlsn 60 60
Town HAIL old $ogles 101 42
Street 11ghta rd 071 O6.
Library Board 186 c0
British Red Coots ng
500 00
Miscellaneous 617 41
Cash on band 081104
$49050 88 $49080 88
County amount
Consolidated loan
School account
Rohool loon
T.00al g trend ement „ 10980 64
8lokh,{{,,+fund ., .., . ...
Brnooels, Morris &grey'Phone Sya.,,, 6782 24
$17966 62
$ 28 90 Brussels, Morris & Grey 'Phone Sys,..;$ 760 00
888 00 Fiehleigh Street Drain 1846:45
11 88 Tm'nborryat. South paveinont 8201 26
887 50 Local a000unt - 9687 70
852 22 Cash on hand 8311 04
,$17065 68
Gash on hand $--8s1 04
Uneolloeted tare,- nor' 10
6 per cent additional 80 26
Hull rent, Morrill end Or , 9 00
Brussels, Morrie & Grey 'Phone deb,05206 18
Local Industry . 8170.80
Tur)harry street Routh pavement 020 26
Fiohlelgh street. sewer 1245 40
Two. et memo echoer account ..... ,42 27
Town Hall 2000 00
Mortgekes on real eelato
10840 08
Muntolpnl debentures....., _.. .,,...,6112 08
Bund instruments and Scales 400 OD
Piro Deportment ...,...,. 4000 00
Pnhlfc School ..0000 00
Town boll 860.00
Foundry 1600 00
$83240 01.
ftone011dated Lon, ,$22200:00
Pnl11e School .. 7500 00
Local lmpprnvaneats 012880
Gorski° arc Jamas 119810
Rrnepele, Morris & Grey 'Pben.e deb,8808812
Balance 7001.08
3511140 52
We, the Anditore of the Village of Brn,eeln &Alteration for tint year 101e, freebie examined
allthe venetian, and soabnints of the 'Immerse, beim to reportthe shine entreat a, ter tore•
going statement and find: ifi the Standard Bank cud Bottle of Nova geotln, gash en ltand 8801104.
�y N. Mnr,Al1EN, s;Auditora,