HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-11-18, Page 8KODALi
You keep taking Pictures but how do
you keep the Picture's you take P
Pictures neatly mounted in a Kodak
Album are safe against toes or in-
jery and theptpgegainmuch fi thed
album in
interest and effect, We have a com-
plete line of Kodak Albums -what
you want is here. They range in
price from isc up to $3 50,
en!! Giycerine Soap
i'f nrmony Rose -Yellow
TWO i►10 S 1,Harmony Violet -Green
Examine this Soap and notice how
creamy and smooth of texture it is, the
del!eale odor and uniform quality. Rex-,
all Glycorine'Soap has gained in tam
from the start and we have now many
customers who come back and specially
ask tor this kind.
2 Large Cakes 25 Cts.
Take advantage:of the special offer for
this week only and get a good Lwash
cloth free with a purchase of 2 cakes,
Crepe Paper
New shipment received -all the popular
colors, including the new brown shades
at roc and 120 per roll,
Decorated Crepe Tissue.
See the New Patterns.
Thea., Store F. R. SMITH
fj elm tens
Now for Indian Summer,
Hoc market was $8 6o:this week.
FUR coats have made their appearance,
SEE War Pictures tonight at the Town
Momort ear prospects for 1916 are said
to be rosy.
15 CENTS gets THE POST to January
1st on a trial trip.
NEXT Monthly Horse Fair in Brussels
will be held Thursday, December 206.
Keep the date in mind.
HAROLD LowRY shipped a car of ap-
ples to Norwich this week. They are to
be manufactured into vinegar.
A NEW smokestack for the Knitting
Factory has been turned out by the
Pope machine shop, Mill street.
CHANGE of Time table on the Guelph-
Godericu line, C. P. R. New schedule
may be reed on p-ge 5 of this issue.
MONDAY evening a double quartette
from Brussels supplied a musical pro-
gram for a patriotic entertainment in
Walton Methodist Church.
J. T. Woon is receiving more orders at
the Excelsior Knitting Factory than he
can turn out in the desired time. An
increased staff seems to be the only way
THE Butter Factory of W. W. Harris,
Queen street, Brussels, will run all
Winter. They have had a very success-
ful season and turn out a prime quality
of butter.
AUCTION Sale of cows and young cat-
tle at the Central Hotel yards Saturday
afternoon of this week. They belong to
Jno. Shannon. F. S. Scott will be the
Mxssxs. PARK & BROWN have com-
pleted their department of work at the
borne of Mrs. McFadzean and are now
puttit.g the finishing touches on the
new residence of Andrew Lamont, loth
Con„ Grey township.
WoMEN s Iustitnte meeting Friday
afternoon of this week, when reports of
the Conventions, recently held at Lon-
don and Toronto, will be given by Mrs.
(Rev.) Ferguson and Mrs. P. Scott,
respectively. There should be a good
ENLISTED. -Last week Frank Gerry
and Elmer Ewan, well known youog
men in town, went to Stratford where
they enlisted in the new Perth County
Battalion being recruited there. The
names e of another half dozen are men-
tioned who will probably don the colors
after Christmas, making a dozen in all.
with more to follow. Conscription will
not be necessary in Canada. We hope
every soldier going from this locality
will do his duty bravely, as we believe
they will, and return to their respective
homes safe and sound,
CIRCLE TEA. -Tuesday afternoon of
next week you are cordially invited to a
Red Cross Circle Tea,under the direc-
tion of the ladies of illiam street. It
will be given in the Public Library
audience room. A welcome awaits
everybody willing to do their "bit" to
aid our brave soldier boys. There
should be an attendance of 200 during
the afternoon and at least $25.0o added
to the treasury. If you have not been a
regular attendant at these Teas don't
miss rex' Tuesday at the Public Lib-
rary building.
WAR PIc•ruaas,-Keep the War Pic-
ture eveningin mind,Thursdayof this
week at 8 'clock. ad the placof as
sembling--the Town Hall. General ad-
mission 25 cents, children 25 cents.
Proceeds go to the Red Cross Funds.
Short address will be given to the
memory of the martyred Nurse Edith
Cavell and vocal selections rendered.
Don't forget this interesting and instruc-
tive program. Views are from photo-
taken of the scenes depicted.
Rev, Mr, Mann will be in charge of the
CLOSE CALL. -Mee. Archie Simmons,
Wingham, has received a tetter from her
son, William, who is in the firing line
somewhete in France, stating that while
in the trenches a shell struck near him,
killing about 40, out of 65. He was
partly bttried by the dirt, but came out
unharmed. Beneath him was a com-
rade's body. The rest of bis letter was
heavily censored, Before leaving Wing -
ham he was employed in the telephone
goingto Brandon Manitoba
where he and his 3 brothers enlisted as
bandsmen. Mr. Simmons is a nephew
of Councillor and Mrs. McGuire, of
Halon Old Boys in the city of Tor-
onto will hold the 17th Annual meeting
in the Cafe Royal Friday evening of this
week. After the business is transacted
there Will beq a Banquet uet at which ad-
dresses will be given by Sir J. S. Whit-
son, Rev. F. E, Powell, E. J. B. Dun-
can and others, A musical program will
also be rendered. This is a very live
organization which keeps the Huronians
itt close touch with one another. E.
Floody is the Secretary. Toronto has a
large oontiogeet from Hurott County
within her borders and most of them are
uo discredit to the best County In the
MUNICIPAL Nomination Day, Monday
December 27th.
THE first sleigh of the season made its
appearance Monday afternoon, coming
to the mill with a load of chop
CHRISTMAS is only 5 weeks distant.
It falls on Saturday this year which
should prove very satisfactory to home
gatherings when Sunday is added to the
SUBJECT for debate -"Which fills the
larger need to man's physical develop-
ment the coal scuttle and ash sifter or
the snow shovel ?" Only married men
are eligible in the discussion.
auctioneer, has been instructed to sell
by Public Auction, at the home of Gil
bert Thibideau, Altert Street, Brussels.
Saturday of next week, at 2 p. m
Household Furniture, the property of
Mrs, Wm. Ames.
GOOD 2nd hand wood cook stove for sale.
Phone 90. Sao. BATEmAN, Brussels.
Now miloh cow for gale, also some Spring
salves and a driving mare. Lot 28, Con 8,
Grey township, Phone 9111. W, A. CLOSE,
CAR of potatoes at Brussels station, 51.40
per bag off car. 2 year old Clydesdale filly,
Weight 1800 pounds. G. A. Baer, Brussels.
Two road,.ter colts, a yearling and sucker for
sale also a yearling gelding heavy draft. Lot
28, Con. 8, Grey. FRANK SLEW; GTHOLti, Ethel,
20 Pies 8 and 8 weeks old for sale. Lot 8,
Con. 5, Grey, Phone 4014, Jesse Waxes.
To RENT. -25 to 28 acres of land with good
barn and house in the village of Braesela.
Apply to W. P. STaETTON, jeweler, Brussels.
PoTATOEs, guaranteed, at McCracken's.
Cow, lumber wagon, with box, &o., and a
few fence posts for sale. Enquire at Tao
ROYAL Household Flour is now for sale at
W. J. McCracken's store.
WANTED at THE POST, a boy or girl, about
15 years of age, to learn the printing business.
One who has passed the Entrance Examination
Fon SALE, -Good horse colt rising 8 years or
a good general purpose mare riming 8 years.
Apply to Geo. CoLyns, Brussels South. Phone
9Pon SALE. -A drat mortgage on centrally
located City of Toronto residential property.
This mortgage ban a face value at present of
80,075. It will be doe In four years and bears
interest at Syr. You can have it for $8,000.
This is a bargain for some one, Further par-
tionlara on application.
R. C. DEADMAN, Brussels,
House to rent, Apply to W. ()ARLEY,
(Shoe shop) Brnaaele.
STEER calf, 4 months old, for sale. Apply to
RICHARD ROE, John street, Brussels,
A Goon house for sale with etabie and fruit
trees. Apply at Tea POT.
Goon brick house on William street for sale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair. All conveniences, bath, etc.
For further particulars apply to GEORGE
FINE DEER -A fine specimen of one
of the forest rangers arrived in town this
week from the North for Alex. Ander-
son. It weighed 266 pounds. It was
shot by Mr. Anderson's brother-in-law.
Youxo lady friends of Mrs (Dr) Mc-
Rae to the number of nearlyhalf a
s her one evening
V g
lately, at her home, 'l'nrnberry street,
and gave her a miscellaneous shower,
including cut glass, china, fancy linen,
bric-a-brac, &c. A delightful time was
enjoyed and many kindly wishes ex-
pressed for the host and hostess. Light
refreshments were served.
en's Institute will hold its regular
monthly meeting in the audience room
of the Public Library on Friday, Nov.
18th, at 2 3o p. m. Mrs. George Kran•
ter will introduce ilia subject, "How to
maintain interest in Institute meetings."
Reports of London and Toronto Pro-
vincial Conventions will be given by
Mrs (Rev.) Ferguson and Mrs, P. Scott
respectively. A Targe attendance is
requested as this meeting will be of a
very interesting character.
-The Calgary News -Telegram, ot Oct.
loth, has the following to say of a form-
er Brusselite that will be read with in-
terest by old friends here :-After more
than 7Years of local management of one
of Calgary's large life insurance com-
panies' branches, the Federal Life and a
shorter period with the Sun Life Assur-
ance company in an executive capacity,
T. W F. Norton has received and ac-
cepted the management of the British
Columbia branch of the Canadian Life
company. Mr, Norton will leave in a few
days for Vancouver, his headquarters.
Mr. Norton's appointment to the British
Columbia post was undoubtedly due
the excellent record he made for or himsel
while he was manager in Calgary for the
Federal Life. Last Spring the Federal
Life was taken over by the Son Life and
after the merging Mr. Norton took a
temporary positiou with the Sun Life.
His recent appointment to the important
post in British Columbia is, however, an
acknowledgment of his success as
manager for the Federal Lite. -Editor -
laity on Oct. Met, the same paper speaks
as follows 1 -Calgary will lose a good
citizen in T. W. F. Norton, who has
been appointed to the important poet of
manager far British Columbia for the
Canada Life, with headquarters In
Vancouver. Mr, Norton is en optimist
and alive wire, with an infinite capacity
for work and cheerfulness and he will be
a valuable asset to the freest metropolis,
1 e
East Huron Produce Emporium
I •
Prices Offered
• a"r�•a•a•.ra•+a»i•+'air-�'a•a�+a•+•t•+�,�.�.a�•ra'a��aa'+F•�"��••i'�f'•l-'.�a••L•�;�•'�
e Selected strictly New Laid Eggs - 35c
Fresh gathered Eggs - 27C
• Selected Dairy Print Butter - - 27C
= Light -weight Prints and Unlabeled " •
i Wrappers, - 25c i
Wra ars Solids and Rolls
• Dress Chickens, Roasters and Broilers,
o crate fatted,showing quality - 1 4C
♦ •
• Number of Feeding Coops for sale at 75c each
• 500 bushels Feeding Wheat wanted. +
"THE Minister's Bride," Dec 9 and
Daniel Denman is back from a trip to
the West where be spent the past few
A CALGARY subscriber writes
"Your paper, THE POST, is a splendid
general letter from all the old friends
from round the old home,"
TuxsnAv evening of this week D. D,
G M Laughleen, of Cargill, paid an
official visit to St. John's Masonic
Lodge. Brussels. An enjoyable even-
ing wes spent.
debted to the Brussels, Morris and Grey
Telephone Company are asked to settle
the same by December t5tb, so that the
year's business may be closed,
DISTRICT L. 0. L, -There will be a
meeting of the District Orange Lodge
on Wednesday night of next week, 24th
inst., at 8 p. m., at the Orange Hall,
Brussels. Large attendance of mem-
bers asked for.
THE steam street roller will be
stored by Thomas McLean, street con-
tractor, in Walter Lowry's stone build-
ing, Mill street, for the Winter. Turn -
berry street will require further rolling
next Spring so the roller will be here to
do it.
Box Soctat will be held at the home
of Wm Brvans, 4th line, Morris, on
Friday evening of next week, under the
auspices of St John's A Y P. A. Part
of the proceeds will go to their Patriotic
presents for
fund for Christmas p s ,the
soldiers. A fine musical program will
be rendered.
"THE Minister's Bride," a little play
with no plot but a great deal of humor,
is being prepared under the auspices of
• he Red t..ross Society and will be given
on the evenings of Thursday and Fri-
day, December gth and roto. Further
anuouncentents will be made later, but
keep the dates clear.
BEERREPERs' Association annual Con-
vention will beheld in Toronto Tuesday,
Wednesday and 'Thursday of next week.
A good program has been prepared.
There will also be an exhibit of ap-
pliances. The railways will Carry do-
nations of honey for Red Cross contribu-
tions from Beekeepers' free to 'Toronto.
Address is 77 King St. East, Toronto.
Fowl. SUPPER. -Thursday evening of
lastweek the annual Fowl Supper was
held in connection with the Methodist
church sod was a marked success in
every respect. Supper was A t and was
thoroughly enjoyed by all. The ladies in
charge of the 6 tables and the busy bevy
of assistants did their part splendidly.
The program in the auditorium was well
reodeted, Rev. D. Wren, M. A., pastor,
presiding. Mrs. P. Madden, St. Marys,
gave three readings and encores that
pleased the audience and proved she had
lost none of her ability in elocutionary
skill. Rev. W A, Craik, B A., of Wal-
ton, made his first appearance as a
speaker to a Brussels audience, His.
fine patriotic address was punctuated
with many a round of applause. His
father belongs to the famous historic
Black Watch, and the reverend gentle.
man has a brother at the Iront in the
present war. Anthems and patriotic
numbers were well sung by the choir
and Mise Isabel Strachan contributed a
solo in excellent voice. Financial pro-
ceeds 'otalled $85.00. There's s cordial-
ity about these annual gatherings that is
of real value to the congregation in
developing the social element that
should not be lost sight of in totalling
up results. A better lot of workers
among the ladies would be difficult to
in arsons have been appointed col-
lectors for the Bible Society and if they
have not already called will be to see
you before November closes :--
-Brussels North, Mrs. Skelton and Miss
Bryans ;
Brussels East, Miss Leatherdale and
Mrs. J Meadows;
Brussels West, Misses M. Smith and
Kate Telfer ;
Grey, Cons. I & 2, Misses Simpson and
McDonald ;
Grey, Cons. 3 & 4, Misses Strachan and
McDonald ;
Cons s& 6,Me dames
and Finn
Grey. Cons,7& 8, Misses Cardiff and
Grey, Cons, 9 & to, Misses Hoover and
Grey, Cons. rt & 12, A. Helm ;
Grey, Cons, 13 & 14, Mrs, R. Cochrane
and Miss F. Alcock ;
Ethel, Misses Dunbar and Sanders ;
Morris, 3rd Line, Misses Anderson and
Yuili ;
Morris, 4th Litre, Misses Mack and
Wilkinson ;
Morris, stir Line, Miss Kerr and Mrs.
Morris, 6th Line, Mrs. W. Bernard and
Miss M. MoCutcheon;
Morris, 7th Line, Mrs. 1, McDonald,
Give the Collectors a hearty welcome,
Cense le worthy,of hearty support.
T. -The following six ladies will give
the Red Cross Circle 'Pea in the Public
Library audience room Tuesday ot next
week; -Mesdames A. McGuire, W.
Gillespie, D. 13, Moore, G, Thomson and
C. Ritchie and Miss Menzies. Tea
served from 4 to 7 p. m Give the Red
Cross Funds a "boost" by your patron-
People We Talk About
Mrs, S. Wilton was visiting at Atwood.
Charlie Richards has taken aposition
at Fergus.
Mrs. Duncan Taylor keeps real poorly
we are sorry to state.
Wm, Jewitt, Mill street, celebrated his
77th birthday on November 5th,
Miss Irene Barkley has gone to Tor-
onto where she has taken a position.
Mrs. Will. Leatherdale and son have
returned to their home in Winnipeg,
Mrs. A, R. Currie, John street. is
visiting a' cousin at Crosswell, Michigan
Miss Emma Lake, of Grey, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Arthur Henry, in town
S. Carter and party motored to Lou•
don last Saturday aud visited the soldier
George and Mrs. Ireland, of Detroit,
were visitors with relatives In town last
Will. Mayberry is back from the West
and talks of enlisting for service at the
Miss Winnie Long is home from a
most enjoyable holiday with Detroit
Miss Kate Telfer was visiting McKil-
lop aud Usborne relatives during the
past week.
B. F. Carr, Wroxeter, a former resi-
dent, bas been assisting W. Wilson in
h's harness shop.
Mrs. Will. Lowry and daughter, Miss
Rreta, were welcome visitors during the
past week from London,
Miss Bessie Fleming. Galt, and Miss
Audrey Lindley, of Montreal, are guests
at the home of Druggist and Mrs. Fox
Mrs. S. R, Crerar and children return
ed to their home at Toronto, taking in
Brownsville euroute where they visited
relati ves.
Miss Olive Bailey, who hasspent
several mouths at the parental home
here, left for Edmonton this week where
she will continue u to practice her rote
p s
sion as nurse.
Miss Carrie Spelt, who bas filled a
position as saleslady in D. C. Ross' store
tor some time, has resigned, Her.
place has been taken by Miss Gertrude
Ross, daughter of the proprietor,
Miss Margaret Kay, Galt, was a wet.
come visitor with her cousin, Mrs, W. H.
Kerr, during the past week. She re-
turned to the Manchester of Ontario on
Last Saturday afternoon Rev Mr
Thompson, Bluevale ; Rev Mr. Perna -
by Belgrave ; and Rev. Mr. Johnson,
Ethel, were in town at the one time.
The tormer and latter drive Ford cars.
Miss Maggie Richardson made mis-
step while descending the stairway at
the Methodist Parsonage, one day last
week, and in the fall damaged one of
her arms. She is getting slung nicely.
Warden Govenlock and1/rhos, Archi-
bald, McKillop, and Jno. and Mrs
Walker, Mrs. ']'hos. R. Thomson and
Jas. Watson, Seaforth, t attended the
funeral of the late Mrs;; J Leckie last
Mrs, Jessie Kerr, the well known
Librarian at Brussels f Public Library,
was chosen on the :Executive of the
District Library Board at St. Marys
last week. Report of Convention may
be read on page 5 of this issue.
Mrs, P. Madden, of St. Marys, while
in town last w as week assisting, in the pro
gram at the Methodist Church Tea
meeting, renewed old friendships with
the Bailey and Wood families, to the
mutual pleasure of all concerned.
H L and Mrs. Jackson arrived home
from an enjoyable visit with relatives
and old friends in California. Saturday of.
this week. They were away 5 weeks.
This was their first trip to the South but
may not be the last.
The St. Catharines Standard says of a
former well known young lady of Brus-
sels: -Miss Fairy Robb has been
pointed sopraua soloist to
the Queen
street, Baptist church taking the os
tion lately vacated by Miles Lillian
This week Mrs. W. H. Pryne and'
daughters, Misses Millie and Alta, re-
moved to Walkerton where Mr. Pryne
has located, 'their removal will leave a
vacancy in the Methodist church not
easily filled as the
young ladies were
active members of the choir, Sunday
School and Epworth League and Mrs,
Pryne was a willing worker in the
Ladies' Aid and Missionary Society.,
Mr, Pryne was a member of the Official
Board. We think Walkerton fortunate
to secure the Ptyne family whom Brus-
sels regrets to see go but many good
wishes follow them to their new home
where we trust they may enjoy health
and happines9,
5UT'D 1873
J. F. Ctowland,
A General Banking Business Conducted.
Accounts of Farmers, Merchants' and Manu*
faoturers receive careful attention.
TRUST FUNDS should ,be
deposited is our SAVINGS
DEPARTMENT. Highost current rates of interest ore
paid half yearly, 214
cm Manager.
Chas. Pope was in London sad Strat-
ford for a few days this week.
Miss Annie MtQparrie visited with
Toronto relatives and friends last week.
P, Ament is away on a business trip,
The grass does not grove,under his feet.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. I, C.
Richards is ill with pneumonia but we
wish her speedy -recovery
Miss Myrtle Wlldoe has been on the
sick list during the pasl week but we
hope she will soon be as well Rs aver.
Pte Harold Campbell and Pte. J, H.
Pedgrift were calling on relatives and
old friends for a few days 'rhe boys
expect to leave for England, 24.0 Of the
71st, about Friday of this week. May
good luck go with them.
Church Chimes,
Official Board meeting of the Metho-
dist Church was held Wednesday even-
ing of this week.
Rev, Mr. Lackland, Wroxeter, preach-
ed two good sermons last Sabbath in
the Methodist church.
In Melville church Rev. Mr. Mann
spoke Sabbath morning on "'Phe quali-
ties of the Christ life" and in the even-
ing on '•'1'bomae, the melancholy mac "
Next Sabbath morning the pastor will
speak in the Methodist Church on "The'
second place" and in the evening to
young men on "Watching the train
The young ladies Bible Class of Mel-
ville Sabbath School, taught by Miss.
Edith Deadman, spent last Monday
evening at the manse. Quilting for the
Mission Band and the making of other
articles filled in a pleasant time. Fruit
and home-made candy were served be-
fore the company separated.
Canadian News
A returned Highlander says the
trenches is no place for kilts.
Lieut Chester Hughes, son of Dr. J.
L. Hughes, was killed in France.
The steamer Charles A Luck, feared
lost, is safe at Whitefish Point
The state funeral of Sir Charles Tup-
per at Halifax was a most impressive
The Toronto Aviation school may be
moved to British Columbia for the
Startling evidence was given in the
military inquiry at London as to graft at
the 33rd Battalion camp.
Senator Lougheed said convalescent
bottles for soldiers would be established
throughout Canada as required.
Zionists in conference at Montreal
pledged the devotiop of the Jaws to the
British Empire and Crown,
20 freighters carried more than 4,500,-
000 bushels of grain out of Port Arthur
and Fort William Monday.
The military investigation commenced
into the affairs of the 33rd Battalion at
London following disclosures of thefts,
George Dobie, an employee of the
Consumers Gas Company. Toronto, was
shot by a set revolver on entering a cel-
George Cummicgs, an engineer, in
the employ of the Grand Trunk Rail.
way for 47 years, died at Allendale,
aged b5 years.
Miss Maud, Sinclair, who had been
Principal of Schools to three Western
Provinces as well as in Ontario, died in
The Stratford City Council defeated
the first reading of the local option by-
law, after having a few days ago decided
to submit one in January.
Genanoque citizens have formed a
committee aiming to provide et least
$0,000 a month for the Red Cross and
Patriotic Funds.
Recruiting sergeants in Ottawa pre-
sented each of the young men in a tea
room with, typed invitations to stop
dancing for a moment and to consider
the call of their country.
The steamer Alfred P. Wright, worth
$40,000, laden with a cargo of wheat
valued at $506.000 was burned to the
wator's edge at Purtege. entry, S tilt
Ste Marie, the origin of the fire being
unknown The crew escaped, but lost
all their effects,
Ex -Controller E N. Hebert signed a
confession of jadgment and was scath-
ingly eondemued by Mr Justice Green-
shields, in the Superior Court at Mont-
real, for having usuipi-d aud illegaly
exercised the office of commissioner
from which he is ousted and excluded.
BREOKENRIDGE.-At Pergos Hospital, on Nov-
ember 18th, 1015, Margaret Amelia, beloved
daughter of David and Martha Brecken-
ridge, aged 17 years and 8 days,
BraS0P -In Komoka, (nt„ on November 0111,
1915, William Bishop, formerly of Grey
township. aged 78 years.
Fast0tSON.-In Howiok, on Nov 9th, 1915,Mre.
Robt Ferguson, Orange Hill, aged 92 years.
G11t8ON,-At Abbey, Sank,,. on Oct. 81st 1815,
Roht.J, Gibson, only eon of Wm. Gibson,
Fordwich, aged 88 years, 2 months and 8
3luaieo'vc -In Gorrie, on Nov. 901, 1915, An-
ne Cowan, beloved wife of Thos. Mus-
grove, aged 40 years and.1 month.
. v
Money Orders
g We nestle to draw the attention
of theubliu generally to the •
• 11se 01 Express 'M.0 ley Were as •
• rnoet convenient and abeolntel), •
• safe way of remitting money. •
They may be purchased from us •
et at any hour of the day or, even-
• ing to any part of the Dominion •
or United i3tates at the follow- Z
• ing rates t-
$6,00 and under 3e
6,00 to $10.00 0c
10 00 to 30 00 10c
i 80 00 to 60.00 16c
Z Over $60,00 at came rate Z
Z We will be pleased to write your:
'James Fox,
Drugglat and Stationer. •
The Penstar Store
• orders for you.
RITCHIE-Ili Grey townahlp, on November
10511, 1015. to Mr. and Mrs, John 8, Ritchie,
a son -William 'Kenneth.
SATURDAY, NOv. 20Tn,-Oarmilob cows and
Young cattle. Bela at Central Hotel yards,
Brueeels, at 2 p. m. John Shannon, Prop. ; F,
8 Scott, Ano,
FRIDAY, Nov.. 28TH. -Farm stook, imple-
ments, Flo , North M Lot. 26. Con. 11, Grey
township. Sale at 180 p. in. James T. David-
son, Prop. F. 8. Scott, Ane.
Wheat !- 386
Peas 1 75 176
Barley 27 28
Eggs - 80 BO
8 00 860
1200 18 DO
Potatoes per bus 1 00 - 1 00
Wool washed 29 88
Auction Sales
YtRpraNTg, &o ,-F. 8. Boot,, Auetloneer
hie been inetraoted byth�ho undersigned to Bell
on Friday Nov. 251h, at 1 0 olookO.,othe Ifo low-
ing valuable. property: 1 aged grey mare, 1
driving. mare°5 years old, 1 general purpose
sucking colt, 1 roadster Racking colt, 1 cow' 0
years old due to calve Feb, let, 1 steer Balt;
abort 50 hens, 1 -sat doable. harness, 1 set
eiugle harness, 1 Massey -Herrin seed drill, 1 set
harrows 4 sections, 1 wagon, 1 set sleighs. 1
buggy, 1 nutter, I acnffier, 1 walking plow, 1
hay. rack, 1 set scales 1000 lbs.,1 hay fork ropes
and pulleys, 1 wheelbarrow, 2 water tanks,.1
No.8 Daisy churn, 1 cook stove, quantity of
hay, oats, straw, turnips and .mangolda, is
number of other articles too numerous 'to
mention. Sale without reserve as the proprie-
tor isgiving up farming. Terms -All some
of $5 00 sad antler cash; over that amount )0
months credit given on furnishing approved
T. DAVIIDSON Proprietors.
•♦••••••••••••••NO•••N•NNN•NN•••N•N••••NNO ••••••••••••0•••••••••••••-
Brussels Daylight Store Gr N. McLaren
Children's Coatse•
48te1, h„,„ e„„,,,„ t'e,'4i Brei „. Ili Ili te't,.„„,„„ Inaa'teti4,e „ii„„„„,.,a't„ „„,., lt'e,' ,'4,'e,'trten ...,.,..4,.,„,,„4,y,,.,„,,,„, ani ti t,'a„...,„ li.,„„„. II Ni ,e'te'...., ttNfyrb, t,'ti t .„... ...„, •
. •
OF •
seeess•••sss•• see sOOOOOOs.e•tf•essososs•oe••••sN••••• ad'ro.rasramec;tn-t
Sale Price Your
Choice ce
for -• Regular values up to $O
•mos•o••••••••••o••ss••••s••••s••••••••• ••s•••••••••••••••••••••••
strong serviceable tweeds, also a few plain blacks, browns and greens ; •
not all sizes in any one kind but all sizes in the lot. Regular values up
to $to.cp. Sale price your choice for - •
Ladies' Coats—With fur collars and quilted lining—FrOM 310.00 up •
liflen's Coats—Curl lining, rubber interlined, with fur collars --$10.00 up •
Winter Underclothing
Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats, splendid assortment of patterns, in••
We are right ready with a complete
stock of
Granby Rubbers
Light and heavy weight, for Men, _Wom-
en, Boys, Girls and Children.
All at old Prices.
For Ladies, Children, Men and Boys in
Turnbull s -and Penman's make, •
••Bought before the advance
All at old Prices—
Highest Prices for Produce.
G. N
O ••♦•••••N•••.•••••M••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• NNN•••••••NN••••••••• •