HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-16, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, usitioas .Caroti A, 0 V. W, Lodge will meet Sat • tlayeLthisweek, !:lection ofel1Icers TiedI fillA JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS JAS, ANDERSON, other business will be oil the slate, A PEW ais extext biles are still la use, ns LIMITED VETERMARP BORAEON, wheeling is 1 extra good on the main tirse adres , y stabile, Br uasala, Telephone t0 soy Marked degree felf4P11 &wawa Nu' 4P. Suooessol' to M. H. Moors, Onto int Ander- roads, the light snowfall not Interfeeing yy .x411131'08, Laiyw' attl GOING TO Coliewe1.L,—Rev.'1`, Wesley Cosens, former pastor of Brussels Melee - dist elioreh, who le in his 4111 year tit Empress Avenue Methodist cheroh, Loudon, hes accepted a unanimous lB- WM.s SPENOE T. T. M'RAE OONVLXANO]7R AND ISSUER o' MAIIR[AGP LICENSES taxa lit 1140 cost Ulnae, Ethel, 00.1 LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. AAT VV sM SINOLAIB.— 1 Ilsrristor, aolioitor, Conveynnoer, Notary rcblle, Ac. nafoe—Stewart's Blook 1 door North of neutral Hotel Soholtor for the Metropnliten.Bank., AUCTIONEERS, Ti'h' S.' SCOTT. AS AN A•U(1'l1ION• .i • 550, will sell for better rrIoea to bete• teen, in tees. tmee anti testi °bar'ges than any other Auctioneer In East Baron or be won't charge anything Yates andorders eau + Iwan he srrnn ,,,t it bbis Mitreorby p era ,al well cation, ALLAN LIi LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or "95K1,; VA/Toronto W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brnssele, v +R:'AvAa9srAVaa rsAr pmAv,.mvmxt'�ma`4- i, ( Winter Term from Jan, 3rd CENTRAL tt / %U ie i 7 BTRATFQRD., ONT Ontario's Best Business Col, 0 ACommercial, Shorthand and Tel- cgraphs, Department—Our gradu- msaa soouro good posttnona 8rd meet i with led s. Ia two dnys f•eoentlywe received 14 of these applications ica trained 13 help. Many. of these nppllontione we , esnnot moat Rona anllooa'ering from 0Ja permonth to ¢IJ00 per annum te- Fa mels 0091184. Write for irw, oats- , rr1��10; loguc at 0008, it will Interest yon.. �c 1: 0. A. McLACH LAN, PrincIpI. .9'' %0S•n 171YAWAtaY4V' iii U.:VAvAY4 AY..,+.1r&YAY<D'AS% ,.8m u;rdvayA�sY..dL� �m �.bv<ivbmY4v,v' i' ppA ' Distance is no Hindrance &'( to those who wish to get the best. ee Many students from the distant pro- l vinoes 0,4 the United States attend the >�'> TORONTO, ONT. [sr This School ha, a national reputation for high grade work. Graduates remit- 0. 1 n y get good positions % ns Opef entiregi year. Ennow. Butter Write for oats- logn0. r r Demand for graduates during hast four months fully four times oar supply. , Tern, opens 'lanunry Ord. 784 Y gg E Yat sC , 0h , (las t gef S P Yon e e . W. J. ELLIOTT, s. aa. rnci re_ eeesres m f�;YgemeaYArv4m e ENROL. NOW at the LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 rZ Thorough Courses taught .byPO Pd Competent Tenchets, i, For partioalura address— 1 I fit EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, l.tet w 0 0l Ont. Tttid trA aV b1`PLIIA'i%6yaS,'4'tV6LAnti'g11 .w.' T H Best Brains partg E ip xted h the pre- paration reparation oP our splendid Home Stud yOourana in Bnnhinq,Ecmnonirs, Ri.herAconuuting,Connne,cinlArt ShowCard Writing,Photography, journal, • Ism, Rltort Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Selectthe work in Canada have which meat interests You and write us for pnrtlouhtry, Address TIIE SHAW COHRESPHNOENCE SCHOOL 391-7 Yong° St, Toronto !COLLEGE AT HOME t4 Thousands of ambitions young peo- homee t occupy preparing in 80 • stenographers, bo ok Gee ot s tela rd• )llelx civil 9m•Vn,tEN, in foot every of o • y finish a college if you sowio,Posa guar - an teel, En r coll, ny day, Lod*• victuafnotrocti, Expert teacher* Th,•teyears' experience. Canada. colleges, Special course for te00hers. Affiliated with Commeroini Eduon- tnr's Assoolatfon of Canada. Rummer. School nt famous Spotton Business Col. tette, London. WinghamBusiness College Gno. Sromxo3N� W, T, i to>t0a,g Proold'Out. Principal, M. S.r M, C. P„ .1 S, 0, M, 0. H., - Village of BrtisxelH, N11301140,,, S>l•goon, A1'0nn090ur Office over Standard Bank DR. H T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto Licentiate of College of - ghyatuiane and bur - goons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Burgeon of Western 4ospltel, Toronto, Offices of late Dr. A, M0$eVey, S,nith Blook, Brussels. ltural phone 30, ALEX. D. M'KELVEY M.B., M.C. P.,o S. 0. 100 Bloor street East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical Oshawa ,i, Ear, Nude and lgfroat do. pertinent New (Funeral Hospital,. Toronto ; PosBos- ton (lite tiSeniq 1<esideard nt Surgeon Masa, Eye & Ear Infirmary ; late Clinical asalxtant in None and Throat department MARS, Gen. Heti.' pita! ' late House Surgeon. Toronto General Hospital. t& -Lt Bru,801,3 by appointment, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT. Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Eng,), New York and Chicago How Obits. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat, Eyea tested for gloasee, G. H. ROSS. D.D.S.. L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur Ceon0 of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office In Hard Block, Wineham Phone.240. - Poet Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill., is prepared to teat eyes. 110,1 at glasses at her office over MIN Inmen's millinery store. Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a• m. ;.1 to 0 p, m. Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone. 1210. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night (aIle. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. PROUOFOOT, NIEEORAN & PROUOFOOT Barristers, Solicitors&e,, Notaries Public, Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PosOrfDFOOT, K. 0. J. L. EILLORAN WM. PRonnroog JR. (Aral i abs Items LEND a hand to the least. MvNtcIete Nouinations Monday, zeth inst. SA•rua9AY of next week will be Christ- mes Day. QUANTITIES of wood are coming to town, thanks to the good sleighing, WEDNESDAY the Statutory Council Meetings of this Province were held to close up years business. Tug POST for 1916 would make an ideal Christmas present and $1.00 in ad- vance, excepting to the U. S., does the trick. JNo. GALBRAITH bas purchased the well known pacer, "Kenny Beware," from a Kincardine owner. This horse showed good speed this year. MAJOR W. J, 0. Malloch, a native of Clinton, a son of the late D. M. Malloch, who was for Years Principal of the Public School, Clinton, and later In- spector of Public schools for East Hur- on, is at time Dardanelles with the Uni- versity of Toronto Base Hospital. 'rHuaseey of last week a delegation from the Anglican ra n Cturch Vio h nm,lead by T. R, Bennett, motored to town and inspected time horse sheds of the Pres. bvterian and Methodist churches, seek- ing information to aid them in a similar undertaking. They are well pleased with Brussels fine sheds. MRs, GEORGE BARKLAY, of tows, held. the winning ticket, Nu. got, ter the baud painted china set offered through the kindness of Miss Rilla Hunter, of Brussels, for Red Cross foods. Total were receipts 6 . o p � 3 o which were paid. over to Treasurer Rowland by Miss Hunter. WOMEN'S NATIONAL ANTHEM. -- God save our splendid men, Sand them safe home again, God save our man. Keep them victorious, Patient and chivalrous, They are so dear to us, God save our men. Clip the above out so as to be able to sing it at public gatherings. W, H. Willis, Wiugham, formerly of town, has the distillation ot selliug a couple of pair ot long rubber boots which were sent 40I t >e trenches. They Y were P urc11ased by Mr s A. Taylor tor her husband and sou who are serving their country. This was indeed a very thoughtful Christmas gift and will be much appreciated when they arrive at their destination. Bet/same Women's Institute will hold its regular nlouthly meeting in the Pub- lic Library audience room Friday, Dec, 17011, at 2 30 p. m. Subject "A Christ- mas dinner well cooked and nicely served—its refining influence" will be introduced by Mesdames Ballantyne and Thomson, As this topic is Rn ap- propriate oue at this season a large turn out of ladies io requested. New KEEPER' AND MATRON.—At the session of Huron Co. Council last week John and Mrs. Browu, of Greenway, P, Stephen township, were eappointed P Keep- er teeP-ar and Matron of ureaCounty House Ho •e of Refuge, as successors to the late Keeper Mutch and his good wife. !`here were a number of applicants. Mr. and Mrs, Brown will take their new positions on January 1st. They have no easy 01.15p with their big family of 84 or over but the place is in fine shape and under good control so they should have no trouble, It took 3 Votes in the Co. Council to settle time appointment but Mr. Beowu heel 18 supporters out of 3t so won out. We wish he nud Mrs, Brown 51199058 ill their work and as they colpo well reeommeuded they 0130914 get along all right. vttatioti to become pastor Of the Meths. dist church in Cornwall, Rev, 1; Doug. Jae leichardson, M; A. of Corn- wall. bas accepted a similar invitation to Empress Avenue church, The ex- change to take place in Jona next, Mr. Richardson was formerly a member of the Hamilton Conference, but is now completing his second full term in the Montreal Couferenhe, 'L'HE importance of producing largely and et low cost, is not likely to be over- looked on the farm. But, after all, the question of success or failure on the 'farm turns on the selling end, Time Weekly Sun in its market 'reports and in its suggestions as to co operation in selling has very greatly helped progres- sive farmers In this important. particular. Its editorials are always instructive and are never tuned to stilt the "Interests." The Sun will make a very useful and most acceptable Christmas present. Morris SOIIooL REPORT.—Following.,s..the report for S. S. No. 3, Morris,, for the month of November. Average mark taken, daily work considered. Jr. IV. —Examined iu Hist. (000 ), Arith., Art, Lib. and \Veit.—Mary McNab78, Oeeit Somers 76, Margaret Iianna 75, "John McNeil 61, Lilian McAleer 50, Margai et McNeil 43, Sr. IIL—Ex- arniited in same as Jr. IV.—Jarllee Duncan 61, Clifford Marks 46, *****Mar- garet Olarke, Jr. III.—L`xamined in 0111110 as St'', TiL--Evptett Nichol 02, Eldred Miller 60, Allan Speir 51, ****•N'loretce Nichol. Sr. II.— Ex- amined in Lite Writ„ APi•til., CoMp— VeIeniL Clarke 80, Jr. 11.—Examined in stone as Sr, 1T.—Mille' 141cArier81, Margaret Little 80, Margaret Alcock 56, Srtmley Marks 49, ...eel antes Shrew - Ing 48. Pt. lL—Examined in knead,, Writ., Spell.; Arilh,-1'lureuce Brad- shaw 70, Annie Olatic0 65, Tepttie Ohanpion 01, May Cooke 40. •Sr. 1,— Names in order of standing—Andrey Miller, Howard Clarke, Luella 011001 - pion, Herbert • Champion, Rolland Marks, Jean Smith, J10nnet Nichol, Margaret Nieho', Jean Shedden. Jr. I.—Robbie McMurray (Excellent) Go' - don Bradshaw (Good). Number on roll 355, average attenclanee 26, * marks number of exams. Missed. (3. I. MAOQuessmn, Teacher, Jamestown SOMATA—A very enjoyable time was spent at the residence of W. and Mrs. Holt, 1st Con. Grey, Thursday even- ing of last week, The host and host- ees desired to hold the gathet•ing be- fore the former went to the military training catnip. George Johnston per- formed the duties of Chairman most acceptably and in addition to a fine pntuntic address by .Rev. D. Wren, Brussels, there Was R. ahniee progtanr of vocal and instrumental music and literary numbers. Lunch was served at the close. . Everybody had a gond time and left expressing good wishes for Mr. Holt's safe return when the war was over. The proceeds of the social totalled $12 80 and was handed to J. F. Rowland, Brussels, Treasurer of the Red Cross Society. Mr. and Mrs. Holt and family left nothing un- done in the interest of the con- venience and comfort of the goodly number attending, PRESENTATION OF A WRIST WATCH. —Wednesday evening of last week a score oe more of Orangemen and other friends frcun Brussels and locality assembled ab the home of \Vol, and Mrs. Holt, East of here, to express their appeeciati.nn of the ac- tion ofto Cl bosh in proffering his ser- vices In the King and Empire in the gn'eat European struggle. The follow - lug address was read by Bro. Elston Cardiff itnd Robt. Smith presented ,tin flue wris t watch at h :—DLn1r, SIR .Ili AND BROTHER. --1170 e V your ut br(Ih,. t e; of the Orange Primary Lodge No. '774, have m01fnr. L y,PUforhera tonight in nrriPr to shote our appreciation of the sense of duty which has called yon, as it son of Canada, to service beneath the grand old flag of England. Itis nota spirit of adventure which has led you to thus volunteer, but a realization that Britain has ever stood for' justice and I'teednm, lhatshe spends her sons and resources foe the downtrodden. Hee sons of Canada, Australia,. New Zea- land and India recognize het• purpose and Lite 1101108 of her cause and so you impelled by your conscience have de - (tided that nthera Shall not march While you remain. We honor you for your derision. We shall miss you from Lodge tnniu No. 774, but we ahtill proudly recall that you are weeding in the footsteps of that noble in n iZ tilt , our n1 e',LI > J, a n.len and are i ren r• Itaeut n• n Warn France or t P whet t n- 1 g u es v Pt ynim•c. t a n ICIa shall l bo needed. Yon go forth to unknown fields and ruunlless pertly, but C,od 1s with you. Hole a shelter in the time of storm and will net leave you comfortless. \lcty Ile guide thee in Lha hour of .danger, and shield Thee in the moment of pet il, and grant you safe retntn. Yon do not go forth to seek renown but as TenLyson says :— "Not on0e or twice in tide out. Is- land sto•y, The path of fluty was the path to glory.". May you ftud'it so. We know that wherever you maty' be you will always remember your obligation and up- hold the principles of Orangeisin, We hope that your examplele innY SIM others to realize Chair duty. Orange - ism is ennobled by etuc!t as you and those and theye are many,m Y,iho have vOlunteet e(1 for overseas duty. We desire before yon leave us to present to you this keepsake. kindly accept it as a small token of our respect for you in sucelficing self-interest to an Empire's need, Nay God preserve nod keen 1 you till we meet again. On behalf of the brethren of the Lodge— Master,. Is 117' OARDIFtr, D, M., GEO., CoLv1N, Chap., RNv. RIOInAItn Peen], Rec.-See, E. G. PLIM. Me, bit trade abrief but appropriate re - LENT Davkd Kay; who hae Wen employed • in the Wendel d' office for the peat couple of years, lute teoigoed his poet - ATTACKS flue find left Saturday Eut' C' t y to a poet,- Lien oet, Cl bb1Liet 11, 0,, n horn he has accepted a peal- I r tion on the Oranbtouk Herold, l Hie 18115[ -tats Suffered Tortures Until She Tried `!Fruit -a -ties" Sv. JEAN ma Meerut, Jan. 27911, 1914, "After suffering for a long time with Dyspepsia, Y have been made well by "Fruit -a -tines:" I suffered so muell that etlast.I would not darn to oat for I was afraid of dying. IPive.yeers ago, T received samples of "Fruit -a -tines" and after taking them I felt relief. Then I sent for three boxes and I kept improving until I was well. I quickly regainodmy lostwoight—and now I eat, Sleep and digest well—in a word, I am jiellyreeovercd, thanks to 'Fruit -a -tinea.' Mate. CHARBONNEAU. 500, a box, 0 for $2,50, trial size 28c. At dealers or sentpostpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a.tives Limited, Ottawa, ply thanking the brethren for their kind words and highly prized gift, A fine social time was enjoyed as the guests shared the hospitality of the home, air, Holt left on Monday for \Viughnm where he expecte to been. Mrs, I:Ioitend family %vitt continue to live on the farm, Qorrie Carl Harris has been trying his hand at using dynamite. He made a com- plete job of shattering a number of pine stumps for 151'nest Harris, find line. Jas. Topham had the misfortune to out his J'oot severely tyhile chopping wood. It took several stitches to close the wound. Educational work was dealt With in the Methodist church here Sabbath, Run; Prof. Potter, 7'nronFn, preached in the nhoruing, and Rev, J. W. John- son, Ethel, in the evening. Rev. Mr. Rivers took the work for the day at Ethel At the Methodist church a presenta- tion of a wrist watch was made to Russel Andrews, who has enlisted for overseas service. Presentation was made by the Yonng People's Society of the Anglican church and the congre- gation of the Methodist church, El- liott Andrew read the address and Mr. Mollurney made the presentation. The hest 10101105 of the community ac- company Mr. Andrews, who left for Stratford to go into training. Fordwich Airs. Thos. Gibson returned from Alt. Forest, where she spent the past month. Among the Toronto men who have enlisted for active service is Geo, Faulkner, son-in-law of Jiro. Benne- berg, 9111 0ou. The Patriotic Circle will bold a sale of home-made baking, candy, etc., on the afternoon and evening 0 Satur- day, December 18th in the Arlington Block, Fordtvich. The Fordwich Circuit war visited on Sunday, by representatives of the Methodist church in the interest of Educational work. Services at Mayne and Neivbt•idge—Rev. J. W. Johnston, Ethel ; Fordwich—Rev, W. A. Potter, M. A„ 13. D., of:Tneonto, At the regular meeting of Oook's 0. Y. B. No. 4, Fordwich, following offi CPI a were elected forns Jt e u n ve • '— g year . W. M., Gordon Sanderson D. M., ino. Barber ; Ohttplain, 0. Gregg ; Ree. -See., Erie Oo beth ; Fin, -Sec., N. Armstrong , Trees 7 Dinsmore ; D. 0 0., A. Graham , Left, W. Wake - ford " le• ly s, W. Campbell, A. Weil- er: Oorntn,-0.Oooper, G. Mee, T. Hubbard, 0. Johnston, (Listowel George Watson son of duo. an d Mrs. Watson, town, i:I>LS secured a good position as shell inspectr with the Morris Shell 00., 0 Ingersoll. T. hale was the only local poultry fancier t t to shot vattlne Winter Fair,- Guelph. Behad five it Pbirds entered and got four prizes. Tbey were Mi n or,•ae. Karn Morris Piano Oo. are rushed with orders and are adding men in all. departments. They have 100 "orders ahead of them now. Geo, Grosz, sr,, had. his leg amputat- ed. It had-been.censing hila a great deal of trouble of late and it is now hoped that his health will be much improved, NUN -GOWN WOMAN • Made Strong By Our Vinol Fort Edward, N.Y.—" T was in a run- down, nervous and weak condition, so I could not do the housework for my little family of three. I had taken cod liver oil emulsions and other remedies with- out benefit. A friend told me about Vino!. I tried it and it soon built up my strength and made me a well woman so I now do all of my housework."—Mrs. ELMER GLIDDEN. We guarantee Vino], our delicious cod livor and iron tonic for all run-down, Weak and debilitated conditions. F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels COAL. Lehigh Valley, Chestnut and Stove Co& on hand. Pea Coal forRanges Ran�eS at $6.5o per ton, Robt. Henderson, I311USS.ELS, , brother, T, 11, Kay, of the Medi Hat News, formerly Editor of 141otosvol 1140)4 3(0)', has takes char the llehsti4 and 0. Kay is joining i eine I the v ghiHlk Tins Powhas trade arr1Lngenee to tc (101.1 wish the following papers 10(3(1 ,will be scutto 10ny tuldreee (except tate United States 50 (wills extra) at the 048 following subseeiptiou prices :— Weeklies Jos, POST and Mail and Empire,....,...$ 1 00 of " London Free Preto 1 85 Family Herald & Star 1 85 Montreal Witness 1 85 " Farmer's Advocate.,,2 35 " Northern Messenger1 40 Dailies POST and TOMB LO Star $ 2 85 " Toronto Nest's 2 85 Toronto Glebe 3 75 Tot onto Mall -Ern pile• 3 75 ''Toronto o 1 " World 3 50 London Advertiser.,8 00 Call at the office or remit the amount by P. 0. Order, Express 01404' or Reg. istered Letter addressed to THE POST, Brussels, Ont. Blyth R. M. 111eKaay spent a couple of d at Guelph Fair. We regret to learn that Mrs. Carter' is attaining herrn all attack 8014110a, Rev. H. H. Turner, 13, D., Tavistock, brother of Rev. W. D, Tut tier, 331yth, took the services in 80, Andrew's church last Sabbath, It Wes with general regret that word Ives 1eoelved in Myth of the Health of Mies Walsh, who 911t11 mid. summer of Ihis year had been of the teaching 'Leff of 11111 public school, lied Cross Circle completed the col - !milieu of old paper and the same was weighed and shipped, There were di torts from which the Circle expect to reap a goodly num. Amongst the shipment of cattle which E. Watson shipped to Toronto were 3 head of 15 months old eatves, bought from John Brigham & Son. Their corn bined weight was 2,980 Ibs. and one of them weighed 1,100, A. Y. P. A., of Trinity Church, was organized for another year when the following office's were elected :—Pres- ident, Dr. J. E. McTaggart; Vice Pres- ident, Miss Ella Metcalf ; Jim-Treas., Mise Dorothy Tierney.. Executive Olmmi4te, were the officers and G. E. McTaggart, T. Tierney and Mr. Mark. Report of Medical Health Df ficer, Brussels, Presented to the Village Council, Gamma:Beer :—I have the honor present to you the following report the routine work done in the corium Lion of Brussels during the year 191 —As you know both slaughter hone where cattle and pigs were killed f the purpose of supplying treat to t corporation of. 131158001s and vicini were condemned by the District Pr vincial Health Officer, Dr, T. J. Nally, in 1914. He ordered the Loc Board of Health to attend to the m ter. This was taken up by the Loc Board end as a result Dr. McNeil after looking through the buildings, connection with both slaughter hour said that they were far above t average and as regards eleatlline were almost ideal. These slaught houses'have been visited twice by yo local Health Officer, unknown to owners, and on both occasions I mu say everything was as clean as possib to keep it., Another matter' that was taken u and dealt with by . your Board Hetlth was the building of manure r ceptacles at every stable where hors are kept. People were ordered t keep the manure in these receptael from May let until November let each year. There was only one d linquent that I know of but a fe more have been careless in keepin the lid of the receptacle down sigh apparently forgetting that these box ea must at all times be kept fly proof, otherwise the manure recap tacle may become an incubator fo flies instead of a means to prevent th breeding.. The matter of any wh have nut complied with the law wa brought up at the Council and Boar oF Health combined meeting Cfn on Nov g ember 19th, in the presence of Dr. Mc Nally, and it was decided to notify i writing any who have not built recap Moles to have them ready on May 1st 1916, and if they do nab comply to la a complaint before the Crown At Corney, A complaint was lodged against the russets Knitting Factory for pollut- g the stream with the dye used to for the (ode The a g matter was alt with and a n a result the P ro- fi to' e t taro• stalling n6lter basin and us this nuisance, which has been the use of coulplaiut not only in the son but also in the country, will be e all time stopped. Complaint was made again this at' about the feeding of poultry at e Emporium but when the matter as looked into the proprietor was appointed its the time he expected car to sl>ip these fowl and so was 'ced to keep them over for a few ya. n the Public School we have intro- ced the individual drinking cup for puppils. A water tank has also n placed in the school instead of e pupils having to go out to the trip when they wished a drink, The sol floor's are now scrubbed twice a ar, at least they have been ordered do so. n regard to enrrl(n r' u ncable diseases eases have v had 5 cases of diphtheria, ich vete kept in rigid quarantine d we had no spread of the disease to er houses. We had a big epidemic measles of a rather mild type and se were kept in quarantine but not ti quarantine. I10(11, however, in - toted to apply rigid quarantine to cases 00CDri149 in the municipality m this time onivard. We have had cases of typhoid fever but neither es were reported to the Local Lrd. I regard to outdoor closets, I tnusb that 75% of theta at least are in a lorable state, They are of the pet - he -ground variety variety and must be a 'Ce 0 infection to the %veils in the nity. We have not for some rs had ao serious epidemics Y of laid but we (inlet neoesearily face if this kind of thing is to continue. at therefore urge you, gentlelnen, c0 -operate with me in getting a er system for Oleaningrout ihutn10n 'eta, I would advise the dry earth et in every home where septic re are net installed and tax these ors a son sufficient for the clean - and removing of such refuse at 0 01100 a week in the Summer and a month in the Winter, This It] be a good Summer's work for w, gentlemen, Fn cotehms,0n al- gh the Medical Health Officer's t0 of 5: es or he ly o- at - al Y1 in 08, he SS er the st le of e - es 0 es of e - w t' • 0 d Y position at tunes is not pleasant the Local Board, as well as myself, realize that the work is very important and concerns us all. If we are to stamp out or at least hold in control the dis- eases which hurl a great, many to eternity, and when we think that some of those we hold dear may be the next victim to perish with some com- municable disease, we are willing to Buffer abuse at the hands of those of weak mentality, knowing that some day they will awaken to realize they tried to smash the armor that protect- ed them' It will be a pleasure for me to con- tinue the work thougbout the year 1910. if it so pleases you, under the same arrangements as last year and if we can introduce a satisfactory system of removing night soil weekly through the Summer months,I can assure you, gentlemen, that Brussels will be the cleanest, heathiest and beet kept village in the Province of Ontario. All of which I respectfully submit, Your Obedient Servant, T. T. MoRAE, • M. H. 0., Brussels. 1'f 44,1014+++++++++++.1.44014+4,1 • Ir�y rtg�r� /��+ �! 11It S�s P�1(84!!'�SG. WV7e •• + + oto STUDIO Re -opened • We make all sizes of Photo- + graphs from poet cards up. .1, • A11 kinds of Enlargements. s' Now would e a good ' ' have your family 491(1uptitaken, *1 • Woff ding Groupe a specialty. 4' A cordial invitation is given to + .t. Lite p011110 to call and see us, ▪ All work guaranteed and prices tet0e0nab10. + Now is the time to order your •II • Christmas Photos. One dozen e.'t' • Photos make a dozen Christmas Presenia, Free Bros. • PROPRIETORS 'i•4••F'F•i'•F4•'i•d'•F•Fd•4••3'4•&•MI••t•4.4'414'+++ The date of summoning 'Parliament is fixed for Jan. 12, Maier Alan A Magee, 148th Battalion, and Maior Hercule Barre of the lsoth Caribinler de Montreal, have been pt0- meted Lieutenant -Colonels, Sir Charles Davidsoe commenced an investigat'on into allegations made in Men's Wear by James Action, Toronto, in regard to army clothing contracts. Col. R, McEwen, London, for the third time and thus permanently won with his Sonthdowne the Drummond Cup for sheep at the Guelph Winter Fair. Lionel Hicbeus and Hon. R, H. Brand, representing Hon Lloyd George, British nniuister Munitions, have left Ot- tawa to return to England. Oliver Asc-elin, the prominent Nation- alist, of Montreal, has been offered and has accepted the organization of a French Canadian regiment for overseas service. He has enlisted as Major. •'t•+•4'•a••a••'Fs•Fa•I••+o+O+*+•+ geeefei••i'44e4***,4•+4,+•+,+,,1, P Secure Your Supplies for 13 in 00 de pl ca to fo ye W 1 die his for da du the bee 911 u soh P to W13 W11 an 0111 of the rigi stet Ally fro two (1105 Bot I say dep in - 80111 vici yea typl one I not to belt exct tilos Caul own ing leas Orme woe 1016. No thou • ■ ■ ■ Baking • • AT •• .r • • • •. • • • •1- • • •t• • • IMENINSMENINGENIffisampmENIMEMIMMINDISESSIDEIMIS • trach an's • + + •h We have a complete stock of Fresh Raisins, Cur- t •• • • rants, Dates, Orange, Citron and Lemon Peels, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts and Spices of all kinds. + •• • • • • • 4. • + • Our Stock of •• + • T• • R General Dry Goods • 4 • • •• •• • • i is also in good shape and we are well prepared to • supply you with warm Clothing for the colder •• •• weather, • • •+ • A complete line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's • • •• Underwear and Hosiery. • • 4. • ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats ofe ood style + and at right prices. g Y • + • • Men's and Boys' S Suits, Underwear, Sweaters, Caps, Heavy Rubbers and Socks &c3 Give us a call. We appreciate your patronage. • •*' A. • Strachan • w +•+•+•+•+•+•44. +•+•+•+•.444 i.•+•+•+•+•+•4lleect•W+•+•'l•••i'•