HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-16, Page 8Ready for Christmas
D have our r i and new stock of Christltlas Goods in place, and you will find
Minh satisfaction in selecting Christmas Gifts from it, Whether you have
25 Cents to spend, or that many dollars, we think you will be able to find
scone Christmas cheer from what we have. Hear are a few of the lines :—•
Did you ever hour anybody on your list
s0Y they wlehed-they had a Kodak or
Brownie Camara 0 Kodake from $7 up and
Brownie Cameras frmn $2 up. Snap Shot
Albums, with R few nice Prints as a start
mattea present that Is a ''little different,"
Whether given to one person or not to
something that will give pleasure to the
whole family, and will be listened to with
much satisfaction eaob time a new reoord
is put on, We have them from $21.00 up.
New double disc Records—there are some
good °nee at Oho,
Boxed Stationery
or Papeteries
Many aloe boxes at 250•, also cheaper boxes.
And more pretentious paokageo at 60o, OOc
and up to $2.00, Many of the boxes this
year are plainer than before, and the value
put into the quality of the Paper.
Parisian Ivory
New pieces ere the little Photo, Trainee,
ea fashion cans for these to match the
other pieces on the dresser. They some at
25o, 85e and 40o, We also have almost all
the separate Toilet and Manicure Pieces,
Nothing like it for standing the wear of
every -clay nee. A. Hair Brush, or some
piece for the nails, is something that would
be appreciated,
Haveland China
We Darr the two patterns—White and
Gold, end vthe Scattered Floral pattern, If
you have a friend collecting either of these
two patterns give them another piece this
New Books
Pollyana Grows Up, by C. Porter,
Anne of the Island, by L. M. Montgomery.
In a Far Country, by Winston Churchill,
In Times Like These, by Nellie McClung.
The Lost Prince,
by Frances Hodson Burnett
And many others,
For Boys
How would n Flashlight or Fountain Pen
suit 0 These are two thins tont any boy
would appreoiate. Flashlights from 860
up, and good Fountain Pens from $1,00 up.
Brass Goods
Jardanlers, Candle Sticks, Fern Pots,
Kettlee, &c, Very popular at the present
Christmas Bells, Garlands, Tinsel and Tin-
• sal Ornaments, and Christman Stockings,
For the Children
Many new Games and Toys, Picture Books,
Blocks and Dolle. Try some of the new
Canadian made Toys.
Christmas Post Cards and Booklets, White Tissue Paper, Tags, Seals, Ribbons
and everything for decorating the Christmas parcel.
The Store
fool Xieb3s Pons
FuR found, Ask at THE POSTt
MODEL Schools close this week,
TUEsnAY of next week will be the
shortest day of the year.
HURON's Sons are asked to do their
duty. Let us enlist now with Lieut- D.
S. Scott, Brussels, Recruiting Officer.
LosT.— Friday evening, Dec. Toth.
$5.00 was lost between Ethel and
Brussels, via 8111 Con. The finder will
do the loser a great favor by leaving it
CHRISTMAS RATES.—Single fare on
railways good going Friday and Saturday
Dec. 24 and 25 and returning Monday,
27th. s¢, fare tickets are good going Dec.
22 to 25, inclusive, returning on 28th.
WHAT was the apple in the Kaiser's
eye? Not Belgium nor the British Isles
but this fair Canada of ours. Enlist
now and do your duty so that we and all
ours will have the prized freedom we
now possess.
THERE will be no meetings of Brussels
Red Cross Circle until further notice.
An desiringwork or yarn in the mean-
a be supplied byapplying to
m p
Miss Belle McDonald, Mrs. Jessie Kerr
or Mrs. Jennie Thompson.
CROWDED.—Our space for news has
been badly crowded this week to make
room for the Christmas advertising that
came to hand late in the week. If you
save money by reading these announce-
ments you will probably excuse us this
time. See what is to be said and test
the quality and price.
ham Knechtel, Dominion Inspector of
Forests, who died at his home in Ottawa
on Friday. atter an illness of a week, was
well known locally as Brussels was his
birthplace. He was a son of late John
N. Knechtel. The deceased was 59 years
of age, and is a brother to W m. Knechtel,
McKillop, Dr. Knechtel, Winnipeg, and
Mrs. (Rev.) D. Perrie, Wingham. For a
number of years he was connected with
the department of Forestry and was well
versed in his work in which he took great
delight. He visited Brussels 6 or 8 years
ago and gave an illustrated lecture on
the subject which is well remembered,
Mr. Knechtel was a fine man and his de-
mise will be sincerely regretted and the
relatives deeply sympathised with.
Au old and highly esteemed resident of
Brussels passed peacefully away last
Sabbath morning in the person of Mrs.
Edward C. Lowry, who had attained to
the good old age of 82 years. She had
been in failing health for the past few
years yet when at all able to be about
her indomitable pluck was demonstrated,
Mrs, Lowry's maiden name was Sarah
A. McCurdy, and she was born in the
West Indies. Coming to Canada her
home was near Guelph where she was
united in marriage to the late E. C.Lowry
66 years ago who predeceased her 17 years
this month. After a sojourn of about 8
years in Elora the family took up resi-
dence in Brussels nearly 39 years ago
and Mr, and Mrs, Lowry lived here con-
tinuously up to their being ;called to the
Better Land. The sons are :—Daniel,
Toronto ; George and Alfred, Brussels ;
Edward, Wroxeter ; Fred„ Port
Huron : Will., London ; and Walter, of
Brussels. There were also 4 daughters
all deceased, Mrs. Wm. Donnelly, Mrs,
Wesley Hunter, Cordelia and Mary A.
Deceased was a true wife, a loving
mother and a good neighbor. She was
a Loyal member of the Methodist church
for many years and lived and died in
confident trust in her Saviour. One
brother, Stephen McCurdy, of Oxford
County, survives, The funeral took
place from the home of deceased's son,
Geo. A. Lowry, Princess street, Tues-
day afternoon to the family plot in
Brussels Cemetery. Rev. D. Wren
conducted an appropriate service, Mrs,
Lowry had only been in bed for about a
week. She was kindly and ladylike in
her manner and was esteemed by a wide
circle of relatives and friends, 6 sons
were the pallbearers.
LET us show our manhood by enlist-
ing now and by so doing protect our
own, avenge Belgium and Miss Cavell
who is last but not least.
OWING t0 the prevalence of measles
the 'Trustees of Brussels Continuation
and Public School thought it wisdom to
close until after Christmas vacation,
hence Wednesday noon the pupils were
dismissed. School will open on January
MEMBERS of Western Star Lodge, I.
0. O. F., Brussels, attended the funeral
of their late brother, J. K. Brown,
Ethel, Thursday of this week. De
ceased was a loyal and enthusiastic mem•
ber of the Order and the brethren sym-
pathizes with Mrs. Brown and 5011 in
their sudden bereavement.
Tor cutter, almost es good as new for sale,
Apply to G. A. Base, Brussels. Phone 4.
TRY our Cottosnet in pound packages.
BAERNR BROS,, Brnoeele.
CATTLE AND PIGS iron 5A54E.-9 yearling
steers and yearling heifers also a brood sow
to farrow soon. 501LTot4 LowE, Lot 0, Con.
9, Grey Township. Phone 288.
Box' wanted for delivery wagon and to as-
sisti re EO. TH MaoN.
n stn G O
0 0R 7 0 8 inch eood tile for Bale950 per
00 0
1000. Apply to D. E. Sanders Brnoeele R. R.
00 .,
No. 9 Phone 8118.
APARTMENTS to'let 'in the Graham block
lately vacated by the Pry
ne family.
FRESH Delved cow for sale, also 2 heifers,
due to freshen in March. Phone 9514.
A. McKim, Ethel.
WANTED cattle to Winter. All kinds of feed
Apply at Tan PooT.
Two roadster coats, a yearling and sucker for
sale also n yearling gelding heavy draft. Lot
29, Con. 8, Grey. JrRANICHLuIGEITHoLie, Ethel,
To RENT. -26 to 28 acres of land with good
barn and house in the village of Brueeele.
Apply to W. F. STRo''TGN, jeweler, Brussels.
A 000n house for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply at THE P080.
Goon PROGRAM.—Despite disagree-
able weather there was. a good attend•
ance at the annual Christmas entertain-
ment of the Junior League of the
Methodist church Tuesday evening.
Reyuald Barklay, chairman, filled the
bill nicely. In addition to Cantata "rhe
Runaway Reindeer" there was a varied
program well presented. The Christ-
mas Tree presents, valued at $45:oo
were sent to the Deaconess Home, Tor-
onto, for the poor. Receipts at the door
were $12 25. The ladies in charge
deserve credit for the work clone so well
among the juniors.
on November 26th, death claimed
Charles Pringle, beloved husband of
Emylene Pringle, nee McQuarrie, of
Brussels, Canada, at his borne, 1108 So
University, Denver. Mr. Pringle was
born at "Bolton Walls", Ballinhone,
County Monaghan, Ireland, which has
been the residence of the family for over
too years. He resided in Denver for the
past 5 years where he conducted The
Specially Linen Shop, at 1554 California
St. His father, the late Charles A.
Pringle, was considered one of the fore-
most authorities of his time on the Irish
Land question and was twice honored
in being asked to appear before the
Royal Commissioners. Rio mother was
the second daughter of Captain John
Gordon, adjutant of the 92nd regiment,
who was favorably mentioned for
bravery in -the Kaffir and Zulu campaigns
over sixty years ago. Mr. Pringle was
well known in New York City where he
resided fur some time engaged in the
Linen business prior to moving to Den-
ver. His demise was•sudden and was
caused by heart trouble. Hi, cheerful
and upright character made him beloved
by all who kuew him and he•is mourned
by a host of friends. He was a member
of the Masonic fraternity and the
Orangemen and was laid to rest in the
beautiful Fairmount cemetery in Den-
ver, Services were held by Rev H. R.
O'Malley, rector of St. Stephen's church
and Rev, Roy Leslie Smith, pastor
Washington Park, Community church,
where Mr. Pringle attended, His life
was a source of inspiration to bis many
friends who loved him well, "Tho dew-
drop slips within the shining sea,"
East Huron Produce Emporium 1
++4'Q'Md'd'++++'N*'WM't•tl'9'+++++++++'0<i'*+++++ i + � ++ F :
Selected strictly New Laid Eggs 40C
Fresh gathered Eggs - - 32c
Selected Dairy Print Butter - - 26C
Light -weight Prints and Unlabeled
Wrappers, Solids and Rolls - 24c
Dress Chickens, Roasters and Broilers,
crate fatted, showing quality - 1 4c
. 2
lNumb'er of Feeding Coops for sale at 75c each •
500 bushels Feeding Wheat wanted. •
SEATING Rink will open for this sea-
son 'Thursday evening of this week.
AN interesting letter from Harold
Campbell from Overseas is to hand and
will appear next week.
SEE the seasonable illustrations in this
issue, entitled "The Star of Hope," and
"Waiting for the Scrimmage."
REPORT of the entertainment "'rhe
Minister's Bride" is unavoidably crowd-
ed out this week. It will appear in the
next issue.
HARRY LEMM, the Chinese laundryman,
lies taken his departure for Toronto.
He found the field here too circumscrib-
ed. especially when good work was turn—
ed out by the Wilton laundry and on the
ground for years.
THE Canadian soldier is treated like
the brave man he is. We receive the
best pay, the best attention and as a
result we are equal if not better than
the best fighters. Enlist to -day with
Lieut, D. S. Scott, Brussels,
CARD OF 'THANKS.—We wish to ex.
press our sincere thanks to the neigh-
bors and friends for kindly deeds and
sympathetic words in connection with
the demise of our mother, the late Mrs,
E. C, Lowry. They will be cherished
by us. Yours Gratefully,
PRESENTATION. — Monday afternoon
before Private Will. Mayberry returned
to the training camp at Galt be was in-
vited to tbe Recruiting quarters. Brus-
sels, and presented with a wrist watch.
Rev. R. E. Page gave the presentation
address and Jas. Fox buckled on the
timepiece. A very neat reply was made
by the recipient. A short speech was
made by Rev. D. Wren and Lieut. D.
S. Scott gave information as to recruits,
&c. Cheers were given for Private
Mayberry and the King.
KITCHEN SHowEa.—Tuesdav evening
of this week the members of St. John's
church A. Y. P. A., along with numer-
ous other friends, tendered a fine
"kitchen shower" to Mrs. Charles
Crossfield, at the home of Miss Myrtle
Wilson, when a most enjoyable even-
ing Wass
ant, mucb
to the surprise of f
the recipient, who made a brief reply
thanking all present for the numerous
and useful gifts. Mrs, Crossfield who
is a very enthusiastic worker of tbe
A Y. P. A. was also presented with a
out glass berry bowl from the Society.
HAVE ENLISTED —The Milverton Sun
of last week speaks as follows of a son of
Councillor and Mrs. McGuire, of Brus-
sels, who is well known here and was a
former member of THE POST staff:—
During the past week two more Mil-
verton men have joined the colors and
in due time will no doubt proceed to the
front iu defence of the Empire. D, C.
Brown, manager of the Bank of Nova
Scotia, bas joined the new 224th Bat-
talion at Toronto, now being recruited
and will be attached to the paymaster's
office. Norman McGuire, the sporting
editor of The Sun has joined the cloth
Perth Battalion now being recruited.
Both gentlemen filled an important
place in social and sporting circles in
the village and their places will be hard
to fill but we hope to see them return
unscathed from the fields of war after
doing their duty to their country. They
were given a banquet last Wednesday
evening by the members of Silver Star
Lodge I. O. 0. F., of which they are
both members.
CURLING.—Friday evening of this
week, at 8 o'clock, a meeting of all in-
terested in re -organizing Brussels Cur-
ling Club will be held in the Public
Library Board room.
HEADQUARTERS for the Recruiting Of-
ficer in Brussels is in the building one
door North of the Standard Bank. Call
in and see what's going on.
ing North of the Standard Bank, Brus-
sels, has been fitted up as headquarters
for Lieuts. Porter and Scott, the Re-
cruiting officers for this locality. All in-
formation may be secured there. If 25
are obtained they will be drilled here in-
stead of being sent away, a decided ad-
vantage in many respects. Call at the
recruiting office.
People We Talk About
Charlie Richards is home for a holiday
from Fergus.
Ernest Miller was calling on old friends
in Brussels and locality.
F. G. L. Arnott, Toronto, was a visi-
tor in Brussels ou Tuesday.
Colin McArthur and his sister, Mrs.
McDonald, from Lucknow locality,
were visiting relatives and old friends in
Brussels and Morris to.vnship last week,
Robt. Newsom, Queen street, is in
poor health and under the doctor's care.
His ailment is of a dropsical character
from which he suffers considerably at
Roger Deadman left on Monday for
Broadview, Parry Sound District,
where he expects to spend the balance
of the Winter. He finds that fine dry
climate to agree well with him.
[STIP *V10
B R. V
.I. F. Rowland,
A General Banking Business Conducted.
Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Manu-
facturers receive careful attention.
TRUST FUNDS should be deposited in our. SAVINGS
DEPARTMENT, Highest current rates of Interest are
paid half yearly, 214
mere Manager.
Capt, Sinclair, of Wiugham, vas, ip
town last Saturday in connection with
the Huron Battalion,
Mrs. F. Mathewson, Flesllerton, ' is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Manning, and
sister, Mrs. Stephenson.
Alex, and John Thompson are back
from the West where they spent a few
mouths. They enjoyed the trip.
We are sorry to hear that our old
friend James Sharpe has been on the
sick list this week but we trust he will
soon be able to be about as usual.
Alex. McIntosh, who made a business
trip to North Dakota, is back to his
home looking the better of his visit to
bis old home. He has a fine farm there,
Privates W. Mayberry, of Galt training
Camp, and F. Tuff and W, Burton, of
Stratford, spent the week end with
Brussels friends. They are enjoying the
drill and say they are well treated by
both the miltery and civic authorities.
Among relatives who attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. E C. Lowry,
were :—D, A. and. Mrs. Lowry and sons,
Ashley and Eddie, Toronto ; Fred and
Mrs. Lowry, Pert Huron ; Edward and
Mrs. Lowry and family, Wroxeter and
Will. and Mrs Lowry, London.
A. K. Zapfe, who was a former teller
in the Standard Bank, Brussels, is now
doing duly in the trenches in France
with the Princess Patrician. He enlist-
ed at Saskatoon, where he was in the
service of the Royal Bank and is a Lance
Corporal. Old friends here hope not a
hair of his head may suffer as he does
his duty.
Church Chimes
The pastor will have as his subjects
next Sabbath in the Methodist Church,
a, m., "Profiting by the mistakes of
yesterday," and p. m. "Fragrant Oint-
Last Sunday the pulpit of the Metho-
dist church here was occupied by- Rev.
Prof. Johnston, of Victoria College,
Toronto. He dealt with the question of
"Efficiency" in the morning giving it a
very practical turn as it related to the
Educational affairs of the College and
Church. In the evening the theme was
"The Call to the Ministry," and it is
safe to say all who heard it will carry
with them a broader interest in the pas -
'ors than they perhaps ever felt before.
Prof. Johnston is a fine preacher and a
°relit to Victoria University.
Quality Seekers Buy from ?
A. R. McKay••
• i
A fresh Supply A large Stock •
i •
• •
• Currants, Raisins, Peels
and Spices.
• Everything for Christmas
Fancy Bon •Bon Boxes,
Mixed Nuts,
Fruits and all Kinds of
• •
• •
P.to0IiORe0N.—In Harrieton, on Nov. 2511,, 1016,
to 51r. and Mrs, John. Patterson, R., a
STEp,uENBON,—In Brueeele; on Dec. 8611, 1015, to
Mr. and Dire, Lorne Stephenson, a 50n—
Sarold Frederick.
GAYNOR. Ia prey township, on December
0th, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Gaynor, a
daughter—Mlrlam Leone,
JACQOEO-M1LLS.—On November 80th, 1515, by
Rev. E. Jacques. of Eastwood, brother to
groom, Mr, Wm, J. Jaegnee, to Miss
Catharine M., eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Rlohard Mille, both of Howiok,
JOHNSTON—SEARr,o.—Is Seaforth, on Deoem-
ber 8th, 1915, by Rev, Geo, McKinlay, B. D„
Mr, Duncan Johnston, of Walton, to M100
Eliza J„ Bided daughter of the late John
Searle, of Morris township.
BROWN,—In Grey township, on Deoember 14th,
1916, John K. Brown, aged 64 years, 8
mouths and 24 days,
KNEORTEL: In Ottawa, on Deoember 8rd, 1915,
Abraham Knechtel, aged 69 years.
LOWaY.—In Brussels, on Deoember 12th, 1916,
Sarah Allan McCurdy, relict of the late
Edward O. Lowry, in her &Ord year.
BTRONoi In Howiok Township, on Deoember
8th, 1015, Margaret, relict of the late John
Strong, in her 85th year,
WEDNESDAY, DEO. 22ND.—Farm, Farm stools,
Implements, Household Furniture, &e., Lot
22, Con. 14, McKillop. Sale unreserved at 1 p.
in, F. S. Scott, Auctioneer. Mrs. Wm. Den-
nison. W. G. Neal Executors, Estate late Wnt.
Auction Sales
STORE Pixrunae —Tile undereigned Auc-
tioneer has received inetructlons from G. 51.
Chambers, Ethel, to sell by Public, Auction
at his store, Ethel, Friday December 24th at 1
p. m„ the following Goods: -1 Happy Thought
range coal stove, 1 large coal oil stove nearly
new, 1 round extension dining room table new,
1 square extension dining room table new, 1
bed room suite new, one bedroom Butte new, 2
bed springs, 2 cnattrnssea, 1 dozen dining room
ohairs, l oarpet sweeper, 1 washing machine, 2
parlor rugs 5x67 new, 2 parlor ruga 3x834, 1
writing desk, 1 parlor conch, I sideboard near•
ly new, 9 large parlor rocking chairs, 4 large
parlor Chairs, 50 yards floor oil cloth,
1 parlor table, 2 jerdlner stands, 1 dozen cur-
tain poles, 2 good tables 10 feet long, 4 good
tables 6 feet long, 2 good tables 20 inches
square, }§ dozen store stoole. 1 large looting
glass 834 feet by 24 In., 1 glass cheese ease, 1
coal shute 8 feet long, 1 cat. gas machine for
lighting store or dwelling, 500 foot 34 itch iron
piping, 1 largo braes hanging lamp, 1 bag trunk
nearly new, 1 set counter scales 240 lbs., 2 store
broom holders, l paper holder 24 Lt„ 1 paper
holder 15 inches, 1 buck saw, 1 screen door, 1
stop ladder and a grent many other small
articles too numerous to etnte, Terme.—All
saws of 95,00 and under cash, over thnt amount
0 months Credit on approved joint notee 0r'5y'o
of for cash. Thera is no reserve at this Sale
as G. M. Ohambers is leaving Ethel.
Auctioneer. Prop.
TQ be able to find Gifts that will
satisfy your own -good will, please
the recipient and still remain
within the limits 08 your pocket book.
is no Keay matter. We aro certain
though that you will find in our stook
the items that Wil best combine these
three essentials. Out' Stock comprises
la ines at Let us chow them to yebla gift
Games, Toys, Dolls
Fine Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, Chocolates,
Fancy China,
Pretty Boxed Paper,
Fountain Pens, Flashlights,
Bibles, Hymnals, Books,
Xmas Booklets, Xmas Cards,
Pretty Calendars,
Manicure Accessories in
Ebony and Ivory,
Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets,
Safety Razors, Fancy Clocks,
Travelling Sets, &c.
With the desire to serve cur cus-
tomers promptlyancl well we have
considerably increased our staff
and we can assure our friends who
favor us with their patronage of a
prompt and courteous service and
will be very much pleased to have
an opportunity of showing our
James Fox
Druggist and Stationer.
P. S.—Xmas Decorations, Tags, Seals,
Tinsel, &c., in great variety.
The People's Column
FARM FOR SALE. OS acre farm "Maple
Lodge"adjoining the Village of Crnn-
broolr, for sale, Good franc house, barn, new
stabling, windmill, orchard, &c. Convenient
to eehool end churches. Terme to cult pur-
oheeer For further information apply t0
Mrs, G. Sperling, Cranbrook, Ontario.
BULL FOR SALE.—One Durham Bull 11
months old. Dark roan in Dolor. Apply
to J. R. LEEMING, R, R. No. 1, Walton.
dersigned has for sale an aged thoro'-
bred Tanworth hog, oleo n hog of earn° breed
aged 8 months. For further particulars apply
to JOSHUA POLLARD & SON, Lot 23, Con.
11, Mofiillop, Walton P. 0. R. R. No, 1. 23.4
•••..•.•.•N..•.••••...••• •••••..•••••••••••••••••••
Brussels Daylight Store G. Na McLaren •••
♦ •
• ,„, „h" t'II'al elII1,'Il,'IB'ir,,'i,'IIi Ili Ili Ili Ir'hrl,rtr'l 4, li si Nrtlaftr'h Ili t,'I ,„,„,„.„,.,„0„„„„,:." •
•ad for Christmas•••
• •
• O•ur stocks are now completed. New goods and at ••
• lowest prices. Choose useful Christmas Gifts ••
•f•or old and young. All nicely arranged •
• f•or easy choosing. •
• •
•• j•
• •s
• •
Quick Delivery
• • •
• PHONE 40x A. R. McKAY
s• •
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •
• 2
Only 7 Shopping Days • Only 7 Shopping Days
Till ehristmas mis Till Christmas
ehristmas Present
If it's to be a useful one should be bought at a men's store, and it
nn i� n l�0 should be bought at once to ensure an early choice.
f ole roo osiers Everything that a self-respecting men's store should have is to
prices. Here is a list of things that it will pay you to keep in mind
when on your shopping rounds :
Christmas Box
Holes—Six Months 1K
3 pair.
teed 3
be found here. Everything is bright and new and at reasonable
Fine Sox
Sills Mufflers
Wool Gloves
Silk Lined Gloves Night Shirts
Fur Lined Gloves Fine Shirts
LinenHandherchiefs Underwear
Silk Handkerchiefs Toiett 18
Wool Mutilate• coat ,Sweaters
Fine Umbrellas Cuff Links
This is the Christmas Store of the town for buying men's use-
ful gifts. They are bound to be correct in style and right 111 price.
• •..••.•4••••..•••••..••.......••..•••.•••••••,....•• •44444.•.••••..•.•.••••4•• •
G. N. McLaren
2 Highest Prices for Produce:
Dress Goods
Readymade Waists
Hand Bags
Underclothing all sizes
Furs, Stoles and Muffs
Silk Scarfs
Fancy Apron
Collar Setts
Fancy Linens Japanese
Traveller's Sample Set of
Fancy Pins at i regular
Sweater Coats—all Sizes
Knitted Underskirts
* Fancy House Slippers
Fur Coats
Fur -Collared Coats
Suits—all Sizes
Odd Pants
- Handkerchiefs— all Kinds
Silk Scarfs
Shirts—Splendid Assortment
Ties— Splendid Assortlpent
Caps—all Sizes
Braces and Ties in Indivi-
dual Boxes
Sweater Coats
Felt and Leather Slippers
Rubbers—all Sizes (Granby)
Etc., Etc.
Prices are the Lowest.
Our Stocks are eomplete.
We have Useful Gifts for Young and Old.