HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-1-13, Page 7410,
Spanish Monarch Sees No Hope of Thinks Things Out in Advance and
Permanent Peace,
The Argentine historian, Roberto
is Never flustered,
It hi generally agreed that no sole
housekeeper A Five'Cent Breakfast in
o ' eve minutes! What a boon
tbusy ouse eeper
Two Shredded Wheat Bis-
cults, heated in the oven to
restore crispness and served
with hot milk, make a com-
plete, perfect meal, supplying
all the strength needed for a
half -day's work at a cost of
`four or five cents. The rich-
est man in America can buy
nothing better, Contains
more real nutriment than
Sheat or eggs and is more
easily digested,
Made in Canada.
Loviiier, now in Switzerland, has dier has won greater distinction dor-
given an account of a recent conver- ing the past twelve months than Gen- HAS .BEEN D1CT4Olt FOR THE
station with the Kingof Spain, which erai Sir Charles Monro, who succeed-
PASTForgotful Freddy. p ' FIVE YEARS.
at King Alfonso, ed Sir Ian Hamilton as commander of
who discussed several questions con the Dardanelles forces.
Little Freddie was a most forgetful tool[ plate se Asev rtl. K ng A ,
boy. His mother told him that be was fleeted' with the war with great free- "We knew Monro would come out
dont, sad
not to go out of the yard, and that if saw_
on top;" army men said,- when be wile Deliberate hi Speech, With a Large,
he did she would have to punish him along before hostilities began it mentioned in despatches by Sir John Apparent Tolerance—A Tree
in some way, Ile must learn not to
was easy to feresee the inevitability: French, after the battle of the Aisne,
and stayed in the yard. He lido,[ form any opinion regardrrlgAt any other time than the present
Y to lc out. One
nation. Do not imagine that there. services. As a well-known int
when all the world's great newers aro
oven open the gate to o will be' anything like disarmament af- critic remarked the other day: ,I involved in , the mnouneis alt
day he was sitting on the sten, won t when there is a wa out of this Daxdan-
t China, that great sleeping giant
this war is over preparations for an -,01 a nation, comprising he heard music, and looking up .he tl 'Li carried ea inere it." 1 b one-quarter of
ever. oto ,fly -five years ag , the w"arid s population had reverted
1 y had ' seen coming
actively than to the monarchical system of govern -
toward the yard, I "I do not thunk that the socialists Charles entered the army a h g
•. of nineteen, becoming a captain in
forgot• of the war, but it is impossible to and created a Knight Commander of
FAr' a long time lie slid remember,, its ternoi. the
Order of the Bath for his great
terthe war. On the coh rary w e y l
dosing what he should do next, when tt ' t ill find . the
d t g• t' sires modelle Sir Charles w
n ter war wr be
saw an organ -grinder and the clever-; t
B g. o Sir
est monkey he evert the age
and .the working classes of the lifter g p meat, would have caused a great sen-'
Down to the gate he ran;'tri man tit countries will brio such pressure ten years, major in 180$, and colonel station. As it is the announcement
stopped, and letting out the string to to bear on' theirgovernments that twelve years ago. On the north-west that Yuan' Shi Kai, President of the
which the monkey -was tied, began toChinese Republic, has been elected
play, while the monkey danced as the latter will be unable to create frontier of India and in South Africa Emperor; was given only inside page
hard as he could, i new armaments. My opinion is that he proved himself a born leader, while positions in the daily papers, and lit -
Freddie laughed to see him, and the socialists of all countries will be- as Chief Instructor at the Hythe tie was said concerning the remark -
when he pulled,off his cap and held' it come more and more friendly with School of Musketry he rendered in -
able service to the Heine Forces. -able Chinaman who is now ruler of
e him one o b
the enntes his father had green him es of v
General M h •ed
out to Freddie he gay h' a their governments and that there . more people than any other monarch
It [vas dorm the manoeuvr
p legitimate aspirations will be satisfied, g Ise a KingGeorge. widespread acquaintances that serve
that morning. The man began to walk Ias a matter of good business policy. 1913 that entra onro sowp y
away., playing, as he did, and the mon- I They will also develop, and they will what a magnificent strategist he is, I What kind of a man is this who him well. He works early and late. Throw rev W ,a� 11J®� h �•
{ 1' thatf their leaders, for with a small force he outman- !took advantage of the revolution of Trouble Ahead,
Emperor Says They Always Defeat
the Enemy.
The Berlin Morgenpost repvoduees
a'speech delivered by the Emperor to
the 2nd Division of the Prussian
Guards, in the course of which his
Majesty said: '
"The Prussian Guard, the choice
troops of Frederick the Great, fought
down its enemies cast and west, and
our enemies have been obliged to re-
cognize what it means when the King
of Prussia puts his guard into the
fight. Wherever the guard is put into
the fight splinters are flying and the
enemy is fought down. From the
Beskids to the Baltic, from the Pripet
morasses to Champagne, German
arms have been victorious.
"With God'e help, it was allotted to
the regiments during '70 days of fight-
ing to storm 29 enemy positions and
to assist in bringing to an end a cam-
paign which cost the enemy all his
frontier fortresses, besides countless
booty, war material and prisoners.
After this acdomplished work your
King's command calls you to new
hey hopped along with him. Freddie realize a some o es 'oeuvred heavy divisions in the most 1910, which overthrew the old Man- °The real and impending trouble
forgot, opened the,gate, and ran:! who have preached universal peace, chu dynasty almost in ani ht to es -
have deluded and misled them. After skilful manner. Yn t3 night, will come from his actual abolition of
quite too. Ase theyfchildren walked owngi ! His most marked characteristic is tablish himself first as the first Pre- representative government. It is
quite a number were followed; ;the events of this war the _socialists! the sympathetic attitude he always silent of China, and now as its Em roundly asserted that without it no A Free Prescrjption
and soon they a long way from ofe all countries will be obliged to un-, "Tommy," eros? Yuan was Imperial Prime
Freddie's home, and had turned so 1 derstand that so long as human be -'I adopts towards Tommy, but, as the p Government in China can endure.
oaa save P3riea ane tree at Home.
not eurolrags retain their human instincts'latter says, he is a "terror for train- Minister under - the old regime, and Sober, elderly men say that, not
many way tohat he was ing." Drill, drill, and more drill is
which way go batik. He turned and 1 their can be no better protection for •his motto.
ran as fast as he could, and after• a country -than the creation of arm
losing himself' a good many times at! meats which enable it to use organ- One who knows C,enerel Monro m -
last he was home in' his yard. I ized force in self-defence. And that ' timately remarks that his most pro- decide on a permanent President. Parple -
nt cualitY is bis soundness. He P neophytes under Sun Yat Sen and the ncrintion •"Onethis
raan osaysf of tel•ei rj 1`ng
Eye=classes !
,,.. LE T"T'. ty
For making
Far soften-
Ing water.
For romovina
For disinfecting
sinks, closets,
drains and for 500
other purposes,
In Napoleons Time.
At one time Napoleon hacl nearly
the whole continent of Europe' array-
rrayed against England. He absolutely
controlled Spain, Italy, Holland, Den-
mark and Sweden, had dismembered
Prussia, and was in alliance with Aus-
tria and Russia. England stood pat,,
however, defeated his fleets at sea, in-
cited coalitions against him, and in
the end brought about the final defeat
at Waterloo. The thorn in the flesh
of the Germans is the British calm
assertion, "We got Napoleon event-
ually, and we will get you."
Minai'O's Liniment Cures Distemper,
Anticipating a Fall.
"Young Mrs. Flubdud vows that
Flubdud is an ideal husband. Homo
early, no drinking, and so on."
"And what do the fellows at the
g club say to that?"
when Dr. San Yat Sen and his fellow- merely hare -brained youngsters fresh vi ti m of eb'e-atraln oeother eye -weak "0h, nothing. They're just wait -
revolutionists wanted a provisional from High school. /leases? If so, you will be glad to now ing and malting bets."
president they called on him to hold an was one thing to trip up, to ob- that there Is real hone for you. stent•
down the job until Parliament should whose eyes wets falling• say they havo
fuseate, and hold up to ridicule the ,had their eyes reskn•t:a througt, lire
Then he remembered that he had • organized force must be always ready. mine _
forgotten again and had gone out of Facts are facts, and this earth will knows his mind right through. "He
the yard. His mother hadnot missed I never become Utopia." C has always thought out every posse -
him, and if he didn't tell she would i Discussing the effects of the war, bility beforehand.' He is never hur-
never know, and she had told hint the , King Alfonso said:— tied, never flustered, never taken by
for surprise. Ile has prepared for as
I e p
next time she must punish him. I "Very bad times will come1 many sorts of failure as there are
Oh; dear, he wished now he halls'[ South America. There will be a sushi chances of success, and with his
gone, but he supposed he must tell., of Russians, Italians, French and Ger-1 nknowledge, he estimates the
So he went into the house very slowly, , mans now living in South America : precisestrain on the weak links mof his the
and when he saw his mother he told , back to their home lands to help in strias:'
her all about his going out and how. building up what the war has de- It is a curious fact that this noted
he had nearly been lost. stroyed. There will be no emigration
She said, "I . 1.1ie, I know that you^ from Europe for some time to come. soldier comes of a race of famous
Ed' b h d t —th • f h'
liament met, debated, quarrelled, and parliament they made. It will be it,
•'i was almost blind; could not see
showed such incapacity that Yuan, quite another to deny, as the Presi-
dent to read At nit. Note I can read evece-
with the aid of a few police, dissolved now does, any real share in the fl pat without
any rile a esAtr`iight ci ey We t AKEnNOTCE• straight testi-
it, and became the virtual master of government to the people of China. would pain dreadfully; now they reel p 1 sl s simple,
China, Such he has been ever since. "It were a pity that he should be soil e.' thAe lady time. It
was ittsay an miracle
fromawell-knnot ownspeoples' interviews,
Here is an interesting description purblind on this vital matter. China attnostilu re aoerned hazy with m with -;From all over America they testify
of the man written by an American; owes him much already. The obeli- out tpglons fur flri eii` doslsnever thin- to the merits of MINARD'S LINI-
J, I. C. Clarice, who was recently in tion o£ the use of opium throughout seems crani. I can teen react flnu mint MENT, the best of Household I�e-
the Empire, a colossal achievement, without glasses." It is believed that medics.
China: should be his monument £or all time. thousands who avear glasses 0111 now ,
"Yuan Shi Kai puts on no style. discard them in u reasonable limo and• MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LTD.
He dresses plainly, except at official It is no half -way measure. Only the R ; engthen their er eyes usbio be s -aired
receptions, when he wears a marshal's other day it was reported from Ying- the trouble and expense lir ever getting
have kow that the remaining •opium smok- glasses. Dye trnubt s 01 many deserh+-
tions may be wonderfully h. efited by
m urg oc ors tee o is an uniform. He may, however,
had been out of the yard, and I was Many Spaniards who would otherwise cestors having held in succession the generals in gold lace around him. The ere and morphine fiends there were fonawhlg the :simple rules. lists is the,
waiting for you to tell me. I am have gone to South America will find office of Professor of Anatomyandto be arrested and sentenced to penal' storprese and on: do to any active drug , Proof Positive.
glad that even if I have a forgetful employment in France and Italy." niversfor Parliament afterbed long,the ueuewand sthe 'servitude. II a in n n ones silo 0wiia `«';rail `+wnteil I h'
Surgery at Edinburgh -University ty debate shells q "Hef The logic of Mrs. 14Iurphy is not
little boy I have a truthful one. Per- g Y is finding a way for present drol, in
one Ben-t>or^ tablet •i ,aa allow
haps this will be a lesson to you."considerably over a hundred years. kneeling and crawling of the olden
fmancin of the situation. He is fill-, to dtasolee,
With this [braid [,•tail, the lightly to be disputed. As she stood
pd gJeyes (wo to four times doily. you gloomily in the back low, a friend
And it was. Never again did Fred-
die forget to do what his mother told BILLED IN ACTION.
General Memo bears a striking re-
semblance to Sir John French. Seen
from behind, he might easily be mis-
taken for the Field Marshal, who is
one of his greatest admirers,
No mother of young children should
be without a box of Baby's Own Tab-
lets. The Tablets are mothers' best
friend and are as good as a doctor in
the house. Concerning them Mrs. F.
Wester, Ingersoll, Ont., writes: "I
have used Baby's Own Tablets for the
past eight years and would not be
without them. I can highly recom-
mend them to all mothers of young
children." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
court cermomal. The bow an t ing the distant Governorships w- 1 • should notice your eyes clear up por-
ing the hat have taken their place, men of his choice. He is charged -with ; ceptibls right from the 'tact enol i- of her sleeping husband leaned over
and it is funny to see it circumstan- aammatl^n will aul,+hty ;iyou, ar• it the fence and hailed her loudly.
Bally put down in the ceremonial or- being reactionary to the extent of your eyes aro botueri 0 you, Been u
winking at official squeezes in the out- feitee'tisfF eio to .s' \f ait�e`imnrles81V Pitt at 1 omoc, sure?"s Murphy, and is
dere. Ladies, it may be mentioned,.lying Provinces, but this I doubt. His , tdlnd might have be n saerd If they has
with the salt monopoly has eared for their eyes in lime. 11 your "Sure, where are your eyes, Dennis
opened his eyes. In the old Imperial Mil', Bengt"ii io is t ��ii,inyauiit ro' Denny? Isn't that his shirt fornenst
!e w :t i. I times $2,600,000 was the utmost tax Toronto,
ionto nt ou ,.;o 1(1 tots 11,nd '11 to all. 11 1111 Ye llangin' on the loin?"
Tre!brought to the Imperial Treasury.
Help the Other Fellow.
Help the other fellow
With a smile or word of cheer;
Number of Casualties in World's
Great Wars.
It is possible that the present war
will be one of the most destructive in.
• Try to sing his praises history.
While he's toiling with us here. The war in the Balkans resulted iii
Try to smooth his pathway a grdat loss of life. Out of 1,000,000
As he plods his journey through, soldiers in the field, no fewer than
For he's striving for the haven 320,000 were killed; 200,000 being
That we all are marching to.
In the big sense he is a brother
• '.i'e the big and to the small;
He is going my way, your way,
On this old terrestrial ball.
He's a fellow traveller with us,
And his goal is our goal, too,
And he's not a rank outsider
Any more than I or you.
Help the other fellow,
Try to make your kinship known;
Don't think that you can travel
Any path on earth alone.
Try to make his burdens lighter,
For it's what you ought to do,
And some day when you are troubled,
He will do the same for you.
Was a Godsend in. This Case.
Scene Great SeIcn Who Iiad Very Little It is not always that a lack of
George Tinworth, the famous sculp-
tor, whose work adorns the great min-
ster at York, the Guards' Chapel, in
London, and the Cathedral at Truro,
was an illiterate genius. Ile probably
had not more than a year's schooling
in the whole of his life, says London
His handwriting, which appears on
some of the best known works, is a
mere scrawl, and he could not spell.
Yet he wo11 the unstinted praise of
Grinling Gibbon, whose lovely, al-
most superhuman wood -carving is the
Turks. During a series of battles,
in which the contending arinies num-
bered 400,000, 24,000 Turks and 20,-
000 Bulgarians were killed and
It is interesting to know that dur-
ing the war between Russia and Ja-
pan 60,000 Russians were killed and
wounded and 40,000 Japanese out of
600,000 engaged at the Battle of
The Spanish losses in Cuba during
the Spanish-American War totalled
23,500 out of 131,200' men sent there.
Of these 9,500 were killed inaction,
1,000 died from wounds, 10,000 from
yellow fever, and' 3,000 from various
money is a benefit.
This lady owes her health to the
fact that she could not pay in ad-
vance the fee demanded by a specialist
to treat her for stomach trouble. In
telling of her ease she says:
"I had been treated by four differ-
ent physicians during 10 years of
stomach trouble. Lately I called on
another who told me lie could not
cure me; that I had neuralgia of the
stomach. Then I went to a specialist
who told me I had catarrh of the
stomach and said he could cure me
in four months but would have to have
his money down. 1 could not raise the
chief glory of Chatsworth and many necessary sum and in my extremity 1
other ducal mansions, as well as of was led to quit coffee and try Fastens.
Windsor Castle, was picked up by the "The results have been magical. I
famous diarist, John Evelyn, in the now sleep well at night, something I
direst poverty and introduced to the had not done for a long time; the pain
King. in my stomach is gone and I am a
Here is a letter he wrote to Evelyn, different woman.
which speaks for itself: "Every time I had tried to stop of-
of"Ilonred Sr;—I wold beg the favor fee I suffered from ,severe headaches,
wen you see Sr Joseff Williams again so I continued to drink it although I
you weld he pleased to speack to hila had reason to believe it was injurious
that hoe wold get me to Carve his to me." (Tea, also, is harmful, because
Lades Sons hoots my Lord Kildare for it contains caffeine, the same poison -
1 onderatands it will be verry cottsid- ous drug found in coffee.) "But when
erabell," etc. I had Posture to shift to it was (lit.
Patrick Nasmyth, whose pictures ferent.
may be seen in the National Gallery, "To niy surprise I dill not miss cof-
was not only illiterate, but, his right fee when I began to drink Postern.
hand being incapacitated, he painted "Coffee had been steadily and sure -
with his left, and 110 wee also very ly killing mc, and I didn't fully roa-
deaf. Yet lit had made his name by lite what was doing it until I quit and
the time he was twenty. changed to Pesten'," Name given by
George l4'Iorland was another Miter- Canadian Postum Co, Windsor, Ont,
site genius, the mere prints of Whose Posttun comes in two forms:
pictures are worth big sums to -day. Post= Cereal -the original form—
Re dictated his own epitaph; "Hero meet
a be ell
well boiled. 1.5cc and 23c
Iles a drunken dog,"He seldom took Packages.
a meal with his wife, cooked his own Instant Postunt--a soluble powder-..
food, ate it off a chair by the side of dissolves quickly in a cup of hot we -
his easel in his studio, where not only ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes
pigeons flew but pigs ran about. a delicious beverage instantly, 80o
and G0c this.
Two things are essential to hail— Both kinds are equally delicious,
two strata of clouds with opposing and cost about the same per cup.
'electrical forces, anti, two currents of There's a Reason for Postum..
German Method of Raising Money
Adversely Criticized.
Lord Inchcape, in an address be-
fore the Institute of Bankers in Lon-
don, England, said the financial policy
of Germany bore the marks of reck-
lessness and improvidence. None of
the money required for the war had
been raised by increased taxation, and
each successive loan meant fresh in-
flation of the currency, which showed
itself in a steady rise in prices.
The more this procedure was per-
sisted in, said Lord Inchcape,, the more
would prices rise, and all official at-
tempts to fix minimum prices, though
they might be successful for a time
in regard to individual commodities,
would be powerless to meet the situa-
Hon. The task of redeeming the se-
curities and retiring the notes would
Yuan Shih Kai, New Emperor of
ILast year under 'foreign' manage-
; ment it yielded 534,000,000! Such an
object lesson will not be thrown away
on Yuan.
"Yuan Shi Kai, in fine, is the most
interesting man in the political world
since Prince Bismarck. His task is
even greater; but he has nerve and
How to Cook Roman Meal Porridge.
I Invariably use double boiler, or set
boiler in basin of boiling water. Have
are specially excepted from raising
the hat. This is all quite to the mind
of Yuan.
Like a Prosperous Trader.
lirmnard'e Liniment Corea %%ergot in Cows
You Cant Freeze Paw. Not Fast.
"Popper!" I Customer — Look here; these
Well, what is it, son? ' weren't fast colors in this shirt you
"Where do they keep the street sold me.
car at night, when it ain't running"." Salesman—So I see; but you ought
"Oh, in a barn. to be satisfied.
"In a barn, likes a horse? 11hy, Customer—Why so?
what do they feed it en?" Salesman—You got a rein for your,
"0h, currants" money.
TdinareVe Linime_n_t_ttres Colds, Etc.
L'is Fatal Mistake.
Too Slow. "Poor Jack! He never could spell
water boiling in both vessels, that in A certain blacksmith, although an
inner one salted to taste. Slowly stir expert at his trade wasquite ignorant
in one cup Roman Meal to each two P g
cups water. Cover, set in outer yes- of surgical methods. When he sprain -1
sel, and never stir again even while ed his wrist one afternoon he hurried
serving. For early breakfast cook at to a doctor's office.
evening meal and warm in morning, The doctor examined the wrist, and
using a little less Roman Nleal. It's then took a small bottle from a shelf,
dark, nutbrown, granular, rich por-
ridge. It nourishes better than meat, «James," said he, turning to an
pation or 'monstion and eyb back."
assistant, "go upstairs and bring me
Ask your doctor. All grocers, 10 cents .down a couple of those phials."
and 26 cents. "What's that?" exclaimed the pe-
Amean Meal Co., Toronto. tient, suddenly showing signs of
T emotion.
LONDON IRISH EXPLOIT. "I merely asked my assistant to
bring me down a couple of phials from
Electricity • Milked From German upstairs," answered the doctor.
Lines Used for Lighting. "Files!" cried the blacksmith. "No,
you don't! If that hand has got to
It is related of the London Irish come off, use an axe or n saw'."
Rifles that on one occasion their tele- _,-
"When tho President is in mufti phone lineman happened to find two How He Described It.
wearing a short jacket, he gives now- live cables on the ground in the rear The newly -arrived citizen from Italy
adays the impression at first glance of of their trenches. No one knew to was trying his best to buy a colander,
a prosperous Chinese trader. Be is whom they belonged or whence they but could net make the clerk under,
not big—about 5 feet 6 inches high— came, but rumor had it that the gen- stand what he wanted. The clerk
be left for an exhausted and defeated and clunky rather than obese of build. erating station was somewhere in the 1 showed him several hinds of pans, bot
nation to face after the conclusion of
As certain as the sun will rise to-
morrow," he concluded, "Germany and
her militarism will be crushed and the
peace of the world, so far as anything
she can do to prevent it, will be se-
cured for another hundred years."
The Sante Feeling at Time of Water-
loo 'as
ater-loo'as Now.
Belgium's dislike of the Prussians
is no new thing, for the gallant little
country has had a taste of their me-
thods before. Southey travelled in
Belgitnn within a few weeks of Wa-
terloo, and has loft on record the
local opinion of the armies which were
engaged at that historic fight.
At Ghent he wrote: "The Hanover-
ians are not liked here, but the Prus-
sians are abominated. Wo hear of
nothing but their insolence and bru-
Brussels was equally emphatic in
its opinion. There the Prussians were
"as much detested as the British were
popular," and. 110 found the same
opinion expressed elsewhere.
"Tho behavior of the Prussians to-
wards tho inhabitants is represented
as abominable; nothing but insolence
and violence." The experiences of the
yast few weeks show that their char-
acter has nob altered during the past
—sold by Grocers. century.
His silver white hair is cropped short, German lines. at each he shook his head. Finally
and he wears a thick, white 'old The linesman promptly fitted wires he got an idea.
man's' moustache and a little tuft un-, and carried them to the battalion «Ger-a me dis-a kind," he said: "7,e
der his lower lip, although he is only headquarters, the dressing station, water go ahead, ze macaroni stop."
66 years old. He does his daily stint officers' dug -outs, etc. Lamps were
building at r many weeks Granulated Eyelids;
room in a single storey b g Jago just behind, old fo y t Eves inflamed by ex o -
lives in the WinterPalace, onceto full working der, with power sun
of work in a rather small Chinese found in the deserted houses of a vil-
the palace, not far from where he a first-class electric installation was .nvetoSun Dustand Ind
or, a .icklyrelievedbyMerino
home of that extraordinarily vigorous plied by Germany, yep Eye Remedy. No Smarting.
old lady, the late Empress Dowager, When the platoons charged the Ger- lust Eye Comfort. At
whom, in the times of his remarkable man trenches at Loos some bright spi-
upward rise, he was wont to ap- rits took a football with them!
proach on his knees to receive her or- .b
ders or to venture at intervals to give If we never made mistakes, how A Cnxefui Dealer.
her advice—always a perilous pro- would some people know we were
doing anything?
"Ile is deliberate in speech, with a
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye
SalveinTubes25c. For Beske'theEyei'reeask
Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
large apparent tolerance, which is
really a self-imposed patience, for he
has generally made up his mind long
before arguments are over, often be-
fore they have begun. In his own
time ho acts quickly and sternly; at
need, bloodily. He sees few besides
his Ministers, He is closely guarded
since the attempt to assassinate him.
But to foreigners, and indeed in gen-
eral intercourse, he holds himself at
perfect ease and with a courteous,
pleasant manner.
"At any rate Yuan does not .pro-
long such interviews beyond the usual
enquiries in the East: 'Is it your
first?'' and 'How do you like Pekin?'
At present he is busy appointing local
Provincial Governors Ho is a keen
judge of neon, and has, through his
long and varied official life, made
ISSITfu 2—'18,
A dejected, sallow, friendless -look-
ing low-spirited pian walked into the
grocery store:
"I want some clothesline," 110 said.
"Whatcher want it for?" asked the
matt behind the counter.
"To haat clothes on --the old lady's
washing to -day."
"She is, eh?" said the shopkeeper,
giving his customer the once over
front head to foot. "Well, yon go
back and tell her to come. clown here
and get it herself. The only way a
fellow looking like you do can btiy
rope from mo is on a prescription."
and it ruined him!'
"He wrote a poem to an heiress he
was in love with and called her 'honey'
instead of bonny.'"
Ile ICncw It.
"There's lots of money in stooks."
"Quite right; that's where aline
7[iutarla'p Liniment Ogres Diphtheria.
REMEMBER! The ointment
you put on your child's skin gets
into the system just as surely as
food the child eats. Don't let
impure fats and mineral coloring
matter (such as many of the
cheap ointments contain) get
into your child's blood! Zam-
Buk ispurely herbal. No pois-
onous coloring. I. se it always.
50c. Box at All Druggists and Stores.
Grain. Dairy w• 'lt'len you
want to buy, 101'1(8 IS. t.W. Dawson,
Brampton. Ont.
Offices for sale - in good Ontario
towns. The moat useful and.. interesting
of ell businesses. 7t'ull Information on
application to Wilson Publishing om-
pany, 73. West Adelaide St.. Toronto.
✓ internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Wrtta
us before too late. Dr. Denman Medical
Co.. Limited, Co111ngwood, Ont.
Dog Remedies
And How to Feed
Mailed tree to any address bp.
the Author
il. CLAY GLOVER, V, 5.
118 west 31st Street, New Yerk
Agents Make Money
Hero to sow one
iia 00 at'day0101111 to
Sends, Kitchen
. fiats.
prepaid, taatudialt
lieV Cetaleit and. a
21000 of 0 M, 11.1•
gasp alleerteatd
Worth Ire
]1o1168rt0Ll) tTI1ITII:S COMDAelc, '
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Pasty 'Dante[, Mo114510,.•l -