HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-9, Page 2es o . very one o'e signs wet ve ma a my pi e, and i o say t t► /,
know about 's gone --all the boxes, the myself, I'm one o' the rich, influential ' Rich Yet Delicate
e t „
Lao along with 'elm He's got what (To be Continued.)<
he wants, an' until we nail him we'll , -._, e....,-
ear no more from him',
k d " th T' d t 1 'f (d t "LUCKY LAPABTCN"' Not ting, Miss Fox's tattoo-mark—ansten othe lower peninsular He Has Lost aMan In Transport,
in9 Troops
h Admiral Sir IdedworthMeux, who
has been °omnlandal'•ln•cMei' at Ports.
mouth sineo 1913, and on whose shout ryo• d.•<;, « i P,:
� tiers has rested the main responsibility
for theafct,anspoitoYouttion1s
1 � n 1 h ;Uamtel••-•one of
acress the 11 1 <
enable 1 TS Ca complete , to take
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to l e and
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•.,.b... : i • Cl Ye Un tH f
most 1 1 iiC m
t m s conning la t he t
ori t 1 •:, 9 :a ::q ..
h t a & trade v' 1
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thin null s been a
tl t Y
�.. a §a � ".,, '.; rti'. t.. •:. ''1`•,,,.
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7 t 17" chiefly CC t UY the
Latibo on a o
,- ... .. • . •� .� .,-_ , ��. f..n:. � . Eli®�,
feet that, as ,Sit'L'ledtv4,1'fa: LRInbt017;
Ito inherited &20,000 per annum under
#JI': 9 blended from. selected hill-grown!_Llle will Of the lata Lady Mux whose
N name he subsequently took.
rr E eaa ame I or their 1ne a�c��4 $31i % Luck, of coigne, 'plays a part. In
every man's life, but whatever fortune
qualities. c »
z ^'� � 'fit~ equalled. Sli' lledtvortii owes to' the fickle €;ti,i,
doss, this naval . and military suceese
r Mei-flout pew.-
pa, u is duo solely to his own bi Ari I
ars. lalering the navy as a boy of
14 in 11170, he had his feet trate of war•
in the bombardment of Alexandria. He
• is probably best known to the inau In
the street, however, by the manner in
which be handled the Naval Brigade
in the South African iVatt
With Sir Percy Scott, who has been
.et busy looking after London's defences
' " against air raids be landed a bri ode
h h h t plot
- "�- •r ::.,rri>�}„ a;„';,,,.� ,-•;; from the ship, and took the navai
guns to Ladysmith, arriving al eles'p.n
now to Protect Milk. tained froma S or o'clock on a Monday ruorning. 3t
deity supply liou e
CHAPTER XXVIL (Cont'd). and rte all tt eat at grace Into my l i i
„ ( ) and his subequent avoidance of the ' f D. B. Biters, n the.dairy depart- institution. The most important point noon Lanibt.on Irad his gens in p0sf-
If you. can't sae it, thank God 1 1 d 1 meat of the Pennsylvania State Col- is to make sure that it is redly euro, tion and ordered the first gun to be
can: If you were destined to live in A pleased glow went through mo , , lege, in out -lining some of the essen- culture, of lactic -acid. producingbac-,: fired at Long Tom. It went wide,
accomplished, though the charge could J � but tatted a Tioer or two, Lanwide,
obscurity the rest of your days, it when she drew her old thou to my ttals for the production of clean milk, feria, and no other, •
Y side of the desk and seated herself not be certa
ly fastened rpm} its em hasizes the necassit of feedin Agood milk starter when ready for
put his telescope to' his eye, and or.
would not matter much. But you are p y g derod another shot to bo firod, and
not going, to Ifve in obscurity. Al- y y palatable and nutritious feeds which use should be softly coagulated, not a tually saw the -famous Boer gun
ready, youngas pendency rushed back again. The "tire one tgho promised to respond to, are free from mold or decayor any too firm,and when stirred should ape dismounted with a well -directed I'd-
you are, your na n,•
act was an unconscious a cession of third-degree treatment•—it was learn- '., + other defects which mi ht injure the p ' ly
is being.mentioned for a place on; ed that from the outset Steve matched j. .rn n �, g 1 pear .smooth and even; not shiny, i elite shell.
the bench. , our changed relations; a token thatsass_ m , .. _ <_„_.,: health of the cote or.impaix the qual- curdy or watery.
"So'the old happy comradeship was no his conning against Lao's -fated to Stones Take Place of ity of the milk.. i Apropos of the Boer War, Sir fled. clear'Boy, try to realize this—; double-cross' him,to roto Struber.In ordinary' farm butter -making : worth tells a good story: "Au order
more,and that there was nothingq -roots and plants, you can neve) raise the daughter of Steve's checkered career in China had •• Copper Clock Weights P • such as rape, cab- the cream is separated from the milk was issuer; that all men of the High -
Steve Willens up to your level, but she else to take' its place save emptiness, bage, turnips and other feeds with as soon as possible after. milking. It land regiments most cover up their
can hold you down to hers. A wife, loneliness and heart -hunger. given hint a. facility in the use of the The shortage of copper throughout strong odors. These should be offered is then cooled to 65 de•grees and - a uniforms, as it was thought they
with a stain upon her name is al Much to my relief, Struber shaved language and an acquaintance with the Getman l mpue is marked to such after • milking, and the portions not pure culture starter added at the rate made too obvious targets for the foe,
no inclination to crow over the sic- habits and 'customs that enabled him a degree, that not only have the cop- oaten removed from the stable at. of 6 to 12 per cent. The Sir George White, who he•
worse affliction for a successful man :' to mislead and circumvent the whitecooking p least three hours before milkin .Cows The best flavored butter fs that o -
than acancer:' ) cossful outcome of the affair, es I per utensils (the ride of the§g lihe late the order would prove popular,
I was in despair. Pleadings, had expected he would for, from his police, if not the race whose outward thrifty German liousgtrau), been that are allowed to graze in fields diced when a small roportion sof had an )den. 'Let them; ho said `eaves
aspects he assumed as a disguise. converted into food for rifle and m, P heir uniforms. Tee an•
the front of t
standpoint, it was successful. His gt several hours before milking time. starter is used and when the cream is clay will never see the other side!' ”
threats, tenderness, sternness,alike, face remained fixed in a contented Even with the advantages pointed but even the anoiont clocks with Man ob• actions have been raised allowed to ripen as slowly as it would
left her unmoved. The lances of m out,however, he could not have fared heavyin the past to the feeding of silage, under natural conditions. Unlflte the s geo majority of sailors, Sir
most eloquent pointed arguments' grin, but he seemed satisfied with a Pendulums of copes have been fledwarth is as good a loan at rid3ag
shattered against the armour f het huslty reminder to me: "I told yuh tai•, of course, without material as- made to add to the war contributions. but these complaints are diminishing The use of a starter produces uni- a Burse as he is at riding Lha seas. :le
resolve; it remained fixed, solid, stub t0 keep Sour eye on your 'Uncle Hei- liven himnce nd support,of the numerous
clockse picture shows some quaint old each year. Silage does not impart un- formity •in flavor of butter pro- Is fond of all sports, but his greatest ” ° -
born, a huge impregnable reality, nie. Didn't I fill on the draw? , Well by i s in the Black Forest. The coP- palatable flavor to milk as many have duced from one churning and another. passion is hunting. He has won many
like a mountain of granite. And all I should worry!" , secret societies, or tongs, that infest per weights 01 the pendulums have contended. The presence of such in The general standard of quality of races on his own ponies at Malta,
the while her splendid eyes were gloat -1 Strang's bright little eyes watched all our Chinese communities. There been removed and stones have been the milk cony be due to poor grade of the butter is higher and its keeping Ona of tine eight brothers of rho
Lois intently, but his curiosity was
was at least one of these—Lha Hop substituted for them. I shags, improper feeding or the ab- y
fled with a light of love. She made not rude, and he was careful to avert Sings—that was not wholly amenable __- sorption of the odor from the stable trouble often experienced in b ringing Ya allied Durham,
the great ducal houseno of
mam£estpt anto conceal ve coquetries
toor did resortsto'his gaze whenever she glanced in his to Lads ity. They ware per• Pedigreed Seott and Plants )'est I ail•. A reasonable amount of a good cream to a state fit for churning is Abereorn and Bussell, the late ('aur<t-
those instinctive co retries and bar- I direction, He and the detective were hAps the most desperate and murder- quality of silage should be removed largely overcome:' ass of Durham having been a daughter
ass, but so fthe repulse the matingwhispering together while she was everous gang of highbinders that have Pedigreed stock hosst longl been re -before Lha next milkine andg so that the g y of the first Duke of Abercora familiar-
But the light was toned and seating herself, and I wondered at played• a part in fomenting muchzstresss has been laid onlbreed-
r ed- stable air will not impart the odor to a ly known as "Old Splendid," and Ludy
softened by an expression of sadness the curious expression with which his trouble in Pacific Coast Chinatowns. tit stock from of known the milk,. Nothing for An Answer. Louisa, hie duchess, daughter of the
and renunciation that wrenched my, fierce eyes regarded her. , It was parculiarly fitting that these g parentsThe cow should have access to a sixth Dulte of Bedford. Sir 1Todworih
heart until I could have cried aloud Struber abruptly swung round and thugs should have furnished Steve qualities. Strict breading of seeds and clean supply of salt, and as much Teacher—Wait a moment, Tommy. marriod in 1910 Viscountess Chelsea.
fired a question at me. with an asylum anti lent him their Plants will produce like results, if the fresh, pure water as she will drink What do you understand by the word e•
with the pain of it. It was a positive, "Say, aid, work is consistently followed. "In should tt deficit?
harrowing torture to have this when you were in the auto; Here now arises a detail that hadevery small fruit plantation Provided. Under ordinary) Tommy It's what you've got when RATS A COSTLY PEST.
e Poor -orchard conditions a cow will drink three times
less love revealed, and at the moment : with 'al'', didn't your scrap with , and vegetable or flower cru there you haven'tgot as much as if --
Chinks end mightysudden?" ;done much to add to our mystification; g B as much water as she gives milk, i. e. + , you Millions of Dollars Worth of Damage
of see t torn awayfrom
arrivedon stand helplessly by and "Why, yes," I replier;; "about as that had presented the most baffling are many plants that produce but lit- if she gives 30 pounds of milk, she will just hada t nothin . on French Battlefront.
In the and we arrived at a sort of 'suddenly as it began*" obstacles to finding a motive. Lois tie, while there are others that are require 90 pounds of water per day.
"How many were there?" . and I were not alone the targete of heavy yielders. The percentage f Water is essential, not only for milk Sense of Companionship, Rat tails are not worth one cent
compromise—a poor sort in compar- "To the best of my belief, four. Pm Lao's conspiracy and the stratagems 'non -Producers is far greater than the Production, but also for food diger "He is never alone who is aac°m- each on one part of the French battle-
ison with her unalterable decision: not sure." I growing ,out of it; Steve's attempt to unobservant person realizes. Still tion. In cold weather the chill should ponied by noble thoughts.,, front. The general commanding In
she agreed to waft and hear 8trang's get the •best of Lao made us also his such plants are there only too con- be removed from water offered to the "Or by a bank book calling fora that section has ordered: "With the
"Not countih, the one under the
story. „; carpet. Uh-huh, I see. Now then, victims, so thus we stood between two spicuously ff one tabes the trouble to cows, substantial amount " object of interesting the men in the
By the time you found my letter, fires. But in the end Lao found re_ observe them. destruction of rodents a premium of
she told me, es had hoped to be on where's the ring?" The time is rapidly comingwhen! —
away i Not since the episode at the ivory venge for the outlaw's ingratitude; P Y i The 'Starter" in Butter making. fie centimes shall be paid for each
the train, miles from Los An -.booth had I once thought of it. My Ito planned, with the aid of his allies all nursery stock and send stock will t In spite of dairymen's conventions rat destroyed. The shall be
geles. But since you have balked my gaze fall mechanical) tohands., among the Hop Sings, the robbery be propagated from' known parent and free literature on the subject 01 paid every ten days, on premiumpresentationbit
object the way I had planned ft, 1 ring gone. ymy of rnysafe, and Steve's greed led him age. The plants and sends will be as butter -making( the teim "starter" ar of the tails f the destroyed animals.
suppose a few hours or less will make The was fine; bred as the finest animals.
no particular difference." i Stili grinning, squinting at me be -'blindly into the ilei. Y even the "ripening" of cream fs en 'Vaseline Tho rats bearing vermin susceptible of
Tn this connection, it had been mem- There are a few nurserymen who s acedia disease must not be handled.
« ttveen half closed Lida, Struber nod-' tirely nett' :to many matters of dairy P g
Then why should days, or weeks, ded his head in a satisfied wa hers of the Hop Sings that helped realize 'this, aid they are offering
or months, or years rnaka any paint-, Y• batter. but immediately buried, and the tails
color difference either?" I stormed' "We found four dead Chinks scat- Steve burglarize my office; it had pedigreed plants and seeds, bat the. To understand exactly what a start_ tr.aa done up in a paper impregnated with
ithout taxed round over San Felipe; ever been Hop Sing confederates of his great majority of nurserymen and er is it is necessar to know some- tar or petroleum" The order was
rhyme oryreason.You are f. "you argue rsimply blamed one had the death mark print- that burglarized Straug's room; but seedsmen are 100 busy making sales g y } �.j not obeyed in all its details. The new
thin of the action of bacteria in milk, not beside
stubborn—contumacious— ed somewheres on his mug, an' they Lao and his tools had been respons- t0 bother ur with such matters. sales
the production of flavors, and the for -
of trimming women's gar -
you dear omanl" I ended e vrith were the deadest bunch o' Chinks I able for my enforced automobile riche, nom° shouldSeot failk to Spring
loca locatethesemotion of lactic acid. It is the lactic menta with fur has created en outlet
,+ the ransacking of myroom,the thefct for rats fur, and the rat -hunting r sol-
a groan. ever saw. gacid bacteria that causes sweet, fresh 6
As evidence of my changed mental °f the ivory box from my desk, and 'progressive dealers and place apo)- cream to assume a sour, acid taste, diets sell the skins to the sutlers be-
Hez response was a smile, a smile'ull
state, I may set down that the sign;- 'for Mrs. Fox's death and the theft tion of their orders •with then), not which is commonly associated with For chapped hands and lips hind the front.
that was maddening. It was so ten- of her box. The HopSings, it must alone to show confidence fn well-bred om and all irritations of the skin. Rats have destroyed millions o4
, der and intimate and affectionate) glows ofe f exaltation on throughber's words lime t a din ire understood, wanted, only the die- stock, but to insure productive plant-
ipenI this d cre ncreamu s churned
ded b All the virtues of "Vaseline" francs worth of provisions sent to the
yet, as far as results went, my woo -mond, while Lao WingFu was ani- int y Camphor Ice, in the form of a soldiers by their friends and rola-
wewas as certainly rejected as if I stead of the shuddering horror S; _ I the majority of people to that which cream.
were the most objectionable creature would have felt had the incident oe- mater!, first, by a desire for the ring • is churned from sweet cream. fives at home. An officer at the front
alive, ] cursed a few days earlier, and everything bearing the ideograph,' Value of Roots in the Ration. � The flavor of butter 'depends al-
aleatcltcmistesatxlgeneral recently wrote his wife that it would
r ! "My chief regret is," I savagely told the stone being only of secondary fm-' The groat value f roots for milk most entirely on the presence of theeverywhere, in clean, be useless for her to send hint any
"Come, Mrs. Ferris,"she said with "that t01taie0. As shall appear resent] cows even in combination with corn handy tin tubes, �teluseSub• mare provisions, as it Was im o sible
an attempt at lightness, "Let's be him, T didn't get a fore more— I l P presently, right kind of fermentation or bee- stitutes• p
agreeable while we may. I must eon-
Lao Wing Fu particularly." he was also impelled by still a third ensilage, was demonstrated at Mac- teria in the cream; therefore, the to preserve them from the rats, and
fess to having a very slight curiosity! Strang interposed: motive. donald College, Quebec. When one- acientidts have developed a "starter" Booklet mailed free onrequeat. in no case had he any more than A
you knew everything, you, Among this state of affairs Steve fourth the ensilage ration was re -composed of a growth of the right y single lunch out of all the eatables
this morning in Mr. Strang and what "If had to move warily,for amort the Placed by Coote, the torusgained in ce w,a «u 3 sent t° him. A mathematician has
he may reveal,or anyof the rest of
woudn't feel so sore against Lan.g hind •of acid -producing bacteria, with ti > °"t"}'
it. Its importance las shrunk to Don't forget that after all lie's a Hop Sings were many who were al- mills yield five per cent. When one- which to ripen cream. If each a ter; -S'" i ei';j calculatedthata ylar's progeny of a
nothingin my mind. It is solei for Chinaman.' so allied with Lao's still more power- half the ensilage ration was replaced starter is used instead of allowing the
sing pairo rats may catty amount
y "I shan't"returned I glumly. "Mayfol tong; and in was wily in those by roots, the gain in milk was eight cream to ripen naturally, there is n CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. to more than one hunched and twenty -
your sake that I am consenting to . the g few individuals whom Steve couldper- Per cent ; but when 76 per cent. of reasonable certaint (Consolidated)
two millions, which he holds le proof
stay." good Lord deliver me from any y of a desireblo lasq chnbot Are. Montreal }
similar affliction in the future." sonally interest anti inspire •through the ensilage ration was replaced by flavor in the butter, that only wholesale poisoning or sof-
Iters was a small enough conces-"Well," Struber went on "they'd motives 01 greed or fear that he roots the milk yield fell oft' three per A pure culture st iter can be ob- location can cope with the past
stun} but I was grasping at straws, Y d
and a spark of hope sprang in my hos- a -got you or Barry if you hadn't a -got could 'impose any measure of con -1 rent, All of which goes 'to show the Thousands of them were picked up
om that something might happen to them first, Yult know the kind,' fidence. great value of roots in the milk za- ---- diad in the first Iine ofwere
the trenches
soften her unyielding attitude. 0' cannon a Chink generally packs -1 , To account for the foregoing con tion, and that the dairyman who pro- „� after one of the German gas attacks.
big enough tq hunt elephants with. ditions and to explain adequately all vides his cows with both roots and en- 00(AX rli MA ••"Y IOWOMOO a't 0 0 �O0s Another statistician hats figured
We went out to breakfast together. They all had at least one apicee en' the- circumstances growing out of silage is doing the very best, 0 _ — et:, �� en -
out that it costs a centime and a half
She was uniformly gentle and kind enough wire -edged butcher -knives them, it is now necessary to tape up At the Macdonald College, sitn)atecl day to nourish a rat, and cense-
and sweet -tem eyed as if she were re--- --=.�"�,`
p ' among 'em to 1311 a morgue. The guythe narrative of James Strang, other- near Montreal, the; can grow 30 to 36 ,—••— Ei]-l�o 15,44: (silently figures their depredation oe
solved that nothing I might say or , wise Samuel tiVillets, and consider it tans of snots per acre, while the yield Y l �.� y-
d'o would be allowed to offend or dis- on the floor o'the auto that Perlin that basis to amount to forty-four mil-
her, But we had little enough slugged—that Chitik was there to fix as briefly as possible, simply elucidat- o enoa>ihzs t2 eals of experience 15 al pix feed -
+ ®� lion dollars a year in francs alone.
to say to each other. The situation you—must a -come to an' grabbed the inre such details as have not already m y Yl d I T _
ring. Mebbe it slipped of your: been.made eleaz. { ' g, that roots are slightly more value ?'������������Lt
was become too monstrously serious ,t , I T � 1VAIi BOOMS U.S. TOWNS.
fin en I I d ztevsr thought o' Stere trying able, tot for ton, than'ensfiage, and .....•"'-''....-- �,
for speech, or even for lucid thought,as the, cangrow more than twice the c t—W
I got up and went over to where to murder me,"Strang met this be- Y {�4 J fY /'� j War orders Have Brought Big Popu-
hef with eyes that glower; under their weight f roots per acre than corn, r r , �////!/rrr,t .•,,,
my light overcoat hung. lotion Increases.
CHAPTER XXVIII, "The box too," I informed him, feel- thatch of brows, "but I guess you're the College authorities strongly urge py
Strang and Struber were waiting ing the pockets. "It's gone," not far wrong, Pact o' the matte)' is, the growing of roots, not instead of i Ja e Paint
The following table shows linty
e t the Wee when Lois and I got back, "Do yuh get what that means?" he back in them days neither had a corm, but in preference t° corn, or bet-
et Does FC c�1 Interfere? cities in the United States have
shade on the other for wildness and ter still, in combination with corn en- graven, white Bite respectable towns
downright deviltry. We both had cle-' siltrge•-`rar and Dairy. - 1 There is a remedy have sprung' into existence through
Arero tEfalt oteuaALllal QUESTIONS
r , mai cawar,,1 cqn doatfan head che`dizzineneeerapturd' with
vil'a tempers, too, an' it was a COYtt-' 7' - j ,, �}f the war boom:—
�ogdBealth7 Do soa itnoa that aood dlaeetlen of YudFdesttou. Mother Beianl'a Syn,D, the erns!. mon thing for us to whale each other , To Cheap. 'w Eit,.:?` f +"` City. Before war. Notv.
al the famndanoa of tool ii hilt Paine aur) o herbal remedy and tone will cure you. - and afterwards make up: ( 9 A Bridgeport, Conti: . , . (00,000 140,000
"No,sir, g trying i - Sloan's Hopewell, Va. 0 18,006
murder ine that made me light It g p( Penn's Grove, N.J2,000 fi,00b
The Doctor—Madam, you must r
take mor exercise, I should advise
Malkin every day.
was this way. My father was a renter) Mrs, Newlyriche—Walking? My. -es":.,.. s ° s City Point, Va. 200 6,000
on a tract: o' poor land among. the, clear doctor, you must be accustomed r :::! L.inirnent �t ,: Du Point City, Va0 3,000
San Pedro hills, when' ranching wasn't to attending poor people. Carrtcy's Point, N,J,. , () 8,500
whAt it is nowadays round about Los O f •:,;, Petersburg, Va.. , 25,000 32,009
's Road ilii, unsolicited grateful
{ x
Angeles. There where he raised tt Wilmington, Dal; ,., 87,411 110,000
Bit family. Steve an' I'd just about As a rule the mail who only half testimony—
Detroit, Mich. 000,000 082,006•
teethed fryin'-size when we both fell tries fails absolutely.
Not long ado my ]cit knee be. Jc0 ' Bethlehem, Pa. 12,837 10,200
i felint, Ttiieh. 33 650 i7 606
in lava with a pretty Mexican girl." ^^^ " came lame and sort: It pained , ,
He paused and chuckled reminiscently How extremes meet—"What I mean me many restless nights. So sc. 1• iI
Gq �S "Gosh! I've even forgot her name. by an upright man," lie said, "is a Si mous dict it become that I was Fortunes of )Var.
» 0 forced l0 consider ivitt u
Far coughs, coitus and 1ptaten,nar, and at the prat synth• Put at, the time T thought the earl o` downright honest roan, g fi P my work when I chanced to think of First Recruit—What do you think
til remedy, nowttAemot c gime
dnIn small
i that wended, the World ;tad come, so 1 up and lit SiOnn's LinimtOL Let me bay— k^ � Of the major Bill?
out, aiming to keep on going the' Salesman, --Now : is your time, 1 N1 d SroxtN s bx;9TaiiKaSsta ooiur>;ovxn fast 0' m days. Byan' byI drifted . have a motor that will climb the big- }},,,�� lone .111511 orre bottle fixed are up.
tOtL9 Ph1N N Second Recruit; -.'H's. a changeable
gold by any druggist, harnoss dealer, or delivered by V y g " „ 1�l Chas. C t tntl,Ut11, "row, Jl,p,. kind, o bloke. Last night, 1 says to
ryb Q to China, hilt for the past six years -g est hill on,earth. Customer•: --'That
8Po3X8t maaatoa It oo., or so I've stut:lt pretty cloth to Jahore is no wonder—the Iasi I bought from t ciru„<t :� tin, 00 goes there?' ' An, h° sayiui
`'.. r•.%2: - . ,, M%********X********ZIe. •v ..tit= -^t'-«• 'TeriCndl' alp' t0 -flay �n 'artily luso to
iT$aihYs#if and baotekloiapfwtsr t•loanteu, rad', rP';9.Er Bohm and the.. ,Straits Settlements, you tried to ailmb a tree. lee "••-•lyU7lClt<
We desire to advise our customers that although
d a ver large l0 1 ,a`
a, , h i g ss n tat t d s (Feby.
web to }
y Y Y
have sufficient )c
we h s n and stacks stored5,1aur nre-
2e e a s w
20th) fir
house at' isranali and othot• nttleto a I in the
us to till orders • m e
care ofe coming se s ra a commenced ship -
p p-
ping )1lonlay, 21st, at noon and orders will be'hanciled
in our usual prompt manner.
A-11 our branches have been supplied with their
seaeon's requirements,
.. <„ ^Y4 .al i• r , ..v;t-.v34 w, i . Ghtis H^n.t,rv�oo• OV!AeM4a0• War
{ It might as well be • set down here
that'Lao Wing Fu never was "nailed,"
oda onceagainn. o
n only dicta f u
ever hear from Min, and then only'
indirectly, a described it post -1
t e lY, s ted t a
script to the following chapter. The
ease with which he evaded the police,1
it is also worth recording, afforded a'
significant commentary an the scope'
of i and in ue ce.
hspowerfl n
Each added development threw ii
freshside-light upon this extiaordin-
aw ary Chinaman's iesoui cefulhtess, cun-
ning and genius for trickery. It was.
,-,,vu� simply liy a process of deduction from
T:'.,,,, what was certainly known, by filling
fie in the facts at hand with what was
The Green Seal obviously required to make a perfect
Green gr whole, that we were able to arrive at'
some of conclusions. Our earlier by-!
potheses, it will bo seen, were in the
main correct, failing psineipaliy in a'
Author of "The Silver Bltide," "The Paternoster Ruby/' Tack of detail.
"The Time Lock,". etc. For example, it must have beets''
through the instrumentality of a p o
t1'.?' hatched by Lao WIng Pue that Steve
- Willets's escape from San Quentin
vate room.
police were so successfully ani easily
close h 'me, But at once m des- author. From our Chinese prisoner;
Clean and Full of Aroma.
�.� ,o 4
( ?;
i `
�r' 1 IR►rg
t ill Dtnaa,ate, er direct 00 Tete IA ofrice, Sec nod 11 es This tar&g bort a cone int three these, a
,ouch as the amalie, A.1, Warta : &C.0. LW irao C aid Street West Montreal,
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