HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-25, Page 8IES ON, blit we are ready to serve pia right tip to Friday night. Those who have still much of their Christmas shopping to do, will find many helpful suggestions by looking over our large stock %� " if holiday goods. Here are some. last minute suggestions ;- Kodaks Matte one of the best presents going your boy or girl would appreciate one - Brownie Cameras from $z up, and Kodake from $7 op, New Books My Year of the Great War, by Palmer $ r 50 A Par Country, by Winston Churchill 1 5o. In'Pimes Like 'These, by NeUie McClung . r o0 Tba Lost Prince, by Frances Hodson Burnett....... r 35 Anne of the Island, by L. M. Montgomery,.,.......... a 35 These are selling. Also have many little Gift Books, nicely bound,from 150 up. Full atock of Bibles Sud Hymn Books, A Box of Stationery Something the person eotting it can always use more of, and really pretty boxes are to be had at 200 and 25c each. Boxes containing the high grade kid finished Paper and Envelopes can be had at 350 and 500 each, Chocolates Are needed to make Christmas complete, We carry Lowney's, Liggett's and W iliards ; and have a.great variety of packages from 250 up to $2. Fancy Goods Pretty Pictures, Parisian Ivory, Ebony Brushes and Mirrors, Brass Ware, Writiug Portfolios, Stationery, Manicure Setts, &c, See what we have. For the Children New Games, Toys, Puzzle Books, Picture Books, Story Books, Dolls, Toys, &c. There will be no difficulty in getting something for them, New Year's Cards Our large assortment of New Year's Greeting Cards and Postal Cards will be on display Monday. Come in and pick them out while the stock is at its best., rhe. 1� Store F. R. S M 1 T H DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. foal l els> ins MERRY Christmas. GET ready to write 1916. HAVE you had the measles ? SATURDAY will be Christmas, CHRISTMAS and New Year's Day will be Bank holidays. MERRY Christmas to every reader of THE BRUSSELS POST. :THE skating rink is being well pat- ronized and the ice is good. Nina monthly Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday. January 6th. CALL and see the new photographer in the former Maitland studio:over G. N. MoLaren's store. Good work is guar- anteed, THE Willing Workers of Melville church are making arrangements for a Scotch Entertainment to be given on the evening of Jan. 25th, 1916. STARTED Ur. -The chopper at Brus- sels Electric Light Works has started work again. A fiaker is also being add- ed for the benefit of customers, See their advertisement. r r A MEETING of Directors of East Huron Farmers' Institute will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Council Chamber to map out the program for the coming meetings of the Institute. A summityoung of OUn men in this lo- cality I' purpose enlisting in the new Y P P Huron Co, Battalionas soon as Christ- mastide rush is over. There should be no trouble in securing 25 recruits in Brussels and locality. CAPTAIN ALLAN, the new Quarter- master of the 161st, Huron C. E. F., was here on Wednesday distributing uni- forms and'stores. There is now a suit ready for every young man who desires to uphold the Empire. See Lieut. D. S. Scott, Ran CROSS FINANCES --The funds of Brussels Red Cross Society have been nicely augmented during the, past week by the receipt of $32 35 from the Enter- tainment in S. S. No. 3, Grey township ; personal subscriptions of $3.00 from Miss Bessie Moses ; $5,00 from R. C. Deadman and $5.00 from George Manning, $45.35 in all. Proceeds of "Minister's Bride" Entertainment totalled $119 75 and Miss Hunter's china, $63,00 ; S. S. No. 3, Morris. En- tertainment, $50.75. Treasurer Row- land is ready to receive further dons. tions for aid to our soldier boys. Miss KATIE HEWITSON CALLED IN HER Yount. -We are sorry to be called upon to report the death of Miss Katie Hewitson. who passed away on lath inst., at Park Head, Ont„ where she was teaching school. She was only 22 years and 7 months old. An attack of bronchitis was followed by hemorrha- ges and after 2 weeks illness she suc- cumbed, Funeral took place on Tues- day Of last week, burial being made near Chesley. F. S.Scott and P.and Mrs, Scott, to whom deceased was re- lated, attended the last sad rites, Miss Hewitson spent 5 ,ears in Brussels at- tending school and was a bright, young lassie. She afterward spent a tem 'at the. Normal in Toronto. Her early de- mise is regretted. WOMAN DIES FROM BURNS. -As the result of burns she received in putting coal oil on a freshly lighted fire, Mrs. Mettle Ames, 477 Pacific avenue, Winnipeg, a mother of 4 daughters, died Saturday lith inst., in the Gener- al hospital, Her death was due to shock rather than burns, though there were serious burns about the face, arms and body. Icer husband, T. E. Ames, a contractor, was also burned when he rushed to her assistance and rolled her in a blanket, extinguishing the flames. Had it not been for his quick work she might have been burned to death at the time and the house also consumed. The funeral was- Held the following Tuesday afternoon from Zion Methodist church to Brookside cemetery, ReV. J. L, Batty officiated. The deceased lady was a Miss Braden, of LOndou locality. Mr, and Mrs, Ames were married so years ago, She was about 5o years of age. Mrs, Ames Was a sister•iu•law Of Mrs. D. C. Ross, of Brussels, PosTOPvtOE will be open from 8 to g a. no. and from 5 to 6 p. no. on Christ- mas day. Tire retiring Public School Trustees in Brussels this year are Jas. Fox, D C. Ross and R. Leatherdale. Alt are eligible for re-election. A no +MLY addition of new books bas been placed on the shelves of Brussels Public Library, which will no doubt be appreciated by the readers MEASLE quarantine rather upset some of the arrangements on the Christmas program but these things have to be borne with as good a grace as possible. Goon work was done by the snpw plows during the past week in opening up the sidewalks. The pedestrians ap- preciated the thoughtfulness of those who did the work. - o WANTED. -20 cords of hardwood, beech and maple, 4 feet long, to be delivered at Metho- dist Church, Brussels, before end of January, R. LEATHERDALE, Chairman Property Committee. "TOP cutter, almost as good as new for sale. Apply to G. A. BEST, Bruasele. Phone 4, TRY our Oottosnet in pound packages. BARKER BROB., Br II13Bela. 1.for sale050 per 600. A pl8 inch good di e e R. 1000, Apply to D. E. Handers, Brnseels, R. B. No, 8. Phone 8118. APARTMENTS to let in the Grahamblock lately vacated by the Pryne family. MALCOLM BLACK. To RENT. -20 to 28 acres of lend with good r els. end house 4,r the villa Brussels. bora a e of Hg Jeweler, Brnseels Apply to W. F. BTaETTGN, Pp y A GOOD house for sale with stable and fruit trees. Apply at Tee Poem. O- A VERY successful Red Cross Box Social was held last Friday evening in the school house, Elma township, where Miss Hazel Lowry, of Brussels, is the teacher. Splendid time was enjoy- ed $56 6o were the receipts. This fine sum was divided as follows :-Sick Children's hospital, Toronto, $5,00 and $ro to the G'ri's Surgical Club, Atwood and balance to Elma Centre Patriotic League, Atwood. Miss Beth Kerr, and Hartley Menzies, Craobrook, sang solos at Social. MATRIMONIAL. -A happy event, al- ways full of interest, took place at "Riverside Cottage," the home of Wm. and Mrs, Telfer, Church street, Brussels Wednesday evening of this week at 6 o'clock, when their youngest daughter, Miss Kate, was united in marriage to Wm, G. Farquharson, of Provost, Alberta, formerly of Walton locality,. As the Wedding March was played by Mrs. Walter Davidson, the bride's sister, the principals took their places before a bank of Rowers and holly in the parlor, where the ceremony was performed by Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A. The good looking bride, who was given away by her father. was very becomingly attired in a gown of golden brown taffetta which was worn ou a similar occasion by her mother 41 years agoo and carried a beau - tmful bo net of white carnations and lily of the valley. After hearty congratula- tions the guests to the number of 30, be Ing confined to near relatives, sat down to a well prepared wedding dinner to which ample justice was clone. Bride's health was proposed in felicitous terms by the officiating Minister, to which the groom responded appropriately. The wedding gifts were numerous, valuable and well selected, The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome muskrat tur coat and muff to match, A pleasant evening was enjoyed by the company who separated with inany good wishes for the health and prosperity of the hap- py couple. Mr. and Mrs. Farquharson will make their home at Provost, Alta., bill will not go West for a month or so as they .purpose visiting relatives and friends in Ontario. The bride's going away Costtlme consisted of a navy blue gaybardine suit, with a Tuscan silk blouse and mink hat, Mrs, Farquhar- son is highly esteemed by a wide circle of relatives and friends and Mr. Far- quharson is to be congratulated on securing 00 clever a young lady as the Among the guests from outside points were :-M•rs. C. Archibald, of Provost, Alta„ sister to the groom Jnn. and Mrs, Scott and D, and Mrs. McKellar Cromarty and Miss U. Ewan, of Detroit ts4,044,4*•••••••♦••ffoO•00#0 00$40.444+1•0i.0fi#.4000.14 4 East Huron Produce Emporium 1 • . o • Prices O • ltltt=f41+• Selected strictly New Laid Eggs 40c i • Fresh gathered Eggs - - 32c p o Selected Dairy Print Butter 26c • Light -weight Prints and Unlabeled • ••• • ♦ • Wrappers, Solids and Rolls - 240 Dress Chickens, Roasters and Broilers, • crate fatted, showing quality - 14c i 'Number of Feeding Coops for sale at 750 each • 500 bushels Feeding Wheat wanted. • • • R. THOMSON i BRUSSELS 1 • o ••••♦••••••••••••••♦•♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Service Next Sunday Regular preaching services will be held next Sundap in Brussels, but the Sabbath Schools and Young People's gatherings will be can- celled. The purpose is to shield the ohildten. After the holiday last Sabbath the congregations should fill the churches next Sun- day, particularly as it is the Ohtistmaetide, P. AMENT received a new Chevrolet car this week which will he placed on exhibitiou He bas the local agency A LETTER from Belgium written by Andy Speers to bis sister in Brussels is to band and will appear in next week's issue of THE Pos'r, CHrI1''MAs GIFT.- The finest Christ- mas gift a mac can make is the offering of himself to the Empire by en'ietment. Your friends will appreciate it and you spend a happy Christmas knowing you have done your duty. NOMINATION Day next Monday. Be sure and attend. The exercises will be held in the evening, at 7.3o o'clock as usual in Brussels. If there is an election N, le. Gerry and P. Scott will be the Deputy Returning Officers of the polling places in the Council Chamber and the Public Library, DIED AT DENVER. -- The sad news reached here Monday of the death of Hector McQuarrie, of Grey township, in Denver, Colorado. from an attack of la grippe, last Saturday. Body is being brought home and is expected to arrive in a few days. Funeral arrangements were not made when THE POST went to press. Mr. and Mrs. McQuarrie went to Denver to spend the Winter and to aid Mrs. McQuarrie's health. SHOWER,- Miss Kate Telfer was treat- ed to a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Lizzie Downing, Flora street, her marriage anis prior to h last Fridayv s and received many file gifts. Shakes- peare couldn't write poetry like the sam- ples accompanying the presents. The recipient suitably acknowledged the kinds nese. A jolly time was spent and a tasty Much served. Many good wishes were voiced for tutu re happiness. ATTEND the Nomination proceedings in your Municipality next Monday and show your interest as a good citizen. You have a right to ask gnestioos con- cerning municipal affairs and it should be somebody's business to supply the de- sired information if it eau be given. If your way points to office you have a good right to do your part and share in the responsibility of good government. A loyal support of men who are doing their duty should be accorded and pubic expression of appreciation ten- dered where it is deserved. Some people are splendid kickers but very backward in building up what they sometimes batter down. Every ratepay- er atepayer should manifest a keen interest and the municipal machinery will do its work all the more satisfactorily if you lend a hand in its best interests. People We Talk About Miss Elsie Wilton is home from her school at Harriston. Miss Lin. i Colvin, is home from Wind- sor for a few weeks holiday. Alan Mann 'shame from the Technical School, Toronto., fur the Christmas vacation. Miss Laura Hooper, of Exeter, was a visitor with her auct, Mrs. (Rev.) Mann, last week. James Sharp, who has been i11 with pleurisy. is improving and will soon be we ho convalescentpe, Lieut. Porter, of Goderich, is here aiding in the recruiting program of the 161st Battalion at this point. Miss Lizzie McArthur is home from Moorefield for her vacation. She goes to Ethel to teach after New Years. Miss Beatrice Harris and Lloyd Jack- son And George Edwards are home for the holiday from Stratford Collegiate, Mrs. Geo. Rogers and Miss Nina, of Portage la Prairie, Man.. are here tor.a WANTED! Billets for Soldiers To Train in Brussels for the 161st Overseas Huron Battalion lst-All those who can accommo- date soldiers with both lodgings and meals. 2nd -Those who can accommodate lodger's only. 3rd -Those who can accommodate boarders only. State number you can accommo- date and terms you will charge. :This board money will be guaran- teed by the Government and will be paid on the 16th and last days of the month. - Send above particulars to LIEUT. SCOTT, 16105 Huron Overseas Batt. Brussels. ' Principal and Mrs. B. S. Scott have gone to Collingwood for the holiday. Mrs. Jas. Duncan, Atwood, was visit- ing relatives and friends in Brussels last week. Miss Maggie McNabb is home from an extended visit with relatives and friends in the W.est. Miss Mary Coates, who went with her, is remaining and is nursing the latter's sister-in-law, who is Monday of this week Mrs. George Cardiff underwent asuccessful operation and her wide circle of triends trust she will make a speedy recovery to better health than she has had for the past. year. Dr. Knechtel, of Winuipeg, was a caller on relatives and friends in Brus- sels for a day or so; going on to Wing - ham to see his sister, Mrs. (Rev,) Perrie, while enroute to his home. He had been called to Ottawa owing to the de- mise of his brother Abraham. Free Frees The Winnipeg F speaks as e follows :-"Miss Annie E. Finlayson, a bride of this month, was the guest of aehower honor ata miscellaneous ow given recently by Mrs. E. A. Tones. Strad - brook Place Among those present. were : Mrs. H. F. Anderson, Mrs, J, A. McKerchar, Mrs. A. McLeod, Mrs J. H. Green, Mrs. D. W. McKerehar, Mrs. Geo. Lyon, Mrs J. Lyon, Mrs, J. W. T. Dickson, Mrs. A. G. McArthur, Mrs. J. C. Shortill, Miss B. McDougall, Misses C. and M. Campbell. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Annie E. Finlayson, of Edmonton, Alta„ to Harold Richards, of this city, which trok place in Augustine church, on Saturday evening, Dec. 4 Rev. Dr. Andrew Baird officiating," The groom is a trustworthy, agreeable young man, the youngest son of I. C. and Mrs Richards, of Brussely, and holds a good position on the staff of the Dominion Bank in Winnipeg. Many old friends here extend cordial congratulations and hope their sail over the matrimonial ocean may be a smooth voyage with just enough squalls to give diversity to life. STANDARD BLANK OF CANADA (HEAD orrIcE - TORQNTO EVERY good Rank has a RESERVE FUND as a pro- s rainy" day, vision for lean years and the inevitable y d y This Fund has been accumulated from Surplus Earnings and is a source of strength and stability. Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it no one Is In a safe financial Condition. Our Savings Department offers an ideal opportunity for EST 'D 1873 establishing YOUR RESERVE FUND, ' 209 ._ BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, El 0-m manager. Misses Hattie Downing, Berva iii'yans, Jean Armstrong and Carrie Meet acken and Jno, Henderson and Frank Scott all teaching in 'Toronto, are home for the Christmas holidays, W. B. Strachan, lack and Charlie Leckie Vernon Rosa, Bob Warwick 'and Harold Armstrong, of Toronto, will eat their Christmas turkey at theirre- spective homes here.. A 0. and Mrs. English and children. of Harding, M-tuitoha, are welcome visitors At the home of George and Mrs. Covin, the parents of Mrs. English. They will spend a few months in Ont- ario. Church Chimes The Week of Prayer willhe observed in Brussels by the holding of union ser- vices. For 1916 the International series of Sunday School lessons will. be found in the New. 'Testament Meitland Presbytery met in Wingham 'I`uesrlav of this weak. Rev. Mr. Mann and A. D, Grant attended from town Instead of holding the'nsuel service on Christmas morning in St. John's church it will be held the following day, which is the Sabbath, The Chris.mas entertainment that was to toe held by St. John's Sabbath School Thursday evening of this week is postponed for week owing to the quarantine. Judging by the number of regrets ex- pressed over the withdrawal of Sabbath services in the churches people woke up to the Gospel privileges that are ours but often unappreciated by their regularity and frequency. - A week from next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Craik, of Walton, will preach anniver- sary sermons in Brussels Methodist church. Be is said to be a fine speaker. Rev. Mr. Wren will conduct anniversary services at Walton on the same date Result of the vote on Church Union in Maitland Presbytery: -For - 1528,. against 2855, majority against 1323, 1156 did not vote In Huron Presbytery the story was different as there was re- corded for union a majority of 638. The vote stood for 2247 against 16,19 There are 26 congregations in Huron r Presbytery. Bruce P e• b tery gave a majority: of 54 for. +• BRUSSELS • • • p.hoto g. • • STUDIO i • .+ Re -opened ,l 4' We make all Sizes of Photo - ,p• graphs from post cards up. 4. •+1• All kinds of Enlargements. . •+I' ,y Now would be a good time to • have your family group taken. +p, Wedding Groups a specialty, •h ,+p, A cordial invitation is given to ' + the public to call and see us. .p. •+l, All work guaranteed and prices + • reasonable. + + Now is the time ,to order your + 1 ,, +pChristmas Photos. One dozen .'l1q'. Photos make a dozen Christmas .p• • Presents. I se 4 t • Free Bros. i. PROPRIETORS +i•++++•t. ••t•+*+++++•t••t•++•+•+++ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦••••••♦••♦•••i•♦•••••• • • • Quality Seekers Buy from •S • • • A. • Y s • • • 8 •• • • • • A fresh Supply • holiday with relatives and old friends. 40 OF OT • R. McKay 8' • A Large Stock• • Prices are the Lowest. Walton Read Walton news on page 5 of this issue. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Thornloe will conduct the services in Duff's church au the pastor, Rev. Mr. Lundy, Will be at Brampton for Owlet Mae. Wnr. and Mre. Fulton, Brampton, will spend Christmas at the manse with Mre. Lundy and het parents, J. and Mrs. Fulton, who have been visit - big Rev. and Mrs. Lundy for the past few months. The anniversary services in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath were of a profitable character. Rev. Dr, Sommerville, Clerk of the Gener- al eneral Assembly, 'Toronto,' occupied the pulpit and preached good practieal sermons.. Mooning theme was "The Ministry, its qualifications and re- sponsibilities" and in the evening the subject was "The .ideal home." Fi- nancial contributions were $150. BORN GLAserse.-ln. Grey township, on December 17th, 1915, to Mr. and Mre. Daniel Glassier, a eon -Stewart Randolph. MOOAnTNEY.-In Tuckersmith, townehip, on December 19211, 1016, to Mr. and Mrs. George McCartney, a son. MARRIED FAnQURARBON-TELF5R; At the home of the bride's parents. 'Riverefde Cottage," on Decembet22nd, 1915, by Rev A, J. Mann, B A., Mr. Wm G. Farquharson. of Pro- vost. Alta., to Miss ro•vost.Alta.,50Miss Mite Telfer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Telfer, Bruseele. DIED ,4M55. -In Winnipeg, on Des. 111h, 1016, Mettle Braden, beloved wife of E. Ames, aged 60 ye. Hnwrma,arsIn Pnrk Heed. Ont.. on December 1 12th, 1916, Katie Hewitson, aged 22years and 7 months. HAINea.-In Tnrnberry, on Deo. 201h, 1016, Mrs. Mary Haines, aged 75 years, 8 months and18 days. BLY.-In fine M n4,, Miah., on Dao 9th, 1015, Catherine lNetIm , widow of the late W. Sly, formerly« of Ottervplle, Oat., in her 82nd year. Municipal Elections Township of Morris The annual meeting of the Electors ofthe of s for the Nomination oda of Mhe o Township candidates forsfor the aloes of will be and Coun- cillors oon- alllorsfor the iyearon 1918, will December held n the' Township Hall on Monday, 11s27th, from 12 to 1 o'clock. and it a poll be necessary such poll shall be opened on Monday. January lird, at the usual polling -places at 2 S. m. and close et 5 p. m. A. MaIDWEN, • Returning Officer, Morris Township, coon sirs D be able to find Gifts hat will T aatiefy'your own -good svill, please the remittent and still remain within the limits of your pocket book is no easy mutter. We al's certain though that you will find in our `stock the items that wiI best combine these three essentials. Our stock comprises a great variety of most desirable gift lines, Let us show them to you; Games, Toys, Dolls Fine Toilet Articles, Perfumes, . Chocolates, Fancy China, Pretty Boxed Paper, Fountain Pelts,' Flashlights, Bibles, Hymnals, Books, Xmas Booklets, Xmas. Cards, Pretty Calendars, Manicure Accessories in Ebony and Ivory, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Safety. Razors, Fancy Clocks, Travelling. Sets, . &c. Good • Service With the desire to serve our cus- tomers promptly and well we have considerably increased our staff - and we can assure our. friends who favor us wlth their patronage of a prompt and courteous service and will be very inch pleased to have an opportunity of showing our stock. James Fox Druggist and. Stationer. P. S. -Xmas Decorations, Tags, Seals, Tinsel; &c., in great variety. Engines for Sale One 16 h. p. Tractor Watoroud : 1 14 h. p. portable White steam engine ; 1'4j5 h. p. gasp• line engine, new ; 1 8 in. grinder and -a cutting box. These engines are all in. Rood repair and may be seen at Lot 2, Con. 18, Hallett. Would accept horses, if sound, as part pay. 26-4 J. H. WHEATLEY', Phone 2818 R. R. No. 1, Blyth, Debentures for Sale • offerssale $2.100 in School Township s. running for s s $ InC Interest rest al 9 %. Also ,0 0 of and Drain De-. ingtures, covering oy ringo• Alar , at0%f orDe- bentures, part Mars apply lyyo 12, Reeve For for. Cher particulars PPplyco the Reeve or Clerk. Township Clerk, Hlnevale P. O. i• claren• G. N. M Daylight ht S tore Brussels y9• arLp,,nt'+I'aC4i 4?e1W',..„,. eNb'Vf4,'4,'4r0r4+s,nL'4; W's„ „„„„„, I e1'hAe'On '4 t i t'ar'„'lFlu'p'gy'6^,..., „.....-. • • • • •4, • i• fior Christmas • . Ready • • ♦ • o •• iOur stocks are now completed. New goods and at • lowest prices. Choose useful Christmas Gifts • • for easy choosing. • Z• •• i • ♦ i for old and young.All nicely arranged S • • • ••• • i • • • • • ••• • ••• • • 4. 4. • •• • • • ••• • S• i •40,• i Dress Goods Silks Readywade'Waists Hand Bags Unebrellas Underclothing all sizes Furs, Stoles and Muffs Silk Scarfs Fancy Apron Handkerchiefs Collar Setts Mitts Gloves Fancy Linens Japanese Make H Traveller's eller's am le Set of. av Sample Fancy Pins at regular Price Sweater Coats -all Sizes Knitted Underskirts Fancy House Slippers Overcoats Fur Coats Fur -Collared Coats Suits --all Sizes Odd Pants Handkerchiefs -all Kinds Silk Scarfs Underclothing• Shirts-SplendidAesortment • Ties- Splendid Assortment Caps -all .Sizes i Braces and• Ties in Indivi- dual Boxes Gloves • Sweater Coats • Umbrellas • • Felt and Leather Slippers Rubbers -all Sizes (Granby) j Etc., Tito. •• • 4 • • •• • • • • • 0 • • • Cecil and Mrs. Day and Mrs. H. Day, Gerrie, were visitors at the home of A. J. Lowry, Mrs. Day sr, is extending her stay, ' Peter Hall and Miss Mary Hall, of Toronto, are visiting at Howard Hall's, Brussels and James Hall's. 6th line Mrs. Geo, 'reason was in George- town last week attending the funeral of her cousin, George Hume, a roan of 73 years Of age. A number of the soldier boys from Quick rr • various training camps ore expected to1 . Delivery N visit their respective homes here during G ■ N ■ McLaren! the Santa Claus period. • Misses Lovette Ballantyne .and Amy PHONE 40x A. R. MCKAY 2 Highest Pricesfor • •g o Produce. • •• Roe and Wilfrid Lott arrived home ]ant Friday from Stratford Normal School •• Y for file till Cl BtmaB Vacation. 1♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦* *♦♦♦♦••♦♦ Y ♦♦•♦♦♦••A♦♦♦♦♦••♦i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•• __ i • • l t, Currants, Raisins, Peels Fancy Bon Bon i • • Boxes, Our Stocks are complete. . • t and Spices. Mixed Nuts, i w • We have Useful Gifts for Young and Old. • i Everything, for Christmas Fruits and all Kinds of • • • •Balcin Confectionery, -CA CALL AND r 00K Tr• R0IJGH r g : ICOMPARE PRICES. S •• ••