HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-2, Page 4fbe nlrusstis Vest
kept by a Chinese gentleman,who in
Weyouth had anted as chaff in one of
the leaditig hotels in Peking, Foreign
food was served lin pretty good style
and everything wits kept very clean.
Here we remained for' the nightes we
Info • the Great
I1f bol to take a 8.30 train
nteresting letter Wall next morning. The scenery up
the gorge was very rugged and very
From Pekin chino inttn'estmg and le well worth seeing.
The pass is about 11 :Mies Long to its
a Irvine.
6 tee EI b 4 l vl .
DIP M I� a h n
Detail SISTER. -Pine has flown since
my last letter to you. 1 have inet re-
turned from a short visit in Peking.
The weather,is very oppressive, still
we found it very condo' table for the
month of May, We were told that it
was minimally cool for this time of
year, My object In planning for the
trip was that 1 might have the op-
portunity of language quay. The
court language is Mandarin and the
Pekingese is more universally under-
stood throughout the Empire, Moru-
inge were devoted to the study, while
as opportunity afforded we did some
sightseeing. One could hardly realize
themselves to be living amidst the
surroundings of those who fifteen
years ago passed through such never -
to -be -forgotten experiences of 1900,
We were favored in being able to stay
in the Methodist Compound, where
there was not one brick left upon
another by the Boxers. A solitary
tree braved that awful storm and is
pointed out es an ancient relic of a
bygone period of Missionary activity
as it stands as a sentinel amidet the
newer growth of trees and shrubbery
which is most luxuriant. As one re-
tread the story of siege days and visit-
ed the grounds of the British Legation
where for over two months that hand-
ful of brave marines, assisted by those
who sought refuge, held out against
such awful odds. The change that
has come about in the 15 years is be-
yond anything that could have been
dreamed of, both with reference to the
attitude of the government and in re-
gard to the general aspect of the city.
At that time when the relief was ef-
fected the foreign troops set about to
give lessons in cleaning up and widen-
ing some of the main thoroughfares of
the city, which ran directly from East
to West and from North to South.
These avenues have since been well
Since the revolution of 1911 the good
work has been Carried forward with
new enthusiasm and determination
and if it goes on Peking promises to
be the model city of the Republic.
Oity walls are being torn down to
facilitate the traffic through the city
gates. One of the most prominent
fruits of the Revolution of 1911 is
the rapidity with which the city gates
have been thrown open and in many
cases torn from their sockets and the
city walls being torn down to be used
in making new roads or other repairs
as needed. Canals that formerly
intersected the city and were breed-
ing places for disease, have been eith-
er drained or filled up and will in time
be used as thoroughfares. Trees have
been planted along the main avenues,
which not only serve to beautify the
city, but also serve to add to the com-
fort of pedestrians, under the burning
rays of an Oriental eun.
A. most interesting feature concern-
ing the control of the traffic along
these main avenues is the fact that all
heavily loaded vehicles are obliged to
use the soft mud road which rune
along on either side of the paved road
thereby saving in the up -keep of these
main avenues. As one rides through
the streets, long trains of heavily
laden carte are passed as they ply
through the city, the mud oftentimes
knee deep and reaching to the hub of
these unique carts, which built for
durability, with their axles extending
out from the hub from 9 to 12 inches.
One no longer wonders at the origin
of the term "cart room" for these
axles are a source of great annoyance
to vehicles of lighter weight on the
narrower streets.
Jintickshas are used plentifully, as a
means of locomotion though the elite
still continue to ride in carts. Don-
keys are also provided for those who
wish this mode of travel. Motors
have made their appearance and
though few in number as yet, the de-
mand will no doubt grow in the near
future, as there are miles and miles
of good roads in the suburbs of the
It was my privilege to visit most
places of historic interest in the city
and its environs. Our first trip of in-
terest was to the Ming Tombs about a
day's jnurney, An hour's ride in a
jimrtckshe across the city takes you to
the station, where you board the train
for the historical Nankou Pass, which
is reached In about 2 hours, An early
luncheon is served and in the mean-
time donkeys and chairs were provid-
ed for 3 hours journey over the moun-
tain to the tomb of Yung Lok, one of
the most famous Emperors of the
Ming dynasty. At the entrance to the
Holy way leading to the tomb is erect-
ed one of the most beautiful arches
known. It is hewn out of marble and
is still in a fine state of preeervatlon.
A short distance from the arch a small
double eaved pavilion,' having 5 open
porch entrances, the one in the centre
being trodden by the bearers of the
Emperor alone, Along the Holy way
are 2 columns, sexagon form and two
stately lines of stone mourners as they
have been called, facing each other
grouped in *woe. Two lions kneeling,
2 standing ; 2 rams standing, 2 kneel-
ing ; 2 camels standing, 2 kneeling ;
2 elephants kneeling, 2 standing ; 2
fabulnuq animals kneeling, 2 stand-
ing ; 2 horses kneeling, 2 standing; 2
civil •
officials kneeling, 2 standing ;
2 military kneeling, 2 standing ; 2
sages of the period kneeling, 2 stand.
ing. We then weed on over a tnar-
ble Causeway until we came to another
pavillon, containing a tablet of great
eine resting on the hack of some ante.
deluvian animal, Some distance off is
the principal pavilion, a grand hall of
200 feet long and 100 feet wide, sup-
ported by solid teak wood pillars of
extranrdinary dimensions, 60 feet, high
and about 4 feet in diameter. The
most disappointing part of this trip is
the fact that the real tomb is not to be
seen ae all this Holy way simply leads
to the hill or part of the mountain
where the Empernr'e remains are sup-
posed to lie buried.
We returned to the hotel, which is
head, which is about 1900 feet higher
than where we stayed for the night,
the gradient being very steep, averag-
ing one in 30 feet and reqniring huge
specially constructed locomotives to
ascend the stiff gradient, At many
places over the line there are safety
sidings. The old camel trail could be
seen as we wound in and out wound
the foot of the mountains. On the
way the Wall is to be seen at many
ar,gles as it creeps its way up the hill
and down dale. As a rule the wall
seems to be in a very good condition,
eaperially as one is reminded of the
fact that it has stood as a Memorial of
one of the greatest feats of engineer-
ing of which the rent Id knows arty -
thing about for about 2,200 years and
recalls the ambitions of Chin-shib•
FIuarg, who joined the already exist-
ing wall of the smaller states which
had been conquered and brought un-
der his sway. The wall is said to be
1500 English miles long from Last to
The air was fresh with a perfume of
a mountain vegetation. Not a few of
our home varieties are to be seen,
even to the Scotch thistle, which
it would almost seem was enjoying itq
native air, 1 climbed up the wall to
one of the highest parts of it and had
a good view of the several high moun-
tain peaks in the dietance, as well as
of Mongolia which lay at our feet just
over the wall. I even had the satis-
faction of setting foot on Mongolian
soil. A small variety of Iris plant
was very abundant on the top of the
wall. The gateway through the wall.
through which the old caravan route
lay, enabled us in nut' mind's eye to
see the long line of camel trains which
had passed over this very route for
thousands of years bearing the 00111-
modities of exchange between the
East and the West and which now
with the incoming of the locomotive,
is to be supplemented by carriages of
our modern civilization, driving furth-
er afield these ancient beasts of bur.
den. Very few camels are now to be
seen in the city of Peking and before
long will be regarded as a curiosity by
the rising generation of Chinese.
On nor way back to the city we
stopped off the train as we neared the
suburbs of the city to see the Sum-
mer palace. The lake within the en-
closure with the palace pavilions on
the mountain side overlooking it. was
quite picturesque, while around one
side was the long covered corridor,
the ceiling of which was very highly
decorated, peculiar to Ohinese art.
Scenes from nature wet a more pro-
fuse and some of them were exgnieite-
ly executed. The blending of the
blues and greens, mingled with the
pinks and terra cotta colors of which
the clouds were so daintily tinted,
formed a pleasing picture.
To Kang -het belongs the original
idea of this splendor, the second
Emperor of the last dynasty. He was
noted for his appreciation of the beau-
One of the characteristic features of
the lake, is the stone or rather marble
boat which lay at the extreme end of
this long collider. At present it is
used for a tea house for sighteeers.
The present aspect of the grounds is
very modern, A small fee is charged
for entrance and goes to the up -keep
of the property, The pavilions are
roofed with blue and yellow porcelain
tiles for which most of the Imperial
buildings are noted, The most dec-
orative piece of this style of work is
an arch that guards the entrance to
the Hall of ()lassies, the colors being
in blues, greens and yellows. The
best preserved building which we
visited Was the Confucian Temple.
The most of the other places of fnrmer
histo'io interest showed marked
signs of decay, even the Temple and
Alter of Heaven I found lacked care
and the grounds were grown up with
grass and weeds to the height of a
man. The moat also surrounding the
grounds was not only dry but badly
raved in in many plares and also
grown up with rushes and tall grass.
When this can take place within what.
were the sacred precints of a Natinn'e
most holy place, we are led to ask
ourselves anew the question, 15
heathenism losing its grip upon the
heartnf him who is at present the
Nation's representative 7 Itis affirm-
ed that the President does not go in
person to warship. as teas the cuetnm
of the reigning Emperor. but instead
he sends a representative. On the
other hand it is a deplorable fact that
one of the latest mandates is to the
effect that the worship of the God of
War ie to be revived and all military
and naval officers are expected to
worship before the ehrine of Kwan -ti,
he being one of the heroee of the Han
dynasty, about A. D. 219 and who
since A. D. 1594 has been deified as
God of War. While the way to the
throne of grace is not overgrown with
weeds, we may yet believe that the
prayers of Gnd's many tighteoue
children may in his own time prevail
and this Nation with its myriads of
souls just as precious to the Lorci AR is
our own, may bow the knee to Him
who alone is worthy to receive honor
and glory for evermore.
Last evening we had a call from
General Li, who is in charge of one of
the cnmpanies of soldiers in the camp
just near us. He came to gay Good-
bye as for the present he is being
transferred to the town abort 30
miles from here. In speaking of the
new intonate which requires him to
worship the God's of \Var he said it is
not right, the President is very stupid
to be reviving such a superstitious
custom. Mr. Li has been an inquirer
for over 8 month. and he has asked to
be received into the fellowship of the
church at our Communion in October,
His experienees up in Mongolia, as he
related them to ns were very interest-
ing. Years ago he was sent up into
that region to protect the people whn
were suffering frnm banditti, who
overran that section of country. He
fonnd that a large numher of them
were ptofeseing to be Ohristiene he -
longing to the Roman Catholiee. The
T H E SAM I LY ]3urkiea, we arrived at Vancouver,ouvVancouver,Hunted tip the Iwpeelal e), wltele
John Clegg, formerly laar'dware lim
chant of \Vingiiam, is the genial
JI l7
ru •a -t yes is the Standby
F� t
in This Ontario Home
Scort,ten, Ont., Aug, 25th, 1913.
"Illy wife was marlyrlo Constipation.
We tried everything on the calendar
without satisfaction, and spent large
sums of money, until we happened on
'Fruit-a-tives'. We have used it in the
family for about two years, and we
would not use anything else as long as
we can get "Fruit-a-tives."
"FRUIT•A-TIVES" is made from
fruit juices and tonics—is mild in
action -and pleasant in taste.
50c. a box, 6 for $2,60, trial size 25e.
At dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Catholic Father came to remonstrate
with him, saying that these Wren were
good people, They had been up to
this time carrying on their work of
pillage under the protection of the
Catholic chinch. We were interested
to learn that he had been a student of
Ch1 ietianity for many years and has
come to the conclusion as a result of
this study that there is no salvation
apart from Christ and now be is pre-
pared to confess him openly.
To return to sightseeing 've visited
the temple of Agriculture, which is no
longer used as such, but instead has
been thrnwo open as a public park for
the benefit of the people. A few cents
of entrance fee is charged. Hundreds
of acree are within this enclosure. A
museum containing utensils belonging
to the last dynasty is also here. The
National museum in the forbidden
rite was by far the most interesting
place that we visited. Here were to
tie seen incensebueners and libation
cups belonging to the Shang dynasty
1788-1122 B, 0. all made of bimize
aril piesenting a high-class of work-
manship. We alert visited the Pei -bei
(North See) whet a in the rlielanre we
saw the place whets at piesent the
Vice -President of the Republic has his
residence and where according to cur-
rent reports he is wit tually a prisoner.
Ie was within these precints that the
late Emperor Kiang Hau spent his
last days.
We visited all the mission cont.
paunch; in the city and were impressed
with the fact haw the work of many
years had been blotted out, Chris-
tians killed and scattered. The blond
of the martyrs has proven again to be
the seed of the church.
Your loving sister,
A Fine Holiday Trip
landlord. Thence by ferry to North
Vancouver spending a few pleasant
ht, s withIs Frank WheelerePlel and
family also met Mrs. Lennie Wheeler,
1'ururutly of Belgt'ave. An llttto bus
WAS engaged to Westminister, Mrs.
eitrnple (nee Emma Bennett) being the
c art
uhuulfeiu Taking electric a p
way and ibe rental:Mei by auto bus
brought us on Saeuidity evening to the
tllaatie at Ladner, the home of Rep J.
J, and Mrs. 13astie, formerly pastor of
Knox church, Belgrave. We had the
pleasure of heating Rev. Mr. Beetle
preach twice in hie own pulpit on Sun-
day. Returning to Vane0uver we
took train to Port Moody, a distance
of some 18 miles, spendiing a pleasant
time with Mrs, Win. Johnston and
family, formerly of the 61,11 line, Intoe
tis. Iu that district we located ans.-
Ed. Nicholson and the Rowland fami-
ly, old Belgrave friends. Again our.
starting pout is Vancouver, this lisle
by boat, steaming up to Victoria,:
where, with feelings mingled with no
small degree of pleasure, we were
entertained by Dar. eleikiejohn and
resters, Miss Annie .and ells. James
and Mrs. Miller, fm mer citizens of
Morris and for many years pillars in
Knox church, Belgrave. Dan„
though somewhat indisposed for some
years, was in good spirits and es in
days of yore has a faith that is
unmoved in the Rock of Defence. ,
After calling on Mamie Livingstone,
formerly of Blyth, we again took
steanlel• to the first Exposition point
—San Franicisco. \Vorcle fail to give
an ad. quote idea of the extent, order
or of artistic display of the exhibits.
The Canadian exhibit was admired by
the spectators, all being agreed that it
surpassed any other. The arch)
teeture of the great structures, loomed
tip with majestic: grandeur, towering
towards the heavens, dotted with an
innumerable number of variegated
electric bulbs, were wonders to behold.
Had the honor of meeting the dis-
tinguished Edison, of the Edison
Phonograph Co.
A few hours ride brought us to Los
Angeles, a cit y noted for tom fats.
Our headquarters were at the Rnssy-
tan Hotel, containing 800 roc.ne. Din.
ing room has a seating capacity of
600. 50 waitresses Wele rushed catel'-
i lig to the guests. Called on Miss Etta
and James Montgomery, also James
Nichol, formerly of Belgrave. From
here indulged in a sightseeing trip
t alien by large motor sr rue 15 miles to
Pasadena, ticket costing $1.50: We
took in the large ostrich farm. Roll-
ing on to San Diego, the second Expos-
tiorn city, we were met at depot by
five members of Richa'd AlcCom-
mins family with their car, formai ly
of Blyth, being received into the full
fellowship of their home, which bore
evidence of prosperity. They are each
holding good positions of trust with
the spirit of contentment reigning
supreme. At this Exposition point
the Experimental Faint and extensive
parks were much in excess of Frisco.
The stadium, which was largely the
work of Nature, being a circle of sym-
metrical hills into which cement
steps were built, at the base of which
was a horse shoe allele of level
ground. At one end was a cement
table. This modern construction of
Nature and mechanism combined
was utilized for public meetings and
sports and bad a seating capacity of
Ridding adieu we turned our steps
homeward, San Diego had them all
beaten for climate. The soft breezes
and balmy air are similar to a pleasant
day in July on the shores of Lake Hu-
ron. On board the Santa Fee return-
ed to Chicago where two days
were epent with the writer's cousin,
Airs. R. B. Durnion and family, which
was a great pleasure, coming after 17
year's of separation. Also met Moses
Clark, an old Morris bay, who for a
score of years has held a lucrative
position with Marshall Field, the
largest mercantile Go. on the Oonti-
nent. Thence by way of Detrnit to
Toronto our wanderings were bronght
to a close with Martin Mester, and an
inlelleeInal treat with W. B. Oloakey.
In all our journeying we were received
To the Editor of THE Poem
Having recently returned from a
seven weeks' trip to Oalifoinia, where
we had the privilege of taking in the
wonderful sights at, the Panama Ex-
position, tvhieh is being held dui ing
1915 at San Francisco, also at San
Diego, Mal king the opening of the
gn eat Panama Canal in 1914, we
thought the columns of your valued
paper a good avenue whereby its
readers might be brought into touch
with the principal cities of interest,
also the relatives, old friends and
neighbors who, with glad hearts, gave
ns a whole soiled welcome which had
the effect of making us feel at home,
as we journeyd on to the coast, with
its expansive landscape and new
scenes ever before ns. At this time of
year one is impressed with the tre-
meedous resources Of our own great
\Vest. As far as we could cast our
eye threshing outfits dotted the prairie
in extensive operations and the
thought was borne in upon us that it
was not an easy matter to compre-
hend the extent of the vast wheat
fields of Canada.
Securing our tickets from Jas. Mc-
Murchie, the enterprising agent, of
Blyth, we proceeded by 0. P. R ,
Making our first stop at Winnipeg.
Had the pleasure of spending a day
and a night guests of Samuel Irvine
and family, former old residents of
the 5th line, Morris tuwnship, and
scenes of former days were renewed
with pleasure. The $ sons of the
family, Horace. Scott and Willie,
who had enlisted for oveseas service
were in training at the Seawell Oamp
some distance froin Winnipeg.
Proceeding to Brandon we took up
quarters at the Arlington House. We
spent a short time with John Clegg
and family, also foimer residents of
the 5th line. We met Geotge Porter-
field and John Van Norman, both old
Belgrave boys. The Tatler took us no
a sightseeing trip in his spacious
homing car. Among items of interest
was the soldiers 121 training at Bran-
don Oamp.
Our next stop was in the Regina
district near Pence, where we remain-
ed some days, sharing in a gauge mea-
sure the generous hospitality from the
family of the late Wm. Ola k, 101 trier-
ly pioneer residents of the 5th line, of
Morris, also met John Sherritt, their
brother-in-law, formerly of Blyth. 5
members of this family are comfort-
ably situated here with good buildings
nn large furtive. Land is fertile and
had the• best appearance of any we
Sate en route. PI (weeded to Maple
Creek, where John T. Pickett is
located, thence to Calgary. Here we
received a hearty welcome from the
writer's cousin, George Oloakey, who
is a man of imposing appearance,
holding an important position from
the Government us Ranch Inspectrn•.
At. this point we bad lea with the
family of Will. Russell, formerly of
Sunshine. meeting also Mrs, Geo, Tay- ;
for and Wm. Porter field.
A day and night's j.rurney, thrnugh
(.hilly atmosphere, ascending and cie-
seendingaleo encircling the marvellous
beauties of Nature as depicted in the i
by ane and all of our friends with
kindliness, making us feel that the at-
mosphere of home pervaded. Travel-
ling from place to place was made
simple by courteous officials and every
place along the Coact we found
honesty and fair dealings.
The writer has no hesitation in re-
commending Wm. Scott as a genial
and interested travelling companion
with one fault (somewhah of an early
riser) and we predict that in the near
future he may take another trip
through the Greet West locating not
more than a day's journey from
Regina, where he may investigate
still further as to the permanent qua-
lities of the teaching staff.
Thanking you for the extended
space in your valued paper. I aro,
Sincerely Ynnrs,
Howick Council
Council met Nov. 17th in Cook's
Hotel, Fordwich, pursuant to ad-
journment. Members present. Reeve
in chitin. Minutes of last meeting
read and on motion of Armstrong—
Spntton were adopted.
Moved by Doig —Spotton that
Fredet ick Edgar, of the Township of
Howick, lie appninied second Engin-
eer under the Ditches and Water-
onurses Actand that Clerk beinsttuel-
ed to prepare By -Law as to appoint -
Nearly everyon e has
ripping, tearing headaches
at times. Disordered atom-
ach-elugglshliver does it.
Cheer up I here's the real
relief -Chamberlai n'e
Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They put the stomach and bowels right.
All druggists, 28c.. or by mail from 9
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto
Says Vinol Creates Strength
Rosary Hill glome, Hawthorne, N.Y,
Vinol for mall run -
i u
—` x have used
dawn weak or emaciated patients with
benefit, One young woman was so weak
and ill she could hardly creep to my door
for aid, I eupplied Vinol to her liberally
and in a month 1 hardly recognized her,
She was strong, her color charming and
her cheeks rounded out. "—MoxIIER M.
We guaranteeVinol to sharpen the ap-
petite, aid digestion, enrich the blood
and create strength.
P. 11 SMITH, Druggist, 13russels.
meat to be read and passed at the
next meeting. 011 Med.
Moved by Detnmeeling—Armstrong
that following aceoun s be paid
Jacob Seip, gravelling Lot 33, Oen, 17,
$28 50 ; Henry Heipel, gravel, $480 ;
Jule Weir, sp(eadiug gravel, $350;
R, Harris, compensation for change
in fence, $12.00; D. Halliday, com-
pensation for change in fence, $4 50 ;
John Gowdy, compensation for
change in fence, $5 50 ; A. Miller,
cedar for covering Culvert, $000;
Frederick Lwin, pt. pay, on gravelling
contract $43.50 ; Charles Maxwell,
Lep, hill, $2.00; Robert Buffer work
on H. & P. Ed y„ $5.00 ; \Vm. Pike,
sheep killed by dogs, $40 00 ; James
Matthew. culvert in Fo'dwich, $3 60
Wm. Wettlanger., putting drain
across road Lot 21, Gun. 14 and 15,
$475; Amos Densly, cleaning out
ditch across road, $2.400) James Wal-
kom, putting sand on bridge in Fod-
wich, 3275 ; E. Durrant, rep. two cul-
vert., $1,50 ; W. W. Lowish, gravel,
$8.40; Municipal World, supplies,
$2 70 ; Judge Doyle, fee on Ashton
drain appeal, $13,98 ; 0. E. Walker,
services on the Ashton drain appeal,
Edgar c n Jacques, Lynn,
es, mpesaltavel, 3 8 i onfor
chauge in fence, $7 50 ;