The Brussels Post, 1915-11-18, Page 5BUSINESS CARD$, Ruslnora Dards JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS JAS. ANDERSON., LIMITED VETERINARY SURtiiEoN. Snooealier to M. R. Moore, 011100 at tinder. a 7VSl &.ts es sat Broa, Livery stable, Brusseia, Telephone WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MAHBIAGE LICENSEt9 Woe in the Post Ulnae, Eth01. 80.4 LEGAL AND ` CONVEYANCING. VV A4 SINCLAIR- • Barrister, 8olloltor, Oonveyaneer, Notary kebro, ,to, 1106oe-.8tewartli Block 1 door North of Cootra! Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Blink, AUCTIONEERS. R• VB. E30OTT,AS AN AUOTION- A. • HBs, will Dell !or better prices, to bettor moo, in lees time am; loss obargee than any other 4notloneer in East Huron or be won't ;Margo anything, Dates and orders clan always tie arranged at Nide Maim or by pare'ual application, • 4 r°To LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW d" y ;G4` LONDON-HAVRE p1 Fine, modern steam- t1Mll era - equipped with , every 'comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or StWT6roatn ALLAN LINE W. H. KERR. Agont Allan Line, Brussels, CENTRAL r STRATFORD. ONT w. Ontario's. Best Business Col. g 1S 0 Our instructora are experienced. Poo- na get individual attention and gratin- , ;tea are lace ina d sits :near pWe e p receivingapplications ;ann Vp n we of men( lOr ouStadente may enter any time, Nand for our free catalogue and see if it in- 0, termite you, D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. Which School Shall I Attend An important question. iIMilanese collages are not alike. emeriti,judg- ment 411 absolutelyneoeasnry. rite to -day for the Catlogue of the TORONTO, ONT. It will help you to decade, ThisSchool is conduoted on the hlgbest plan of effiolenoy. We are proud of its reoord. Students admitted at any time. Poi. tions at 111100 I and 81400 per ann nm were 1p reoently filled by us. irJ 784 Tonga et, l W. J. ELLIOTT, Yong* & Charles eta i Principal. 17" r rY a^a0rsa aa'P' las y as rte Vkava++'9a aa 5 ENROL ,NOW Thorough it at the LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Q Courses 0 t acs taught by K -I Competent Teachers. For particulars address - EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Lletowol, On [ Pa aP a+a'f a+>,7a'b,cinTAVileiPaa'Paa 4 immerawasseandosossommumsomais THE Best Brains Itt Canada have participated in the pre. aeration of our splendid Hanle Study Commas 10 Banking, ltconondcs, Risher Accounting,Commercial Art •Show Card Writig,. Photography Journal- ism. Short Story' Writing, Sfhorthand and Bookkeeping. Select the work which 101084 interests you and write ua for particulars. Addreao THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 891.7 Yong° 8t., Toronto COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of n' ahltkus young Deo ple are fast preparing in theown homes to money luerutive whitlow ae stenographers, bookkeepars nolo rn• phare. OIY❑ ael'Ylllltp iNet ovary sphere pere 0 f activities 'frau may Ankh at college If ppbu HO wish. Poet (leis •gear- aifteed. Enter soilage any day.. BIM. laden'_hlntruetlon. Expert teachers, ThiettrainersinCanada, Seven Largest Special course for toachero, Affiliated with on O unarclat "IDduoa• tor'; Assoointion CanadaSummer lohool at femme Spottbn Business Col- lage. Wingham Business College Deo, 0700Tos, V0'. T. Mona Prooldent, Principal. I• T. T. IVP RAE M. B.. M. 0.P„AS, 0. M. 0, B., Village of Brussels,. Phystolnn, tSnrgeon. Aroouoheur Office over Standard Bank DR. i" T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physician and Sur. geone, Ontario r exenlor Hone Swoon of Western Hoapt6al, Toronto. Ofllaee of late Dr, A, I11cKeve , Smith Block, Brueeels. Rural phone 46, ALEX, D. I:'KELVEY M.B., M.O.P.AS. 0. 108 Moor street Bast, Toronto Dleeaeoa Ear, Mimeo and Throat Olinioal assistant in Ear, Nose and Threat de. pertinent New General Hospital, Toronto ; Poet Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bos ton • late Senior Resident Surgeon Mass, Eye & sur Infirmary • late Clinical assistant In Nose and Throat department Mese. Gen, Bow pita! • late House Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. Bruges's by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT. Physiefan and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York end Ohioago Hos. plisse. Speoial attention todieeaee of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. G. H. ROSS, D:D.S.. L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentlotry, Office In leard Block, Wingham Phone 240, Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty . MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill., to prepared to test eyes and at glasses at her office over Mise Ionian's millinery store. Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every wook. Office honra-10 to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 0 p. m. Evenings by appoint. moat. Phono 1919. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night ca11e. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, PR000FOOT, KILLORAN & PROUD/OOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, Ind door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, ONT. rl ate funds d v R t O loan at lOWeat rates. W. P00000000, X. 0. -J, L. KILLORAN WM. PnounroOT JR. G8imi 7efwar R1@!& war BRUSSELS Gong;SOUTH GOING NORTH Express 7:18 a'm I Mall 11:22 a m Express ' 8:46 u 1n Express 8:62 p m Ca xaszsx "germ, WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:60 a m I Express 11:68 am Express 8:10 p m Express 8:64 pm WROXETER_ Going East - 7:05a. m. and 8;40 p. m. Going west - 12:10 and 9:68 p. m. i All trains going East 000neot with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, 'Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Lanai Agent. istrz.tt Retes Trowbridge Mr. McCrae is doing a good business in the cider mill. Mrs. M. 13. Knechtel, Durham, spent a few days with her father and sisters. Mrs. Franko C Rtes Ellie 1, has been visiting her daughter, Alre. R, John- 5011- Mrs. W. A. Davie, of Stratford, spent a couple of days with her par- ents here. Mr. and `Mrs. Davidson, Carling- ford, aecoofp tried by friends, visited Mr. Morse. Mr. Dlwideon 18 a broth- er of Mrs, Mire, Mee. 0. Cosens sr., of Palmerston, is visiting her friends in Trowbridge and vicinity. Airs. Comma is ie het 901h year, but is hale and hearty. Sacrament service was held Sabbath (not niter of ittst week and ry013 well at- tended. A goodly number came down from the Molesworth appointment. airs, Albeit Murphy 4141(1 1144 lit Inmi- ly, accompanied by her mother, knee retnrued from the West. Will. White has also retarne(1 after speed- ing the Summer then e. Quarterly Hotted meeting (vire held Monday afternoon when an 11101114111 wire given to pastor, Viev, Mlonrehelee to remain for Lite 41)1 year and wits carried 'unanimously. Mr. Monte. house accepted the same with pleas- ure. Listowel Li•tlowe1 public school intend giving a Patriotic .Concert on Nov. 30th in McDonald's music hall. 11. 0. Moore, Toronto, is home for a short time, He is suffering from 'a alight attack,. of bloodpniaoiting. James Pelton, sun of Wnl. and Mrs. Pelton, left for Los Angeles, Cal., where he will spend the Winter. Boultot and Cecil Morphy, sons of H. B. Morphy. K. C., M. P., left for Kingston, where they commence training. They have enlisted for ac- tive service and have accepted com- missions in the artdlleiy. By e her demi Toronto t0 in a e e one of e her most genemas '1411(1 philanthropic g worm, say0 the. Toronto News refer- ring to tine depth of hire, Lillian MasseyTreble, mother of the wife of Rev. De. F. Louis Barber, recently pastor of the Listowel Methodist church, Will. Thompson student at, the Listowel High chool and son of R. A. Thompson, Atwood, suffered its pries to lilt forehead and underneath the Chin, by falling from a ladder in the gymnasium. He was swinging from the ladder and In order to avoid collis- ion with another fellow, who was un- derneath, allowed himself to drop. Wrn. T)uhegan lied the misfortune to lose a valuable horse. Some time ago the animal go a silver in its foot. Sliver was removed but .complieatione. Bet m rewriting in lockjaw Every thing possible was dere 40 save the animal but to no avail Sergi Cook N. R. Jalltfred bad the misfortune to be badly scalded etc London, He urd an 48010(34144 were lifting a large kettle of boiling water from the stove. Owing to the steam sorting up in thele feces they didd not drop the kettle together and a large amount of boiling water fell 011 Bain, ford's foot, badly scalding It. He wee sent home. The injury will keep him, out of training for a few weeks. Qorrie Harry Dane left for Toronto where he hart seemed a good situation. Elden Wallace eon of Mrs. Robs. Wallace of this village, has enlisted and is in. training at Winnipeg. A shower for the benefit of the will soldier' s beted under the au pices of the Women's Institute at Dg. Armstrong's on Friday, Nov, 19th from 4 to 8 p. ln. Mrs. Foster has sold her t'esidence. to Miss Collins, from near Fordwioh. We understand Mrs. Foster has pur- chased the residence now occupied by L. Ashton. John Earngey, whn left Qorrie and went West about 35 years ago, has sold out all his interests there and re- turned to the home of his youth, ar- riving in Gerrie on Tuesday of last week. We understand he intends to remain here.' Fordwich Robert J: Gibson died in Abbey, Sask., in his 36111 yBar. 0 year* ago he event West and took up a home- , stead and purchased land to the a. ' mount of 040 acres in a block. Fekl•ly a man was burningd ' a some straw n I on Saturday the wind arose and see- ing the smoke he elar'ted his Ulan and tears to plow to cheek the file. Fear- ing the man a11d• horse wouldbe burned he started on horseback to tell hire to come away. His horse became frightened and dozed with the heat and backed until he threw him off. Mr. Gibson got nut of the fire himself but was so badly beetled that he died the next day, being sensible until 20 minutes before he died. He also got a lot of his crop burned. He was the only sou of Wni. Gibenrl, Feedwich. 9years ago he .matried Edirh. only daughter of George Campbell,'Wel- laee township, who survives himvviLh 4 children, also his father and one sister, Mrs. Mcdleinent, of Howick. Many attended his funeral in Ford - with F with from a di*canoe.ash. P 1 ani ars were 0 cousins. He had a comfortable home and was about to reap the bene- fit of his hard work when he was sud- denly cut off in the prime of life. The 0. O. F. had charge of the funeral. Blyth Mrs. J. G. Emigh 'was visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Bradwin, Gode- 2ich. Mrs. Jos. Stothera and daughter, Madelene, were in attendance at the reception of her daughter, Mrs. Mc- Neil, Sarnin.during the week. Mrs. R. Wightman was the repre- sentative from the local branch of the Women's Institute at the Provincial Convention held in Toronto hist week. The local Lodge of Oddfellows held on Tuesday evening of leer week in their lodge room the first of a num- ber of "At Homes" they intend giving during the Winter. There were about 50 present•and a most enjoyable time spent. COURT• --M. Lockhart, the newly - appointed justice of the peace, nr rather police magistrate, for North Huron, Friday, tried his fleet cases of persons charged with being on the streets of Blyth drink. The fleet ease was against a resident of Hilliest. He pleaded guilty, but the prn0enution waso rl i0 e 1•n a x u t ve that the limier had been height have. The defend- ant stated that 31e had bought the •lignnr in Mitchell The rrtaeistrate imposed a fine of $20 and casts. The other cage ryas against, a Clinton man. who was charged with being drunk nn the stt'eets of Rruaoele. The de- filed/int pleaded tint guilty, and as the prnseention had not enough evidence to celviet, the case 1000 adjnnrned to Brussels D. Holmes, Wingham, was prosecuting attorney. Gloderich E. N. Lewis, 41. P., !Ma returned fret( Bin Western trip neer the 0 N. o R.,11wey. (Ill 1.1q0 hoxPo were forwarded to till 1hr nlen ft our 9t. George's church rcdtt;ttgttficn 15310 are on •overseas see Sire 3 tY V,'.,tire was walled to Steal.- lie teatby the toe 14.00 illness of his step mother, who reseed away before he reached her. The funeral took place nn Mnnrhty. The Menesetung Canoe Club is spendinit 11150 in having its Troths in the. Masonic Temple beautified Both the reading room end billiard room have 110011 deems.: ed with hnrlap and the ceiling of the reading room panel- led. Amount of wash on hand to the credit of the British Red Cross fund in Goderich is $2,47257, which, with the town giant. of $1,000 makes a total of $3,47.267. A few subecriptinns yet,. to be paid in will, no doubt, raise the •amount to $5,500. A Masonic ring was presented to Lient. William Proud font at. London vamp on behalf of Maitland Lodge, No. 38, A. F., & A. M„ as a remenl brance from the lodge to the brother before he leaves for 00eresae service. PheP eesetltation Was made by W. M. Bro. Dunlop. Pte. Ross R, Reid, of the 33rd Bat - teflon, who died rather suddenly in the military hospital at Carling's Heights, was a nephew of Mrs. Wm, Morris. Saltford, and was well known in Go erich, Ilewas w a ;trick n with th vertigo while 011 parade, and after- wards pneumonia set in, with fatal tesnit. He leaves a wife and .two. children, who are living at, London, The entival meeting of the Goderich Hor•ti'cultural Society was held Nov. 4th, in the Secretary's office, 3. Strut ton was elected President and A, D. McLean Vice -President ; W. Lane WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. Cape Wolfe, Canada.-" Last March I was a complete wreck. I had given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time, as I was such a sufferer'. from female troubles. But I tock Lydia' E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boys two months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they . all know what a wreek I was. "Now Lam healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies. You may publish this letter if you like, I think if more women used your remedies they would have better health." -Mrs. J. T. Cook, Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.T., Canada, Because your case is a difficult one, and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydian E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflamma- tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need. The Pinkham record is a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the ob atinateillsof women -ills that deal out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has restored health LVD,, to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine? Secretary -Treasurer, and Sheriff Rey- nolds and O. A. Seager, Auditors. The following were, elected Directors : B. 1{oggarth, Rev. Father. N1(43111,, D. J. Neftel, W. H. Harrison, Rev. J. E. Pard, J. W. Vtulatter, N, Coate, Dr. Gallow and 0. Saunders, The annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society was held on Tuesday afternoon of last week' in the grand jury room at the court house. Pile County Executive is as follows Hon. -President, His Honor Judge Doyle. Goderiuh -James Mitehell, President ; A. M. Robertson, M. A., Secretary. Clinton - 0. D. Bouck, President ; Dr. 0. W. Thompson, Secretary. Seaforth-A. D. Suther- land, President ; John Wilson, Town Clerk, Secretary. Winghain-Abner Cos ins, President • John Gn ve s Town Clerk,Secretor Blyth -E. Bender, Prey Yident • James Cutt, Secre- tary. Brussels-anies Fox, Presi- dent; W. H. Kerr, Secretary. Sher- iff R. G. Reynolds, County Treasurer ; G. M. Elliott, County Secretary. Seaforth Mies Greta Thompson was in St. Marys attending the District Library Convention. Thomas Rands has returned from Dakota, where he has spent the past couple of months. A little daughter of Ohs*. Ralph had the misfortune to have part of her little finger taken off by a lawn mower, Mrs. A. D. Sutherland and young son, Jimmie, have returned from e visit of several' weeks with friends in Montreal and Toronto. Hockey Club have re -organized armed and officers were elected from the active players of the Club, Dalton Reid was elected President and Otto Dick Sec- retary-Treasurer, HOLMESTED Pe. 00IINTY OF Burrow. -This was an action brought by F. Holrneeted, K. O., as magistrate for the town of Settforth and the toren- ships of McKillop and Tuckersmith for $500, rent of office, fuel, light and furniture, fnr five years, from 1910 to 1914, at $100 per year. His Honor Judge Holt gavejudgment in the plaintiff's favor against the County for $315 and costs. The County ap- pealed the case to Toronto and it was heard by the Divisional Court last week, where judgment was given dis- missing the appeal. W. Proudfoot, K. 0., for plaintiff and M. G. Cameron, K. 0.,, for defendant. BAD STOMACH TROUBLE Yields to Delicious Vinci Shreveport, La. -"I had a bad stem. ach trouble for years and became so weak I could hardly walk or do any work. My appetite was poor, my food would not digest, I bloated and was very weak and nervous. I tried many reme- dies without help. I saw Vinol adver- tised and tried it, and now my stomach trouble is completely cured and I am well." -E. L. MARSHALL. Vinol is guaranteed onto d to toneup the tired, over -taxed and weakened nerves of the stomach and create strength. F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels AL Lehigh Valley, Chestnut and St ave Coalhand. o 1 t Pea Coal for Ranges at $6.5o per ton, Robt. Henderson, B> U$SELS. Clubhinn rt ,YYY I•Q•••/r•1rlNNi YwN••0000$ •••11•Nrll•WyStNlNs_:w 1915-1916 Watcb Pricea Reduced i 'Tara POST has wade arrangements to club tvith the following papers and will be emit to any address (except the United States 60 cents extra) at the following subecriptiou peiees :- Weeklies POST and. Mail and Empire...,... .$1 00 " London )Tree Press..,.,, 1 85 " Family Herald & Star 1 85 •' Montreal Witness 1 85 "' 1l'ernier's Advocate,,,, 2 85 " Northern Messenger1 40 Dailies Pose. and Toronto Stat ...... 2 85 Tor onto News 2 85 " Toronto Globe 8 75 +' Totouto Mail-Empirep 3 76 " 'Lor onto World ...,,. 850 London ,AdvertiserS 00 Call at the office or remit the amount bistere P. 0. Leetterraddressed toress rder or Reg- THE POST, Brussels, Ont. A pleasant affair took place in the Oddfellows Hall, Seaforth, on Sunday afternoon, 7th inst., when the mem- bers of the lodge gathered to say Goodbye to their fellow member, Thomas M. Govenlock, sun of Warden and Mrs. Govenlock, Winthrop, who recently resigned from his position on the St. Oathatine'e Collegiate institute staff to join the University Corps of the Princess Patrician, now in tiaiii- ing at Montreal for overseas service. Me. Govenlock was spending his last leave at his home and the lodge took this °ppmtrinity of expressing their appreciation of his sacrifice and loytllty, by presenting him with a sig- net ring and an address. This is the 6131 member of Fidelity lodge who hes joined the colors, all of whom ale now at the front or in active training. The presentation was made by Noble Grand W. J. Williams and the address was read by the Recording Secretary, De. F. Harburn. Clinton Huron County Beekeepers' Asaocia- tion met in the Town Hall last Thurs- day. Rev. Frank O. Harper was at Toron- to as one of the representatives from the Clinton Horticulturalo S met.y . The children here have n new object lesson when they, see one of the little Belgian boys come down street with his wooden shoes. TU103EEY-MCINTYRD.-A quiet wed- ding took place at the home of ltev. E. G. Powell here Thursday last when Mies Lavine., daughter of Mrs. McIn- tyre, of Lobo Township, was married to Z. Cecil Tuckey, son of James Tuckey, of Con. 5, London Township. Ceremony was performed by Rev. E. G. Powell in the presence of only immediate relatives. Annual and general meeting of the Clinton Horticultural Society was held in the office of the Chief of Police. President M. D. McTaggart in the chair. Treasurer's report was receiv- ed and adopted. Following officers were elected :-President, M. D. Mc- Taggart : 1st Vice -President, G. H. David ; 2nd Vice -President, W. H. Watt ; Directors, T. Cottle, T. Mc- Kenzie je., 13. Iefunroe, J. Cunning- ham, Mrs.W. Be'ydone, Mrs. W. D. Fair, Miss Kate McTaggart ; Audi- tors, W. Brydone and W. D. Fair. LIBRARY INSTITUTE MEETING The Stratford Public Library In- stitute meeting, composed of repre- sentatives from (heli rani b ee of Huron Bruce and Perth Counties, assembled in the Public Library building, St. Marys, 'Thursday horning of last week, at 1030, with J. D. Barnett, Stratford, the President, in the chair. 34 responded to the roll call, and others came in later. Mayor Ooupland gave the Institute a hearty welcome and expressed the hope that the members would be so delighted with the town that they would come there to reside. Rev. J. George Miller, President of the local Library Board, also extended, on be- half of the Board, a hearty welcome. Messrs. Hueston, Exeter ; Clancy, Cargill ; and Rev. Mr. Miller, St. Marys, were appointed a Nominating Committee and Revs. Smith, Hensall ; Dr.IBusser, Atwood ; W. E. Sanders, Ethel, and Misses Redd, Clinton, and McCallum, of Paisley, were appointed a Committee on Resolutions. . Following officers were appointed for the corning year i President, J. D. Barnett, Stratford. First Vice -President, H. E. Hueston, Exeter. Second Vice -President, John Clan- cy, Cargill, Secretary, Mies L. Johnston, Strat- ford. Executive -John McNaught, Monk - ton ; W. 13. Sanders, EthelRev. 3. G. Miller, St, Marys ; Miss Minnie G. Rudd, Clinton ; Mrs. Jessie Kerr, Brussels. A very interesting discussion took place on children's work, on the fol- lowing : Books, room, the story hour, and clubs, W. D. Nurse Inspector of Public Libraries, Toronto, as present and gave much valuable information touching departmental matters, The evening session assembled in the Baptist church and was most en- thusiastic. n- h sia ti t o s a Papers were given Fven o n the followingsubjects Jests : (a) Library ser- vice for rut al districts ; (b) Co-opera- tion with Public and High Schools (c) Selection of periodicals and (d) How shall a Public Library be estab- lished'l1y law in every municipality. Much valuable instruction was given on these i mtorton t subjects, arid d the delegates reurned to their respective homes more deeply interested in their public library and its work than ever before. NOTES BY "J. D, 13:" IN STRATFORD HERALD The 47 libraries that form the Strat- ford Institute Inez for one day •5 1.1 - • Having an overstock of Ladies' 6 size and 0 • size Watches on 'hand I am offering $o at the s s following reduced prices for the next 05 days ; 5 Z . • • er • tt ,1 1s t, 12.00 " $16 • 10.00 1/$15 I 12.00 " $16 _ • • • • • • • • /, ,1 0 ,( F1 1t t5 I1 These Watches have 25 year gold filled cases and a written guarantee goes with every move- = ment. • •• • L• B a ke I Jeweler Walton 7 • R••••••••••••••••••oes0000•••••••••••••osoe••••••••• "N 4;more Dyspepsia for Thebe isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and'you're RIGHT in the morning. A8 &areas, 25r, or by ma from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS only -so as to keep Government expenses low- at St. Marys, and was well attended, one member motor'I ti g 130 wiles after getting up at halftta four and p missies his con- nections. There were less set papers than usual, but the questions and discus- sions of the members were active, and covered a wide variety of opinion on what was best for children, for these workers recognize that if a love of books is not brought out when young, it is rarely created later in life. Rooms, clubs, selection and story- telling -hour details were well thresh- ed out. The Baptist church kindly gave their building for o. t he semi-public evening g c meeting -For p the Hydro people had the Town Hall and 91 of an hour in the middle of the day was spent in an auto drive, given by the St. Marys people. Next year's meeting is to come to Stratford. Atwood Geo. Greensides has taken a position as clerk in John Rogers hardware store. Flinn Council will meet at the Agri- cultural Hall, Atwood, Saturday, Dec. 4111. Rev. De. Husser was a delegate to the Annual Library Convention held in St. Marys last Thursday, Ladies' Aid of the Atwood Metho- dist Church will hold a Bazaar Fri- day, Nov. 20th, in the Music Hall. Brown'sTrees The best that can be grown. Who is our agent in your town ? Brown Brothers Co'Y 19-4 Nurserymen, Limited Browns' Nurseries, Welland Co., Ont. Hugh Richmond Elma, purchased aged from Mr Parker, 2nd of Elms, two pure bred Holstein calves. Arrangements are being made to dedicate the new Methodist church, Sunday, Dec. 19th. Rev. 'Dr. Man- ning, President of London Conference, will conduct the services. The Bee says :-For the past 2 years there has been much talk on the pub- lic streets as to the boys of this village from the age of 7 up to 10 years of age, practicing rowdyism and break- ing property of all kinds which has been let go without action from time to time. The boyo have become so bold, it eeems incredible some of the things which they have done and un- less something is done to slacken the pace they have set, especially the past few months,serious trouble is ahead which will ltimately lead to disgrace, Eat more Bread and Better Bread Few of us eat enough of the "Staff of Life." Make your Bread from PURITY FL More Bread and Better Bread 72_9 Butter Wrappers GET THEM PRINTED AT The Post PNouse ATTRACTIVE WORK MODERATE PRICES