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The Brussels Post, 1916-2-17, Page 8
February Sale OP Wall Paper To mace room for our large new Spring stock of Wall Paper we are going to clear out a cumber of patterns we have to stock, These are not Remnants, but linos with enough to de orclinaty sin - ed roouls, and the most of them with Borders and Ceilings to match, The most of them are Papers suitable for Bedrooms in Floral and Stripe designs, but there are also some suitable for Kitchens and Dieing Rooms. These we are offering at greatly reduced prices and it will pay you to buy ahead, even supposing you do not need them just at present, SEE THEM, Pictorial Review Patterns Advance Spring styles are illus- trated in the new. Quarterly Style Book, Costs only to cents whet) purchased with a us cent patters, hook over the new Spring fashion Book This number now on stile. Pio. tori$) Review Patterns are gain- ing in favor all the time. Try one -just one will start you buy- ing them regularly, roc and 1$o each, FOR SALE AT OUR STORE. The GA Store F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, final betin kerns A. 0. U, W. Friday evening of this week; How mach are you willing to do for the British Empire? Neer monthly Horse Fair will be held in Brussels on Thursday, March 2nd, RED Caoss Circle will meet next Tues. day tor work. Everybody welcome to help MiatsTEa's Bride this Friday night in Brussels Town Hall. Proceeds for Red Cross. BRussELs worsted Listowel in a Hock- ey match On the rink here one evening last week. THANE You, -The Editor returns thanks to the large number who are promptly renewing for TRE POST, How is your label ? FEBRDAaY 24TH, MB AND 26TH will be Old Folks' Day at Free Bros, photo gallery. All over 55 years of age will have a free photo taken. Ti•is reported that Dr. McRae and John Galbraith have purchased Ford cars, rein model, from S. Carter, The latter received a carload on Tuesday. Doter forget "The Minister's Bride" entertainment in the Town Hall Brus- sels, Friday evening of this week. Proceeds go to Red Cross funds, The Company put it ou in good form. Tick- ets z and d i$ cents, IT is stated that Geo. Tohnston, 1st Con. Grey township, and Miss Bessie Shiels, Brussels, were united in marriage this week, The youthful groom bas since enlisted with Brussels Company, making two Johnston boys to don the colors. ON Monday, February 28th, Doren- wend's, of Toronto, Canada's foremost hair goods desivue• s and manufacturers, will display and d"•nonstrate a sample stock of ladies' quality hair goods anti gentlemen's toupees and wigs, at the American Hotel, Brussels. A free de- f monstration of any ::tyle is available to anyyone interested Naw STORE -Robt. Ferguson has i t opened uptailor shop and Gent's Furnishings makesateLeckie his introductory announce- ment this week He will carry a stoc ° k of cloths for ordered tailoring. Special t attention given to Ladies' tailoring, of Mr, Ferguson requires no introduction ;' ;n to the public as he was born in this lo- cality and is well and favorably known, THE Grand Trunk Railway has now supplied all its agents in Canada Tem- perance Act counties with "Special Form 38" which is a declaration that everyone must make who has liquor sent in to his address. This affidavit must be made before a Notary Public or justice i of the Peace e an d all shipments be held. until such forms are proper- ly filled up, The Grand Trunk appar- ently recognizes that it is jointly re- sponsible with the shipper and the onsiothergthat( persennee for al use and uor gIstnot takin - ing any chances, Dm Watt -TheChocclateand Cocoa Tea in the Public Library Board Room Saturday afternoon, was a decided suc- cess. There was a large attendance and a good social time enjoyed by all. A quantity of sewing was done for the Red Cross. Solos were contributed by Mrs. Meadows and Miss Ida Rands and violin set echo ns given by Pie Elgin Porter. The aeeompaoists were Misses Minerva r and Mrs. R, ThomsonItia s The metnberseof the W. CGT.'tI. wish to thank all who con- tributed home-made baking, Total re- ceipts were $28.75, which will be used to supply Cocoa to the soldiers at the front, Ran CRoss CIRCLE TRA - Tuesday evening a hustling company of ladies from the 14th Con Grev, gave a Red Cross Pea in the Public Library Board room which was a decided success. A fine hill of fare was presented and the Tea was so well patronized over Samoa were banded over to the Treasurer. The ladies taking part were Mesdames Cochrane, Askin, LearnOut, Cardiff, Sinclair, Engle, Alcock and Addie and Misses Clark and Stewart. Their willingness to aid the cause WAS much aPPreclated. If others would like to do their "bit" along this class of help, kindly notify Mrs. A, Stilleben. Recall tTING MEETING -An enthusias- tic Recruiting meeting was held Met Friday evening in the Town Hall which Was fined to the doors Rev R Lucxgow and Brussels had a Hockey match here Tuesday evening, THEILMOMSTER dipped down to izo below zero Sunday night, Both Sunday and Monday were cold days. A Lone of Masonic brethren attended the funeral of the late John Gofton, at Wroxeter last Sunday afternoon. Dm you read the advt, in thie issue about the moderu method of feeding bogs? Those who have tried it say it is o. k, Tog Maxis and Company presented "The Man from Canada" to a good. house in the Town Hall Thursday even- ing of last week. Auc"rfos sale of aitch cowsand young cattle Saturday afternoon of this week at the Central Hotel yards. Brussels. D. E. McDonald, Wingitam, is Proprie- tor and Auctioneer Purvis will wield the hammer, -o- GROnNn Bonn.- Lowe your order with Beaker Brae, for ground bone, It will help make your hens lay. 125 e)vex you the choice of 8 thorn' -bred York brood sows, 524 months old, Mother took let prize at Brussels Fah. In 1914, beating let prize sen- at Guelph Whiter Fair. Phone 57. 88-8 SHITAHIa & pnANPN, Brussels. LAor's fur lined glove lost on Thomas Amt. Wilt finder greatly oblige the loser by leaving It t)5 Tun Poem. GOOD wood cook stove for male cheap. B. M. Slxantra, MONEY WANsED,-_ Wanted, two loans on real estate by A prll let. One for $2,506 and the other 18,570 at 04%. Ample security, A good investment. Apply at Toa Poer. RENTED THE Wauseon SDOP. - Having lensed the Tom McGregor xhop I am prepared to attend to maw gumming andfitng, cooper- age, wood work repairs, etc. Give me n ann. Satisfaction assured and modernte prices. Gao. EnwAnDe, APARrMENms 10 let In the Graham block lately vacated by the Pryne family. A noon house for sale with L5table oordi and) alt trees. Apply at TRE POEM. --o----- s made t $the Brritish Red CrossFundlast Fall rom Huron County totalled the splen- did sum of $39,378 6q Brussels shared n it to the tune of 85,355.24 Grand mat for the Province of Ontario was 1,492,992.o; a very respectable figure ndeed, Thomas Cosens, Trowbridge, announ- es the engagement of his daughter, Miss Minnie Mae to Rev. A. C, Tiffin, London, formerly of Trowbridge, the arriage to taxe place on February 17th, e bride to be is a sister to Rev. Wesley Cosens, London, a former p tor of Brussels. THE POST throws editorial slipper atter Mr. and M Tiffin, W, and Mrs. Farquharson left Sr sels on Wednesday en route to 1h home at Provost. Alberta, visiting various points on the way. The for er's sister, Mrs. Archibald, d, who h been reneing old friendships in t for the past couple of months, acro ponied them. Mr. Farquharson ships/ a car of settler's effects, including horses on Tuesday. Kenneth, son Councillor McLean, Grey township, w is eugaged to work on Mr. F's far went with the car, WHAT NAME SAALL BE GIVEN 16ter?-With the approval of Lieu Col. H. B. Combe, a pr•ze of t;in h been offered by Magirtrate Keil Goderich, for a name that will he mo acceptable for Huron's new Battlio Everyone is at liberty to compete for 1l prize p e $nil your suggestions may b made by placing them in an envelop and mark on the outside of the envelop "Prize Contest" and either give 1b envelope to the local Secretary of you War Auxiliary or mail direct to th County Secretary, A. T. Cooper, Clin ton, Contest is open till March rat, WELL Brussels s ego u oLECTURER COMING. - he favored with lecture by T. H. Race, the Field Secre tory of the Netional Sanitarium Associa Hoe. Doubtless many remember th lecture given sometime ago as intensely interesting, thoroughly instructive and eminently practical. We understand that much new fulmination, a number of speeiai views and most interesting moving pictures are to be presented at tile lecture, which will be given on Sun- day evening, zoth inst., Rt 8,20 o'clock, in the Town Hall. Dr, McRae has kind- ly consented to occupy the chair. No charge will be made for admission. We cannot too heartily commend this lec- ture to our readers. HANDSOME PATRIOTIC GRANT. -At the 17th annual Gene al meeting of the District I!morance Company on h fust„ the following motion was esbitt unanimously M 8'., t -Moved Woodstock »y Ont, econded!by John Sutherland, sr T. Rs - an rs. 05. eir at as his ed 6 of Ito m, THE t. as y1 0, ie e e e e e a • a Page. presided and forceful addresses Gore were given by Chaplain Parnab Pay- ie master• McTaggarty 14 and Major Sinclair, � W. N of the rent, Capt. Wiudysr, Toronto land s and Rev, J. L, McCulloch, Cranbrook. Pf anb solos were oontrib uted by Miss Ruth Sinefair An tiered byPies, d Patriotic songs ran• t Sinclair mad Blank. In tesponse to fire appeal of Capt. Wind- yer, who has been at rho front Pre i s de n1, Jo n Stith ell J and & Sbrs Limited of Guelph, that the members of tbe Company in annual meeting as- seml iecl recommend tbe Board of Dir - the bar of recruits offered their services to ( halide the 161st, It Was a good meeting And !Fund the whole proceeding free from anything and tb of a dictatorial spirit rather urging men ling th to do A plain duty in en Empire's cause, ion. The rational Anthem brought' the lated, meeting to a close, minds CanadianPatriotic Fundo,00Tltis arae donation to the Patriotic was approved by the Directors e meeting joined heartily in sing- e National Anthem on the occas - The members are to be cangratu. It shows that they are not un• im!!'4i'4ld ••••••Nottt+ir.+t •••;..4...,,se f ,,,•••••!! • Z East Huron Produce Emporium • Prices Offered • t Z♦ :. • . • •Z ••• • "'Number of Feeding Coops for sale at 75c each • 50o bushels Feeding Wheat wanted. • R. THOMSON - . BRUSSEL_ 2 44++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++++++ Selected strictly New Laid Eggs 28c • Fresh gathered Eggs - 25c Selected Dairy Print Butter - 27c Light -weight Prints and Unlabeled Wrappers, Solids and Rolls: - 250, Dress Chickens, Roasters and Broilers, crate fatted, showing quality - 14e • • • • • • r •• • • • • • • • STANDARD BANK OF CANADA IHEAO orrjce - TORQNTo EVERY good Bank has a RESERVE FUND as a pro• vision for loan years sad the inevitable rainy day. This Fund hue been acoumniated from Surplus Bandage end is a source of strength and stability. Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it no one is in a safe financial condition. Our Savings Depsrtnteat offers an ideal opportunity for EST 'p %era estabiishing YOUR RESERVE .FUND. 249 BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. lowland, p [1-C) Manager, ellagellelnemegmenimummumummiiiiiiimpaimloosoi tweet) the Red Cross and Patriotic funds, This Was in happy accord with the s irit of the gathering and was passed without a dissenting voles. Afton various otller ileitis of buei- nese were briefly disoasses the 43rd annual meeting was brought to a con- • elusion by a vote of thanks to the •chairman and the singing of ''God Save the King," ivThe IJowick Mutual enters upon1,l 2 and with hearty congratulations to the officiary, S another year tinder favorable auspices •••t•••t•••••.••••••..••••••.•••••.•.•••••••4•.••••• • are passing and that they are desirous of cluing their full duty toward Canada and the Empire, People We Talk About Miss Lizzie Bryans is visiting in Tor- onto. J. Querin was a visitor in Stratford for a few days. S. Carter attended a Ford Convention and Banquet in Toronto. Barrister Sinclair was at Toronto last week on legal business, Edwin Barkley is filling a position in a Toronto munition factory. Mrs. S. S. Cole, Ethel, visited with friends in town over Sunday. Miss Amy Roe was home from Strat- for.l Normal for the week end Will. Smalidon, of Toledo. was a visi- tor at Allan Lamont's this week, Miss Ella Inman goes to 'Toronto this week to take iu the Millinery�openings, Miss Barbara McKelvey, B, A., 'l or -- onto, is visiting in Brnssels and locality. Miss Mary Ross is at Toronto iu coo• vection with the Spring Millinery sea - 50n, Miss Annie McQttarrie went to the Millinery openings at Tallinnto on Moe. day. Pte, i m Hirons and Lieut. Scott, of Blyth, were visitors with Brussels friends over Sunday. Mrs. D. Robb, who is visiting rela- tives in Toronto, has been ill but we hone she will soon be as hearty as ever. Rev. D. 13. McRae, of Armow, was visiting relatives and friends in Brus• sets and locality for a few days this week. Lloyd Jsokson, student at Stratford Collegiate, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his parents, H. L. and Mrs Jackson. Oliver and Mrs Smith and children, of the West. are back from a Visit with relatives and friends at Galt, Harr Ston and other points, wes ek attendingolvthe Milline yis at Ooennings. Her sister, Mrs. A. G. English is also spending the week in the Queen city, A. G. McDermott 15 bank to the tellers box in the Standard Bank, J. F. Rou- ban has been promoted to ledger keeper and W, C. Jordan, of Morris township, will preform the duties of Junior. Mrs, Scott and daughter, Miss Mar- garet of Collingwood, are guests of Principal and Mrs. Scott; Turuberry street, The visitors are mother and sister,Ptes, ApR. Mustard and ectively, of our townsman. R n M, Bur- ton, recently of the Standard Bank staff, were away at their respective homes at Markham arra Crossland for a few holidays before taking their•places in the ranks of Brussels Co. of the 16Tet, Owing to the resignations of Teller Milligan and ledger Keeper Rankin to don King's colors E. B. White has come to handle the cash and G. A Moffatt, Turnberry township, accepts the post of junior, We welcome the new comers to town. T. H Race formerly Editor of the Mit- chell Record, was in town this week In cooneetion with his duties as representa- tive of the National Sanitarium for Con- sumptives. Hall here next Sunday evening and is well worth hearing. a NQWiCN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the above held ell inat en and Townlshipr Haul,, Gorlie, Friday afternoon of Last week, A bumper crowd wag lit attendance, testifying to thel pd ell towers] people,eli the business to be transacted. President John Jackson, of Harris - ton, took the chair and after a brief but appropriate address, called upon Secretary McRereher to read the Dif1•ectors retee of pormeeting both of which wand also ere n the lattadoer to the odemise of thference was ey lateade r Pres- ident, John R, Miller, one of the pion- eers of the Company and pbe last of the old brigade, Auditor Bennett presented the an- nual statement, with a few timely comments, This was the Jird report and was an excellent one showing the No. of policies writ No. in i1 ten to be 1 537 and force Total insui aOctend written, Watt thret I i ge sum of $3,2$7,730, leaving net amount in force at close of year, :11,410.377, an increase of $110,005 in •the amettot at risk, Premium notes held by Co, total $570,903 and amount available rat said note%$517,271, tosses paid were as follows :-By lightning on htsild- Inge, $1506 l live stook in fields, $31881 roma ft c o the tinter through which we of, les, $0 etoveptpes At $286 Aslses, $9001 Coal oil lanterns, $1600 ; unknown, $1879. Report was passed with little criticism, On motion, W. H. Kerr, of THE POST was asked to preside. He com- plimented the Company on the fine standing and the satisfactory way in which the business was looked after, Interest always centres round the election of officers. This year the 3 year Directors whose term had ex- pired were Vice -President, Hugh W. Edgar and Director Tas. Kirton. These were re -nominated and the names of Peter H. McDougall, Turn - berry and P, A. McArthur, Grey, were also proposed. The nominees briefly, yet pointedly, addressed the gathering, Mr. MaAethur declining to be a Candidate. On a ballot being taken Messrs. Edgar and Hilton were re-elected and aclnnow !edged the compliment, T. D. Miller, who had been appoint- ed to fill in the year in place of hie father and A. Gallagher, Howick, were to the field for the 2 year term and the latter won out thanking the people for the honor. For Auditors, T. G, Shearer, T, R.' Bennett, W. H. Gregg and A. A. Graham were nominated, Messrs,. Shearer and Gregg said they were not candidates and the other two gentle- men were chosen. Both are old heads at the business, Major Sinclair, of the 101st Huron Battalion, addressed the audience and did it well, showing the imperative necessity of a big rally in defence of the Empire and urged a hearty enlist- ment to complete the 1200 men want- ed for the Battalion. He was warmly supported by Geo. Johnston, of Grey township, after which a resolution heartily approving of She work was passed on motion of Messrs. Iebister and Mines. The audi- ertos sang the National Anthem with gusto. Mr. Gibson, Wroxeter, proposed, seconded by a half a dozen that hi view of the large surplus the Com- pany donate $500 to be divided be - 161st BATTALION NOTES The bugle is calling yoti. Have you heard it? Battalion mascot is "Colonel" th`e intelligent dog owned by Pte. Kerr. Last Sunday rnorning the boys in khaki attended service in St. John's church in a body, The basso-profundo of Lieut, Frank Scott as Drill. Master, phis a good or bad cold, sounds quite military, Sergeant R. M. Sinclair was called to headgwafters atClinton on Tuesday and may be attached to that Oom- pany: Brussels has secured the platoon (52 men) asked for and are now out to reach the round hundred. Who'll give it a boost ? A request has conte from head- quarters to make a vigorous effort to add 5 recruits td Brussels quota tills week, Now for a rally, David Smith, Otlr line, emigration agent, has been added to the list of recruiting officers. As he is quite a hustler he should secure a dozen re- cruits. Good behaviour and gentlemanly conduct is always expected from the soldiers of the Hing and the boys ap- pear to be endeavoring to live up to this ideal, Bandmaster Grant, of the 181st Band, has ordered the instruments for the band and they should be on hand in a short time. By the time Spring comas the Bandmaster hopes to have a band of 30 pieces or more. Lieut. D. S. Scott was one of the speakers at Moncrieff Tea Meeting Monday evening. He is developing in the art of public address and presents his case from a recruiting officer's Bull for Sale The undersigned offers for sale the thoro'- bred Durk.em Bull, "Golden Robe,"90718. Phone 8014 JAMES NIOEOL, R. R. No. ¢, Brussels. e••e•••e••••e••••••••••••q*sr ♦♦♦.••••••••••••M••••••• 1 • • • D Makes any woman to � attractiveandyouth- ss • 2 ,pJ ful, and ladies who • " x 1,,s ' s would make their • a theyrance wouldlike it to h • be should see Dorenwend's Display a of Fine Hair Goods • AT : THE AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28th • • Switches, Braids, Transformations, Pompadours, Waves, etc, -the products of Canada's oldest and largest hair goods house. • : Bald Gentlemen A.DnrenwendToupee is an 7s absolute necessity to the man who is bald. I1 wIll pr • ilial -lei tenbyour health and make you 0 a'+ 41'FHlilh7d,dl�r' appear years younger, • i+ ,+ , Come and gee them on day of visit and have •: Beautiful Hair 11 s • • • • • • e • • • • ¢•i • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • 0 • • • • 2 115 Tongs St, I Toronto horenwoncly 178 Sparks St • ( • s Ottawa a g • ••••••••••••••••••••••t1t♦t4tiNIOMs••e•startaasea..a...• I + A FREE DEMONSTRATION standpoint in a firm, free yet kindly planner. It's Canada's war he is ask- ing aid for. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOS, IM• POEMEN' re, &o, -F, S. Scott, Auctionerr, has tortosellbypd ll the underlott 24, Pro• prior by 0, Grey bownann',, Friday, t February y 26th, at 1 p m. sharp, the following velueble property: - 1 pair draft mares 5 and 0 year,. old, 1 pair of draft geldings tieing 8 years, 1 driving horse 8 years, 1 driving horse 10 yeure, 1 egad horse, 8 Hereford oowe fresh, 1 Durbsm sow fresh, 1 Hereford cow due to oalve time of Bale, 2 Hero. ford cows due to calve 1n May, 1 Hereford Leif. er due to calve in June, 1 Hereford heifer due to on lye in July, 1 pare bred. Ilereford bull 28, montlieold, 4ycungcalves, 1 sow due tofar- row April 18, 8 duos rand 1 drake, 1 MaCor• mink binder, 1 McCormick mower, 1 bay rake, 1 McCormick cultivator and seed box combin- ed nearly new, 1 NOSon drill, 1 ;Marrow Cook- shuttplow, 2 walking plows, 1 Perrin riding plow, 1 set 4•eeotien harrows, 1 harrowing cart, 1 fanning mill, 1 set 1,000 lb. scales, 1 heavy wagon, new, 1 farm wagon and hay rack, 1 set bobsleighs, 1 atoueboat, 1 set heavy team har- neee, 1 set plow harness, 2 sets light harness, 1 gravel gon boa, 1lwheelbarrow,l1 Muffler, 1 Oxford dream separator, quantity of roots, 160 bee. of seed mate, 100 bus, two -rowed barley, 800 bus. mixed grain, a quantity. of hay and numerous other article*. Sale unreserved as proprietor is going West, Terms; -$5.99 and under meal, over that amount 10 mon the credit on epprev- ed joint notes. 5 per cent off for cash on credit atnoante, RICHARD LINDSAY, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, SM P8EM5NTa, GRAIN, Asa. --0. F. Yandrlek, Auctioneer, has received ineernetiune from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by. Pnblh. Auction at Lot 15 00, 17, Grey towneld p, en Tumidity, Feb. 211th, at 1 o'clock, the follow- ing property 1-1 heavy draft horse Habig 4 years, 1 general purpose horse rising 4 pear, 1 general purpose mare rising 0 years in foal, 1 heavy draft filly rising 2 years, 1 heavy draft gelding tieing 2.yearr, 8 coma In calf, 9 etaere rising 2: years, 2 steers rising 1 year 0 heifer rising: 1 year, 1 brood sow supppoaec in pig. 1 store pig, 1 thorn' -bred York l,og, nbout 80 young hens, .1Collie dog, 1 McCorrntek binder, 1 Massey -Ramis mower, 1 hla0orntiek rake, 1 Prost & Wood shad drill, 1 Peter Hamilton cul- tivator, 1 set l-seceion harrows nearly now, 1 Frost & Wood hay loader new, 1 immure spreader, l turnip Bower, 1 pulper, 1 stuffier, 2 Bingle plows, 1 gang plow, ?sets wblilietrees. 2 neok yokes i set healed, 1 tanning mill, 1 wagon and box, I tight wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 net bob-. ,.lei hx, 1 atonebont, 1 wood reel[, 1 cutter, 1 top lingo'', 1 open buggy, 1 tightaletgh, 1 set of double harneee with breeching, 1 set single harness, 1 set plow barmen, 1 wheelbarrow, 2 loggia chains, l cant hook, 1 hay fork rope, a quantity of hey, about 110 bus, feed oath, about 20 bus, seed ants, about10ubeer barley, quanti- ty r nearly r green teed, 1 stove, forks,l rrss o els n 1 nth r rew, .cookstove, wllb shovels nod other articr has re. Eed his farm will be cold as pro• prietor hoe rented his firm. Terme: AI' Good • Not only add 1.0 personal ap. I • pearanne but health, cotta- • fort and personal appear, • tutee are dependent upon O Lb OM. • • • Our Pens •Perla Menta Tooth Paste p© • If used regularly will keep • S them right, It protects them w • from destrnotion by gerrue • • of deoxy, Whitens and pol- • ishes without injury to en- amel. It's a splendid denti- e Price and one delightful to 0 • use. a • 25o per package 3 i • 3 IFX' 3 • • • • • DRUG STORE The Penslar Store • • OIED BEaaAan,-In Morrie township, on February 181h, 1910, Thomas Benner Bernard, aged 70 years. 8 months and 7 days. GeeTON -In Wroxeter,. on February 10th, 1910, John Gentili, In hie 108rd year, MoCorm,-In New W eatmanater, 14 0„ on Feb. Oth, 1910, Helen Janet Barlow, widow of the lata Chief Justice Napoli, of British Col- umbia. SwAarz.--In God aria, on Feb, 4th,1010 Ober- lotte Elizabeth Rusk, r°li°t of the lateE. B. Swartz. Waioi,c-In Toros to Military Hospital, on Fabrunry 111h, ION, Pte. A roll° 0, Wright eon of Frank 0. and Margaret Wright, ageti. 25 years, a months and 21 days. AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND. - Farm etoalr, implements, Ste , Lots 17 and 18 Con, 0, Grey township. Sale nnreeerved at f 0. M. Rohl. L. McDonald, Prop. F, el. Scott, Aum, WaDNaoDAY, Feb. 28an: Ferro. s500k, im- plements, &a., NE Lot 14, Con. 8, Morris. towneklp, pole unreserved at I p, in, Wm. aerobe, Prop , James Taylor, Ana. SATURDAY, FE}t. 19Ta.-Milch oowe slid young tt0,30 McDonald, rop. Jnou Par- vin, Auo. FRIDAY, FEB, 25TH, -Farm stook, imple- ments, &e, at rot 24, Con, 9 Grey township, Sale unreserved at 1 p, m, Richard Lindsay, S• Scott, Auo. A1oNt, y, FEn. 28Th, -Farts Stook, Imple- ments, )furniture, Ake, at Lot 14, Con 18,. Gray. Stile nnreoervrd, at 1 p. in., as � proprietor 10 kaiak West. Ray McNaught, Prop, ; F. 0, 80015, Ana. meets, -&o �etLot 10 mCott.F17, Gin y ekSale us. reserved et 1 p. m. Edward Clark, Prop. 1 U. F, Vandriok, Auo. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat E1 10 Cate Panni 108 26 129 GO 1 40 Barley or 1500 and under cash; over that amount 10 ' Butter joint notes 5 given nt off tort cash approved credit !,gays amounts, Hay and •rain to be oneh. i EDWARD CLARK, Prsprietor. ! Potatoes per hue *1 10 110 65 2a 900 181 00 •+•+•••+•+•+•+•+•+•+•••+•• •••+o4•+.+•*•+.+.+•+.*•+•+ • �russe0s 0a 6i t I i y.-gh Otoro Of N, MclareR ,porti'W'b''tN,v),,,,'41aAtN,,,,'yf,x't,'tJt,'t''t,,,,,,, 9,,,,,t, In'4,4d,i,m,%r, ,,,,,,,'id'Il4,Ni h,'tN,rt,4✓era , ton,. e • 3• • • Stock -g 1 + • # + • .}. SALE 1 • • • •........... i • OiqBar a° �� gins aII Oepartmenfs AD Fur Coats Boys' and Men's Overcoats ♦ Ladies' Furs and Fur Collared Coats �y /1 41/14st Got i ®o All Children's, Misses' and Ladies' fi Wnter Cloth Coats t Must Go. 4+ • Retains flavor aind freshness In bread and pastry 10 FL "More More Bread and Better Bread" e • Come and see the Goods and Compare a pre Pri ccs. This is your opportunity to get Big Bargains. 3 • • • + •• G N. McLaren� 4• F• f •4! 1 • • }e ! • F• M• M• t • f r4e44•1•41+e4.3.01 •1•4•44 1-44•44 Highest Prices for Produce. • •. t air