HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-1-6, Page 8Cherry Bark
Cough Cure
at will relieve
' Your Cough
We believe Regal! Cherry Batk Gough
Syrup to be one of the safest aud most
effective of family Cough Remedies
known, Don't neglect a cough, relieve
the discomfort and avoid the serious
complications of a neglected cough by
using Cherry Bark Cough Syrup. It
will relieve you and et the same time
does not derange the stomach, and is
pleasant to take.
Comes in 500 and 25e bottles,.
Rexall Gold Tablets
To break up a cold when starting
use Rexall Cold Tablets. 25c a box.
110.0•••••••••••41400#•••#4••• ♦•••••••••••••••••♦•♦••♦4•
Eastlluron Produce Fmporum
Bring Us
Your Christmas
Kodak Films
We will get the most from every
exposure and will try to assist Yoe
to still better fature results,
Developing and Printing for Ama-
teurs Satisfaction assured,
rhe�t store F. R.8,M1TH
il® tn•ffi.0
goad I aims Item
DAYS begin to lengthen.
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this
CARNIVAL Thursday evening of next
C. T, A officials were after violaters
last week.
New Councils will meet next Monday
at 115. n1,
THE Lown ball and the bell in St.
john's church belfry welcomed In the
New Year.
LADRIPPE bas been an unwelcome
visitor at numerous homes during the
past week or so,
In your name written there—at the
Eunstment headquarters—next door to
Standard Bank i
Now is the time to renew. The
gives the news and if you doubt it try
the paper for a year.
BaussRLa School will re -open next
Monday morning. There should be a
large attendance so as to get off for a
pew start in e916.
Ammar. meeting of East Huron
Agricultural Society will be held on
Wednesday, January rgtb, at 5.30 p, m.
Receiving annual report, election or
officers and laying plans for the coming
year will constitute the business of the
HENS Lr, hal candidates d
80d1 es in the field
for the Reeveshi vis z Messrs. Hudson
Petty and Smalacomh, of which the
latter was successful. A peculiar situa-
tion was none of the persons nominated
as Councillors qualiti •d and hence there
was uo election. Monday next there
will be a fresh nomi ,tion when a Coun-
cil may be chosen seeing that tbe plum
has been picked.
THE POST is pleased to report tbat S.
B. Lamont, Regina, has cnnpleted his
rd and final exam. a in his Law course
and after finishing up his time in the of-
fice be will be ready to hang out his
shingle. We wish Mr. Lamont top-
notch distinction in his profession and
believe he will do well, He is a son of
Hugh and Mrs, Lamont, Queen street,
A LETTER from ina. T. Denhnw, of
Deleau, Mao„ enclosing his subscrip-
tion to THE POST says :—"We have had
a splendid crop this year, the best the
country has ever seen. Winter came on
very early this season about Nev. 7th.
Have about rj• feet of snow now oo the
level. Wishing THE PosT the compli-
ments of the season. Yours very truly."
We are glad to bear of tbe prosperity of
our old friend Denbow.
MYRON OLD BOYS.—Annual ?At Home
of the Huron Old Boys' Association of
Toronto will be held in the Odd Fel-
lows' Hall, College street, on Friday
evening, February 4th. The gathering
this year will partake of the Patriotic
nature and promises to be the biggest
re union in the history of tbe Associa-
tion. A large share of the proceeds will
be donated to the new Huron Battalion
•now being organized
SUDDEN DEATH.—Last Friday morn-
ing Robert Fox was found in his bed, at
the home of his son, Druggist Fox,
dead. Had been in apparent good
health the day before. Mr. Fox was in
bis 83rd year, Funeral took place Sun-
day afternoon. 6 former old friends
from Wroxeter were pallbearers, Mr.
Fox was a fine old gentleman. A more
extended notice will be given next week.
Racet7IrING MEETING.—Monday even-
ing the first recruiting meeting in the
interests of the 161st Huron County
Battalion was held in the Town Hall,
B ussels and as the bill of fare was in-
teresting and unique a wide interest
circled about the gathering which was
well sustained to the end. Program was
a good one and was as follows:—Chair-
man's address, Rev. D. Wren ; address,
Major McTaggart ; Poem, "The
Dream," J. T, Wood ; address. Lt. Col
Combe ; solo, Miss Isabel Stradhan ;
address, Thos. McMillan l male quar-
tette, L. Eckmier, L, Wiight, B.
Wright and S. Grant ; addresses Major
Shaw ; song,' Sergt. Sinclair; appeal, Lt.
Col. Combat song, Pte. Porter; National
Anthem. 'There was a martial swing
and a patriotic atmosphere very evident
to ail and at the close 5 young men came
forward and offered themselves to the
Empire and next morning 3 more en-
listed from Wroxeter, A Remelting
League was organlzed for Brussels to
assist in furthering the interests of the
Ant and the following names were
suggested :—W, M. Sinclair, D. C.
Ross, P. Scott, las, Ballantyne, J. F.
Rowland, J, Ferguson, A, Seeker, F.
H; Gilroy, S. Carter, J. H. Hewitt and
the reefdent pastors, Revds. Wren,
Mann and Page, There ere now 25 or
more recruits in counectioe with Brus-
sels Company and it Is suggested that a
platoon, consisting of 55 men, be now
placed as the object to be nttatued.
With a good reusing ratty the necessary
3 r men should be secured to don tbe
King's colors. Monday's meeting Was
a fine One and did good,
CARNIVAL.—The first Caroival of the
season is announced for Thursday even.
ing of next week on Brussels Skating
rink, See bills for particulars.
THE Posr makes a dandy present to
an absentee, S1 00, in advance, takes
it for a year to any Canadian or Old
Couutry address. ,$1 50 if to the United
Ran Cross Circle will meet Tuesday
afternoon in the Public Library at 3
o'clock. A large attendance is asked
for as there is business of importance to
some before the meeting.
Naw telephones have been placed as
follows t ---John Hunter 3 rings on 88 ;
N. Flatt No 8x ; Jno. Ballantyne 3 rings
00 No. 7 ; Skating rink 3 rings on 6ax ;
W. Little lox The local phone will
soon be universal.
1,505POR BALE --2 young code and 10 little
pigs, Jason WTLeen. Phone 4014.
DAMS hand beg found on Con. 12th, Grey.
Owner may have same by proving propertyPOEMand paying for this notice at Taa Yoe
Fort head of good yearling cattle for sale.
For further pnrtioulare apply to JOON Seem.
aasoN, Lot 7, Con. 18, Grey. Phone 4211,
Brussels P, 0,
:WALL sum of rnney found. Enquire et
Geo, Thomson's Grocery,
A Nauman of young plea 6 weeks old for
sale. Apply 10 Ronh, CooasANs, Lot 7, Con,
14, Grey, Phone 420.
800 oa 700 8 inch good tile for sale $60 per
1000. A ii ly to D. E. Sanders,. Brussels, R. R.
No. 8. Phone 8118,
APARTMaNTs to 'let in the Graham block
lately vacated by the Pryne family.
To RENT, -28 to 28 acres of land good
barn end
house in the villag a of er
Apply to W. F. BTItaTTUN, Jeweler, Brnasela.
.A Goon house. for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply at Tat Posh.
Goon brick house on William street for Pale
together withgood stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair. All conveniences, bath, ate.
For further partioulars apply to GEORGIA
Tnomson, Brussels.
Nom DIARSHALL Iso oaim. — Noel
Marshall, President oC the Canadian
Red Cross Society, has received notifica-
tion oby cable that he has been made a
Knight of Grace of the Order of St.
John and Jerusalem in recognition of his
services in connection with the promo
tion of Red Cross work. No rank,
style, title ar precedence is conferred by
the honor.
SHOWER —A miscellaneous shower
was tendered Miss Carrie Speir, Thurs-
day evening of last week at the home of
Mrs. D. C. Ross, when the bride to be
was made the recipient of a choice lot of
excellent gifts by the 3o young folk as-
sembled. Fine time was enjoyed with
music, social chat, lunch, &c. Company
separated with the expression of the
beartiest wishes for Miss Speir's future.
BRUSSELS, Grey & Morris Independent
Telephone Company Directors met
Thursday of last week in the Board
Room of the Public Library and closed
up the business for vers. Annual report
will le prepared forthwith, as sor.0 as
the Auditors do their work to be p'aced
to possession of the people before the
annual meeting that comes next month.
HAS it occurred to you that working
the farm is a business proposition, and
that you are handicapping yourself and
losing money by not subscribing for a
farm business paper. We recommend
the Farmers Weekly Sun, Toronto to
our readers. It is the steadfast friend
and fearless advocate of the farmer, and
always places his interests first. The
one dollar you invest will never be re-
gretted. Start the year. right by send-
ing in your subscription, or leaving it at
this office,
On New Year's eve a quiet wedding
took place at the home of W. W. Burgess,
corner of St. Andrew's and Water
streets, Mitchell when their eldest daugh-
ter, Muriel, was married to Private Dna-
can Fergus Buck, of the paymaster's
office in the Troth Battalion. Stratford
The ceremony was performed by Rev
Dr, MacRae, pastor of Knox Church.
Old friends Here extend hearty con
gratulations. Mr, Burgess was a resi-
dent of this community for a number of
report concerning Brussels School
Board affairs was prepared for presenta-
tion at the annual Nomination meeting:
Government grant ,2 596 or
County grant.... 105r 36
Legislative grant 245 00
Pupils' fees 405 00
Levy on town ... 3000 :oo
$ 5194 37
Teachers' salaries $ 4250 00
Caretaker's salary 300 00
Sec.-Treas.' salary .,50 00
Coal and wood ,. 313 95
Taxes 13 95
Repairs ......... ....... 15 8o
Supplies 62 50
Supply salaries .. 66 5o
$ 5072 70
Outside pupils peer $r,00 per month and
town pupils 500. 750 end $t 00 per
month to the various forms of Hrgh
Prices OfFered
++++++++++++4 4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++14
Selected strictly New Laid Eggs - 35c
Fresh gathered Eggs - 30c i
Selected Dairy Print Butter - - 2$c
Light -weight Prints and Unlabeled i
Wrappers, Solids and Rolls 26c j
Dress Chickens, Roasters and Broilers,
crate fatted, showing quality • - 1 4c 2
l'Nunber of Feeding Coops for sale at 75c each
500 bushels Feeding Wheat wanted.
Church Chimes
Rev, Mr. Craik, Walton, preached
tw fine sermons in the Methodist
church, Brussels, last Sunday in connec-
tion with the anniversary and will be
welcome back on a future occasion,
There was no Sabbath Schools last
Sunday in Brussels, at the wish of the
Board of Health, owing to a few new
cases of measles. The epidemic is being
checkmated and quarantines lifted,
A fine practical address on Forward'
Temperaoce ,York was delivered by Rev.
E. G. Powell, Clinton, last Monday
evening in Melville church et the union
service. '- Rev. Mr, Mann presided,
"Parliament and Nation Building"
will be the subject of an address by Jas.
Bowman, M. P„ at the Epworth League
service in the Methodist church school
room next Monday evening at 8 o'clock,
'there should be a good attendance to
hear Mr. Bowman present the question.
Tuesday evening at the union service
held en St. John's church. Rev, Mr,
Page gave a thoughtful address on the
theme "The Churoh's power 10 the
present crisis." Wednesday evening in
the Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Mann
spoke with good effect, on the theme,
"The Church's message for the times."
At the Methodist church next Sabbath
the morning subject will be "Profiting
by the mistakes of yesterday." Even-
iu service will be military
gits nature.
l'he pastor's subject will be "We'll
never let the old flag fall," The soldiers
of the rdtst Huron Battalion in training
in Brussels will be preseut in a body,
At the close of the service two Honor.
Rolls will be unveiled. One to the boys
of the village who have offered their
services to the Empire and one to the
boys of the Methodist church, who have
answered the call, Short addresses will
be given by W H. Kerr and F. H.
Gilroy. Special music by the choir.
People W�k About
J. T, Wood was at London for a few
Mrs. J. T. Ross and Miss Mary spent
the week end with Toronto friends,
Miss Mina Hunter, of Stratford post -
office staff, was home over New Years.
Dr. Geo. H. Ross, Wiogham. spent
the New Year holiday at his home here.
Geo, Davis, Ches'ey, spent the holi-
day in town, He otten thinks of Bras.
Angus Campbell is away on a holiday
trip to London, Port Huron and Hamil-
Gari, Jamieson, St. Catharines, was
a visitor under the parental roof over
New Year's.
Miss Louise Kunz. of Detroit, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. George C. Manners
in town.
Miss Bella McKenzie, Ripley, spent
the holiday with Miss R. S.hurrie, Queen
s'reet, The ladies are cousins.
5, Leslie and Mrs Kerr, Clinton, spent
a few days at the forme -'s parental home
returning Monday afternoon,
Pte, Percy Thuell arrived home last
week from Fergus Hospital where he
underwent a' successful operation,
Fred, and Miss Mae Wood are home
from an extended visit of three months
with relatives' in the Western States,
Mrs. R. T. Hingston and Miss Carrie
spent New Years holiday at the home of
the former's son, Ad. Hingston, Wing -
Dr, and Mrs. Fetid and children Owen
Sound apes the holiday at t're home of
Mrs, Edward Bryans, mother of Mrs.
Mrs. Angus Campbell, Mill street,
has been on the sick list with a severe
attack of la grippe but we hope she may
soon be better.
THE POST was pleased to notice that
our former townsmen, Dougalrl Fergus-
on was re-elected Reeve of Teeswater
by acclamation,
A'ex and Mrs. ,McKelvey, of Pense,
Sssk , are welcome guests at the home of
Wm, McKelvey, Princess Street, the
Col mer's parents.
Mrs. 5, Bell, of Teeswater, who spent
'he holiday season with her parents, A
and Mrs Lamont, returned home this
week, Mr, Bell was also a visitor here
for a few days.
Charlie Hingston took a run np ErOm
Toronto to visit rela'ives and see his
wife and daughter who have been holt-
flaying with Mrs. Hiugston's parents,
Geo. and Mrs. McMillan,
Will and Andrew Flatt are home from
the West for a holiday visit. They are
sons of of N. and Mrs. Flatt, John street.
The former visited his sister, Miss Elsie,
at Landon, on New Years.
Mrs Gordon Mooney, and her sister,
Mrs. Geo, Mooney are here from the
West, renewing old friendehlpe. They
ere Former residents and daughters of
Mra. S. Crawford, of town,
Mrs R Leathertiale and MistLaura
were visiting at the Grills home, Listo-
wet, specially to see Sergeant Mervyn
Grills, who was East on a brief vielt
before his Battalion may be slaved,
!loyal Il.
ousehold noon
Bran and. Shorts
just arrived and will be delivered
to any part of the town.
Good Potatoes
Always on hand
Ring 'Phone 43 and we will be at
your service for anything in our '
W. J. McCracken, C acken
i grow
Mrs. Wright, Carberry, Man., and
W. L. McQnarrie, Saskatoon, are here
on a visit with relatives.
W. J, Currie and daughter, Jessie, of
Edrens, Manitoba, are here for a holiday
visit. The former is a brother to A.
Currie, John street, and was a former
resident of Brussels, who has made good
in the West. He and his daughter will
spend a few months in Ontario.
In Forms 1, II and III
Reports of Forms I, II and III for
Fall Term of 1915.
Form III. Exam, in Geom., Lit„
Alg., Science, Chem., Hist., Latin and
French —H. Denman 82 (Chem ), L,
Wright 78, M. Bowes 71 (t.heul) L.
Ament 64, S. Grant 6s, R. Stewart
J. Ballaotyne 57, K, McDonald 53 (Lit,
Chem.), B. Campbell 53, A. Sperling 51
(Alg., Sci., Chem ), A. Davidson 48, E
McKay 47 (Chem ), J Oliver 40. Sub-
jects in brackets indicate examinations
missed by student,
Form II Examined in Geog , Hist.,
Botany, Z iology. Gram.. Latiu.—C,
Jordan 78, A Fulton 74, C. Best 73 A,
Miller 72, B. Wright 72, L. Turvey 72,
M. Pe ria 72, S, Hall 71, G. Ames 7o, J,
Grant 67 (Boi. -Zeol,), 0. Sellers 66
Gram,), H. Currie 65, V McLeod 65
(Hist. Bot ), F. Hinson 6t, 1-1 Stewart
5$, D. Ross 58. J Scott 57, M. Alderson
56, (Gram.), H, McQuarrie 49, A. Johne -
ton 44, H. Geriy 43.
F.rm I. Examined in Arith., Hist„
Botany, Zool„ Alg, Latin, French,—I.
Kreuter 86 (Zool., Ale ), I. Wilkinson
83 (Alg ), V. Heist 77, I Hunter 77
(Artth Loci , Alg ), 1'. Barclay 76, L.
Baker 76 (Zool , Ale ), M. Skelton 74
(Bet ), J Fox 69, M, Lowe 68, C, Arm
strong68, S. Yuill 66 (Znol.), M. Ross
62, M. Armstrong 65, A. McKay 6o, E,
Peaniugton 6o (Alg.), 0 Hemingway
59 (Zool., Ale ), F, McNaughton 59
(tree exam. only), A. Thuell 58 (Arg.,
Lit ), J. Armstrong 57. M. Carter 55
(Bol,), A. Fox 54, A. Currie 51 (Lat..
French), A. Cardiff 5o, J Warwick 48,
S Baker 34 (Zool„ Alg ), C. Sperling 34
(Alg. only), B. S SCOTT,
Reports will be seat to the parents
showing standing in each subject of
pupils in Forms III and II.
The Principal urges the students to
make the most of the enforced holidays
for review purposes.
At the horse of Jno. Anderson jre
Wingham, a reception was held fol'
Mr. Mundi and bride. 25 guests eat
down to a 4 course dinner to which
ample justice was done. Among the
guests were Ir1r's. Robinson, Nee-
pp Mao,Miss Baxter, ClinL•on;
Jno. Anderson, aged 84 years, Ware-
ham) Ont. ; Mrs. •s
ultse, Toronto ;
Jae. and Ws. Anderson, Bel rave.
4 generations were represented. Choice
gifts were made, among them a Bae
kitchen cabinet from the groom's
pal este. A splendid time wan enjoy-
ed by all concerned aild many good
wishes expressed for the prosperity of
Mr. and IBm. Mundi.
Old Council seated farTa��nother year.
2 TABEN AND OTHER Lrt1rv,—A case
of liquor was seized Monday on the
arrival of a train and is held by the
magistrate who is waiting for a claim-
ant, County Secretary Powell hap-
pened to come in on the same train
and being euspfoioue that the con-
signees name Was a fictitious 00e, he
took steps to have 11 seized. If ie is
not claimed it must, antler the late. be
destroyed, There were two other
cases for local men, A London dealer
may burn hie fingers over these ship -
Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at
EeT'n 10T3 highest' current rates. • 218.
J, F. Lowland, Q Erin Manager.
rordilvich •
New o fYlaels of L. 0. L. No. '642
elected at laet meeting ;-W. M„ 355,
Walkom ; D. M„ Dr. H. 0. Work-
man ; Rec.-Sec'y., Wm, Goggin ; Fin,-
Sec'y„ Gordon Sanderson ; Treae, B.
S. Cools ; Ohap„ John Bryrtne ; Loot„
Joseph Williamson ; D, of 0„ Amos
Denny ; Com., Win. Corbett, Geo.
Williams, Findlay Lynn, John Dins-
more, 3. a, Johnston.; Tyler, Chris.
Municipal Election Results
Grant.... 32 51 16 18 19 11 28-174
Livingston.. 29 20 48 94 86 64 64-895
Majority for Livingston 221
Brown 81 88 25 50 00 84 40-273
McNabb 27 96 85 54 43 24 52-271
Majority for Brown 2
Councillors --
Baker 13 20 20 88 88 14 86-179
Oole .. 17 13 10 82 82 14 22-140
Collins , 18 11 8 16 59 87 18=155
Fraser 40 89.10 62 71 47 49-318
McArthur 88 48 41 6747 29 51-806
McLean.,12 88 81 49 21 .7 49-202
Council for 1916—R. W. Livingston,
Reeve ; John. Brown, Deputy=Reeve ;
William :Fraser, P. A. McArthur and
Arch. McLean, Councillors.
Reeve— Div. 1 2 3 4
0. Eckert 79 57 64 34-234
J. M. Govenlock44 84 55 00-273
Majority for Govenlock 89.
John Dodds 62 92 60 91-305
John Govenlock . 46 69 49 71-225
Geo. Harn ,.. ,., 7U 92 36 47-245
Wm. Kneclltel 22 54 42 63-181
F, J. McQuaid ..,109 80 55 50-294
Geo. Nisbet b 7 926—
4 1395
Daniel 1 Regele 98 70 40
gle ..
C ncifrn
1 1910-Reeve—J.
M, Gov-
enlock. Conncillols—Messrs. Dodds,
Harn,'MeQuald and Regele.
Campbell .. 38 48 56 34 45-216
Scott .... 87 63 41 29 26-196
Majority for Campbell' 20
Buchanan .... 44 54 27 82 51-208
80 68 84 41 26-244
Irwin 82 74 86 63 89-284
McGowan 61 50 22 29 40-202
Stonehouse20 66 43 21 27-177
Council—Reeve, Campbell. Coun-
cillors—Buchanan, Currie, Irwin and
Hui sssa,—In Grey township, on January
let,. 1010, to Mr. and -Mrs. D. Huether, a
Roarxsoly.—IN Grey township,on January 4th,
1918, to Mr. and Mrs, Richrd Robinson, -a
DUNDAn—BPESR.—On January 8rd' 1018, by
Rev. A. J, Mann, B. A., Mr. W . Garfield
Dunbar, Ethel, to Mies Carrie L., daughter
of and Mrs. James Speir, of Morrie
December 25th.
19I6, by Rev. D. Brute Millard, M. A., of
BIllaboro, Sask., Miss Mho} Lydia, daugh-
terof Mr, end Mrs. Frank. Rittwage.at
Hill Farm, to Mr. David Davidson, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Thoth Davidson, of Brussels,
Hawn—DARK.—At the home o1 the bride's
father, on January 100,1918, by Rev. A. J.
wworth. to Miss Mary, Henry'hteHowe,r 4r Moles.
Dark, Morris township.
LAMnx-R7TTwAgarOn December 2510. 1018,
by Rev D. Bruse Millard M: A„ of Ellis -
bars, Bask„ Miss Edith Maude, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs Rittwage, at Hill Form, to
Mr. G. Alvin Lambe, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo, Lambe, of Midland, Ontario.
Fox.—In Brussels on December S1et, 1915,
Robert Fox, in }lie-88rd year,
• .'1.
At the request of many of
our old Patrons we are
+ again Chopping. We are
also installing a new Flak-
er and will be prepared
to do first-class work.
1 Your patronage is solicit-
ed and will receive our
best attention.
wishingtill one Custom -
ore the compliments of
the 80,800,
+ J
ti 4,.
Brussels Electric Plant
and Chopping Mill
2 ++++++++44++++++++++44404400
510AY, TAN 1400.—Farm Stook implements
un., ate Lot 20, 1) P.
m, Grey township.3,.SBale
unreserved at 1 D• m, sharp. J. W. Sanders/
Prato. ; lr, 8. Smut, Auo,.
Wheat -- 1100 $100
148 166
27 28
49 40
10 0000 18 00
Auction Sales
PLEMaNMe, ruaNITUnE, &0,—T. R. Ben.
nett, Auctioneer, has been inatruoted by the
undersigned to sell by Public Auction at Lot
21, Con. 9, Grey, on Tuesday, January 18th, at
1 o'olook sharp, the following property 1
span of general purpose horses 7 years old, 1
aged driving mare in foal,.1 driving colt rleing
2 years, 8 sows supposed in 0515, S heifers eup•
posed in calf, l0 half ars rising 2 years, 8 steers
rising 2 years, 6 selves, 6 pigs 8 months old, 1
brood sow, 86 hens, 1 lumber wagon, 2 Tight
wagons, 1 set bobsleighs, 1 buggy, 1 cotter, 1
Frost & Wood binder, 1 Deering mower, 1
Frost Sr Wood mower, 1 hay rake, l seed drill,
1 hay loader, 1 bay fork witp eengs, 1 set iron
harrows, 1 manure spreader, 1 Panning mill
with bagger, 1 Ellie gasoline engine, 1 outting
box, 1 Maple Leaf grinder, 1 sawing machine,
1 single plow, 1 2-turrowosi plow, 1 outlier, 1
root eulper,1 mint cart, 1 eat alnale harness, 2
sets plow harness, 1 pig trough, 1 step ladder,
1 extension ladder 82 feet long, 1 wheelbarrow,
1 stoneboat, 1 grain cradle. 1 eager kettle, 1
Incubator and broador, 1 National cream op-
erator, 1 bedroom suite 2 bedsteads, 1 cooly
stove, 1 coal o11 stove with oven,1 daisy churn,
obey Sons, uge, sb gun.
£60 Li nro[•onto It 76.
goatus. of barley, about 16 bus, of wheat and a
quantity of hay, also numerous other 'articles.
Bale without reserve as the proprietor has
sold hie farm, Terme—All sums of 05 and tin-
der cash ' over that amount 10 months credit
given. on furnishing approved joint notes ; 6
per dent off for Dash on aredlt 510000585.
ROBERT BARR, Proprietor.
'Our' Many
1Customers i
• We extend (reefings and 2
beet wishes for a Happy and
• Prosperous New Year, and A
• we desire to very heartily i
• return our thanks to all who •
n 1 way contributedin
i tzty y
malting the past Holiday
• 0oason one of the roost antis- 9
factory in many years, 0
James. Fox
• P. S.—Should any of one ens- •
tomer' have been overlook -
•j ed• when eending nut our
• Oalendars we will be glad to
•o have them call and 'get one,
Boar for Service.
The undersigned will keep for sorviee on Lot
10, Con. 7, Grey, the thoro'-bred shorthorn
Durham Bull, 0ieadowbroolr Alen .,40D828=.
Terme $1.60 to be paid an or before February
101. 1017. Pedigree may be seen on appliaa-
tlon. CHAS. A. LAMONT,
27-tf Proprietor.
An iadnetriona man who can earn 0100 per
month and expenses selling our products to
farmers. Must have some means for starting
expense' and furnish centred signed by two
i•eeponaiblo men, Address W, T. RAWLEIGH
CO., Toronto, Oat„ giving age, esoupation and
reterenoes.• 20-2
East Huron Agricultural Society
• The Annual Meeting of Beet Huron. Agrlonl.
turel Booiety will be :held in the Town Hall,
8ruasele, on Wednesday, January 1900 1016. at
1 80 o'olook p, m, Business of the Meeting Rs.
eeivlug the Anneal Statement and Auultors'
Report, appointing memfor the year 1910,
THOR. MILLER, President.
Pd.BI.A050, Secretary.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
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