HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-3-2, Page 3r•
- win*
Recipes for Thrifty Cooks. Rice pudding ' sweetened with
Chocolate flake. -If it is desired to brown sugar 'will have a much rich
mince a chocolate cake it will be ne- er flavor,
cessary to out down the amount of
Scraped raw potatoes put into de-
if left fol'
canters will clean
shortening used, in order to avoid them.
making the mixture too rich. Two two w s putu days.
squares of melted chocolate, or four Always the essrdong Thisrash It
tablespoonfuls of cocoa dissolved in save with brtha bristles down, will
boiling water, added to the twelve giv- the brush.
en above will make a' fairly 'rich Carrots acs thendevebailed rival
chocolate cake. tender; andwserved in a gravy
Hot Water Gingerbread may be mode of white stock -
made as follows: One cup of molasses, When thet • provision of meat is
one scant teaspoonful of soda, One rather small, serve soup to take the
tablespoonful of ginger, one-half tea -
off the appetite.
spoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of . ties -they
buy spices in large befor-
shortening melted, one-half teaspoon- youes-they use
their flavor before
fel of salt, one-half cup of boiling wa- can use them up.
ter, two cups of flour. Mix the ingre- If you want to be sure that the
clients in the order given and beat bread pudding will be light, add a
well. Bake in a shallow pan in a litLe,bak]ng powder to it.
rather hot oven about 20 minutes. Lemon juice and cayenne are ex -
Kidney Saute. -Wash beef or lamb eellent used in french dressing, in
kidneys, skin, halve downward, re- stead of black pepper and vinegar.
A very little glycerine smeared
ortims, around the glass stoppers of bottles
moving pipes and all white p
scald with boiling water and cut into
slices: Have one tablespoonful but.. will keep them from sticking for a
long time.
ter or more, according to amount of ng a piece of meat,
kidneys, sizzling in pan, add kidneys which is to After roasting
served cold,ewrap it
and saute for a few minutes. Add in cheesecloth while hot. This pre -
one can tomatoes (with some of the, serves, the flavor.
liquid drained off),.dash of onion l'I A good breakfast toast is made by
juice and of pepper, cover and let sim-; dipping the slices of bread iiia pint
mer until almost cooked. Add salt,, ei milk to which a beaten egg and a
and finish cooking, Wash and stir I pinch of salt are added, and frying,
to prevent burning. Serve To prevent a knitted jersey from
on toast. , shrinking -Stitch a band of washing
fish,Salt Fish poundDinner-Onesalt pound cod-, silk or soft linen the size, of the waist
cpsomilkail mm wpork, two, inside it. It will keep it in perfect
cups milk (skimmed will do), two ;Sha e.
tablespoons each of fat and flour,) ap keep yolks of eggs fresh -If only
fryspeck tats, dash red pepper. w Cut cod- the white is needed cover the yolks
fish into strips, soak in lukewarm a- gently with a little cold` water, so as
ter several hours, and cook below t boil- not to break it. It will keep fresh
ing point ins+ tender. Cut gash into
for several days,
one-fourth indh sli es cu g doesnot draw S 1 A t o Il name
New Guns and Explosives Will Blast
Out the Germans
This war will not end in a draw or
n etaimate The military authorities
of France make this statement most
It is part of the German campaign
for peace, now t11at Germany realizes
that all hope of a favorable outcome
for her is ended, to speak of dead -
101115, said one of..the French War Of-
fice oilioia!s recently. Franca knows
this is "victory year,"
General Joffre himself, in hie order
to the briny on January 1, said that
the 191ci is to be one of glory for
I+`renclt urms, Other geterais. have
been more free in characterizing 1910
as "victory ' year." ing Murl." The Central News antes- German history, has contra,'tsi an
To prevent the public from being pendent sends the following extracts: article on the Kaiser's rale in the war
impressed by statements to the ef- T VF' F S'
Australia's Noted Rifle Shot Played The I iuperoe-'a Rule in the Wee :s
the Enemy et His Own to Keep Gerniaov
Game. hypnotized.
A graphic account of the wonder- Me, Sydney i'Vilitman, •utgi ,t nr n-
f�l work of an Australian marksman teritational politics and author of "&Iy
on the Gallipoli Peninsular, written by Reminiscences of Prince Il encirek,"
Private Frank Reed, another Austra- "Life of Emperor Fredeidek," and
lian, is published in the "Cairo Even- other volumws dealing with recent
feet that neither. side could win a
decisive victory, some of the French
,, authorities now are willing to show
part of the positive proofs which
they have of the certainty of their
coming victory. These proofs are
located at the great French arma-
ment and munitions factories at
At present the work of the Creu-
GENERAL JAN C. SNOTS SIR 11. L. SMITH.DORRIEN. sto plants has been so far advanced,
Sir Horace Lockwood Snaith -Berrien wto has for a short time been in . the results of the treinendous exec-
command or the British troops operating against the Germans in tions put forth there during the last
cooper ing may wen ne to the Daily Despatch. He aye: -
termed. Australia's champion rifle "Since the death of King leeward
shot, for during the time he was on there can hardly be anybody left in
Gallipoli he accounted for over 200 England who is in a position to know,
Turks. Of course, during enemy at- the essential facts concerning the Ger-
tacks he probably ehot many more; man Emperor and his real character,
but as a sniper he knows that over At least 0 have never seen anything
200 fell, owing to his excellent marks- in print or heard aught in converse-
manshlp• tion which would lead me to any
Sing's sniping methods were some- ether conclusion. Yet such knowledge
what similar to those of the Turk; is needed if we are to arrive at a re -
he played them at their own game, liable estimate of the probable effect
and beat them badly. His "posy" of his death on the course of the wen
was so close to the Turkish trenches
East Africa, has been forced to resign on account of illness, lie has year and a half are so noticeable that their artillery rarely troubled Spectacular Role.
been succeeded by Lieut -Gen. Jan C. Smuts, who is Minister of De- and the production of the plant has him. Comfortably ensconced in his „
i u • 'err' had command of been so huge that it is considered For instance, it is possible a he
fence in South Africa. Sir H. S received o , Poprnest, Sing lay with a couple of talo- tablish the fact that as regards the
the second army in Flanders, and received great praise for dais IeadershiP there is no longer much need of. scopes focussed on likely places. An conduct of war, as in everything else,
Here. making a mystery of the chief work officer laynear with another tale ,
the Emperors role, the part he has
that has been going on or of conceal -
in the enormous production of the scope. So afraid were the Turks of played -for we must invariably em -
g p these unlucky spots that the patient to the terms of the theatre in deal -
mailing position, as is shown also by factorial. Should secrets get out now
THESUNDAY SCHOOL1 his being intrusted with the special profit 11 be too late for German sniper often lay a whole day without ing with him has been a spectacular
mission of Acts 0, 2. Deissmann's profit by it. 1 h Turks
troops y to getting a plimpse of the enemy. On one.
other days the r s (new o "His father, as evell.as his ,grand -
thesis (in his fascinating monograph France worked feverishly in her
INTERNATIONAL hESSON, Saint Paul),that he was an artisan, armament preparations and the work walkedly) looked for trouble. They father, were often in the thick of a ,
boldly into view at a bare
is based on facts easily explained is practically done, so far at least fight. They led in battle, and both
MARCH 5. , otherwise and seemsquite untenable,500 yards, and Sing, as he toppled had occasionally to be restrained ey
as it i considered necessary for the them over, exclaimed, It's too easy
1 His father had Roman citizenship great effort which is to be put forth their a recklessly
from exposing them-
I; 22. 28), and sent him to study to be nailed apart." 1 selves recklessly to the enemy's fire.
(Actsthis year by the army int order toy ,
Death of Stephen -Acts 7. 1 to 8, 3; i under the greatest of rabbis (Acts achieve the decisive victory. It now I "Spotted" by the 'Turks. I The Kaiser's action -this as least is
122. 8); that he cut him off when he is admitted that at Creusot planes ! known -has been mainly that of flit -
Golden Text: Rev. At first the enemy had not the
10. Ibecame a Christian was to be expect- not only the greatest steel -making slightest idea whence the death Baal- ting backward and forward from east
ed, and Paul then had to keep him- to west in a bombproof motor car, ^,1 -
and try was
imoboli ed, talent of the ing bullets came. Often Sing would
Verse 54. These things -The bit-, self. Every Jew had'to learn a tirade. country was mobolized, but also the bag a Turk, and the would ways keeping away at a respectful
f Be 6 enemy distance from danger inspecting reel -
When the chimney au - is t of a naa Inventors and authorities in
each piece, fry slowly until golden well, try opening the windows in the ing summary which closes Stephen's' greatblaze furiously at some of our loop -
brown arid. remove, pouring off fat. curve of the national history. They ;mite. For use among Gentiles he had the departments of chemistry and holes a hundred yards away. But after moats, joking with his generals, being
for afew 4ninutes before start- ythe similar -sounding name Paullus. h interviewed by German journalists,
Out of two tablespoons fat, flour, sea -,in the fire and see if that will not had received divine messages through- p ysics i a time the located him, and the sand
"toning and Milk, matte cream sauce. g lout their annals, and had always reg- Compare Silas-Sih•anus, Sytneon- Prance to -day is equipped with new aaga and bushes around his "posy" talking to French prisoners, tele -
Put codfish on platter, with pieces e. help the draught stn hat hold tectal the message and persecuted the • Simon, usMetcem-141enander, -Hakim I model guns, with new types of rifles,' were riddled with bullets. On ,one oc- graphing to his relatives, the foremost
ofTo freshen a velvet t I Alcimus, encu and, above all with new kinds of of these, `Tine of Hellenic fame,' and
pork around it. Serve with boiled is - `the crown over boiling water and messenger. Stephen is applying, -casiml a bolter found its way through
intoes an cream sauce. a 59 Calling upon -Tine object of rife powder, find these are so fax superior loophole b dl t wounding a ser distributing Iron Crosses.
h theu with a stiff fibra •verb i" contained m the address, on what F e re known h 7 1 t
Note ow naturally y a is to haus that they form the chief basis ly wounded Sing, Another sergeant
od the Man of^Calvary be-
d afresh the parable of the wicked bus-, Lord
the a y v "All this as will be readily me
One Egg Raisin Cake. -One pound bras nap Be careful not to bandmen. But for them "the moat; to w 1a+ lance s eneni •s a Resat who was observing t e s ig n
seeded raisins, two tablespoons bee,clothes brush (unkindest cut of all" was in his de- Jesixs.» N t h t 11 L this minted, does not point t0 the F.rtperm
to two tablespoons cinnamon two touch the velvet till it ]s dry.
leadership of the German sanies In
claration that they had."not kept" 1 early peri for the Governments certainty of be took the telescope, and Sing, after
v ick the were so rood. � comes the recipient of prayer, and the ing able to blast its way triumphant- having his wound dressed, resumed
r, + havingmuch to do with the stragetic
'WORK FOR THE DISABLED, Ithe law of v h Y p same prayer that Jesus offered to the throw h the armored trenches on the field. And sundry evidence, even
cup strong coffee, one cup water and } I Like Paul (Gal. 3. 19), Stephen holds Y g his sniping. though of an indirect circumetant°al
one cup Groom coffee. Latter gives J the.usual Jewish view that the lave' Father (Luke 23. 4G). ! the western front and to destroy a Ono day a Turk who knew the
Crippled Soldiers Map Become Cigar- GO The dying prayer goes back
substantial part of the enemy's mill • d t bobbed p Ins head for character, tends to support the view
cups sugar, one teaspoon allspice, one
cake rich .brown color. Boil this mix- was delivered by angels; later re- su angor spo u n
tore five minutes and set aside to etre Makers. flection on the awful •holiness of God' directly to Luke G. 28. It is not like-; tary forces, unless he withdraws and an instant nd then disappeared, The that whatever success has been ob-
cool. When cool, add beaten egg,) Major Astor, owner of an estate at tended to explain the naive theophan- ly that Stephen had ever heard how.1 accepts the peace conditions which willS' never moved tanned by the German armies is due
to n o Englandwherethe Chadian ' f earlier records as appearances! Lord had fulfilled his own corn -i be imposed.
Turk must show mans
flour and baking powder, sifted into
flour. Mix'thoroughly, and put into
tvpll buttered pan. Bake three-
quarters of a -n hour in moderately hot
Ricin Cake. -One and a half pounds
flour, one pound castor sugar, one
pound butter, one pound sultanas, one
half pound currants, one half pound
raisins, ono and a half ounces mixed
peel, one nutmeg, one teaspoon mix-
ed spice, one teaspoon flavoring, one
teaspoon carbonate soda, one table-
spoon vinegar (put an soda in tea-
cup last of all), six eggs. Cream but-
ter, put sugar in, beat eggs up and
put in gradually. Warm basin, put
i fl v don to to the depositions of what the Ger-
Cliveden, Eng an i a fes o „ mand. Three evangelists pass over;
Red Cross Hospital is situated, is of angels. CutLiterally, were be - his prayer for the executioners and; e'
just kept his hl c ocusse term die Generaletat, the staff
where he knew thes o which, in dealing with the Kaiser, has
erecting a workshop where per- ing sawn asunder in thea hearts and: up.A couple of minutes later a
manently disabled patients may learn a quashing;' etc.; the verbs des -j others responsible for his death, and; RUSSIA ItF,DIVIVOUS head appeared in the sap, then the probably exercised that kind of eel -
prior to being die- tribe their emotions through the part; (as the margin in Luke 23. 24 hints)!
- • head ors then the chest. There was lective pressure familial' to us meter saying was not known in rho Graft and IneQireency Are Past Van- i the name of a `round robin.
charged to civil life. Cigaretto mak- of the speech summarized in verses 51: tee s till after. 'kn 'Gospels were; 0. sharp crack of the rifle, The Turk "As long as the present Emperor
ing will also shortly form an industry 63. Heart is a little misleading to, fishing Thera threw up his arms and collapsed in'
for Cliveden men who have lost an us, for it includes more than our:written, Probably the centurion told an ugly hes The marker notched was ill nominal control en the Pres -
another the story years after; only he and I The beginning of a tremendous, if g Y it scan plan -slaying mach0ine his ca-
} another to Billy Sing. pacity as a great actor before the
Wanted the Other Chap, ,world enabled him not only to bluff
A well-known general once crawled his own people but a large section of
• Iiia dentin
arm. They will be able to do this word implies. Stephen never touehe his four Wren heard them spoken. Lay not spectacular regeneration of nnter-
watlt the aid of machinery. The new -their heart, in our sense; he roused ; not Litterally, weigh not, a figure • nal Russia. is strikingly apparent to
enterprise will start in a. few weeks, every passion„ stung pride and big from weighing =nee that represents any observer of Russian affairs, who
and is expected almost to pay its own titres to fury, till all around the as- a debt Compare Matt. 26 15 where familiar with the disorderly condition t Sing''s "posy" to observe for the outer woe
expenses from the start. Wagessem y the same verb is used.For sin as a in Russia ago, p 1 S was in a bad mood far would
will bl could be heard the physical u sin six months a o compare it up m o immediately deprive the Ger-
be aid to the workers, but the money signs of a wild-beast
orage. compare the Lord's pray-) with the effective industrial and mill- him• ing
p debt to•God p i ib was blowing and he , had State machine of n first -crass
so earned will be withheld until the is r Being -A stronger verb 'h uses! er. Fell asleep The verb gives us tory machinery of to -day. missed it man -actually hardadlla missed a manatrianic artist.mThis in itself c no
man is viding hi from the armal which remindo its that this is no new man at 300 yards! teal have to start mean asset, for, according ing to the nes-
providing tum a small capital influx of "Holy Spirit" bringing the our word cemetery (that is, a clormi-, An Associated Press correspondent
thus p gh him •tory, sleepinrg' place). It had long been tubo loft Russia when its malata� and learn shooting again," he said, mean his foxy ally, £fide tt ert er
in butter and beat up with a wooden with which too the r caval usefulness This in u full a slur, Ill had been with in use for Sleep's "brother death"; fortunes were at the lowest ebb, with spoon, Mix frmt, hour, ere., eggs,
new addition to the of the in measure all through. Jesus- disgustedly. Just then. a hat showed and of Bulgaria, al e
gradually add it to butter and eggs hospital is undertaken nide' the The human came is very significant but when an read the, l typical poem-oes an inadequately provisioned inefficient
and on ga parapet 600 yards off. Once most, above all things, be a born ne-
s, 1 the Roman Catullu's lovely munitioned army, and inefficient in
Add coda and vinegar last, and a little auspices of the Lord Roberts Mem- Here only is lie standing at the right "For us, when once aur brief day has recast Management not only defeat- more Sing sighted and waited. Soon tor.
milk of required. Make a good skiff oriel Workshops schemes. hand; he has risen from his throne.a head appeared, and Sing the Now it admitted on all larnda
hatter so that it will drop off the � set, trier abides one unending night ing the chances of military achieve- trigger. Aspe he fired tin pulledulle the that as it isstor the Crown Prince le
Col. Correll and his staff at Clive- to welcome his first martyr. when we must sleep" eve feel that meat for the moment, but creating a 1 A t f wind blow strongly a failure. 'Whereas the father has . is
spoon but not run. den and all the Canadians iithe have their this Opened -Not the usual word in the idea has with Christ come into a spirit of ureas
Earlier House Rolls. -Parker House tans n To revisit, across the valley, and the keen -eyed pealed s only
are sometimes called pocketbook there is to find that ataninstitution w en >e s sky wasnew world. Australian knew that it woo i ,
rollsi B. 1. Con
mess and criticism penes. Rus o u in a thousand Ital-
hands full. hospital connection but conceived
In days among the people which threatened t d deflect p erect before eitudes the our is o y
b k h h tl 1 as a series
senting -And Paul him- national solidarity, returned to find •
his bullet at least a foot to the right, eknown c to the public in his everlasting
mels, the sit they are folded over in welch confined
months ago was tennis m` concentric solid, it transparent tuval to self tells us (Rom. 1. 32) that approv- the country thoroughly reorganized. i
ids. the same way as a served
well confined to a covered tennis material and n was rkiti al to lit of an evil deed is even worse than Graft and bribery had been seem- He swore softly to himself, be as Death's Head Hussar uniform, with
mhe fired another Turk poked up his that typical grin ever an his lantern
folds, These are usually served for court, has now spread itself over the picture them '`cloven" (Mark 1: 10)
theyare verygood adjacentgolf links. The long wards to reveal the spiritual realities be- the doing of it: there is an element of ing1Y to a. great extent weeded out, head right next to the first one and jaw face.
dinner, although a 1 hot blood eliminated which may dilute Officials bound to be incompetent and head the bullet fair in the face. Croton Prince Weak.
1 Two f flour, of b to construction- ire always hind The Son of man -the 'favorite1 D t tr estles The engaged •m intrigues, who had held 1 „ said S' "I' awfully for breakfast, a so, vo cups e , as es s eons ilreo ger t, resp ne apes - I say, sir mg, m a
four teaspoonfuls baking powder, one full, and are called after the different title for himself oft the lips of Jesus, reason is not very clear. Was it that up munition contracts and clogged the sorry for that poor old Turk, I never "A man so devoid of the histrionic
tablespoonful sugar, one-half tea- provinces of Canada. Last Friday 168 but only bare used by another. There
they, like James the Lord's brother, wheels of the machinery of army 1 meant to bit him. Iwanted the other instincts would in all probability be
s ate r or salt, three tablespoonfuls patients arrived, and }vete all trans- has been acute controversy as to its observed Jewish piety so faithfully equipment and provisioning, and in chap. I don't think I'll count ]rime incapable of keeping the stuphistrionic
butter fat, three-quarter cupful ferrel from. the railway some riles I t• U t tl a Uost vioty 1 duct'd the business of ous deception milk,. Sift the dour, salt and baking distant, examined, and put comfort- h dl til ] 1V may pp ward his ov people 4. -
powder together, add the butter and ably in b
thoroughly,Th n add the milk utes Canada has reason to be of man Jesus was chinning Jerusalem till clear monition calve missed.
auto a floured board; roll out one- .f We rennem er the storm quieted down. g
primary imp iea ton; n t that they here overlooked? It Is genera con c
seems to be that which links it with suppose that war as if it were an operation for
Dan: 7, 13, By calling nurse "Son d them to their persona profit, have been i -
tion on the old lanes to-
vn eo ile as well as to-
ed inside of an hour and ten himself they bolt their
t duty boon 1 fit h d s + •f'- ward the outer world. He might prate
mix a min. „" to be. 1 about Germany being attacked, about
turn cls at Cliveden. the Fri _lie of file apocalyptic. vision„ cross em i a ,
gradually. When this mixed proud of its hospitals and that they succeeded in hiding till A great factor in the incensed i her claims to the freedom of the seas;
b that he sealed his own strength of the Russian army is the 110 might appeal the the Deity with
fourth of "en inch thick and cut with doom at the trial by quoting that very 2, Devout -Proselytes, not Jewish- character o£ the new troops, winch Britons Offer Many Devices to Scareg
TAIL IN HIS LIFE-SAVER Germans ithe same effrontery as his fattier, but
e largo biscuit cutter. Make a verse (Mark 14. G2). It will be forted 1 it is almost certain that he would not
a'h rePut' im on that nearly aways in the Gospels •h- levo. They naturally
Soof thecIIei1 and training with Snares Por submarines, frighteners
crease -in the centre of e c , The King Crab Uses it to H devotion to them ymeet the same credulity on the part
spread with melted butter and foldi His Feet recognition of this allusion. adds ob- leaner martyr. Russia started the war, and the for Zeppelins and traps for the. Ger- of a gullible world.
ono edgeover onto the other, pressing crab uses his hail fior it vaously to the force of the saying. greater confidence told higher spirit mans in the tt enclhes, are but. a felt "Without the histrionic relent to at
Tho king de -
the edges together. Place in greased er, Probably you can't 57. The sting of Stephen's ecstatic
g g life prosoty y
pans and bake in a quick oven for imagine what a sea animal wants of tions Inventions' Deparlmenr is called d 1 1 t t
P � t t leaders h father had moon
1 3.
was in its recalling so vividly the de-1prints to Huns sacking a town, is re-
claratioti of Jesus just referredo>' Bated m Acts 0. 2l.
although they had crucified bink -he
was on the right hand of Power af-
ter all! They stopped their ears The individual vvho hates mail-
a hateful fact that was mak- kind is ndivid generally a close student of
ing its appeal: What was Sail of his own nature.
Land waste• -Pauls own woad g
(Gal, 1. 28); literally, sacked, appro- of the whole army, based on theolthe iweir s t
d devices produced by um-` (wive, to bluff, to hynotize and 'gas'
for hat trio 19ritish Muni -
knowledge of plentiful equipment.: a our nven hisaudieece the son wool ac . a
Ono of the most peommen' ea ere on to consider. One look by the expert prestige which the a er h
in the puma informed the questions kir fate with rare exceptions,' testably possessed.
'Press that the principal questions settlest e
for utast of the inventors are innocent 1 "It would also be difficult fon' him
which would occupy the attention of of the science of mechanicta, I to m0in1ain his authority in. military
that body were: The creation of a These appliances as a rete look lilts matters among his generals v'rho, as
new system of co-op el societies, the work of professional linmor•ists, the inay well surmise from the pub -
which proposed to eliminate the But their authors am nunoyingty h1 lisped records of previous wars, are
present excessive profits by reducing earnest. As an example of the Hind of only to prone to dissesiom jealousy
prices of ordinary commodities to the schemes the department le asked ton oval inti'i tto against each other. This
normal level; naw legislation issuing consider, one man proposed (hid acloosening
from totvns and municipalities, whic]i schemes the department Is asked to. ( mid ght bring about s serious
consider,• o110 1111)11 proposed this , of the discipline of the army. "Gera
are goeed„wel refugees la caro for aah01110 for ('atchilng eubtearines. many's civilian poulation, long h
anti govf. the new poulation; ex- Ships equipped with a winning noose spellbound by a tragic-Coinedinn of
torsion of .the franchise in order to of steel rope and a plate glass win -.high degree and capacity, night be -
twenty minutes. " 1 a ilte preserver. If you watch this
Chocplate Cake. -Work oneefourth creature long enough, either along
cup butter until creamy, using wood-' the bead) or in an. aquarium, yop'll
en cake 'Poon; Add one cup sugar find out, 'He's got a shall oar his back
gradually, beating constantly, then and a. long, spiny tail tbN, looks as
two squares melted, Unsweetened if it could be. Used as a weapon of
chocolate, two well -beaten eggs, one- Sometimes the icing 'crab gets
half cup milk and one and one-third 1
turned over 0n 1118 back, 101e feet
cups pastry flour(once sifted), milt-:
p are all cewled up in the shell, to he
ed and sifted with three -tablespoons can't touch anything with themthere-
baking powder and one-half teaspoon fore whon lie's on lice back hos help -
salt, Turn into butteeed . and floured less.
bakehi moderate oven This is where tho loug tall comes In
forte pan and a
forty-five Remove from pan as a ilio preserver, The king crab
ysticks the point of L
to cake rare cover, withgwhite frost- sand and lifts himself until he makes
ing and spread frosting evenly erredwith an arch with lite body. Then he
thin layer of melted, unsweetened swings sidewise, back and Fortin, mini
chocolate, with back of spoon. To witlh one final effort lie (lops hide
prepare pan, grease first with melted self over right side up at last.
fat, applying with butter brush. If. Along the Sersey coast they reckon
butter le used, melt it first and let the beginning of summer by the king
stand on beck of range. Salt will crabs,' About .the time of the full
fall to bottem of dish. Just before Boon in June, they say, the kinting grabs
putting cake mixture in pan, dredge comes d bore sand
doto lay
y the beach.
flan With flour, invert and shake pun
to Re. rid of superfluous flour.
flouaohotd 1119419. _'
Cheese is very nourishing and
with wilgons and shovels and scoop up
tato crabs by the bushel. Then they
feed them to the poultry.
One thing at a time, one that clone
Tarsus thinking of when he joined (or
led) the uproar? Let the ought of
Acts. 26.13 point toward the answer.
58:. Cast him out --For in their
Most of us believe in doing to oth-
ers as we would have them do to us.
frenzy of wrath they were careful to But we generally wait for them to do
keep all the parts of the law that did it first.
not matter. Compare Beb. 18. 11, 12.
to take the re- "I always believe in saving some
Witnesses: Who had
sponsibillty of casting the first stone thing for a rainy day." "How much
normal ere ution.would have you saved?" "Oil, I haven't say -
be -which in a n f
intended to produce insensibility or ed anything, but I believe in it:"
death. . See Deut 17, 7. So_ when
Jesus bade the sinless cast the first "That man invariably agrees with
tone at the adulteress,. such a person
what I say," said tho argumantativo
s erste:. Rather complimentary.
again. by eh shiner.
a silent witness perste:. He would rather agree
against a sinner. Laid down their Not at all, 1 g
garments -The outer garbled: any With no than pi ' attention to what
g „ 1 am saying."
hot work was done "in shirt sleeves, __
Mrs. Ryan -"They do be Other
sayin' that old man Kelly has got los
emotes. they," Mrs, Murphdy---
"Well, he's got the money to reit wan
av thim if he wants ter, bit I'd leather
as eve should say. The tense of the
verb stoned suggests that the cruel
work wee prolonged. Young man -
Presumably ender thirty. How he
"kept the garments of then that slow
ehould be sOrvOd in many different Well, ie a Very good motto, he mane Stephens he recalls lions& in Aets 22y
ways, oar tell, 20, It n0 obvious that he was of cotehave a good hhese any day,"
part of the enfranchised Citizens are
at the front, and an attempt to im-
prove transportation facilities.
Judge (to prisoner) --"How big
Was the stone you threw; was it as ignoring tate uleollautleal details, in- peace the •-
ii » vcutee hopping motors to use in break• to 'accept•--na0nely, one implying the
• v in-
erlusn. When the watoher et the plate khat is mora to insist upon a satls-
glass vcudoty sported a sabmn.rnie' the factory answer]
meat on the dock would pail tho noose "All this should tend toward it great
around the body 0f the un$31090et111g
victiin, then haul up aucl bring it as a change conntinng over the'situation, and
price into harbor. senothet invention thee inereaseathe cheeses. of t1te only
a] swill even b
big as my head?" Prisoner (sn 1'
ing)-"Yes, your hotter, but not so
Doteotive--"Now give ftiO a des
seriptioe of your missing oashier.
How tall is he?" Employer -"I
don't know how tall he is. What worn
ries me is that lit is $7,000 short,"
ing through the Germans ' lines,
final Tettunaaxi, on of Gonlnny.
The motors, heavily emoted and tris- sane ambitions"
Cling with gnus Were to jump like - --
grosshopp0rs over obstacles and the Griggsee e em n great believer its
trendies. , Half a million spriaml0151 , rho nlagia number seven, `Success,
motors, aodordhtg to the inveiF.oR, nes
lust seven letter's, you will 00.
submitted, But non lids been adopted. I'ailuie v"
minwould and the war, There
have tyre" a a PAnd how :about
many typos of "Zeppelin-etrnogrs': dee,' Brlgiz•---
{ t ?