HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-1-13, Page 8J. F, Rowland, el 1E-0
411110111IF Nasal
'4 erry Bark
Cough Cure
It wiWl relieve
Your Cough
We believe Itweell Cherry Bark Cough
Syt'up to be one of the safest and most
effective of family Cough Remedies
known, Don't neglect a cough, relieve
the discomfort anti avoid the serious
complications of a neglected cough by
using CherryBark Cough Syrup. It
will relieve you and at the same time
does not derange the stomach, and is
pleasant to take.
Comes in sec and 252 bottles.
Rexall Cold Tablets
To break up a cold when starting
use Rexalj Cold Tablets. 250 a box.
Bring Us
Your Christmas
Kodak Films
We will get the most from every
exposure and will try to assist you
to still better future results.
Developing and Printing for Ama-
teurs. Satisfaction assured,
:7:he '(ClIedStore F. R. SMITH
rout betas Pins
HAVE you enlisted ?
DAYS are stretching out.
Sc2rooT. resumed last Monday with
the various teachers in their respective
Brussels Council voted $ro.00 to the
Children's Aid Society. It is aiding a
good cause.
CARNIVAL at Brussels skating rink
Thursday evening of this week, See
the pr•ze list. It is a goodone.
THE streets were very icy some asys
this week bo' Constable Oliver's send
box reeclered first aid in many cases.
FAaMEas' Iostitute meeting Wednes-
day 19th inst., Town Hall, Brussels.
Sessions at r.3o and 7.3o p. m. Good
A yaw automobiles keep running to
c,>.,vinee the public tbat the oil time
Winter blockades are not on the slate
this season so far.
CONGRATULATIONS are extended to
Station Agent W. J. and Mrs. Kyle over
the birth of their son -William Verner.
This is one way to solve the shortage of
help at the G. T. R. depot.
'Any DAY.- Free Bros , Brussels, in-
vite all the babies of 2 years and under
to their studio on Saturday. 22ad inst.,
when a Free Photo will be taken. This
will be a good opportunity and should
not be overlooked. Read the advt. of
Free Bros. in this issue.
Owing to the resignation of H. L.
Jackson as leader of the choir of the
Methodist church. Brussels, arrange-
ments have been made by which Mrs.
Addie Wright will give the choir week-
Iy iustruetioe but nC course will not be
with thein on Sabbn'hs as she is organist
and choir leader in Melville church,
ANNUAL MEETING -Wednesday after-
noon next the annual meeting of East
Huron Agricultural Society will be held
in the Town Hall at 1 3o o'clock, Re-
port will be presented, t iters elected
and plans formulated for 1916. If you
are interested be on band on above date.
2.ert.-At the Duderin Park, Toron-
to, ice tams last Saturday, Paddy R.,
the speedy pacer owned by R. 'I't ench,
Teeswater, won the 2.15 pacing race,
with 7 entries, It took 6 beats to reach
a decision but Paddy showed the field
his heels in the last by doing the mile
in 2 111"-. Purse was $40o. 'rue Tees -
water sidewbeeler is evidently a good
an action brought by the Plaintiff, Neil
S. McLauchlir, against the Defendant,
Alex. D. Grant, for $8 n po damages aris-
ing under a Lease made to the Defend-
ant and sublet by Sim to the Plaintiff
and was tried at the last sittings of the
Division Court in Brussels when judg-
ment was reserved. A decision has been
since delivered dismissing the Plain-
tiff's action with costs. R Vsnstone,
Wingham, appeared for the Plaintiff,
cad W. M. Sinclair represented the De-
Moorebouse, Cairo, a representative of
the Provincial Department of Agricul-
ture, will, under the auspices of
Brussels Women's Institute, ad-
dress a meeting to which every lady
from town sud country are cordially in-
vited, in the Carnegie Library on Wed-
nesday, Jan. oath, at 2 3o p. m. Mts.
Moorehouse has had several years ex-
perience as a lecturer and is a practical
and fluent speaker well worth hearing.
At the joint meeting of Farmers' and
Women's Institute in the evening of
Jan. 19th, Mrs, Moorehouse will give an
address and there will also be a musical
program. Everybody welcome.
OBIT -Last week THE road
Pu T e
brief reference
to the suddend einise of
Robert Fox, father of Druggist Fox,
Brussels. Deceased was bora at Hole -
field. Roxb r ' shirScotland, 0 o a e on Jane..
aryist 18 andas � e died -
33 h n Decem
ber 31st was within a clay ot his 84th
birthday, He came to Canada in 1870
and located first at Morrisbank and after
a couple of years moved to Wroxeter
where he resided until 25 years Ago
when he and Mrs. Fox came to reside in
Brussels. The latter paid Nature's debt
in the year rm. Druggist Fox was the
only child. Mr. Fox's failure of health
was due to a severe attack of lagrippe 17
years ago which affected his heart, He
made his home with his sou. On the
morning of his demise he was heard
moving about in his room and not ap-
pearing for breakfast was not wondered
at as he frequently dosed off to sleep.
Later Mrs. bort called him and receiving
no reply she went to his bedside to make
the discovery that he had entered into
the rest be often talked about. There
had been no struggle but fulfilling the
words of the, Good Book, "He givetb his
beloved sleep," Was obly too true. The
subject of this notice had a wide circle
of friends who esteemed him for his
many estimable qualities .of brad and
heart, He Was a faithful member of the
Presbyterian ,church and a staunch
Liberal. Mr, '0* was a Well read man
and took a great interest in the public
question of the day.
BANKING hours after February 1st will
be trout 9 to 3 ; Saturdays g to 1.
OWING to the poor sleighing on some
roads a few wheeled rigs were in use
part of this week,
"THE Minister's Bride" will be repro-
duced in Brussels Town Heli on a near-
by date. Proceeds will go to the Red
Cross treasury.
A TELEPHONE, No, 52, has been in-
stalled in the Recruiting headquarters,
Brussels It will prove a great con-
venience no doubt.
THE POST is pleased to report the lift-
ing of the measles quarantine in town
alter careful disinfecting of the earlobe
premises by Health laspeotor Oliver.
Any timidity felt by people from out-
side of town may 1 e dispelled as there
should not be the slightest danger now
from measles epidemic,
BROWNLEouoIINS sort $ALR. -I5 cockerels,
16 pullets, laying and 6 hens. Apply to
ALF, BAEKRo, Brussels.
SPRIMING silver nail file lost between St.
John's church and the G. T. R. depot. Finder
will greatly oblige by leaving It at THE Poem.
Fort SALE. -Farm Of late Hector McQuerrte,
Lot 12, Con. 4, Grey township. Also gnantity
of hay, Implements and horses. Apply on
premises within two weeks or see W. L. No-
600 ea 700 8 inch goad tile for sats 860 per
1000, Apply to D. E. Sanders, Brussels, R. R.
No. 8. Phone 0118.
APARTMENTS to 'let in the Graham block
lately vacated by the Pryne family.
To RTntax-25 to 28 acres of land with good
barn add house in the village of Brussels.
Apply to W. F. STanmmoN, jeweler, Brussels
A Goon house for sole with Stable and fruit
trees. Apply at Tim Poem,
Wm. and Mrs, McFadzean and daugh-
ter, Madeline, formerly of Brussels, now
of Elkhorn, Man., are here on a visit to
Mrs. A. Sinclair and other relatives,
headquarters of Brussels Company of
the 161st, Huron Battalion, was changed
to the building North of S C. Wilson's
grocery, known as the Kirk store, so as
to have more ample accommodation
The rooms are very comfortable and the
stores will also be kept there. Call iu,
leave your name, get a uniform and be
a soldier of the King.
Last Monday evening James Bowman,
M, P., gave an interesting address be-
fore the Epworth League in the Metho-
dist church on "Parliament in Nation
Building." Rev. D Wren presided.
Mrs Parker read a chapter out of Nellie
McClung's new book, "In Times like
these," and Misses Jennie and Irla Rands
sang a choice duet. Mr. Bowman was
thanked for bis timely ad tress.
OWING to tbe enlistment for military
duty of many members of their staffs the
banks throughout Canada are finding it
extremely difficult to keep their work
up. On behalf of our local hanks we
have been requested to appeal to their
customers to do their banking as early
in the day as possible. We have also
been requested to announce that be-
ginning with the rot of February both
banks in Brussais will open at 9 a m,
and close at 3 p. m., with the exception
of Saturday, when the usual closing
hour of 1 o'clock will be observed,
meeting of East Huron Farmers' In-
stitute will be held in the Town Hall,
Brussels, on Wednesday of next week,
19th inst., sessions at 13o and 7 30 p,
m. Speakers will be A, R. G. Smith,
New Hamburg, and J. M. McCallum.
Shakespeare, who will deal with in•
teresting topics. Every farmer within
a range of io miles is asked to attend
and show bow live any interest is felt
in the Farmers' Instithle, On the after-
noon of thea
s me day Mrs R
L Moore -
house. of Cairo, will speak to the Wo-
men's Institute in the audience room of
the Public Library and she will also give
an address at tire
public e meetin
in the Hall in the evening.
There will no doubt be a large
turn out of ladies to greet Mrs. Moore -
house as she comes for the first time to
Brussels. A musical program will be
rendered at the evening session, to
which the public is cordially invited,
only be on time.
RECRUITING --A meeting for the pur-
pose of organizing a Recruiting League
was held in Brussels on Monday, Toth
Inst , when the following rff vers were
elected : -Hon .Pres., las Bowman, M.
P. ; President, W. M. Sinclair ; est
Vice -President, 3 F, Rowland 1 2nd
Vice -President, Peter Scott ; Seca
Treas., F. H. Gilroy Committees were
Appointed as follows t-Brussais-D, C,
Ross, G, N. McLaren and Tea. Beilan--
tyne, Township of Grey -»North- P.
A. McArthur and Geo. Johnston,
Centre -Rev. D. Wren and A H. Mc-
Donald. South -R. W Liviagatol,
Wm, Cameron and Areh: Hislop,
Township of Mortis--North--Rev, A. J.
Mann, R. Procter, Wm. Elston, Walter
' Ybi11 and Rev. Mr. Thompson, South
-Rev, R E Page, John Shortreed. R.
G Smith, T. Miller end Albert Howlett.
Walton --Rev, R. A. Lundy, Rev, F.
W. Craik, W. 5, Neal,fj. Waft, Duncan
Johnator, Rev, D, Wren and A, Hislop.
,he•eeee•41••••••••00••04••• •e••••••••••
•••••••N••• 0
East Huron Produce, Fmporium
Prices Offered1
• •• +4,•;,S,d•Qr e•F'F�fr.1•d''d•'tb$+F'iF'hi'�h'Fed"....�F!9i. y i„h,l,... e
• •
• Selected strictly New Laid Eggs 32C
• •
Fresh gathered Eggs - 28c •
• Selected Dairy Print Butter - 27c I
Light -weight Prints and Unlabeled •
2 Wrappers, Solids and Rolls - 289 2
2 Dress Chickens, Roasters and: Broilers,
crate fatted, showing quality - 14C
• ENumber of Feeding Coops for sale at 75c each 1
••500 bushels Feeding Wheat wanted. •• _
— —
0 .0•••••00•••••••••••e••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Royal Household Flour
Bran and Shorts
just arrived and will be delivered
to any part of the town.
Good Potatoes and Salt
Always on hand
Ring 'Phone 411 and we will be at
your service for anything in our
W. J. McCracken NW
JUDGE HOLT was in town on Wednes-
day (or the 4th Division Court. The
Socket was not heavily loaded.
A COATING NT Of Brusselites put on
the play "rhe Minister's Bride" at
Jamestown Friday evening of this week ;
Ethel, Monday evening of next week
and Walton Friday evening following.
In each case the company go under the
auspices of the Women's Institute and
the proceeds will be devoted to Patriotic
ling Workers of Melville church will
Rive an evening with Burns. in the
Town Hall on January 25th. The pro-
gram will consist of readings, Scotch
music. vocal and instrumental and over
6o views of Scotland and 3o of Mrs.
Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Admis-
sion 25 and 150.
Robert Henderson was summoned to
Newark. N. J., owing to the serious ill-
ness of her sister, Mrs. A. Nichol.
Word came after Mrs. Henderson had
gone that Mrs. Nichol died Monday.
She had a stroke on Sunday. The hus-
band, 3 sons and a daughter survive,
who will be large sharers in the sym-
pathy ot many.
AMONG the new applicants for enlist-
ment in the Brussels Company is a
quintette of employees in the Standard
Bank of Canada, and the Bank of Nova
Scotia, Brussels, In the number are A.
R. Mustard, Roy Burton and J. F.
Reuben, of the former and A. H. 1v11111-
gan and E. G. Rankin, of the latter,
The official month's notice has to be
given to the head office before the young
men will he released.
NOT SIGNED.- A communication 10
to hand criticising sharply "the premedi-
tated action of Councillors Thomson and
Burchill" as it related to their "unwar-
ranted attack on the Medical Health
Officer and the town utility man at last
Council meeting". The real name of
the writer will De necessary before letter
will be published. THE POST may add
here that we understood Council busi-
ness was over before our scribe left the
room at 12 3o last Monday to keep
another engagmeut, hence the item re
tarred to does not appear in the minutes
on page 4
Brussels leads the procession as far as
we have heard iu the matter of a mem-
ber of the Council Board joining the
ranks. Last Saturday Councillor Fred.
Burchill who was elected by acclamation
to Brussels Municipal Council, offered
bis services to the zetst Huron Battalion
and on acceptance has been drilling
every day glace. As he weighs over
2 To there was no uniformin Stock ock hi s
fit so a special measurement khaki outfit
had to be ordered, Pta. Burchill rch Il i s
owner of the big skating and curling
rink in town also, so between all bis jobs
his time should he well ocen lett The
Meal company is being drilled Here for
the Winter. Lieut. W. F. Scott i6 in
charge and the boys are getting along
-Last Tuesday morning. about 8
o'clock, Juo. Currie, to , died at his
home, Mill street, aged 65 years and to
months, He had been in bed less than
a week from a bad attack of lagrippe
when his heart gave out, 3 years ago 1
his left leg was broken by. a fall at the
rink and he never regained his former
vigor. Deceased was born at Kelsey,
Scotland and lived at Seaforth totality
for many years He was married there
43 years ago to Hannah Burton, who
wdh 2 sons (Andrew and John, of Brus-
eldest ut the Ringling brothers, veteran
circus men, died of heart disease at hie
home at Baraboo, Wis„ aged 62 years.
He had been ill more or less for the last
three years. since his frantic efforts to
save the Ringling circus from destruc-
tion when it was caught io the flames of
a burning lumber yard. His illness was
aggravated last Summer by over-exer-
tion when he personally conducted the
construction of a theatre which Ile do•
nated to 13arabno. He had not left
home since the theatre was dedicated on
November 17.
People We Talk About
Miss Helen S. Murray, Tavistock, is
visiting at the home of Mrs, Wm. Ross.
Ford Aitcbeson, Roselown, Sask
spent the week with Robt. and Mrs.
Th well.
Mrs Dora McFadzean and son, Wil-
frid, spent the week end with Listowel
A. R. Mustard, teller in the Standard
Back, has been laid up this week with
the grippe. Roy Burton, ledger keeper,
substituted during his ebsenee.
Miss Madge Donaldson and Mrs,.
Harris were at Atwood on Tuesday at-
tending the wedding of the tormer's
brother. Idiss Madge will be away for
a week.
Tuesday Margaret, daughter of S. C.
and Mrs. Wilson, fell on tbe ice at scbool
and received an injury to one eye, We
hope she will noon be better of the con-
E. C. Danford has been on the sick
list with lagrippe, pleurisy and a sort of
rheumatism but is ab'e to get to the
store now. We hope he will soon regain
his usual vigor.
Norman Smith, who Was a holiday
visitor here for a few weeks, returned to
Borden, Sask„ this week His sister,
Miss D Smith and the former's daugh-
ter, also wet t West.
Coaductor and Mrs. Blake Scott and
son, of Moose Jaw, are here for a visit.
Mrs Scott is a daughter of R. Bewley,
a well known Morrisite, and a sister to
Mrs Chas. Ritchie, Brussels,
Mrs, (Dr) McRae was visiting rela-
tives and friends in Toronto this week.
She accompanied her sister, Miss Dora
Smith and little deice that far on their
homeward trip to Borden, Sask,
J no, E and Mrs. Smith, Brandon,
Mau„ who spent some weeks renewing
old triendships in Brussels and locality
left for Toronto last Saturday en route
to their home. Their visit was a mutual
George Manning, of Brussels, has en-
listed with headquarters at Stratford,
and George D vis; who went to Chesley
lest Fall has resigned bin post sod next
Monday dons the khaki with troth Bat-
talion at Stratford.
Alderman D. M. Ferguson, Stratford,
hat been chosen Chairman of the
Finance Committelofthe Classic city fur
ig16, 1) M. is a former Brussellte and
we are pleased to see him given the
preferment as we believe he will ring
true every time, THE PoaT hopes to
see him in the Mayor's chair at no dis
lent day.
Monday evening Wm. and Mrs. Me-
Fadzeau and Miss Madalene, of Elk-
horn, Manitoba, arrived here for a holi-
day visit. It is 13 years since they re-
moved to the West from this locality and
the first visit back. The West evidently
agrees well with them as they look as
natural as ever. Mr. and Mrs. Mac. will
spend a month or so renewing old
friendships in this community. They
say they have had some cold weather in
the West this season.
Operators on Sewing
Machines in Shirt
Oslo,) and 2 daughters, (Mrs. 5 Eddy, and Collar Depart-
London and Mrs, Gordon McDowell, merits.
Brussels.) survive, 'rile etibjent of this
notice bongbt out the butchering Susi-
nese of bis brother, Andrew, Brussels, Will Teach a few
12 years ago and has lived in town since. Beginners.
He was an industrioue man and well
known ib the community. In ebtircb
relationships he Was a Presbyterian and
Rev, A, J, Mann will conduct the fun•
era. service Thursday afternoon at a The Williams Greene & Rome Co,
o'cloak. Interment will be made in 28.9 Limited
Brussels cemetery. Andrew, Wm. T, B�Irlin 0171
and George are the surviving brothers. i ■
THE` ••••••••••••••1••••••••e••
• oes
A General Banking Business Conducted,
Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Menu•
facturerl5 receive careful attention.
TRUST BUNDS should be deposited ill SAVINGS
DEPARTMENT. Highest current rater of Interest are
•T �D 1.74
•7a paid half yearly. -
, Manager.
Miss Lil Lamotlt is visiting with her
sister; Mrs, S. 13e11, Teeswater, who is
i11 with an attack of lagrippe.
"Pat." Monroe, a former resident of
Brussels, is now enlisted 10 one of the
Battalions whose headquarters are
Hamilton in the meantime.
Druggist Harry Croaky and Mrs,
Crooks, Paris, Ont., and Mrs. A. Me -
Kenzie and two daughters, Chilton,
spent the New Year holiday at the
pareutal home with George and Mrs.
Crooks, Albert 'street. Brussels: Mr,
Crooke and Mrs. McKenzie were old
time residents of this locality who are
known to many readers of Tan POST.
Church Chimes
Next Sabbath morning the pastor will
speak in the Metnod-st church on "The
principle of recovery" and at the evening.
service "What rneaneth this clash of
arms 2"
The members o1 Brussels Company
will attend service at St. John's church
bext Saoday morning at It o'clock.
Rector Page wtll conduct the service.'
Monday evening in the Methodist
church a very inlerestiug program will
be rendered in Cenne0liob with the
Epworth League. In subject for the
evening "et hat my Church stands for,"
Rev. R E Page will speak for the
Anglican church ; 'Rev. R. A. Lundy,
Walton, for the Presbyterian church
and Rev. F, W. Craik, Walton, for the
Methodist church. Special musical
numbers will be rendered. Meeting at
8 o'clock,
MEETING -Last Thursday evening the
teachers and officers of Melville Sabbath
School convened and appointed the fol-
lowing officers and teachers t --Superin-
tendent, Rev. A. .J. Mann ; Assistant,
Jas, Fox ; Sec. -Treasurer, 'Phos. Ann-
strong; Librarians, Harry Ament and
1, Ballantyne ; Teachers -T. Fox, A.
D. Grant, Mesdames Kerr, Oliver. Mc-
Guire, Mann, Ferguson and McRae;
Misses Ament, Stewart, Smith, Strach-
an, Henderson. Smith and Moore.
Substitute Teachers -Mrs. Gillespie,
Mrs. Wilson, Miss McDonald, Miss P,
Deadman, J. Fox and B. S Scott. n
The collections were allocated as -tel
lows :-Point Aux Trembles, $25,00 ;
Miss Ross' salary, $25 00 ; Testaments
for soldiers, $10.00 ; Home Missions,
515 00 ; Foreign Missions, $15 00.
Friday evening of this week the 0.
0, F. Shedd their annual At Home in
their Hall here.
Miss Sarah McDougall is on the sick
list with facial et ysipelas but we wish
her speedy recovery.
Subject next Sunday evening in the
Methodist church will be "Joseph in
the house of Potiphar."
Rev. Mr. Boyle and Miss Turnbull
Were visitors at the. Manse, Oranbrook,
with Rev, and Mrs. McCulloch, on
Mr. Wray, of Saskatchewan, spent
a few days here with hie uncle and
aunt, Joseph and Mrs, Brandon, He
was a welcome visitor.
At the Farmers' Olub meeting Tues-
day John Clegg was chosen President.
As he is a rustler there should be a
good year of practical work in connec-
tion with the Olub,
Leet Sunday evening as Mise May
Hopper was walking to church she
slipped and gave one ankle a severe
sprain. We are glad to hear she is
doing well,
We are sorry to state that the li
year old daughter of James and Mrs,
Dow, 10th Con„ East Wawanosh, died
Thursday of last week, of a heart
trouble. Funeral took place Satur-
day to Wingham cemetery, service
being conducted by Rev. Mr. Parna-
b WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. -Next meet-
ing of Belgrave Women's Institute
will be held at the home of Mrs. Nelson
Higgins on Monday afternoon, 17th
inst., to which all the ladies of the
locality are invited. Miss M. V.
Powell, Whitby, will address the
meeting and as she is said to be a fine
speaker thewomen folkshould
mien hearing her. Mies Powell will
give an addTesa at the ,joint meeting
the same evening in the O. 0. F. Hall.
BRYAse.-In Morris township on January
4th, 1910, to lir. and Mrs. Harvey Bryant',
a eon.
KYLR -In Eruseela, on January 11115, 1010 to
Mr, rind Mrs. W. ,r. Kyle, a non -William
a x -In Brussel . en ,(ciliaryp 8 7810
SP to Mr, and 1tlrs.aWesley Opetrank�Grey
township, a daughter,
GARDINRR-MTLEa: On January let, 1918, at
Oktoago, by Rev. Floyd Beckwith, Dr.
John Gardiner, to Mise Edith, daughter of
Mre, Alias Miles, both of Mount Morris,
CDnnre.-In Beuseole, on ,Tenuary 11th, .1910
John Currie, sr., aged 66 years sod 10
HAI; nra,—In Toronto, on January 81h, 1910,
Ellen Melinda Doubledre, wire of R. B.
Berrie, formerly of Wroxeter, in her 813h
FRIDAY .TAN. 191,11. -Farre stook, tmptements
&o„ 01 tot 29, Cen. 19, Grey t0wn0hln• Sale
unreserved at 1 p, m, aharp. J. W. Benders,
Prep. 1 11 5, Scott, Auc.
TUsa0AY, JAN1IAnY1814n,-39'nrin stools, 1m -
plum ante. &e., Lot 21, Come, Grey, Sale un-
reearVad nt 1 p. m. apnea, Robe, Barr, Prop.,
T, R, Bonnett, Auc.
ruaanAY, JANUARY,262n.B'arni stock, grain,
hay, &o., Lot 20, Con, 15, Grey • fawn/Whip,
Melo unreserved at 1 p. m. Alonzo Heath,
Prep., 0, F, Vnudrielt, Atte.
81 0
1 50
01 07
1 26
90 90
000 000
Potatoes per bus 18 90 11 40
Wool washed 20 88
Meeting of Huron County Council
The Connell of the Corporation of the Coun-
ty of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber
1n the Town of Goderieh on Tuesday the 25111
inst., at the hour of 8 ololook. All aceounte
for settlement must beplaeed. with the clerk
before this date,
W. LANE, Clerk,
Dated ,Tan. 7008, 1910.
East Huron Agricultural Society
The Annual Meeting of East Huron 2grloal-
tural Society will be held in the. Town Hall,
Bruseele, on Wednesday, January 10011, 1016, at
1 80 o'clock p. m, Business of the Meetiing-Re-
cetving the Annual Statement and Auditors'
Report, appointing Officers for they year 1010,
TH00, MILLER, President.
M. BLACK, Secretary.
Auction Sales
ORLIN, &O.-0. F, Vnndrlak, Auctioneer,
has received instructions from the undersign-.
ed to sell by Public Auction at Lot 20, Con, 10,
Grey, On Tuesday, ,Tannery 266b, all p. m., the
following property: -1 team geldings rising 8
yyears old,1 gelding rising 4 years, 1111111 rising
2 years, l egad driver, .- Rsneral purpose horde,
1 cow due to wive Feu, 21st, 1 cow due to calve
Feb. 18th, 1 cow due to calve April tet, 1 heifer
rising 8 years due to calve Feb 1 th,. 0 steers
rising 2 years, 6 steers rising 2 years, 2 heifers
rising 2 years, a good Spring salvos, 1 polled
Augur grade calf to wean, old, 0store pige,7
young pigs ready to wenn, 1 brood sow, 1 reg-
istered TnmworWlede due to farrow Maroli
10011, n quantity of good timothy hey, a quare.
lily of Improved Banner oats would do lar
seed, about 160 bashers Of feed oats, 1 MoCor-
miekmanure spreader, 1 large water tank, 1
set of heavy harness with breeching. Sale
without reserve as the proprietor ie .leaving
the farm he hay bad leased. Terms. - An
sums of $10 and under Dash, over that amount
10 months credit on approvedjoint notes or 6%
off for cashon credit amounts.
ALONZO HEATH, Proprietor.
22• We have just receiv-
ed a nice new sock 2
of Snow Shoes in
Ladies' and Gents'.
a' sizes. Also a good
stock of
• e
• •
•AT-- ee
_FOX' r
Bulls for Sale
Several ohotee bred Short Horn youngbulls
for side, some fit for eerviee, Anybody inter-
ested should call end teeppeel-
JAMES OPEIR, Brussels P. 0.
Phone 108 Lot 80. Con, 0, Morrie,
Bull for Service.
The undersigned will keep for service on Lot
20, Con. 7, Gray, the. tlioro'-bred Shorthorn
Durham Bull, llleadowbrook Alex *=100828,.....
Terms 91.68 to be paid -011 or before February
let, 1017.. Pedigree maybe seen on applioa-
tion. CHAS. A. LAMONT,
27-11 Proprietor,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Hooter
McQuarrie, late of the Township of
Grey, Ju the County of Huron, farm-
er, deceased.
Nottoe le hereby given pursuant to the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 121,
Seo. 59, that all persona having alaime against
the estate or the said Hester McQusrrie, Who
died on or about the Eighteenth day of Dooant-
Ser,,016,are required on orbefore the Rah
day of Jonuary, 1910, to send by post prepaid or
deriver 00 Wb>Ihun 1., NrQYuirriu, Brussels
Ontario, one of the Exeenters of the last Will
and Testament of the deceased, their Chris-
tian and rummies, addresses nod descriptions,
the full particulars of their claims, the state -
meet of their accounts and the nature of the
security (tfany) held by then.
And further take notice that after such )net
mentioned date the Executors will pro-
ceed to dletrlbute the aseets of the said deeeas.
5(0502055 the 51,1-0100 entl,Ied thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice, and the Executors will not 1>e
(table fur the said assets or anypart thereof to
any person of whose claim no Mae shall not
have been received by them at the time of such
Dated thisllth day of January. HMS
284 Solicitor for the Executors,
•F•+4+4+4+4+4+44.4+•+••0444.0 MF•4••+•+•+4+•*4 4,+•0••+so-0•t •
Following goods are of-
fered at Reduced Prices
commencing on Saturday, January 8th :—
Hockey Shoes, Ladies' and Gents -
Heavy Rubbers, Men's and Boys'
Felt Goods of all kinds.
A few Blankets left which we are clearing at Cost.
One Saskatchewan Robe, large size, $8.75.
Repairs in Shoes or Rubbers promptly done.
47hX Richards & & o.•
• 'F•+•+440.4••+•+•'h'4+•+.+•+•4•••}•+�3•••t•••d'•3•••Me•i•••1••+i•I••4•••h•
•••4•••••••••••••••••4•••• ••1•••••••••1•••••••••4.1• •
How Your Stock Doing 2 !
We are the local Agents for Wodehouse's Famous
Preparations and keep in stock :-- •
Wodehouse's Animal Invigorator ulkjuid stf for I
Illnelnhnnnnln Poultry Inui.an..wi.a.. Chicken-i?z,,,:.L
er's best friend •
Wndshouse's lice ' Sure death to all
Hiller vermin. 2
11 t1. •
Complete fnOU''uctiotle for the feeding and use of these . Ire orationsY
1 P •
Zenoleum and Liquid Zenoleum •
The weft known Lohse Killer For Disinfecting Purposes. •
Keep your Stock thriving and therebymake money.♦:
s 2
Gerry&. �•alker clydW' • Stere •