The Brussels Post, 1916-1-27, Page 7.n
Young Folks
In Fairyland.
A COMPT.TJ 'E BR1aAETU1WN TWO GREEK LANGUAGES. • 1 men, women and children shawls,
- - - -- �' AFTER LA. GRIPPE boots, and, above all, blankets. As
One Spoken by the Educated, Other by regards food stutter which we are
It Leaves the Sufferer a Yctni
the Masses. asked to send out to large quantities,
' cereals, histone, jam, condensed m}lk
of Many perms of weal tress `hero exists now in Greece a lin • and bovril are specially deei,able.
guistie condition of affairs around I am enclosing a copy of our latest
Ask those who have had la grippe which centres a controversy at once appeal and we shall be most grateful
regarding the present condition of comic or tragic; for there are In for any hell) which your Society can
their health and most of them will Greece two languages, or rather, the kindly send us.
Beth canto to the bonier of Dl•owsy answer "Since I had the grip I have one language in two forms -ono writ -i Yours truly,
find d Wide;Awake nn one day, she was where thecow-tent weaknessever been the limbs, bad digee- educated clams, ands, spoken pa the M, MUSGRAVE WATSON,
to ,1 There le a perils- ten the by
',and used in pr�rlin-I Secretary.
slips grow, but s e os' tion, Shortness ofbreathpalpita-
li b t h lost
her waY 1 L and memory debates and in public oeu-
Tl at 1 feet laylittle pink f h heart us d by the thin menta including the Scriptures the ITALY NEEDS
sero her
-ee a i tion o e ear ca e , , NEEDLES.
stone, which, as she stooped to pick it blooded condition in which grip al- circulation of which is regulated by _
up, grew larger and larger, until it most always leaves its victims after law; and the other a vernacular used Many Articles of Common Use Scarce
reached high over her head. the fever and influenza have sub- by the masses of the people, contain- Became of War.
"Oh," cried Beth, "what a funny, sided. They are at the mercy of re- ing many words of foreign origin, es- The scarcity of common -place
funny place!" lapees and complications, often very pecially Turkish and Italian arising articles of everyday use such as
As she spoke, a door in the rock serious. This condition will continue from those periods of foreign oecupe- needles, toilet suppliesayand drugs is
flew open and a tiny voice called, until the blood is built up again, and tion, with a much simplified grammar, eedles, more accentuated u Italy
"Como in!" for this purpose nothing can equal a and rarely reduced to writing, exempt p'
So Beth went in. Again the little fair treatment: with Dr. Williams' for private communications, The for- than in any ofnthe, other belligerent
voice• called to her, "Walk straight Pink Pills, which quickly make the mer is the cultured tongue; the latter countries, because these things have
ahead, but don't forget to follow the blood rich and red, drive the lingering the popular idiom; and between the been supplied to Italy almost entire -
green light." , germs from the system and transform two there rages a merciless warfare, ly by Germany. One of the branches
What a beautiful light it wasi It despondent grip victims into cheerful, in which fanatical students of the uni- of a sewing machine company, for in -
filled the little room with greenish- healthy, happy men and women. Mr. versity have lost their lives, ministers stance, reports it is 1,o longer able
golden shadows. Away, away it John Battersby, London, Ont., says:- their portfolioe, a Metropolitan of to supply medium-sized needles, be-
danced, with Beth dancing after it. "Just before Christmas, 1914, 1 was Athens his mitre, and the sweet-faced cause these are made in Germany. It
Soon they came to a little lake where taken down with an attack of la queen -mother much of her former also appears an impossibility to buy
the sunlight threw golden bridges grippe, and the trouble left me in a popularity. a fever thermometer in Route, as this
across the water. Beth was about to deplorable condition. I was almost , his another article of German make. EFFECTS OF THE WAR.
I The supply of aspirin and a number of
step on one of them, when she saw, too weak to walk about as I was then I WOULD KILL PRISONERS. 1 other remedies is exhausted at most Brings Decrease in Crime in England
You Can't Work with hand
or brain when the body is
poorly nourished. Get
warmth and strength for the
day's work by eating for
breakfast Shredded' ; Wheat
with hot milk; Contains all
the body-building material h
the whole wheat grain pre-
pared in a digestible form.
Its crisp goodness is a delight
to the palate and a life -giver
to tired brain and jaded
stomach. Made in Canada.
close to the bank, a large white swan. working on n farm in Western O11- of the pharmacies, and doctors are
The swan spread his great wings.ratio, I was quite unable to follow my What Germany Would Do In Case of finding it increasingly difficult to get
and motioned to Beth to climb upon usual work. I tried several kinds of Starvation. their prescriptions, filled because of
his back. To her surprise she seemed medicine, but it did not help me. As a
to have grown smaller. So she sailed matter of fact I felt steadily growing Germluty
away on the graceful swan, on and weaker, and in this condition, when perate. In a series of articles in 'The This dearth of necessities is xen-
on down the River of Sleep, until reading a paper, I saw Dr. Williams' People or the State," the tenth of the dered heavier to bear by the almost fret is fglond in and Wales.
they reached the shore of Wonderful Pink Pills advertised and decided to series of the war essays written by impossibility of getting goods from ort of brought out
Che annual re -
Dreams. And there, as the swan try them. I got a supply and by the the Germans and published by A. other countries and from the high P
he time the second box was finished 1 Marcus and E. Weber, of Bonn, there cost of living. The cars for the trans- which has just been issued.
stepped out upon the prince.Prisoners sentenced bythe ordinary
a fairyrinse, !felt considerably better, and after is an article by Dr. Heinz Pothoff, port of goods are all used for milt-
became little ill for'some time who was for nine years a- member of tary purposes and Rome even is courts, with persons imprisoned as
Come, he said. I will show you longer
the pills
ion er I felt better than I had done the Reichstag. The London Standard threatened by a sugar famine al- I debtors or on civil pieces, were as
the my goldenodream rand knockYcshallg
for months. This was my first expert- quotes the following from site article though the manufacturers have sof follows in 1914-15, compared with the
take my wand and downficient' for the needs of the whole corresponding period:
the dream that you want most." once with Dr. Williams'Pink Pills, by Dr. PothotY.
The dream tree is a most wonderful 1 but you may depend upon it that if I "Can anyone doubt, Dr. Pothoff country. The cost of living has alto- 1914-15. Dec.
medicine neeessar again I will writes, "that the.Gorman general stats gether increased about four times and Penal Servitude 591 206
sues, removes wrinkles, fills out de- P.�t.. Lae( ,,rnia Mall tea, 1 �� 1'.1,,
thing. The dreams hang in clusters ' find medic Y gism to else further Imprisonment 10� 591 3'2,169
tting des- the lack of drugs
and Wales.
One of the effects of the war has
been to decrease in an important pro-
portion the number of inmates in the
'clow the British Paltlie helped in
• 1814,-
It rather interesting to find, from
a copy of the London Courier, dated
March 9, 1814, that at that time the
people of Great Britain were busying
themselves raising funds to relieve
distress in Germany. At the bead of
a long subscription list in the copy
of the newspaper before us there is
this introduction: -
By the generosity of.the British
public the sum of nearly £50,000 was
remitted, which rescued multitudes
from the extremity of want; but at 00
period since the existence of this com-
mittee, has the mass of every kind of
misery been so great in he country to
which their attention was first direct-
ed; where the many sanguinary bat-
tles fought in Silesia, Lusatia, Bohe-
mia, Saxony, Brandenburg, and other
parts, have entailed upon the peace- Gave His Pause,
able inhabitants sufferings almost un- Wife -Henry, you really must
exampled in the . annals of history.
have the landlord come and see for
The Committee are anxious to impress himself the damage the rain did to
on the minds of their countrymen, our ceiling.
that in anticipation of British support Hub -1 can't without lotting him
they have remitted to different parts see the damage the children have done
of Germany to the amount of nearly to the rest of the house.
Beautifies While
Your Sl eepl
Before retiring, bathe the face and
neck with hot water, then dry and rub
"USIT" into the skin with the finger
tips. By persistent treatment you Pound trip Winter Tour!. t tirkots • n
will soon restore to your complexion sale daily to t aii.ornia vIn variable
the -wonderful freshness and beauty direct and scenic. rouses.
of oath. Make .this treatment a Four fast in, trains Mayo rhi,:,g'
y daily from the Mort tnodun railway
nightly habit and "USIT' will beau- 1ern11a,11 1n 1b,- tl,,'1d.
tify vnu while you sleep. O ,-riand Llrntl,,1 111otr:m Faro; , tear,,s
"USIT" is a skin food and wrinkle "•cru 1' 1.1., 1.os .vlg,des ]omiLod—. dh•c,•t
chaser. It builds upfirm elastic tis- liO 8outltern ,:+linlrnin-1ontr,. 1:::::',),
T.1i., i; 1,a 1 rnuut .lv, hinitlell , es e
Minard's Liniment Cures wages in Cows
The Busy Woman.
"Is she a woman of affairs?"
"Yes; everybody's. She's the
neighborhood gossip."
' knaty what to take." will hesitate to employ extreme mea- promises niprisonme
all pink and white, and silver and sures if Germanyis ever on the verge -------'1'-------- Borstal , .. 438
gold, blue and green --and every other ! You can get these pills from any g
color you can think of. Beth saw one � dealer in medicine or by mail, post of real starvation? If necessary, we, RATS IN_TRENCHES. Debtors or civil pro -
lovely pink one, spangled, all over ; paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes must expel all the inhabitants from cess
with silver, hanging, oh, so high! She for x2.80 from The Dr., Williams the territories which our armies have Devour Tires and Overrun Galleries Sureties
tried with the fairy's wand to knock i Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. occupied and drive them into the In Battalions.
it down, but she hit instead a black ! - __ i.. enemy's lines; if necessary, we must There is a plague of rates along the Total
and green dream, which came tumb- RESEARCH AND PROGRESS. kill the hundreds o£ thousands of Pri British and French lines in Flanders The Prison. Commissioners aecribe Send 50 Cents to -day for trial bottle. • "Bow's that?"
ling to her feet with a crash, and, out — loners who are now consuming our and France. A soldier describes the the falling off throughout the country sufficient for six weeks' use.. We pay "Ile said I ryas as sound as a of it ran dozens of little black mice! ' New Inventions Are Constantly supplies. That would be frightful, invasion as "worse than the Ger- of the male prison population to postage to any address in Canada. !
but would be inevitable if there were „ . uses MANUPACTIJRINI+ co., LTD. arr and that was all I had."
way of holding out." , n a letter which acids: 1. The enlistment of many habitual 476 Ronosevailes Ave., TORONTO—
--3_ r_ Trenches, communications, fields, intoxicating loquors. . ( Ncinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
1 the Ski won- Let us la.lp you plan 1 "ttr,,cuvu
pedal smoothness
ess a In a \i
derful smoothness and fineness of trip. ilouklets, tieing fail I•.1. l ia.•ulal•s.
mailed ..n appli. tion to !- li hennort.
texture which alone indicates perfect (.a., t l,l n• , s N,,rt1, a at r a 1:y.. 1;
skin health. I y»i'e' a1., Toronto, ,n1.,', 1.11,1.
5,913 5,225 "USIT" is put up in handsome opal i ---
625 141 bottles, incl until the Drug Stares in Good Guess.
Canada are completely stocked we are
113,539 37,790 filling mail orders. Accept no substi- "My doctor sized my pile up pretty
tote. aecuratel ."
"Ohl Oh!" cried Beth. "That wasn't
the dream I wanted."
Changing Conditions.
little prince laughed at her, In an article on the relation of re-
Theand picking up one of the little black search to the progress of rnannfac-
mice, he balanced it on the end of the Luring industries, Dr. W. R. Whitney
golden wand and spoke three magic shows that purely academical re-
search has leer to some of our greatest
no other mans 1 t
woods, cellars and barns are choked 3. Tho great demand for labor.
BABY'S BATTLES l them 2 Restiictecl hours fez the sale of I
with 1.h holding
Women to Drive Cabs. - i
em. We have
AGAINST SICKNESS sat night in the busiest petty offenders.1 A scheme for filling the gaps left
City Tax on Unmarried.
— roads and giving concerts by day in k !by the men who have joined the ; The city of Oatltntz in Saxony is
words. Instantly beside the little girl Can best be fought with Baby's the most crowded villages. We liter- For Breakfast To -Morrow. :army has just been started by Thos. the first German municipality to im-
mdustzial achievements. "Search for Own Tablets—the little pleasant that- y y i p
here stood a beautiful pony all P all march on top of them. The serve Dr. Jackson's Roman Moal, •Tilling, Limited, the London obmes- Pose an extra tax Mimi the unmarried.
new knowledge says Doctor Whit Tablet that never fails to regulate breed d breed and launch them You'll find this dark nut -brawn coarse• tees They are teaching women to Two or three other German towns
ney,is the insurance for the future and Dowels and drive out 1 t It n the canton 1y granulated Food rely delicious, It dime hoisec n1. tiecieamen a tans,
bridled and saddled with white leather ; ' mg a ecce and
studded with jewels. the stomach selves too assaults o have a tax on Irachelars, but the new
"Oh mydream came true!" she . of the industries. Many factories will all minor ills of little ones. Concern- meats, like the Germans on the Yser, has a taste different from any other cabs, commercial ti avellers' ' 1iough- Oschatz law applies alike to male and
later be manufacturing things not in them Mrs. H. Hower Eastbur cereal. It is exceedingly nutritious. It ams and other vehicles. female. Only Catholic priests are ex -
cried; land before she knew it she was g'ncan- • h ith by battalions in masse. prevents indige..tion. It is guaranteed . ' empt. Other unmarried persons above
galloping over the Land of Dreamsconceivable
amp b businessto-clsy The iefor „ d
while the fairy prince stood beforeby hunger, Aslt y oto doctor about Dt. Jackson a
. makes them capable municipal tai.. On incomes from
The, rode and rode until at last Beth n e a of
other morning saw a cmac grocers, o cw di -1 tired. "Let us o home now," ' o times in the pas few y think them the best medicine in t to tires had been half devoured by a pia- rections closely and do NOT stir COVER UP BATTLE RAVAGES. GES. ;eat.; 2.100 to 4000 marks, 10 per rent;
g (ler. to make the newest lamps. Not \mad for little ones." The Tablets rent. to d110t) marks, 15 per centr lint;
sue whispered. „ only have entire floors of complicated Loon of rats. The other night some while cooking porridge. 1 French Repair Buildings and Bridges
But the fairy prince said, Little p aro sold by medicine dealers or by of our men had their surgical first-aid Try Roman Meal Nuggets, the g to 1;,00; lnarlcs, 20 per cent., and
machines f ,. w; _ 'Pim r.. ready -coerced form of Roman ileal. on Line to Nancy. above 10,000 marks 25 per cent.
and expensive mail at 25 cents a box packets, which they keep in a coat
with hot milk or soften with i
even con Alta., says: -"I have foul healthy They are beginning to be tortured -- ----
descent lamp will serve ler children thanks to the
use of Baby's ]tun er and the shortage of food to relieve constipation or "moneybsck." i 21 must pay above their regular
illustration r have seen whole lac-Minara's Liniment Cures colas, Eic. •
her on the saddle. and guided the pony. 1 Own Tablets I have been using the ] of anything.Tlr° Roman lieai. 2400 marks y, 5 per
tortes entirely overhauled a number T bl t f rho past e1ghb ye irs and 1.h I cyclist whose 10 and " at F 11 di ! rents to heart
They f tl t eats m or- l
girl, little girt' you forgot to follow
1.h • 1' ht" carbon lamps been thrown out and Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,' pocket, attacked and carried ofF. Woe S The traveller by rail from Nancy to
Ont. to the man who goes to sleep with a boiling water. Your off and add ntillc' Paris now finds little to he seen from
morsel of chocolate in his trousers! and sugar, the car window to indicate that the
Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto.
He will wake up to find himself with - ---.-•,,•__q.___-__- `country on both sides of the line
— out his trousers,was twice covered in retreat and ad-
green 1.g
"But," said Beth, "you changed the new machinery for malting metal fila -
mouse so quickly to a pony that I did ment lamps installed, but before pack -
not have time to think. Take me back ing cases containing new machines
could be opened and unpacked in the
to the dream rice, please. I am stue It Stued Hi
we shall find the green light there." factory they have been thrown out as Without Outside Help Thousands Will The writer goes on to describe the vance by the two great armies that
useless, as the advance from s nirted_ Did you tell that young man of
So back they dashed to the dreamq Perish. methods of warfare that are being are still fighting just beyond the
tree; and there, shining in the broken metal filaments to drawn -wire fila- j used °against he new enemy portico yours that I am going to have the ridges of Champagne and the forest
dream, was the beautiful green light, merits proved the better way. Before
and the little black mice were snug-
gled up to it for warmth.
"How cunning they look!" whisper-
ed Beth. Then she found herself again into the lamps brought another of tate Austrians. Both adults tau
at the bank of the River of Sleep and change; and now, when the nitrogen- I children are in dire need of all the ne-
her. tangsten lamps have been in use only' cessities of life, particularly blankets
Great interest has been aroused ill Italy some of the ingenious giant light switched off at ten?"
factories could reach the limit of ef- the terrible .conditions prevailing in teas devised by, the soldiers for "les, doer.'
ficiency in manufacturing vacuum Serbia owing to the ravages of the catching the rats on a wholesale scale. Well?"
lamps the introduction of nitrogen typhus epidemic and by the invasion T^e Iie's coming at ten in future.'
PRESSED HARD. Minara'u Liniment Cures Distemper.
or repaired, and excepting an isolat-
Heavy Weight on Old Age Thirteen -Year -Old Soldier. ed structure most of the bombarded
So she •sailed away When people realize the injurious Vienna newspapers tell of the re- buildings have been repaired or re-
ef Wid'3-Awake; and so strange is the gen and its introduction into the in- I either new a perfectly good and effects of tea and coffee and the bet- turn to school in that city of Hans placed.
power of a fairy's wand, that when candescent lamp becomes a reality. If clean, with carriage prepaid to To-
ter health that a change to Postum Kiosel a thirteen -year-old boy, who
she landed there, clasped tight in her the research laboratories that dis- I ionto. Goods or money sent to the can bring, they aro usually glad to disappeared some months ago and
hand, was a sugared pop -corn ball covered the means for bringing about Serbian Relief Depot, Room 17, Mail lend their testimony for the benefit of went to the front. It appears now that
these changes, with their accompany- Building, Toronto, will be gladly re -
e others he joinedtheEighteenth
heard the white callingt
back to he�Land a short time, the manufacture of ar-1 end warm clothing. Clothing must be
hills of' tho Argonne that are visible
to the north.
Beginning with Meaux, most of the
ravages of battle have disappeared.
All blown -up bridges have been rebuilt
that was partly eaten. -Youth's Com-
Which Would be the Easier to Move
-and to Keep in Order.
A good clock -like a good wife -
should not need constant watching.
Some clocks like some wives -get
wound up every night, and nothing
will stop them but a good shaking.
This, however, is a drastic remedy;
and, after all, the business of both
'clocks and wives is to keep going
cheerfully -and not make too much
noise about it.
Shaking doesn't improve the works
of either timepieces or women, and
if you persist in it they will inevitably
get "run down.” Watchmakers and
doctors flourish through men's fool-
ishness in this respect.
Wives -unlike clocks -cannot be
expected to sit quietly on the mantel-
piece day after day and night after
, night without getting out of order.This privileged position, which adds
dignity to the handsomest clock,
would make the loveliest woman look
e trifle ridiculous.
When the clock strikes one, it is not
too late to got six or seven,hours'
sleep if yeti stop arguing.
When your wife strikes, too, it is
too late to do anything except reach
for her =late.Clocks are apt to got slow in warm
weather, but it is summer -time that
wives are usually friskiest.
A clock can be pawned; a wife can-
What home ]e complete without a
clock? What house is a home with-
out a wife? Tick or nag, who would will be over in a fortnight, My old
choose to be cies:Moss and wifeless? yuan joined the Ariny to -slay, We
Time passes tmhoedetl without tho havo been married twenty years, and
ono; time is wasted with or without he has never stuck to a job more than
Vie other, a fortnight."
u utg, oro -I battalion of
ceivecl and forwarded. "My mother, since her early child- the First Austrian infantry and was
Dr. Sharpe of Brampton, Misseer hood, was an inveterate coffee drinker, for four months on the frontier of
sanovitch, slaughter e a former Ser -
had been troubled with her heart for a Bessarabia. He participated in two
bian Minister to Great Britain, and number of years and complained of battles, was wounded in the chest by
Miss Everard, an American nurse ill
Belgrade, all recently returned from that `weal. -all-over' feeling and sick shrapnel, but recovered quickly. The Serbia, are hour publicly and private- stomach.„ (The effects of tea on the general in command was very ranch
t 'b t t system are very similar to those of surprised when he learned he had
ing econoniies, could receive a eentfor
every dollar that they save the public,
they would receive over a million dol-
lars a year to spend for further re-
search. The people are the ones who
are most interested in research, al-
though they'may not know it."
ly urging everyone to con 1.tu e o eoffet1 because they each contain 1.h
Fl the fund for without generous out -
W 1° drug, caffeine.
side help the adult refugees and the )
AWAY YOUR GLASSES Seine time ago I was making
25,000 orphan children must die, as • ;t i:o n distant noir of the count•
The statement is made that thousands the Countries of Albania and alonte-
tvett ' negro ]n'0
them. IL you am one of these unra•ttrn' :. o • themselves chants of the place. I noticed a
t eyeglasses who do not really needt which they have retreated and took dinner with one of the ma-
ntes, then these glasses may Ue ruining have net Sttffinent food F
o such a youthful soldier in the ranks
and at once sent hint Monte, as be re -
a fused to take fm•ther respousibility
Y for the lad.
of b somewhat ulntsual flavour of the 'eof-
your eyes Morcott at helping thews. and no adequate protection from the
TIlousrove forathatnaelvns that they bitter weather. The following letter f1e' alt' asked him concerning iY. He
y t replied that it ryas Postum.
with glasses if they 31111 get speaks for itself:"
I was so pleased with it that I /®�E�
lhu fnllouins• prescription lilted at onao°I December 201.11, 1915. g `Asold byYonr Drugsist.
,l1, le any active drug store and gee a bought a package to carry hone with Try�iudnetollerre8h,
bottle of lion -Op otablets; a wo-Cromwell Roml, me :' Cleanse, nunoe host n with 1 warm Water and droll
London S.W., England. 11 itsolutiontitle the yes two •l1. 1 t Vico Chairman well l t discontinued ffe by Overwork and flys Strain.
WAIF Murine is pre -
.0 pored by bur Phy-
,,,..,. pined ler
many years in their
practice, now dedblit n t-
ed to the Public and
i t lin t 5 C 11 R I me, and had wife prepare so for thet7I a and Strengthen Dyoeafterexse,ire to
1 i l d 1.l I Cola setting winds and Dust and to restore
in 0110lion Opto 1ab10t Wit 11 11110 berm.. !nett ureal. The whole family liked it healthful tone teEyooReddened andmndeSora
Ioee lintlid n t r. Mrs. ]-Tuna 'on, -s to , so the tin the coffee
to four thrum dully, "1,a you nee likely Some broadminded Physteimteuscandreaom-
to to nstontshod at 1118 1.300115 right Tho Suffragists' Wax Auxiliary, and used Postunt entirely. mend bruit,, while other¢ *1,3118138 jealous of its
from tlo start. Many who have boon 32 Sb. Joseph St, Toronto.
told t1utC th¢y have asilgmntism, c+yo-
strain, ostoses, sore eyelids, weak eyes, Dear Madan, We are very gtate-
repori •l !s and other oho 111sorder0,l .. int.
tci t t t fur for your ]rind hitter of 1st i s ,
s it; You only N¢ with her heart and no
strengthen your eyes that glaSSes will
not be necessary thousands wiio are administration of our fund and the sick stomach; that the headaches were
"I had boon very enxtoua concern-
ing my mother's condition, but we
for a
that after using Postum
of this
wreserfui benefits Ecom 1.,e use snort t
all tine she felt
much better,had
of this nt•eacrtsitnn C,et this pre53rip- and are very pleased to gave. you short t
Lion tilled taxi t, e the information we Call as regards the little trouble
t ,
Mind, or nearly 90, or who Wear glttsae°nCed9 thCreof, not so frequent, and her general con -
nal ht never have required them if t11ey
1 d Por their eyes
10 time. Suva
rat cureOur fund has equipped and main- dition much improved. This continued
your eyes before it is too Intel no not tainetl five large hospitals as well as until she was well and hearty.
one oe those vtethns of neglect!
S'lyegtasso8 IVO. only 111(0 orutchos end six or seven dispensaries in Serbia "I know Postum has benefited my-
becomenvery few years they must be changed during the past year, besides distr]- self and the other members of the
in lit the eves inerc•nsing weakened con-'
mon, so hotter 7)0 le yen can, Iwo hating relief among civilians. Most:family, especially my mother, as she
many others, gut occur, healthy, strong of these hospitals aro now in the, was a victim of long standing." Name
magnolia eyes through the presorlptien
not 11]1 tuts piens+11nr1mr, bend �i to tno staffs aro either prisoners or on Lha ser, Ont...
hands of the Bulgarians, and the given by Canadian Postum Co., Wind-
Oven, If yourowndrug Ist eon-,
'('alma; Drug Co Toronto, for a Com,
Pieta Dotrtipto Homo Treatutent outfit-•.
tablets and all.
When the Wax Will End.
"Mrs. Bagwash" writes to the Lon-
don Start "Sir, ---Just a lino to relieve
a lot of people of their troubles. You
can take it from me tho present war
way to the coast with the retreating
armies. Wo have been able, however,
to organize medical relief work among
the refugees on the Greek frontier,
and English representatives of the
fund are already at work on our be-
half both in Montenegro and in the
Salonika district, In the last men-
tioned area the work is carried on um,
dot the supervision of our late tree -
Surer, Sit Edward Boyle.
The main needs of the people at
present aro 'OM Underclothing for
Postum conies in two forms:
Post= Cereal•t-the original form—
must be well boiled. 15e and 23c
Instant Postum-a soluble powder—.
dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa-
ter, and with cream and sugar, makes
a delicious beverage instantly. 80e
and 500 tins.
Doth hinds are equally delicious and
cost about the same per cup.
"There's a Reason" for Postum,
+-sold by Grocers.
Success, talk and rush into print in opposition;
those whose Eyes need care can guess why, es
there is no Prescription fee in Marine, Just hand
your Druggist SIn and youlmve a Complete Pkg.,
^ ro
¢r—and CorkScrew—
r ey for use. Try
o D 13
Eye p
reedyfornae. Tubltin oSmariandinBaby's
Dyes for Eye Witsf rBoolcoftl,eEyeFree. Eye
Murine write for of me any hi
Murano Eye Remedy Company, Chicago
Olt, Those Irish!
Very few people are ambidextrous,
that is, able to use the left hand as
readily and skilfully as the right. But
there is an amusing story of one Irish-
man who was careful to cultivate that
art. When he was signing articles on
board a ship he began to sign his
name with his right hand, and then
changed tate pen to his left hand and
finished it.
"So you can write with either hand,
Pat?" asked the officer.
"'iris, sari," replied Pat, "Whitt 1
was a boy me father -rest his soul!
-always told me. Pat, learn to cut
yer finger nails wid yet left hand, for
some day ye night lose yer right!"
A spider is seldom in danger when
his life hangs by a thread.
Minaret's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen -Last winter I received
great benefit from the use of MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack
of LaGrippe, and I have frequently
proved it to be very effective 111 eabos
Of Inflammation.
Pat's Reply.
Pat was in a museum looking at a
copy of the "Winged Victory." "And
phat may yet call that?" he asked an
attendant. "That is the 'Statue of
Victory.' " was the answer. Pat sur-
veyed the headi.:-s and armless statue
with renewed interest. "Victory is it ?"
he said. "Thin, begorry, O'd loiko to
see the other fellow."
Belts of trees make a locality warm-
• ie
forests, sdetaining
1.r butby
densing passing clouds, make a place
much colder.
o11 wt .in retie in am -Bak 1
it eases The burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zam-
I3uk, means cure. Why not prove
this 1 '`1.0 DrtW a*a bona Stores. -
Jll`' Grain, Dairy or Fruit. When you
want to buy, write 11. W. Dawson.
Brampton. Ont.
100 AM ES. 13 IN SIXTH Cott-,
cession, Franklin. 55.000. 1I.
J, tS'ila3r, Dirkendate, Muskoka,
Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Fun information 0n
application to Wilson Publishing Cora.
pang, 18 Kest Adelaide St. Toronto,
Internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
Co.. Ltmtted iaalo lingw'0deri(mnt Medical.
Dog Remedies
And How to Feed
Malted free to any address by
rho Author
118 West 31st Skeet, New York
Crate -fed, bled, and picked clean to
wing tips, 18e for fat hens, alive, 6 lbs.
each or over.
700 Spadine Ave.
ED. 6.
n� I
Tao Spirit of America at may,
Magaltndo and Otreor'fnlaeu$,
S. White, Pros. J. W. Mott, Mgr.