HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-2, Page 8THE ALWAYS WELCOME GIFT A KODAK The gift that keeps the picture story of everyinterest—School days and sports, the Winter and Summer outings, the trip to the country or city. In all these there is pleasure in the picture taking, and afterwards satisfaction in possession. No Shortage of Dolls kilt Contrary to the predictions of a year ago that there would be no Dolls for the 1915 Christmas, we have gathered together as good a collection, if not better, than we ever had. See our window display with the- -New Character Ruby Do'is. —Soldier Boy Dolls in Khaki. —Doll Nurses, — Musical Dolls. —Rubber Doris. — Cloth Bodied Dolls with Hair, —Esquimaux Dolls, —China Headed Dolls, &c. Prices are most reasonable and range from roc up to $2 5o each. Those thinking of dressing dolls for Christmas Trees, or to be sent away, would do well to see what we have. ?'tae1?�XCA Store F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. fort lithos Items DECEMBER, ScaooL Board Friday evening of next week. BRUSSELS Council will meet next Mon• day evening. LAST week Alfred Baeker shipped a car of baled hay. TAKE a glance at the label on your paper and if in arrears square up. THE Standard Bank subscribed a million dollars to the new War Loan. P. AMENT shipped a car of staves and a car of heading during the past week, HURON Co. Council opens next Tues- day afternoon tor the closing session of 1915. AMONG those taking is the Minister's Bride will be Mrs. Charity and her daughter, Molly, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Crabbe and a host of others. You should hear them all Dec. loth, in Town Hall, Brussels. THE Minister's Bride," a little play with no plot but a great deal of humor, is being prepared under the auspices of the Red Cross Society and will be given on the evening of Friday, December loth, in Brussels Town Hall. Further announcements will be made later, but keep the date clear. DIED AT A GOOD OLD AGE —There passed away at his late residence, Lots 5 and 6, Con. A, Turuberry township, ors Friday last, au old resideut in the person of John Wallace McCutcheon, father of Mrs, Sylvester Fox, Brussels, aged 89 years, 8 months and 14 days. Funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, burial be- ing made in Wroxe'er cemetery, WILL VISIT WROxETER.—R. M. Sin- clair has decided to visit Wroxeter Wed- nesday evening of each week to present moving picture programs. The show will be given in the Town Hall, Wed- nesday evening of this week was the opening. Brussels and Lucknow are al- so on his list so he will have a busy time. STOCKMEN will be interested in the blg Sale of good stock to be held by John Barr, the well known Hallett township breeder. who has leased his farm and is disposing of his stock. Sale will be held at McCaughev's Hotel stables, on Thursday. December reith, commencing at 12 3o o'clock. Read the advt. in this issue of TBE POST. PUBLIC Library Board met last Friday afternoon, � 0o with Reeve Leckie, J. F. Rowland, A. C. Dames. F. H. Gilroy, B. S. Scott and W. H,err' K in attend- ance. Account for supply of coal was ordered to be paid and one for street watering was laid over, It was decided to order a new supply of books for the Library shelves and the former commit- tee of ladies was asked to act in con- junction with the Board in their selec- tion. GOVERNMENT DEMONSTRATION CAR.— Don't fail to see the exhibit of the pro- ducts of Northern Ontario in the Dem onstrstion Car which will be at the G, T. R. Station, Brussels, from 12 a• m. Tuesday, December 14113, until noon on Wednesday, December 15th. Mr. Jones, who is in charge, will gladly show all visitors through the car. There is no admission fee. The pupils of the school are especially invited. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY.— Wednes- day evening of next week a hundred or more lantern views will be shown at a public meeting, to be held in Melville church school room, Brussels, in the in- terests of the Children's Aid Society of this Branch of the County Association. County Agent I Elliott, of Goderich, will give an explanatory talk in connection with the pictures. There will be no ad- mission fee but an offering will be taken. Entertainment begins at 8 o'clock. If you are interested in this splendid work be sure and attend. JNO, ANSLEY DECEASED.—Last Sun- day there passed away at his home In Lower Wingham, a well knowu man in the person of John Ansley, for many years the County Engineer of Huron Co , He had been in failing health for some time. His age was 8z years 3 months and 15 days. Mr, Ansley is survived by his wife and family. Fun - oral took place Tuesday afternoon to Wingham cemetery. ino. Ansley was a man highly esteemed and with a wide acquaintance in q Huron and neighboring Counties. WINTER FAIR.—The Ontario Provinci- al Winter i Fair will be held in Guelph from Friday, 3rd inst., to Thursday night following. It will be open from q a. m. to to p. m. each day, Round Trip tickets at single fare, good to re- turn up to and ' including Dec, 11th. A few programs are on hand at Twa POST it people would care tor them. Quite a number from this locality talk of attend. ing. Thomas McMillan, Hullett town- ship, Huron Co., is one of the speakers Tuesday morning, his theme being "The shipping and marketing of Live Stock." Railway tickets to Exhibitors or Judges are good going on Dec, 111 to return on Des. 15th. Are you intend- ing to go? Faro from Brussels to Guelph is $1.85. FRIDAY evening next, Dec, iota, is the date of the entertainment In the 'town Hall, "The Minister's Bride." THE I2 acre plot owned by Edward Garvin, South of Brussels, is offered for sale, Advertisement may be read in this issue. It is a desirable property if a person wished to keep a couple of cows, horse, poultry, &c. DURING the past week the G. T. R. section men along this line have been busy lifting the rails on the 5 mile stub line over which was hauled the supply of marl to the now defunct cement mill at Atwood We were hoping the busi- ness would be set on its feet again but this last move gives it the quietus for some time to come. -O Tann N00100.—Tax Collector Oliver will be at the Town Hall every afternoon, commenc- ing Saturday, December 9th. On Deoember 18th and 14th he will be there all day. All taxes unpaid on the 14th will have 5 per cent added. Two bags of shop found on the North gravel road. By calling at Tag Poem and paying for this notice their whereabouts will be made known. Mi1Cow for ale. Choice Durhamgrade, due 0calve Deo. 20th. Good milker. Apply to J. '. boINmoea, Cranbrook. Phone 150 APARTMENTS to let in the Graham block lately vacated by the Pryne family. 6IALOOLM BLACK. FRE810 calved cow for sale, Plan 2 heifers, due to freshen in March. Phone 1514. A. 61oges, Ethel. CANvess horse blanket lost on the North gravel road Will finder kindly leave it at THE Poem and much oblige the loser. COWS and heifers for sale. Apply Lot 22, Oon, 19, McKillop. MRs WM. DENNISON. 21.8 WANTED cattle to Winter. Alt kinds of feed Apply at THE Poet. Two roadster Dolts, a yearling and sicker for sale also a yearling gelding heavy draft. Lot 28, COn. 8, Grey. FRANK SLEIG5THOLM, Ethel. TO RENT. 26 to 28 ooree of land with good barn .and house in the village of Brussels. Apply to W. F. BTRETTON, jeweler, Bruseele Cow, lumber wagon, with box, &c., and a few Pence poste for sale. Enquire at Tag POST. DOME to rent. Apply to W. 0AELEY (Shoe shop) Brussels. A GOOD house for sale with stable and fruit trees. Apply at THE PoeT. Goon brick house on William street for sale together with good stable and driving shed. Excellent repair. Alt convenieneee, bath, etc. For further particulars apply to GEORGE THOMSON, Brussels. IF you want to have a good laugh hear the speech of Mr. Ephraim Snelgrnve, at the Minister's Bride, Dec. loth, Town Hall. REGULAR meeting of the Red res Cross Circle will be heldTuesday esday afternoon next ine x the Public Libraryaudience ud encs room. A good attendance hoped for. BERT. LOTT wishes to remind his sub- scribers that he expects to make deliv- ery of Greeting Cards at Walton, Cran- brook and Ethel on Saturday of this week. P. A6tENT makes his introductory an- nouncement in the columns of THE PosT relative to the new e Chevrolet o t car for which he has the local agency He ex- pects a sample car before long. PHOTO GALLERY TO BE RE -OPENED — Free Bros. have leased the Photo Studio formerly in charge of Artist Maitland, Smith Block, Brussels, and Friday of this week will open it to the public, Good work guaranteed at reasonable rates, they say• Read their advt, in this issue and give them a call. 16 IN THE RANKS.—One of the latest recruits to enlist with the Perth Battal- ion from Brussels is William Burton, familiarly known as "Yankee." His training quarters will he Stratford for the meantime. This makes a total of 16 from this locality, with more to follow. Rev H G. Powell. of Clinton, was announced to address the Epworth League, Brussels, Monday evening He was here in the afternoon on his way from Wroxeter, where be had been tak- ing service on Sunday, but owing to the stormy condition of the weather and the bad state of the roads for his car be put for home by daylight. He has promised to give his talk on "The Liquor Traffic and Nation building" at a later date. DIED IN THE WEST.—Word has heen received here of the death of John C. Gilpin, at Saskntoon, Sask., on Saturday at the age of 89 years Mr, Gilpin was formerly a well known hardware mer- chant of St. Marys, having heen in busiuesa for 43 years. He sold out his business to years ago and Went West. His wife r - deceased him3 years ago. A family of 7 children, five daughters and two sons survive ; also two brothers, Richard T. and William J., of St. Marys. Deceased was a cousin to J. J. Gilpin, of Brussels. MATRIMONIAL.—At r1.3o Wednesday morning a marriage ceremony was per. formed in St. iohn's Church, here, by Rev. R. E. Page, rector, when Chas, Crossfield, manager of the Brussels Poul• try Farm, and Miss Lily Payne, also of Brussels, were united in holy wedlock. The happy 'wain took the afternoon C. P. R train at Walton on a wedding trip to Montreal, Abbotsford, Quebec, the groom's parental home, and other points. On returning they will take up residence on Frederick street, Hearty oongretuletions ate extended, ►••••••w•9r•••••••U••••A••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• t • • •• G • •• 0 • • • • • • • • • b • • •• 2 • • 2 • • • 2 • • • • • East Nuron Produce Emporium Prices Offered 14+++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 Selected strictly New Laid Eggs 400 Fresh gathered Eggs - 32c Selected Dairy Print Butter 26C Light -weight Prints and Unlabeled Wrappers, Solids and Rolls - 24C Dress Chickens, Roasters and Broilers, crate fatted, showing quality - 14o "Number of Feeding Coops for sale at 75c each 500 bushels Feeding Wheat wanted. R. THOMSON - . BRUSSELS • •• • •• • • •• 0 4 • • • s • 2 ••2 • • • 2 • 2 • •' 2 2 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRESENTA'rlONs TO SERGEANTS GERRY AND EWAN —Advantage was taken of the visit home for the week -end from Stratford Training Camp of Sergeants Frank Gerry and Elmer Ewan and Sat- urday evening an informal gathering was held in the Town Hall to present them with tokens of kindly interest and appreciation. Notification was neces- sarily very short Rod probably a large number who would like to have attend- ed were not present, but the stay of the boys was so brief there was little time for planning. The meeting was called to order by W. H. Kerr, who invited the guests of the evening, Councillors Mc- Guire and Walker, Revs Page and Wren, J. T Wood, F. H Gilroy, J Ferguson and W. Little to seats on the platform. A short address from the town was read by Councillor McGuire after which Couucillor Walker presented Sergeants Gerry and Ewan with wrist watches. J. T. Wood was asked to present an ad- dress from the Orldtellows and other citizens and J Ferguson and W. Little handed gold signet rings to the boys. The recipients made brief but appropri- ate replies, which were heartily cheered. Then followed short addresses by Mr. Gilroy, Rev. R. E. Page and Rev. D. Wren. "The Maple Leaf" and cheers for the boys and the King brought the gathering to a close Sergeants Gerry and Ewan were afterward trea'ed to an oyster supper at Rov McKav's restaur- ant by a number of their friends. 1t is the intention to remember all the lads from Brussels who have donned the col- ors with appropriate gifts, so that all will be served alike, the only trouble is the uncertainty of their home coming, the brevity of their stay and the inability of a group to get here together, except in one instance. This 's perhaps due to the enlistment at different periods, the location of training camps and rule as to leave of absence from camp Sergeants Gerry and Ewan may he in Stratford for a good share of the Winter unless the new Batt. is joined to some other force. Following is a copy of the address :— DEAR FRIEND --We take advantage of your home coming for a brief holiday, to express our appreciation of your action in enlisting to fight the Empire's battles, in what we believe to be a most righteous cause Accept this wrist watch as a small token of the goodwill of the peo- ple of Brussels who hope many happy PP V hours will w be marked by it in the pass - log months. We wish you the best of success in ynur military life and hope a kindly Providence will guide and guard you as you go fo•th to do your duly faithfully and fearlessly. Many great and good men have battled for the old Union 'rack. May you emulate the best. We hope you will return to your home and friends in due course un- scathed h d whenb t e finali v clot v for the Right has been won. Signed, JNe Lemon, Reeve of Brussels. MR FRANK GEaRy, DEAR COMRADE.—It is with feelings of pride that a goodly number of your brother Oddfellows have met here to- night You have answered to the call for King and Country and we cannot but express our admiration for the fact of you having taken such a step. We feel sure you have fully considered the seriousness of the undertaking and are prepared to abide by the consequences, whatever that may mean. As you have donned the King's colors we shall watch your career with no small interest We are proud to note that you have already been promoted. Remember always that strict adherence to duty, complete obe• dience to your superiors, always on the alert, with a cheerful manner and noble will, never fails to bring its reward. We shall miss your kindly smile and genial manner but do not forget such qualifications go far in the making of a good soldier. When called upon to per- form some irksom task, these attributes will go a long way in lightening your burden. We cannot allow the 0ceasiou to pass without expressing sing in some tangible form the esteem in which you are held by your brother Oddlellows and the village generally and request you to accept this signet ring as a slight token of our reeard. We commend you to the Great God of the universe and remem- ber that to Him you may always go. Should you be called upon to face the stern realities of war, trusting always in Him you need not fear Let the tradi- tions of our beloved Order ever be kept in your mind, then will yon be a good soldier and will fill every obligation you may be called upon to undertake. Signed on behalf of Western Star Lodge, I. 0 0, F , Brussels. Yours in F. L. & T. J. T. Wools. CHINA.—Miss Rilla Hunter wishes to announce to holders of tickets for the hand painted tea set that the draw will take place at the Concert Friday even- ing, Dec. to. The entire proceeds will go to the Red Cross Society and there are yet a few tickets for sale. ON Tuesday. December 14th, Doren- wend's of Toronto, Canada's foremost hair goods designers and manufacturers will display and demonstrate a sample stock of ladies fine hair goods and gentlemen's toupees and wigs at the American Hotel, Brussels. A tree demonstration of any style is available to t anyone Interested. A MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER.—A Tor- onto paper says; —A very successful shower was tendered Miss Kathleen Stinson by Miss Olive Harland, Miss Jessie Hirons and Miss Eleanor Hartleil on Wednesday evening last at the home of Mrs, D. W. L. Cantelon, 152 Essex avenue, in honor of her approaching marriage. After music and song the company partook k P no of a daintyrepast served by the young ladies, the dining• room being prettily decorated in pink and white. The gathering dispersed about midnight after wishing Miss Stin- son MR139 years of wedded happiness and prosperity. ................................................... • • • • Auction Sale •• • • • —OF-- • • • •• 37 • • Need of Beef and Milking • Cattle • Strain Scotch Shorthorn • • The undersigned auctioneers have received instructions from John A Barr, to sell by public auction at the 2 • • Commercial Hotel, Blyth • • • • • Thursday, December 16th 2 At 12.80 o'clock, the following stock : • • • • • • • O •• 2 • • • s • • • • • • • 9 Cows supposed Deed in calf, f 1ra G de Heifer Calf, 5 Cows with calf at font, 1 Grade Steer Calf, 7 2 -year old Heifers supposed to 2 Grade Cows supposed in calf, be in calf, 1 Roadster Horse 8 years old, ' 4 Yearling Heifers, 1 Heavy Draft Horse 2 years old, 4 Heifer Calves, 8 h, p. Gasoline Engine, Crusher 0 Bulls over 8 months old, and Roller. The Cows are all in good breeding shape, weighing ftom -1200 to 1000 lbs , bred from imported sires and darns. Tho heilet s are of the .Blood Royal strain, and the bulls are thick, low set and smooth flt-to head anybody's herd. Sale ie without reserve as proprietor has leased his farm and im- plements. TERMS -12 months oredlt at 6 per cent. THOS. GUND1jIY, }Auctioneers, JOHN BARR, T. Iii, ROBSON, Proprietor. ••••••••••••••••••••• ...••••••••••••••••••♦••••••• 5 • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ♦ • 2 • • 4442 • 9 • ••• • • 2• • • • • 2 0 • • O ♦ • • • STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE • TORONTO Efficient and Prompt Service in every Department 212 1077 SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. [YT'D BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, D D b Manager. ABOUT $2,000 in taxes have been pair] to Collector Oliver out of $11,744 25 00 the Roll for 1915. Church Chimes Monthly Missionary program in the Methodist Sabbath School next Sunday afternoon. Teeswaret' Presbyterians voted for Church Union the ballots showing 151 for and 132 against, Sabbath School Lesson for next Sun• day will be "Uzziah's Pride and Punish- ment," He'pful notes may be read on page 3 of '1'Hx PosT, • The vote recently taken on the ques- tion of Church Union by Melville church congregation has been tabulated as fol- lows :— For Against Elders 2 6 Commluicants45 214 Adherents9 29 Majority against -193 Total membership -46o. BORN BRIINSDON: In Blyth, on November 21st, 1915, to Mr, and Mrs, Howard Brnnedon, e daughter. FEAR,—In Wawanoah Township, on November 28th, 1816, to Mr. and Mrs, William rear, a son. SaeW—In Atwood, on November 2let, 1916, to Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Shaw. o daughter.. WALSH —In East Wawanosh, on Nov. 2181, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walsh, a daughter—Mary Irene, MARRIED OROSEFIiEO—PAYNE.—In 81. John's Church, Brussels, on Doc, lot• 1918, by Rev. R. E. Page, Mr, Chas. Crossfield to Mies Lily Payne, all of Brusaole. Baoont—Rose.—In McKillop, on Nov. 17th, 1016, Lillie, daughter of Mrs, D. Ross, to Mr. J. Broom, DIED ANSLEY: Inn Lower Wingham, on November 28th, 1915,.John Armley, formerly County Engineer, aged 82 years, 8 months and 15 days. MUTT], —In Blyth, on November 28rd, 1015, Theresa Ray, beloved wife of Jame() Beatty of Blyth. MAKER —In Grey Township, on November 8001,, 1916, Mra James Maker, aged 00 years and 8 months. MO('UmOHEot9—In Turaberry Township, on November 20th, 1015, John Wallace MoCut- oheon, aged 89 years, 8 menthe and 14 days. AUOTION SALES THURSDAY, DEO. 91b.—Farm stook, grain, hay, &c„ at Lot 21, Con. 4, Grey township. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. Mrs. John McCallum, Proprietress ; F S. Scott, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, DEO, 10th.—Farm atonic, grain, roots &e., at Nei Lot 16. Con 7, Morrie. Sale pare - served toeing to ill health at 1 p. m. W. E. Douglas, Prop, ; r. 8 800tt, Auo. AUOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. --F, S. Scott, Auctioneer, hae received fnstrae- tions from the undereignod to sell by public auction at Lot 21, Con, i Grey, Thureda , Deo, 0th, at 1 o'elook, the following valuable ;—!'mare rising 5 genre old, 1 horse r.pro- partysing S year old, 1 horse•rising 0 years old, 1 driving horse 0 year old, 7 good dairy Dawn 1,, calf, 6 Spring calves, 80 hens, 2 turkey bene, 60 bushel seed barley, quantity of good hay. Every thing will be sold es Propriatreee hae rented the farm Terme: All rums of $500 and tin- der onsh; over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notoa or a discount of 0 per Dent allowed off forgash, MRS, JNO. ld.oOALLT791, Proprietress. AUCTION BALE OF FARM 830011, GRAIN, ROOTS, &o —e'. S, Scott, Auo- tioneer, hasbeen instructed by the undersign. ed to sell at Nj4 Lot 6, Con. 7, Morris on Fri- day, Deoember 10th, at 1 p. m., the following valuable property: -1 filly Acing 8 years old I driving mitre rising 0 years in foal, 1 heavy draft horse tieing 5 years old, 1 general pur- pose horse rising 9years old, 1 fre9h cow, 1 cow due to salve December 24th, 1 cow due to calve .February 8th, 1 cow due to calve February 20th, 1 sow due to calve April 16th, 1 heifer due to calve May 8th, 1 cow due to calve May 19th, 2 steers rifting 2 years old, 9 Spring calves, 1 malt 2 menthe old. 4 pigs 8 months old, 1 sow due to farrow Jan 28th, 200 bee oats, 160 bus. barley, 10 tone, timothy hay, 600 bus mangolde and turnips. Terms;—All sums of 95.00 and under Dash; flyer that amount 10 months credit. age off for cash on credit amounts. Sate unreserved owing to 111 health of proprie- tor, W. E. DOUGLAS, Prop. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Hogs Hav Potatoes per bus Wool washed . 985 9A0 2 00 2 00 28 28 9 002 9 00 11 000 0 18 00 1 00 29 88 Property for Sale The Garvin property, 35 mile South of Brun - sale aorporatlon, oontalnmg 12 eons more or leen, le offered for sale. Fnlriy good Imildings, excellent orobard, all kind of fruit and good garden. Possession on March let. For further partfculnre apply on the premises or to Brute cele P. 0. EDWARD GA RVIN. 22-4 Phone 6628. Hog for Service The undersigned 18.gGre will keep for service on Lot 12, Gan 1g Grey township, n 'privilege of returntYorkshire g if a Terms 00with20 0100 N. of retnrnlug if necessary. JOHN MAL'HAN, 21.4 Proprietor. 2= ACRE FARM FOR SALE IN THE VILLAGE OF ETnEL: On the premises Is a good frame house and kitchen, good bank born orchard, &e. Possessiongiven first of December. Terme to alt purohaeer. Forfurther partionlare apply to e CHRISTOPHER RAYNARD, Ethel P. 0. Santa Claus YES, the carne old Santa Claus, who has delighted the little folk for generations past, will, in a very short time be with us again and we hope to give him a right royal wet. come. Every day finds us busy get- ting our large and varied stook into shape and by Saturday we will be ful- ly prepared and hope to be favored by a call front all our friends. Our etoc eomprisee a great variety of pretty and useful gifts, OHINA Onr stook in this line la very complete, in - eluding our stook patterns, viz.: Bridal Rose, Groom and Gold White aid Gold, Soattered Roe° and Violet Pompadour, also emne very pretty pieces of Hued Painted Nlppoit. BOOKS We have number of the new books, viz : O'Hallaran, a Far Country, ,Tali, Page, Loan Prince Pollyanna Growo'Up, Mr. BSngle, and In Times Like These. We will be glad to procure any Book desired. Also a good assortment of Book- lets, Xmas and New Tear garde, Calen- dare &c Methodist Hymn Books and Presbyterian Book of Praise. FOUNTAIN PENS The Ideal Waterman from $2 50 to $8 00, an absolute guarantee gotta with each Pen, FLASHLIGHTS We handle the well known Pranao Lampe and have them in great variety. Nothing makes a more useful present. Ivory and Ebony Goods In these we have a greet uloloe of Toilet articles and as our stock was bought before the advance in price we can, save you money on present prices. CHOCOLATES Always a dainty gift. We are showing Rohe very handsome packages of the well known Willard and Nylo make. Every package guoranteed perfect, TOYS AND DOLLS We have this 5ea50n opened up a separate Toy department where we can show our big stook of Toys, Dolls, Games, &o., &o,, to much greater advantage than we have been able to do in the past- We will be gladto have mothers bring their little folk in and spend all the time Sony wish with- out feeling under the slightest obligation to purchase anything. Iola the children's time and we will make them welcome, Everything randy on Soturday, Dec. 455. A hearty welcome to all at OX'S DRUG STORE The Penslar Store Wanted All itidnetrlous man who can earn $100 per month and expenses selling our Products to farmers. Must have nom° means for starting expenses and furnish contract signed by two responelble men. Address W. T. RAWLEIGH 00., Ltd., Toronto, Ont., giving age, occupa- tion and references. Meeting of Huron Co. Council The Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Huron will n1505 111 the Council Chamber, In the Town of Goderlch, on Tuesday, the 7th day of Deoember nest, at the hour of 8 o'clock. Dated November 22nd, 1916, W. LAN Clerk. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••♦••••••••••••••••••• • • • • Brussels daylight Store G. N. McLaren ••• • • •,,„,..„,a,..i., ,,t'„b'tAt'ti 4; pr„,,,„„'trt',e'Ib9e'Get ,,„„,, a'„a'4 „.,.rartm ,..,..4,...,,P,,n. „,,.. NdW,,,,,...... UJ4 „.,.ir't,'IdWNi,,..„.ti4PP ..,,,,,'a,'la .,.,u,.... �, • • • • • • • •2 • •• Clearing Salmi • • • • • • 2 • 1 OF •• •• • • •• •• adies', LMasseSandChllire15C at5••• •♦•• • R••••••.Dfi.....•O••90•i•Oa.0•..Qas000•••Y•tlOriO••.•S�"xamo0100 p5eas:7^t •• • Regular values up to $10 • • • • Sale Price Your Choice for V •1 • • _ • • • • • •••••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••N•••••••••••••••••11 • • -• • 2 Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats, splendid assortment of patterns, in 2 2 strong serviceable tweeds, also a few plain blacks, browns and greens oo •• 2 not all sizes in any one kind but all sizes in the -lot. Regular values up• p- $Io.00. Sale price your choice for - - - • •• o Ladies' Coats—With fur collars and quilted lining—From $10.00 up • 2 Men's Coats—Curl lining, rubber interlined, with fur collars—$10.00 up 2 • 2 We are right ready with a complete stock of Graiiby Rubbers • s• A 2 • • I-Iighest Prices for Produce. Light and heavy weight, for Men, Wom- en, Boys, Girls and Children. All at old Prices. • • •• • • • • • • • • A FULL LINE OF • • Wuuit' U 2••• • For Ladies, Children, Men and Boys in • • • All at old Prices— • Bought before the advance 4r Turnbull's and Penman's make. . N. McLaren ♦ • • .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+••••••••••••••••••••o