HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-2, Page 5rselnolis►,
A 7r onp s 7 tifppl¢ALIMITED
EY aY4 4TrW rEldy .C'
Grimm: J lists io
Mee In the Pox( `trace, Ethel. 80-4
e Sarriator, po!loitmr, Conveyancer,
Notary Public), &e, nmoe-8tewart'e Stook
1 door Northof Central Hotel
Soltoitor ter the Metropolitan Bank.
•' ens, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in lees time awl fens chargee
than any ether Auctioneer In East Heron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
tan ,Ivey! he arranged el this nmoe or by
pera ninl application.
Fine, modern steam-
er. — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
"9SKi,' StWToronto
A rent Allan Line, Srnr.ols,
To )03 CENTRAL11)
irT ATF • `..
i Ontario's Best Business Col. 1
r10Our instructors ere experienced, Pup-
ils get Mil ividuol attention and gradu-
ates ere placed in osdtions. We are
se receiving npplloatione we .annot meet, fa
-. Students may. enter et an time. Send
y D
for our Pose catalogue end ecu it it in-
taresta you.
D. A. MOLACHLAN, Principal.
O v vbG r4m mdv 04gC 1v 7t1 dvu9j
Distance is no Hindrance
to those who wirll to get the best.
Armes and the United Stateslattend stent pthe
This School has a national reputation
for high grade work. Grartuntos rendi-
ly get good p014110119 Open entire PR5
veer. Enter now. Write for tate• 155
rogue. rig
Demand for graduates during lost four try
menthe fully four `inky our supply, ,Fg
Term opens January 8rd. 1,19
784 Yonge at. 1( W. J. ELLIOTT,
Yonge &.Oradea eta, S Principal.
r \
^a'4"' '4At'avgC4[S l aD:94'a9x^a7,6tc
at tho
Thorough Courses taught by 4
Competent Teaehels.
For partioulara eddrese—
Listowel, Ont.
te& a aVgtial aP,strit'R'r: IAMPAs AVma'0aar .• 0' n 3
Best Brains
in Canada have participated in the pre-
paration ofour splendid Home Study
Courses in Banking. Eooeontica, Higher
Accounting,0 ,on,erolal Art Show
Card Writig, Photography 'Jonrnal-
lam,Short Story Writing, Photography,
and Bookkeeping. Select the work
Which most Interests you and write us
for particulars. Address
391.7 Yonge St., Toronto
Thollgande of ambitious yowl g poo•
le ate lust in•epalIng in their own
111011x4 to
noccupy l 11 1
firs, boostfto re.
niters civil servants, In fast every
plleofinries. .uny `Bicga if yottie wish. Pusitt.s e-
fence d. Enter colanylege day. har.
vidunl iyLlen, Expert teachers. years' experience. Larges
in ()amide. Seven aolloge%
Special i' too
Atlsatedtwth Commercial -E3uo
co Association of Canada, Summer
Schoolat famous Spotter' fluidness col-
Wingham ham Business College
Gao:BrrgdW, T. PhiPeent. Principal.
Bust rum Cards
A CER'IAIIf law breaker, whose name
le known, will find h,nteelf in the toils if
JAS. ANDERSON. I be dear` quit, so rumor rays. Guess ht
will know wile is meant.
VETERINARY SURGEON. I Mi.). A. Macdonald, managing pdl.
Suaoeoeor lo x, 14, Were. OtAee at Ander- tor of the Toronto Globe, has resigned
son Brea, Livery stable, Bruseele. Telephons that be may have a t reer heed in literary
N0. 29. work, He has beau at Le Julia, Cab -
M. M., M, O. P., A S. O,
M. 0, H., Village of Bruaaela.
Physician, Surgeon, Acoouohour
Office over Standard bank
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, 011180io ; ox -Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hoepltel,Toronto, Offices of late Dr,
A. Mo(evey, Smith Block, Breese's,
Rural phone 45,
M.C.P.&S, 0,
198 Bloor street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
C1lnleul assistant in Iter, Nose end Throat de,
pertinent New General Hospital, Toronto ;
Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, BM'
5011 ; bite Senior Resident Surgeon Mass, Eye
& Ear Infirmary - late Clinical assistant in
Nose and Throat department .Masa, Gen. Hos.
pital • late House Surgeon Toronto General
Hospital. Brussels by appointment,
Physician and Surgeon; Poet Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat, Eyes tested for gleams.
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur-
' peons of Ontario and Graduate University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office In leard Block, WIngham
Phone 249. Poet Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, MoCormlok Medical College, Chicago,
Ill., is prepared to test eyes and at glasses at
her office over Miss Inman's' millinery store,
Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10
to 12 n. m. ; 1 to 0 p. m. Evenings by appoint-
ment, Phone 1210.
Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Hilt Ethel.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private fundato loan at lowest rates.
WM. PuouDrooT JO.
Local b el m it.e1US
GET your butter wrappers at Tits Poses
ONLY 3 weeks from Saturday is Christ-
mas day.
Now is the time to do your Christmas
Tug bride -elect doesn't mind being
caught in a linen or china shower.
TKs POST Telephones are Nos. 31 and
32, If you have a newsy item ring us
DON'T borrow this paper when you
can have it until January 1st for 15
HURON County Council will meet in
Goderich on Tuesday, December nth, at
3 p (0.
SesicarCKEWAN and Manitoba weekly
papers are advancing their rate from
$1.00 to $t 50 a year.
debted to the Brussels. Morris and Grey
Telephone Company are asked to settle
the same by December 15th, so that the
year's business may be closed,
A maiden at csliege named Breeze,
Weighed down by B. A.'s and M. D.'s
Collapsed from the strain,
Said the doctor, "Tie plain
You are killing yourself by degrees 1"
MR. MERCHANT ! Are you selling the
quantity of your goods you doped to? If
not why not ? Use THE POST columns
and create a demand for your goods
Can you afford not to be represented in
our columns ?
George Cunningham, V. 5., Moose
Jew, has been busy during the past Sum-
mer superintending the shipment of
Army horses to England. He show d fi 1
the bill o. k. Doc. Cuuninghem is the
eldest son of Juo. and Mrs. Cunningham.
THE PosT can supply you with the
very best business stationery or printed
matter of any kind, at prices that will
equal anything offered by travellers for
city firms and then by ordering in town
you help local industry—which helps you
Get !rices at THg Poor
THANKS.—THE POST 1S thankful to a
number who are clearing off arrearages
in subscription and renewing for 1910.
Clubbing list may be read on page 4
Have you squared up yet ? The $1.00
rate is supposed to be paid in advance
but many do not observe it.
"DOLLAR patriotism is what we need
now," E F. Hitchings, Winnipeg, is re-
ported as saying,, Sock knitting and
flag waving is all right, but we must
look after 0nr dollars. Too many wo
man are knitting socks for our snldiera
and buying their clothes in the United
States "
HURON no Bons.—The following of.,
t O g
ficers were elected at the 17111 Reheat
meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Asso-
ciation, of Toronto, which was held at
the Cele Royal, Toronto: —Hon. Presi-
dent (re-elected), Sir John S, Willison ;
Vice -President, Roger Crocker; Secre-
lorv, E. Fleetly ; Treasurer, B. Cobble -
dick 1 Financial Secretary. Ralph Shop.
pard ; Auditors, J. Froid and A T, Mc-
Donald ; Executive Committee R.
Holmes, E. T. 13 Duncan, 'Thoe. Sewell,
W. W. Sloan, E. W. Bruce, John T.
Dickson, F. W. Hodgson, )oho S, Mc-
Kinnon, W. 0. McTaggart, K McLeod,
L. S. Scott, H. Clucee, John Maines,
Thos. McGillicuddy, Thos. Rance, J. H.
F. Timmins, J Fried, F. Tohnsott, B.
Stewart, K. Belden, L. W, HRuson, W.
E, Floody, Dr. R, B. Stanbury, Dr, G.
F, Belden, Dr. W. E. Struthers and
Major J. Beck. At the conclusion of
the business the annual banquet wee
held, at which Rev, F. E, Powell. 11.
J. B. Duncan and other prominent
members delivered addresses.
fornia for the past mouth, He has
been succeeded Ly his associate editor,
Stewart Lyon,
Robert Trench's pacing horse, +"Paddy
R," about which there was so much
trouble in Michigan atter his fast races
at the London Fair, hes been declared a
eimon pure amateur, no ringer mud a
fast horse. He is about as nifty a pacer
as Western Ontario has produced for'
many years.
Walton P. 0., Ontario.
,Adams, Rube,
Alderson, Russell
Barrows, Peter
Barrows, Jacob
Betts, Robb.
Betts, Isaac
Beisy, John
Bolton, Isaac
Bruce, A.. B.
Bennett, John
Bennett, Joseph
Buchanan, Jno. S.
Bietke, Louis
Clark, Thos.
Clark, George
Clark, Enoch
Carupbell, John
Oampbell, Jas. N.
Crawford, D. er.
Oraik, Rev. J. F.
Garter, Joseph
Oueio, James
Coleman, bliss E.
Dennis, John
Dennis, Henry
Dennison, Mrs. W.
Dennison, Alfred
Dennison, Edward
Drager, Chas, H,
Farquharson, Wm.
Ferguson, R. H.
Fulton, John
Gardiner, Alex.
Barris, .Tames
Hoegy, Henry
Hoegy, George
Holland, Robb.
Huckwell, Wm,
kloy, Richard
Hoy, Arthur
kiumphriee, W.H.
Iiiunph'iee, W. J.
Johnston, Andrew
Johnston, Thee.
Johnston, Duncan
Kohlis, WnL
Lamb, John
Lyddiatt, A. J.
MuI)intuld, Juo, A.
McDonald, Daniel
McLeod, Roderick
McAllister, b1rs.W
McTaggart, Peter
McNeil, Neil
AIcUuaig, Angus
Miller, Fred.
Mowbray, Mre.Jno
Neal, Wm,
Neal, W. G.—P.M.
Regele, Daniel
Ryan, John W.
Ryan, 'Phos.
Ren, John
Rea, Jas. A.
Riehl, Chas.
Smith. Mrs, W. M.
Sundercnck, Wils'n
Steles, Daniel
Sholdice, Adam
Sholdice, Wm. H.
Thornton, Jos.
Watt, John A.
Waghorn, Ih. T.G.
Williamson, Lonia
Rolland, Moody Williamson, Ju
Jas. Simpson 'Phos. Young
T. M. Willhtmeon Jooeph Lnvo
Jos. R Hamilton Joseph Dennie
Hugh Fulton 'SVrn. Knechtel
J. 11. Williamson Peter 13, Gardiner
Arch. McCallum Alf. Stafford
Noble MnCallunt Win. R. Stewart
Robt, Coutts Jas. Musa
Ohne. Case Percy Taylof
Wm. McCallum Michael Rowland
At ch. Clark John McCallum
S. McPhet'eon, sr. Jas.H. McLaughlin
S. McPherson, jr. Jos, Ryan
Jere. McNichol Wm, Thames
Jos. and Thos. Jos. Nicholson
Hackwell John Rowland
Jas. F. Hack well Jas. Nolan
John R. Leeming John and Leo
Edgerton Roe Flannery
Henry Stimore Rnbt, J. Holmes
Samuel Forbes Wm. J. Shm'tt'eed
D. Crawford, jr. Win. H. Anderson
Mrs. J. Dougherty Bluetit] Ryan
R. R. No. 2, WALTON
Wrn, Robb John Zeigler
Robt. Reid Ernest Elligeon
W. J. and Geo. Henry Rapi0n
Dickson Alex. Bud \V,n.
Wrn. G. (Auk Mitchell
Walter Swallow Adana Hoegy
Mre. Ed. Driscoll Wm. Pita
\Vni. McGavin sr. Henry Witterson
Clarence and Eli Rapier
Harvey Hudie Henry Miller
Isaac i\fcGavin Peter Ryan
Albert AleGavin \Vm. G. Siemon
Jim. J. MrGavin Daniel Manley
Albert Dundas Geo. Kisuler
D vid Boyd Pat. eluLanghlin
Noble Forbes John J. Murray
David Holmes 'Phos. Shirley
.las. Story . Jus, O'Laughlin
John T. Story Thos. O'Laughlin
Geo. Dundee Joseph .lnhonion
Dittman el:Nichol \Vm. J. and
Edward Pike Francis Welsh
Into Urneier Sam. Marlin
Mrs. T. Davidson Thos. McKay
Win, Leeming Alva. \Vitt Duffy
101189 A McDonald .Jas. Johnston
& Orn. R. McLeod Thos. Johnston
Thos. Leenii 0g Jas. Simp'nu
Ge" Uudet•woo•l AUbeef E. Godkin
Ron y'rhornLon Jelin W. Boyd
0.10x. Minh Calvin Billet]
th•s. Gen. Munn \V in. Bolton
Geo. Roe • Aller` Ross
taxon tinily .tae. 5 Smith
ichael Walls Stephen 8. Godkin
\Vetter Davidson 'Tons, Bolton
Win- A, 13arron Alex. H. hose
IVnt. Smith A lex. Keir
111111. Bentlett'elr .LIN. I1 Marrisnn
1111111 .1. Irvine Win. Morrison
[leery Benneweis .1 esti. Pollard
-ed. .1 Bell Jas. Sholdice
Henry Weibel., err. Francis 11.011
Henry Klaiber, jt. \Vtu NI°Culla
Ed. Drager Jehn Driscoll
Samuel Regele
R. R. No, 3, WALTON
TH08. JOI127STON, 0001tIER
Rev. 11. A. Lundy Mre, H. J. Ramsay
\Vtn.Murray Jas. A. Carter
Thus. 11lLt'911SLIl Janine anti
Alex, MurrayM Smillie
Win.. A Mullally Joh!' John Bolger
John Shortreed Alex. Buchanan
Gen. Kirkby Alex. Snifter
Peter hlcArlhur Geo, Williamson
Win, Taylor Philip E. James
Wesley Searle John R. Ritchie
11. H. Shorts eed Armour Dundas
Duncan Laidlaw Jchu Meehan
John L,i,llew Wm, Dnecaneon
Jas. Jackson Andrea' 13ruce
elbert'I'+LyIur Doncan McKenzie
Robt. I3oovn Pi ed. Adams
Chas. K. Taylor John McNeil
John H. Hislop Henry Olat'k
John Harris L?d, Clark
Wm. McFadzean Jas. Kendall
R. It. No. 4, WALTON
John Balfour John Dodds
Tlioe. Kenny John Beattie
Wm. 11. McGavin Hugh Alexander
John and Wm. Staples
1 red. Scarlett John Cuthill
Ernest Constable Earl Hopkirk
evening service in Knox 011117011 was
withdrawn Mr. M)llyard took the
FEELS LIKE i work of Mr. Themes at Loudon,
As Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound Dispelled
Backache, Headaches
and Dizziness.
Piqua, Ohio.—"I would be very un-
grateful if I failed to give Lydia E.
• tees,C Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound the
praise it deserves,
for I have taken it
at different times
and it always re-
lieved me when
other medicines
failed, and when I
hear a woman com-
plain I always rec-
ommend it. Lastwin-
ter I was attacked
with a severe case of organic weakness.
I had backache, pains in my hips and
over my kidneys, headache, dizziness,
lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached
and I was always tired. I was hardly
able to do my housework. I had taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound on one other occasion, and it had
helped me so I took it again and it has
built me up, until now I feel like a new
woman. 'You have my hearty consent
to use my name and testimonial in any
way and I hope it will benefit suffering
women."—Mrs. ORPHA TURNER, 481 S.
Wayne St, Piqua, Ohio.
Women who are suffering from those
distressing ills peculiar to their sex
should not doubt the ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re-
store their health.
If you want special advice
'write to Lydia E. Pinkltam Med-
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
Wm. Scott
John Tiinn
Alb. F.. Constable
Thos. Archibald
Chris. Barrows
John Barron
Robt. Archibald
John Shannon
John Smith
Robert Smith
John NCOIut'e
Mre. and
Garnet Hopkirk
Geo. R. Love
Jas. Mendelson
Thos. Beattie
Zack McSpadden
John G. Grieve
Donald Calder
David and Rob`.
EDITOR.—Just a few lines as we lune
not been getting our POST. Our post -
office address is now Estlin, Sask.
We are all fairly well at present.
Crops were good around hear this
year, wheat going as high as 54 bush-
els per acre, but oats were not so good
as other years. It is estimated' that
there will be over 700,000 bushels leave
this Doi n0 11118 year. We are 15 miles
from Regina. This is a fine grain
growing part but water is a big draw
back ae it ie shipped in by rail in
water care from Regina till the cold
conies and snow, then they melt snow.
Welly have been sunk 800 feet and
more and no water fit to use found.
Had fine weather up to Nov. 10th, but
we have a lot of 8110(7 11097 and quite
frosty. Wishing you well, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Campion has gone to Brantford
where she will spend the Winter.
Tug Geo. W. Onyler has ariived
from Little Curreutto have new boiler
and steel hniSe installed by the Doty
Engine Works.
There are 415 frlmilieein Knox con-
gregation with 887 001111111111i cants en-
rolled, making this congregation tenth
largest in Canada outside of Montreal
and Toronto. Rev. bis. Ross has been
pi181110 for 5 year's.
Oddfellows' Hall was crnwded to the
doors Wednesday evening on occasion
of the graduation of 4 nnrsee, who have
been in teething in the institution here,
The young ladies to receive their dip-
lomas and medals were 1'lieses Chat-
intle Cuff, Goderich ; Blanche Shaw,
Colborne ; Olive Cox, Ooderich town-
ship and Naomi Schafer, New Ham-
Will. McDmlald, son of E. G. Mc-
Donald, leviucipal of the Public
School, hits taken a position in the
Imperiatl .Bank and commenced duties
last week.
Rev. J. 17. J. Millyard and Mrs. F.
M. Ohelmers attended Lhe Conference
Epworth League Convention in St.
'Phomas on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thureday of last week.
A reception was given by the 111010-
bers of the U. 13. Congregational
church in the basement to Rev, and
Nie. Wolseucroft, the new peninv
and his wife.
Anniversary Services of the Metho.
dist church were held Sunday and the
preacher of the day ,vELS Rev. A. J.
Thomas, hl, A., of Dundas Contra
Alethodist °lint'uh, London. The
Blade tionVinol
'die hIa S By
Y g
Severy, Kans.—" The Grippe left the
in a weak, nervous run-down condition.
1 was too weak to do my housework and
could not sleep. After trying different
medmnes without benefitVinol restored
myhealth, strength and appetite. Vinol
is a grand medicine and every weak,
nervous, run-down woman should take
it"—Mrs. GEO. FINULEY.
Vinol our delicious cod liver and iron
tonic, char ens the appetite, aide diges-
tion, enriches the blood, and ,builde up
natural strength and energy,
I1', R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels
HYMENEAL.— A. quiet but pretty
wedding took plane Wednesday, Nov.
17111, in McKillop. when Nies Lillie,
daughter of Slits D Rose, was united
in the holy bonds of matrimony to J.
Broom, ale() of McKillop. The bride
was ggwned in white silk crepe de
chine and carried u large bl quet of
rnsee. Ceremony wee performed by
Rev, D. 0atswell after which the hap-
py topple received the conglattulatiohe
and best wishes of their freindo and all
eat down to a splendid wedding feast.
In the evening areception was held
at the home of the 11ride'e mother.
1'ha young Couple will reside on a farm
W. R, Plant and Frank Lee of the
G, '1', R have applied to the company
for release to Join the Army Signal
Service overseas.
The High Court of the Ancient Or-
der of Forstere Toronto, have appoint-
ed W. D. Hoag District Chief Ranger
for Huron County.
John A. Patterson K. C., Toronto,
gave an address on "What the Church
Exists For" in the Seaforth Presby-
terian Church last Sunday evening.
Mee. James Broadfuot and Mise Ag,
nee have moved iu from Tuckeremith,
and have taken up residence in the
house on West William St. formerly
occupied by J. B. Henderson.
Mrs. Edward Doane, who has been
on the sick list, is able to be about a-
Miss Etta McKee has returned home
after a few weeks visit with friends in
Mrs. Thomas McDlugald and Mrs.
Fraser have returned from a visit to
the. West
The vote nn chm oh anion taken here
sholve a majority of 30 against the pro-
posed union, the vote being 40 to 70.
H. and Mre. Youn will move to
their new home in Listowel ae the
cheese factory here has closed for the
The Y. P. S. held their regular
meeting on Tuesday, papers on the
Canada,' Hungarians in r ada " being read
by Florence Seehaver, Miss A. El-
liott and Henry Howe. The social
and literary meeting announced for
last Tuesday was postponed owing to
word from President of Ethel Society,
stating that their Society would be un-
able to come owing to the prevalence
of measles in the village.
Following letter received by a Bros-
seliLe gives a hint ae to the war :—
DEAR FRIEND.—Your letter of July
23rd just reached me and was very
weloine indeed I can assure you, it al-
ways helps to keep away the "blues"
to receive a nice, cheery letter from
"God's country" as we affectionately
call our Canada.
Our final touches to nearly a year's
tiresome training are nearly com-
plete and we expect to leave for some
fighting line within four weeks atld
we will be very glad indeed as the
"watchful waiting" of camp life is
very hard on discipline, particularly
when the men have joined to fight not
to live in camp for months.
You would be surprised to know
of the strong under -current of feeling
here in England in regard to the seri-
ousness of our position in the struggle
just now. Everyone now appreciates
the fact that while we must win.
eventually still it will be at the cost of
many more lives. It is a thing that
is far from pleasant to think of but
personally I feel that by going over
and dying, our Empire and its free-
dom will be assured in any way I can
tell you right now that it would be a
small thing for me to do.
When one hears at first hand of the
atrocities which are still being per-
pretrated, it is no wonder that the,
Canadian slogan now is "No prison-
er's." Some of our wounded boys are
with us now and have evidence of
some awful things which never reach
the papers and it only serves to in-
crease of course our determination to
make the Germans repay.
We were treated to a very fine
zeppelin raid the night before last and
while we were all taking pot shots at
the zepp they simply ignored us and
went on to a town about 3 miles from
here and promptly bombed it killing 7
men, 8 women and one child, all civi-
lians, A fine specimen of culture in-
deed. We had the satisfaction of
seeing quite plainly a great air battle
in which two of our aeroplanes took
puts and crippled the zepp at first and
then filially destroyed it. It was
weh'd and wonderful to see the battle
in the glare of huge search lights. I
suppose some of these nights we shall
be treated to a personal visit ourselves.
Now I must close with best wishes
and kind regards.
lour sincere friend,
East Snuffling, Kent England,
Newcastle, on -the -Tyne, England
Following letter is from a grandson
of Donald and Mre. McQuarrle, Queen
street, Brussels :—
DBMS FRIENDS.—I believe Beatrice
wrote and told you that I was coming
to England, I have been going to
write you before but have delayed till
Well Newcastle is some town and
the biggest shipyards in the woted are
on the Tyne river. I am working for
A'Instrong & Whitworth. They
build battleships almost exclusively.
The "Oauada" just left the yard to go
nn her speed trials last Friday. She
le the largest battleship afloat and is
a present from the Canadian Govern-
ment to the British Navy, There are
tout other war vessels under construc-
tion at the Walker shipyard, where I
stn working, One is larger and more
4powerful than the "Canada", two are
light cruisers and the fourth is a
... tie ! ✓
Costs a little more than the
"other kind" of flour, but
worth it in the quantity
and quality of bread
you bake from "
-Mor Bre d 1 nd Befrt T' Br a4i"
monitor of a new type, entirely dif-
ferent from any other Ohl in the
Navy, She will carry four 18 Inch
guns and will have 1L speed of 40 knots
au hour,
I have a good job in the filling shop
and I tun getting lots of experience
quite different from railroad work.
All around here are the seeps of zep-
pelin raids, About 4 weeks before I
came here there was a raid at Palmer's
shipyard and one bomb dropped into
the umbilici chop and killed 15 mac-
hinists. About 60 people were killed
altogether, the newspapers said 20
killed but they are not allowed to
print the `acts. Hull was raided not
far from here where they did a lot of
I don't know how long I am going
to stay in this country but guess it
will be till next June anyway or as
long as the war lasts.
This country is no credit to a civili-
ed power, I have never seen so much
poverty and misery in ail my life as I
have in the last few weeks, largely
through drink. Children running a-
abont the streets without enough
clothes to hide their skin, women 8.8
well as then, drunk and rolling on the
street and times ate supposed to be
good now. I would hate to see them
in 11141(1 times.
The oval age man here don't seem to
knots there is any place in the world
but Newcastle, I don't forget to tell
them what I think of their country,
We are not far from Edinburgh
here and we are going up there for a
week end and to Blair Athol as 1
want to see the place my ancestors
cause from. My friends and myself
maygo to London and work for a
time before we return.
I am enclosing a postcard photo of
the river Tyne at Newcasele. It is not
much wider than the Maitland but
deep enough to float battleships.
Newcastle -on -Pyne, England.
Newsy Notes from the front
How Canadian engineers have made
thefrunt of the Belgian trenches prac-
tically impregnable to shells, high ex-
plosives and German assaults by
means of concrete and other devices
which were invented on the spot to
meet the ueed was told by Capt. H.
Wellwood, of the Canadian Overseas
Railway Construction corps, on his
arrival by the Allan lines Corsican at
Montreal. Capt. Wellwood was up to
March last, chief engineer on the L.
E. & N. Railway for the C. P. R., he
having been a resident of Brantford
for a year. He has returned to get
drafts for the original corps of 550
which left that city. Captain Well -
wood lives in Kingston in times of
Another great achievement of the
Canadian engineers ie a railroad line
which runs just behind the front line
trench throughout its extent. On this
with its rails of two feet gauge a
seven -foot gasoline engine draws cars
which stand above the rails only three
and a half feet. Iu the night trains
run along the track bearing food,
munitions and everything needed in
the trenches. When a German flare
lights up the countryside the train
becomes immoveable. so that the cars
and the engine cannot be seen. The
engine is painted the sante color as the
ground, so that there is little chance
of it being seen. In one section the
Canadians built a railway line five
miles long behind a trench. The en-
gineers have been even more exposed
than the men in the trenches while
working behind the trench at this
time, but their work has been at night
and happily the casualties bane been
few. The work has been intensely
interesting and the engineering mind
has been called upon to devise on the
spot counter defences against German
offensive. They have been so success-
ful that during the great offensive
launched by the British and Ften0h in
the plush for Lens recently the Belgian
trenches at this point received a etmi-
lar drenching from high explosives
and survived it.
A large part of the work of this
corps has been in making concrete
bases for machine guns in the front
trenches- The machine guns have
reeled on their bases since this work
was done, with a thick hood composed
of concrete strongly reinforced with
steel to protect the manipulator from
shells. These machine guns cover
every possible avenue of approach by
the Germane and every confidence is
telt in the trenches. At the time of the
British -Franco drive, but the only re -
01111 WES to strew the ground in front
of their trenches with dead and wound-
ed. They had been raining many
high explosives and shells on the
trenches at this point for two days
before the final attack came. No one
could go unshaken through such an
experience, but at the critical moment
the en rallied their forces for the
defence, The trench itself, with e It rte
concrete defences and its ratnpatts of
boulders and loose earth to protect the
concrete from the high explosives was
Dating this experience many of the
engineers had narrow escapee. One
engineer Was sitting on a barrel talk-
ing to 2 Belgians when she exploding—
smashed the barrel on which he was
Bitting without injuring the engineer
in any way. Snob escapes were fre-
quent, but good fortune had attended
the Canadian Railway construction
corps in all their operations shine their
arrival at the front on June 28th last.
Livery Bar 9,
Livery, bus and trunk business, also
beautiful stone building in thriving
manufacturing town of 2000 people.
An old established stand, with 18
horses and first-class outfits. Really
no opposition in town. Supplies all
the undertaker work in town both with
horses and rigs for funerals, ae well as
the black team for the undertaker.
Finest equipped barn in the Province,
Doing a business of approximately
$7500 for bus and 86,000 for livery.
Price $10,000, half cash. Immediate
possession. If interested apply to
1$E POST, Drawer 31, Brussels.
The country at the point where the
Canadiaus were working is very fiat
and it is almost intposeible for anyone
,to get into the trenches in the day
time without being seen from one of
the numerous observation points
estab'iished by the Germans.. By
crawling through the long grass for
2 orb miles it has been done, but most
of the changes in trench occupants is
after dark, On one occasion the
Germans learned that the King and
Queen of Belgium were making a tour
through the trenches. The Bavarians
%vet'e opposite the trenches where they
were at1
tis time.
On it being
' n represented to
Queen that hepresence was known,
one of her attendants said : "Oh the
Bavarians will never endanger the
Queen's life." Ten shells in quick
sncoeeeion followed attendant's re.
!lark and it became evident that the
Queen could hope for little from her
countrymen in the way of sparing her
clanger. She had been allowed, how-
ever, only within a stretch of trench
regarded as almost safe because of the
underground retreats quickly avail-
able. The king, however, went every-
where along the line of the trenches.
Capt. Wellwood expects little
Rouble in getting the drafts desired
for the construction corps from the
Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk
Canadian News
Niagara Falls Lodge, No. 83, I. 0. 0.
F., dedicated a handsome new $50 000
The Imperial Oil Company has sub-
scribed for $1,000,00o of the Canadian
war loan.
Col. Bart Robson, London, has decid-
ed to accept the command of the 235011
Middlesex Battelioa.
Ministerialist members of the Manitoba
Legislature in caucus uuenimously ap-
proved of woman sttffraee
The convicts at the Kingston Pen-
itential}, are having weekly practices for
a concert to be put on at Christmas.
Guelph Patriotic Association has decid-
ed to begin it campaign to raise an ad-
ditional S75,00t, for patriotic purposes.
An influential organization comprising
all shades of politics was formed in Pal-
merston to aid in the campaign for a dry
It is' expected that by Spring a full
Canadian Army Corps—four divisions
—will be at the front, the third being
now offered to Britain
The Sand Battery, Brantford, which
Tuesday sent 81 men to the 4oth Battery
at Toronto, has already sent away three
times its full peace strength.
Ernest Green, a Baden recruit, who
was presented with $80 when he enlisted,
was sent to the reformatory for two
years, less a day, for brutally attacking
an aged man.
Major George Janin, City Engineer of
Montreal for 20 yews, and a veteran of
the Franco-Prussian war, who raisedand
commanded a corps of engineers, was
drowned when the Anglia was sunk.
At the Kingston General Hospital
portions of skin from the body of his
sister were grafted on the arm of Lieut.
Donald McCargar, of Belleville, who
was seriously burtod at Barriefield
Brown's Trees
The best that can be grown.
Who is our agent in your
town ?
Brown Brothers Co'y
10-4 Nurserymen, Limited
Browns' Nurseries, Welland Co., Ont.
Lehigh Valley, Chestnut
and Stove Coal on hand.
Pea Coal for Ranges at
$6.5o per ton.
Robt. Henderson,