HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-11-18, Page 4• 7•1`..-"'
' • •
Cbt ernsotio /lost
Rear voter feet dry and Me doeter's
ARRANGE to attend the Wiuter Fair at
GIlelPba It is worth while, Dates are
Dee. 3-9,
Knits George and the British Empire
ask your help right now. Will you be
a volunteer
Loan KITCHENER. has a little quiet
work to do in the East and we expect it
will be well done.
°Reece is having a very slippery
time trying to go two ways at once,
We venture to guess that she will land
with the allies or else wish, penitently,
she had.
4000 PEOPLE attended the Provincial
plowing match at the 0. A. C. Guelph.
You would hardly believe such a crowd
would be there but evidently Agricul-
ture is still the top of the heap. There
was some dandy work doue.
A Mhercesolet newspaper contained
the following notice ;-"I have been in-
etructed by the Village Council to en-
force the ordinance aesiost chickens
running at large and riding bicycles on
the sidewalk -Harry Shells, Village
Marshal " Thera may not be many
"chickens" riding bicycles on the Brun.
eels sidewalks. lent there are some young
"roosters" who forget there is a Be -law
prohibiting this practice. They may
require, toost high to mise the had of
the law,
If Prussian militarism fanny for one
Moment that the allies will quit before
wrongs are redressed and fair play
Secured for those ruthlessly deprived of
their homes and privileges they mistake
the unalterable plan of the allies. The
British bull dog, Russian bear and
French eagle, plus the heroic Italians,
Belgians and Servians will never let up
until au honorable Peace is obtained and
full Justice done. Talk of quitting at
this stage of hostilities is out of the ques-
tion. It must be fought to a finish and
gin equitable settlement arrived at.
Is you are asked to a wedding don't
go "batty" wben the happy twain are
about to leave on their bridal trip and do
freak antics that yon wonld not care to
be the recipient of yourself. Detroit
Free Press speaking on this subject
_concludes as follows :-"Why spoil an
occasion at once so solemn and so joyous
by snob silly and ungracious interrup-
tions Ouch as rice down the back, old
shoes tied to the rig, placards attached
to luggage, &e )
By the way drugs are soaring in price
people can hardy afford to be sick.
Here are a few examples :-Quinine
from 3o cents an ounce to $2 25 ; gly-
cerine from 3oc to 58c, per lb. ; cod
liver oil from $4o to also a barrel ;
sage from sc. to Sc.3a pound. Many
others have risen in much the same pro-
portion while some cannot be obtained
for love or money. Blessed is the man
and his family who require little of these
things. How would it be to revert to
"the good old days" and if doses have to
be taken try salts and senna, goose oil
and turpentine?
PEOPLE who kick at Red Cross sub-
scription contributions should ask
themselves bow much would they like
doue for the comfort of their son if be
were patriotic enough to become a sol-
dier boy ? We get off at a very small
cost if a few dollars is the measure of
our so•called sacrifice,
YOUR King and Country need your
belp. Only as the allies are heartily
supported by men, munitions and money
will they be able to win a victory that
will bring undoubted success and bless.
ing to the world. Germany and Aus-
tria will share in it as well as Canada.
The abolition of militarism would
change the outlook of every Nation and
set them off with higher ideals than
merely slaughtering their fellowmen.
deetroying property and adding a few
square miles of territory. "Peace on
Earth" should be the motto after the
terrible devastation of this war.
BAD as war is in the Summer months
it is infinitely worse when to its horrors
is added the cold, storm and bleakness
of Winter. If those who are the prime
movers in causing the war were chained
to a post on tome night when Rick Frost
was abroad and nipped their ears, nose,
fingers and toes we doubt not they
would think twice before they would
make the plunge in, later life. These
great moguls don't take any such chances
but while they anore in a cosy bed the
ordinary soldier bas to run the gauntlet
with abot, shell and bayonet and old
King Winter. The inhumanity of war
is as black as the darkest midnight and
the wooder is to many that vengeance is
not meted out lb the transgressors by
the Almighty. There'll cotne a day of
Tna eyes of the world Are now on - , 09th Battalion and expecte to leave
Srbitt We would not be surprised to elrartly for Eugland,
h r th B 1 " I th
job" after they have a few bot combats
ear o u germs jump ne e
with the allies. )1
Following le an editorial from the
Tweed Advocate of Thursday, Octoher
14, 1915 1 -"The big pow -wow about
Henry Fold's attitude towarda the
allies has practically faded into obli-
vion. The attempt to injure the Ford
trade in ostitiltztzi at oiresitit,e1 tee daldnv :Arise
ing, and another henna which will
mmaiekeracttheie F000rtdgee,vziantynoktiewpwajpla
, uth,rt,
Henry Ford, of Detroit, does not own,
nor even hold a controlling interest ib
the Windsor Ford Company where
the Canadian Ford is made. Ile
owns 25 per cent of the sharee, but the
Compitoy is managed by a Canadian
and run by Canadians. They employ
over three thousand hands and have
sent four hundred of their men to the
war and are holding their positions
open for thetu when they return.
The Company pay thew employees a
minimum wage of 54 a day, which in
the aggregate constitutes a sum alto-
gether too valuable to the country to
be tampered with, especially at this
time wben the wheels of commerce
should be kept running to capacity.
The person responsible for at tumor
that would affect the demand for em-
y •
'ERE should be some lend knocking
at the door of Cougress in the U 6, to
enquire why the sacrifice of American Mrs, Corbett Read the
eitizenehip, by German-Auatrian sub.
marines is not repelled 7 'There is quite
an ouiefy by Uncle Sam's press over the
apathy. We believe the allies are fight-
ing betties for our American cousius in
the desire of overthrow ng
If Prealdent Wilson 0911 attend to state
affairs and matrimonial etceteras at tl e
same time be should do so.
THE Christian Guardian gives place
to the hollowing sensible sentences that
should be carefully pondered : -Perhaps
there is no duty resting clown upon us
with more emptiesie at the present hour
than the duty of attesting our faith in
the reality ot great spiritual forces.
Sometimes it would seam as it the world
bad gone back milleniums to that time
when brute force was everything, and
the only realities were tbe things that
could be seen and handled. la reality
we have not so slipped back, we have
not lost the priceless heritage of the
years. bat we are in real danger of los.
ing some of our positive confidence in
the supreme value of the things of the
spirit. The tremendous struggle
through which we are passing, the de-
mand that it is making upon our
physical and mental resources, has a
subtle tendency to bring us to the place
where we will have no creed left but
force, and no God save discipline and
efficiency. This tendency to scepticism
to lose a fresh and realizing grip upon
the things that are invisible, we must re-
sist with all steadfastness. The pre-
cious gold the centuries have gathered
we must not throw away In au hour.
Gvoy Council
Municipal Council of the Township of
Grey met in the Township Hall, Ethel,
October 25th Members present.
Minutes of last regular and subsequent
special meetings read and confirmed.
By law No. 3 2, for mc5, authorizing a
special levy of one-half a mill on tbe
assessmeut of alt the rateable property
of the municipality for the purpose of
raising the sum of 5:400 to be contribut•
ed to the British Red Cross Fund, was
put through its several stages and filial-
ly passed.
Following accounts were presented
and ordered to be paid :-..john McLen-
nan, gravel, 54 65 ; P. Ament, lumber.
52 to ; Cole & Dougherty, tile, $g 04;
Austin Rayoard, tile drain, Con 4 and
plank, 55.0o ; Chas. McIntosh. gravel
59 bo ; Jas A. Rea, gravel, 55 8,) ;
Chas. Pollard, gravel,. 512 ; Wrn.
Oakley, gravel. 53 30 ; Job L. King,
gravel, $3.2o ; Geo Thomnson, repair -
lug culvert and bridge, 54.25 ; John
Barr, gravel, $7,90 ; A. Pollock, gravel,
$4 tfi ; Insurance on Hall, 52 oo ; D.
McKay, gravelling sidernad 5, 56 ;
R. W. Livingston, to ply for work on
Con. 17, Sig oo ; Ed Clark, drawing
timber and stone for bridge, $5.5o ;
gravel, $4.32 ; Grant to East Huron
Agricultural Socie.y. Sio.00 ; gravelling
Mill road, $g oo Joe. Savage, gravel,
Br 5o ; Cole & Dougherty, tile, $2 52 ;
Garfield Baeker, repairing road, Con.
10. $27 oo ; R Lindsay, repairing Mill
road, $5.50 J. Thibideam tile drain,
Con. 10. &loc. ; Dr. W. L Holmes, at-
tendance on Jas. Dudley, $28,00 ; Pro-
vincial Treasurer. donation to the
British Red Cross Society, $1477 oo.
Council adjourned to meet Monday,
November 22nd.
• A. H. Macnomn, Clerk -
This splendid weekly puto.:carre=
performing an unusually important se-
vice to Canada during this greatest nu
all international wars of the world's
history. "World Wide" selects and
presents to its readers every Saturday
the ablest articles by the ablest writers
in Britain and America on the war situa-
tion and its consequeoces. It thus re- !
facts the current thought of bon:
hemisphers in these critical times.
Eminent men and women all over the
country acknowledge Its great worth.
Who can afford to be without it ?
Almost every article in almost every
issue you feel you would like to put
away among your treasures or send to
some friend.
Subscription rate Sr 5o per annum, or
on trial for three months for only acts.
publishers, Witness Block, Montreal.
Northern Messenger
Canada's Religious and Illustrated
Periodical of Largest Circulation
Our good old Sunday "story teller"
friend. the "Northern Messenger," has
been for nearly fifty years a favorite
with the Canadian people. It gives
splendid value for the money and eon
tributes largely to a Sunday so well
spent as to bring a week of content. A
strong ally to the temperauce cause and
every other moral reform and truly a
character builder.
It is ascii a fine paper that many of
the largest city Sunday Schools distrib-
ute it as their regular Sunday School
paper. For they realize that a paper
which gives so much for the money and
inlereste the older members of the fami-
ly as well as the youngsters, gives the
parents an additional incentive to see
that their children attend school every
Sunday. And through the weekly visits
of the Northern Messenger, the church
helps to cheer and hearten many who
Cannot and others who will not, attend
lta aervices.
For over half a century the Northern
Messenger has been beloved all over
Oa trial to new subscribers -To in-
dividual addresees, 22 !DODOS for 30
canis ; Sunday Shoots in any required
quautity, s weeks PRBE trial ; Clubs
of ten copies a week to one address for
Advertisement and Tried It
Aeon, Islay 14th, 1914.
"I have used Truit.a.tives' for
Indigestion and Conslipalion with most
excellent results, and they continue to
be my only medicine. I saw 'Frultaa.
fives' advertised with a letter in which
some one recommended them very
soI triedtliem. The resultswere
more than satisfactory, and I have no
hesitation in recommending Truit-a.
Time is proving that Truit-a-tives,
can always be depended upon to give
prompt relief in all cases of Consiifialion
and Stomach 'Trouble.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25c.
At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa,
ja months for $2.5o, Larger clubs pro
The Northern Messenger is published
ness Block, Montreal, Can. Tly it for a
Wonderful Tribute to Om
Bob. Pearson
The following relates to a framer
well known and highly esteemed real -
dent of this locality and will be of
'deep interest to readers of THE P0174
Rev, Mr. Pearson being a son of the
late Robert Pearson, of Grey town-
ship {-
The gathering at Calgary Mat Satur-
day paid a wonderful tribute to Bob,
Pearson. a former member of the
Rueby club at Varsity, whet e he was
prominent in athletics about a dozen
years ago. The guest was presented
with all sorts of presents and tokeite,
including a wrist, watch, sword, mili-
tary benshes, etc., and a tea tray to
Mrs. Pearson. There were delegates
from places and associations all over
Rev. Dr. Kerby's speech was elo-
queutiji the extreme. Amon othet
things be said :
"My text anal sermon centres in the
personality of Pearson. Not the
clothes of the mat,, nor the brogue of
the man, nor the profession of the
man, but the personality of the man.
When the war ts over and the allies
win -as win they shall -it will be the
personality of men like Mr. Pearson
that shall win the victory for freedom
and humanity. Personality is the
great sheltering, controlling, dominate
ing force of human history.
My text falls into five natural di-
visions :
Filet, there is Lieutenant Pearson,
or Pearson the soldier. Behold him
every inch a soldier, able to command
becase he knows how to obey. Brave,
cool, daring, fearless, courageous -a
man of decision.
Second, there is Reverend Pearson,
or Pearson, the minister. Not the
minister with Bible and hymnbook
all the time in his hand cr a. "grave-
yard' expresion on his eerie, bnt the,
minister with the nand thenght in bis
mind, kind word on his lips and a
kind de -e5 ever to peferree The
minister laleah leis fife ss reabireg
and whe1e-senne as an :new." beenee on
1.a. Pears:: ne or Pe-ar-
e:se tLee. nemeLeeneann Aptly
deetz.inneeny S. -ale -sneeze in his
ia CLesug.•'-r_i• was gentle; and
eiseneente sr: =nett in bias that
Neereee m*.irten. ananu en and say to all
the wenlentiale to a Man.
F: -tin Robert Peareorn or Pearson
the eitizere Interested, wide -a -wake,
intelligent, prngressive. Identified
with every movement of highest civic
Fifth, "Bob" Pearson, or Pearson
the man. The human friend. The
MOM with hopes and fears. The man,
who dares do all that may become a
man. The man that is big enough to'
make mistakes. The mall that can
laugh and shed a tear. More impor-
tant than Pearson, the soldier, or
Pearson the minister, or Pearson, the
gentleman, or Pearson, the citizen, is
Pearson, the man.
My sermon has an application. Like
Pearson, the soldier, let us be brave
and loyal. Like Peal eon, the minis-
ter, let us lend the helping hand.
Like Pearson, the gentleman, let us be
kind, courtenua, thoughtful. Like
Pearson, the citizen, let tut be wide-
awake for the best life of the city.
Like Pettlethis, the man, let nothing
human ever be foreign to our interest.
Gladly, lovingly do I place the trib-
ute at the feet of my noble friend
and brother and former colleague,
Lieutenant reverend Robert "Bob"
Pearson, B. A.
Oh, it's Bob I Bob 1 Bob I
On the street and in the store ;
Ott, it's Bob 1 Bob I Bob I
From the fans for evermore.
Oh, it's Bob I Bob I Bob 1
Sooner up, the curlere say ;
Oh, it's Bob I Bob I Bob I
They must either fight or pay.
Oh, it's Bob 1 Bob ! Bob 1
Oalgary'a lighting parson "Bob,"
We doff our hats in honor,
Rev. Bob.
You're our matt from Canrida,
Where they have to fight or pay ;
Raiser Wilhem-Robet 1 Pearson,
Fighting Bob.
Oh, We Bob 1 Bob 1 clear old Bob,
Here's a tiger to you Bob
And our heat ts will e'er be yearning,
And we'll keep the home.firea burning
Till we hear the boys returning
Shouting "Bob." I
This little poem was recited by Dr.
ICerby. There were 250 present.
Bev, Pearson 18 a Lieutenant in the
ployment such as afforded by the
great Prod industry, is on a par with
the traitor. and one on whom the
country should keep a strict watch.
The manager of the Canadian works
is hea.rt. and soul with the allies and
many of the shareholdeis in the com-
pany are now in the trenches. What-
ever words Mr, Ford did utter were
from. his personal point of view and
should not, he being an American
citizen, effect a Canadian concern in
which he is a stockholder only. That
his sympathies are with the Allies la
very evident from the fact that shite
the war broke out he has been sup-
porting 150 Belgian refugees in Eng-
land, something in Itself that proves
conclusively that, Henry Ford's heart
la In the right place, Every knock
proves a boost wh en it eminates from
prejudiced sources and the Ford cal'
has by the recent controversy gotten
colan tnupon column of ft ee publicity
that in the ordinary way it would
have cost thousands of dollars to pro-
duce. In conclusion we might say
that from what we can learn of the
millionaire's statements we conclude
that he is adverse to militarism and
clique rule and we fail to see why he
should he censored for his convictions
along this line."
In connection with Brussels Agency
for the Ford a garage has been opened
where all repairs are attended to by a
first-class mechanic. Free air for fil-
ling tires. • S. CARTER,
Agent for Ford Cars,
Packing of Parcels f or
Soldiers at the Front
The public is urged to exercise every
care in packing parcels for the troops,
as careful packing is absolutely es-
sential to ensure delivery of the par-
cels in good order.
Parcels sent abroad require a higher
standard of packing than is necessary
in the Canadian Parcel Post, and this
applies with even greater force to par-
cels fur the troops. Those which are
inadequately packed run great risk of
damage or loss of contents.
Thin eat dboard boxes, such as shoe
boxes, and thin wooden boxes, should
not be used ; nor does a single sheet
of ordinary brown paper afford suffi-
cient protection. Thefollowing forms
of peeking are recommended.
L &mug double cardboard boxes,
preferably those made of corrugated
cardboard, aud having lids which
completely enclose the sides of the
2 Strong wooden boxes.
3. Several folds of stout packing
I. Additional security is afforded
by an outer covering of linen, calico
or canvas, which should be securely
sewn up.
The address of the parcel should lie
written in ink on the cover preferably
in two places.
The address of the sender of the
parcel should also be stated in order
that it may be returned if undelivez-
a le. The contents of the parcel
should be stated in writing on the
In the case of parcels sent to the
MediterraneanForce, they should be
very strongly packed. They should
be as nearly round as possible, and
well padded with shavings, crumpled
paper, or similar protective material.
The outer covering should consist of
strong linen, calico or canvas, and
should he securely sewn up. The use
of wooden or metal boxes with squat e
corners is undesirable, as parcels so
picked ate liable to injure other par-
cels in transit. No perishable articles
should be sent, and anything likely
to become soft or sticky, such as
chncolates, should be enclosed in tins.
Pareela merely wrapped in paper nr
packed in thin cardboard boxes, such
as shoe boxes, cannot be accepted.
Regular Monthly liorse Fairs will be
held in Brussels this season as follows:.
THURSDAY, 1)550. and, 1915
JAN. 80, 1010
00 FEB. Srd,"
MAIL 2nd, "
APR. 6th, "
Leading Local and Outside Buyers in atteadance
Nade Well by Delicious Vbiol
I Crestlitie, Ohio. " I contracted a
hard, chronic cough, mut was weak,
nervone and run down. I have a small
family of three, and it was hard for me
to do my work, I took different medi-
einea without benefit. Finally I heard
about Vinol, and it has restored me to
health andatrength, ray cough is all gone
and I feel fine," -Mrs, H. CARLISLE,
We'guarantee yinol, our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic without oil, for
chronic coughs and wide, and for all
weak., nervous, run-down conditions.
R SMITH, Druggist, Bruesele
The People% Oblumn
50. AjTillgifIRliY.°008.flitl:_p'!ITIV:
Por rurtner pertioulare see F. 8, ISCOTT,
F' 505 RALE foLIJARoceti,17,1;.2
tan two•story cement house and bank been,
1440 good oreherd. For particulars apply to
F. S. SCOTT, Brussels.
brtulge, witi, rs
, and straw shed, two good walla and. sowing.
I Riet4a1170719oiTtanT)tr:sigirtli ge.."111-1P°
FOR SALE. -60 acre fa s ra in good state of
cultivation, a mile :Sonthwest of Trow -
1 Engagement Rings:
: Wedding Rings I
• 5
• - v : 1
6 -k •
I Her a :
/ o
Diamond _ _.,„ •
• e
e et nice Eason Men t of fine, white •
O Ilia monde, innuel ed with Meth 8
• num 'rips 14Ic Rings at very :
la ' ,
• clog° prices
• •
• $12.00 $1.500 a
25.00 50.00
awl upwards according to size of •
• Diatuond•
• Marriages Continue a Pace8.•
▪ Even in war times.
• ▪ We have a full stock of 18
For Sale in Wroxeter •
House and lot known as the "Maitlend Ter.
race" Brick.veneered dwelling, 0 ams stable, '
mall orchard, eso..Apply to
174 Wroxeter, Ont,
Steer Strayed
Strayed from C3.4 Lot le, Con 5, Morrie, a
gray 2 year old tee,', small size Has turned
ep horns. Any information AR to ite where.
«boats will be thankfully received
R. 3. BROWN,
Blyth phone 154 Walton P. 0.
Farm for Sale
Adjacent to the Villageaof Trowbridge and
containing EH soiree, Is in splendid state of
cultivation, well watered and has good build.
Sega All Fall plowing will be done. If not
sold will be rented. Apply to .1. R. CODE,
Trowbridge. 174
VILLAO E zup ETIIXI: -On the promisee
n good frame house and kitchen, good bank
town, orchard. Se Possession given first of
December. Terms to snit purchaser. For
farther pardeula re anply to
CHRISTOPHER 11.9 301.9110,
Ethel P. 0.
street, Brnesels ; 3 acre of land with
comfortable house. good stable, all kinds of
small fruits, 2 good wells. &e. Possession at )
once if deaired. 5 or further particulars apyly •
on the premises to NEWTON 3100AULAY,
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call.
Both Brasses and North Huron Phones.
Property for Sale
A good property, situated on Tames street,
Brussels. Sufficient gronnd to grow feed for
e horse or cow the year round ; also a good
man for poultry ; e number of bearing Plum
and apple trees • one-story frame house 26x28
feet including kitchen '; good cellar ; a frame
stable and hen house 14 x 24 feet ; good well:
land In good state of cultivation. Partioulare
may be had by applying to the owner on the
prernises. SIMON GRANT.
Take Notice That
111 The Council of the Corporation of the
Village of Brussels intend,, to conatruct as a
Local Improvement, a 28 foot pavement of
Macadam with curbing on both sides of Turn.
berry street from South aide of William street
in the said Village of Brussels. Northerly to
the G. T R. track, and intends to specially as-
sess a part of the cost upon the lands abutting
directly on the work.
121 The estbnated cost of the work 1e5220000
of which 8182010 1,, to be paid by the Corpora.
Mots The estimated special rate per foot
frontage is 648 cents. The ep eclat assessment
is to be paid in 15 annual instalmente,
(3) .5 petition against the work will not
'avail to prevent its construction
Dated the 27111 day of October, 1915.
F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
: Seamless Wedding Rings :
. •
: The best Wedding Ring in the :
2 world. Let us show you. 1
i •
-,111. R. W(NDT"
. Jeweller and Engraver •
1 Wroxeter - Ontario ill
.0 0 4 liee O . OO 1111111601111104110* OOO 11#96
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.
, Forprospeeturrandterme,writethePdacloal
g,I. Warner, ALA,D,D.,St,Thelliati, Ont. •
Brick and all sizes of
Tile are now to be
had at the
Is prepared to supply the best •
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stook, Aka.
4epair8 to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call,
A. 11111111MNN, Cranbrook
Ford Touring Car
Price $530
If you stayed indoors'all Winter—you
might not need your Ford 'till "new
grass" time. But in the wide "out-of-
doors" the Ford serves as well in Janu-
ary as in June. It's the all -year-round
car with a reputation for service and
economy that isn't affected by the
The Runabout lo now $380; the Town Car 3980 ; L o b.`Ford,
Ontario, Alt cans completely equipped, including electric
headlights. Equipment does not include speedometer. Get
particulars from
5. CARTER, Beater Brussels
.16,WISM,11M.11 !MINI
Every bearing is constantly flooded with oil. Two quarts of oil in the gear case of this
8 -foot auto -oiled windmill will keep the gears and every beating flooded with oil for a
year or more.
The galvanized steel helmet covers the gears, keeps out rain, keeps out duet, keeps
in oil. The mill needs oiling but once a year.
There is a windmill, known the world over as "the windmill which runs when alt
others stand still." This new windmill with gears and bearings flooded with oil runs in
much less wind than that well known windmill.
The two large gears, which lift the load straight up, are each independent of the other and each
is driven by its own pinion on the main shaft and roust take its halt of the load at all times.
The autoesiled windtallimithitaduplicate gears and two pitmenlifting theioad straight ult.!!! un-
breakable. Everyg-footralll is tested undera pumping load of 3000 pounds onthe pump
rod. For the larger aims the load is proportionately greater. We know that
every one of these windmills is unbrealmble. We venture the assertion
that this is the most neatly perfect, best made, best tested,
best oiled, most nearly perpetual, automatic and self-
sufficient of any machine of any kind ever made
for farm work and the most nearly fool -proof.
There is no friction on any part of the furl-
ing &Ace when the mill is running and very
whewthe wheel is furled.
—TOT i
• tr#';
A smell
child can easilyifurl this
windmill or att automatic regulator can
take care of it. One of these mills has been furled
10,000 times in one day by a man on our premises -more
times than it would ordinarily be furled In 30 Scan Of service.
A band brake, 01 13,, automobile type, Is used, and it always laolds.
The gear case contains two pairs of gears and the supply of oil, Prom this
gear case the oil circulates to every bearing in a constant stream. It flows out
through the friction washers in the hub of the wheel and is automatically returned to
the gear case. Not a drop of oil can estape. It is used over and over. So long as
there is any oil in the gear case the gears and every bearing will be flooded with oil.
if you are tired of climbing a windmill toWen If you /*retired of buying repairs
and having them put on; or, If you are tired of welting fer a big Wind, let us fur-
nish you an unbreakable, self -oiling, ever -going; milt to go on any old tower. It
costs but little and you will get the difference between no water In a light wind
and an abundance of water In almost no wind. The flooding of all the working
parts with oil, the perfect balance of the wheel and vane on the tower, the very small
turntable on which the mill pivots and the outside furling device make this difference.
Now there is no objection to a high tower. Have as high a tower as you need to
get wind. You don't have to climb Your dealer can come once a year and put
in oil, if needed, and inspect the inill.
Running water purifies itself-etagnant water, standing watehoollects and retains inlifilr•
'UM 15 you PUMP froin year well constantly all the water Want spare. the water that comes
Oslo take its place will be pure. If the water in year well stands until you happen to want some.
and you pump but little, then it is likely that surface water will flow into It and catty in im.
purities. The unsafe well is the one that has standing water. A flowing stream is the thing to be desired.
The autonsiled windmill makes ell this ocralhleaa it can runfrem one year's end to the other with
VingYar ft;,,Zg nv,z3c,t mingrWzrigt=rnc°4,11,6&.,yCaam tvuel"pT erg
sviI1 cost next to notffing, 11 will give health to your family and stack. 1..et the water rim into o
004 elle reservoir and raise all the fisit of the choice kinds your family can eat, and haveseeter to irrigate
your ganders and make It raise many times as meth os it would otherwise. Water costs riothings Use it, Told It etand to to abuse It.
A pen of
30 Itm on
151, 51,,,
furl. tbo
P. AM ENT, Agent Brussels