HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-1-20, Page 34001Lkii. sr asewie &fifer Dainty Dishes. Prune Ple.-Line deep pie dials with rich pastry, Cover bottom with stew- ed and stoned prunes. Pour over these one egg beaten with one-half cup sugar, one-half cup milk, one-half clip cream and sprinkling of nutmeg. Bake without upper cruet, ! • Tomato Celery Saucen-Chop fine one onion, one green popper and one large bunch of celery. Mix, add ten) and one-half cups canned tomato Mem 'Snitieln some of the liquor has 'been drained), one and one-half tea-. spoons salt, two tablespoons allspice berries (if flavor is liked) and two- thirds cup vinegar. Simmer one and one-half home. Winter Fruit Salad. -Mix and chop thoroughly one cup figs, one cup seed- ed raisins and one-half cup stoned dates. Combine with this three or four oranges cut into small pieces and sweetened, one-half cup canned pine- apple and sugar to taste. Mask indi- vidual portions with mayonnaise and top with whipped cream. Breaded Pork Chops. -Have pork chops cut thicker than usual, wipe, Gut out bone and skewer into rounds. Season with salt and pepper, put into bread -baking pan. Sprinkle top of each with dried bread crumbs and add boiling water to half the depth of chops, cover closely and bake in slow oven one and one-half hours. Remove lid, cover with buttered bread crumbs and brown, Arrange on hot platter and garnish with celery tips. Corn Eritters.-Cut from the ears a pint of green corn, or take canned fit to them. corn, draM off juice and chop it. The only way to insure shiny, clean Beat together a cupful of milk, two dishes is to insist on clean, sweet tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one dish towels. egg whipped light, salt to taste and ,Dried lemon peels sprinkled over enough flour to make a thin batter. the coals will destroy any disagree - Into this stir the grated corn. Beat able odor in the house, hard and cook, as you would griddle I When frying oysters try adding a cakes, upon a soapstone griddle. 'little baking powder to the crumbs Hot Buttered Rice. -Throw one cup , in which they are rolled. raw Tice into two quarts boiling wa- I When a vegetable is tender' enough ter, slightly salted. Boil fast twenty to be pierced with a fork it is per - minutes or until each grain is soften- fectly done and should be removed ed, not broken. DraM in colander and from the fire. set in open oven to dry while table- I Set the flour on the top of the spoon of butter is being heated in fry- warming oven of the range the night ing pati. Drop in teaspoon grated before baking. Warm flour will onion and stir until fat is hot again, make the bread rise more quickly. then turn in dried rice, toss lightly for Charming little candle -shades Can a minute, season with salt and pepper be made at home by the artistically and serve in deep dish. Onion may, inclined member of the family. They of course, be omitted. • should be cut from heavy drawing Fruit Tapioca. -One-quarter cup' paper and painted decoratively before prepared tapioca, one and one-half putting together with clips. cups -water, pinch of salt and fruit as needed. Sliced apples, nannecl or IF -YOU WERE THE "BOSS." then mix the sifted nom and baiting powder with the almonds, and add them gradually to the mixture, beat- ing vigorouely. Add the *raisins,. dredging with flour., and the citron; mix well. Add the juice of the lemon and, finally, the whites of the eggs, beaten to a thiels froth, Turn into a buttered tin and bake for an hour ,in a moderate oven. Use the broom -wisp test before removing from the oven. White lady cake is a pretty deli- cacy and is easy to make, too. Use 11/4 cups of flout, 1 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of butter, the whites of 4 eggs, 1/4 cup •of milk, 1 teaspoonful of baking powder and a teaspoonful of peach extract. Cream the butter, add the eggs, beating the Whites to a stiff froth, and mixing well. Add the milk and gradually add the flour, blending thoroughly and beating till very light. Add the essence and bake in a moder- ate oven for an hour. Madame John's cake is expensive but very good. Use a pound of sugar, 7 ounces of butter, the whites of 16 eggs, and a pound of sifted flour, and the juice of an orange. Cream the sugar and butter, then add the whites of the eggs, beaten'to a stiff froth, and stir in gradually the flour and a teaspoonful of baking powder. Flavor with the juice of an orange extract, and bake from 30 to 45 minutes in a quick oven, using the broom wisp test. Household Hints. When watering house plants a little sweet milk added will often be a bene - fresh peaches, or pineapple may be used for •this dessert. Place liberal layer of fruit in bottom of small pud- ding dish, sugar to taste, and if ap- plei are used, add a little chumenon. Put water and salt in double boiler, and when hot stir in tapioca and stir until clear. Pour this over fruit and bake until fruit is tender. This can then check up your record for the past be told by testing with straw. Serve month as an employee. with cream or thin cesttind sauce. Remember now, it's your money Roast Duck. -Prepare a duck for meeting the payroll. roasting and stuff with the fol- Have you, as an employee, filled lowing: Take the nem outside stalks your hours with productive conscien- of a head of celery, 'wash and wipe tions labor, or have you been too busy . 9 GERMANY PAYING THE 'PRICE OF MILITARISM. • The return to the Fatherland of maimed German soldiers who havei been exchanged for Bussimi prisoners. They were photographed at. Haperands„ in Sweden. The four cripples in front are all from the sam4 German company. liven as they are, they consider themselves lucky, foe the majority of their comrades were killed in an unsuccessful attack 001 the British positions near Bethune. MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSIONS. More Than 100 American Lives Lost in Munition Plants. One hundred lives approximately have been lost in mysterious Ameri- can munition plant fires and explo- sions since the European war began. The following is a list of the more plane. His letter reads: "Thursday morning about 8- o'clock I heard the aeroplane sentry blow his four whistles and put my head out- side to see where the German was. The ‘Aarchies' (anti-aircraft guns) were at him, and getting pretty close to him as he came over the battery. I could hear one of our machines up, and looking around saw him after the mon; five killed. enemy. `Archie' evidently didn't see April 1. -Equitable powder factory, him as they went on firing at the Alton, Ill.; explosion; five men killed. German until one round nearly hit our May 12. -Anderson guncotton ware- machine. Then they stopped. house, Wallington, NI.; explosion; "Then the real fight began. The three killed. German turned tail (they are much May 15. -Du Pont de Nemotiesifaster machines than ours), but our still house, Carney's Point, N.J.; ex- machine had his speed up and we plosion; six injured. June 26. -Du Pone de Nemour's plant, Wayne, N.J.; explosion. July 7. -Harrison Brothers' benzol factory, Philadelphia; fire; loss BATTLE IN THE AIR. British Officer Tells How German Ma- chine Was Sent Down. THE QUEEN AND ToE TEACUP, rimy She Caine to the Rescue of An Old Servant. The mother of the present Qteen of lIolland married King William when the King was pretty well along in years; it was his second matrimonial adventure. Renew so pleased with it that one clay he purchased a tea set of costly Porcelain as a gift for his queen, He felt that it was quite an extravagance, and threatened th dis- charge any servant who was careless enough to break a part of the set. A spectacular air battle is described in a letter from an officer who wit- nessed an engagement in Flanders be- tween a British and a German aero - important fires and explosions: Aug. 30, 1914. -Du Pont de Ne- mour's powder plant, Pompton, N.J.; explosion; one killed. Jan. 1, 1915.--Buckthorne plant of John A. Roebling's Son's Company, Trenton, N.J.; fire; loss, $1,500,000. March 6. -Du Pont de Nemours powder plant, Haskell, N.J.; explo- Here Are a Few Pointed Questions For 'You to .Answer. - If you applied to yourself for a job -would you get it? Think it over. Just be "boss" for a few minutes - dry and with a** sharp knife shave off watc ing c et . the strings. ' Peel two or three me- Have you produced enough in that nitions plant, Eddystone, Pa.; fire; ilium -sized onions and chop them and month no make you a profitable in- less wpm, One day, says Novellen-Schatz, a man who had been in the service of slowly writing amanuensis, was co An enthusiastic tribute to the Rus - the royal house for many years, had Mealy liable to change his construe- shin soldier and his leaders is paid by the misfortune to break one of the tions. The flesh, in Paul, means our : General Arz, the Hungarian military precious cups. He was heartbroken. sinful lower nature; in John, simply' leader who or five months was Gen, Mackensen's chief lieutenant in the Tearfully he went to Queen Emma the human body. and told her his story. The sympa- 13. Life (true, eternal life) consists; iatter's Russian campaign. General thetie queen took the broken pieces in what is spiritual; if we live with- , Arz summarizes his opinion of the and put them together, saying, "1 out reference to anything higher than1Russian enemy in a statement which ' one of the Budapest papers. He BAYS; think we can fix that. itist paste it the body, we shall die. We xriust he has given to the correspondent of "The Russian military leadership is energetic and determined, and I must acknowledge that in this respect the Russians are quite up-to-date, I need not say that in fortifying positions and in retreating they are exceedingly clever. As far as field fortifications slavery (John 8. 34); yielding to God are concerned we simply adopted their is not a mere change of bondmastere; methods. In their retreats the strik- it is re-entering a Father's house, ing feature is the way they always Abba --The first word of the Lord's managed to save their supply columns. the supplies of ly, "There, Your Majesty, see what an keptP r a y Prayer in its itssaeorreicig•inorailgAinrar baulte. imIniteis. oeThroughoutneelydedonienl..ceagtphi capturing dialteloyut.anslated. spirit -The part of our hu- field IciteNheont Aanfdratihdeo feoDolecas.th. iiinetagrn topgaeignther waveithsuca- awkward servant I am. Now, theinanity in which we have conscious only thing you can do is to dismiss me 1 contact with God; it is dormant in the from your service," "unspiritual." The heartfelt cry "The Russian infantry soldier is But William was in a happy mood; "O • Father" is produced by the very good. He is an active, brave and seeing how grieved his wife appeared, meeting of the Divine Spirit with the determined soldier, not afraid of he made light of the loss and con- ' human. Children by birth; sons by, death, and those stories which assert soled her affectionately, while the old privilege -they -might be adopted. lthat their officers drive them into I servant stood trembling by, thanking 17. Joint heirs -Compare Mark 12. battle with machine guns are all nur- his good fortune for a mistress whose '7; Heb, 1. 2; and such passages as sery tales. His individual merits are If Em hatic Compare ! indisputable. Only in the mass does HE SUNDAY -SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JANUARY 23, Lesson IV. --The Spirit of Life, Rom. S. 12-30. Golden Text: Rom. B. 14, Verse 12. The sentence was to end "but to the Spirit, to live after the SPirit," Paul, dictating to hie too RUSSIAN TROOPS PRAISED BY ARZ LEADERS ENERGETIC AND THE SOLDIERS BRAVE. Hungarian General Declares Artillery of Enemy Excellent -Infantry Iklerits Praise. could hear the two machine guns crackling. up there in the blue -they looked like two wild birds. "Then our machine got on top, and, looking through my glasses I saw together with cement. The edges are therefore anticipate the u una ti smooth and won't show much. Leave death of the bodily functions by learn - the rest to me. ru do What I can to ing to depend on something higher save you." which will not die. When the royal family sat •down to 14. Led by the Spirit -Nearly the tea the next tine, the injured cup was same words as in Luke 4. 1, a sugges- at Queen Emma's place. The queen, tive parallel. See also Gal. 5. 18. pretending to be very thirsty, drank 15 A ain-Yielding to sin meant all the tea at once; and then, as if struck with a sudden idea, she turned quickly in her chair toward the king, and her arm swept the clip to the floor. As it crashed into a thousand pieces, the queen'affected an expres- OM of deepest regret, and said timid - tact and kindness had saved him his position. INVENTIONS BY WOMEN. . Acts 14. 22. This does not mean that he fail. Russian soldiers are abso- happiness bas a curse on it, so that ! lutely dependent on their leader, and suffering should lie sought. It will if the leader fails they are lost. Their come to all, and when it comes it is officers, therefore, are much more Have Perfected Many Useful Articles to be accepted as a sharing in Christ's burdened than ours, but it must be For the Home. lot. Compare 1 Pet. 4. 13. Of course, acknowledged that wherever their of - Christians in that age need not con- sider the temptations of a life without suffering; suffering was the normal condition for them all. 26. Meanwhile the apostle turns to the blessedness of the "installment" of our promised possession. Though the "groans" (verse 23) are inarticu- late, though prayer be but "the bur- den of a sigh," it is "inwrought" or firers choose to lead them the men put up magnificent resistance. "The Russian artillery is excellent. It is indeed most annoying, but for- tunately we encountered always less and less artillery as WC progressed, so that toward the end of the offensive it was not dangerous any more. What- ever artillery they had they shifted far back, for their main object was Women inventors are constantly in- creasing in number, and among those who have recently achieved success is a woman who has perfected spout kettles, tea kettles, coffee pots and like utensils. She not only has a spe- cial spout design in these, but also a baffle plate at the bottom of the ket- tle, which in conjunction with the $500,000. some spars cut away from the Ger- spout causes a smooth, controllable Aug. 16. -Aetna Powder Works, man and fall. The German did a nose- stream to issue from the spout, Sinnemahoning, Pa.; explosion; five dive; righted himself for about three Another woman has invented an killed. seconds, and then pitched head first- egg beater that consists of a single Aug. 19. -Du Pont plant, Wilming- to the ground. Evidently his propel- piece of resilient wire bent spiral ton, Del.; explosion. ler was shot away too, as his engine shape over the handle strand. It is Aug. 29. -American Powder Com- was roaring, -making a terrific noise said to conform to the size and shape pany's factory, Acton, Mass.; explo- as he came down. Both the pilot and of the dish or bowl in which it is sion. his passenger were killed and fear- usea. Aug. 29. -Du Pont plant, Wilming- fully mangled, and the engine went One of the newest clothes -pins is no Del.; explosion; two killed. about six feet into the ground. The fitted with a spring so that it can be clamped upon the wire and the gar- ment suspended from it. A groove is cut in the upper end of the pin, in order that the clothes line will fit in it, and the inner lower surface of the pin that clamps the garment is cor- rugated, so that the drying article will hot slip. Excellent lunch boxes are now pro - Scent sight, although one couldn't ' vided for children, thermos bottles help feeling a little sorry fur the Germans, but as ono of our telephon- ists said: 'I dunno, sir -he shouldn't try to come and play in our back yard.' " Sept. 1. -National Conduit and 1 machine fell about 8,000 feet. Cable Company's shell factory, Has- "The troops round here cheeredour tings, N.Y.; explosion. machine like mad -not that he could Oct. 6. -Aetna Powder factory, Bin- hear them. The two men who were in porium, Pa.; explosion; four killed. our aeroplane are absolute devils for Oct. 28. -Russians' munitions 'ware- this sort of thing, and have brought house,Seattle, Wash.; fire; loss, down several machines lately. al - $500,00. though this is the first to fall in our Nov. 10. --Bethlehem Steel Com- pany's' ordnance plant, Bethlehem, l'a.; fire; loss, $1,500,000 (estimat- ed). Nov, 10. -Midvale (Pa.) Steel and Ordnance Company; fire; two build- ings destroyed. Nov. 10. -Baldwin Locomotive mu - the celery fine.• Put a piece of butter vestment? Nov. 11.-Roebling steel rope the size a an egg in a skillet and let Have you put your shoulder to the plant, Trenton, NJ.; fire; loss, $1, - it get hat; then put in the celery and Wheel - forgotten petty differences 00ffi000. lines. Altogether it was a magm- LEARN SPANISH. It Is Far Easier to Learn Than the French Language. included, at comparatively little cost, an invention of a woman. These box- es are of metal or tin, that permit of daily scalding. Lots of them have ad- justable compartments, so that the contents can be neatly packed and kept in place. - PAYING OUR DEBTS. ; Man Ought to be as Honest as the onions mai let them coon till sofn stir- and difficulties -or have you put sand Nov 30 -Du Pont powder plant at Spanish is the simplest language to Earth. ring often; season with salt and pep- in the bearings? Wilmington, Del.; explosion; 30 men learn in the world, and, commercially, "inspired" (James 6. 16, as it should that we should not take any more be read) by the Spirit, and God needs guns from them. The Russian cavalry no interpreter. We pray better than had little to do during the offensive. Tall and Healthy. "The prisoners," continued the gen- official nsane of believers; holiness , eral, "whom I came across were all an essehtial. It is necessary if this; handy' and good-hearted people. They "inspired" prayer is to be offered.' never behaved in a hostile manner to - Note, James speaks of "the'supplica- ward us, unlike the prisoners on other tion of a righteous man." I fronts, who could not conceal their 28. God worketh all things with enmity and contempt. As I inspected them for good (margin) -So read the many thousands of Russian pris- with the best MSS. Pain, sorrow, dis- overs I always found that they were aster, God transmutes them all into first-class material in every way. fruitful discipline, and the harvest is Most of them are tall and healthy. The only good. only trouble is their inferior Walli- n. Who are these "called" ones? gence. I studied them carefully, and. (Compare Rom. 1. 7.) God's "fore- I saw that they have little knowledge knowledge" being absolute, mere of events, and some of them even knowledge as to the destiny each in- thought that the French Emperor was dividual will choose cannot be intend- coming on behind us with his hosts ed. God "knows" those whom he re- and that we would be crushed between cognizes as his own. (Compare Amos the two armies. 3. 2; Deut. 34. 10; 2 Tim. 2. 19.) For "The Russian counter attacks were all such there was a type devised from much stronger in the beginning of our the beginning: God's sons are to bear offensive than later on. As time pass- ed these became weaker and weaker and more rare, as the Russian re- serves began to diminish. My expert- poseessor to purify himself after mice throughout the campaign was purity. Conformed -Compare Phil. 3. that the Russians were never totally 10. First-born among those whom short of ammunition. They had am - "he is not ashamed to call brothers." ple artillery and infantry munitions we know if our hearts are open to the Spirit's influenc. 27.For the saints -The (as it were) a "family likeness" to his Son. It is the thought of 1 John 3. 3, which tells how a "hope set on" Christ enables its per and seuff the duck With as much Have you asked questions end im- killed, seven injured, it is one of the most valuable. So he declared his ascension "unto iny all the time. Vy henever we took Rim - Any man making a pretence at be- . of the stuffing as it will hold. Sew it proved -or have you been too wise to _n___ Six months' tuition should enable ' ing honest will try and pay. for What I Father, sian positions we always found great ficient knowledge of Spani and your Father." hp, put put a few pieces of butter, salt learn? . WAR GRAVES MARKED. the average persom to acquire a suis 1 30. The objects of all these divine quantities there" be gets. But having admitted the 1 • Have you analyzed what you are - justness of his claim that he do so he . to compose an ordinary business let- the application of the principle that actions -or rather different aepects of THE WAYS OF CRABS. sh for busi- ! be surprised at the wideness of ial Place of Fallen. il one action -aro to be defined as French Keep Careful Record of Bur- nese purposes. It is quite simple, too, I al" that period. e inthislanguage atI those who of their own choice accept - t the fat from the gravy, ac14 a little Have you allowed your mind to be- Interesting .details regarding the One fact that makes the language for what it gets -the ram and the . • a --..- i God in Christ. They answer to a di- vine ideal, obey a divine invitation, re- • Some That Travel Like Diminutive of lies at the back of it. The earth in s d 1 so doing contamineted tilers who have fallen on the field of I --with fruitfulness, Waving grain,. d f • 't • • n 1 the • c ceive God's verdict of acquittal on any1 barges the past may bring, and are 11 Gdd- bouillon and thicken with a little flour, come poisoned with anger, worry or manner in which the graves of sol - so easy is that Spanish le, pronounced eunehine, and the tweezes of Heaven Armies. and pepper over the top and roast in a hot oven from a half to three-quar- ters of an hour, according to taste. Remove thh duck from the pan, skim doing, and why, or itsod instinct in- stead of reason, and got an indifferent and methodless result? made smooth in a little cold water. Toothsome Cakes. ' A very nice cake to. bake for a sil- ver wedding anniversary, or for any occattion where this effect is desired, is obtained by follcmieg the directions given below. The cake isn't really 07 a vision of pay day the oasis in your from the Paris Matin; ter "h" is always silent. It is far " • ' " , ,a e -a wor ofesus, ccs1iogitiiiheedd tombe the paortion of his own ' and reduced the efficiency of others? battle are identified are given in the ' g exactly OS it iS spelt -there are no ' " Have you gone through the month, following article, translated literally accents to trouble about anti the let - t mere ,Poane receiving alwasei arid'. smilhig green of fields. It is not a I see especial_ tide, there are often to be seen huge Philippine. Islands, uncovered at low , numbers of the grayish -blue crabs this vision shut out from view all else and earthworks. Let your gaze wan- knowledge of Latin helps one C011- gives back everything, withgnAnela.'ddeldt '1Y from legal procedure, expressing sim- . Mark 2. 17. Justifted-A metaphor called Myctiris. The body has the desert of wmk? And have you let "Leave for a ndnute those trenches easier to learn than French, and a never responding to the i in the day's work that would build you der in that orchard or there in that siderably. something, of its own. The earth is , ply um_: shape and size of a cherry, and the to a size where you would give your- copse, or yet again on that crest. See, An ambitious man, familiar with the holiest, generously honest. And a the verdiet, "Not guilty." oppoi tuninea in the continent of , e i us ra umtoo 1... ' on 11 t t' fa • It takes a mense harm has boon done by pushing i legs are set close, Dr. R. P. Cowles self a job? one, two, three, twenty little mounds. ,.. , . man might not to be any less so. He npamse tongue is offered enormous has given us a lovely picture of the Or have you been, heart and soul in On every mound a wooden cross and , . . . is getting ea ei y daa n ways of these creatures. silver, of com.se, but the illusion is!whole smite o i us . • the work -on the job ' • • Intl t khaki oe red every minute on , evei y m oss a 1 t., n t f 1' life, e• te f • 11 ' ' They move about like diminutive mien o us ,e , mg 1 -°m a ' the atonement even partially clear; . mid, though the individuals , with a breadth of vision that made of cap. The orchard is full of them; . . - South Ameriea, German succees in elites and in till possible ways. afresh : seem to be scrambling along rather due to the fact that they' have Inas- and the point of this one is only that manes, suggested by the eame. Here is the . recipe: tee Spanish markets has been largely !' tumty? . brow of the hill is fringed with them. the acquitted person can start Required, 1/4 cup of butter, 11/4 chps lite of work an oasis of oppor_ the copse is studded with them; the HANT. WEDDING RING FAIiillaTE. of sugar, 1 cup milk, 3 cup§ of flour, 2 tered the language and conducted 1 unennumbered by the urden af t le b I ' 9Wkwardly, Cheek tin . Be truthful, Would "Along the whole battle line from But what is most remarkable is of intrenching themselves gwe yoursen a job ?-,J, R. Worcplenu, the WOOt e 0 . ' • 1 t V e tire drawn up in Spanish, rind their British Firms Report It Is f.... n Past. 'Why God can acquit on the' ' ; with extraordinary rapidity. At one the. whites ot 6 eggs, Beat the better . - . . in 'tile Artisan. down to the sand dunes of Belgium agents speak it well enough for all Serious. "'""5" ground of faith in Christ, and how : their Power tablespoonfuls of baking powder and . "...their business in it. Their catalogues every single sector has boon placed eommercial,purpres, though with the The London I the consequence attained is future imoment there are tens of thousands duty it is to identify and collect mat- metntable 1 eutomc accent, a a wedding ring "famine in Great y t ic an ofo lei pal a es. There , • ' • ' " ' b 1 '1 ti • • bl Daily Mail says there freedom from Bill, WC have to learn under a sepavate officer, whose soleon the sand; the next moment there On some of the sand -flats of the to a cream, then add the well -beat- en sugar and beat well; add the yolks of Dm eggs and beat till very light. Then add the milk and mix carefully. A Curious Will. A curious win has just been settled ter concerning every one of those • together, and add gradually to the little motinds. Now sift the flour and baking powder in England contamieg a moral worth a wider circulation than a miser's last "Not n single piece of information mixture. Turn into a buttered pan testament often obtains. The poor is allowed to slip by uncatalogued; man died, when to general surprise it each cross has its own humble citron- ella bake in a moderate oven for 45 was found be left $170,000. The kle all written down mid indexed and MEDAL FOR WRONG MAN: Tile Britain, although gold is abundant. is nothing in human jurisprudence me none. paper cites three mam causes foriwhich illustrates this side of the By approaching very slowly and Soldier NOVO' Heard of Cancollution great number of war weddings, un -this shortage in wedding rings; The atonement, and the parable according- carefully, Dr. Cowles was able to see ly leaves us with no further help, , what happened, When he got near enough and stamped with his foot, -Ile Had Been Killed. precedented investment in gem rings i every crab dug into the sand with the by workers since the rise in wages, ' How Rough House Started. , legs of one side, and at the same " A pathetic case oi decoration by and the absorptien of the jewellers' 1 entalogued.1 They were talking about various time rotated its body so that it sank "illatli tragedY once chronicled is Migtalt0 has cane to light in the MSc ivorltmen by aircimft and munitions i things at the elub, when a member out of sight ill a epiral. then copied in duplicate, one always I of the Mtn Lieutenant J. H. MOSSO% 'rectories, ; not especially noted for his cleanli- In two or three seconds the army accessible in case additional informa-lof the Royal West Surrey Regiment. The manager of a leading whole- ness remarked: "Would you call a had buried itself. After a few min, lion should main uP and the other de- I The name of thie Yonne; officer had sale firm ill London is quoted as sa.y- b ti is luxur or e necessity?" utes, if the sand was not shithen, they posited at the nearest general bead- been confused with the name of art- ing itis concern luxe orders in the Yalu , other officer for whom the reward of $125,000 which cannot be filled for ' "In your case," replied the ilitill ad- began to dig themselves out again quarters. dressed, '`it would be both -a neces- and, reforming their ranks, resumed "Nothing is omitted which could I was intended, so the London Gazette the reasons mentioned, These orders say because you need it so badly ibly afford a clue to the dead : of Arne 23 last stated that Lieutenant have been acumulating since last Ittay. I , and (hen march poss. . i a luxury because you take it $o hero's identity -name, surname, rogi- Musson had been recommended for meet and. reek-S.11d then each grave the Military Cense. On July 24 the Clerk (run into by somebody in ray°111•" giv ell a number corresponding to the War Office, having discovered the the clark,-Clumsy idio 1 ( perceiving How the Nations Feet document." i11: is difficult to convince a pretty icancallation. He NVIII4 iiiiied ill action ,1..,,..0. 1.1. the hole at tim top of hie ler peace when you ec as 11you a no Imperial cake is another favorite res $15ffi000 package, signed and :cipe. - Take a pound of butter, a settled, was to be given to his native pound of auger, a pound of flour, the town; five thousand each to three bro. juice and rind of a lemon, a pound of there, and fine thousend to a friend blanched almonds, 1/4. pound citron, na with whom he had quarrelled. It was POLOld of raisins, 9 eggs and a tea- stipulated that none of the four spoonful' of baking powder, Blanch should follow the body to the grave, and peel and pound the almonds end which suggestion the times brothers erutib them in a mortar, Seed the gladly aceepted, but the quarreller raisins, out the citron into shreds, and walked alone, and forfeited his $5,000 quarter -inch dice, Very fine, Grate the for the sake of paying a last mitigat- zest ef the lemori. Beat the butter to ing honor. When the package !was a. ornate, as ie the other recipe; add opened for the town it dieclosed an - the auger grednally, beating till light. other will, giving the $150,000 to tiny Thee teld the yolks of the eggs, beat- Of the four who should disregard the en to n 0)04111, neat fait very liget, etinulation. . „ „ Subnerinal. why Lieutenant Musson tever heard of the And many a. man him 104. money' It's pretty heed to think of suing no:nItadl(nsfeth:Ole," they eall the mistake, cancelled the award. But that it is his ernploaer) that an . girl that love is blind. five dny$ previously. pockets. I ought to be suing for damages. "Did Ton ever see the products?" •