HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-9, Page 1c VOL. 44 NO, 23 BRUSSELS. 'ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER y, 1gx5 W. H. KERR, Proprietor Flasingssausnasseassonmsau To Farmers You would not think of letting productive lend lie idle. Is your surplus money working for you? R not, we suggest that you open a savings account "ilea us. Where but in a good sound Bank can your money-- whether oney-whether $10 or $10,000 -be set to work earning interest, and, at the same time, remain ab- solutely safe and immediately available? 192 The Bank of Nova Scotia Incorporated 1832 PAID-UP CAPITAL - $ 6,600,000 RESERVE FUND - 12,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES over 90,000,000 BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. Gilroy, Manager New Advertisements Pn11 ror sale -J.11. Leeming. IlXmes Baking -A. Strachan, Boy wanted -Geo. Thom.on, Tile for sale -D.111 Sanders. ' Christmas baking -Backer Bros. Billet., for Soldiers -Elaut Scott. Ready for Christmas -F. R Smith. Hound strayed -Fred W Yesohke. Hogs for sale-Joahun Pollard & Son. B istrTct stns McKillop McKillop Oouucil will meet, at Sea - forth on December 15th for the Statu- tory meeting. Warden Govenlock is at Goderich this week attending the closing ses- sion of Huron County Council. Keep the School Entertainment in S. S. No. 12, McKillop, in remem- brance for Friday evening, 17th inert. Interesting program and a share of proceeds will go to Red Cross. Miss Dickson is the teacher. If you want a good time go. 61 anieipaINominations for McICillop township will teeke place at \Vinlhrop Monday, 1)ee, 27th at 1 o'clock p, rat. Wroxeter Deo. Howe rxiadea business stip to Hespeler i his week, Reeve Reis is attending County Council in Goderich this week, Miss Budd, of Brussels, spent last week at the home of Mrs. E. Lowry, Mrs. T. G. Hemphill Itis returned Froin a week'svisit with relatives at Toronto. B. F. Carr, who has opened a harn- ess shop at Ethel, spent Sunday at hie home here, Wrn, A. Leckie and family expect to leave this week for their new home near Loudon. Pte. Walter Goldner, of London camp, spent Saturday with his broth- er, Wm. Goldner. W. Sanderson, Toronto, is spending a few days with his parents, W. H. and Mrs. Sanderson. Geo. Wearringteturned from Cros- well on Monday, where he had attend - ad the funeral of his sister, While cranking D. D. Sandarson's auto on Saturday evening, Ray Carr had his thumb badly lacerated, Two loads of young people attended a play given in aid of Red Cross work in Fordwich on Friday evening, 90 hospital shirts, 15 dozen bandages and 12 pairs of socks were shipped to Red Close headquarters last week. Rev. Mr, Walden will give an ad- dress nn behalf of Victoria College in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. Misses Margaret Sanderson and Mina Douglas had charge of the Young People's meeting in the Pres- byterian church on Sunday evening. The subject taken .was '!Golden Fruits for Prayer Life." In the report of the Red Cross Organization in the country list Mrs. Alex. McKercher's name was omitted. Mrs. Finnan should have read Mr's Hy. Timm. Mrs. Hy. Merkley is also added to the country list. Vice- Presidentis D. D. Sanderson instead of W. H. The United Women Workers of the Presbyterian church, Wroxetets intend having a sale of work on Thurs. day evening, December 18th, in the church. They have numerous useful articles suitable for Christmas gifts. There will also he a sale of home- made bread, cakes, candies, etc. Re- freshments will be served. A disastrous fire took place on the premises of David Miller, Morrisbank, between 8 and 9 o'clock an Sunday evening, when one of his barns was destroyed. Mr. Miller had been doing some work itt the barn .and while di, scending a ladder into the stable, slipped and fell, upsetting the lantern and setting fire to the stable. Most of the stock was saved. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+•••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • ••• • ..F • • Secure Y our Supplies for Xmas Bakin g AT trach an We have a complete stock of Fresh rants, Dates, Orange, Citron and Shelled Almonds and Walnuts and kinds. • Raisins, Cur - Lemon Peels, Spices of all Our Stock of + • GeneralyDr Go0• d5 • • • is also in good shape and we are well prepared to supply you with warm Clothing for the colder • weather. i • • • A complete line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. : Ladies', Misses' and' Children's Coats of good style + and at right prices. I Men's and ' B t �} s Suits, Overcoats, Underwear, •Sweaters, Caps, Heavy Rubbers and Socks &c. + Give us a calf. • We ar pp ecatte your patronage. A. Strachan • :+•••••••••••••••+••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44 There have been several nrovings in the vilhtge recently, D. 0, Pope miv- ing to the King Edward Block which he purchased last Spring and Mrs,. Tomes Wylie er., Gurrie, moving to the hone vacated by Mr. Pope, Jas. Huffman lute Woved to W. Ruther- ford's residence on Queen street. Although the attendeueee was not large, a pleasant and profitable bore was spent by those who attended the Patriotic evening givo ll by the Young People's Society of the Presbyterian church on Alotclay evsnieng. Solos were sung by Juo. R. Gibson and severalehoruses by nine young ladies who wire the (methane of the Red Cross nurse. Lantern views were shown by Rev. Mr. Wesley descrip- tive of the work of the Red Cross Society. A short address was given by Rev. Mr. Laokland on Miss Edith Cavell. W. S. MOKerchee was ehalt- man for the evening. Proceeds tormented to $8 70, • Cranbrook There was no servieo in the Methodist church here last Sunday. afternoon.. Mies Nellie Alderson is ill with measles in Brussels but we hope she may have a speedy recovery. Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Toronto, gave a fine ad- dress on the Budget in Knox church here. Oranbrook Public school was order- ed to be closed last week by the Town- ship Board of Health with a view of heading off the weasle. epidemic so rife in some other sections. The anniversary of Knox Church an- nounced for next Sabbath, has been indefinitely postponed on account of sickness in numerous homes with meas - lee and the danger of epreadiug Infec- tion by people congregating, Jamestown One of the lateet persons to enlist in Ihe new Harron Oo. Battalion is \Vru. Holl, an old resident of this locality. He signed rap at Wirtghatii and will commence. his duties next week. We admire his pluck. Sunday evening as Wm. Holt was driving from Victoria Hall after t•he service he was upset out of his rig and suffered some bruises on his tare and a twist in his neck. He might easily have been set•ieusly Inset, t, Thursday evening'nf this week aRed Cross Social will be held at the home of W. and Mr's. H"It, 1st. Oou., Grey township, at which a fine program will be rendered. A good atteudauce is expected to boost this worthy cau.,e. FIRE -Last Sunday evening between 8 and 0 o'clock UR D. M. Miller was at- tended to the chores at his barn, 11• miles North of here, his foot slipped in descending the ladder from the mow and as he was carrying a lighted lan- tern fire was set at once and soon spread among the dry material about.. The bank barn and driving shed ad- joining were destroyed. The reflec- tion of the flee wets seen for miles. Considerable crop was consumed. $500 iusnrence was carried in the Howick Mutual, so 11 is reported but if correct it would not nearly replace the buildings. GEORGE JOHNSTON DECEASED. Last Friday an old and well known resident of the lst. Line of Morris township, P g in the person of Geot• e Johnston, paid Nauss e sde t, ar ed 81 years, 10 months rand 18 days. He had not been very tugged during the past Years but v cooly in 1. clays wets } Pneumonia were thet cause of death. The funeral tools place last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock after appropriate service at the late home of the de- ceased. Intetnient was made at Bluevale cemetery, the ran e Lodge, • which Mr. inetoti was a mem- ber for years, laking pent in the service. The subject of this no- tice was a good feu met, his 105 me often ,appearing 110 I he Fall rant Prize lists. He was a gond hearted man and always ready with a joke. In church relationship he belonged to the Metho- dist body and his political leanings were ver y strongly to the Oonserva• Give aide. Mu'. .l..h".ton wee been in krnlreisI isl.•, 0 .1 , ford 141111.. Wesl, t" G eche lelt tort n.hip es hen a boy. Over 62 years ago ire and his cuugiit, the late Wm. ,),cues Jelonstnll, rime In querns township and took up the farms nn which they lived continuous- +++++++++++++++++++++++++ • i• • BRUSSELS + + } "r t hoto .,, STUDIO + Re -opened t • IVe tnalce all sizes of Photo - 1.1; gi'aphs ft raw post ceu'ds up. All kinds of lilillurgetuents. + Now would be a good time to 8. have your family group taken.+ S. Wedding Groups tt specialty. F ++ + A(m•dialinvitedinn is given to + L1 a pantie tn call and see mi. + uAll n• � •r. ., work guaranteed and pekoes 4. •+F reasonable. + •+F Now ie the time to order your + + Ohristnras Photos, One dozen + Photos make a dozen Obristmas +F Presents. 4. + I' Free Bros. • PROPRIETORS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '+ 1 aa.►.r. ws.e. r�.n.►®`e. What's On ? "rhe Miuisl,ei"s Bride" Entertainment under Red Cross Society, Town Hall, Brussels, December 10th, Northern Ontario Exhibition oar of products, Sze., Braissels, Wednesday, Dec. 15th, from coon to 110001 of Dec. lath. - "Oht'iettuas runaway Reindeer" by Junior Epworth Leaguers, Mahn - dist church, Brussels, Tuesday even- ing, Dec. 141h. - ly until called to the Better Land. Deceased was marl ied to Miss Sander- son, of Wawanosh, and they would have celebrated their 0011, atinivereat'y next Janutc y had Mr. Johnston sur- vived. Mrs. Johnstml, 8 sons (James, Thomas and Noble in the West and Inc,..Wm. and David in thin locality) and S daughters (Mrs. A. Kirkpatrick, Nils, Ont. • Mrs. A. Mason, Winni- peg ; and ,Mrs. Ed. Jackliu, of this neighborhood) survive and share in the sympathy of a wide circle of old friends. Several children died in their youth. The old timers ate rapidly disappearing so that today very few of the pioneers remain. Belgrave East Wawanosh Oonncil will meet here next Wednesday. piesented the claims of the Budget from a business standpoint. Mrs. Robert Geddes is improving slowly in health. Hope she will soon be all tight. Miss Jessie Budge has gone to•Cree- more on an extended visit to her nephew, Rev. A. L. Budge. Things look good for a large crowd and an A 1 program Friday night at Mies Inlay's school. Miss Te,sie Halliday has been at Bayfield dm•ing the past week visiting het sister, Mrs. Stewart. Trinity Sabbath School is holding a social evening for the children in the 0. 0. F. Hall on the night of the 231.d. Mr McKenzie, L ucknow, assisted Rev. Mr. Boyle no Sabbath at the services here and Calvin °bereft. He The Patriotic Society met at the manse Monday evening. They decid- ed to send $100 to Shorncliffe hospital Eneland, The frame for the new chopping mill here was raised Wednesday afternoon and in a few clays it will be ready to install the rnachinery. Mrs. (Rev.) Boyle has returned from Shelburne where she has spent the past two weeks visiting relatives also attending the wedding of a relative. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Bali, of Bervie, will preach Educational sn- ide/mealy sermons on Belgrave cir- cuit and Rev. Mr. Parnaby will go to Salem. Guild Sunday night will be taken by wembeis of the Woman's Mission- ary Society, subject being "Educa- tional work carried on by the Wo - mons Missionary Society in Canada." Harvey Knox, formerly of the 5111 line, who went with the first conting- ent to France, while in active service received a bad wound from a German shrapnel in one of hie limbs that it was necessary r. c ceesa,v to amputate it. Hat vev has recovered and expecte to eat his Christina dinner with his !mother that at@txR cd Sask. . A nEa note from E. L. Wi h g Goran, Bunderick, Sask., formerly of this inrality, itt renewing subscription to THE POST, says :-We are all well here at present. Have fine weather with jnat n little flurry of snow so far (Nov 30th). Am pleased to say we have had good crops here this year, for which we are very thankful. Wishing you et joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mo erre J. Bowmen, M. P., was at Ottawa duping e thweal past t t. Next Council meeting Wednesday, 15th inst. This is the Statutory -meet - hog. Don't. forget Wm. Douglas' Aurtinn Sale, 6th line, Friday afternoon of this week. This week Reeve Shortreed is at the Oolt:y Town attending December session of tine 0n. 00011011. Mrs. Rieh,c'd Artnetrorrg, 3rd Line, has been on the sick list with erysipelas tut her many friends wish her a speedy aecoverYeed . Motta tnwahrP should have 25 re - omits •rrnita fit the: new Huron Battalion. Lord Kitchener says thousands of men are needed yet. Morris township has numerous re- presentatives at the Whiter Fair at Guelph this week, Great crowds have been in attendance. In the Auction Sale entire of W. Douglas, his farm is Lot 10, 0111 line, instead of Lot 6 a stated. Sale is Fridrty afternoon of this week. The 115010 bare of Harry Hopper, 3rd line, is ahnnt rompleted need is a fine one. We hope it may often be peek- ed to r Ihe barye n e the e to f r r ate t e01115. Among those who were. at Guelph Winter Fair were Reeve Shortreed, Treasurer Shaw and Alessi's, Evans, Lawson, Knight, Clegg, Pierce and others. We are pleased to report noticeable 'm rnvement in the cnncli inn of i t Alex. I Anderson, 5th Line, and lump it may continue until he is completely restored, A. fine time was enjoyed at the Box Sncial held at the hospitable hone of Wm, Bryans, 4th Neto, under the auspices of St. John's Church A, Y, P. A., Brnseele. $5000 were realized. Mrs M. M. Cardiff, who hes been in theWest c,1' post few yeau s, l*ae at'o'iv. ed hark to her old home here for a,vieit, ]Fir. On.rdi11 has been here during tine past 9ninmei. Mrs. 0e 'diif'e runny old I'viends welcome her back to Morris township, Oheistmas Tree and Eutertahnnent in Be•ovutown school au Wednesday evening, Dos,• 22nd, Refreshments Will be served and good program rendered. Admission 25 and 10 cents.. Next week Mrs, B. Walker, 6th line, goes for a holiday trip to Regina where she will visit her two sons and their families and tiuwer'ous old friends in that oily and residents at other pointe, Wo Genal, her a fine time and a safe ro- tten. Walton Nurse Ferguson ie waiting on a patient at Brussels these days. A number from this comrnnnity ate at Guelph thio week attending the Wi rater Fair. St, George's Church Ladies Aid did well at their Bazaar last week, making about 28500. A short musical pro- gram was presented. The Public School concert was held on Wednesday evening and was a de- cided success. Misses Dickson and Ross, our teachers, are meeting with good success. A very large crowd gathered on Tuesday at the Red Cross sewing meeting and supper in the A. 0. II. W. Hall. Almost $400 has been rais- ed in two months. Keep the annual Sunday School Chtietmas Entertainment of St. George's church in mind. It takes place Wednesday evening 22nd inst., in the A, 0, U. W. Hall. Good pro- gram. Special Anniversary services are to be held in Walton Presbyterian church on Sunday, Dec, 19th, at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. Rev. Dr. Somerville, Toronto, will preach morning and evening. Special music, An Anniv- ersary offering of $200 is asked for. Public cordially invited. STRATTON-CLARKE. -The Regina Morning Leader of Nov. 23rd, contains the following notice of local interest : "The manse, Knox Presbyterian church, Regina, was the scene of a quiet wedding on Saturday, November 20th, when Miss Marie Isabel, daugh- ter of A. and Mrs. Clarke, of Walton, Ont., became the bride of Wm. M. Stratton, of Stoughton, Sask. The bride was beconmingiy attired in her travelling costume of battleshin.grey velvet opening over a blouse of copen- hagen crepe. Her hat of black velvet was trimmed with an ostrich mount and touches of ermine. On their re- turn from a wedding trip the newly married couple will reside in Stough- ton," Many good wishes are tendered the happy twain for a prosperous jnnrney through life by Walton friends. FOR THE SOLDIERS. -The Walton Woman's Institute and Red Orals Auxiliary in the month of November made a good boost for the Red Cross as follows :- Teas $ 50 95 Leadhury School Concert 27.60 S. S. No. 9 54.00 Mrs. Watt 3.15 Total 135.60 A shipment of hospital supplies and socks forwarded to Red Bross head- quarters, Toronto, was valued at $45.- 00 and $100 cheque was sent to Hyman Hall, London, Ont. 5 Christmas boxes,valueda t 3 00 each were sent to thsoldier boys at the front from t Walton locality, viz Messrs. Taylor,for Cunningham, Dennison, McLeod and McDonald. We are notrowin 13 g weary in the good work but perfecting our organization and extending our activities. Weekly sewing bees con- tinue with added interest and every woman in the community is urged to lend a helping hand. Second hand clothing will be gladly accepted for French relief. Grey Reeve Livingston and Deputy Reeve Brown are attendiug Huron County Council this week. Township Donnell will meet Wednes- day of next week at Ethel to close up municipal business for the year, Mrs. Hugh McKinnon is home from an enjoyable visit with her daughter, Mee. (Dr.) Robertson, Collingwood. A few young then are considering the question of enlistment for the defence of the Empire. We hope to see more of our stalwart youths in the line up, The Winter Fair at Guelph was the attraction to a good many during the past week. Lew. Frain, Roy and Geo. Hall, M. McNair and J. Strath r among e who attended, were m o t e e g ho Sunda. Januar 23rd and Monday Y Yn 2ktloare the dates chosen for Union church anniversary. Rev. D. Wren, Brussels, will preach on the Sabbath anda first-class program will follow the Fowl Supper Monday evening. A new section of territory is being commander'ed by the measles and the necessary quarintining being done. Thsre may be trouble over violations of the law when Board of Health cards are up in reference to the coming and ern ;ng. THE LATE MRS, MAKER. -Last week TaE POST referred to the late Mrs. Maker, who passed away on Tuesday of last week, aged 66 years and 8 months. Her maiden name was Mary A. Mathers and her birthplace Plymouth, England. 47 years ago Mt. and Mrs. Maker were married $on the Old Country and sante to Canada 10 years later. They fleet lived on Oon. l0 but 23 years ago they Moved to Lot 83, Con. 5, where the home still is. 2 children were born to the family one of whom died when a baby in England, Miss Mary lives with her falter. At the age of 16 years de- ceased was converted and joined the Methodist church and her faith in the Saviour of her oath .never ' 1 v deserted her. She wwas a kindly soul ever ready y to do a good tum. At the funeral service Rev.Mr. Jpohnson, her pastor, Pallbeare s wee a re 1.pandti appropriate S. S. Purvis, F. Beirnes, W, Annett and E. WANTED ! Billets for Soldiers To Train in Brussels for the 161st Overseas Huron Battalion 1st—All those who can accommo- date soldiers with both lodgings and meals. 2nd -Those who can accommodate lodgers only. 3rd -Those who can accommodate boarders only, State number you can accontno- date and terms you will charge, This board money will be guaran- teed by the Government and will be paid on the 16th and last days of the month. Send above particulars to LIEUT, SCOTT, 161st Huron Overseas Batt. Brussels. Collis sr. Interment was made in Elora Centre Cemetery. CARD of THANKS. -We wish to ex - prase our sincere thanks to the neigh- bors and friends for their thoughtful and much appreciated kindness to Mrs. James Maker• during her illness and subsequent death. It will neves be forgotten by us. JAMES MAKER AND DAUGHTER. Hear Miss Tabitha Flint discuss matrimonial questions wlth Dr. Thorntongrove on Friday evening, Dec, 17th, in School House No. 3, The subject is in good hands. Christ- mas Tree, lunch and a good time are on the program. Help the soldier boys. Bluevale FOR Sits. -Red cutter, get single harness, chime bells heavy robe, plush Ian rug and cot- ton horse blanket. In good condition. Apply to 0. Durr, Bluevale. A. and Mrs. Procter spent Sunday at W. J. Master's. Mies Mary Stewart is visiting rela- tives at Palmerston, We are sorry to learn that Milton Smith is on the sick list. Mrs. McLeod has left for Toronto, where she will spend the Winter. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Guelph Fair this week. Mr. Sternal, of Howick, visited his daughter, Mrs. Wtn. Haney, on Sun- day. Harold Thompson has been laid up with tonsilitis but we hope he will soon be o. k. F. J. Johnston, M. A., Toronto, at- tended the funeral of his uncle, Geo. Johnston. Thomas Orose, brother of Mrs. Ann Bruce, died at Methuen, Sask., at the home of his son-in-law, Rev. S. V. Ir- vine, on Nov. 28rd, Ethel Statutory Council meeting Wednes- day of next week, Saturday of this week a specialeci a] ' g Council meeting will be held here. The regular service was held in the Methodist Ohurch last Sunday even- ing. Miss Elizabeth Hall is home from a visit with Jamestown and Brussels friends. Will, Hall is home front an enjoy- able triples the West. He is well pleased with the outlook for his Western frierrds,l The next regular meeting of Ethel Woman's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Vodden on Thursday 16th inst., at 2.80 p. tn. Planning for Social evening in January and other business will constitute the program. Keep the date clear, CALLED TO THE BETTER HOME, - Ida Beatrice, third daughter of Geo. and Mary Jane Bateman, was called away after a lingering Meese of about three years. She had been slightly worse recently and the last few days sank very rapidly until Wednesday evening, December 1st, the silent boatman made the final call and she passed to her reward in the Home Beyond the skies, being conscious to the last. Deceased was 1 in ]ret 25th year, was born in this locality and is survived by her parents, a brother and 3 sisters.eatr' B ice as she was usually called, was a a of a bright,h t, cheerful disposition and bore up Bur - lug her illness with a fortitude based on a hope and faith in Jesus Christ. As she passed through the valley there was no shadow for a beacon light from the other shore did lighten the way. She was a tnember of the Methodist church, Sunday School and League and before her illness was a member of the choir ; when able at- tended the services doing her part nobly and well. The funeral was on Friday but on account of the fancily being quarantined' for measles it was private and was conducted by Rev, Mr. Johnson deceased's pastor. Rev. Mr. Wren, a former pastor, now of Brussels, would liked to have been with them at the funeral but circum- stances would not permit. He sent a letter of sympathy w abh V and love express- ing x t s - in his high appreciation of the de- ceased havingknown her so well she had lived in their home for some Hine when he was in Ethel. A num- ber of floral offerings were sent to the home as a tribute to the departed. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Much regret "vas felt on account of the quarantine as it pre- vented a large a nu mbar from being n �presentto n their last tribute of respect to their neighbor, friend nd :and companion. The pallbearers wets Harold and Russell Wilbee, Ed. Stephenson, F. Cole, Wm. Mitchell and Wm, P. Hutchinson, Our kindest Christmas Baking Have you tried our Coto - suet Shortening ? Saturday we will have loo pounds of Chopped Suet ready for sale. Ord- er early and make sure of your supply. Baeker Bros. BRUSSELS sympathies are extended to the family bereaved. "Asleep in Jeans, blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep, A calm and undistut'bed repose Unbroken by the last of foes." NUNON CO. COUNCIL December session of Huron Co. Council convened in Goderich Tues- day afternoon of this week, Warden Govenlock in the chair and all the metobers present. Reeve Nairn took his seat as successor to the late Reeve Elliott, of Goderloh. Minutes of the regular June session. and a special meeting were read and adopted. Communications were teed from Bruce Co. relative to the sink hole on Tuenberry-Onhoss boundary ; from Police Magistrate Lockhart as to be- ing provided with office, &c ; Jas. Mitchell, Secretary of the 0o. Patrio- tic Association ; from Seaforth re- garding the Superannuation of School Inspectors and teachers, opposing it; Good Roads Association, whish were, with a number of accounts referred to Committees. Jailer Griffin's report was presented which stated 5 male vagrants were on hand and asking for necessary supplies of clothing, Soc. Peddler's By -Law is to be dealt with to square it with the Statute. Co. Secretary Elliott addressed Council relative to the work being done by the Children's Aid Society. Among the matters of importance before this session are the appoint- ment of new Keeper and Matron for Houseof Refuge, owing to demise of Keeper Mutch, for which there are several applicants and the proposed Huron Co. Battalion. Among inter- esting items from the House of lief- uge annual report are the following : -Inmates admitted since opening 467 ; No. now on the list, 84, of which 16 were admitted this year. No. of deaths 8. 45 are males and 89 fe- males, Total expenditure on House and fart n9458. 4. $ r Produce sold $3104.22; Received from paying patients, $708 60. Average expense per instate pee day, 151 cents. Salaries -Hired help, $420 t Inspec- tor Keeper, Ma ttou and assistants, $1739 ; Physician and appliances, $409; fuel and light, $115Crops grown for 1915 were :-Hay 20 tons, oats, 200 bushels, barley 225, beans 30, onions 40, carrots 15, beets 8, po- tatoes 250, mangolds 1000, parsnips 15, cabbages 1000 heads, fodder corn acre, tomatoes 50 I boxes, raspberries 700 boxes, hogs sold for $613 and 3 acres Dutch sets, $2,052. Church Chimes See the Sunday School Lesson notes on page 3 of this issue of Tag POST, Rev D Wren will preach sermons on the Ripley circuit next Suuday in con- uectiou with the Educational work of the Methodist church The annual meeting of the Lord's Day Alliance will be held on Friday, 17th inst., at z p m. in the offices of the Al- liance, 633 Confederation Life Building, Toronto. "The Gospel of the second mile" was the eneouraging theme of the pastor in the Methodist church last Sunday morning. In the evening the topic was "What would be the result if too men in Brussels bauded themselves together to advance the Kingdom oto 0 f Chtistd There was an optimism about it that was refreshing and Stimulating. Next Sabbath mor m wing and evening the pulpit of the Methodist church will be occupied by Rev. Prot. Johnston, of Victoria University, Toronto, who will present the Educational question. Prof. Johnston is a fine preacher and is a former Morris township boy who is do- ing well. He will be well worth bear- ing. The Secretary will be greatly obliged if the various Bible Societe Collectors of Brussels Branch who have not made their returns will do so at as early a date as possible as reports have to be made out and sent to Toronto before the end of this month. to books have been banded so far, with very gratifying re- sults. An earnest appeal has come to band from the bead office urging liberality as thousands of copies of the Bible have been made t the o h e soldierso- e hogto and the t n battle fields so that ex. pendithre has been unusually heavy. Rev. A. J Moon dealt with the Bible last Sabbath morning, it being Bible Sunday and gave a good address. In the eveniug Rev. R M. Hamilton, Secretary of the Layman's Missionary Movement, Toronto, occupied the pulpit end band - led his subject, iel'be things that make for P ace" in r t ave Able Mann er Y He showed that Education,' ' I Ciarl zstinu, &c., had failed but Missionary Christianity was doing and would do the work if the necessary support was rendered. The speaker pressed home o0 his auditors the personal duty of being a lifter,