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War Pictures
These are large sized pictures in brown
coler'ipgs of interesting even's in the
War, and more particularly` where Can
edam; have taken part, They nre very
Suitable for framing, Your choice of
these free with every Marchese of Rexall
Goods amounting to a5c or over,
Some Popular Rexall Articles
Rexall Grippe Pills 2Se
Rexall Cold Tablets 250
Cberry Barh Cough Syrup 25 & 5oc
Yucca relearn Powder 250
Mentboline Balm 25c
Rexall Tooth Paste 250
Harmony Glycerine Soap 2 cakes 25c
Rexall Shampoo Paste 250
Give Them a Trial.
out' -door days are doubly pleasant
when you Kodak,
All Out -doors Invites
Your Kodak
Before yon accept the invitation
we invite you to inspect our stock
of all that's best in Kodaks and
Bringycur Films in to be Devel-
oped and Printed and be assured
of good )results.
Everything for Photography
Post Cards of the Soldiers Training
here -a Views-gc each.
?heP Store F. H R. T H
Total bebas Items
Roos are $g.15.
DAYS are stretching out.
AUCTION Sales are lively.'
SUNDAY was a very bluffy day,
MILLINERY Openings Dome next,
THE POST telephones are Nos. 31 and
Court =L meeting next Monday even-
Horse Fair Thursday of
this week.
HAY c you paid your subscription to
THE Pohl vet 7
MUMPS are the latest thing on the pro-
gram in this locality.
A. O. U. W.:LODGE meeting Saturday
evening of this week.
SNOW -SHOEING is indulged in by a
number of young people,
BIG Band Concert on Brussels rink
next Monday night. Don't miss it.
How LONG 1 -If all the young men
were as patriotic as you how long would
it take to round up 2200 men for Huron
Battalion ?
NEXT Tuesday evening will be the
regular monthly business meeting of
Brussels Red Cross Society, in the
Board Room of the Public Library.
their plant in shape for grinding lime-
stone in canflection with providing a
modern fertilizer. The best agricultural
authorities say they are on the right line.
AN assembly is on the program at
Brussels Town Hall Friday evening of
this week for which a large number of
invitations have been issued. Cortese
Bros. Orchestra, London, supply the
CARD OF THANKS. -We wishto thank
our neighbors and friends for their much
appreciated kindnesses shown us during
the illness and subsequent death of our
loved one. Yours Sincerely,
Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church
purpose holding a sale of home made
baking' Friday, March 3rd, at the
home of Mrs. J. Cunningham, Turn -
berry street, from 3 to 5 o'clock. A cup
of tea will also be served.
IN writing from Milestone, Sask„
Mrs. Garf. Long says :-"We have bad
a very bard Winter witb much scow.
Last week, however, has been. like
Spring so we get out as much as possible
after being penned in with the cold."
Mrs. Long's maiden name was Miss
Alice Thomson, formerly of Brussels.
50TH ANNIVERSARY.- The Listowel
Banner is celebrating its Golden Anuiv-
sary, it being 5o years old on February
x5th, 1g16. It has filled a field of use-
fulness in its career and was never bet-
ter managed than atpresentunder C V.
Blatchford. THE POST wishes it con-
tinued prosperity in its missiou to ele-
vate and bless the community
Dian IN THE HOSPITAL. -1 he sad news
was received last week by Miss Crump,
Brussels, of the death of her brother,
Driver Alfred Walker Crump, who pass-
ed away on February 17th, of rheu•
matism of the heart, at Moore Barracks
hospital, Shorncliffe Camp, England,
aged 26 years. He enlisted at Ottawa
with the Canadian Engineers and went
to England in July. Miss Crump has
another brother, Henry, in France, with
Kitehener's Royal Rifle Corps, in the
Signal section. He has been wounded
once but is still on duty.
THE funeral of the late Mrs. Ben.
Walker took place Thursday afternoon
of last week, a suitable service being
conducted by Rev. R. E. Page, assisted
by Rev. A. 1, Mann. Pallbearers were:
-Fred, Heater, R, J. McLauchlin, Jos,
Nicholson, Harry Arnett, Walter Wil-
liamson and Wm, Little. Among
friends from a distance were Miss Jem-
ima Blrt, Harriston ; Mrs. Wm. Wil-
liamson, Wingham ; Geo, Barber, Tor,
onto : Thos, and Mrs. Ainlev, Listowel;
and John and Mrs, Walker, Seaforth.
rity of 4000 over both rivals, on a total
vote by far the largest ever registered in
Vancouver, M. A. MacDonald, a leader
of the Liberal party, on Saturday won
ie the Vancouver bye -election. He de-
feated Hon. Charles E. Tisdale, tbe new
Minister of Public Works in the new
Bowser Government, and elan lett Tay-
lor, au independent candidate, at the
foot of the list. That the interest was
keen is shown by the fact that more than
x5000 votes were polled, 5o pet cent 10
excess of the total vote in any previous
election. Two bye•eleotions were held
on Saturday. The second was. in Roes-
land, where, by the narrow majority of
q, the official candidate, Hon, Lorne
Campbell, Minister of MineS, managed
to nose the Liberal, Mayor Wilson,
THE PoST extends heartiest congratula-
tions to Mr, MacDonald, He is an old
Huron Co. boy, studying les in Garrow
& Zsroudfoot's office, Goderich. Mao,
is a brother to Barrister A, B. Mac.
Donald, who had en office in Brussels
for several years, We expect the new
M. P. P. will yet fill the Premier's chair
n3 he is a clever young man,
GooD Friday April dist.
SEND us the names of your visitors.
FRIDAY, 17111 Inst., will be St. Pat-
rick's Day.
AUCTION Sale bills printed on short
notice at THE POST.
A SPRING Fair will be held at Blyth
on Friday of next week.
FOURTH Division Court will be held
Wednesday of next week in Brussels.
A. T. CURRIE made a shipment of
Ancona poultry to Edrans, Manitoba,
last week. They were 1st prize winners
at 1Q15 Fall Fair.
A LETTER from D Glassier, Calgary,
written on February 22nd says: -"We
are baying lovely weather here for the
past two weeks. Il is just like Spring.
The first part of the Winter was very
Sean O1 Ts. -American Banner need oats of
good quality for sale at Lot 28, Con. a, Morris,
D. JOnnAN. Phone 6118
Yoax brood sow for sale, due to farrow
March 26th, will be sold reasonable. Taro. G.
FEASSa, Lot 18, Oon. 2, Grey Township.
GAUNTEST mit found. Owner may halm the
same by provingproperty and paying for this
notice. Tile POST.
4 YEAR old mare, general purpose, also Seed
We and Barley for sale, Apply toL. Hoy,
LINGER, B11188418. Shaw farm adjoining vil-
FOVNn.-A gold watch. Owner may have
the same by proving property and paying ex-
penses. A pply to Lot le, Con. 8, Grey town-
ehlp, D. G. Horoa,aeoa.
12 young pigs 5 weeks old for sale, at Lot 8,
Oon. 5, Grey. Jesse WILnaa. Phone 4814.
GROUND BONS - Leave your order with
Beaker Bros, for ground bone, It will help
make your hens lay.
RENTED THE MOGR000R Bann. - Raving
leased the Tom Mor6regor shop I am prepared
to attend to saw gumming and filing, cooper-
age wood work repairs, etc, Give me a call.
Satisfaction assured and moderate prioes.
ApLnsn iiwro to let in the Graham block
lately vacated by the Pryno faintly.
A 0000 house for sale with stable and fruit
trees, Apply at Tna Poen.
1 -o-
HowlCx Mutual Fire Insurance Com.
pany Directors will meet next Tuesday
at Wroxeter.
HEAVY roads for a few days this week
and in some places a very z g-zig course,
with upsets quite a common occurrence.
THE Ripley Express in commenting on
a Recruiting meeting held there recent-
ly says: -"Rev. D Wren, of Brussels,
gave one of the most brilliant patriotic
addresses ever held here "
AT the Red Cross Circle Tea Tuesday
afternoon upwards of $i6 0o were
realized. A tasty tea was served. Next
Tuesday afternoon will be devoted to
work and all the ladies will be welcome
to lend a hand.
GOLDEN WEDDING -There was cele-
brated a Golden Wedding ot a very
unique character in St. Ambrose church,
Brussels, on Feb. sort, wheu Richard
Ryan and his wife renewed their pro-
mises of So years ago. The High Mass
of thanksgiviug was celebrs'ed by Rev.
Father Fallon, who luting ti's course of
his remarks complimented the celebrat-
ing couple for their loyalty in the obser-
vance to the duties of their ebureb and
said it was a tribute to their faith to
come now and offer with the priest the
Holy Sacrifice of the mass to God in
thanksgiving for favors received during
5o years of happy wedded life. Rela-
tives and friends assembled at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Ryan where they par-
took of a very tastily prepared dinner,
which was concluded by many felicita-
tions and toasts tendered to the young
old couple, who seemed to grow young
again and to share in the amusements of
mirth ot their children and grand child-
ren as if they had a foretaste of that
perennial youth reserved for then) bete -
after. Later an address was read by
Rev. Father Fallon on behalf of their
relatives and friends as follows :-Ma
AND MRs. RYAN. -We, your sons and
daughters your newest and dearest rela-
tives and friends, on this pleasant oc-
casion -the 5oth anniversary of your
wedded life -after having united with
the priest in offering to God the Holy
Sacrifice of the mass in thanksgiving for
favors received, temporal and spiritual
during, these fifty years of wedded lite,
have now come to your home amidst
these joyful surroundings like tbe wise
men from the East to give evidence of
our respect, our reverence and our love.
Yes, your humble, retiring anil silent
example and many sterling qualities
have been for us an inspiration to higher
things and today, forgetting time and
duty, we come here to extend to yeti,
the right band of good fellowship,
friendship and love. Although we feel
you are as good as gold, nevertheless we
come to offer you reelold and wish you
to accept this purse as a little toen
ot the esteem, affection and love
in which you are hold by us
Michael Rowland replied on behalf of
Mr, and Mrs. Ryon and thanked the as-
sembly for their expressions of kindness
and in conclusion declared, in his warm
hearted nay, his joy and pleasure at be-
ing present on such an occasion to re.
joice with old time honored neighbors
and friends, A pleasant feature of the
event Was the presence of the former
bridesmaid, Mrs, John Holan, 0t Sea -
forth, also two grandsons in kbeki.
L. HOLLINGER lost anothergood cow
last week from indigestion.
NEXT Monday evening there will be a
grand Baud Concert on Brussels rink,
Fine time, be sure and attend,
OYER 164 loads of stone have been
delivered to the town so far this Winter
for contemplated street improvement
THE 38th annual meeting of the A. O.
U, W. Grand Lodge will convene in the
Temple Building, Toronto, on Wednes-
day, astir Inst„ at g a. m. R, Leather -
dale is the representative' from Brussels
Lodge, No. 138
DoN'T forget the sale of homemade
baking at the home of Mrs, Jno Cur-
ningham, Turuberry street, on Friday
afternoon of this week, under the aus.
pices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Church Tea will also be served,
"MiNISTER'e BRIDE "-'rhe interesting
play, "'rhe Minister's Bride," will be
presented by Brussels Company at Wiu-
throe, next Tuesday evening, and 011
Monday evening, 23th Inst„ at Gorrie.
It is well worth hearing end seeing.
-During the past week Hance H. Mc-
Donald, Bluevale, cheeselnaker; Fred.
C. Seehaver, Molesworth, cheesemaker;
and Wellington Agar, Brussels, born at
Browntown, enlisted with the troth
Battalion at Stratford.
ster demonstration to celebrate the mar-
vellous success of the petition signing
campaigu will be held in Toronto, Tues.
day and Wednesday, March 7th and 811,
It is expected that tbere will be over
25000 in the parade, and each County
will have their own delegations. All
citizens interested may secure tickets
which will be so'd at single fare plus
250. 011 March 7th and 8th, good to re-
turn up to March loth, Two or three
hundred are wanted from Huron
County. Let all go who can.
SOCIAL TIME. - Friday evening last
three of the organized classes of the
Methodist Sabbath School were hosts
and hostesses to Brussels soldier boys.
An interesting program was rendered
with Rev. D. Wreu in the chair, as fol-
lows 1 -Chairman's words of Welcome ;
solo, Miss Hingstoo ; reading. Miss
Irene Hoover ; harmonica selection and
encore by Ptes. Cameron and Thibideau,
accompanied by Miss I. Rands ; reading,
Mrs Parker ; solo, Miss JessieCunning-
ham with chorus by company ; short re-
marks by W. H. Kerr and F. H. Gilroy,
Superintendents of tbe School, followed
by tee presentation of a pocket New
Testament, neatly bound in khaki. to
each member of Brussels Company.
Lieut. Frank Scott made a brief fi+ting
reply. A tasty lunch was then served
and a social hour enjoyed, concluded by
forming a circle and singing "Should
auld acquaintance be forgot' and the
National Anthem.
Church Chimes
Monthly Missionary program in the
Methodist Sabbath School next Sunday
"Nn charge against God's elect" was
the subject dealt with by Rev. A J.
Mann last Sabbath morning in Melville
church. Evening topic was "Man's 3 -
fold duty -Live soberly, righteously and
Godly "
Wednesday evening of next week the
union Red Cross prayer meeting will be
held in tbe Metbolist church, Rev. D,
Wren in charge. The offering taken will
go to Red Cross treasury. Meeting at
8 o'clock.
Rev. J E. Millyerd, Listowel, was the
preacher in the Methodist church here
last Sunday, preaching Missionary ser-
mons. Morning text was "In thee shall
all the Nations of the earth be blessed."
Evening discourse wan based on "The
curse of Meroz " Both were sterling
good sermons in which the high valve of
Missionary effort WOs shown and the
danger of declining to have a share in
the Master's Great Commission. The
reverend gentleman is a ready speaker
with good matter and is always welcome
to Brussels. Rev. Mr. Wren was at Lis-
towel on Sabbath also speaking on Mis-
People We Talk About
Mrs. Fred. Burchill was visiting in
Toronto last week.
Mrs, Fred McCracken visited her
sister, Mrs, McDonald, at Goderich, last
Mrs. John Pugh, Mitchell, is visiting
Mrs. S. T. Plum, Turnberry street,
Mrs. Wm. McCall, John street, is con-
siderably improved in health we are
pleased to state,
Miss Barks, of Chatham, has returned
to Brussels to assist Miss Inman in the
Millinery business. We welcome her
Jno, and Mrs. Walker, Seaforth, were
in town Thursday of last week attending
the funeral of the late Mrs. Ben.
Mrs. N. MoLaucblin left Thursday
of this week on a visit with her daugbr
ter, Miss Margaret, who is in training
for a nurse at Detroit.
Wm. R Little, of Elstow, Sask., was
a visitor with Wm. and Mrs Ellis, Brus-
sels South, during the past week. He is
a son in-law.
We are pleased to see David Ewan
able to be about again neer his opera-
tion anti hope he will soon regain his
old time vigor.
Miss Elsie Mayberry spent the week
end at Galr, visiting her brotber, Will.,
who txpeals to leave shortly for Eng-
land with the 7rst Battalion.
Co. Secretary Elliott. of the Child-
ren's Aid Society, was here on Wednes-
day attending to matters of business re -
alive to some wards of the Society.
Roger Deadman, who bas spent the
past few menthe in Parry Sound, is co
his way home for a visit, calling on Tor.
onto relatives and friends en route.
S. T. Plum, a well known resident,
hes been seriously ill wtib legrippe and
pneumonia. He is getting along nicely
now and will seen be as well as ever we
Albert McCall, wife and two children
are here from Frobisher renewing old
friendships. It is 13 years since Mr,
!McCall went West. They are welcome
We are pleased 10 state that a belated
Item of local interest is the fact that Mina
Gertrude Deadman, of Brussels, (oak
the highest marks at Stratford Normal
School for the term 5914.15. There he-
ing ro medal awarded Mies Gertrude
will have to rest on her honors. We
eengretalete her en bet attainment.
Condensed from Government Report;
Notes in Circulation,.,, ,$ 3471,763,00
Deposits 43,099,050.77
Due to Boake,,, 269,562.30
Dividend payab;,,le let Feb„
1918 97,500.00
Capital Paid up..., . 3,000,000.00
Reserve Fund and undivided
profits ,. , 4,061,646,89
Acceptances wader letters of
Credit ....... ..-.,,,....
RLao') Ces •
Oath ou hand , . -.. $ 8,201,431.93
Deposit iu Cenirol Goid 12e -
serves 600,000.00
Due by Banks • 4491,716.36
.British, Dominion and Pre
vinciat Government and
other debts. 3',196,429,24
Loans oaceall iu Canada 2,326,243.74
Loans and Discounts 33,942,916,34
Deposit with Government re •
Circulation Fund 150,800,00
Bank Premises (Freehold)1,171,268.75
Other Assets 120,519.60
Acceptances per contra.,, 22,598.15
6S 3,822.121.11.
Rohn Require anySeeds?
I handle Government Incpeoted No.1
Clover and Timothy Seed, the best that
money can buy. Also Mangold and
Turnip Seeds, and all kinds of Garden
Royal Household Flour
Bran and Shorts
Nothing better in the Market,
An Up-to-date Grocery Stock..
Good Potatoes and Salt always on hand.
Batter and Eggs taken as eaeh.
Ring Phare 48 and we will be at your
service for anything in onr line.
J. McCracken, Grocer
John Simmons, of the G. T. R. sec-
tion, bas been off duty this week owing
to a severe cold with various complica-
tions. We hope he will soon be ready
to resume work,
Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Fishleigh, who
were here attending the funeral of their
brother. R. Newsom, left tor their home
in Chicago on Wednesday. Mrs. New-
som, sr., will contiuue to make her home
in Brussels.
Brigadier General Leckie, reported
as wounded in Flanders is a relative of
Reeve Leckie, of Brussels. His broth-
er, Col. J E Leckie, has now been ad-
vanced to the position ot Brigadier Gen-
eral. It was with Gen. Leckie, that
Dr. Harold Taylor, Goderich, went to
the front.
God Bless our Noble Men 1
Send them safe Home again
God save our ;nen :
Send them Great Victory,
Crowned may their efforts be,
Send them back, o'er the sea
To us again.
May they honour our land
By deeds, heroic, grand,
God help our men :
Let them our interest feel, .
As for thein oft' we kneel
While they this Compact seal
By their own blood.
Star of the East arise,
Show us where duty lies,
May we be true ;
Keep us from bitterness
Guide no Thee to Confess ;
And in Thy Strength to press
To Victorio,
- Howiok Council
Council met in Fordwicb, on Feb.
17th, in Cook's Hotel, pursuant to ad-
Rournment. All members present,
eeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meetiug were read and on motion of
S otton-Williamson, were adopted.
Messrs. Graham and Laird presented
their report as -Auditors. Moved by
Spotton-Doig, the Report be accept-
ed as read. Carried. Howard Bolt
waited on Council asking for damages
to hie. threshing engine by breaking
through a culvert on the gravel road,
Turnberry and Howiok. Moved by
Armstrong - Williamson, that the
Reeve meet the Reeve of Turnberry.
and Wroxeter to consider the re-
sponsibilities in the matter. Carried,
Moved by Doig-Spotton, that the
Collector for the Eastern Division be
given an extension of time, he to re-
turn hie Roll at the March meeting.
Carried. Tenders for the Township
printing wens received and considered.
Moved by Doig-Spotton, that the
tender of Fordwicti Record be accept-
ed, they to do all the regular printing
for $102,00. Carried. Moved by
Spntton-Williamson, that a grant of
$21.00 be given towards keep of Nor-
man Clegg. Carried. A communica-
tion from W. A. Irwin, asking for a
refund of tax for roadwork r
w o W.
H. Gregg and John Wylie was t'eed.
Moved by Williamson Armstrong,
that Council take no action in the
matter. Carried. Moved by Doig-
Williamson, that the following ac-
counts be paid t -Adam A. Graham,
salary as Auditor, $15,00 ; 13. 'W.
Laird, salary tre Auditor, $15.00.; E.
D. Bolton, engineer's fees, cutting and
passing Nash portion of the Aehton
award drain, $18.00 ; Wm, Jamieson,
plank for bridge, $1.00 ; 0, E. Wat-
ters, balance contract for printing,
$50.00; Henry Schaefer, work on
hill and use of scraper, $2 25 ;
Hubbard, shovelling gravel, $2,50 ;
Wm. Edgar, salary as Colleotot';
$60.00 ; Hilton Lennard, part salary
as Assessor, ,$100.00 ; 11, Harding,
expenses, takingJMrs. Williarne to the
House of Refuge, Clinton, $4 25 ; Jos.
Beswitherick, gravelling, $7 00 ; Alex.
Robertson, gravel, $13 20 ; Heavy
Cook, rent of room and mettle for
Mrs, Williams, 52.00 Moved by
Armstrong-Spntton; drat this ()nen,
ell do now nd, nuen to tnept in the
'PcWTI:hip Hall, Gerrie, 'rhnreday,
March 16th, when Patlunnsters
Pound -keepers and 1?encovievveru will
be appointed. 'Fenders will he trimly-
eceived for nraking the Township tile, also
for operating the road Machine.
Carried, 0, E. WArinilt, °lent.
Honor Roll
Following. are the ,names of the
young ;nen who have donned the
solos of the King in connection with
Brussels Oonipany of the 101st 'Bab -
talion of Huron County t -
IV I'. Scott (Lieutenant)
D S. Scott (Lieutenant)
Ronald M. Sinclair (Sergeant)
Fred, Cox
Reynold Barkley
Hugh Campbell
Roy Thuell
W m:Oppeneiser
Stewart Fox
Elgin Porter
)Melvin Spiels
John Johnston
Wilfrid R. Olark
Steven Thibideau
Nelson Agar
Percy Thuell
Fred. W. Burchill
Lyle McCracken
'Anderson Black
Thomae Savage
Edward Rann
Fred. Haynes
Fred. Hillson
Joseph Rowland
George Thamer
Olareiice Bennett
Fred. Hustle
Edward Ryan
Fred, Thuell
Joe Thuell
George Champion
Roy Ohanlpion
Ben Snyder
John McLauchlin
A. R. Mustard
R. M. Burton
E. G. Rankin
A. H. Milligan
Harry Champion
Stanley Rutledge
Alfred Dennison
Angus Kerr
Wm. Sholdice
S. Snelling
H. Snelling
Thos. Sullivan
Jack Ballantyne
Ward Buchanan
John Thibideau
Earl Reis
Bert McLeod
Yemen Sinclair
Leslie Lowry
Milton LakeWilfrid McNaught
James McCallum
Ladies' Aid of Knox church will
hold a .9t, Patrick's Concert on the
evening of Monday, 20th inst.
There was .no preaching service at
Monorieft last Sabbath as the pastor
did not get here owing to the storm
and bad roads.
W. F, Schnook, merchant, has pur-
chased Ray McNaught's 50 acre farm
on the 14th Oon., for $2,000. Geo.
Graham, of Monorieff, has leased it
and gete p088088io0 at once.
Joseph Reibl, who rune the chop.'
ping mill here, has purchased what 18
known as the Arthur Ward farm, Lot
80, Con. 17, Greytownship, from Wm,
Bray, of Brussels. We wish the pur-
chaser well with ;lie new possessions.
COUTTs-HAOEWRLL-At the Methodist Par-
eonom Brussels, on March 1st,1510,.by
Raa. D. Wren, M. A., Mr. ,Tae. outts, to
Mica Hazel Hnnkwell, both of Walton.
GALDRATTH; In Howiok, on February 19th,
2015, Harvey Harold Howard, eldest eon of
Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith, Orange
Hill, aged 4 years, 4 months and 24days.
MODONAL0,-In Ethel, on February 28111, 1816,
Duncan McDonald, in his 82nd year.
Wheat 0 00 $ 800
Oats ",,9p 90
1 50 8 1 28
27 77
Eggs 24 26
Havel - 18 05 18 00
Potatoes per bus 1 40 1 90
Auction Sales
rr nnioN'rS, &O. F. S. Scott - Auetioneer,
has received inetruotions 10 Boll byubite
auction, Lot 28, Con. 4, Grey, on Friday,
March 10111. 1411.6, at 1 p. m. the following valu.
able property : -1 mare 8 years old, 1 driving
borer Maine 8, 1 heavy horse riming 4, 1 gelding
rising 8,2 fillies Peroberon tieing 2 and 5, 1.
ally Clyde rising 2, 1 eelding:Porclteron rising
1, 1 filly Clyde rlelug'1, 4 eawo supposed to be..
in calf, 2 f esti cows, 1 jersey cow supposed to
be 10 cell' due ins March,1 farrtW cow,..1 heifer
rising 0 years, 5 halters rising 1 yearn, 5 steers
rising 3,reare,0aalviarising t year, 2 young
calm, 4 yoiuig pigs 0 Weeks old, 1 york cow
With n plies 9 weeks old, 2 young Bowe, 1 Mac'
ooyUnrrlle binder 0 ft. out, 1 MiHBIay-Hnrrls.
mower 0ft ant, 1 Drortna retie 10 ft out, I
Messy Berrie rultivotor, 1 Hoed drill, 1 hay
Ladder, 2 sot dinmand Marrows, 2 Waning
plow',1 crown farrow pleW,1 wagon, 1 bug.
tea I antler, 1 hayfork, 1 turnip pu)per, 1, pip
rack, 1 set Mow harness, 1 net heavy harness, "1
sot single harness nearly ,row,. 1 cream eepare'
for nearly new.1 collie dog Tho North hell
Of Lot 25, Con 6, will be offered for naso at the
esme time end place. Terme 00 and un-
der 55011 over that amount 8 months credit 00
approver) joint notes, 4por cent off for cash
on credit amount•. Salo' Without reoervo to
clow tip oetnto, MILS, P. If AMONT, Admints-
tratr'ix for estate of late JOHN DUNBAR,
Auorfosv snl.Es
Fttop4Y,'MAMA! Brd,-Farm Stook, Imple'
menta &o., 1,3 Lot 14, Oen, $,Morris township.
Sale unreserved at 1 p, m, sharp, 01, Biel by,
Prop, ; 1', S. Soolt, Auc,
TpxenAy, MAIOH 7rn,--Farm stools, bnple
menta, &o , at L of 7, Oon 0, Grey townehl8p,
Selo at 1 p. tn. W. J. Beirnee, Prop. ; F. S.
Scott, Auo,
FRIDAY, MA[ton.1OTn.-Parm stock, lmple-
month, 105., L01 28, Con 4, Grey townehlp.
Bide unreserved at 1 p. m, to 01086 up estate of
the'Melno. Dunbar, F.13 Scott, Auotloneer.
Air's, P, Lamont, Adminlatratrix.
MONDAY, MAitoll 18D4. -The Exeentore of
the estate of the lore John Musgrove w111 0011
by Public Auction tit Lot 0, Oon. 4, Turnberry
W11+110141, on Monday, Marchl8th, eomnteno•
htg at 1 o'clock, farm etooly implements, hay,:
grain and roots, Ne' reserve, Robb, blue•
grove and A, H, Musgrove, Monitore ; John
Purvis, Austloneer,
Farm for Sale
Being Nl4 Lot 12, con, 0' Morris Townehip,
containing 100 acres. Goodframe house, bank
barn, well, &o. 8 acres hardwood bush. Farm
la seeded down excepting 25 acres and the lat•
ter plowed. Close to school and church and 6
miles to Bruesela Possession at once,' For
further particulars as to price, terms, &e., ap-
ply 86.4the premlaPhone 8077 CRAIG, P. 0.
Boar for Service
The undersigned will keep for eervioe at Lot
15, Con. 11 Grey township, a thor'o'-bred York
hog. Pedigree may be seen on appltcatlon.
Terms, 51.00, to be paid at time of eervioe, with
privilege of returning if necessary.
84.4 Proprietors.
Valuable Farm for Sale
The Exxeoutore of the estate of the late John
Musgrove offer for sale Lot No. 5, Con. 4, in.
the Township of Turnberry. This farm non-.
stets of 100 acres of good land in a high state of
cultivation, being well fenced, nnderdrnined
and freetrom atones and noxious weeds. There
are on the premieee a modern brick house with
kitchen and wood shed, a good bank barn with
stabling underneath, a etrew and driving shed,
hog pen,implement house, drilled well and
windmil. This is a choice farm. Immediate
poeeeselon. For particulars apply to
ROBT. MUSGROVE, Binevale; or
A. H. MUSGROVE, Wingham,
P S. -The adjoining Lo antes owned by Mr.
Robt. Musgrove is also for Bale. 84-8
.. SO�uITherion•W
• Here is the correct wonting of e
• the advt, in last week's issue -P, o
• 1'. 0, L. 16, wills I3. and E. of 111, •
• -Penslar Palatable Cod Liver •
• ExandtraMctsalt, with liypophoepllltes
• Here is something eaelor-On ••
Thursday of this week we are 2
• putting 0 our window 60 bottles •
• of our well :known Blood. Root •
• Cough.Oure. 'Under' each bottle •
• we are placing a little pink en• •
vslope in 10 of which is enclosed •
• a 25c shin plaster, and we give g
iyou your choice of any bottle in i
• the window for 2$e;
• We havon't a Cough Syrup in
•the store that compares with jt
• as the steadily increasing de- •
tenand goes to prove.
•' Choose the right one and get a Z
: 4 -oz. Bottle Blood Root Cough Cure i
and a
• 25c, Shin Plaster
- For 25c at y
IF X' Si
S The Penslar Store
BARNGEY,-Il Gorrie, on Febauary 14111, 1010,
to Mr. and Dire. W. J, Rarugey, a eon.
GB11nY,-A1 Fort William, Ont., on February
15111,1010, to - Mr. and Mrs. N. B, Gerry, a
MANNrica -In Morrie townshipp, on February
27th, 1910, to Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Manning, a -
daughter -Grano Evelyn.
BPARLTaO.-In Howiok, on February 18111,1810,
to Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Sparling, 411i Oon.,
a son.
WIDnrs,-At Lynhurat Hospital, Toronto, on
Feb 1911, 1919. to Mr. and Mre. R. Gerry
Willis a daughter (Dorothy ,lane).
THE 41st Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Standard Bank of
Canada was held at the Head Office of the Bank,. 15 King St, West,
Toronto, an Wednesday,. the 23rd of February, 1916. A large number
of Shareholders were present. The President, Mr. W. F."Cowan, took the
chair, and the Secretary read the following report: -
The Directors beg to spbmit to the Shareholders the Forty -Rest. Annual.
Report and Statements Of the Bank as of the 31st of January, 1916, together
with the Balance Sheet of Profit and Loss Account, showing the results of
the year's operations. •
It will be observed that Deposita have increased by the sum of 55,058,944,
and now amount to 543,099,050;
The Circulation by 5574,560, and now amounting to -53,271,768;
The Cash Assets amount to $12,898,147;
The Quick Assets show an increase of 52,548,651, and now stand. at
Loans to the Public $33,942,914, as against 531,426,114 a year ago.
The Net Profits, after making provision for cost of management, accrued
Interest on deposits, rebate of bills discounted and providing for bad and
doubtful debts, amount to $563,401, being equal to 33.78 per cent on the
capital, or 8,04 per cent on septal and rest. .This amount added to the balance
of 553,140.63 brought forward from last year, makes the •sum of 5616,542.4.0.
which has been appropriated as follows: -
Four quarterly dividends at the rate of 13 per cent per annum,
amounting to. ..... .......... 5390,000.00
Contributed to. Officers' Pension Fund' 16,000.00
Contributed to Patriotic and other Funds 20,900,00
Government Tax on Circulation 28,995.51
Reserved for depreciation in the value of securities held by Bank 100;000.00
Balance carried forward 67,646.89
Branches of the Banat have been opened during- the year at -Eaton,
Sask.; Lomond, Alta,; Wooler, Ont. (sub. to Trenton), and in Toronto,
Bathurst St., opposite Arthur St.; Eglinton, No. 2451. Yonge St., and closed
at Consecon, Ont.; Crescent Heights (sub. to Calgary, Alta.), Dunsford (sub.
to Lindsay), Hamilton Mountain (sub, branch), Locust .13111, Ont. (sub. to
Markham), Malvern, Ont. (sub. to Markham.)
The number of branches now open is 121.
During the year the Bank subscribed to the Dominion War Loan for
51,000,000, and was allotted 5867,800, on account of Its subscription, '
The usual inspection of the Branches hes been carefully made during the
year and It affords me pleasure to record the zeal and efficiency of the staff.
The auditor, Mr. Geoffrey T. Clarkson, of the firm of Clarkson, Gordon
& Dilworth, Toronto, whose report is appended, is eligible for re-election as
auditor for the ensuing year.
W. F. COWAN, President.
Notes of the Bank in circulation 4 3,271,763.00
Deposits bearing interest (including interest accrued
to date) $23,986,61.6.05
Deposits not bearing interest 9,112,434.72
Dividend No. 101, payable 1st Felbruary, 1916 97,500.00
Balances due to other Banks in Canada 269,502.30
Acceptances under Letters of Credit22,698.15
Capital pa'ld up - 3;000,000.00
Reserve'Fund - ' 4,000,000,00
Balance of Profit and Loae Account carried forward , , .. .. , 01,640.89
Current coin held by the Bank 51,549,289.98
Dominion Notes held:.... 5,652,192.00
$ 8,201,431.93
Deposit in the Central Gold Reserves 500,000.00
Notes of other Banks , , , , , 031,715.00
Cheques on other Banks 1,307,336.72
Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere
than in Canada 2,692,660.64
Dominion and Provincial GoVernment Securities not exceeding
market value 1,311,877,90.
Canadian Municipal Securities and British, foreign and colonial
public securities other than Canadian • 1,343,527.27
Railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks not exceeding
market value 541,024.07
Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada on
bonds, debentures, and stocks 2,326,242,74
Other Current Loans and discounts in Canada (less rebate of
interest) 38,749,330.35
Liabilities of customers under Letters of Credit as per contra 22,598.16
Real Estate other than Bank Premises .... .... .... .... . 20,000,00
Overdue debts, estimated loss provided for 198,676.99
Bank Premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off 1,171,208.75.
Deposit with the Minister for the purpose of Circulation Fund 160,000,00
Other Assets not included in the foregoing 100,519,60
W. F. COWAN, President. GEORGE P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager.
I have compared the above Balance Sheet with the books and accounts at
the chiefoffice of The Standard Bank at Canada, and with the certified returns
received from its branohes, and after checking ng the cash and verifying the securi-
ties of the chief office and certain of the principal branches on Jan. 31st, 1916,
I certify thatin my opinion such Balance Sheet exhlbltt a true and correct
view of the state of the Bank's affairs, according to the best of pay Information,
the explanations given to me, and aa shown by the hooks of tho Bank.
• In addition to the examination mentioned, the cash and securities at the
chief of floe and certainof the principal branoheo were eheclte6 and verifiett be
me at another time during the year,and found to bo in accord with the books of
the Bank.
All Information and explanations required have been gluon 1.0 me, and all
transactions of the Bank which have 00mo under my notice have, In my opinion
beeh within the powers of tho Bank. p '
G. T CLARICSON, Chartered Accountant,
Toronto, February 12th, 1918, of Clarrltson, Gordon & Dilworth, Toronto, anatta,
The usual motions were passed, and the scrutineers appointed reported
the following gentlemen elected as Directors for the ensuing year: Mr, W,
Cowan, Mr, Wellington Francis, K.C„ Mr, W. F. Alien, Mr. F, W, Cowan, Mr,
II. Langlole, Mr, T. H, McMillan, ]lir, G. 5, Scholfield, and Mr. T. II.
Wood, At a subsequent meeting of the Directors air, W. F. Gowan was
re-elected President, and Mr, Wellington Francis, K.C., 'Vico President.
!Toronto, February 23rd, 1910, 0. P. SCHOLFIELD, Genoral Managor.