HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-11-25, Page 1VOL. 44 NO. 21
W. h'. KERR, Proptietot
Banking Service
This bank undertakes every
description of banking busi-
ness, and our aim is to have
each customer feel assured of
courtesy and attention in qur
offices. The many services
performed by a modern bank
are at your disposal; and every
good business connection, large
or small, is welcomed by 99
The Bank of
Nova Scotia
PAID-UP CAPITAL - • 6,600,000
RESERVE FUND - - 12,000,000
TOTAL RESOURCES over 00,000,000
La. Gilroy, Manager
New Advertisements
Local—P. Ament.
Dolle—F. R Smith.
Cattle wapted—Tnz Po0m.
T4yory for Bale—TBE Fo00.
amity Counoll-W. Lane.
anted—W. T Rawielgh Co.
Horse blanket lost—Tem POET.
Hog for service—John hraohen.
War Lann—Dominion Government.
Cows for sale—Mrs. Wm. Dennison.
isrx eihs
Anderson Black, Bengston, spent
the week end at his home here,
Mrs. A. McLeod has returned from
a few days visit with relatives at
Miss Louise Lee, Owen Sound, was
the guest of Miss Cassie McDougall
last week. .
D. M. McTavish, assisted by Mise
Edna Carr had charge of the Young
People's meeting in the Presbyterian
Church Sunday evening. The subject
was "Young People's share of the
When in Toronto recently 1), D.
Sanderson pnrcluteed a second hand
Ford touring car which arrived here
this week,
A meeting for the purpose of organi-
zing a Red Cross Society will be held
in the Town Hall on the evening of
Nov, 30th at 8 o'clock. W. H. Kerr,
President of the Brussels Red Orose
Society will be present. An address
will also be
1 en by Rev Mr. r
Alarge attendance is re ue etC
as e
this meeting will be veryinteresting
instructive. Therwill be n
admission fee.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mi, Mc-
Culloch, of
c-Culloch,of Oranbrook, conducted the
service in the Presbyterian Church
here, he and the pastor exchanging
work. '
Ray McNaught, has' been in Sask-
atchewan for the past few months, at. -
rived horse last week. He reports
good crops and a good share of the
threshing done. Mr. McNaught may
remove to the Weet.
Friday evening of last week Mise
Belle Henderson, of Brussels, address
ed the Endeavor of Knox Church on
the Mission work done at St. Christo-
pher Farm. She also had an interest-
ing story for the Mission Baud Satur-
day afternoon.
-Measles have been on the program
in some homes.
Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Lundy, of
Walton, preached in Knox church
here and gave a practical discourse. •
Knox church will hold a Fowl sup-
per on the evening of Tuesday, De-
cember 14th.' Anniversary services
the preceding Sabbath.
The Red Groes entertainment, which
was to have been held last Tuesday
evening, was indefinitely postponed
on account of the prevalence of meas.
lee in some quartet's.
FAT SyEE11e yoR SALE.—On Satur-
day afternoon of next week, at 2
o'clock, F. S. Scott, auctioneer, will
offer fom'.fat steers for sale at Long's
TOWNSHIP DEAD.—Margaret Inglis,.
relict of the late Jabez Foreman, pass-
ed away at her home in Elma on
Tuesday evening, November 1.6th, in
her 09th year. Though suffering
much through an illness that lasted all
Summer, Mrs. Foreman bore it most
patiently and will be lovingly remem-
bered by her many friends and es-
pecially by the members of her family,
to whom she has been a kind and
faithful mother. Mrs. Foreman was
born in Peebleshire, in Scotland, in
January of 1847 and was married to
her'late husband in January of 1874,
since which tirne she has been con-
nected with' the Methodist church.
The surviving family consists of one
son, and five daughters, John Fore-
man ; Mrs. Winiam Perrie, (Jran-
Livery, bus and trunk business; -also
beautiful stone building in thriving
ruanufacte ren town f 2000 people.
t g 9 1 1
An old established stand,with 18
horses and first cl outfitReally
no opposition in town Supplies all
the undea'taker work en town both with
horses and rigs for funerals, as well as
the black tenni for the undertaker.
Finest equipped barn in the Prnvince,
Doingbusiness n' a •o e
a bat teas i IIr n ximut 1
81500 m• bus and $6,0001 for livery.
Price $10,000, half cash. Lnmediate
possession. If interested apply to
THE POST, Drawee 31, Brussels.
brook ; Mrs. Geo, Johnson, Morning
ton ; Mrs. Willis Johnston, Elma ;
Mrs. W. Faulkner, Maryborongh and
Mrs. Sidney Bisset, Wallace. Auoth-
et' daughter, l5uphernia, is deceased,
She also leaves three brothers and two
'deters, W. G. Inglis, 8th Con., Elena,
Walter Inglis, 6th Cnn., Elma Thos.
Inglis, 14th, Con. Grey ; Mrs. Jas.
Ballantyne, 8th Con. Elena and Mao.
Gordon McQuarrie, 14th Con. Grey.
The funeral was held Thursday after-
noon from the family residence, Lot
53. ConCeseinn 1, Elnta, to Elora Oen-
tre Cemetery, Rev. J. E. J. Millyat•d,
of the Methodist church, Listowel,
officiating. Pallbearers were her eon,
John, two brothers, William and
Walter Inglis and three sons-in•]aw,
William Perris, George and Willis
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr, McCulloch,
Oranbrook, took the services in Duff's
church, Rev. Mr. Lundy taking Oran -
brook work,
Don't forget the Bazaar in the A. 0.
U. W. Hall next Wednesday, under
the auspices of St. George's church
Ladies' Aid.
Miss Belle Henderson, of Brussels,
who spent several weeks brat Summer
in Mission work tit St. Christopher
Marti, will address the young people
in Duff's church Ft idly eveningofthis
week on various phasee of the good
work so zealously carried on. Mise
Henderson is a sister to ex -Principal
Henderson who taught Walton Public
School, now engaged as teacher in
Toronto, .
BEEF RING.—The 10th annual meet-
ing of Walton Beef lfing was held at
Jno. Bennett's home, Tuesday, Nov.
I2th, when all present settled their
accounts with each other. 14.570 lbs.
of choice beef were divided to the
patrons throughout the season, an
average of 455 pounds. John Bell will
continue asbut'her for the ring next
season, killing and dividing into 32
•N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NN••W••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
OF e.
Winter UndercIothin3
Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren
0.1..V4,4a4,r4.4A,V1011A1,%,.1 4.'401011,4 W4011.1 .10.014.41041416r6'4a41h'4,' 141W'b.4,,hdo."b'4m"6ry1W'W'4�4141414i 1u'411n'Id'Id41'1i 410i 0141414Mi'414,'4,'414.4u'I„'6Ahiyd't
Clearing Sale
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• an.amai•
Regular values up toy $10
Sale Price Y)ur Choice for
00000000000000000000000000000.000000.000 000000000000000000••••••00
Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats, splendid assortment of patterns, in
strong serviceable tweeds, also a few plain blacks, browns and greens ;
not all sizes in any sizes one kind but all in the lot. Regular values up
to $lo.00.. Sale price your choice for - - - -
Ladies' Coats—With fur collars and 9uilteci lining—From $10.00 up
wen0a Coats—Cyr' lini{ig, rubber interlined, with fur collars—$10.00 up
We are right ready with a complete
stock of
Granky Rubbers
Light and heavy weight, for Men, Wom-
en, Boys, Girls and Children.
All at old Prices.
For Ladies, Children, Men and Boys in °s
Turnbull's and Penman's make. a
All at old Prices—
before the advance
Highest Prices for Produce.
N. McLaren
•••••••••••••••••••••••N• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •4441••••••••••••••••••••••• •
shares. $2 75 is .charged when two
persona take one share, 50 cents ie
added for dividing in half shares..
Mr. attd Mrs, Bennett's kindness
disposition go a long way i
helping things go well. Two shares
are yet available for next season,
Special bargains in Ledies' watches
are being offered by L. Blake, Walton.
If you have not read his advertise-
tuentconcerning e thiotas turn to it
now and seehat i e offer
) s
Jn Iii kconn l ship d e car load
o el l pe a
of sugar beets from Walton last week.
John is not afraid of hard work and is
making the farm look better. If he
keeps on hoeing he will soon have the
cleanest farm in the tteighbothood,'
CARD OF THANKS.—We wish to
thank our friends and neighbors for
their much appreciated kindness, in
words and deeds, during the illness
and subsequent demise of our daugh-
ter, Margaret Amelia. It will never
be forgotten, Gratefully yours,
A shipment of 12 pyjamas suits, 18
towels, 2 dozen bandages, 18 hospital
shit ts, 18 pairs sncke, 0 day shirts, 6
convalescent robes, 42 gems of fruit
wart emit by the Jamestown. Red Cross
circle valued at $90. Tho Oircle wish-
es to thank the many friends who as-
sisted so kindly in sewing and knit-
ting and in contribution of fruits.
Miss M. Paul visited friends at
Mitchell this week.
Paul & Jewitt shipped a car of
live poultry to New York last week,
Geo. Hamilton and John Munni
have returned home from the Weet.
Duff & Stewart received a car load
of lumber from Northern Ontario this
Morris Bosrnan had the misfortune
to lose his driver Sunday night. It
bung itself.
Mrs. Hayes has gone to London,
where she will spend the Winter with
her daughter.
Chas. Garnier moved into the vil.
lage on Monday and is now in charge
of the chopping mill.
Robert Musters has enlisted for
overseas and is in training at Toronto
with the 19th Battery.
funeral service of Mrs. Samuel Vi-
pond, of Mina, were held Friday after-
noon, being conducted by Rev. Dr.
13ussar. Interment was made in .the
Donegal Cemetery. Mrs. Vipond wars
horn in Paris, Ont., nearly 79 years
ago and had been a resident of Elma
nearly 15 years. About 60 years ago
she was married to Samuel Vipond
who, with the family, remain to
mourn her. She was the mother of 7
children, Maggie, at home; William
and E. W., Mina ;Joe., New Ontario ;
Teasdale, Baileybury; and two others
who died in infancy. Mrs. Vipond was
a member of the Donegal Methodist
church. 4 sons and 2 nephews were
John Jackson, 5th Con., spent a few
days in Toronto during the past week.
Mrs. Robert Pearson is visiting
relatives and old friendsin Bluevale
ue ale
and locality.
Union church Sabbath School
Christmas Entertaimnent will be held
on December 2$rd,
The farm of W. 0. Hudson was
purchased by John Beirnes, of this
township, for the sum of $1900.
A few sleighs and cutters were on
the go last Monday but the sleighing
would not be counted first-class.
Diet. Friday e was ae a Jen. P t
Donegal attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Vipond. His sister is mar-
ried In a son of the deceased.
Sabbath morning last Quarterly
Communion was held at Union church
and the service was held at Roe's
church ata p. m. instead of the usual
foyer] non gui bit ng.
A thorobred Yorkshire hog has been
Purchased from the well known breed-
er, A. Stevenson, Eima township, by
John Machan, Lot 12, Cnn. 18. Advt.
may be read in another column.
debted to the Brussels, Morris & Gtey
Telephone Company at'e asked to
settle the same by December loth, so
that the year's business may be closed.sed.
The Epworth Leagee of Roe's
church is having a contest as to mem-
bership, progtnut, &c,, which will con-
tinue to the close of the year. .Losing
side has to sepply the program for an
At Hone at the close. Qui •n in-
terest has been awakened. League
meets Tuesday evenings.
Tax Collector P. J. Bishop has com-
pleted his work serving the notices
and is now ready for the receipt of the
coin. He has $19,500 to collect, about
$3.000 more than last year, largely
caused by the war tax and some
School Section increases. 5% will be
added nn Decetnbee 15th, to all taxes
If the Reeve was not a strictly
sober uuttt on escapade he had last
week c would have a dubious look. His
driver took fright1 t and suddenly 't
ung 1.0 one side of the road tipped 4r.
Livingstone out, The horse and lig
brnitght top at J. K. Back Ws 9th Cone
the buggy being damaged by too close
contact with 111'. Baker's gate post.
The Reeve was 00110 the worse of
itis unlimited for lending.
Sunday mowing Win, ' 0. Hudson,
5th Con., passed away after a short
illness. Taking cold after an attack,
of measles pneumonia set in resulting
in his death. Funeral was private
and took place on Monday to Ehna
Centre cemetery. A widow, (whit
was Mise Pawenn) and 5 children our.
vi ye and are deeply sympathised with
in their bereavement. Other Mem-
bers of the family have also been ill
1 What's On ?
1'-oI7 Ii"emrr'r-►7•
W. 0. T. U. meeting Friday afternoon
of this week at the Public Library.
Next Monthly Horse Fair, -Brussels,
Thursday, December 2nd.
Cunnty Council December 7th, at
"Til Mt ri r
e r sGe s Bride" Entertainment
node r• Red Gross Society, Town Hall,
Brussels, Decembet' 10th.
Northern Ontario Exhibition car of
products, &e., Brussels, Tuesday,
Dec. 141h, from noon to noon of
Dec. 15th.
"Ohrietmas runaway Reindeer" by
Junior Epworth Leaguers, Metho-
diet church, Brussels, Tuesday even-
ing, Dec. 14111.
but we hope they will soon be con-
valescent, -Mr. Hudson recently held
an auction sale of his farm stock, im-
plements, &e., and since that disposed
of his faun.
Alex. Cloaky is home from an enjoy-
able visit to California and the Panama
The fancy cushion top lost and ad-
vertised in THE POST was recovered
and restored to its fair owner.
The item in last week's POST as to
the Council Meeting was incorrect as
the meeting was not held until Mon-
day of this week.
Wm. Douglas, 0th line, is not regain-
ing his health as well as his many
friends would wish but we hope pro-
gress will mark the palming weeks.
Robt. and Mrs. Nichol are home from
their trip. Mr. Nichol brought a deer
as proof of his successful hunting ex-
pedition in the Party Sound District.
We are pleased to report improve-
ment in the condition of Mrs. Jae.
Russell's sister's health. Mrs. Russell
is home from her visit to the sick
The Trustees of the Barrie school,
6th line, have re-engaged the services
of Miss Belle McNabb, Brussels, for
another year. She has met with fine
success and is greatly beloved by the
debted to the Brussels, Morris & Grey
Telephone Company are asked to
settle the same by December 15th, so
that the year's business may be closed.
Box social under auspices of St.
.john's church, A. Y. P. A., Brussels,
Friday evening of this week at the
home of Wm. and Mrs. Bryans, 4th
line. Don't miss it. Boxes sold by
Smoot, REPORT.—Following is the
report of test examimation held in S.
S. No. 9, Mortis. School work also
considered. Total 900, Pass 540. Sr.
IV.—Lily Jackson. Jr. IV.—E. Mc-
Call, 0. Skelton, E. Watson. Sr, III.
—G. Kelly. Middle Second—Bert
Kelly. Primary classes based on
school work. Jr. II.—Ross Button,
Sr. Pt. 1I.—Katie Laidlaw. Sr.
Primer—May Watson, George Kirk-
by. Jr. Primer—Mary Kelly, Lew
Kirkby, Katie Readman.
T. P. YOUNG, Teacher.
Mrs. W. C. Scott has been on a
visit to relatives at Port Huron and
Pupils of the Public and Sabbath
Schools are busy preparing for
Christmas entertainments.
Some of the young men of this com-
munity are talking of enlisting in the
Hu on and Bruce Battalion.
Sewing Circle met at Mrs. Joseph
Brandon's Monday evening and cut
out work for those willing to sew.
Jas. Coultee and Rev. A. M. Boyle
will have cluu•ge of the Young Peo-
ple's Guild next Sunday evening at
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Methodist church met at the home of
Mrs. 0. W. Wilkinson, 4th line Morris,
Mrs. James Russel, 6th line Morris,
and daughter, Mrs Robert Clark,.
paid a visit to relatives in Goderich
Miss Olive Walsh is not recovering
from the effects of a badly sprain-
ed ankle as fast as her malty friends
would wish.
Next meetin of East Wawanosh
Council will beheld here on December
15th, at 10 a. m. This will be a Statu-
tory meeting.
It is rumored that Rev, H. B. Perna -
by, Belgrave, has offered his services
as Chaplain to the new Huron and
Bruce Batt, now being mobolized.
Robert Young who has been build-
ing an addition to his house has work
about complete and when finished will
have a spacious and up-to-date home.
After six years absence in Tucker -
smith Township near Hensall, Joseph
Wilkinson has returned to this locali-
ty. He holds his own very well as -the
years pass by.
The evangelistic meetings held in
g g
the. Methodist church last week were
fairly wall
attended. Pastor was as-
sisted by Revile Penrose, White -
abut ch, and Thompson Bluevale.
debted to the Brussels, Morris & Grey
Telephone Company are asked to
settle the same by December 15th, so
that the year's business may be closed.
Mr. McKenzie ex -M. P., Lucknow,
will occupy the pulpit in Knox church
on Sunday, December 5th at 11 o'clock
setting forth the responsibilities of
the Laymen of the church to the ex-
tensiori of the Gospel,
Box Social will be held at the School
house of S. S. No. 5, Morris, en Fri-
day night, Dec. 10th. Miss Imlay the
energetic teacher, has the program
well in hand. Proceeds will be devet-
ed to the 13ed Cross Society,
Miss Huoter's
Special Reduction for the
• balance of the season,
Ostrich Plumes at Special
If Bargains are being +
looked for they will be
found at the store of +
Miss Hunter, Ethel
UNION —The result of the voting on
the question of Ohureh Union in Knox
Church here was as follows :—
Against For
Session. 7 2
Oommunlean te, 84 22
Adherents, 14 7
Totals 105 31
Majority against 74,
The Farmers' Club had a good meet-
ing Tuesday evening when Prof. Bell,
of Guelph, gave a very practical ad-
dress on "My Farm." He showed how
the farm may be worked to advantage
or how it may toboggan with only
losses and urged close attention to the
many little improvements, that may
be made with comparatively small ex-
pense that prove winners. It was an
optimistic talk calculated to do good.
Sauesoar.—By the death of Mrs.
William Sitnpson, Olintonplost ote'of
its oldest and most respected citizens.
For many years Mr, and Mrs. Simpson
conducted a store here. In last few
years bias. Simpson was assistantmat-
ron at the Huron House of Refuge,
giving it up a few months ago on ac-
count of ill health. She was but led
Friday in Clinton cemetery. Mr.
Simpson died a few years ago.,. They
had no family.
Council met here last Monday.
15 cents gets THE Pose' until Janu-
ary lst 1916.
By order of the Board of Health the
Public school and churches were or-
dered to be closed ae a means of coun-
teracting the spread of the measles.
Auction sale of Farm stock, im-
plements, &c., at James T. Davidson's
North half Lot 20, Con. 11, Grey town-
ship, Friday afternoon of this week.
F. S. Scott will be the Auctioneer.
WoMEN's INSTITUTE.—Special meet-
ing will be held Thursday, December
2nd at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. Mc-
Guire, Ethel. Report of London Con-
vention will be
iven byMiss Purvis.
The regular meeting of Women's
Institute was held at the home of
Mrs. 0. Eckmier last Thursday. A
good business meeting followed by a
paper by Mrs. 3, Brown on "Poultry"
Specially good music by a number of
the young ladies was provided.
Following are the names of the sol.
diets boys from this locality who have
enlisted in defence of the Empire :—
Ross McKinlion, at the front.
Ben. Woodley, in training.
Cleve. w
Spence Hernsworth "
Harold Campbell, '
Harry Wilde,
Pat. Cratnpsey, '
3. H. Pedgrift.
Stanley Campbell, "
Charlie McMillan, "
W. H. Cook,
Frank Gerry,
Elmer Ewen,
Fred. Tuff,
Charlie Pope,
Former Brusselites, who have been
doing their "bit" in the trenches are :—
H. R. Allingham,
Harold Good, a German prisoner.
Rae Holmes, wounded.
Melvin Bunston supposed to have
s d a e
been killed.
Mervin , wounded La be't o nded at
m t
Dardanelles but back to the trenches
East Wawanosh Council
Minutes of Council meeting held
Nov. 15th, with members all present.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap-
proved. •
R. 0. McGowan was present and
requested the Council to take pro-
ceedings to have the surface water
from the N lr Lot 38, Con. 2, diverted
from flowing on his property, claiming
the same was doing him an injury.
Council refused y
0 1 of sod to take any action to
Mr, McGowan's complaint as they
considered that art award in the same
matter ' made some years ago was
sufficient to meet the situation,
By -Law No.1A 6 a i
w 11,1
place of nominatin, places of Elec-
Deputy Returning officers and
Poll clerks was read and passed.
Following accounts were paid :—
Win. Patterson, gravelling on Kinloss
& East Wawanosh boundary, $22.05 ;
John Gillespie, inspecting same, 51.00 ;
Wes, Kebue, drawing plank and re-
pairing Potter's bridge, $2.00 ; James
Dunne ravel' n t
gravelling o Cons. 4 and 5,
Y, g g
842 00 ; Howson & Lawson, bridge
plank, $2.43 ; Austin Campbell, re-
pairing approach at river bridge, Con.
9, $1,00 ; Peter heaver, repairing cul-
vert on sideline 30, 81, Con. 11, 60cts, ;
James Young, putting in drain'op-
posite Lot 34, Con, 12, $7.50.
Council adjourned to meet accord-
ing to statute on Wednesday, Dec.
15th, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Morris Council
Council meeting was held in the
Township Hall, Morris, Monday, Nov.
22nd. 14tembere all present, Reeve
After minutes of last meeting were
read and approved a By-law to au-
thor'ize the Council to borrow on
debenture the sunt of $2100,00 for the
Trustees of S. S. No. 10 was adopted.
The debentures will be issued for 15
years at 54 per cent.
Following accounts were paid
Isaac Brown, tile, $4.80 ; Howick In-
surance Co, premium on policy, $2.10;
Wingharn Advance, advertising,
$1.25 ; Blyth Standard, advertising,
$1.00; R. Bloomfield, balance broken
plow, 50c . W. Oakley, gravel, $8.20 ;
A. Pollock, gravel, $3 50 ; W, Broad -
foot, tile on road, $175 ; F. Gutteridge
cement and tile, $28 80 ; Felix Kirton,
tile for Bosman drain, $144.76 ; R.
Currie, gravelling East bdy., $39.00 ;
W. Ferguson, balance Garnier bridge,
825 ; Geo. McCall, drawing and re-
placing tile for McCall dram, 55.00 ;
Ed. Bryans, outlet for drain, $0.00 ;
H. Hall, drawing and putting tile in
East bdy., $13 00 ; H, Johnson, Board
of Health, $3.00: A. MacEwan, B. 0.
H. $3.00 ; 3, Shortreed, B. 0. H,,
53.00 ; W. Connon, gravelling culvert,
83.20 ; R. Garnise, farm bridge, on
Bosman drain, $20,00 ; A. Magee,
blunder in dog tax, $1.00 ; Arthur
Shaw, Treas. salary, stationery and
postage, $140.00, A. MACEWEN,
Bev. O. Wren, M. A,. Accepts
Invitation for 4th Year as
Pastor of Brussels
Methodist Church
The Official Board of Brussels
Methodist church met Wednesday
evening of last week, the pastor, Rev.
D. Wr'ett, in the chair. After the
minutes of last meeting bad been read
and adopted it was decided to have
the church anniversary sermons
preached on Sabbath, January 2nd,
by Rev. Mr. Craik, of Walton, at
which a free-will offering of $100 will
for. Missionary anniversary
be asked o ,e
sermons will be taken by Rev. J.
Millyard, Listowel, in February. The
pastor will exchange with the breth-
ren on the occasions mentioned.
The resignation of W. H, and R.
A. Pryne, who have removed to Walk-
erton and Toronto, respectively, were
reluctantly accepted and J. Henry
Hoover and J. H. Fulton 'were ap-
ointed to complete the unexpired
ired P P
A clear and very satisfactory report
was presented by Treasurer Leather -
dale of the year's work at the ceme-
tery, church and parsonage. This
was adopted.
Treasurer Gilroy gave a statement
of church finances showing the favor-
able condition existing with a hopeful
Rev. Mr. Wren was tendered a un-
animous invitation to remain as pas-
tor for a 4th year, commencing with
next June. The reverend gentleman
responded inappropriate and apprecia-
tive terms, accepting the invitation,
subject to the confirmation of the
Stationing Committee next Confer-
ence. lie thanked the Board for their
brotherliness and hearty support al-
ways accorded to the pastor and his
work and looked forward to a contin-
uance of the happy relations existing
between the congregation of Brussels
attd Oranbrook and the parsonage
folk. Mr, Wren is an excellent
preacher, ably sustaining the fine
record of former pastors and is very
faithful in the multifarious duties that
fall to the wot'k of zealous pastors.
Under his charge the churches have
prospered along all lines and the out.
look is very optimistic for the year to
come. Rev, Mr, Wren's acceptance
will not only be pleasing bo Method-
ism in this locality people
but to the
generally aro acquainted with the
g q
Pastor and his wife.
The members of the Official Board
consist of R. Leatherdale, F. H. Gil-
roy, H. L. Jackson, J. T. Wood, A. J.
Helm, J. Cunningham, Jas, Cardiff,
L. Wheeler, R. J. Hoover, S. Carter,
F, Raddatz, W. 3. McCracken, Geo,
Menzies, J, H. Fulton, J. H. Hoover,
T. J, Gilpin, G. 0. Manners. S. Bailey,
H. Manning, W. 11, Herr and Misses
Pipe, Gordon, Smith and O. Hunter,
Mesdames Leatherdale, Rands, Paul,
Bailey, Wood, Bray, Plum, Skelton,
Churches, Parsonage and large
horse shed are free from debt and in .
good repair ` membership about 300
is active and co-operative and the
various organizations under capable
and zealous officiary and with effie est
leadership should advance.