HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-2-17, Page 1VOL, 44 NO. 33 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1"j, I916 tarmettermagesomme Mrs. .Alf, Kra rt r Berlin,is visiting g her mother, Mrs, F. Raddaz. S. Kessler., Sault Ste. Marie, isre- newing old acquaintances in the "Piot". J. Long,has been on the sick for the past weebut we are pleased to state he is improving, Walter Noble was in Stratford last week tfor the wedding of his uncle, Will. Campbell, of Logan. M. Kreuter has rented. the Gill farm where, R. Lindsay has been. The lat- ter intends moving to the West. Menzies Bros. have 'purchased the Kreuter farm, first the cage and then the bird. This will give them 200 acr- es and we wish them well. Remember the Anniversary in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday and the Supper on the Tuesday night following, Rev. Mr. McDonald, At- twood, will be the preacher. A line program is in preparation for Tuesday evening so no one should miss it. To Farmers You would not think of letting productive land lie idle. Is your surplus money working for you? If not, we suggest that you open a savings account with us. Where but in a good sound Bank can your money— whether $10 or $10,000—be set to work earning interest, and, at the same time, immediately ab- solutely safe and available? 199 The Bank of Nova"Scotia Incorporated 1832 PAID -IIP CAPITAL - $ 6,600,000 RESERVE FUNS 12,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES over 90,000,000 • BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. Gilroy, Manager New Advertisements Locals—Grover G111. Good teeth—Jas. Fox. Gentiemon—R. Ferguson, Bull for sole—Jas. Nichol. Hair Goods—Dorenwends, February sale—r. R. $inith. For sale—Shurrie & Sharpe. Ground bone—Booker Bros, Hog Motors—Hog Motor Co. Auotion..sale—Edward Clark, Auction sale—Richard Lindsay. Alistrirt gij .C.W $ Cranbrook A Ford car bas been purchased by Jno. Huether, John Heather has rented W. Lock- ing's farm for one year. Mrs. Harvey Hunter is home from Stratford where she was visiting her sister. Miss Muriel Sperling, who has been spending the last few months in Paris, has returned and is uow attending the Millinery Openings at Toronto. Belgrave Rev. A. J. Mann, Bruesele, will take preparatory service in Knox Church Friday at 2.oclock. Rev. Mr. Lundy took the services at Belgrave and Calvin last Sunday and preached fine sermons. Alex Oloakey spent last week visit- ing friends and relatives at Mitchell, Seaforth and other points. Richard Procter was re -appointed Director for the Western division of the Brussels, Morris and Grey Tele- phone Co. Jno. and Mrs. Noble and family havereturned to their home at High River, Alberta. after spending several weeks with the lady's parents, Joseph and Mrs. Grasby. Mrs. John McLean and family has moved to Wingham where she will re- side, We regret the removal as each and all have been energetic workers in Knox Church. Friday evening of this week the W. M. S. of the Methodist church will hold a social at the parsonage. A good program is expected and a wel- come is ready for everybody. Mr. Anderson, a student for the Methodist ministry,' is here filling out the! Conference year. His; father was an earnest and esteemed pastor in Blyth some years ago. The young man is welcome to our burg. Auction Sales are' on the program. T. A. Geddes is having one Feb. 18th, Wrn. Geddes, on 25th, Wm. Garness on 23rd, each of them without reserve as properietors sold their farms and are retiring. James Taylor is the Auctioneer. East Wawanosh council met in the Hall here on Thursday. A delegation from the Patrotie Society waited on them asking for a grant to Canadian Red Cross Soceity to aid in this way the solicitation of the Governer Gener- al of Canada for support to this work. 4444444.44444444444444444444.44444444444444 4+++++++++4 + 4-. 4• + 1' + 4. 4• 4 + 4r , 4- .i. . `;BIG CLEARING 4+• By Reduction in Price + of all Heavy Goode * Overcoats, Flit- Collared Coats, Sheep Skin Lined Coats, Readymade Suits, Heavy Underwear, Sweater Coats, if Winter Caps, Mitts & Gloves Heavy Shoes, Jyersjloes gild Rubbers, Celebrated Peabody and Wal- ker Overalls and Smocks. 1 Liberal Reduction on all Hartt Shoes in Stock. - OF ALL SALE Winter (goods + Sale COMMen a .:. Saturday, January 29th For 20 Days only + �..+� ,4, V UabNTO P. Sr—.Don't forget our TailoringDepartment when you need an rt -to- g Y P +p dote Stilt. I have on hands full line of Blacks Blues, e + Browns that vfes, Gr qo am ow s 1 at will payyou to look over before placing your cede 4; P gY r a, elsewhere, a,. I E. C. Dunford Ad and Mrs Halliday and little Adam an son returned to their home at Vir'cieti, Manitoba after a few weeks visit with the former's parents, A recruiting meeting will be held in the Hall here this (Thursday) .night. Rev. D. Perrie, Wingham and return- ed soldiers will address the meeting. Suitable uiusical,numbers will bo giv- en, Come andldn your "bit". The many old friends of Rev, A, L. Budge, an old Belgrave boy and at the present time of Oreemore, Barrie Presbytery, will be pleased to hear he has received: a call from Qhalrner's. Church, Hamilton. His induction will take plane early in March. Jamestown Wm. King is suffering from an at- tack of measles. $25.00 has been donated by Morris Council:to the Red Cross Circle here. A large number from this locality attended the annual meeting of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co. at Gerrie laet Friday. James Simpson, has been suffering for the past week, from a severe at- tack of pneumonia. A nurse is at- tending him from Fergus. Mrs. Duncan McDonald arrived home from Fergus Hospital on Mon- day and we all hope she may soon be restored to her usual good health. The Canadian Red Oroes Society, Toronto, begs to acknowledge with thanks, the generous donation of articles, sent by the Red Cross circle here. The Women's Institute and Red Groes Circle will convene on Feb. 24th at the home of Mrs. Wm, Holt Ex- cellentlyprepared paper on "Good Form in Public," will be presented by Miss Jennie Simpson. Sewing and knitting, for Red Oeoss purposes will be on hand. Let every women in the vicinity. become interested in work and spend a • profitable afternoon at the home of Mrs. Holt. ADDRESS ' AND PRESENTATION.— Last Fridayevening a large company assembled at the home of James and Mrs. Wallace, Jamestown, to enjoy a social time with Pte. Nelsonar, who enlisted with Brussels Company of the I61st Huron Battalion. The following address was read by Thomas Smith and the presentation of a Bible, wrist watch, Waldemar chain and knife, made by Roderick McKay, Chas. Lake and Gordon Holt :— DEAR NELSON.—We have met to- gether this evening to express our warm appreciation of the sacrifice you are makifig in offering yourself for your King and Country. We know that great victories cannot be won without men and we are proud of the fact that you and the other James- town boys have responded so heartily to the call. The task that you have so willingly laid upon yourself will notbe an easy one as the soldier's life is full of hardships, only the thought of a triumphant issue at the last and the.fact that you are fighting on God's side, will give you courage to do your "bit." We wish you to know that wherever you go, you have the good od wishes and the raYa r9of the mes town Weeds. This is the greatest struggle the world has ever witnessed and we trust it is to usher in a new era in Christ's Kingdom. It is the greatest honor a man can crave to be found aiding the mighty force that is sweeping our universe. As a token of you r regard we present with this n Bible, wrist watch and aldmar W knifeand chain, trusting you may come back to receive the hearty wel- come which will be yours from y pr friends here when t�e great dal, is won. gigned on ireha'lf of the com- munity. Roderick McKay, Thomas Smith, Gordon` Holt, Charles Lake, Robert Messer, Geo. Johnston, jr. A brief reply was made by Pte. Agar, ably seconded by his brother-in-law. A goodprogram of vocal and instru- mental music, recitations and patriotic addresses by Geo. Jo1lnstou and Chas. B. Forrest followed. Bernice Payn made a very capable chairman. Tasty lunch was served and young folk had a dance after that. A vote of thanks was given to the host and hostess for tine splendid time afforded to all. We all hope Pte, Agar will be preserved from danger and harm as he does his duty for the Empire, DIED 1NCORONro.— General l re ret sr of Pt, he demise . is expressed ovr t e Arehle O. Wright, can of Frank 0. and Margaret Wright, of this locality, which sad event took place last Mon- day at the military hospital, Toronto. Deceased had come front KylY villa, Seek., and was a member of the Am- munition Column, Oauadien Field Artillery. He took a trouble in his bead known ae mastoid abscesses and Was operated on twice without avail The funeral was held Wednesday in Brussels cemetery, the members of the Brussels Company meeting the procession at the boundary of the town and escorting the remains to its last resting place, Deceased was un- married and was a fine young man, aged 25 years, 8 months and 21 days old. His mother and two brothers were at Toronto when he answered the Roll call, The bereaved will be sharers in the sympathy of the public. i Mr. Wright had been 6 weeks in Tor- i onto, A contingent of tVrnxeter sol- diens also attended the funeral, Bluevale Wm. McKinney, Pal inerston, is home on the sick list: Pte. VVm, Hall, Wroxeter, spent Sunday with his parents here. Wm. Sellers ie storing his house- hold effects and going to spend the Winter at Detroit. The grist mill has been doing a rushing business lately and some nights run as late as 11 p. m. to keep up. Ches, Conites has returned from Philadelphia, where he has been un dergoing treatment for rheumatism and is much irnpr•oved. Dr. R. L, Stewart is opening up an office in Wingham. Ile is now much improved in health and in line to look after other people's ills. Mrs. J. F. McCracken entertained the members of the Women's Institu- te at their .regular monthly" meeting last Thursday in her new home on the Bluevale road which was much ad- mired by the guests for its many con- veniences and attractive features. A. good meeting of the Literary Society is expected on Friday night of this week, Feb. 18th.. Robert Shaw's committee has challenged George McDonald's committee to a debate on the subject, "Resolved that India is of more value than Canada to Great Britain." Mr. McDonald's committee will be represented by Miss Bernice Sha,v, Miss Zelma Tur- vey and Harold Thomson, who will take the affirmative side of the ques- tion, mobile the negative will be upheld by Mr. Shaw's committee, represent- ed by Frank Tate, Wilbur bathers and Miss Wilma Shaw. In addition to the debate there will be a dialogue, "The Doctor," choruses and songs in costume, piano and violin numbers and other entertaining features. A recruitiug meeting under the auspices of the Huron Co. War Aux- iliary is to be held in the Foresters' Hall on Thursday night ti this week. Rey. I1ibbert, Wingham and Ohap- Iain Parnaby, ofthe Huron Botta1i on are among those expected to take part,in addition to a returned soldier ho is promised to speak.A meeting was held in the Forestere' Hall last Friday night to make arrangements for preparing a return of all the men of military age in this polling division of Turnberry who are fit for military service in accordance with tht e policyhieh has been ing a •at. ed trouh but the County. ug Wm. Mines-ggreaided and a committee, of which Hobt, Shaw teas the convener, was appointed to take charge of the work. Committee met Monday night and completed the list. Teacher and pupils of Bluevale school held an enjoyable literary last Friday to which the public were in- vited and quite a nu bee of visitors availed them,,selves ewe opportunity, Leading event was a debateon the, subject, "Resolved that the airship is more useful in war than the sub. marine." Affirmative was in the hands of Eldon McKinney, Roy Thomson and Harvey Messer and negative speakers, Jas. Dobie, Pear- son McIntyre and Harvey Haney. The boys are making progress as de- baters and the judges, Geo. McDonald, L. S. Winch and 0. Duff had great difficulty in reaching a decision which e+e+e+e+e+e4e+e+e+edre4e+(!•f• Q+Q•'4+@4p+++e+e+e+e+e+e•1••+• y + r 4 ao• + • e Gentlemen Your attention is called to the fact that have opened a I p up a Tailoring and Geets' Furnishing business in the LECKIE BLOCK; BRUSSELS. n l p4ocdate Stock Of SOWINGS, PANTINGS, VESTINGS, 40,, has been placed on the shelves, to which is added a brand new supply of GENTS'. FURNISIHINGS, After a long experience as Cutter and Tailor in Oily shops I feel safe in guaranteeing satisfaction to cus- tomers in Ordered Work. Ladies' Tailoring ..,,. be - reamer of a- ,_..-,.._ - Will beglad to be favored with your patronage. Call and t S see our goods before you buy your Spring Suit. •r• RI FERGUSON +.+•+•44+•+•+•'p•+•+•+•+•+• +41+•••+•+•+•444.•+•44+•+•+0 Let the Hogs Grind their own Feed with a Hog Motor Hog Motors are machi nes that feed hogs better than 90 per cent of farmers can with methods now in use. Hog Motors cut out the weekly trip to town foe chop. They keep your hogs strong and healthy. You can see scores of Hog Motors in use within a few miles of Brae - eels. Why not ea11 at the farm of Mr. Edward Wood, just East of Ethel, where a motor can be seen attend- ing to almost 20 hogs. By driving to Listowel via Trow- bridge you may see some 20 more in use. Why not or der your Motor now ? For full particulars address The Canadian Hog Motor Company. limited LISTOWEL was finally, however awarded to the affirmative, Besides the debate, a varied program was given consisting of songs, recitations, a dialogue and selections by the schoolboys' band. Parker Smeltzer made an unusually good chairman. Guests of the after- noon signed their names in the visi- tors book before leaving. Walton Methodist Tea meeting Thursday evening of this week. -.-The weather now with fine sleigh- ing and good moonlight is almost ideal. A sleighload from here attended the anniversary Tea Meeting at Moncrieff and report a great time. Rev. A. C. Tiffin, a former pastor, now iu London, was married this week to Miss Minnie Oosens, Trow- bridge. The ladies of Walton went to Con- stance on Wednesday night and gave the play "Afternoon Tea in a friendly village of 1862" for the Red Cross fund. A Valentine Social will be held in the basement of the Presbyterian church ou Friday evening of this week uuder the Y. P. S. 0. E. A good pro- gram will be given Silver collection will be taken. Everybody welcome. A fine Patriotic recruiting meeting will be held in the A. 0. II. W. Ball, Walton, next xt Tuesdayafternoon with meeting. h � n the Women's meetin. Nurse Neelin, Seafoeth and a returned soldier from the war and others will speak. Let everybody come and hear the message from the trenches. Ed, Clark has rented his farm to his brother-in-law, Alonzo Heath, and will take. a rest from farming for a year or so endeavoringto recruit his y health. He will hold a clearing Auc- tion Sale of farm stock, implements, 40. on Tuesday, 29th inst. List ap- pears in another column. Auctioneer Vandrick will conduct the sale. Morris }Council }net last Monday. Keep the Auction Sale of Wm. Gar - else, 2nd Line, in mind. The date is Wednesday afternoon 23rd inst. The list may be read in another column. Last week Clayton, son of D. and Mrs. Jordan, 5th line, entered the ser- vice of the Standard Bank, Brussels. He should develop into a serviceable man and he has the good wishes of old friends in this intent. John G. Anderson, eldest eon of Jas. Anderson, 5th line, Morris, and Jno. Tasker, Belgrave, leftfor Clinton, Tuesday, totake signal service trete- ing ie connection with the 161st Bat- taliou. We wish the boys success. GOOD STOOK,—This week Messrs. Shurrie and Sharpe, 5th line, Bold 2 thorn bred York sows, 5i months old to George Henderson and Joe Shaw, Srd,line, for 830.00 apiece. The moth- er is; not 2 years old yet but nursing her third litter. She had 14 piglets twice and 10 on the other occasion. This sow took 1st Prize ab Brussels Fall Fair fu 1914 heating the animal that won the red ticket at the Guelph Win or Fair. See Messrs. Shurrie and Sharpe's advt. in another column. SUDDEN CALL COMES TO Thos. B. BERNARD, — Last Sunday evening. while sitting in his home, 6th line, singing a hymn, Thos. Bernard, an old and well known resident, took a weak spell and although he rallied an- other followed a little while after and he passed away peacefully, aged 79 years, 8 months and 7 days. He bad been n to Brussels on Saturday and was about as usual on Sunday, partaking of his supper with the family. The funeral took place Wednesday after- noon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. D. Wren conducting the service. Mr. Bernard was born near Tralee, tad and came to Canada when 22 lr w , He lived at Kingston for three years, then West to Hallett township and afterward to Oth lino Morris locatin on the farm upon which he died. De ceased was married in 1888 to Miss Isabella Angus, who died 6 years after, leaving one son, William, who resides in Morris. In 1878 Mr. Bernard was united in marriage to Mies Sarah Led- gerwood, and two children were born, Mrs, Wm, Craig, of this• township, and Dari at home. The subject of this notice was a Conservative in politica d' i and attended the Metho ist church He was an honest, industrious man, Mrs, Bernard and family have the sympathy of tire community in their unlooked for bereavement. A very successful Concert was held in S. S. No• 14, Minto township, on the evening of Feb, 401, Good program, consisting of dialogues, recitations, drills, vocal and instrumental music, as well as music furnished by the bag- pipes, agpipes, was put ou by teacher, pupils and young people of the section and carried through without a hitch. R. M. Hazelwood, the Liberal nominee for North. Wellington, occupied the chair. Boxes containing tasty lunches were sold, the highest price paid for a box being $5 20. The proceeds, a- mounting to $126.00, was handed over to the Treasurer of the Minto Patric. tic Society. Mise Jennie Robb, of the 8th line, is teacher. Wroxeter RED DROSS.—The Wroxeter Branch of the Red Cross shipped 10 head- quarters last week :-3 bales of sup- plies as follows :-144 hospital shirts, 9 hospital quilts, 1 dozen towels, 4 dozen face clothe, 87 dozen mouth wipes, 15 dozen bandages also a quan- tity of used cotton and linen material DIED AT 102.—One by one the pion- eers are slipping away from us. There passed away on Thursday last one of the earliest settlers of this vioinity in the person of John Gofton, at the ad- vanced age of 102 years. Deceased had a strong constitution and seemed in the best of health until Monday pre- ceding his death, when he had a weak spell from which he did not rally but gradually grew weaker until the end came. Mr. Gofton was well and fav- orably known in this section of the county, having been proprietor of the Gofton House for a great many years. He is survived by two sons (Amos, of London, and John, of Mich.), and sev- eral daughters. The funeral took place to the Wroxeter cemetery on Sunday afternoon from the home of his son-in-law, Geo, Town, service be- ing conducted by Rev. Mr. Roberts. 8 Nxwsy NOTES.—Mrs, A, J. Sander- son, Howick, was called to Detroit last week owing to the death of her eldest sister, Mrs. Laidlaw.—Y. P. S, of the Presbyterian Church was conducted Sunday evening by Miss Helen Mc- Lean, assisted by Miss Mina Douglas. Subject was "Consecration of Ineu- enee."—Two loads of young peep, at- tended a Patriotic Concert in Gorrie Monday evening. — Pte. •Arthur Mc- Cullough has moved to Mrs. 0. Smitb's residence, Howick street.—A monster recruiting rally is to be held in Brown's Hall, Fordwich, Friday even- ing of this week.—Mrs. John McGill, Morris, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. Lowry, last week.—William Thompson left for Brantford last week.—{Albert Donaldson and Miss Lilian Donaldson, Hamilton, are visit- ing isiting their aunt, Mrs, R. Earls, Howick. —E. Buckingham, who has been in Fordwich for some time, has been transferred to the Bank of Hamilton here. W. Wade has returned to Ford- wich and E. King, Gorrie, taken a pos- ition as junior here.—Ogle McLeod, Frederick Brittain, Wm. Carter and Jas. Musgrove have enlisted here. We have now 26 men in training. They are a splendid looking lot of fellows and we arep leased to be able to say that a better conducted lot of men cannot be found anywhere. We feel every man of them will be a credit to the 161st Battalion and an honor to the County of Huron.—Sherris Gibson who enlisted in Toronto and is with the mechanical transport, has been transferred to Coburg. Grey Next meeting of Grey township Council will be held Monday, March 6th. A. Bishop was visiting relatives at Toronto and Hespeler during the past week. Grippe has nabbed many a victim during the past week and some of them were very ill, A Greyite, who is violating the Canada Temperance Act, is warued that unless he cuts off his Listowel im- portations he will wish be had done so. The authorities have his name on their list Next Tuesday afternoon is the date of Robt. L. McDonald's Auction Sale, at Lots 17 and 18 Oorr. 6, There is likely to be a big crowd as his stock, 40., is in good shape. The farm has been sold to Mr. Purvis hence the sale will be without reserve. F. S. Scott, Auctioneer. H7rMENBAL.—"Grand River View," Onondaga, the home of Quintin and Mrs. McBlain, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding, on Wednesday, Feb. 9th, when their third daughter, Marian Isabelle, was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to David. Thompson, Glanford, by Rev. N. D. McKinnon, Caledonia. Bride, attired in a becoming dress of white silk cas- cade with tulle veil caught up with sprays of lily of the valley and carry- ing bridal roses, entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father, to' the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March rendered byElizabeth McBlain. Slue was attended by Miss Mable Mul- ligan, Caledonia, wearing blue crepe de chene with Georgette crepe trim - Ming and carried a gbognet hf pink roses. John McBlain ably supported theroom. During the signing of the g register Mies Stella E, Allan Brant- ford. sang "The voice that breathed o'er Edeu.' Thebun cots receiv- ed le re ei - Y P ed manyuseful and valuable resents. Groom'gift to the bride was a dress- ing case, to the bridesmaid a manicure set,to the pianist a earl ring and to thbesmn signet coif links. &1r. and Mrs. Thompson left, mid showers of rice and confetti, for Brantford, London and points West, bride wear- ing a blue military suit with hat to W. H. 1 ERR, Probtieior Match, Mr, and Mrs, McBlain were former residents of Grey township and old friends here will wish Mr, and Mes. Thompson many happy and prosper - one years. Ethel OArt of Chestnut Coal to hand, 1'artiee wanting coal may have it of the oar, or phone 695. Gutman OM, Ethel. WANBan 00 Lxr,--The job of drawing 29. or 25 yards of good cement gravel, the same to be delivered at Ethel Station. Apply to Gamut GILL, or phone 696. We are glias to hear Mrs. Wm. M. Hutchinson is improving, Miss Lizzie Chambers took part in the programa of Moncrieff Anniversary last 'Outlay eventing. M. and Mrs, McOannell, of Minto, North Dakota, were visiting with Dr. and Mrs. tergueon, Mrs. Mac is the doctor's sister. Mre. W. H, Cole and Pearl have re- turned to Mowat, Parry Sound Dis- trict, after visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. J. Hntchinson.l Welcome visitors were here during the past week in the persons of Mr. and Mrs, blesouw former residents, who have lived in the West for some years. Their visit was a mutual pleas - tire. Richard Lindsay has decided to move to the West and will hold au auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, Stc., on Friday of next week. Among his stock area number of fine Hereford cattle. See the list in an- other column. Mrs. Ambrose Stephenson and daughter, Mrs. 'FV. H. Cole and little Pearl, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, Morrie. Mrs. Cole is a sister to the late Wm. Stephenson. Mee. Stephenson will be 93 years old in March and is enjoying fairly good health. A letter from Mrs. J. G. Ralph, of Neepawa, Man., iuclosing her sub- scription to Tell: POST says :—There are a great many people around here Prom Ontario who take THE Pon and we all seem anxious when the day comes for its arrival Itis 16 years since I left Ethel but THE POST is full of interest to me yet. We are having a very cold Winter out here with a o great amount of snow. Thermometer has been marking 400 to 500 below zero and one day it. was 60. People say we don't feel it but few of us get far from the house in such weather. • MoncriefF This week Kenneth. McLean, son of A. McLean, 16th Con., left for Alber- ta, going in charge of it car for W. G. Farquharson. Ken. expects to spend the coming season out there. Ray McNaught, 18th eon., intends removing to the West with his family in the course of a month and has an- nounced a clearing auction sale of farm stock, implements, household furniture, Sec., for Monday, 28th inst., with F. S. Scott as auctioneer. Mr. McNaught was West last harvest and caught the "fever." 01d friends here will wish them well. Last Sunday Rev. Mr, Boyle, of Bel - grave, preached bright, helpful an- niversary sermons in Knox church s y here to large audiences. Good music was provided and anerous offering. g Monday evening the Tea Meeting was the magnet and it drew from all pointe of the compass to enjoy the elegant supper and the fine program. Rev. R. A. Lundy, the papular pastor, occupied the chair and although some of the P expected talent were not present there P as a choice hill of fare in the musical and literary line. Listowel Quartette rendered appropriate music ; readings in good form came from Misses Lizzie Chambers and Pearl Harrison ; ad- dresses were timely from the Presby- terian parsons at Monk ion and Oran - brook ; Rev. Mr. Oraik, Walton, and Lieut. ). S. Scott, recruiting officer of the 161st Batt., Brussels. Solos were well rendered by Miss Harris and Jno. McArthur, Walton. Anniversary proceeds were over $192,00" Moncrieff congregation deserve credit for the way they stand behind the work and as a result prosperity is written on her endeavors. Belmore James Fitch is in Harriston for a few days. Nits. T. Ferguson, Lakelet, visited with her mother, Mrs. Neil. 0. Galloway, Wingham, visited at Henry Johnson's on Sunday. John Fitch ie wearing a broad smile these days.—It's a girl. Master Murray Mulvey, who bas been ill, is convalescing slowly. Miss B. Irwin has returned home after visiting with friends in Tees - water, Privates John and James Lawrence, who are training in Teeswater, spent Sunday with their mother. R. and birs, Jeffrey have returned from their wedding trip and are set tied iu their comfortable home, Con, 10, Turnberry township, Mrs. oarrniehael and daughter, Jean of New Ontario, returned home on Tuesday after visiting with her moth- er, Mrs. Bremner. James and Mrs. Douglas "Hillview Farm" are in Kincardine attending., the funeral of the tatter's mother. Much syniyathy is extended in their sad bereavement. The evangelistic istic services w+ich. were held in McIntosh Preslrbyterian church under the able leadership of rev. H. Kinkle, closed Wednesday evening, They were quite successful many evidencing their desire to lead a better iife Mrs. Kinkle charmed all by her sweet singing, They have gone to their hone in 'Toronto for a few days rest before tinning up work in another flold. Miss Stella Moore, Listowel, formerly of Brussels le to be cougrstulated on having passed her primary examination in vocal music et Toronto Conservatory .. with honors, She is pupil of Miss Lilo Thomson. Brussels frieuds say. "Well done."