HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-1-6, Page 4tr, g p & 4 7'liTX2?fiI?Ft JAN?JARY 6. zeta 'title is 1916. DUtllNioN Parliaman l rntaty izth, year; tc.'t 'Shite(' plan Weald be tar each Chairmen of Committee to dbiti With the work he bad iu hand eudlet the tilayor or Reeve melte peseing re ferenee only to snob snbjeote, al'eoPle want to bear from the teen who are sjending pubtie money and leave a will convene on tight to expect a report of their ateward- • 1 slop, kleve you heard and heeded the Em ire's call P ? Holum County Battalion requires (2Oo' s'urdy sena 1p its complement. A good-. ly number' are enlisting at various cen- tres and now that the holiday season is over there should be a great rally from every muuicipahty in grand old Huron. We ere well up to the best in 'County contribntlons and should make the i6tst ,Battalion the capsheaf in our offering to g the Empire. Wasrsius Dairymen's Association will hold their annual Convention at St. Mary; 0c January 151 and 13. This gathering should attract a large crowd as the question of milk, butter and cheese is veryclosely related re to to every. home and as a money maker is wen up to the top of the list on the (arm. One live practical address may be worth many a dollar in the course of 8 year to the person anxious to learn, St. Marys is handy by and Huron folk should be there in large numbers. Ie the Old Country parliamentarians were aware that their peevish, childish bickering in the House over the manage- ment ot the war was doing damage to the cause we wonder if they'd quit scrapping ? In this land we look to Euglold in taking our cue for many things hurt it is to be devoutly hoped a loftier tone, in the discussion of world problems, will be the attitude of Cana- dian M. P.'s and M, P. P.'s, in contra- d'ainetion to that of some lawmakers overseas, The fellow who abnses his liberty deserves to have it curtailed and with considerable emphasis too. Worm" it not be a good idea on Nomi- nation' Day, when large companies of ratepayers assemble to have a few special interests discussed. Take for instance the Board of Health and the Provincial law. Free -and easy chat by the Medical Health Officer, with tbe privilege of asking questions, would prove interest- ing and illuminating to the very people who are cxp,e ed to carry out its pro- visions. Then there is the question ot improved highways and the penny wise and pound foolish 8'-atute Labor way of doing. This was, u , doubt, the best in its time, but the pe, p.0 and the country have grown away from it and newer and better methods should be introduced. Sueposuuo every mother or father would refuse to give their permission to the enlistment of their son or sons, as perhaps many a reader of Ties PosT has dune what would happen ? The allies would go down to 'defeat and militarism would prevail. Otherwise coneeriptioo would become the law and every able- bodied man would be forced to enter the ranks, Battles can only be won by ample and constant supple of men and mnnitions and the future victories we expect will he the outcome of the will- ingness displayed in placing them at the King's command. Home ties are strong, filial and enduring but the in- tegrity and sacredness by the same loyal fellows who constitute these circles and when it comes to defending them from the hand of the marauder where is the man who would not rise in his might and say emphatically to the foe "Not a step further or you advance at the peril 61 your life," Eaglaod expects every man this day will do his dots. AT I,isist~well pylic meeting to discuss issues of interest to the town only one, out of the whole number of men elected to municipal office, at an earlier hour, put in an appearance. The query of ancient days might well be repeated "where are theq?" It is a mistaken idea that, an oratorical blow out Is re- quited by a Municipal candidate. If a man is unaccustomed to public address to attempt tbe grandeioquent is just as much out of place but there's a practical, ' chatty manner a inau can safely follow, expressiag his thanks, stating his case and commenting briefly on anything special, This pleases the ratepayer as it gives him a chance to ask a question if he so desires and it does the candidate good by breaking down that unwilling- ness to appear In public, The longer it is put off the more unwillingness to overcome. Get tip and go at it. Have a few notes of what is to be said and when through quit abort off. Listowel is not the only point where faint hearted men are minus when sought for, Most of these linencould talk to you hours at a stretch in their store or shop or on the street and their opinions probably, often superior to some people too ready to declaim. Too often, possibly, in the past one candidate has undertaken to cover the whole program and whether be did it or not this act Was an °pea door fee the anxloue one to remark: -- "Mr.— having covered the, ground so fully I'll not refer to the business of the THE WARRING NATIONS Of EUROPE To The falter of Toe 13eoese> s Poem. DEAR S1R,-W111 you' Wildly give the following letter an insertion in yoIIr journal. "I make peace and create evil The Lord do all these things," lea. 45:7. This passage does not haply that God takes any pleasure in the warringa of Natione, for He elaewhere pronunnees a judgrxett on ell triose who "delight K war," ar but it c n 1y income, , we thin k that I1e1,ve(rteea end employs it'n- . strumeutally for the putnehnteutof evildoers and the Natio/eta sins. Another passage reads, "He shed the blood of war itt time of peace," 1 Kings 2:5. This may be appropriate. ly applied it our clay to the Getman Kaiser, who is very largely almost ex- clusively we might say. answerable for the present ea 3,t cvar in Europe e au its t s unparallelled slaughter of men and o de- struction f property. But this clever unselfish and innocent ICaleer means well no doubt, that is, means well to himself and his Nation. Nor does he mean ill to other Nations, so long as tbey acquiesce in ministering to his and his Nation's physical needs. This, however may be said of all the irra- tiona 1 animals ma)s i n the ' universe, es and' o taking (hie position therefore, te, he simply claims an equality of kin with thern, The distinguished honor of the relationship in this connection we will not refuse him, nor here attempt to depreciate the Kaiser's claim to German justice and morality. God, through His word, further says, that "by Him, Kings reign and princess decree justice." He doesn't say, how- ever that all Kings "decree justice" or "reign in righteousness," and a refer. ence to the 01d Testament records shows that some Kings reign as scourges of other Kings and people's than their own, just as the German Kaiser seems to exist as a eourse I'or the punishment of Nations tor their sins in our day, he himself and his people being scourged and punished or their own iniquities at the same time. Of course he must assume a emblance of divine authority for his oiuge, or how could he be accepted as uthorative 1oneh'ng these mat- ers by hie worshipping people ? But again, if the National powers of Europe agreed to (mite in a Treaty for nntual defence and signed a Treaty to hat effect, they have of course a light o demand that each Nation sacredly thieve to their pledges and it ceutain- y would not be to the credit of either f those Dowers to be covetously plot- ing to break the League in its own ndividual interests and to be unscru- ulously aiming, not at peace accord= ng to the terms and design of the relay, but at war and this too upon he principle that "might is right" ud that whatever' is thereby obtained also right t Were such a course to e pursued by either of the Nations League, it would say little indeed r the religious or the moral eheract- r of its ruling powers, and to break his league by shooting and killing hose who for a number of years had een in amicable union with them ould bat increase their guilt and in- tensify their sin. This however is recisely the position in which Ger- any is found in her relation to the her contracting powers to -day, Great Britain it it is said, is fighting r the preservation of Empire and ermany and the German Kaiser, rough their lust of conquest and do - inion, are fighting for the preserve. of and further extension of the Inc. Do one and all of the Nations engaged with their military equip. ants for slaughter and destruction sea and land, represent the true inciples of the religion they each eseas. It would seem to us to be e. ere burlesque upon the name to so dge. We may blind ourselves to r faults, fai)iege and deserts, but cannot blindfold God and hence e all-round punishments inflicted by e Providence of God through this ar, unequalled as it hae been and 11 is, in bloodshed, material, destrue- on and suffering. God, Himself, is doubtless thus /fishing the Nations all round, ether they recognize their present rring conflicts as such or not. knowledgement of this may not be actly to the mind of any of the tions so engaged, but events pees - and past, as transpiring among m, certainly look that way and uId they see a change for the bet - they must change their program, h in relation to one another and to over -ruling, unerring Providence, lay down the weapons of your, re - lion against God, humanity and w Testament requirement and you y then but not till then, ask, ex. t and receive God's bieesing upon r National doings. When the ing Nations in this conflict agree o international Peace and a eon- uent return to comparative pros- ty, the others, in the general in- ert*, of the whole, should willingly mit to the terms. The country, ever in which the international ce gathering met from time to 0, was among the first and chief l0 Nations to ignore the terms of League and break the Treaty. inter natonal 3,r otherwise, no on has a right to lay down a law, ake any agreement opposed to tbe of Christ and of God as in the Testament recorded and to tle- ately do so and act accordingly, invite not God's blessings, but three. e German Kaiser is, I believe, a prof of religion, but who or what among the Nations is not a ppr�o. Or of religion of some'sort i� But in detail pear:Meetly and morally Weal ? 1f not, a higher than has said of such, "In pain $o ye hip me." So lay down the one of your rebellion against God humanity and you may then as f 8 d a a 0 p Tl a is b in fo inb w p m of f0 G th ti ea so on pr Po m ju 0u we 1h th w 611 ti ipvb wa Ac ex Na en the w0 ter bot an So bel Ne ma pee you lead sae t sq peel teh'e sub how Pea tim of 11 the But Nati or m Law New libel is to His Th pro ruler fesso is11 Scrip they wore Weep and • .. 4,Ma I�,. „4 we have salol l'1t ritlt to reealve SGud'e blessin r t9 l,' e eon e 1 n at of ! R e. q la op to which the Kaleel' aspires, is a big undertak- ing truly, but ft'oln whore did .he re- ceive the ponmi,eioi ? Oen God be supposed to roll all Other Natione • to enlarge his ? If not, who and what are at the root of Ilia eammieaion 2 A notable being once. started a war in Heaven, we are told, but he was turn- ed out and he doubtleeeOOW Milne/ices those who aro of a kiudted spirit, but Gail Will rule neveethelese and 11 will b be '1 in l l)t0p 8 8 g u 3,e s, Islay lb sane be Clearly man(feet who are upon his side and who are 001, ' Tee Kaiseree religion seems to be that of the °Mcially covetous kind, like that of the 01d Testament. Saul of lrtraus who, with Judas of our Lord's day, were commended for their cove. tousness. This religion is; manifestly not that of Love acid Goodwill to. wants his fellow (11011, as taught and e,ijOinsd by (Theist and the apoetes in the New Testament. What answer then will hegive9l when t i 0t 8 mllntlOtled by the Judge to give an account G of hie is stewardship y But le it not in very deed criminal, is it not indeed the very height' of crim- inality, as well as en uttel.gnenching of their God•givon .nationality, to be building cosily ships with 11r0 people's (none load thea t r with grain, a bread - stuffs, n, ead- stutf. merchandise,rml 'tie 0 3,a etc., C and then deliberately and by set pup - pose, one against the other, send them to the bottom of the ocean I Surely the Governments of the Nations, who thus do are mad, covetously mad, wickedly 111ad, tothns gather up the people's food and their children's bread to commit it to utter desttuc- tion or to feed the' fishes of the sea 1 Two steamers and ten Montenegrin ships loaded with provisions were sunk on Dem 7. Is it wonder that the providentially prolonged judg- ments of the Almighty are 81111 upon them Where is the spirit of Christ who fed the multitude with bread, while, those whn are of a different spirit front this, the reigning and governing powere of the Nations starve them, but they seem to "know not what manner of spit it they are of." Add to this the slaughtering and killing of hundreds of thousands, aye millions of useful citizens from the different countries so engaged. Truly we are living in strangely civil times, and all this misery and death and woe and want, just to gain a little more land to sow and a little more grain to grow, to feed the already full—tile sovereigns and sycophants of the warring nations. We of the Allies for freedom aid justice and right should we think, be specially interested as to the character and motive of the English in entering and taking part in the prosecution or this war as compared with the motive of the Germane: To keep their biter - national pledges in support of Peace and for the protection of one another and especially the weak, was and is professedly the leading motive of the Brittah while that of the German was evidenced by their unprovoked mad rush with a large army through Bel- gium 00 towards France, as though it wasn't enough for them to have got big slices of French territory when under the Bismarck policy but amid bloodshed, murder and wholesale de. struction of property, they would gratify their lust of conquest by seiz- ing and appropriating still more. Hear' it, ye heavens, and be as- tonished, 0 earth, for such is 20tH century, Germany ! May the God of Nations cause to be hamiliated those who deed, and make it effective for the good of all concerned. A pity, however, that men of the 20th century, instead of discarding and forever laying aside warlike and mur- derous inventions, are found every- whete multiplying -them and adding to their efficiency es such. It says little indeed for men's judgments and characters all round. They seem in- deed to be as bloodthirsty and rapa- cious in oar day as the irrational beasts of prey ; with the scriptural addition to their character of "fools," which 18 not attachable to beasts. If (nen were as "the beasts that perish" there (night be some excuse for their loudness, but being so-called rational beings there is none. But as we are making advancement in all kinds of useful inventions, it may be said, should we not make pro- gress also touching military inven- tions and equipments? We answer No ! unless you can prove yourself to be wiser and better than He who gives us to understand that the day is ap- proaching when "Swords shall he turned into plow shares" and when "Nation shall not lift up sword again- st Nation, nor learn war any more,"— Ise, 2:4. The whole business of those who up• hold militarism in connection with this war, is, allow rue to say, nothing abort of military madness. If, how- ever, the German Kaiser and his peo- ple are getting too numerous and too much crowded for their comfortable accommodation upon their Own soil, let them emigrate to count4'ies where they will bematle welcome and where there to plenty of room for !hem in- stead of going on a rnaeat/ding expedi- tion to rob other nations of their ingtthttny, is 1t0it le eleer t)l-llalnla aegsel internatimati row between the trona, and they are all, us poor Ric artl would pay, "Paying Ileac for tb whistle." We can, in fact, enlnpa the Natloue fu 001711101 re nothing k ter t trite two Iriltdca pugilists beati their eyes Out fora bit of money ; b they are worse and more pitiable a coldemnabie eiuee they levolve emelt. and 8o (natty through their' 1 eofrlparable madness, I it t e N1 ad h a n It a Nation so t n W1t11 a °r' elruler g3, ltt its brad who aspires universal compost, and to this et has no scruple abort raising, wemigl say, a hell upon earth, and devasta ing its fair face with widespread fi and sword, is not the kind of power which 20th eenl;ury Nations thou tamely submit, I see byan article as tbli e i the Toroto Star of Dec h101bh 101 that certain members of the Germs Reichstag are talking of Peace, bnt o terms that they themselves would ort pose` as victors, at the same tin charging the British r to and their d t 1r alli b with beginning the war, but nothin can be further from the truth, The themselves were planning, as someo them et tenet must know, for miner disturbance, conquest and enlarg nient of their territory before the brought it to a oliinax in their unto w, it th the Austria n a cuimnnat i tas i i g ltd in the access)( footed upon th British t s and their allies 1 s to take ncti r P against them from motives of self pro tection. And being hitherto at peat with those Nations, they were take, quite by surprise and c0nsegnoiht tel preparedness for the tear. This ac counts also foe the measure of emcee which attended the arms of the Ger mans and thele allies Its they over -ran and took> possession of the portions n territory which they thus soddenly assailed. It was thus they themseive who started and are answerable fo this cvar, as they must know. Bu what they have ill tbie way robbed o the Nations in territory, etc., they would fain retain as a "guarantee" 0 our allies' future good behaviour to wards them, as they now most ab- surdly claim ; since the "guarantee," ostensibly for "peace," should be given by them to our anter Nations, the territory seized and held by them be- ing surrendered as soon as they can be induced or made to do so. But in view of the underlying mo- tive of the Germanic powers for en- gaging in this war, which was clearly not forced upon them, except by their own native selfishness, we may forth. er observe that having from the. first obtained a decided advantage through their early plotting and prepaying for this unrightenns war of conquest, they now thick they have been sufficieii]y successful to dictate present terms of settlement. We shall see, but God will dnubtlese be the dictator what- ever the final issue may be, "Peace with honor" is certainly a desideratum, .but God must and will be tlreJudge as to wherein and with whom the sin of this insane conflict lies, Doubtless all the Nations in- volved are more or Less guilty, or the punishment would not have been suf. fered t0 be so prolonged. May God humble Nations that treed it. But having engaged in this war against German aggression and moral wrong the should fight to the finish, put our Guist in God and do the right as re - vented and made clear to us by the Unerring. Yours truly, - E. STEP13ENs. 1vU 1788 Ila+ )h- ejr re et• ng Ill t1d 80 n P - to id 11 t• re to Id 0 s, n i le e0 f y e. y e 0 e f y e r f JACKSON, MISS., MAN Tells HoW To Cure Chronic Cough Jackson, Miss.—" 1 am a carpenter, and the grippe left me with a .chronic cough, run-down, worn out and weak. I took all kinds of cough syrups without help. I read about Vinol and decided to try it. Before I had taken a bottle I felt better, and after taking.two bottles my cough is entirely cured, and I have gained new vim and energy."—Jolul L. DENNIS. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic, guaranteed for coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, run-down conditions. F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS I'Iegnlar Monthly Horse Fait's will be held in Brussels this season as follows: THURSDAY, JAN. Oth, 1010 FFIB.3rd, " " MAR.2nel, 1, " , APR. Oth, " leading local end Outside Buyers in attendance Bufter Wrappers GET THEM PRINTED AT . AtlOileill 4410s AUU•1ION $81.14 OF F, R51 111'01 TT, l51' t'i.t^ntnn9'8, a8Aix, -80 •-f il. ecot6' dee, 1io1e8r ea vEvolved 1 (8timede0s ;row kilo on, dereigned 00 roll by Pabl11 A uoti.ni aG bot a.0, Con. 14, 4.iraY, an iri'iday, J,ntnery 14311, 8t 3 p, tn., the followingg, property 1-1 Itotse rising 8 yeara,1 dire riana:7 years, 1 lieao'al pu,peeo mare rl8tng 0,l•ears, 1 mare milt ramie 4 yelir8, 11 (Iowa mmpossd 1, mil!, 2 Wrens risme 8 years snpppsed 3,r "all,, 1 fel r7W rOW, Tsteers 110180 2 Yea,'8, .5 ;Wirers rl. i ng d yeln'8, 0 et, era: "Wait 1 year, heifers rising 1 yyear 8 store Ira a 70 hens, 1 6lsasey-I1o, is blrrdi+ 0 r1. put, 0,104 Woodknower, lfertilizer °m3, 05111 nearly 9 yn v, 10cost 1 Y & nad loa, u v tm t o ,. h nNd er combined, 1 FrostWood hex Orly e Nader, 1dtorre rebs }0 featnanny 2 Wegone 1new, w tt Prat, 2 1,0(1g198,es, i err hob ret nth, 1 cutter, 1 1 walking plow, 1 riches plow, 'I24n,rtw gnn.g au plow, t set diamond harroym l x Sit •1• el•, tai. alp ptiteer,1 also harrow, 1 tiny peel, 1 stook reek, 1 est 2000 1i,. etudes, 1 fannin • Mill, 1 water tank, 1(travel box, 1 Wood reek, •-I.obop box, 1 unlet• (entre No. 5, 1- standard ()ream separator Me lbs net'rly 35W, 1 augnr kettle, 1 milk ear, 1 bay rack, mifngm, rupee and. pul- leys, I Cyelotie grass seed Sower, 1 Set double harneeS, 1 tot Blow harness, 1 801 8iagl4 bar - nem, 2logging <Amine, 10roes•cut Few, 22 pr'nw- bars, r , 0 ceder nis,,gelp t. lender,bush 120 ft ladder, m G 200 bushels gets, 4 htm W I bels mlsed 128 bushels a 1Rr,tws good hay. otlalltes 480 Haw r1,es t oAeaQloq• silo without o n reserve x thenr1,• prietpr kap sold his farm, Terms. —All sums. of $0,00 nndundor cash, over that amount Omorehcrenicondapmvnetont )011,5 01' 5% ' JOHN W.SANDERs, Proprietor. The People% Ooiumn can q P0100. SALE 95 hare Perm Maple o r g dl ining the Village Of Oran. brook, ter mils r c Good frame h.e, onnen, Melding, dl, °relard &o, Convenient 08r04l and obuhes, Termsto pull nut, ehaser For Further information apply totre. (11. Snarling, Oranbrash,OnEerlo, irAotwoirra HO1s FOR BALE,—The un- • dersigned line fol' mole an aged- them'. bred Tamworth hog, also a hog of same breed aged 5 tnontbs. For further particulars apply to JOSHUA POLLARD & SON; hot ea, eon, 11,.111cKillop, Walton P. 0. It, R. No. 1. 22.4 F AR61 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN.—Lot 8, Con. 4, Grey ; 100 acres Ott the farm is a two-story cement house and banes barn, Mao gond orchard,- For particulars apply to F. 8. SCOTT, brussels. =CR_BAGE,-50 acre farm in good state of• '. bridge, with Bret -plass brick house, banof k bar and straw abed, two good wells and spring. }night eaoh8nge for town property. Apply to RIOHARA JOHNSTON, Trowbridge, 15-8 Engines for Sale One 10' h p. Tractor Waterou, : 1 14 h. p,. portable White steam engine ; 1 438 0, p. gas°• ne engine, new : I s In. grinder and a cutting 1108. These 81701 nee are all in good repair and ropy be aeon at hot 2, Oon, us, Hallett. Would necepthoraea, if sound, 88 art pay. Phone 2218 4 .1. $ .11 No ,11 Sly th, -Debentures for Sale Morrie Township offers for sale 02.100 in School Debentures. running 10 years, sad bear- ing interest at 53191, Also $2,400 of Drain De- bentures, covering 15 years, at 5%. For fur- ther partioala1's apply to the Reeve or Olerk, Township alar, WEN, u ovale P. O. Property for Sale Theaarvin property, 7l4 mile South of Brus- sels corporation, containing 12 acres more or less, Is offered for sale. Fairly good acres, excellent orobard, all kind of fruit pad good garden. Possession on March 1st: For further particulars apply on the menthes or to Brtia- sNis P. 0. EDWARD GARVIN. 22.4 Phone 8028. 2= ACRE FARM FOR SALE IN THE VILLAGE) 05 ETfEL.--0n the premises incl good frame house and kitchen, good bank barn, orchard. &e. Possession given first of December. Terme to mutt purchaser. For further pertioulars apply to CHRISTOPHER REWARD, Ethel P. 0. JAMES TAYLOR licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call. Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P. 0. Property for Sale A. Bruagsels pSufficieitg o tnd on grow (feed for a horse or cow the year round : ale( 8 good run for poultry ; a number of bearing plum and apple trees • one•story frame house 25x28 feet Including kitchen : good (eller ; a frame stable and henhouse 14 x 24 fest ; Rood well : land in good state of miltivation. Particulars may be had by applying to the owner on the premises, SI61ON GRANT. II•*,r «next#•••••.q•••••A•••• 1 Wrist `W,' lc e M _ h.s hN r tops Time m r c 8 s theWrist ri Watch By Wth Nothing will prove more wet. $ 130110 0l• m0'e serablo than a • itaiilt.y fKtr1st Watch. Itis the i • vttglw, praelicttlly lEvlee.necessity, • • and certainly will be appreciat•, • odihiaObi lstouts season, Our •• W •, ilet iVatches at B10, $12 told • • $10 are guaranteed good 'tellable 01 • thee k seP eIs, We 'ewe the b e tin s et UCk. Let is h o • e 4 show you e • mu. line. • 1' 0 • •, The Watch for the Boy • • • The fleet watch marks one of the w • most eventful ud ntf i o ora i1, • boy's life, It things him a innse to of importance as well as of t'e- • s p i neibilit to It e t • P Y• does Haab to • • steady his character, Nothing • • will please him mare and our • 11 prices enable you to get a good • tone -keeper for little money. • Prices from $1,00 up • A Christian college -home, heAlthful situation, Torproapectueaad ternls,writo the Principal IK, I. W4roor, 74 A„P.D,, $t,TiloWgs,.Ont, ea I Brick and Tile • • •WENOTI RII . • Jeweller and. Engraver 1 Wroxeter - Ontario • e; Brick and all sizes of Tile are now to be had at the Cols & Daugherty YARDS • HENFRYN RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- et• Bowls for stock, &o, >ee airs to Primps promptly attended to. - Give me a call. A, HAMAhANN Craahraok s 4 1 "MADE IN CANADA” The Ford Runabout Price $480 A fine harvest—of pleasures and profits is reaped by the man who drives a Ford. For the trip to town—for a run to the neighbors—for a hurry -up drive any- where business or pleasure demands— there's no other car which will go so well at anywhere near the cost, The FordtTourlag Car is 1510 ; the Coupetet,4700 ; the Sedan $885 ; the Town Oar 1780. All prices are f. 0. 13, Ford, Ontario. All cars completely equipped, including electric headlights. Equipment does not include speedometer. Care on sale at S. °ARENS'S, Brussels, i tozommeracmgmer r0•••••••000ao C/••••o••••••s c 0•••••••••••6••••••••eeta esoo.®oa0®®®000•oosoososO•i 0 a a m Chevrolet "Four-Ninety"B 0 • is s a c3, a to a a St a 6 a W m Value -in -head Motor• •. • • • e r 0 0 0 s a 0 0 0 i r • • • • e i f i 'hu Post PuhlishingHouse A complete • p line of Repairs will always be in stock, w ATTRACTIVE WORK MODERATE PRICES 41 • i o•••••••••••••••••,i1••••4N•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "The Product of Experience" i _ 31 • H 10 e • • 0 10 a Powerful and 0 Quiet Wing • • • ce • Price Complete $675.00 F.O.B. Oshawa A 0 0 Regular Equipment. Mohair Tailored Top. Envelope and Side Curtains, Electric , Horn, Oleo Vision Ventilating Wind Shield. Speedo/nettle, Electric latae ling and Lighting System, Ammeter and License Brackets, • NOiE,—Owing to the great demand for this Cer, we would suggest piecing your order early to ensure delivery. We use the Stewart Speedometer, Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Li 10111, with Bendix brive snipe t Lighting S , type grade as used on the high-priced cars. P. AM ENTI Agent Brussels c{ 8