HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-1-13, Page 5IiUSINE!ffi CARO,
ttv��o LIMITED
a AP wJtd4i,LAPe° °
�°►OR,PPH ®d�'�°atdll0
Ii c rrsES
Moe In 1pa Pont Office, Ethel. 80.4
V1' • Barrister, Solloltor Oonveyaaaer,
Notary Public, &o. mice -e tewart'e Bloelt
L door North of Oeutral Hotel. •
Solloitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
Jr: • ase, will Hell for better prime, to
batter men,. in lees time and lee chargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Buren or
he won't °barge anything, Dates and orders
can •alma re he arranged at that office or by
p erg ,nal.appli cation,
Fine, modern steam-
ers -equipped. with.
every comfort end
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
1.r 95Ki a Gel/Toronto
A vent Allan Line, Brpeels.
. Vital EiaV,maV�17�f�R^p,S'�:'aV,c:>,Vici°,Y(,tiNYsna`4'
Winter Term from Jan. 3rd A,
D. GMT -..-.
Ontario's 1.
Best Business Col,
Corn morclal, Shorthand and Tel-
..ography Oopartmont-Our grade-
aL a terms good po8ltioJle and. meet
with •u'rera In two days recently we
greceived 19 implications for trailed
help Many of there applications we
1.Q cannot meet Some calla offering from
2915 per monthto 77400 per annum re•
mala unfilled: Write for tree cata-
logue at once, it will interest you.
D.A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.
I -
W4Mtravv4 WA: !A 4,1)24W4VP,441•YAM,
0 1
:Avx vz).o`zelatmfiwAsy4® ice
One School that has Thorough Courses
and enjoys u wide -spread patronage le
the popular
This institution has a aieenaut record
for e080000ful work. We assist our
students to obtain employment. If you
intend getting n bueinean education -
GET THE BE -a -not the rhea ordin-
ary or low grade. kind. Write to -day
for our catalogue. It oontains earn -
plebe information.
784 Yonge at, t W. J. ELLIOTT,
Yonge & Charles ete, f Principal.
at the
Thorough Courses taught by
Competent Teachers.
For particulars address -
bet Ont.
o i~
.esSmd 'ri&tia?litiWnaVsmlaat
Best Brains
In Oannda have participated In the pre,-
- paratlon of our splendid Home Study
Courses in Banking, Economics, Higher
Accounting, Conniercinl Art Show
Card Writing, Photography Journal -
lam, Short Story Writing, `Shorthand
and Bookkeeping.. Select the work
which most interests you and write us
for particulars. Address
301-7 Yongo 8t., Toronto
ThouHands of ambitious young peo-
ple Ore fust, preparing in their own
homed to 000npy lae•ative' peal Mons aa
stenographers, bookkeepers,telegra-
phers, °hull eervantn, in feat every
sphere of activities.: You may dnieh at
college if you so wieh. Positions guar.
anteed, Enter College any day.. Iudt-
vidnal inntrtatlon• Expert teacher'',
Thirty years' experience. Largest
trainers in (Mande, Seven cotiegae.
Special oourae for tenniters,
A fileted with Commercial Eduon-
tor'eAeoeintion of Canada. Summer
School at fahidue-porton Business Col-
lege, London.
Wio ham College Business
Gia SroTTON, W. T. Mons.,
President. Prhroipal.
Dimness oatrtIi Ri n, Minors and All'1 bowhs', of
llteUtrivereity,'i?o'onto, have 7s n1tn,.'
,JAS. AIVOERSON, nod to the city after spending .the
VETERINARY St1RQ,Eohr, holidays in town, the guests of the
former''s Parent's De, and Mrs, M. H.
Suoeeosor to M, H, Moore, Office at Ander, MOM'S, We understand that If. U.
000 Hroe, Liveruo
Livery 00,10, Breoie, T01,3019116 !Moore ie reelguieg hie position as
No, 20. , - - I teacher at Toronto and is enlisting for
overseas se'Vle°,
M. B., M. O. P., A S. 0.
M. 0. 1„ Village of. Brussels.
Physician', Surgeon,
°Moo over Standard Bank
Baolhelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Phyeiatane and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior Hones Surgeon of
Weeterp Hospital, Toronto, Offices of late Dr,
A. MoKevey, Smith Bleak, Bruaeels.
• Rural phone 45,
M. e., M. O. P.''-7 S. O.
108 Blow. street East, Toronto
Dlsoaaos Ear, Nose and Throat
C1lnlaul assistant in Ear, Nose end Throat de -
Pertinent New General Hospital, Toronto ;
Poet Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bos.
ten ; bate Senior Resident Surgeon Mase, Eye
& Ear Infirmary • late Olhlioalaneistant in
Nose and Throat department Maas, Gen. Hos,
pitst ; tete Hones -Surgeon Toronto General
Hospital, Iain Brussels by appointment.
Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduateconreee
London (Eng.), _New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. Special attention todiseaee of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate. of Royal College of Dental Sur.
geone 01 Ontario end Graduate University of.
Toronto Paoulty of Dentletry.
Office In leard Block, WIngham
Phone 249. Poet Office box 278•
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Speck/tits
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick Medical Collegge, Chicago,
Ill„ is prepared to teet eyes and fit glaeees at
her office over MIee Inman's millinery store.
Office dayys-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturda of every ve y week. Office hope -l0
to 12 a. m. ; -1 to 8 . m. Evenings by appoint-
ment. Phone 1210.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary in
College. Dayand night calla. Office opposite
Floor Mill, Ethel.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
Wit. PRounrooT .111.
GR J W reova' R,1YIL WWY
40180 SOUTn Go1rf0 NORTH
Express 7:18 a mMail 11:22 a m
Exprese 8:45 o m I Express' 8:52 p
aiNV 1.Iwix ParCIPle
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:60 a m I Express 11:68 a m
Express 8:19 p m Express 8:54 pm
Going. East - 7.06 a.m. and 8:40p..m.
Going West - 12:19 and 0:58 p. m.
All trains going East aonneat with 0.P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B, stations:
GEO.ALLAN, Local Agent.
M Istrixt 'grins
P. McTaggart, Exeter, visited with
hie eons, Dr, and Gen. E. McTaggart,
here during the week.
Mise Jessie Hirons retained to Tor-
onto last week, after spending the
holidays with her parents also visiting
Brussels friends.
Conti ibutiunsto the Blyth Branch
of the Bible Society, this year amount-
ed to 385.03 and the same t e has been
forwarded to the Upper Canada Bible
Society, Toronto
Joseph Coomber, sr., received the
sad intelligence of the death of his
sister, bit's. Merritt, of London. De-
ceased was '72 years of age at the time
of her death he ft a e1. 1
1 an u tookP lace.
in Lhatrt
con Saturday.Mrs. James
Outt who is a niece, had been visiting
her and returned Imine only a couple
of days prior to her death.
The annual' installation of officers
of Blyth Lodge No. 308, A. F. & A. M.
took place on Monday night of last
week wwith•the following result; Jno.
Grainger, 1. P. 1Vi. ; Dr, McTaggart,
W. M. ; P. NcK. Stewart, 8. W. ;
Thos. Sampson, J. W. ; R S„ Pate,
3. D. ; Dr. Allison. J. D ; J. (3.
Emig!), Treas. ; J. M. Hamilton,
Secy. ; Jas. 111. Smith, I. G. ; Amos
Spuhl, Tyler ; G. L. MoTaggnt 1, S.
Steward ; E. Robinson, J. Stewitid,
O. A. Zilliltx event the holidays with'
friends 111 Toronto, ,
Pte. Leslie Olathe, of the '13th Mtd,
Rifles, Calgary, is visiting with his
patients, F. 0. and Mrs,_Olaeke.
171'. Bonze and his brother, of May -
cone, Sask., are spending a short time
in town, They will purchase it few
cars of horses to take back West with
B. Bender, Wallace, has sold his
valuable stallion, Parliat to John
Monk, Berlin, for a handsome' price
In the transaction Mr. Bender got a
standard bred sire and a registered
mare in foal to Bingen: While in
Berlin 1Ji'.„Bender also pthrchased two
head of excellent cattle. They are
re4ietered thorobred Dnrhau)s, 0110 1
year old and the other 11 menthe old.
They weighed 1,200 and 1,050 lbs, re-
Mee. Ethel 'Treble Barber, wife of
Rev. F. Louie Barber, pastor of the
Colborne Street., Methodist church,
London, formerly of LieloWel, bene-
fits by a 310,000 legacy int the will of
bee stepmother, the late )Vis. Lillian
Frances Massey Treble, who flied in
California on Nov, Blast, Mrs, Massey -
Treble's estate is valued at $2,654,088'
and of this the huge aggregate of
31,500,000 was bequeathed to church
laud charitable iiistituttone.
Hoy Rite arrived 1101410 !'Liam
ch anti will (mend 1hr Winter
Mre, 040440 has gone to Olhll'on to
spend the Winter with her slater, Mee,
3, R. and Mrs. Code spent 'the New
'i('eai''s 'holiday at Kincardine, with
Mr, Code's nephew, J. Rae.
Beverly 'i'ifiin, London, has been
spending a few days in our vicinity
renewing old acquaintances,
The annual meeting of the ,',Trow-
bridge (Neese and Butter Co. will be
held in the Orange hall, here, Satur-
day, January 15th at 2 p. in.
Mies [71o. Philips, of Alrn.t College,
St. Thomas, and her sister, Itliss
Gladys, of I,,istotvel, visited tit the
home of their uncle, G. L. Adams.
Dr. Stewart addressed the Epworth
League on Monday evening, of last
week, taking for his text, the regular
topic, ',Follow Me." 1419 address.;
was very much appreciated by all
Lorides bore
REID.-A special meeting of the Pres-
bytery of Huron wee held on 'Tuesday
of last week at Clinton 00 consider a
call frorn the -South Kinloss church to
the Rev. John G. Reid, Loudesbnro.
Among those present were : Rev. A.
Macfarlane, Moderator, Bayfield ; Rev.
Mr. Turner, Blyth ; Rev. Mr. Laing,
Auburn ; Rev. Mr. Richer dson, Kip -
pen ; Rev. J. Hamilton, Goderich, and.
and Rev. Frank Harper, Willie
churcin, Clinton. Rev, Malcolm Mc-•
Arthur, Kincardine, representing the
Maitland Presbytery, presented the
call from South Kinloss, Thomas and
William Mairr representing in
re t g the
Z ndesbo•o congregation, Px expressed
their regret that
Rev.Me. Rt'id
thought of leaving and hoped he
world reconsider. Messrs. Hamilton,
Reid and Walt, of Knox church, said
the name to all intents and purposes.
Mr. Reid had,
ihowever, made up his
mind toa e
accept and the r all will go
through in tIreori hndox Presbyterian
way. On Jan. 2:31.(1 the pnipits of
Knox and Londe b'=ro will be declared
vacant. South 7iiMoss church -is just
aerose the read from the eorpdtation
of Lucknow and so clings to the an-
cient customs as to abhor the kist n'
whistles and sing only the psalms, in
that respect being probably ttlot a in
alt these. Oountie•, Oo'ig e. anion i4
largely of Highland descent and Loves
the Gaelic so much that for some time
the pastorate has been vacant while
an effort was being made to locate a
minister so ve'sed in the ancient lan-
guage that the services in South,
Kinloss (night he like those of the
pioneer days. Failing in this Mr.
Reid was the choice. The salary is
$1000, with tree manse and a month's
Howzox Towsreare.-Reuben Hard-
ing was re-elected Reeve by acclama-
tion. Following are the results of
Election Day for the other members
of the Board.
Demmerling 45 70 09 48 35 39 308
Doig 51 22 55 75 78 55 826
Majority for Doig 20.
Armstrong 38 22 101 83 49 45 313
Douglas 78 35 21 28 10 18100
Lynn 20 19 55 01 57 88 250
Spotton 44 63 889 (37 59 39 344
Williamson 36 13 42 60 64 80 294
Council will consist of Reeve, R.
Harding ; Deputy -Reeve, P. F. Doig ;
and Councillors, W. S. Spotton, Jas.
Armstrong and Jos. Williamson.
next week the regular Meeting of
Feigners' East Hurn 1'o , t t r to Inatitnte
will be held in the lotvnshi
here, afternoon session opening ial at 1.80
o'clock. The speakers will be A. R.
G. Snaith, New Hamburg, and T. M.
McCallum, Shakespeare, who will 10180
address the public meeting at 7.30 in
the evening. Both ;nem are well up
on thea subjects, r
e is and should be beard
The Women's by goodw
a owed. 1110 Woo In-
statute will meet on the same after-
noon when Mrs R, L. Moo•ehouse, of
Cairo, will be here to talk to the
women folk of the locality. Go and
hear her. illrs. 1\innl'ehorse will also
speak at the evening meeting when a
musical program will intersperse
the addresses. With such a bill of
fare there should not be a vacant
chair in the 13al). Amos Smith is
President of East Huron Farmers' In-
stitnte and P, A. McArthur is the
Secretari-Treaenrer, Keep tab on the
date of the meetings: hollowing day,
Wednesday, 19th const., the mune
speakers will be at Brussels.
Maitland Cheese factory closed down
Saturday, Jan, let.
1lrs, D. G. Anderson, St, Marys, was
visiting relatives in town.
0, 0. F. will hold their annual oy-
ster enppet, Thursday evening, Janu-
ary 13t14.
Pte. Walter Roe was the recipient
of a handsome gold wrist watch with
an address from member's of Trinity
ahnrch Eltna, and friends,
Officers of Court Lansdowne, No. 93,
Atwood, the a installed as follows,
for the present year :-
P. 0, IL-Jno. 13. Hamilton ;
0. R. -F. Stevenson ;
V. 0. R, -F. Coulter ; -
R. S. -J. D. Sinith ;
F, S. -Geo. Gordon ;
Tl'eae.-Jno. Roger;
Chap, -A. Gordon
S. W. -J. Brown ;
J. W. -U. Switzer•
S. B. -J. Sanders ;
J. B, -W. Stevenson ;
Com -Geo. Greensides. After the
business of the evening was ti ansacted
Jno, Roger., who has been Treasurer
for a long time was presented with a
gold headed umbrella suitably engrav-
ed by the members of the 001171, Suit-
able speeches were given and an flour
spent including a Minch,
�w t� av�id
These Three Women Tell How The
Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of
Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, but they
should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills
peculiar to their sex. Manyletters on file in the Pinkham
Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number of
women after they have been recommended to submit to an
operation have been made well by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters. All
sick women should read them.
Marinette, Wis. "I went to the doctor and
he told me I must have an operation for a female
trouble and I hated to have it done as I had been
married only a short time. I would have terrible
pains and my hands and feet were cold all the
time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and was cured, and I feel better in every
way. I give you permission topublish my name
because I am so thankful that Ifeel well again."
-Mrs. FRED BEHNKE, Marinette, Wis.
Detroit, Mich.-" When I first took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was so run down
with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor
sailI g operation.Y o an would have to under I could hardl walk
ohelp so when I read about the Vegetable Compound d what
without e eCo an
it had done for others I thought I would, try it. I got a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash and used them according to directions.
They "
.Phe helped me and today I am able to do all m work and I am well.
p R 989 Milwaukee Ave. East, Taos. DwYn , e Detroit, Mich.
Bellevue, Pa.-" I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible
bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and
they all told me the same story, that I never could get well without
an operation and I just _dreaded the thought of that. I also tried a
good many other medicines that were recommended to me and none
of them helped me until a friend advised me to give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The first bottle helped, I kept
taking it and now I don't know what it is to be sink any more and I
am picking up in weight. I am 20 years old and weigh 145 pounds.
It will be the greatest pleasure to me if I can have the opppor-
tunity to recommend jt to any other suffering woman." ---Mies IRtxs
FROELICHER, 1923 Manhattan St., North Side, Bellevue, Pa.
If yon would like special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham
Med. Co. (eonfideintial),Lynn, Mass. 'Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman and held in strict confldenee.
The total receipts at the Mina fac-
tory for 1915 were $75,295.77 ; total
number of pounds cheese made,
4923631 ; total pounds anilk to cheese,
5244987 ; average pounds milk to
pound cheese, 10 052 ; average price
per pound cheese, 15.100 ; average
test for cheese, 3,435 ; tone of cheese
240 and 3631 pound ; total number of
cheese shipped, wholesale, 6001.
Win. Proudfoot, M. P. P. for ()entre
Huron, acidressed the Clinton Liberal
Club on Jan. Oth.
Herb. Banifond goes to Campbell -
ford, where he has secured a position
its organist and choirmaster in the
Methodist chtll'Ch.
In one borne 111 Goderich the follow-
ing articles have been knitted for bur
eoldies since the opening of the war,
73 caps, 96 pairs wristlets, 14 belts, 15
scarves, 76 pairs of socks.
At Victoria street /Methodist church
special evangelistic services began
Sunday, Jan. 9011. Rev. Geo. W.
Dewey, Stratford, i
preached hec011 Sun-
day and every night during the week.
Drs. J L. 'and Walter Turnbull,
Vancouver, 13. O., were in town last
week, having come to this section to
see their mother who is seriously ill at
ale home in Bltiverton.
Elliott,Rev. ()apt. Jos.Lof de t h
Go c
who Iltta been 111 England LFII 1'14 past
t nt r the t st
g P
month !14140 b0011 appointed - Uftplltatntof
the Canadian Contingent, located at
13ratnshett Camp. lie received the
appointment shorty after his arrival
in England.
Ona recent Saturday evening when
Rev, Mr, Ross, pastor of Knox church,
returned to the manse after attending
to his pastoral duties, he found a
handsome present awaiting him from
the Ladies' Aid of the church, in the
shape of a beautiful fur -lined coat
with heaver collar.
4 VINES. -John McGee, of Port At
her t, was arraigned before Magistrate
Lockhart in the Agr'icultur'al Ball,
Dungannon, on two charges of selling
whiskey on Dungannon Fttir Day, in-
,fo•mation having been laid by License
Inspector Mitchell, of 1Vinghatn,
Grown Attorney Seager appeared on
behalf of the 01'etvn, and the counsel
for the defence ryas L. L. Dancey,
The Oeown witness in the first case
was Louis Dalton, tvho testified that
he had purchased a bottle of liquor -
from McGee on 1(tle Day, the !titter
assuring him that lie could obtain it
on the grnunte. The price paid foe
the bottle was 31.50. AleGee did not
contradict, Dalton's evidence and
Made Strong by Our Vino].
Fayetteville, N. 0. -"My little daugh-
ter was in poor health, delicate and
so weak it made us Very uneasy. I
heard about Vinol and decided to try it
and the results were marvelous, her
appetite improved, she gained in weight,
and is now one of the healthiest children
in town. Mothers of delicate children
should tryVinol."-Mre.GORDONJESSUP.
Vinol is a delicious red liver andiron
tonic without oil, a constitutional rem-,
edy which creates an appetite, aids di-
gestion and makes pure healthy blood.
All children love to take it.
F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels
stated that he had procured the liquor
from Clare Swats, paying the latter
$1.50. Sweets, he said, had told him
earlier in the day that he had '-some-
tlliug" with him. Mr. Seager, in sum-
ming up the case strongly contended
that McGee was acting as agent for
Sweets and therefore was liable.
Lawyer Dancey, on the other hand,
maintained that McGee was acting as
agent for Dalton and was not guilty
of the offence The Magistrate, how-
ever, rendered judgment against Mc-
Gee and imposed a flee of 350.00 and
costs. As the second case in which
McGee war charged with selling
liquor later on in the day to Thos.
Joy, Louis Dalton and others, did not
differ materially from the first case, a
conviction was registered against the
defendant, who was again fined $50.00
and costs. Arising out of these cases
Glare Swarts was before Magistrate
Lockhart at the town hall in Goderich
on Tuesday on two charges of selling
liquor on the day of the Dungannon
fair. To one charge he pleaded guilty
and according utn his own n e
for and to
the evidence of \'Vol. Thompson, who
was with Clare Swarth at the time -of
the transactions (or one of them) both
bottles were bought at the same time,
$3 being the amount paid. The evi-
dence of John McGee, however, was
that he made two distinct purchases,
one when six or seven fellows allows. chipped
in and one when 1 h
w n le bought o bottle
b to
for Dalton, and the Magistrate im-
posed a fine of 350 in each case, with
costs. 0. Seeger for the Orown, L.
J). Dancey for the defendant,
Brussels Branch
Brussels North -MrsSkelton
and Miss Bryans ,.. .,$ 15 45
Bruseele East -Miss Leather -
dale and Mrs. Meadows 21 85
Brussels West -Miss M. Smith
and Miss Telfer . 15 30
Jamestown- Misses Simpson
and McDonald 5 55
Oons. 3 & 4 Grey -Misses Strac-
ban and McDonald 3 95
Oons. b & 0 Grey -Mesdames
McArthur and Finn ............. 5 25
Oons. 7 & 8 Grey lllissee Oar -
diff and Smith 4 25
Oohs.. 0 & 10 Grey -Misses Ho-
over and Armstrong.. ....•, 11 75
Oran brook -A. T. Helm 28 55
Oons. 13 & 14 Grey -Mrs. R
Coohrane and Miss F. Alcock 3 75
3td, Line Morrie -Mies Ander-
son and Mise T. Yuill.... .. r., 5 65
4011 Line Morris -Misses Black
and Wilkinson 5 40
5112 Line Morris -Miss Kerr
and Mrs. Cook ., .. ,., 3 75
8th Line Morris -Mrs. W. Ber-
nard and Miss MoOuteheon 4 05
Ill) Line Morris -Mrs. D. Mo.
Donald and MI's. McCall..,6 25
Ethel - Misses Dunbar and
Sanders. 14 40
$ 155 75
Collection at annual meeting. 8 70.
$ 164 45
This amount was remitted to the
Treasurer of the Upper Canada Bible
Society in December last and was a-
head of the year previous by 38.00.
l3r'useele Branch onsets are Very
gral the liberal contributions
and the splendid work done by the
Smith 74"7117 58 87 32 60-888
Arnold 46 54 100 25 3 02-290
Majority for Smith 46.
co'UNOILLORns-first four elected
67 34 53-310
19 3 54-278
8 8 28-234
23 23 71-225
18 5 20-212
15 7 40-175
5 6
8 1 24-18- 8503
hlitott 52 56 58
Grosz 31 53 113
Kinoade 56 78 50
McKnight 32 30 48
Tipping 87 44 88
Gilmore 42 '15 , 56
But nett 28 45 50
McIntosh 12 40 18
Armstrong 86 90 43 71 44 55 75-462
Bare 12 22 9 19 8 16 15- 99
Majority for M. Armstrong 303
covxcILT,one-first foul' elected
Howson 36 84 14 87 29 84 83-357
:tic tliehdel 81 80 36 45 30 33 31-842
Watt 42 81 14 57 18 45 38 295
Miller 48 44 49 41 43 28 45-290
NPilaua 81 73 20 59 23 47 33-280
Hopeful 'letter from the West
DEAR EDITOR -Having a little time
at my disposaithis morning it struck
me I would write you a few lines. 1
left Ontario over a month ago and
have been in Manitoba for a shore
time. Have also been over quite a
large section of Saskatchewan and
now have reached Edmonton, Al-
berta, I had a run through the West
some 12 years ago and I can see a very
marked change during that period.
A person can scarcely realize the ex-
tent of this country unless he is here
and travels over it. To 1ne it is a
country with a great future, Owing
to the increased wheel crop here this
year(something sonlethiu over 800,000,000 bush-
els) and being g spreadtee
d over such a vast
area, the fat mem,
as a whole, are very
pfnepernus this year. 4V hen travel-
ling on a C. P. R. train lately I met a
gentleman, the road has employed
1 okimq after the handling of the
grain in connection with thatn
u nd.
He informed me that North of the
Main litre 50 percent of the wheat has
not been marketed yet. If I had not
the information 1 have received from
inert of such itilegt•ity and veracity I
could scarcely have believed the re-
turns per time. For wheat 40 to 50
bushels pe acre is quite common and
in some cases I have been told as high
as 60 bushels neatly all No. 1 and good
prices. The farmers are all right here
this year. Farm lands are good
But on the other hand when we con-
sider the cities and towns it is alto-
gether different. Real estate is very
flat. Nearly every person of any
prominence the trine of the boom put
every dollar they had in real estate
and now the bottom has fallen out of
it and high taxes and other expenses
in connection with all the property
has to be met. Very many of those
parteis are not able to meet those de-
mands and eventually this property
will be sold for taxes. I am afraid
Regular Monthly Home Fairs will be
held in 13rueeeis this season as follows:
TIBURSDAY, JAN. 6th, 1916
" FEB. 3rd, "
MAR, 2nd,
APR.6th, "
leading local and Outside Buyers In attendance
there will not be many buyers even
I happened to be in one town a few
clays ago where there was 3300,000 of
this year's taxes still unpaid. It
struck me forcibly that town will be.
come insolvent unless the terrible con-
flict now waging in Europe should
terminate soon, Even then it will
take some tirne before there is any re-
If it were not this great depression
at the present time I would be very
favorably impressed with the city
no doubt it will eventually benefit
very touch from the immense tracts of
good country tie the West in the
Peace River district,
Yours Sincerely,
Dec. 31st, 1916.
THE grippe .has a campaign ou just
now in which many are concerned.
Clubbinq List
1915;- 1916
THE POST has made arrangements
to club with Lhe following papers and
will be sent to any address (except the
United States 50 cents extra) at the
following subscription prices :-
POST and Mail and Ern ire....... $ 1 60
London Free Press. 1 85
Family Herald & Star 1 85
Montreal Witness 1 85
Farmer's Advocate2 35
Northern Messenger1 40
PosT and Toronto Star •$ 2 85
" Toronto News 2 85
Toronto Globe......-3 75
Toronto Mail -Empire3 75
" Toronto World, 3 50
" London Advertiser3 00
Call at the office or remit the amount
by P. 0. Order, Express Order or Reg-
istered Letter addressed to
BruaeelPr08Ts, Ont.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••s •••••••••••••••t••NN••N:
• •
• •
u x,1' ,y` y. ��t 1 Y i,,•
• �.d3 wssll ` l �'1 •
• •
Battalion •
OOCD Authorized
3 •
100 Men- expected from Brussels and
Vicinity,. WillYou •:
u■■._.__ Make Good _ •
The Pay
1 •
Married men $tl.Io per day with 85c for subsistence. •
• •
: Single man, who is the sole support of a widowed $
• mother, $ r. x o per day with 85c for .subsistence. •
I•I Single man $i.xo per day with 6oc for subsistence. 0
: Recruiting Office 1:
S Opposite American Hotel
is 0•
_ Lieut. D. S. Scott,i
• 0
▪ Will You Help Brussels and Huron :
make Good•and Enlist Now ?
••••••••••••••••••••••••11410••••••••••••••• seeees••••