HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-12-2, Page 1VOL. 44 NO. 22
W. 11. KERR, Proprietor
A Successful
Business Career
Successful business men
rssognize as the foundation of
their career the early formation
of the thrift habit. The ac-
cumulation of a competence
should be commenced during
boyhood. There Is little diffi-
culty in sustaining the effort
after a beginning has been
made. Lasting success in life
is not attained, however, until
a sounddepository is found for
one's money. 85
The Bank of
Nova Scotia
PAID-UP CAPITAL - $ 6,600,000
RESERVE FUND- 12,000,000
TOTAL RESOURCES over90,000,000
1. H. Gilroy, Manager
New Advertisoments
For axle -0, Doff:
Chevrole.—P Anent.
Notice—Rohr. Oliver.
Santa C1nus—Jas. Fox.
Chop found—TnH Poem,
Photo Studio—Free Broa.
Auction sale --John Barr.
Beautiful huh'—Dorenwend.
Cow for sale—J. P. McIntosh.
Property for sole—Edward Garvin,
zstritt 'e�b s
ENTERTAINMENT.— On tate evening
of Friday, December 17th an entertain-
ment will be held in the school house
of S. S. No, 17, McKillop, program to
consist Of musical and litesary numbers
largely by the pupils. Part of the pro-
ceeds will go to Red Dross fund.
OBITUARY,— Arthur Spotton, after
a lingering illness, died at his home,
South of town, on Saturday morning
Nov, 20th. He was horn in Oonnty
Oavin, Ireland, in 1842 and immigrat-
ed to this country when 2lyears old,
He first settled in the township of
Cavin, near Port Hope, moving to the
township of Howlck in 1863, settling
East of Orange Hill, where he lived for
a number of years, moving then to Lot
8, Oon. 7. Mr. Spotton joined the L. 0,
L. when he was 18 years of age and
was a member of Fnrdwlch Lodge at
the time of his death. The funeral
took place on Thursday afternoon,
service being conducted in the Presby-
terian Church, Gorrie of which he was
afaithful member. Rev. A. B. Dob -
Makes any woman attrac-
tive and youthful, and ladies
who would make their ap-
pearance what they would
like it to be should see
Dorenwend's Display
of Fine Hair Goods
At the American Hotel, Brussels
on Tuesday, December 14th
Switches, Braids, Transformations, Pompadours,
Waves, etc.—the products of Canada's oldest and
largest hair -goods house.
Bald Gentlemen A Dorenwend Toupee is an
absolute necessity to the
man who ie bald, It will pro-
tect your health and make you
appear years younger.
Dome and see them on day of
visit and have
105 Yonge St.178 Sparks St.
Toronto DorenwendI s Ottawa
• 051010 OOOOO 644141
• Valve -in -head
• ▪ Motor
• Regular Equipment. Mohair Tailored Top. Envelope and Side Curtains. Electric
• Horn. Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield. Speedometer. Electric Starting and Lighting
• System. Ammeter and License Brackets.
▪ MOTE.—Owing to the great demand for thls Car, we would suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery,
• We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite"' Starting and Lighting Sys-
® tem, with Bendix Drive, same type and grade as used on the high-priced cars.
A complete line of Repairs will always be in stock.
P. AMENT, Agent Brussels
son conducted the aervlcoe. He was
buried under the auspices of the
L. 0. L. I3e leaves to mourn the loss
01 a loving husband and father, in wife
and five chicken, viz , Wm. J., resid-
ing at Orange Hill ; Geo„ Wingham ;
Robt. A. on the old homestead ; Arthur
Winnipeg ; and Mrs, Besser, Detroit,
Mr. Leaburn, of Halnilton, is visit-
ing relatives in thio neighborhood.
We are sorry to report that James
McKay, sr., is nob as well as his many
friends would wish,
Mee. Geo, Graham, who has been
visiting her parents at Owen Sound,
returned home last week.
Maxwell and Mee, Abram, of Blue -
vale, spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Wm. and Mrs. Schnuck.
Norman Mickle, who has been with
Jno, Robertson for some time, has re-
sumed his position as tuner with the
Doherty Piano Company, Clinton Ont.
Frank Tarr and Robt. and Garby
Snelling, members of the 33rd Batt.,
London, were home for the week -end,
We are always glad to see the soldier
We are glad to say that Thos. Inglis,
14th con., who has been seriously ill
with typhoid fever, is improving and
hope he will soon be completely re-
The Heart and Hand Mission Band
will hold their White Gift Christmas
Tree miter bali men bin the basement of
the church on the evening of Dec. 17.
A grind program is being prepared.
Admission 6 and 10 cents. Proceeds
will go to St. Christopher Home, To-
Following is the result of the vote
on Church Union at Moncrieff Pres-
byterian church :—
Elders 7
Members .... 48
Adherents 2
57 11
FOR SALE.—Red nutter, set single harness,
chimp bells, heavy robe, plush Ian rug and cot-
ton horse blanket. In good condition. Apply
to 0. Durr, Bluevale.
NEWSY NOTES.—Mrs. Win. Thorn-
ton is seriously ill with pneutnonia—
Earl Aitchison, of the G. T. R., at
Mildmay, spent Sunday at home.—
Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday
Schools have begun preparations for
their annual Christmas entertain-
ments.—Mrs. Alex Smith and daugh-
ter, Agnes, Detroit, have come home
for a visit.—Dr. and Mrs. Stewart
have been visiting relatives at Blue-
vale.—J. Wilburn and son, Ernest,
who enlisted in the Canadian Expe-
ditionary Force, have crossed the
ocean. Mr. Wilburn wrote from
Montreal as the boat was leaving :—
"We went away smiling and hope to
come back the same." The best wish-
es of all in the community go with
them.—Mrs. P. Scott, Brussels, visited
her friend, Mrs. Robert Black Iaet
week.—Red Cross sewing bees have
discontinued till after Christmas but
anyone wishing to sew at home will
be supplied with cut-out garments by
applying to Mrs. Shaw.—Pte. Alf.
Ennis, of the 84th Batt., in writing
home from Bramshott Camp, Hamp-
shire. Eng., says :—"I got across to
this side safe and am feeling fine. I
had a fairly gond time coming over.
Was sea -sick for 5 days but got over
that. We at e into the real business
nnw, there is no fooling about 11.
You have to :York like a nigger and
the more you do the keener you are to
get to the front. I would go tomor-
row if they gave me a chance but they
won't do it as I haven't been drilled
enough, but will try my hest to go
when the rest go, tihat will he some
time this Winter. 4Vi11 you ask some
more of the boys around there to en-
eeeeee•00•0it=00000000ISMS O'00r00000000eie0••0U•S•S•••••••S•••••••ee-1
Chevrolet "Four -Ninety"
"The Product of Experience"
Powerful and
Quiet Bunning
Price Complete $675.00 F.O.B. Oshawa
.ee00000e.ee00000000eee000 00000e000eeeeeeee0eeeee00eeeeeN00eeeee000000000e000 1
What's On ?
County Council December 7th, at
"'rhea Minister's Bride" Entertainment
under Red Oroes Society, Town Hall,
Brussels, December 10th,
Northern Ontario Exhibition car of
products, &e., Brussels, Tuesday,
Dec, 141h, from noon to noon of
Dec. 15th[.
"C1hristmas runaway Reindeer" by
Junior Epworth Leaguer's, Metho-
dist church, Brussels, Tuesday even-
ing, Dec. 14111,
list. Tell them to come and help.
There is lots of room for more, You
do not know over there what the
people have suffered but you can see
for yourself as soon as you land here.
I can tell you it wakes a fellow feel
that he is doing right when he looks
on the street and sees the poor little
children left homeless and fathetlese
through the war, I am going to fight
LLB long as I have the strength to pull
the spring of a gun and if I happen to
be one of the lucky ones and get
through I will come back to Bluevale
for a while. I miss the place more
than you can think but I mean to
stick fast. I am not training for the
fun of it Inc we all know what lies be-
fore us in France, so we are doing our
best to do our duty for freedom.
Will, Michel has a new hired man.
A. Leitch & Son are erecting a driv-
ing slued.
Jacob Ziegler's swamp is the centre
of attraction just now,
Housekeepers wanted. Apply to
the widowers and bachelors.
Will. McLauchlan, Stratford, was a
visitor with his aunt, Mrs. R. K. Mc-
Elgin Porter took a well earned rest
last week and went hunting. He re-
ports a gond time.
Hartley Menzies arrived home from
the West: last week looking as if his
stay agreed with him.
J. and D. TTuelher has bought a car
load of young cattle. They were un-
loaded at Ethel last Friday.
Harry Swalldon and sons, 'Will.
and Harold are home ft nm AIvinston,
where they have been employed.
Vote on Church Dnion in Knox
rhnreh here was :—Elders, 3 Inc and 2
H gains[ ; Communicants, 26 for and
35 against; Adherents, 4 for and 3
ag ai 1.st.
Next Sabbath instead of the usual
morning service in Kruix church W.
M. Hamilton, of Toronto, will address
I he congregation at 2 30 p. m. on the
Litytnens' Missionary movement.
There will be no service in Ethel
Presbyterian church, Mr. Hamilton
is a good speaker.
Anniversary sermons will be
preached in the Presbyterian crutch
on Sabbath 12111 inet., at 11 a. in. and
8 p. m., by Rev. W. McDonald, M. A.,
Atwood. Special Thank -offering will
be taken and special music by choir.
Tuesday evening following a Fowl
Supper will he served followed by
musical numbers by Ladies' Quartette
from Listowel Presbyterian church ;
Elneutionary program by first-class
elocutionist and addresses by local
pastors. Tickets 50 and 26 cents.
Presbyterian church will not be
open for service next Sunday.
J. T. Davidson and family have re-
moved to Palmerston where they pur-
pose making [hair home. We wish
them prosperity.
A visit was planned by the Endeavor
Society to Molesworth for this week
but it had to be postponed owing to
the number of houses quarantined.
Next Council meeting will be held
Saturday of next week, llth inst.,
followed by the Statutory meeting on
the 15th inst., to close up the year's
Little is said about Municipal Elec-
tions around here and t he indications
point to a teturu cif the present Coun-
cil by acclamation. One object would
be to save expense.
The Church Union vote in the Pres-
byterian church here resulted as fol-
lows :—Elders, for 2, against 3 ; Com-
municants, for 10, against 51 ; adher-
ents, 1m• 1, against 6.
The Ethel cheese factory has closed
down for the season after a successful
run. 240 boxes of cheese were shipped
this week. Lust half of October
brought 16 3/8 cents per pound and
the November make 17 cents. Good
prices surely.
following obituary notice refers to the
demise of Mrs. G. M. Chambers'
smother, who lived at Blyth :—On
Tuesday morning of last week about
8.30 time spirit of Mrs, Jas. Beatty.
foiumerly bliss The: Ray, passed
quietly away. Mrs. Beatty was born
in the township of Clark, Durham
County. On the 18th of December
1878, slie was married to James Beat'
ty, who vow, with their two daugh-
ters, Helena, (Mrs. Chamber) and
Eleanor Etta together, mourn their
loss. She also has two brothers,
Henry and David, of IIuron township,
lienee County, and ore sister, Mrs.
Gi1be1 t Lnscombe, of Silverwoods,
Alien., who mourn a sister departed.
Mr. and Mts. Beatty from their mar-
riage until 11 years ago last month
lived in Huron Township, Bence Co.,
as farmers. God having prospered
their labors they decided to leave the
farm and go to Blyth. On moving to
Blyth, until a short time ago, Mr,
Beatty was partner with his son-in-
law, in the general mercantile busi-
ness ander the firm canoe of Cham-
bers& Co. Mrs. Beatty was n kind
and good neighbor, a loving and self-
sacrifioing wife and mother and years
ago after giving her life to Jesus
Christ joined the Methodist church to
which she was faithful until death.
For about two years she has been in
failing health, but last November was
taken down with erysipelas of a most
malignant type and though rallying
to some extent, never fully recovered
from its effects. During the past
month she weakened very rapidly,
Bright's dieeaee having set in. She
was courageous and energetic and put
up n great fight for health but nature
finally was compelled to yield and on
Monday the 15th[ she was compelled to
take to, what proved to be her dying
bed. The funeral was held from her
late residence on Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock and proceeded to the G.
T. R. station where the mourners en-
trained for Kincardine where inter-
ment was made in Kincardine ceme-
tery, Mr. Beatty has been an invalid
Inc the past year from the results of a
Wedding bells may chime in James-
town neighborhood before long.
A few from this locality will go to
the Winter Fait' at Guelph next week.
Miss L, Hall, of Ethel, is a visitor
with her sister, Mrs, George Eckmier,
of Jamestown.
Miss Marion Grant, of St. Marys, is
enjoying a holiday visit with relatives
and old friends.
Mrs. Ben. Dark, of Galt, is here
assisting in caring for her mother,
Mrs. Jno. Hollinger 10th Con., who
has been ill but is improving nicely,
Mise Frances Fairbairn, of Sacra-
mento, California, is a visitor with the
Houston families and others. She is
a niece of Mrs. James Houston, 10th
Tuesday Mrs. James Maker, 7th
Con„ died at her home, from cancer
of the stomach, aged 66 years and 8
months. Funeral on Thursday after-
noon to Elms. Centre Cemetery.
Mrs. Jno. McCallum intends holding
an Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Grain
and hay on Thursday of next week,
Oth inst., at 1 p. m. Sale without re-
serve as she has rented the farm. F.
S. Scott will be the Auctioneer. See
list in another column.
Glen Armstrong has recently purch-
ased a Drug store, on St. Clair Avenue,
Toronto. He hae had several years
experience, both in Brussels and
Toronto and should do well, being a
Gold Medalist on his graduation from
Pharmacey. Glen is a son of Wm,
and Mrs. Armstrong, 0th Con. We
wish him success.
Tindall Ritchie, Wingham, was in
the village on Friday,
Miss Alma Rann and Miss Cassie
McDougall visited in Btuaeals,
Thos. Savage, sr. will be in charge
of the rink for the coming season.
Mre. R. Stocks left on Monday to
visit with relatives at Manitoulin
John Huffman, of Kurtzville, spent
Tuesday with his brother, James
Ladies' Aid, of the Methodist church
met at the home of Mrs, Jno. Smith
Wednesday afternoon.
W. F. M. S. of the Presbyterian
church held their monthly meeting at
the home of Mre. Wm, Douglas on
Thursday afternoon.
Albert Edwards, who has been em-
ployed with D. McTavish, Howlett, for
the past two years, left for his home
in England this week.
Miss Agnes McKercher conducted
the Young People's meeting in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday even-
ing. Subject was "Italians in Europe
and Canada."
Rev. E. G. Powell, Clinton, gave
temperance addresses in the Presby-
terian and Methodist churches on
Sunday, also in the basement of the
Presbyterian church, Monday after-
noon. He is the County Secretary.
—A well attended meeting of a very
enthusiastic character was held in the
Town Hall, Tuesday evening of this
week for the purpose of organizing
a Red Cross Society. Rev. Mr. Wes-
ley made a capital chairman and after
the National Anthem made a few
timely remarks and then introduced
Rev, D. Wren, of Brussels, who de-
livered a rad hot Patriotic address on
"British to the core." He was warm-
ly applauded for lois able effort. W.
H. Kerr, of Tns POST, offered a few
remarks as to Red Dross Society
work after which a Society was form-
ed, taking the place of an Association
among the ladies that has done excel-
lent work, The new officers are :—
Hon. -Presidents, Reeve Reis and the
resident pastors ; President, W. S.
McKercher ; Vice -President, Wm.
Sanderson ; Secretary, Mr. Vanvelsor ;
Treasurer, Mr, Lamouby. Committee,
Messrs. Robinson, Wendt, Hazie-
wond, Black, Davey and White.
Auditors, Messrs, Gibson and Mc-
Tavish. To this was added from
Wroxeter village, Mesdames McLen-
nan, Lacklancl, Wesley, Davidson,
Hamnilton, T. Walker, Jas. Stunt,
Miller, Rann and Robinson. For the
country adjacent, Mrs. McNaughton,
Miss Bolt, Mrs. Halliday, Mrs. Finnan.
Mrs, Earle, Mrs. W, Ball, Mrs, W.
Adorns and Mrs. Robb. Baker. About
8635 00 in all have been contributed
for Red Dross worts by the people of
this community up to this date in
cash, goods, &c., a very admirable
showing. During the evening two
line duets were sung by Messrs. Gib-
son and Moffatt and several patriotic
solos in good voice by Harvey Hazle-
wood, Clifford. Mies Hazlewood per-
formed her duties as accompanist
most acceptably. A hearty vote of
thank was passed to all who took
part. Wroxeter did themselves credit
by bre enthusiasm displayed and a big
active membership is hoped for with
a better record than ever of helpful
'Fah+++4.1 44+++4elelleieHelelee ielel'
+ Photo
+ Having purchased the Photo
* business lately managed by Mr.
+ Maitland, Smith Block, Bros- ..1l..
+ eels, we purpose opening it on d'
+1 Friday, December 3rd.
+ A cordial invitation is given to 4.
* the public to call and see us. 4..
,j All work guaranteed and prices
7. reasonable.
+ • Now is the time to order your +
,+,r, Christmas Photoe. One dozen +
+ Photos make a dozen Christmas
+ Presents. +g.
+ • Free Bros.
Re -opened
------ter �
+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++
work for the soldier boyo under the
guidance of the new Society. The
ladies who have been so energetic in
the work in the past deserve very
hearty commendation.
McKillop Council met at Miller's
Hotel, Walton, on Thursday, Dec. 2nd,
at 10 o'clock. The Tax Oollector was
also present to accept payment of tax-
The Canadian Pacific Railway at
Vancouver recently organized an
Engineering corps and Louis Mc-
Donald, son of Mrs, L. McDonald, of
Seaforth, formerly of Walton, was
selected to accompany the corps as
head engineer. The company left
Vancouver recently for the front.
Previous to leaving, Mr. McDonald
was entertained by the Seaforth boys
in Vancouver and their friends at a
complimentary banquet and was given
a right good send off. Mr. McDonald
has many friends in this vicinity, who
will extend congratulations on prefer-
ment for so important a position and
wish him the best of good Iuck and a
safe return to the home and country
of itis youth.
NOT SQUARE.— Wednesday of last
week a new regulation went into effect
whereby the 0. P. R. agent at Walton
will not meet the night train, and the
station will be closed after 6 p. m.
The C. P. R. is closing all the stations
on the Guelph and Goderich line with
a few exceptions. They are doing this
in an endeavor to curtail expenses, but,
to say the least, it is an unfair deal to
the travelling public, as they are forc-
ed to await the arrival of trains in the
cold, as all the stations are locked
when agent goes off duty. There is
evidently room in the Statutes govern-
ing railways for amendments regard-
ing the rights of the public,
Anniversary sermons will be
preached in the Walton Methodist
church on Sunday, January 2nd at 11
o'clock a. m., and 7 p, m. Rev. David
Wren, M. A., the esteemed pastor of
Brussels Methodist Church, will be
special preacher for the day. Do not
fail to hear him. We anticipate a
very successful anniversary day and
seeing the great need for aggressive
work, the glorious possibilities of
Christian service upon this historic
circuit, we earnestly hope for the co-
operation and willing help of the
members and adherents of the church.
In connection with the anniversary
there will be a Fowl Supper Monday
evening, January 3rd. An excellent
program is being prepared, further
announcement of which will appear
later. Rev. F. W. Oraik is the pastor.
A little daughter has taken up her
abode at the home of Neil and Mrs.
A little daughter has come to the
home of Norman and Mrs. Walsh,
South of here.
Fitspatrick Bros. did the cement
work in connection with the mill
which is being erected.
The Farmers' Club purpose enter-
taining the Woman's Institute at
next meeting which will be on the
14th Dec, in the Foresters' Hall.
A message was received by James
Anderson stating the death of his
brother Robert's wife at her home in
Lockwood, Sask. Mr, Anderson is a
former resident of this locality which
shares with him in his bereavement,
John Dearlove, employed with Robb,
Harrison for a number of years, was
here from London last week where he
has been in training for overseas ser-
vice. On his return he will be moved
to Quebec for further training before
setting sail fnr England.
Ladies' Aid of Knox church purpose
holding a Bazaar, also a sale of home
made cooking in the basement of the
church on Wednesday afternoon Dec.
8th from 3 to 6 o'clock. A number of
fancy, useful and up-to-date articles
will be displayed.
Women'a Institute will meet Tues-
day afternoon of next week at the
home of Mrs. Nelson Higgins, The
timely topic "Christmas dinner well
cooked and nicely served" will be in-
troduced by Mrs. George Procter and
"Confectionery" will be the sweet
subject in the hands of Mre. Will.
Procter. All the ladies will be wel-
Miss Ella Cloakey is on a short visit
with relatives at Mitchell,
George Jordan has purchased a new.
and up-to-date engine which he purr
poses installing in his new mill for
chopping now in course of erection.
Farmers in the looality feel the loss of
the mill.
400 soldiers, accompanied by the 28th
Baud, will bold a recruiting meet-
ing at Listowel Friday, Deoetnber 3,
arriving by special train from London
and Stratford at 3 p. m. Short
addresses will be given by H.
13. Morphy, K. C., M. P. ; F, W. Hay,
Rev. H. M. Langford and Rev, J, M.
Elston Cardiff, 6th line, is home
from the West where he put in a busy
A Christmas Tree and entertainment
is to be held in Browntown School
house on Dec. 22nd in aid of the Red
Cross. Refreshments will be served.
Owing to ill -health W. E. Douglas,
6th line, has decided to hold an auc-
tion sale of his Farm Stock, Grain,
Roots, etc„ on Friday afternoon of
next week. His stock is in good
shape. See list of sale In thls issue.
DR, ROE DEAL.—The community
was shocked when it became known
that Dr. Roe, formerly of the 2nd line,
Morris, but some years an eminent
physician of Philadelphia, died at
Maybe° Bros.' Hospital, Rochester,
where he had undergone an operation.
At time of writing particulars are not
to hand. Dr. Rue was a man of flee
stamp, and a successful surgeon. His
death is a great loss to the profession
as well as to suffering humanity.
The Minister's Bride
Town Hall, Brussels, Dec. 10th
Synopsis of Play
Rev. John West, who has for some
time been ministering to his flock in a
state of single blessedness decided to
join the ranks of the benedicts.
Much to the disgust of the ladies of
the congregation in general and of
Mrs. Joe. Crabbe in particular, he
goes to a neighboring town for his
bride. What follows upon their re-
turn to take up their duties cannot be
described but has to be seen.
Plan opens at Fox's Drug Store, on
Saturday, Deo. 4. Seats 35 and 25c.
People We Talk About
Barrister Sinclair was in Toronto this
week on legal business.
Mrs. Walter Morris, Winnipeg, has
been the guest of Miss Isabel Strachan.
Mrs. Laird, Dresden, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. R. M. Sinclair, Brussels.
Miss Jessie Cunningham is holidaying
for a few weeks with relatives and friends
at Palmerston.
J. T. Wood, proprietor of the Excel-
sior Knitting Mill, is away on a business
trip to the East.
Will. Mayberry has enlisted and is now
in training at Galt. We wish him suc-
cess as he does his duty.
Mrs. Juo Manning is not enjoying
her usual good health but we hope she
will soon be as hearty as ever.
Mrs. N F. Gerry was visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Merklinger,
at Hanover, during the past week.
Jack Leckie was pianist at the recent
annual gathering of Huron Co. Old Boys
in Toronto in connection with their Asso-
Mrs. Nesbitt Hamilton and children,
of Atwood, were visiting Mrs. James
Duncan, the former's mother, in Brus-
sels, last week.
Walter S. Scott was visiting at Orono,
Ont., last week with relatives. His
nephew, Finlay Semis, who was here for
a holiday, went with him.
D. McDonald, Clerk of the County
Court, Goderich wasits town last
Thursday. He was a former resident
y of
Brussels in the long ago.
Mrs. Robert Dark underwent a suc-
cessful opersliou, at her home, during
the past week, and is making favorable
progress, the are pleased to hear.
Miss Barks, milliner at Miss Inman's
store, bas gone for a vacation with rela-
tives at Chatham and other points. Her
many friends wish her a good time.
James and Mrs. Ballantyne and sons
have removed from their home, Queen
street, to the apartments over the store,
Turnberry street, for the Winter months.
Tuesday evening of this week Rev.
D. Wren and W, H, Kerr, of Tax POST,
were at Wroxeter addressing a Red
Cross public meeting held In their fine
Town Hall,
Misses Alma Rann and Cassie Mc-
Dougall, of Wroxeter, and Miss Louise
Lee, of Owen Sound, were guests of
Miss Georgia Kerr. Miss Lee is extend-
ing her visit.
George Davis and Clifford Shur'rie, of
Chesley, were in town over Sunday.
Former is employed in a flouring mill and
the latter in a Shell factory. Both are
well pleased with the town,
Miss Frances Fairbairn, Sacramento,
California and Miss Marion Grant, of
St. Marys, accompanied by their cousin
Mrs Mathew Stewart, of Grey, visited
with Mrs. Geo Jackson this week.
Sergeants Elmer Ewsu and Frank
Gerry, who are in training with the
Perth Batt., at Stratford, were home
over Sunday, They have very comfort-
able quarters in what was the Kemp
factory, which is steam heated for the
cold weather.
Many Friends of Miss Jessie Hirons,
Toronto, will be glad to learn that she is
convalescing after a severe attack of
bronchitis. If Miss Jessie's sunny dis,
position, together with kindly senti-
ments expressed, plays any part with
nature, her speedy restoration is as-