HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-11-25, Page 7t JYoung FPIlis 1 .DISEASES OilFaiser's Sister THE NERVES' Sways Greeter Are Due to Poor• Blood and Only Curalde' Through the II• Blood. The Ilrcamland Boats, Thera is an excellent reason why, It Was a beautiful, golden after- Dr, Williams' Pinlc. Pills have CUred. noon in summer, and Lawrence, as he the most severe cases of neuralgia` lay on the white, hard sand, could not sciatica and other complaints in the help thinking that the ocean had never group known as disorders of the seemed half so lovely. nerves, This group' also included nor - "How I wish I could dance and play vousness and excitability, Each of like those great waves!" thought the these complaints exists because the boy sadly, for he was not like the nerves are not getting a, proper nour- other boys; he was lame. 'lament from the blood., The Tea"son "I don't see how I am going to why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure stand it all my life, If I did not love nervous disorders is because they my dear music so much, I don't know make the rich, redThlood upon which how I could get along." the nerves depend for proper tone. At these words he placed his curly It is thus seen that Dr. Williams' Pink had on his arm, and in a second was Pills cure nervous disorders because away in the land of dreams. : they go to the root of the trouble in "What a very pretty sight!" he the blood, and while they are doing whispered. , "What can it mean? this they strengthen and fortify the What lovely little boats! I do believe whole system against disease. Among they are the 'rests' that I was learn- the many who have found relief from ing in my new- piece of music, and pain through this great medicine is that I had sti h a hard' time with last Miss Ethel Smith, residing near Bur - evening. 13ut what a strange placeford,; Ont,, who says:—"Soma years for them to be int" I ago I was seized with a great ,pain in He kept still and watched . from my right leg, between the hip and very excitement, and also listened knee. It became so bad that I got with all his oars; for a voice came to no rest, day or night, and often cried him, as if the waves sent it, and with the pain. The doctor ,said the sweet and soft it sounded, comingtrouble was rheumatism of the sciatic from such a distance. I nerve, Liniments were used until . "My name is Expression," the yoice they actually took the 'skin off, and said in ridh tones. "Our family lives' still the pain grew worse and worse. inside the covers of music books, and Then all the other nerves in the limb everything else that has printed mu-' seemed to be affected, and it kept sic in it. But we often feel very much jerking and twitching until it would left out, and: it troubles us when lit- have to'be held to keep'it still. Then tie boys and girls forget and do not the doctor put the limb in a papier count us as they should. We have to mache case, but it was not long until make the best of it and get along the trouble began in my other limb, some way, but you must see how very and it had to be treated in the same hard it is for us to do right when we way. I lay in that condition for three are counted all wrong." years with my whole servous system What do you think he saw? A lit- so badly shattered that it would make tie fleet of dreamland boats. me scream if any one walked across The whole rests and the half rests the floor. Then my throat became floated past; then came a quarter partially paralyzed and I could scarce- rest, with its name printed on the ly speak. During this time I had front of the tiny prow; and the been attended by three different doc- eighth rest followed, with its small tors, who did all in their power, but flag fluttering in the wind, as if it each said I would never be able to were enjoying the strange party. walk again. Then my father decided Next came the sixteenth rest, which to get me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. looked as if it were feeling a little Before I bad used them long I felt better than the others, for it had two them helping me. This so encouraged flags instead of one. The thirty -sec- us that the use of the pills was con- ond and the sixty-fourth rests fol. tinued and in a few months I was lowed, and one had three flags and able to walk half a mile each day to • the other had four. get the mail. I used in all eighteen All the time that that was going or twenty boxes of the Pills and they on in the water before him Lawrence did what three years of doctoring had slept on. The great red sun sank be- not been able to do. I am as well as hind the clouds, and fell out of sight ever I was in my life, and have had with one lingering smile. Then sud- no return of the trouble. My family denly a great wave sprang toward and friends think my cure was a mir- him. He awoke with a start, and 'sole, and we give all the credit to Dr. scrambled to his feet. Williams' Pink Pills." "Why,", he said with a sleepy yawn, You can get these pills through any "I must have been asleep! I wonder medicine dealer or by mail, post paid, where the dreamland boats have at 50 cents a box or six boxes for gone?" 12.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi - Many times he thought about the eine Co., Brockville, Ont. lesson they had taught him, but he never afterward saw the little fleet of dreamland boats.—Youth's Com- panion. • THE WAR AND HEALTH. Motor Traffic Makes Less Dust Than Horses. It is generally recognized that the dust of our great cities is a serious LITTLE OF REAL ROMANCE. In Life of Comptroller Fortescue of Royal N. W. M. P. One of the chief regrets of Comp- troller Fortescue, now . about to re- tire from the Royal North-West Mounted Police of Canada, with whom he has served for over 40 years, when menace to health. A year or two ago interviewed, is that in' spite of his an experiment was made to ascertain. heloh service and the distinction cti-: as nearly as possible the amount of ca has attained, r he has mad a tinge dust deposited on the food in an or- tay all the romance and adventure dinary open shop. that the deare apt toai associate with the"riders of the plains. The result of this was a statement "My work has been almost entire! Do that at a low estimate some 50 lb. to Y you wear glasses P Are eau aa vis in the offices at headquarters,"said tis, or eye -strain or other aye -weaknesses) 100 lb. of dirt finds its' way on to the he. "The rounding up of Indians and is ieai hops for sou. tM ny that tleiere food displayed in a shop. Those citi- zens outlaws and the active work of keep- were failing say they nave and -their eyes must, therefore, eat more than ing order has been for others, and I dlerful freer prescriptlora cipOno man sage, ,.their traditional peck of it QUEEN SOPHIE OF GREECE. & new picture of tha sister of 611& Gorman Kaiser, who is generally credited with being responsible for ilio non -participation of Greece In the war on the aide of the Alli Dangerous iThroat Troubles Prevented by Nerviline IT ENDS MISERY OF COLDS gIIICELY. Don't wait till night. Get after your cold now,—this very minute, before it grows dangerous you should apply old-time "Nervi - line" Rub your chest and throat, rub them thoroughly with Nerviline, Re- lief will be immediate, Nerviline will save you from lying awake to -night,' coughing, choking and suffering from congestion in the chest and acute pain in the throat. Nerviline will break up that dull I neuralgic headache—will kill the cold I and chill at its very beginning—will IHes Self -Denial. save you from perhaps a.' serious i11- nese. Ernest," she gasped, choking back To take away hoarseness, to break her tears, "father has lost all!' up a grippy cold, to cure a sore throaty "Eh?'' or bad cold in the chest, you can use 'Father has lost all," she reiter- nothing so speedy an effective as ated. Nerviline. For forty years it has been. "Not all!" he exclaimed. the most largely used family remedy "Yes, all.", in the Dominion. .Time has proved! vNever;' he said bravely, pulling its myon, a can you go keeping himself together. Miranda handy on the shelf the large SOc. Pam- g"You, ily size bottle; small trial size 26e., still are left to him, I could not b sold by any dealer anywhere. Iso cruel as to take the last of his wealth." A PEW. RULES. "Finest!". "No!" Firmly he held her o Be Conscientious in the Discharge of ``Tell him, Miranda, tell him from Every Duty. me, that his generosity towards me demands that I leave what little lies Dishonesty seldom makes one rich, in my power!" and when it does riches are a curse. There is' no such thing as,dishonest Prohibition Favors Tea -Drinking. success. The world is not going to' Well-informed members of the tea pay you for nothing. Ninety per trade say that the figures for the year cent. of what men call luck is only show an astonishingly large increase talent for hard work.. Do not lean oil of tea drinking throughout the world. others to do your thinking or to con- Prohibition is largely to account for quer your difficulties. Be conscien- this, and, when a great country like tious in the discharge of every duty. Russia prohibitse thepsaleluof strong drink and the people turn to tea, it Do your work thoroughly. No one means an immense dram on the re - can rise who slights work. Do not sources of the gardens whence comes try to begin at the top. Begin at the the world's supply. In the last few bottom and you will have a chance to months the cost of tea has risen 12 rise, and will be surer of reaching the or 14 cents a pound. top some time. Be punctual. Keep! your appointments. Be there aurin -I In December, 1918, national savings ute before time if you have to lose in Russia amounted to f70,000; in your dinner to do'it. Be polite. December, 1914, however, after, the Every smile, every gentle bow, is mo- sale of vodka had been stopped, the ney in your pocket. Be generous. savings had reached nearly three mil - Meanness makes enemies and breeds lion sterling. distrust. Spend less than you earn. Do not run. in debt. Watch the little leaks, and you can live on your sal- ary. The expression "well -tempered" or "finely -tempered" steel is generally Co r Applied ht misused. It is usually taken to indi- 5 Seconds, cate steel of extra hardness, where - Sore, bllstetdng feet as the reverse is the case, though from corn pinched very few people are aware of the QUICEt toes an bo caned fact. The greater the degree of tem- by Putnam', Ex. pering the softer the steel. The steel tractor in 24 hears. Putnam's" soothes worker measures the degree of tem- way that drawing pain, eases instant• pering by the color of the metal. Thus v, makes the feet feel good at once. the hardest—i.e., the least tempered a the. bottle of "Ptttnatm'e today. steel is light straw in color, while '6 the softest kind is white. Between Not His Funeral. these extremes, commencing from the hard end of the scale, are the follow-' Itis the kindly custom in a certain ing shades: Straw, dark straw, light English village for the well-to-do in- bronze, bronze, dark bronze, light habitants to make good any loss that blue blue, dark blue. Tempering the villagers sustain through the steel is a very delicate business, and death of live stock. The retired one calling for that sense of what is manufacturer who had only recently "just right" which is found in good settled in the village was ignorant of cooks. 'I' — that fact, and was much puzzled by the visit of a laborer's wife, who said Throw Away Your that she had lost a pig. Eye -Masses I A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home We pay highest net cash prices It's not whet the ricer lel4 promher, buttitomoney ,'ooactuallyy Int {hit mekp yourpoll, We hove built us a larq 1st of ,hippc�" d,rou,h "cadne 1h m foulyy, we era un• usually 6h plln So5,adin�g Wp pl,mge po oomW,„fan+. 110 pay all exp,ns nhnrgro, \X'dtc for our pricer let and apecfal offu. Ginseng and Wearalhelar. Golden Seal �"t buyers of Unfmd Simc,and c+nilerc(oap qe. Idahnt mien. Wdlcfor pdeetht. DAVID BLUSTEIN & 5110. 6n.yae a padno RnoRne uowr , Nov York 163 W. 27th St., New York, N. Y. MUNITION PLANT DESTROYED. Russian Factory Near Kobe Blown Up by Spies. It is reported hero that German spies have blown up one of the alnmu- ninon factories at Aboshi, near Kobe, Japan, The plant is owned by. the Japan Celluloid Company, bot has been equipped for the manufacture of explosives, especially guncotton, for Russia, The fact's as to the reported destruction of ono of the. factories are withheld Now that Japan has decided to in- crease her output of munitions extra, military guards are being placed around all property used for the man- ufacture of munitions and suplies. 1 Courage. How Sickly Women May Get Health If they could only be made to see that half their ills are caused by im- pure blood, it wouldn't take long to euro them with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Truly a wonderful Medicine that in - e vigorates, strengthens, renews. Every tired, worn out, woman that tries Dr. Hamilton's Pills will improve rapidly, will have better color, increased ap- petite and.better digestion. off No better rebuilding tonic can be found than Dr. Hamilton's Pills which are safe, mild and health giving. For forty years Dr. Hamilton's Pills have been America's most valued family medicine, 25c, per box at all dealers, Not Annoying. Mr, Thomas A. Edison, the won- derful inventor, has suffered for years from deafness. Once asked whether he did not find his affliction annoying he replied—"No; there are so many things people say that one doesn't want to hear," Minard's Liniment Cures Margot in Cows More than 200 ships in the Navy are driven by oil. For steam -raising purposes three tons of oil will take the place of four tons of coal. Nelson's old ship, the Foudroyant, was sold to the Germans in 1892, bought back by public subscription, and finally wrecked at Blackpool in 1897; whereupon the wood and metal salved from her were made into hun- dreds of pieces •of furniture and dainty nicknacks. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. Steel Points. She Explains. "Well, I haven't got it," explained Mabel—You and Harold seem in- separable. the puzzled newcomer. I Gertrude—We are together a good What I mean is, of course, the deal. You see, Mabel I take a pig died," nervously explained the peculiar interest in him.' woman. „ Mabel—Oh, do you? Well, what do you want me to do? Gertrude—Yes. I was engaged to cried the thoroughly bewildered man. him at one time, and in love with "Send a wreath?" him at another. '6 __ D. JAOESON'S ROMAN MEAL XS A Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. FOOD, NOTA PRAIPD. Many so-called cereal foods are His Orders. frauds. To prove it, try to live en - don't want to tell other men's stories." after trying it : "I was almost blind tirely upon them for a few clays. , It is horse traffic that is chiefly re- Comptroller-Fortesouo said that he could hot see to read at all. Now 1 can Many live entirely upon Roman Meal. ' no one is allowed to dismount with - Comptroller for dust, for the ranch ma- joined the police in 1873, when the my eyesd �d0 006 water anyrything without , any saes tilg do A recent letter from California. says: out orders." lignedmotor-ear only spreads it. The force came into existence,and was they would pain dreadfully; now they feel Dear Dr. Jackson: A friend of mine Murphy was no sooner in the tapping of the horse's hoofs creates one of the original party hat came Ie anethiady Wlio'useiiiit e mirac�Tyo. has lived upon Roman Meal for saddle than he was thrown to the • dust, but the soft tyre of the -motor out West to Winnipeg nearly a dozen atmosphere seemed hazy with or without thirteen months. His case had been ground. causes little, though, of course, the' years before the laying Of the rail- Opr fifteebut daystaves now in rythle5 seercr.prescription, pe perfect causes ced al No fraudess. He lhera, Ro- Murphy," yelled. the sergeant, heavy motor lorries do most damage t ay. The main business of the force can oven read fine print without glasses." man Meal is scientifically balanced by less on the ground,when he discovered him dismounted." lying breath - to a road that is at all soft. It is believed that thousands who wear i Hundreds of horses have been tom- was, curiously enough, the protection glasses can now discard them in a reason -:an expert dietitian. It's the perfect „ „ ' Y mandeered for militaryof the Indians, who were being ex- able time, and multitudes more will be food, and positively relieves constipa- I did. as a- new supply cannot be created in n demoralizedloited by he whitethotraders whiskey,end being sspared strengthen re and o npenso'toft eve11 poliid o, pAnakes our doctor.gems. Ate itgro- by gettin glasses. Bye troublrs of many de a day, it is certain that motor delivery lues the traders' chief stock itrade seriptone may bo wonderfully benctttted eers', 10 and 25 cents. weans will be more largely used than for the barterixg of furs. by following the simple rules. Dere is the .l. ever. 'Therefore dust will not be so prescrirtion : Go to any active drug store In the first year he was out in the and gota bottle of Bon•Opto. tilt a two- Why He Resigned. much in evidence.—London Answers. West,however,Constable Fortescue o=nto bottle with ~carat water, drop In Fortescue, Bon -coca tablet and snow to �issotve. In a small New England town the as ha then was, was taken ill with ty- With this liquid, bathe tie eyes two to four janitor of the schoolhouse, much to phoid, and was invalided to the East. ,FOR RELIEF OF VICTIMS. As' a -man familiar with the work of the force was then needed at. head- quarters, Constable Fortescue was taken into the office, and•thore adven-. 'tura, as far as - the future comptroller was concerned, cane to an end, for though the rise of the young consta- ble to supremo control of the famous force is not without romamee, the work in whi8ch he was' engaged as Comptroller Fortescue remarked, sloes not lend itself to the tolling of stories: The comptroller is now in his 71st year. ,14----- "Remember," said the sergeant 400 Hospitals in Paris Caring for Wounded. Thera are now in the district form- ing the entrenched camp of Paris, 1448 charitable organizations working for the relief of victims of the war, and more than 400 hospitals, which afford accommodations for about '40,- 000 wounded. The four regular iota.tary hospitals, the most important, have now 40 annexes: The Red Cross hospitals nuntber about 500, and there are 28 convalescent establishments, 5 independent hospitals, American English, Japanese and Russian. Tho workrooms for unemployed wo- Constipation and indigestion; colic' men have multiplied to a greater ex- worms, colds.and simple fevers, and tent than the hospitals, now number- all the other' minor ills of.little 'ones ing 520, Thera are 228 different so- can be promptly cured by Baby's CQwn idiot; looking after the needs of 1•e- Tablets through their action in regu- ugees, 04 employment aloe, 15 free rating the stomach and bowels. Con dispensaries and 195 various organs- corning them Mrs, II, H. Mills, Heidi- zations for tho distribution of cloth- mend, Que., .writes: -"I have found and for lodging and feeding the Baby's Own Tablets of great service needy, in relieving my little one of eonstl- Besideo these organizations for ma ch potion and stomatrouble." The tel'ial relief, there are numerous Tablets are . sold by medicine. dealers groups, not `regiiteredlwhose palmate,or by Mail at: 25 cents a box from is to provide t111oar and contfort to. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ soldiers at the flout, Blticitvllja, Ont, CEILDHOOIS AILMENTS times aily. You should notice your eyes the surprise of his friends res! ned clear tip perceptibly right Oros, the start, p > g and inflammation will quickly disappear,' his office. When he was asked why Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. If your eyes are bothering you, even a , tittle, tMiro steps to save thea now,'beforo he did so he said:—a Is, honest, and Gentlemen,—Last winter 1 receiv it . is too late. Many hopelessly blind mean to be above suspicion. If I find ed great benefit from the use of Might have been saved it they had cared anything when sweepin' the school I MINARD'S LINIMENT in a severe for their eyes in time. The Ynunus Drugattack of LaGrippe, and I have fro - Co., 00 Toronto, will fill the above pre- anus return it. A few days ago I ; quently proved it to be very effective scrtption by mull, if your druggist cannot. read on the blackboard, 'Find the' in cases of Inflammation. —'1' - greatest common divisor.' Well, I Yours, BRITAIN'S FAST TRAINS. looked all over for it, but I. wouldn't W. A. HUTCHINSON. know the blamed thing if I bumped into it. Last night, in big writin' on Rigid Economies in Operation Have the board, it said, 'Find the (east Not Cut Down Speed. common multiple,' . So I says to my- 111 spite of wartime economies and self, 'Both these things are lost now, No Chance to Try it. alterations in railway timetables, and I'll be accused of takin' 'em.' So England' still has the fastest trains, I just got up and left. the longest non -stole runs and the-•-4'-°----- lowest fares in the world, according to re IM ,, Murine is pre - the London Daily Chronicle. , Ana"' Mf pared by our hy- The fastest train "for a fair dis- "Did you have orders?" "I did. " "From headquarters, I suppose?" "No, sir; from hindquarters." A man who sells shower baths on five days' trial told this story: "I sent one out to a man in the rural districts. I told him to use the shower bath five days and if at . etetane, as used for the end of this time he was not setts - tante," it is explained, is the morning �F�.' " i a many Tears in their prsettco, nowblic a t- fled to send it back. This is the let - express from London to Bristol, which cd to the Public and ter 1 received: makes this run of 119'/e miles daily in OUR f�ESeold byiouraroggtat RiyMnrinotoRefrceh, '"Your shower bath 100118 good, 120 .minutes, Aspecsttl test trip over Cfcnnee.and $trengthonEyoealteretpaem•o to a11d perhaps is all rf this route was made several ears a o Cold Cutting Winds and nest and to restore 1 slit. I don't y g hoalt:hful tone to Eyes Reddened and anode Sora know whether it is or not because in exactly 84 ininutes, by overwork and Eye Strain. the five days for trial The ;longest non-stop run is by the mond Morinomwhile broadminded sspperhaps!oil us of irate passed and I t"0rlliSil .Express,. London,to .Exeter, :Success, iaik and rush into print In 055001tlon3 didn't ica night acme to and I those whose Eyre hoed dexo can Runs, nth, no didn't: have a chanes try'it out'.' 174 1111105 111 180 minutes. The Cheap- there is no Proscription fee in Murine. dint hand est, faro is the round-trip excursion your Druggist 60aand youhaven Complete Pits, ye neat Murine' -Dropper -and Cork Screw- if a Wool snores h5 has a good 01 - 'tate between London wild Skegness, readYforecu. hyltin3.000BYeeandiiltSnhye tube for remaining away from church, wlrscl,,oilers a 202-msle trip fcr "rti Bras for Eve'i4rouldea•-6osmnrttng-,1 ,t Eye 1',nmfoTt. Writs Sot Saok of tho`Eyn i`r`e, cat ' "tout 1/., acne per colla Marino gyo Remodi, Company, Chicago 1?I). 6.' ISI?YE 47_ '15, GREAT CHEMIST PRAISES ZAM—SUPS Mothers Who Use This Famous Balm Have Backing of Science Mothers who use Zam-Bilk, because they have p healer, will be interested to hear the result of a test of Zara-Buk by Mr. W. Lascelles Scott, the great English chemist. He says:—" I have made an exhaustive analytical examination of Zam+Buk and find its active consti- tuents are of exclusive vegetable origin. It contains none of the impure and irritating mineral drugs and animal fats present in ordinary ointments. The antiseptic and bacterioidal (germ - destroying) powers of this preparation are proved by my tests to exceed those of carbolic acid, yet Zam-Buk neither cauterizes""nor inflames even a very sensitive skin, but ends skin disorders. "I have no hesitation in certifying the purity of Zam-Buk and its value for skin injuries and disorders." lendid Mothers who have not yet tried Zam-,I Buk should profit by the above. Zam- Buk is unequalled for eczema, cuts, burns, ulcers, running sores, piles, cold sores, abscesses, chapped hands, eta. All druggists and stores sell Zam,Buk at 50,c. box, 3 boxes 11.25. "Pa, what is courage?" "Courage, my boy, is what your father shows when he keeps his shoes on when he comes into the house sev- eral hours later than he told your mo- ther he would be." Minard's .Liniment Cures, Distemper, FARMS Pant SALE... FARMS — ALL SIZES-- STOCK, Grain, Dairy or Fruit, When you want to buy, write kr, W. Dawson, Brampton, Ont. NEWSPAPEns on SASE. PROFIT -MAILING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on applicatton to Wilson Publishing Com- pany. 73 West Adelaide St 'Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC. Internal and external, cured with• out pain by our home treatment Writs us before too late, Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited; Colltngwood, Ont. THOROUtSHNESS IS aVR MOTTO! LLIOTT Tongs and Charles Ste., Toronto. Offers best advantages in Business Ed- ucation; strong demand for graduates; enter now: write for calendar. W. X. ELLIOTT, Principal. FV61APPEP ,> Furs Have Advanced Ship totiogern. WegiveIlberalgrades; full value in caeband fluickreturna. Wa have bent market in America for lure, Hides, eta. No commieslon. Write today for free price ltet. Trappors' Sapprras at Factory Prroos 000005 FUR COMPANY, nept.0 St. Louie, Me, .J oi1.s;404, Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts; Bruises. Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE • Does not blister or remove the hairandhorse can be worked. Pleasantto use. 52.00a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. ASSORBINE, IR., antiseptic liniment for mankind, re- duces Strains, Painful. Knotted. Swollen Veins. Conoco. 1 ted—o2 per bonllyt aaledrop+dreeqauredal an aaotlooPrice W. F. YOUNG, P. C. F., 616 Lymans Bldg,, Montreal, Can. ibsorblee end Absorbtoe, Jr.. are made in Cmada. HIRAM JOHNSON LIMITED. The Old No. 494 St. Paul St. MONTREAL Established over 38 years as Raw Fur Dealers No inflated price list from us. Send us your Furs and get the highest market price. Fr� Building Lot Solve this puzzle and get a free lot. To advertise a summer resort we aregiving away tree a few 30x93 building lots.. Secure this lot by filling in the missing letters in following sentence describing Canada's greatest riches. Enclose five cents for literature and list of hundreds of satisfied customers. O -e -t Wi-a-t-; H -r Vi-a-tQ-a- LAURENTIAN MOUNTAIN RESORT CO. 317-318 Eing's Hall Bldg., 691 St. Catherine St. W„ MONTEIME bort. 7. Red, White, Blue, Cross, Silver, Blank Poaea, Heaver, Lynx, Etc,. RRAWWanted from all sections of Canada 97very raw -fur shipper who is looking for a better outlet for his raw furs should write at once for our price list, We are FURS in a position to pay top market prices, and will do so at all times• Let us hear from ynu. Send for Our 7E'rioo List—Now Ready. We Snv Ginseng. Reference by permlasion: Union Exchange National Bank,' New York. STE6TOE tti BOSSAE, Inc., Exporters of and Dealers in RAW PUBS 140 WEST 08th STEEET, NEW YOR1r amilimmommomparni. - Entries P s tiveId Close N®VE.;t. BE ?a 25th For the Sixth Annual T t un..a j.:: ,"i i 1 t Stook ow UNION STOOK YARDS, TORONTO r a y Do not wait until the last da 0. F. TOPPING, Secretary, 1r Union Stoat Yards,Toronto Mll now to