HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-2-17, Page 4Ehe t>ritss elo 4 t Photo1FIliial aY, t. z A Y L,. Lo,_
IJAva you heardt'te call of the Moth-
r9lianilz Be Open` All Week
"•BuStN1,a$ life is a .Marathon, not
Wou4R you'like to see Conscription in
Canada ? If not the way to avert it to
shoulder your rifle if you are of military
age and help win the clay.
Hot, Mx ASQUITH, speaking in the
Ord Land Parliament said 1 -"We shall
never sheathe the sword which we have
lightly drawn until Belgium recovers lu
full measure, and more than ail, that she
has sacrificed."
Ari-ae all President •Wilson, even if
"too proud to fight," has problems of his
owu in Brother Jonathan's land. '.Phe•
pulse of ancient civilization still beats
strong in the Stale of Georgie where s
Negroes were recently Lynched in one
lot. Is this part of "The land of the free
and the home of the brave ?" It may
"elevate" the black but while doing so
it degrades the white man.
PROVINCIAL Prohibition Convention
will be held in Massey Hall, Toronto, on
Marsh 28-3t. A great program of ad-
dresses, music, moving pictures, &c., is
being arranged for. Single fare tickets
will be issued on all the railroads, on the
certificate plan. Every temperance or-
ganization and church is urged to ap-
point delegates so that a great gathering
may convene and help keep the Proha-
bitiou banner flying. ,
;,oil was themajority given by the
Cou a tv of Pontiac, Quebee. for a Prohibi-
tion By law. That with the obli eration
of the bar in the House of Commons, Ot-
tawa, and the thousands upon thous-
ands of names signed on the petitions to
the Ontario Legislature urging Prohibi-
tion are among the signs of the times as
to the attitude of Canucks toward the
annihilation of the ligler traffic. What
is the Commons going to do about it ?
The public is waiting with open eves and
EVEN if a year's political truce has been
arranged hi the Dominion of Canada
there is no reason why the vacancies in
the S_nate ahnn'd not be filled. It may
be these cosy preserves are being held
so that ambitious political aspirants in
clearing the way for party favorites or
sotne of the slain in next election may be
buried. If these stats can be left unoc-
cupied for months or years one of two
things must be apparent, either there
are too many Senators or their work is
of so little coo.equeuce it matters little
whether the men are there or not. Pus-
sibly both sta;emen•s ale true as our be-
lief is that the Canadian Senate is about
as uselessand expensive an appendage as
exists in our political history and all the
long promised amendments of both Grit
and Tory are like the passing cloud or
the Summer dew. It's too big a snap.
Some Recruiting Offit•ers who address
public meetings had either better be
- called off the job or told by someone in
authority to change their tactics, Be-
cause a man is in Khaki he has no
license to impute motives and cast as-
persions on the loyalty of audiences who
may be possessed of a higher type than
tile. speaker and yet. perhaps, not able to
respond at the time to the Empire's call.
Epithets and sarcasm will not win re-
cruits and the man who shows no better
judgment than to pursue such a program
is giving a black eye to the cause he is
sent to advocate. The
course followed
0 owed
be Captain
Windyer at
15 s Recruit-
g meeting last Friday eveningstruck
a chord worthy of emtilatioe and achiev-
ed what was aimed at, viz . a rallyiug to
the King's colors, There is ample room
and indisputable arguments that can be
presented as to why the ranks should be
filled and the public require to be arous-
ed to the seriousness of the equation and
the absolute need now of Wide enlist•
meet if the allies are to win in the near
future. Mi'itary experts at the frost
say "Send us more men," and the letters
of soldiers in the trenches carry the salve
messages urging the rallying of Cana-
dians to their support. Increased awl -
cultural production is a most important
feature but towering over that is the
greater need t0 -day of trained battalions
to deal the finishing blow to the titanic
struggle waging across the ocean that
will bring to the world, what we hope
will prove, abiding Peace. The tdtst
Huron Battalion requires 12oo men but
total yet is less then soo. What would
Canada be worth to Canadians if the
militarists won the conflict ? The way
to preserve our land is to send loyal sons
to the help of the Motherland in her bat-
tle for Freedom, Justice and Righteous -
nese. It takes from Six months to a year
to properly train recruits to face the man
of long years' experience in military tac-
tics and the sooner they are in the tanks
the sooner they will be ready to prove
their ability to claim a further share of
heroism and bravely that has So worth-
ily been achieved by the soldier lads
Old Folks' Day
On Thursday, Friday and Satur-
day, 24th, 26th tttitl 26611 mats,
All couples over 65 years of age
will be taken T+RIdE.
who have gone from the Land of the
Maple, Seethe Recruiting Officer and
be ready to do your "bit'' in the holy
war in which the allies are engaged.
THE POST hopes the new Cigarette
By-law will prove more than "a of
paper." No law will enforce itself. It
requires more than official activity, as
any law pnbli'cly or privately ignored
soon drops into disrepute but a positive
determination to aid and support Muni
cipal, Ptoviueial or Dominion enact -
meats in their completeness. gives dig
nity to the law, is a training school for
both old and young as to what a Statute
stauds for and may save many a regret
and headache as well as heartache in
later life. Some people stay we won't
observe the Canada 'i'empereece Act,
we'll defy it. Are audit folk doing the
straight thing? What if evety citizen
of the country said "I'11 be a law Oslo
meself?" We would soon have anar
chv, rebellion and a` violation of every
code. Every patriotic luau and woman
who desires to see progress maintained,
morality iucreaaed and the highest type
of civilization promoted must., live up to
a high standard and by word and deed
prove themselves wo'the of troth cen-
tury citizenship in this Canadian laud
The world is moving ou and it is up to
us to do our part so well that our per-
sonal example and the homes we belong
to will prove a stay and support to the
wellbeing of the Nation.
Huron Old Bey; held their annual
"At Home" aid Patriotic re union iu
the Oeidfellow'; 'l'emp'.e, Toron'o, Fri•
day, Feb 4th. '!'here was a large at
teodaueeof natives of the old County
up by Lake Huron. A military touch
was added to the scene by the pseseuee
of numerous soldiers. The topic of
most of the speakers was the foist Hur-
on Battalion. Lieut -Colonel Combe,
O. C , spoke of the difficulty they had
experienced in getting the Battalion
started and of the impetus that had
been given to the movement I y the
recognition of the Huron Old Boys in
Toronto As typical of this he mention-
ed that the County Council had refused
their request for $15oo for organization
purposes, After Toronto had got be-
hind the Battalion the County had
granted $2,000. One of the members
asked the Colonel why he had not ap
plied for $S,00n, Colonel Combe said
recruits were coming in and the of&cers
were high in hope that the ranks would
be ailed in the near future. He express-
ed appreciation for the fact that Dr. J,
L. Hughes, a Huron Old Boy, had come
to Godet•rch to deliver a recruiting ad-
dress and that the doctor had promised
to come back and deliver addresses in
other places in the County, He compli-
meeted tbo doctor's ability to say the
right thing in the right way.
Major J. W. Shaw. Clinton, followed.
He rpoke gratefully of the work accom-
p isbed by the recognition of the Huron
Old Boys of '1oron'o. Major McTag-
gart, also of the edict, an old Clinto
boy, spoke briefly. Miss FL Tea
Graham, Seatortb, read several origin
poems and Alderman Douald C. Ma
Gregor, baritone, gave some well ran
dered patriotic selections, Thos. M
Gillicuddy and various other old boy
who now nand re,pousible positions gav
brief addresses A number of tette
and telegrams of regret from person
unaV i
o dab prevented fromsit rt ht
Pe lain
read b • r
t -cr
S eta
E rl
v d
Major r
Gane ai
Sam. Hughes t hes and
g Gene
al Sir William D Otter, who Is an Hon
Vice -President and a real old bey, sai
that the Bre ie the Parliament budding
had rendered their presence in Ottaw
imperative. C. Seeger, Coun'y Crow
Attorney and Clerk of the Peace a
Godericlt and Sheriff Reynold -s, of tb
same place, among others, also sen
their apo'o�i:s, Lieutenant W. E
Floody, of the 136th Battalion stationed
at Port Hope, telephoned that he had
suddenly been prevented from carrying
out his intentions to be present. A
dance followed tete program of music
and speeches. A large shate of the
proceeds will be devoted to the 16tst
Huron Battalion.
End tufts file stranding Liberal. otttidt'
date rot' North Ottlee He tspiesent.
ed that titling In the Liberal tapas
SHARP ��froth 1806 to loll, ire was hove at
Balgoun, in Lagged) Farleh, Scotland,
August 80, 1816, Tu ISt?$ its married
BY this wife thele were two childie,i, 'Dangerous Condition Relieved Just 1n
Who anrvive, Alex,, representing the
Canadian Government on the Wat4d a' Time By'tFruit-a-tivea"
]?'air commission and now in Cali-
fornia and Qeraldiue at home. 119r,
Tubule's second wife was a illisa
Robertson, of Nation. Site also pre-
deceased biro. He was two, years
Councillor and four years Reeve of
Bruce township t one year, Deputy
Reeve and two years Mayor of Kin -
outline. His business was that of
salt -making and he was Manager of
the Peopie's Company.
Maggie H. Patterson, of Lunknow, a
stator of John Patte•stm, former '
Lieut, -Governor of British Columbia
B 1
Huron eattallo,
Following are the names of the'
young men who have donned the
colors of the King in connection with
Brussels Company of the 161st `Bat-
talion of Huron County ;--
%'V, F. Scott (Lieutenant)
D. S. Scott (Lieutenant)
Ronald 111, Sinclair (Sergeant)
Fred. Oox
Reynold Barkley
Hugh Campbell
Roy Thuell
%Vie. Oppensiser
Stewart Fox
Elgin Porter
Melvin Sitiels
John Johnston
Wilfrid R. Clark
Steven Thibideau
Nelson Agate
Percy Thuell
Fred. W. Burchill
Lyle McCracken
Anderson Black
Thomas Savage
Edward Rann
Fled. Haynes
Fred. Hilison
Joseph Rowland
George Timmer
Clarence Bennett
Fred. Hestia
Edward Ryan
Fred. Thuell
Joe Thuell
George Champion
Roy Champion
Ben Snyder
Gordan Cameron
John McLauchlia
A. k. Mustard
J. F. Raultan
R. M. Burton
E. G Rankin
A. H. Milligan
Harry Champion
Stanley Rutledge
Alfred Dennison
Angus Kerr§
Win. Sholdice,
S. Snelling -
1ri. Snelling
Thos. Sullivan
Jack Bailantyue;
Ward Buchanan
John Thibideau
Earl Reis
Bert MOLeod
Vernon Sinclair '
Tuesday aftetnoon of last week the
annual meeting of the Brussels, Morri
and Grey Telephone Co, was held in the
Town Hail, Blnsseis, with President, F.
S. Scott in the chair.
Minutes of last annual meeting read
and passed. The audited Fivancial
Statement of the receipts and expendi-
ture was presented tor tuts showing re-
ceipts to be $6322 05 and expenditure r.f
$6199 45 with balance of $122,60, was
presented. After going over the various
items and carefully explaining them the
eport was adopted' on motion of Ina.
Brown and Joe. Long,
President repo -ted 826 telephones and
83 tenants, a total of gog in operation in
counec ion with the Company.
I byWm LilO
d1 rseconded
al , re-elected Director for Morris township
e- for 1916
Moved by John Brown, seconded by
A. McLeau, that Wm. Cameron be re-
' (apointed Director of Grey township
rs I F. 8. Scott was again chosen as the
representative from Brussels on motion
of Alex.
Br au
5 and
J Jones.
iMoved by
ed by
gR, that
OmaS Ill
M er be
,Auditor for the Company. Carried.
d 1 Jt.o. Ferguson was appointed the
other Auditor by -the Directors.
Before the meeting a:'jourued follow•
1 ing motion was adopted ;-Mored by
)as. McFadzean, seconded by A. C.
? Dames, that in recognition of the sacri-
fice the ladies have made in our behalf
t . in refraining from the use of the tele-
phone during the noon boor, we, the
members, of the Company, assembled
in this annual meeting, hereby wish to
place on record our hearty thanks to all
I who have responded to our request for
the past year and we will be greatly
p'eased for an extension of the privilege
of the lines during the coming 12
months, Carried,
Report presented was as follows :-
John T ex -M 1 r P. flies
Cash on hand zeta. $ 21 88
o mie
Rent of telephooes ... ...... , 837 00
John 'Willie, ex.M, P., died at 11.15 l0 50
p m. Thursday 01 last week at his i Moving telephones 11 o0
borne is Kincardine, the result of fall- Rent of rooms 36 00
ing down the eellrtr stairs at eight t
o'clock Wednesday night, He sus- 1
Mined a fractured skull and though 1 WOMAN ALL
shortly after midnight he appeared to ��� DOWN
rally and called the mune of his son, Made Strongand Well
Alex,. who ie in California and Dr.Vinci
Rest of extensions
lM()Orimnten, he never really regain -i Waynesboro,Pa.-- 'iIwasalirundown
ad consciousness. His dttu
ghtet, i after a hard spell of bronchitis so it was
with whom he lived, givea the opinion hard forme to keep about. I bad pains
that Mr. Tohnis mistook the cellar in my cheat and took cold easily, A
door for the hall door and phut ed friend asked ate to try Vino!. I did and
headforemost (Thew, the cellar, The it built me up 5o 1 am strongand wel
two doors are side by aide. The death and I am able to domyhousewrk which
of a Mr, Tolmie tvill be widely regretted 1 had not done for three months before
for he was known throughout Ontar- taking Vinol- - Mrs. Y. R. Hog.
lo and parlicnlatly in Wester 0 Otlittl'- BOUGH, Waynesboro, Pa,
10, as a genial and whets: enuled man Vinci creates an ap betlte, aids digea.
of sound judgment mid statesmanship tion, makes pure blood and creates
qualities. Mr. Tolmie tvas over '70 strength. Your money back if itfaila
yells of age, but Was all active man F. R, SMTTII, Druggist, Brussels
121R-.. el CAVESN
682 Gerrard St. East, Toronto.,
For two years, 1 was it victim of
Adele lath: esliois and Gas Jo The
Stomach, It afterwgrds attacked my
.heart, and I had pains all over the
body, so I could hardly move around.
I tried all kinds of medicines but none
of thein slid me any good. At fast,
acting on the advice of a friend, I
decided to try 'Trait-a-tives'. I bought
the first box last June, and now I am
Well, after using only three boxes,
I recommend 'F ruit-a-titres' to anyone
suffering from Indigestion, no matter
how acute". FRED J. CAVEEN,
Simple Indigestion often leads to
Heart Attacks, Catarrh of the Stomach
and constant distress of aline and body.
If you are bothered with any stomach
!'rouble, and especially If Constipation
troubles you, take 'Pruft-a-tives'.
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all dsalers or sent postpaid by
Fruit -a -lives Limited, Ottawa.
Debentures sold. ........... ......... 3527
Unsold debentures, Coupons..., 668 07
W. Love, purchase telephone.,. 12 00
Ed. Fulton. pole tt 25
Debentureenture account surplus 495 39
Debenture account loan...,......,700 00
$ 6322 05
Capital account, wire, tele-
phones, etc- $trot 66
Maintenance snpplie,§ 748 93
Directors' fees.... ................. 54 o0
Officers' salaries. 136 00
Operators' salaries 1175.00
Linemans' salary 649 92
Livery ................. 296 5o
Labor, construction 456 '75
Expert labor 102 8o
Taxes. 30 00
Printing ...... 38 75
Insurance 21 go
Freight and express.— 88 36
Legal expenses 147 r0
Fuel and supplies
Paid loan *woo 00 ; int., $2 30 1002 33
Miscellaneous 6s 115
Cash on hand 122 6 9
$ 6322 05
Debentures on hand and acorn
ed interest ,,„,, ,, ,„,,$3797 43
8 telephones installed 387 20
A810101collectecl from subscrip
tions l915 for maintenance.- 168
Telephone rents and extensions
unpaid 139 00
Stock 013 hand 902 74
Cash on band •122 60
$5577 27
Auction Sales
has beenNin bra d by fisc Sanders yned pin`
praetor to self by public ausEfon nE Lola 17 and
18, Con, 6, Grey toweahip, Tuesday, February
22nd, at 1 p. m. sharp, the following valuable
property: t pair draft mares in foal, 1 draft
mare,l mora rlsnng>4 years; 1 pair draft geld-
ing,.rieing 8, 1 nnnt tieing
draft fillies rising
two, 1 horse colt tieing 1 year 1 road mare
pediging 8years, l pare bred eirortiternf sale, 2
cows -doe, 1 now don to calve time of sale, 2
cows -due ne to calve in March 8 heifers lisle
years calf due H
y eft hl
arch e
heifers osrii
en 2
i i,
years in calf, 6 hatters B e ear s rf rising 2 years,8 steers fn 2 y 8steers
risie1 year, s8 heiferrieings
mess 1 year, 1 pore bred shorthorn years I bio d
months will be fag owed berade ifoore sale, 8 pigs about
2 months old, 8 store__Ppige about 180 lbs., about
72 bens, 2 pure bred Ruck roosters, 2 ducks and
a drake, 1 binder Frost & Woos nearly new '7
foot out, 116 disc drill nearly new, 1 Massey -
Barris ogltivator with eeed box nearly new, 1
Massey -Harris hyo -rowed corn cultivator
neerly new, 1 set harrows 4 'motions, 1 Oliver
7pplow new, 2Flaury plowe, 5l'furrowed plows,
Wagon new, lone horse w gon with.pintforts
1 top buggy, 2 cutters, 1 set sleighs with plat-
form, 1 hay rack flat, 1 gravel box, 1 root put -
per, 3 Melette cream separator new 868 lbs.
perhour, 1 washing machine and wringer, 2
ewihck with breeching, emale hare,
1 pair teas i collars, about 408 bushel oats, about
200 bushel barley, 1 wood heater, 1 cook stove,
1 cern planter,1 cern shelter, 1 wheelbarrow
and otherartiales Sere unreserved es farm
has been sold. Terms ;-$5.00and under cash,
over that amount 12 months credit on approv-
edoint notes. 6 per cent off for cash on
credit amounts. R08T. L. MoDONALD,
MI -
Auctioneer, has re aiveedai strueetlons /ram
the undersignedPronrietor to sell by nubile
A action at North half Let 14, Con. 8, Morris,
Wednesday, Feb. 28M, at 1 o'clock, the follow-
ing property t-1 heavy draft blare in foal 8
ears old, I heavy draft Geidtng 0 years old, 1
draft mare 1 year old, 1 heavy draft
moral year old, 1 heavy draft mare sucker, 8
Mitch cows, 1 two year old steer, 1 .two year
old heifer, 2 one year old heifers, 1 one year.
old steer, 1 heifer calf, 1 steer calf, 1 brood.
sow In pig, esters ppies 4 tnnnths old, 1 goose.
and gander, about 80 Rook Ilene, 1 Deering
binder new, l wagon hearty new, I pent bob -
Morale., 1 10 foot hay rake, 1 wagBon box, 1 set
et iron barroom. 1 stuffier, 1 punier, 1 Fleury II
hay forlow k 'ropesltand pulleye, 11 set of tdoub e''
harness nearly new, I set of plow harness, 1 '
set ofoingfe herne,A nearlynew, doubletrees, 1
neckyokas and charm, t wieetharrew, 1 cream
Delaysepaythem Nop8 end butter taabout 0ile Ra mile,0514.
trot hay en.l root”, a quantity of honeehold
furniture. Bvor3ythittg wilt he sold as proprie-
tor Imo sold hie farm; Tomei-Alt ohms of
6600 and tinder cash; over tint Amount 8
Nimbi monthecredit given en rnishing approved
Joint notes, 4 per sort off ter oath oil credit
Oe e clra,rn •1•t 1111 1 ant he
benture aevoiutt $ 711 , r o
Anti 1111 10 bal ata ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 407727
815577 .07
'1 he husinrsti of the Brussels, Morris
ft Grey ltti•ut'Velephone Co has here
well managed by the Dil•eetors, lineman
and ope heirs d it ing t lie n,nt- l ear Ananll are to be commend...0 1, thou. ,close
attention to buetn,ss sill the caul leol10
conduct m rkiug their tvork
The People's Column
•FARM 2101t SALE, -05 acre farm 'Alapie
Lodge" ,,di i ring the village of. Oran -
brook, for sale; Good frame house, hare, new'
Harding, windmill, orchard; $o. Convenient
to sohool and churches. Terme to mutt pure
chaser For further fnrorrnatloti apply to
Mra, G. Sperling, Oranbrouk, Ontario.
OR SALE. -50 Bore Corm fig good atote of
oultivatlon, a mile ;Southwest of 'Trow-
bridge, with first -alms brickheuee, bank barn
and straw sited, two good- wells and spring.
Might exchange for town property. Apply to
RioHARD JOHNSTON, Trowbridge 15.8
8, tion. 4, Grey ; 100 aeras On the farm
lea .two•etorycement hots°.and bank born,
also good orchard, For particulars apply to
F. S. SCOTT, Brussels,
1000 Loads field Stops- Wanted
Bruseele llorporatIon is ready to purchnee
.x000 loads of field stone, to be delivered on a
vacant lot opposite John Long's home, Flora
street. 60.cee is a square yard will be paid.
Stones ere to be crushed and needfor etreet
bs rovement,
For farther particulars apply to members of
Brussels Council or Robt. Oliver.
P. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
licensed Auctioneer for Nuron Co,
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to nail,
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
For Sale
Grain Werehonse with horsepower elevator,
Beales, earta, floor ears, &e.
a10nrstot 130,gTownship of lnri20oeedimlainthe Villarusse,
and 6 bending lot,, on Turnberry etreet, For
pa Mentors apply to the owner.
Thoro'-bred Stock
vice at LotB ,AC n018� Morriswin h Uy the for
signed. His sire le Geiofnrtf Ideal =00882,=;
greed sire Goinford. Marquis amp.) 811765----,
bred by J. A Watt Service fee ,'•1.50 for
grades and $7.00 for thoro'•breds.
ALL SCOTCH =87668=, roan • ealved April
10th, 1012 ; bred by ,las, Cowan, Seaforth. Elia
etre la Royalist =71200=, ; grand airs is Blood
Royal lImp.) 88180,
SCOTCH LAD, a dark red ; calved about
•oodlsseonclasee ire. P 1504 rices reasonable. Cal being
Bulls for Sale
rsalea fr Hndynt-
for , so St oservice. Anybody
should call and inspect.
Phone 188 JAMES SPEIR. Brnoeeis P. 0.
Lot 80, Con. 6, Morrie,
Bull for Service.
The undersigned 7 eGrey, the 1 ho o' for
Durham Bell, Meadowbrouk Alex =10018.'8=.
Terms 81,00 to be paid on or before February
1st, 1917, Pedigree may he seen on applica-
27-tf Proprietor,•
Property for Sale
The Garvin property, 3§.mile Routh of Brus-
sels corporation, containing 12 acres, more or
leas, is offered for sale. Fairly good bundler.,
excellent orchard,all kind of fruit and goad
garden. Poseeasion on .March lat. For farther
llerticnlera apply on the premlaes or to Brus-
22-4 Phone 5628,
Hacking Coughs "Gram," Chamberlain
"For Hacking Coughs that rob you of your sleep till your sys-
tem becomes so run down that you are in grave danger of.Pneu- ,
monia or,Consumption, the kind that almost tear you, to pieces,
that make your head ache, your throat sore' and infldrried, take
f .
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stops the tick-
ling in the throat, and by its tonic effect enables you to throw
off the disease, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is quite different
from the ordinary cough medicine, for it not only soothes but
also heals, so that the effected parts are restored to a healthy
condition and the danger of a future attack is removed. I firmly
believe that it is the best and most reliable preparation ever pro-
duced'for coughs and colds."
mad - .94 'j't tr:t.;
tale .4,141
The Ford Runabout
Price $480
A fine harvest—of pleasures and profits
is reaped by the man who drives a Ford.
For the trip to town—for a run to the
neighbors—for a hurry -up drive any-
where -business or pleasure demands—
there's no other car which will go so
Well at anywhere near the cost.
The FordtTouring Car is $620 ; the Coupelet $100 ; the Soden
4880 ; the Town Car $780. All prices are 1. n b. Ford,'
Eqll uipcompletely
ent does noequipped,
Aa ude speedo meter ieCare
on pale at S. GARTER'S, Brussels,
.., �/iii/•~�����"'!•
Tli Er.Elrl^'r:VyeR A!4;6%R.
:•••••••••••• •:••••••••••es•!M•E••••••••••••••••••••••••emese•••emee•••soe e
Chevrolet "Four -Ninety"
"The• Product of Experience"
Powerful and 7
Quiet Bunning•
Price Complete $675.00 F.O.B. Oshawa
Regular Equipment. Mohair Tailored Top. Enve1
• Born: (Near Vision Ventilating Wind Shield.p p,', and Side Curtains. Electric
• gSpeednntetcr, Electric -
Ile 3taitin and Li
= System. Ammeter and License Braeketg; g ghtillg •
NOTE—Owing to the teat demand for this Car, '••
9 , we would suggest placing 99 p g your order early to ensure delivery
We use the Stewart Speedometer, " •
• p Two unit Auto -Lite Starting and Lighting Sys- :
• tent, •
with Bendix Drive, same type and grade as used on the higil.p ell eats. li' Sj S
•omplete line of Repairs will always be in stock. •
i® P.MINT0 Agent Brussels I.
mounts. Be and roots lobe cash,
va LLTAM GARNISS, Proprietor. •rsS•!S••ss111$0411.e...p re .. ••in•ia.•1i•••.•.••ws•••i w.0.0$00. 00$40re6 ..N....