HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-2, Page 2Ya''i1.jOl: Wn.l510'5Cy."1 yUlMs lilt'4A`,IrgiV5M S Y.'SGSC. ',V.SP
` , ul , . Ij� , tia.riLLr:Lnnr,.:iNiL T'Z;SdiLLf
i i2
pound Glass Jars
0141 Your Beater has "Crown Brand." Syrup in these new
glass gars—or will get it for you. And be ante and
PiA( save these jars for preserving,
"Crown Brand" is also sold in 2,5, 10 and 20 pound tins. ! 43
r, a•t t
u, vrr, i .,�,r,., L ,15;_
�, I S c Lis.
t_sN`M.Z,,`:r�i`�a��lt t�Mr,d,r„•�I,L`1.�Ai�ti.�'3ilid.'"Jitn':�,tr;�i1M�`.Ala,>rtfinr".1iUiw�T�J'iln:'r:3iL
the requ
Tbe advanced method for readiness, cleanliness
and reliability in writing. One Waterman's ideal
will last for years, Every handwriting can be fitted.
Above trademark is your guarantee of satisfaction..
Prices 32.50 to 3150.00. Illustrated Folder mailed ori request.
At the Best Stores in most Every Town
L. E. Wotorman Company, l.;nuted, Monona!
The Green Seal
Author of "The Silver Blade," "The Paternoster Ruby,"
"The lY ne Lock," etc.
The result was the least expected of 1 floor, 'Here, take that,' he said, 'It i
to say,athe older ladyiWas�chieflyaills Maybe it
w ll brings the kidluck.'time;
ed with nameless fears and a dread That's ell. That is the sort af.
of the mystery that seemed to bang creature my only living b}•other• was
over not her niece alone but also hers hie own brother's murderer. I was
self, and she really knew very little sick et heart for the poor thing who
of the past that might be of use to had been Lois's mother; I hoped that
us, She was 0 nervous, timid woman she; Bt ight b ebe dea . box that he
and no doubt of a disposition to mag-
nify, in the light of later develop- threw at Jim. I kept it—I don't
meats, the few !'acts in her posses- know why; perhaps because I thought
skin, until she had come to be obsess- it really might be worth something."
ed with a perpetual nightmare of toAsleavSotrI detected uber and in uneasy ere otrin
ok in
These few facts, however, unsatis- Lois Fox's eyes and fancied she was
£ging as they proved to be,were new reluctant to see me go.
even to Miss Fox and hae a direct • "Are you afraid to stay beve?" I
bearing upon subsequent develop- asked, lingering upon the porch.
, "No, no. But I am troubled about
mentis, that automobile following you. Please
CHAPTER XVI, 1 be careful."
According to Mrs. Fox's account, l My heart leaped at the thought that
she should be concerned about me. 1
her younger brother, Stephen, had al- impulsively caught one of her hands
ways been wayward, and worry over in mine, and she made no move to
his frequent escapades, more than one withdraw it,
of which had amounted to serious "I shall," I promised. "Since my
hreuehes of theplaw, had hastened the own unpleasant experience I am not
death of his arents, Before arriving likely to walls into any more traps—
at maturity, he had been obliged to not if I ]snow it. But, my dear girl,
flee the country when suspicion point- you two women must not remain here
ed to him as the murderer of his older alone, unprotected. I'll find out from
brother, Samuel. Struber a reliable man and have him 1
Miss Fen whispered to me in an watch the house."
agitated way: "This is the first 1 Although she protested that there
knew that 1 ever had an Uncle Sam- was no need of my doing so, I was
eel." resolved that she was not going to be
The two brothers, it seemed, had the next victim of the scoundrels who It is well known that the progeny'
O. been upon some expedition of their had enveloped us in their coil. And' from mature parents are superior to
j3 _ t„ Steve aceoixnted for had
x own—fishing, yet, when the snare was finally laid those descended from young pyogen-'
Et1,k,. ,M E]C off San Pedro, from which Steve had for us we both walked into it as tors not fully developed. Boars and
returned home. A Portuguese fisher- blindly as moles! sows, for breeding, should be kept in ,
CHAPTER XV.—(Cont'd). ' "Do you suppose," I asked, "that man talked in the Wilmington bar-
Our taxi had proceeded perhaps two a good thrifty condition, but not fat, j
Struber loolced at me. "What do the two Chinamen would have assault- rooms of having seen two men fight- blocks on the return to town when
�" ing in a catboat after dark, and Struber muttered: writes a well-known breeder of hogs, j
you know about. that! that Steve's story was disc There she is a
You ..*€� y be deceive
some day by an imitation oa
13 114
and possibly rots will not detect this imitation until
the teao.pot reveals ita Demand always the genuine
"Salade.f 9 in the sealed aluminum packet, and
that you get Re kir yens want that unique -flavour' sad
fresh, clean leaves properly prepared and, packed.
Hold on to the Good Breeders.
Beat me to it," ed me this morning • , discredited. The The waiter has -always been troubled
n•as his comment, Then he asked "No, I don't. It's my guess 11 right, all right! y
be -
tiles Fox: "How do you know they they came to find out what they could; body was never found, but . Steve's They stay just far enough behind se's to keep his breeding sows frock :0o11 it?" they meant to question you. But the flight was accepted as conclusive evi- a fellow can't see their number. grey too Eat, and consequently, fat=
"While you two were talking, he- ';cid gave them an opportunity, and dente of his guilt and the grand jury I looked back and saw the gray rowing a small number of scrawny
fore I came out on the porch,1 paus- they ,weren't overlooking any safe later •returned an indictment against automobile perhaps half a square in pigs,
ed long enough to look into the front bete. him. From the day of his disap- our rear, painstakingly accommodat- I once took a large sow to fatten
;nom myself. Right away I missed Conjure our brains as we would, pearanee nothing had been heard from ing their pace to ours, as a few ex- for one half the pork I did not know
the little hex from the mantel, where the whale thing remained inexplic- him until nearly fourteen years later. periments on our part—speeding up she was with pig and fed her all the
h always stood I able• so presently I asked Struber Meanwhile the Foxes had moved suddenly and abruptly slowing down
Republic from San Francisco to L A g 1 s again demonstrated. cornmeal and wheat middlings she
purposes, should ever be wintered
A little alfalfa makes the corn stick
to the pigs' ribs.
The well-fed litter of pigs must
have an opportunity to exercise or
else thumps are liable to claim the
There are 20,000 different kinds of
# as a , s whether be had found the Repu isios nee , —
"Did you or your' aunt keep any -]hotel's missing guest. and had been in the latter city barely (To be continued.)
:king in it?" He scowled and shook his head. n fortnight when late one night Steve! 3
"Nothing of consequence: only a "He just disappeared. There's no- Willets appeared unannounced at
few choice Peseadero pebbles and thing to go on but his description, their home—the same cottage where CANADA'S LIVE STOCK INDUS-
agates—her precious stones, Aunt and that's brought us nothing. We we were now gathered—bearing in TRY.
leis jokingly called them. But you ran only wait and see if anybody turns his arms n girl infant three years old. In competing for the markets of
know what they are; ours were ex- up dead. It isn't the same as if yuh IIe displayed no trace of tender -lowed to run with the fattening hogs
eptianaliy pretty, but of no portico- was huntin' somebody that's well gess or affection for the child, which the world there is no branch of indus fed on corn, but kept in a pasture by
lar• value." known; we haven't any idee who this he declared to be his, ,and in answer try that exceeds in importance that of
We continued to discuss the episode guy i,,' to his sister's inquiries respecting live stock breeding and raising. Para- themselves and given a plentiful sup -
al length, but with no very satisfac- My glance met Miss Fox's, In hers the mark on the little one's breast, he phrasing ply of slop, made of equal parts of
tory results. The unavoidable theory I read understanding. • denied that it was a birthmark. P g the old Jingo cry, we have `sheat shorts, cornmeal and wheat
that Mrs. Fox's assailants were Chin- "Suppose I tell him," I proposed. 1 "It's her brand," he had sardonical- the land, we have the will, and we bran.
rise explained nothing whatever. Any-' "If youthink it best," she aequiee- ly declared. "I put it there myself have the climate. What is needed is I Most young sows will breed when
way it was only an assumption that cell, so I can tell her if I ever lose her. the means, and ever more means, and three months old, if allowed to run
they were Chinese; the laundry wag- Whereupon Struber listened with When a fellows on the jump all the simultaneously the ways of market -
0n :night have been a blind. Steve marked attention to a recital of Miss time, like I am, a kid's the easiest ing. However divergent in views and with a boar, but sight •or twelve
Willets was not a Chinaman, although Fox's mysterious correspondent. He thing in the world to mislay. If she theories people may be, it cannot be months is as young as it is judicious
masquerading as such at the time he seemed to regard the circumstance as ever wants to know what it means,' denied that they are all united in a to breed them.
met his death. of vast importance, but one that for he had maliciously added, "just tell common effort to improve both eon.-
r•- The pigs from large -bodied, old
One factor, however, now seemed the time being merely added to his her it's the 'Kiss of the Silent Death. !cultural and industrial conditions. gIn I sows will be more in number, and fre-
clear, namely: the object of the per- mystification—especially when he be- It's her mascot" quently double the size of pigs from
sistent, secret search, directed at first came convinced that neither the girl "Bu,t, Mrs. Fax wistfully explain- helping the one the ether is being young sows when farrowed—and this
at the unknown Republic guest's gar her aunt had the remotest idea ed, "T couldn't ever tell her anything aided. The interests are inextricably with the same feed and care—and
room, next, at my person, and my own who Strang could be. • so awful, so I always said it was a involved. If either is especially pros- I will frequently weigh 50 per cent.
rooms and office, and then carried "Trouble is," he laid his finger upon birthmark. Steve was base enough perous, both ultimately must be, al-' more at a year old. Not only this,
into Miss Fox's home, was closely the crux of our difficulties, "we to lie about it, and I thought if any- though one may feel the benefits of but it stats or dwarfs the growth
identified with the carved ivory boxes; haven't anything to work on but loose body would go to the trouble of tat- extra demand and high prices before
Id 't
would eat. Imagine my astonishment
and vexation when she had three lit-
tle dwarfed pigs—not only smaller
than pigs usually are when first far-
rowed, but emaciated..
Sows for breeding should not be al -
but as Struber observed, "There ends; there ain't a blamed thing that toeing a little ba t ey woo the other.
:corned to be no end of them." can be made to serve as a connecting waste time over a silly, meaningless
•i 's ) In the past few years especially, a
k 1'k Lo "
My mind flew back suddenly to the link. Suppose Strang and the guy at mar r e s .
early morning. For the first time the Republic are the same. Suppose Struber's curiosity was getting the deal of scientific effort has been de- an old sow in the spring for $10. She
1 connecter) my two Chiescallers
ithe sent you the diamond—why did he better of him, so I went over to where voted to the cultivation of the land had ten fine pigs in April, which were
with the box missing frommy do . Why did he write those let- he was seated and told him about the and improvement of productions of fattened and sold to a butcher in the
drawer, a conclusion with which Stru- tern to Miss Fox? What's she to tattoo -mark. He gave me a bewil- the soil, and sight has not been lost fall of the same year, bringing him
her promptly agreed. him?" i dered look, but made no comment. 1 of the needs and necessities of that $116, and he still has the sow for a
"It', like this," lie voiced an idea "I know—beggin' your pardon,' The entire episode of Steve Wil- other branch of inestimable worth—' breeder.
of his own: "in some way or other Miss—that you're Steve Willets's lets's visit to his sister had been so live stock, meaning thereby horses, S
Sows should be kept for a r b
ogle P
the Chinks 's mixed up in the whole daughter. That don't help us any, cold-blooded, so brutal andcattle, sheep and swine. In the lot -
business, but whether they're the main either, except that Steve gets croak- ing, that the woman had needed no ter direction pure-bred animals have, of years until their places can be fill -
guys or just tools I don't know. But ed by a Chink ring while cracking Mr, urging to accept the little one as a recent; been placed in various die- ed with younger ones which have
there's this about it—we don't know I erris'a safe where one of the boxes charge. Icer husband ordered the un- 3' proven to be good breeders.
whether it's only the boxes they want, is. P.ight now everything's so dog- natural father from the house with a triets where their services were pre- i heavy pork from hogs,
one particular box, or what they be- goned tangled up that—unless—" command never to show himself viously difficult to obtain, the regis- twelve to 24 months old (and the fat-
Formerly,lieve is inside some particular box." He trailed off into silence and sat again under pain of being turned over tration of pedigrees has been nation- ter the batter) was demanded. Men
"The diamond?" I suggested, revolving something in his mind. We to the police. Willets had laughed, alized, systematized and subsidized, who worked hard in the op
en air,
"Sure it might he the diamond," waited for him to continue, but at apparently unimpressed either by the gran s towards greatly liberalizing
Struber admitted; "I've had that ;dee length he shook his head once more threat or the wholesome loathing with the premiums at exhibitions have been said there was a wasting quality
in my skull right along. and merel ' said: which these good people regarded made, a special branch has been es- about pig-pork—that it shrunk in the
"But as I was g"ing to say, if it '•1 was thinkrn' o' Strang; some- him• wae Mr. Ferris's two Chink callerstablished in connection with the Ex- Pot •"and did not stick to the ribs."
haw he sticks in my mind. T almost "I brought the kid here—and I Fortunately, this call for heavy
''oo—because perit F
menarm system at Ottawa
of such young things permanently,
and they never attain good size.
A neighbor of mine last year bought
that frisked his 'leak for his box --- had an idee about him, but it ain't les se mY nee k to do 1t,
the one the diamond was in—they clearyet; I got to work it out a little I knew she would be well taken care
didn't have time to open it to see . of," he had said. Then followed a
p further."
what was inside, or to look far enough All at once he was struck with a threat of his own: "See that you do
to find the one with the ring. They thought. He turned to me abruptly. it too, for if she dies hell will be a
didn't know what second the kid d , "Seen anything more o' the gray cool retreat for you compared with
be back. !auto?" he asked.this happy home when I'm through
":Same right here with your aunt, "It followed us here," I told him. I with you. Some day I'm going to
Miss Fox. Mrs. Fox surprised who- "Say!" he exclaimed, but relapsed have use for the kid, and when I want
ever it was trying to get her box, into silence without saying it. In a her I'll want her in a hurry."
They must a -had it already when she moment he went on: "You just go on With no word respecting the baby's
came from the kitchen to the front about your business without letting mother, nor his own hidden wander -
door. If she hadn't a -done that on you're wise to them trailing yuh. ings and flittings to evade the law,
they'd a -blew without l,,,therin' her. I'll get them oinks anyhow." Willets faded away into the night a$
She forced them to fix her so's they Before 'Struber and I returned to secretly as he had appeared to the
could make their get -away. They ; the city—Miss Fox was to remain surprised and dismayed Foxes.
tiirin't stop to find out what was in at home—I obtained the desired inter-+ They were not troubled by him
the box." I view with Mrs. Fox, again; at least he never directly
bothered them; and it was not until
the came to be connected with various
crimes and outrages, a el
1 grown to maturity, that Mrs. Fox
learned anything of her evil broth- Without inquiry and investigation
er's subsequent career. 'nothing can be methodically and sat -
It was when his name began to isfactorily accomplished. With this
adorn the newspapers that terror principle in view a marketing commis -
crept into her soul and took up a per- sion was appointed, the duties of
manent abiding place there. Her which were to ascertain advantageous
husband was now dead; she had no points of sale and to effect and
protector; and she could not banish bring about the most convenient and
from her mind her brother's veiled
promise to return some time and de- economical arrangements for disposal,
viand his daughter, Recollection of shipment and carriage to destination.
the man's vicious nature was stamp- Owing to high freight rates, distur-
ed indelibly upon her memory, and banes in shipping and scarcity of
she was in a constant state of gnaw- boats, unwonted difficulties have re-
ing anxiety over, the girl. I Gently been experienced in exports-
But now that he's dead," she
tion and even in handling across the
pointed out pertinently enough, "who
could have inspired to -day's dreadful continent. It is towards remedying
attack on me? Why should anybody these and placing matters in a much
want the ivory box badly enough to better light and on a greatly improved
do such a thing? Surely, it isn't footing that the commission has been
worth much." created. In many Ways there is evi-
"Where did you got the box?" 2 dance that this is being accomplished,
asked her. I although undoubtedly there are ob-
"I forgot to tell that part," the re- stades to overcomo that will be eon -
ply came slowly. 'Her father left it lineally cropping up. Nor is the ap-
hadthe night he brought Lois to us. IIs pointment of the aforementioned mar -
guns part way dawn the walk kcting commission the only step that
1 and sumo
when he turned suddenly
hack into the lamplight—my husband is being taken for the advancement
was still standing in the open door, of the live stock and agricultural in -
I crouched behind Jim, hugging little-terests, but a commission of influen-
1 ois so tightly she could hardly tial, widely -known and experienced
breather for I was terrified at the business mint has been appointed to
possibility of. Steve changing his go into the whole subject and to re-
mind takingher away again. I
mind and port upon the most advisable mea -
to lcile, though, he would have had sures to be taken for the advance`
thanme before he could have done meat of farming, breeding and rais-
th"t. d finance
Apyway something
ethingd at the steps ing, saandtfor the aggregate prosperity
and pitched something at Jim's feet, ing,
something that clattered upon the of the country.
to' pork is decreasing, In the farmer's
to investigate the cause of disease,
give counsel to breeders and to con- family, and with people generally em-
trol outbreaks of infectious or con- Played in indoor occupations in the
tagious ailments, judges and lecturers towns and cities, pork from younger
have been appointed free of cost, cold, hogs is preferred. This pork is not
storage facilities have been arranged I only the best, being the tenderest and
and refrigerator cars equipped and sweetest, but it is the quickest pro -
paid for, grants have been made un- dosed, at a lower cost and at better
der the tremendously beneficial Agri- profit to the producer.
cultural Instruction Act, with its ten 1 Young animals grow faster and
million dollar attachment, for the en-; with less food than when they become
couragement of veterinary education older, and pork from a hog less tban
and research, and everything possiblea year old does not cost so much to
has been done for the development • produce as the pork from old hogs.
and increase of co-operation. I To make the most money from hogs,
But one of the greatest lines of none, except those kept for breeding
endeavor has yet to be mentioned,
namely the improvement of market-
ing and transportation facilities.
Nearly all ourminorailinents, and many
of the serious ones, too, are traceable to
some disorder of the stomach, liver, and
bowels. If you wish to avoid the mis-
eries of indigestion, acidity, heartburn,
flatulence, headaches, constipation, and
a host of other distressing aillnents, you
must see to it that your stomach, liver
and bowels are equal to
the work they have to
do. It is a simple matter
to take 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup
daily, of ter meals, yet thousands of former
sufferers have banished indigestion, bil-
iousness, constipation; and all their dis-
tressing consequences in just this simple
way. Profit by their experience. As a
digestive tonic and stomachic remedy,
Mother Se:gels Syrup is unsurpassed.
TSB New Leo 017.1 CONTAINS S nine AS 81111(1
Fashion Hints
Gossip on Winter Models.
It is to the period of the socond
empire that the notable dressmakers
have gond for inspiration for the
winter models. One great couturiere
bus gone even further back and has
revived the redingote. In this con-
nection it is interesting to note that
be is the grandson of the man who
created the redingote for Louis Phil-
ippe, a coat that a few years later re.
presented the smartest attire for the
Parisiennes of that day. In its ttew-
est form it gives to the figure the
small waist effect; the skirts, how-
ever, aro wide, with gathered panels
11t the sides. Many original touches
are introduced in the arrangement of
the revers, collars and other minrir
details. Fur is extensively employed
for decorative purposes. The cuffs
are hemmed with it and so are the
many varieties of the choker collar.
Among the new fur coats are the
long garments with La Mode's sanc-
tioned flare at the hem; in others
the influence of the early Victorian
era is noticeable, A beautiful man -
beau is trimmed with cross fox; also
a sealskin trimmed white fox and an-
other seal -trimmed clear gray Aus-
tralian opossum. Again, the short
Goatee has not been neglected, and
the guises in which it is to be viewed
are as original as they are fascinat-
ing. Natural and dyed musquash
coats are just now in very great de-
EWE{ 004Z
zoo t'
Here Is a testimonial unsolicited
"iztIf I had my will It would
be advertised on every street
corner. The man or women
that has rheumatism and fails
to keep and use Sloen's Lini-
ment is like a drowning man
refusing a rope." -4. J. Van
Dyke, Lakewood, N. J.
Litr�,i{ p rat to Y 3 li,.4: !f riff"'., i9 a t.t�
Fi �U2 Z1.. TL t
1.I 111111111111111
Flat envelope handbags are in high
favor. Women of fashion like these
long, narrow pocketbooks to carry
with tailored suits. Fine seals, vach-
ettes and glazed leathers are used
and the sills linings are sometimes
plain and at other times gay, with
birds of paradise,, parrots and the
like. Some of these bags have eight
or nine pockets to recommend them.
Ilip or seven -eighth lengths prevail
in coats, although various lengths are
shown. With the three-piece suit the
redingote is invariably shown.
The side closing is seen frequently
in coats, usually with the high collar.
Usually the collars are of the same
material as the suit, but often they
are of velvet or fur, fastening at the
side in line with the one-sided fasten-
ing of the jacket.
The waistline occupies its normal
place with a nipped -in effect and belts
are placed at the sides, front and
back or all. round.
Jackets also have the long, tight,
fur -trimmed sleeves and furs are cut
in Russian effect.
In this, the 16th month of the war,
it would seem an impossibility to
think of any new way by which to
the s
add to
Red Cross funds. Picnics
have been held, concerts given, for-
tunes told, tags sold, innumerable
other money -making devices put into
practical execution, so that the inge-
nuity of Canadians has been put to
the severest of tests. It has remain-
ed for Mr. Henry Pearce, of Victoria,
to suggest an original idea. Mr.
Pearce, in delivering a recent Red
Cross speech, stated that many thou-
sands of people possess many super-
fluous articles of convertible mone-
tary value, such as pictures, jewel-
lery, furniture, china, curios, books,
glassware, which they would be
pleased to donate to the Red Cross.
His suggestion is that the Red Cross
everywhere hold a series of "Super-
fluity Sales," which, if run on proper
business lines, with some popular ef-
fects of auctioncering, would bring
largo sums of money into the Red
Cross coffers.
This seems on the face of it an ex-
cellent idea. It would turn property
which no one would grudge into
wealth which the Red Cross could
use. The contributors would assist
the Red Cross without cost to them-
selves and the buyers would secure
bargains. It is certain, indeed, that
Use Canadian Rod Cross, with its
steadily increasing responsibilities,
can make good use of any increased
What Neutral States lllust Not Sup-
ply Countries et War.
Most of us, at the outbreak of the
terrible war now raging, read the
King's Proclamation concerning con-
traband of war. Contraband is an al-
most pure Spanish word ("contra -
beetle ') meaning smuggling, and was
for many years only applied to that
But towards the latter part of the
eighteenth century it was extena]ed to
arms, stores, and, in fact, anything
that might be used for hostile pur-
poses. Those were forbidden to bo
supplied by neutral states to any of
tho countries actively engaged in war-
The term contraband has also been
applied to human beings. This was
during the great American Civil 1'i nr,
which was fought over' the question of
negro slavery, and resulted in a vic-
tory for the Northern States and tho
abolition of a degrading tra11'ic in men
and women,
During this war a martial court in
Dt 6 ,
1861, formally declared negro staves
to be contraband.