HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-16, Page 166, fi et$ VOL, 44 .VO. 2 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DI'CEMlMBER 16, 1915 W. H. KERR, Proprietoy istrirt .Lei Henfryn There will be no service) in the Eng- lish Ohuech hero Sunday next, Dee. 19th, but there will (D, V,) be a cele- bration of the Holy Communion in the chat ch on Ohi ietmae Day at 11 a. m. All communicants aro asked to try to be present on this -the Lord's Birthday, Sunday, Dec, 19th, special Amliversary services will be held. in the English Church, Atwood, at 11 a. m. and 7 p, in, Preacher, Rev, W, T. Cluff, of Stratford. A hearty invita- tion is extended to all, McKillop AUCTION SALE.-Wedneeday after- noon of next week an Executors' rt'+++++++++++++++4+•t•+++•+++4',e+++444.++++++++4.+4,4++•+++ 4, What About Your cma Purchases Anything You Have Forgotten 1+ •i• + We have an excellent range of Silks in Black, White, Light and Dark shades and also Plaids suitable for Dresses or Blouses at 1.00, 1.25, 1,50 and $1.75. Natural Raw Silk at 60c and 75c. White, Cream, Pink and Blue Silk suitable for children's dresses at 50c. All sizes in Black, White and Tan Kid Gloves at 1.00 and $1.25, A good selection of Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas at 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.75 and $3.50, Pretty Collars and Collar and Cuff Setts at 25e, 35c, 40c, 500, 60e and 75e. An endless variety of dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 25c, 35c, 50o and 75c. Plain H. S. Linen Handkerchiefe at 15c and 25c. Other lines of Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c and 2 for 25e. Men's all pure linen H. S. Handkerchiefs special at 25e and 35c. Men's and Boys' Plain White and Hem Stitched colored Bord- ers and Exceldas at 5c, 10c and 2 for 25e, A choice range of Men's and Boys' Ties at 25c, 35c and 50c. Armlets at 15c and 25c. Garters at 25c and Braces at 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c. We still have a fairly good supply of Cashmere and Wool Hos- iery, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Caps, Hoods and Sweater Coate. Our stock throughout and also our staff is at your ser- + vice and will do our best to please you. + Wishing all the compliments of the season, • I remain, Yours Faithfully, + + + P. S. -Store open in the evenings during Xmas week. + The Work of t e Women's Mission- + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++t-+++++++++ ary Society." A. Strachan 4, 4, • •, 4 + + + + 4 + 4. + + + + The Instinct To Save is in every well-balanced man. To start a savings account de- velops a foresight that will be to its owner's benefit in many ways, and to select this old - established bank as the deposi- tory for your money is evidence of sound and conservative judgment. 87 The Bank of Nova Ser tia PAID -IIP CAPITAL - $ 0,500,000 RESERVE FOND - 10,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES over 90,000,000 BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. Gilroy, Manager Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, kloueehold Furniture, &c., will be held at Lot 22, Con. ]4, McKillop, when the Executors of the estate of the late Win. Dennison, will offer the property and stock for sale. F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, Brussels, will wield the hammer. Keep tab on the date. Farre contains 75 acres and is well located. .II. Wroxeter + Milton Naylor and family have .q. moved to Fordyce. + Beit Harris, of Howick, was a visi- t tot. in Toronto this week. + An addition of 00 new volumes has + beeu made to the Public Library dur- ing the past week. + Mrs. Alex. Smith, a former well + known resident of the village, who +m (wed to Stoughton, Sask., about 9 + years ago, is now visiting her laugh- + ter, Mrs. 5, Rasmussen. 'IIF' Mre. T. Wesley, assisted, by H: I Town, conducted the Young People's +service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. The topic was ••••••@••••d•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A••••• • • • • Kid THE BIG STOREDress Cloves + Silks ChristmasAnd only 7 Shopping Days in which to do Th your Xmas Business oughts Christmas Gift Goods THE Finest, Newest, most Attractive stock of Christmas Dry Goods to be found anywhere is here for your inspection. We can satisfy your taste no matter how exacting and prices as low as you can expect to find them. Silks A big shipment just in for the Christmas buyers in black, brown, tan, ()open and navy, 36 inches wide, good to wear and will not cut, $1 and $1.25. Velvets Corded Velvete, 27 inches wide, colors navy in two shades, brown in two shades, cardinal two shades, cream, all 60c a yard. Navy, purple and fawn, a much better quality, $1.85, for $1.25. In plain vel - vete the largest variety of shades ever offered, also cream and black. Ladies' collars Our stook of Collars and seta of Collars and Cuffs, bought expressly for the Christmas trade, is larger and better than ever before. Prices from 25c to 81.00 for collars, 500 to $1.00 for Bete. Everything in col- lars, the latest having been made in the last two weeks. Kid Gloves Selling at $1.00 and $1.25 black, white and tan, all guaranteed. Lynton English walking gloves, in tan, $1.00. Rugs Do you want one to make the house look more cheerful these long Winter evenings ? A pick from our lot will be found right in every way and the cost only trifling. - Handkerchiefs Embroidered corners at 5c with beautiful designs. Itritial in several prices. Our stock was never so large and covers everything from 2 for 50 to $1 00 each. child's fancy 2 for 50, others 5c each, colored borders 6c, white embroider- ed 5c and up to 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 80c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 81.00. Yuletide Suggestions DON'T leave your gift buying till the last moment. We have the goods you need and lots of them, too, in useful articles and inexpensive as well, Boudoir caps 25c and 35 cents. Aprons soc. Centre -pieces, Dresser Scarfs, Table Covers, Bat- tenburgand Embroidery designs. Table Napkins from $1.25 to $4.50 a dozen and hundreds of other useful articles for your Christmas buying. HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE, D. C. Ross •••••••+1•••••••+•N$••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The committee of the Red Cross Society wish to remind the women of Wroxeter and vicinity that the need for hospital enpplies is still very great and that a supply of material will be found in the poetofiice ae usual, Oranbrook The public school re -opened on Monday after It brief measle holiday, Mrs, George Spieling is offetiitgher farm for sale, Read the advt. in this leans. • Pastor will preach in the Methodist Church next Sabbath afternoon at the usual hour. Oranbrook folk are doing their "bit" to relieve the snifeting of our wound- ed and daring soldiers. A stirring Red Chose Circle meets every Thurs. day while much work is done in the member's (tomes, Four boxes, con- sisting of large and sutall dressing, bandages, towels, sheets, hospital shirts, etc„ valued at $15 each, have been sent to Red. Cense headquarters. Christmas boxes have been for- warded to our soldier boys, Pri- vates Noble and McDonald. The great need of the Society is co-opera- tion. There ie strength in numbers. Good opportunity to aid the finances is afforded the men as lunch is served each week in which they might par- ticipate. Make an effort to come. Everyone welcome, Mise Rebecca McNair was a visitor with Mrs. James Duncan, Atwood, for a part of last week. Several from here went to Brussels Wednesday to visit the Northern Ont- ario Exhibition car of products from that fertile part of our Province. Owing to the illness of Mies Irene with measles Mrs. M. Ktau t er has been in Brussels nursing her. They will be out of quarantine in afew days we are pleased to state. Walton School closes next Wedneeday. Remember the Dennison Auction Sale Wednesday afternoon of next week, Lot 22, Oon. 14, McKillop. Anniversary sermons in Duff's church, Walton, next Sabbath, when Rev. Dr. Somerville, Toronto, is ex- pected to preach at both services. Some more of the stalwart boys of this locality talk of enlisting to defend the Empire. There's big need yet for them. The stores will be open for business next Wednesday evening so ae to give customers a chance to finish up their Christmas purchases. •+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+ •+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+••F•+•+•4 • + + • •+ • + • 0 4. • + • •+ • + • • •• • •• • •• Richards & eo.•• + e THE CASH SHOE STORE 4. 4. • + • • • e j. i• • •t • •• • • + • •r • + '°- O + • + • + • �4 • + • • • Hockey Shoes Felt Shoes and Nice Warm Slippers for Men, Women and Children, the favorite present of Christmas, and our Cash System enables us to make the prices so low that you will see the advantage of purchasing here. Satchels, Suit Cases and Trunks at Low Cash Prices Set Single Harness to exchange for Hard Wood. A few Blankets clearing at Cost. +•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+i oossoo••••••••••eoeses•Q•9••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e • • • I i:i yyl . • • l;t • • e • • • 0 • • • a The uron Battalion CC p0 • Has Been Authorized • • • • w • • • • m • Q8 [i • �. • • tic ei • 6 e e k! • • • W oa • • • • • • 18 • • • ••• • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••t••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. 100 Men expected from Brussels and Vicinity. BrusselYIjIIYous Make Good 1 The Pay Married men $1. I 0 per day with 85c for subsistence. Single man, who is the sole support of a widowed mother, $1.1 o per day with 85c for subsistence. Single man $1. ro per day with 6oc for subsistence, Recruiting Office Opposite American Hotel Lieut. D. S. Scott, RECRUITING OFFICER. Will You Help Brussels and Huron make Good and Enlist Now ? Churches to be Closed Next Sunday By authority of the Provincial Board of Health it is recquested that the services in the various churches in Brussels be with- drawn next Sunday to prevent the spread of measles of a serious typo and which are prevalent now in thie locality. By order of BOARD OF HEALTH. Tho Ladies' Aid of Duff's Church generously donated $75.00 to the Cana- dian Hospital in England. No doubt the gift will be very acceptable. Don't forget the annual Christmas Tree Entertainment of St, George'e Sunday School to be held in A. 0. U. W. Hall Wednesday evening of next week. Good program. W. and Mrs. Hoy are here for a visit with their son, Richard. They have been at the home of J. W. and Mrs. Morrison, Grey township, for the past few mon the. MATRIMONIAL. -Wednesday of last week Councillor Duncan Johnston, of Walton, and Mise Eliza J., eldest daughter of the late John Searl, 9th Line, Morris township, were united in marriage, the ceremony being per- formed in Seafoith. They have taken up residence on the groom's fine farm here. We extend hearty congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and wish them many happy and prosper- ous years. New catalogues have been issued by the Public Library in which the 1200 books on the shelves appear. Walton has an excellent Library and it is worthy of much larger patronage by the public. The officers look carefully after the work and would be greatly encouraged if 25 new members would join and secure a long Winter's read- ing for less than the price of one good book. Get a catalogue and see what a fine choice you have. Jamestown Jamestown news may also be read on page 5 of this issue. A School Concert will be held next Monday evening in S. S. No. 4, Grey (Bryan's) for which a good program is being prepared. Miss Olutton is the teacher. Good time is always assured at No. 4. Bluevale Mre. J. W. King arrived home last week from an enjoyable visit to rela- tives and friends in the West. Thursday of next week at 1.30m., the annual meeting of Bluevale Cheese and Butter factory will be held in the Foresters' Hall. S. Paul is the Secre- tary. The Bluevale Women's Institute in- tend holding a Patriotic Concert on the evening of December 31st (New Year's eve). A good program is being prepared and a pleasant evening is promised to all who come. Proceeds in aid of the Red Cross Society. • - �6 Grey • • Mies Jessie McLeod, Ripley, is a • visitor with the Mieses Dickson, llth • Con. 18 J. M. Murray and his granddaugh- ter, Miss Blanche Irwin, of Belmore, • were visitors at the home of D. K. •and Mrs. Livingston, 16th Con. They are relatives. • Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. •Johnston, Professor in Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, was the preacher in • Union Methodist Church. He gave a • fine address. • Dialogues and musical numbers will • form a large part of the Entertain- • ment to be given in School House No. • • 3 Friday evening of this week. Hear • the program and help the soldiers. • Congratulations are extended to J. • P. and Mre. Gaynor on the arrival of • an heiress to their home on Thursday •of last week. The young lady has • been named Miriam Leone and she is • eaid to be sweeter than her pretty • name. • BIRTHDAY PARTY. - Friday even- • a number of old neighbors and • friends from Walton locality as- • sembled at the home of 3. W. and • Mrs. Morrison, 5th Con., to celebrate • the 60th birthday of W. W. Hoy, • Mrs. Morrison's father, who with Mrs. Hoy spent the Summer with their daughter while Mr. Morrison was away on 0. P. R. Railway duty. A tipitop time was enjoyed and hearty • coneratufations extended to the guest of the evening who is eujoying com- parative good health. We wish him many happy returns of the day, • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • Belgrave Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr, Ball, of Bervie, gave a most interesting ad- dress on the Educational work of the Methodist church. Financial results were good. Next Sabbath Rev. E. G. Powell, Huron County Temperance Secretary, will deliver addresses on the Belgrave Methodist circuit. He is a good speak- er and well posted on his subject. John Anderson, of Wareham, is visiting hie family at Wingham and Belgrave. Mr. Anderson is looking tine despite his advanced years. He is in his 84th year. A big time is expected et the Christ- mas Tree Entertainment in connection with the Methodist Church Sabbath School Christmas eve. Program will consist of Songs, Recitations, Drills, Dialogues, Santa Claus, &c. Adults 25 cents, children I5 cents. Splendid time promised. H Hopper is t H hexa. Superintendent. PP FINE TIME The Women's Institute Were the guests of Belgrave Farmers' Club last Tuesday evening in the O. O. F. Hall President Coultas occupi- ed the chair and an entertaining musical and literary program was en- joyed. .'Everybody had a good time and the teen are to be oomnlimented, Tasty lunch was served. While the ladies did some necessary tidying up at the close the men held a business meeting. At the meeting,of the Women's In- stitute, at the home of Mre, Nelson Higgins, last week, a good time was enjoyed. t1 practical talk was given by Mrs, G. W. Procter on an old time Christmas dinner and she will not be to blame if the ladies who were pres- ent do not have it. Mre, Will. Procter discussed the question of con- fectionery, hone -made candy, &c., both subjects being followed by a live discussion. Ethel Council met here on Wednesday. Ernest Cole is here for a holiday from Mowat, Parry Sound. The measle epidemic has about run its course and the people are not sorry. Friday, Dec. 24th, will be the last day open for business at G. M. cham- bers', Ethel, for the next week we will sell everything in the store regardless of cost. Nomination meeting for Grey Town- ship will be held in the Hall here, Monday, 27th, inst., from 12 to 1 p. m, General opinion is that the old Coun- cil will be re-elected by acclamation and thereby save expense to the tax- payers. Last Sunday Rev. G. W. Rivers, of Gorrie, conducted the service in the Methodist church and gave a good ad- dress on the Educational work of the Colleges connected with Methodism. Rev. Mr. Johnson was at Fordwich and Gorrie, G. M. Chambers has announced an Auction Sale for Friday, December 24th, at 1 p. m., when he will offer Household Furniture, &c. Sale unre- served as Mts. Chambers is compelled to remain at Blyth, where her father is an invalid. See list. CARD OF THANES. -We wish to ex- press our sincere thanks to our neigh- bors and friends for their thoughtful and much appreciated kindness to our daughter and sister during her illness and subeegnent death, It will never be forgotten by us. GEO. AND MRS. BATEMAN AND FAMILY. SUDDEN DEMISE.- The people of this community were sadly surprised to hear that John K. Brown, a high- ly esteemed resident, had died Tues- day morning at 3 o'clock. While driving home from Ethel Monday a- bout noon he took a weak spell while near the G. T. R. and called to the Agent. Mr. Brown rallied and went on home but had to be helped into the house. Despite all that could be done he passed away as above stated, being conscious to nearly the end. Deceased was born in Logan township and was widely known in this section. 29 years ago he was married to Miss Sarah F. Buttrey, 12th Con„ and she and a son survive, A daughter died in infancy. 13 years ago Mr. Brown took hold of the Ethel Cheese factory with which he did well, doing his work most satisfactorily. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian church and took a live interest in its affairs. Mr. Brown belonged to Western Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Brussels, and held a warm place with the brethren who attend his funeral at Ethel Presby- terian church at 1 p. in.,Thursday. Interment will be madat Elma Centre. Deep sympathy is expressed for the bereaved in their unlooked for bereavement. Morris The taxes have been hustling in during the past week. Mise Annie Findlater, 2nd line; has gone for a visit with relatives and old friends at Galt and Ayr, Last Sunday Rev. R. J. Garbutt, Lucknow, was the preacher at the Johnson and Browntown churches. He gave good sermons. Rev. A, J. Johnston, M. A., one of Victoria University Professors, Tor- onto, was a welcome visitor with rela- tives this week. He is a half brother to Arthur, Anson aud,Robert Shaw. S. S. No. 8, Morris, (Browntown) will give an entertainment in aid of the Red Cross Fund on Wednesday, Dec. 22, at 8 o'clock. Admission 10 and 25 cents. Refreshments served. The teacher is Mies Yuill. A Red cross Box Social will be held in the Township Hall Thursday even- ing, 30th inst., when a choice musical and literary program wiil be present- ed. The boxes will be auctioned. If you want a good time be there. SCOTCH SHORT BORN BULL. - Thomas Pierce, Lot 80, Con. 8, Morris, has purchased a fine Thoro' bred Short Horn bull calf from J. A. Watt, Elora, Ont., who has one of the larg- est Short Horn herds in Canada headed by the noted bull Gainford Marquis=53755= Imp., the unbeaten bull in Canada and which is the sire of Gainford Perfection=90S90= the junior Champion of Canada. The lat- ter has recently been sold by J. A. Watt to a Short Horn breeder in the Western States for the sum of $3000, Gainford Ideal X90892=, who is also a son of Gainford Marquis and in a Western tour in 1914, at which J. A. Watt took a car load of show cattle to exhibit at the shows there, Gainford Ideal as sr. Yearling took four late, being beaten at Winnipeg by Fair- view Again=89572=which he defeated at Brandon, Regina Saskatoon and Edmonton. Aristocrat=101012= is owned by Thomas Pierce and is sired by Gainford Ideal -90802 -and is a nice roan calf with show quality and looks like a valuable sire to any herd. His dam Lovely 50th =93107= which is a finely breed cow and from good milk- ing strains whose grand darn Lovely Maid =34199 Imp leading back to Miranda, Aristocrat=101912=. Ho will be kept by Thos. Pierce in the sea- son of 1910 for the improvement of stock.