HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-11-4, Page 71
A queer Little Mother,
I knewof a queer little mother,
Beloved by the young and the old;
Her tales are a joy tq the children
Whenever and wherever told,
I am sure that all of you know her,
Or can hazard a gross at her name.
When I tell a£ the sons and the
That have given their mother her
t�11i1 11FO i ��A:�4�i l: ------
In the *Millen world it ie just as
to ask "what will not the de -
ignore think of next?" as it •ie to
ask what they will think of next.
The two queries are synonyreoue,in-
asmuch' as a' designer's field is limit-
less and his imagination infinite. One
of the latest popular creations la the
Their Strength is Taxed and
They are Victims, of Weak-
ness and Suffering.
When there is a growing family to, worse than a kicked dog will be day whop he became attached to the
care for and the mother falls ill it is. ,, cured—wired for a .certainty, and recruiting bureau at Troyes, A de-
s serious matter.. Many mothers who 'ter ., i, quickly, too, if you • just rub ore tachment recently was sent from
are on the go from morning tonight, it,) Nerviline, there to 811 gaps in the ranks of the
whose work,- apparently, is'. never . r Rub Nerviline right into the sore 'Forty-seventh Territorial regiment,
done, try to disguise their suffering spot, rub lots of it over those tortured - and Verd was so insistent on going to
and keep up an appearance of cheer- muscles, do this and the pain will go. the front with the younger men that
fulness before their family. Only You see Nerviline is thin, not of y
themselves know how they are This- l Therefore it sinks in, it -penetrates the commanding officer finally con-
tressed by backaehee and headaches, o through the tissues, it gets eight to sented'to enlist him for active ser-
dragging down pains and nervous those stiff, sore muscles and irritated vice.
Tow their nights are often l, nerves that make you dance with! Tho aged volunteer now' is a sol -
weakness; pain.
dier in the Seventhcompany of the
You'll get almost instant relief fromregiment, which is stationed some-
muscle soreness, stiffness, aching where in the trenches of the first
joints, lameness or rheumatics by
rubbing .with Nerviline, It's a south- fins of defence. He is doing his
ing limnent, and doesn't blister, duty as efficiently as any of his
doesn't burn or even stain the skin, comrades in arms, whose unbounded
6i It's the most harmless euro in the admiration the spry septuagenarian
world for. Lumbago, Back Strain or has won . through his vivacity and
Sciatica. It takes away the ache atI never failing good humor.
once and ends your misery quickly.
Illunbago's Misetry Ceres,
! very 1l;hiog Muscle lured
Not necessary to drug inside! Eompont (Ardcche), He already has
`That awful stiffness that makes yolk celebrated his seventy-second birth-
At 72 Fights for France the Second
According to the Paris Figaro the
oldest volunteer in the French army
is Aleido Verd, born in April, 1848, at
Her poor reckless Simon, the: simple, sleepless, "and they arise to a new
Goes fishing each day without fail, day's work tired,depressed and quite
From the coming of dawn till the unefteshed.' uch women should
sunset, Itnoiv that their sufferings are usually
And be fishes—don't smile --in her due .to lack of good nourishing blood.
They should know that the one thing
they need above all other's to give
them new health and strength is rich,
red blood, and that among all medi-
cines there is none can. equal Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for their blood -mak-
ing, health -restoring qualities. Every
suffering woman,. every woman with a
home and family to care for should
give these pills a fair trial, for they
will keep her in health and strength
and make her work easy. Mrs., G.
Strasser, Acton West, Ont., says: "I
am the mother of three children, and
after each birth I became terribly run
down; I had weak, thin Mood, always
felt tired, and Linable to do my house-
hold work. After the birth of my
third child I seemed to be worse, and
She hurried two children for water,
And gave them a bucket to fill;
But they met with a sorry disaster
That sent both of them rolling
One lass must have married a cob-
Who is poor, for her home is n
shoe; •
And to care for ho household of
Is more than the mother can do.
That plum -loving youngster, Jack
Horner, No. 9141.
Is a limb of the family tree;
And so is the timid Miss Muffett, was very badly run down. I was ad -
And King Cole and his fiddlers, all vised to take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
three. I found the greatest benefit ,from the
Pills and soon gained my old-time
And who is this queer little mother? strength. Indeed, after taking them
Think hard, now, and let your wits I felt as well as in my girlhood, and
,loose! could take pleasure in my work. I
Could it be any other, pray tell me,' also .used Baby's Own. Tablets for my
Than' dear little Mother Goose?
A Game With Buttons.
Mlle ones and have found them a
splendid medicine for childhood alt.,-.
Some rainy' day, when there seems You can get these pills through any
to be nothing else to do, you can make medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a tiddledywinks game with the but- , a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
tons from the button bag. Any num- i
ber of young people can play the
First sort the buttons; then pick
out one large white button and six
small ones, and one large black but-
ton and six small ones. '
On the floor, or in the middle of a
loge table with a tablecloth on it, help us through to victory.—Mr.
place a round box cover about as Lloyd George.
large as a napkin ring, or if you have Do not let doubt creep into your
no box cover, it is just as well to use mind . . . the essential condition
the napkin ring itself. of victory is patience.—M. Paul Cam -
The game is to see who will be the bon,
first to make all of the small buttons The every will not stand being
Monk's collar, shown here in the illus-
tration on attractive Ladies' Home
Journal coat .pattern No. 9141. This
smart collar is excellent for cold or
milder weather, for it can be turned
down and leave the neck quite open.
The lower edge may be either straight
or shaped as desired. The sleeves are
full length with turn -back cuffs, and
the pockets are novelly and attrac-
tively made from the same piece that
forms the belt. The coat cuts in 7
sizes -34 to 46—size 38 requiring 5%
yards of 36 -inch material.
Patterns,15 cents each, can be pur-
chased at your local Ladies' Horne
Journal dealer or from the Home Pat-
tern Company, 183 George Street,
Toronto, Ontario.
Now quit complaining—don't suffer Alcide Verd has seen war before.
another day-Nerviline, that good, He fought the fathers of his present
soothing old-time liniment will limber . adversaries during the Franco-Prus- l
you up mighty quick. Get busy to- • sian conflict, in which he took part up
day,the large 50c. family size bottle to the ominous battle of Sedan, when 1
is the most economical, of course, the he was made a prisoner and with •
trial size costs but 25c. Any dealer thousands of others sent into captiv-
anywhere can supply Nerviline,
ity in Shlesia.
How Dr. Wyeth Learned to Use His CONSTIPATION
Left Hand. Baby's Own Tablets will promptly
It is peculiarly fortunate for a care constipation of childhood. They
swordsman, or a surgeon to be ambi-
dextrous. Dr. John Allan Wyeth was
not born to that good fortune, but ler safe. Concerning them Mrs. A. As the tunnel was very low, he and
he achieved it. How he did so, with Crowell, Sandy Cove, NS., writes: "I his men lay head to feet and passed
the assistance of a long, lithe, extra can strongly recommend Baby's Own the stuff back from hand to hand.
tough hickory,—not applied _ in the Tablets to all mothers whose little The task occupied twelve hours, there
manner that has rendered that useful ones are suffering from constipation." being one ton and a half of explo-
tree so unpopular with boys,—he has The tablets are sold by medicine deal-
related in his interesting autobio- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from No mishap occurred, but five of
graphy, recently published. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Lieut. Cooper's men were rendered
i unconscious by fumes, and four of
When he was a boy of twelve, he Brockville, Ont,
attended school in a country school- them received the D.C.M. for their
share in this remarkable feat.
Kaiser Said He Had OverestimatedGallic Chrivalry. o Absolutely
No cutting, no plan.
Cornsr n tens or pads to press
the sore spot.
act as a gentle laxative, regulate the
bowels and stomach and are absolute-
�14LTlifilt 01$Ou!T,OAK
1Q . neuro, r
.: I
�.� ,r,
We unhesitatingly recommend Magic
Baking Powder as being' the best, purest
and moat healthful baking powder that
if is possible to produce. All ingredients
are plainly printed on the label
British Officer Stole Over a Ton of
Germans' Explosives.
News reached Blackburn, England,1
recently, that Lieut. W. Cooper, an
old Blackburn amateur footballer, has
been decorated at the front with the
Military Cross for an act of remark-
able coolness and resource.
He was driving a mine 192 yards
long under the German position, and
had got within a few yards of his ob-
jective, when he broke into a German
mine crammed with high explosives.
For a moment ho thought his party
were doomed, but he quickly cut the
wires leading to the German trenches,
and sending back for help proceeded
to carry away the enemy's explosives
house built on the backbone of a high,
wooded ridge that overlooked the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- village. At recess one slope of the
vine, Ont. ridge was the girls' playground, and
the other the boys'; and boys and girls
met and played together on the sum-
mit. A favorite sport was for the
boys to bend the tough young hickory
saplings down to the ground and
seat themselves and their sweethearts
upon them for "ridey-horses."
"I had a sweetheart," the doctor
acknowledges, "and her name was
Mugg. Can you imagine in all the
category of names one more sug-
gestive of ugliness—I am almost
Speciglists who have devoted their tempted to say of 'muggliness?' Butwith those of a man of the Left, but
hop into the ring or the box cover, bullied, especially by a graceless Ger- lines to the treatment of stomach ail- Mugg was only her nickname. It was in two cases there was perfect accord
which is called "Home." All you man bully.—Mr. Desmond McCarthy. ments, now tell us that many people short for Margaret, and she was the between us. The first was when the
need to do to make the small buttons All the easy talk of peace is but who complain about their stomachs prettiest girl in school—to me. conversation turned upon the French.
jump toward "Home" is to press the froth upon the water when such n may.suffehave no r from bloating, gas, sour- mach ailment at a 1 on "Thefe stood hi our grove a slen- Here the Kaiser's sorrow was my
rim of them with the rim of one of storm as this is raging. -Mr. Austen :Hess and other unpleasant symp- der, graceful, tight -bark hickory sap- sorrow. The Kaiser speaks quite pure
the big buttons, and let the rim of Chamberlain. I toms. If so your best course is to ling, toughest of all tough timber, French and had hoped, like all of us,
the big button slip oft.—Youth's Men and women must do all things ; tone up the bowels with a reliable which bends but never breaks. It and especially' us people from Baden,
Companion. in proportion. They must be natural , vegetable remedy like Dr. Hamilton's towered fully thirty feet to its top- that with France first of all an agree -
,Ii as well as national.—Bishop of Birm-' Pills. This old time family medicine most bifurcation. There was no other 1 ment would be possible. We had
Ingham. 1 is a wonderful corrective of all like it, as there was no other girl grievously overestimated the Gallic
The secret of Germany's strength,
wealth, and efficiency may be . sum-
med up in a single word: discipline.
M J Ell' Barker.
With the will to conquer, we are
certain of victory,—M. Poincare.
The women of this country can
if After Eating
You Have Pauli,
Stomach Needs Aid
Herr Anton Fendrich, well known
among German Socialists, describes
in an article published in the Frank-
furter Zeitung a conversation which
he had with the Kaiser in the field,
The main point revealed by Herr Fen-
drich is the declaration that the Kai-
ser is certain that France is doomed.
The writer in this connection says:
"Nobody will suppose that the opin-
ions of the Kaiser agree in all points
Insane Murderer Helped Edit a Great
The late'Sir James Murray, the
editor of the famous dictionary bear -
Ing his name, discovered some years
ago that one of his most valued con-
tributors was an inmate of Broad-
moor Asylum, who had stood his trial
for murder!
Putnam's Extractor
makes the cora go
without pain. Takes
out the sting over -night. Never falls
—leaves no scar. Get a 25c. bottle of
Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day.
200 Women Clerks in the Bank of
The very sanctum of British con-
servatism, the Bank of England, has
been invaded by women clerks. More
than 200 of them are now employed
in the bank in various forms of cleri-
cal work. While it is the war that
gave women the opportunity of re-
placing men of military age,,it is also
digestive and stomach disorders. war that created additional work at
There v no mystery about dis quick like Mugg. I made up my mind that nation as well as all other nations. the bank through the war loan busi-
Thert you get from Drthe quick
k I would bend it to the ground, and The French are a people passing nese,
Pills. They simply supply the'sill- that she should have it; and to the through their decadence. Their con- Women have been employed in the
r. Ellis ar ter, Violin' aid required by the system to top I climbed, twisted the terminal duct of war is full of the most grime- bank of England in the humble note -
The moment has come when, so : enable it to do its work correctly. twigs round my hands and wrists, ous horrors, full of such terrible sorting capacity since 1895, but they
far as personal expenditure is eon-! You'll enjoy your meals, digest every- and swung boldly out into space to- things that only a private book of the had never before done clerical work.
cerned, it has become a virtue to berthing you eat, look better, feel better, ward the ground. I had struck the war will ever be able to record them. They often put in as much as 12
stingy.—Mr. Herbert Samuel. I be free from .headaches, constipation wrong hickory. For half an hour the Kaiser—with
A wholesome, good comic song and indigestion,—all these benefits "Instead of swooping to the earth
very often helps a great deal in the come to all that use Dr. Hamilton's as I had anticipated, in a long, grace -
cure of our -wounded soldiers—quite '
g Pills. Every man or woman with a' fur curve, amid the plaudits „f an ad-
ill is advised to spend 250!
on a box of this wonderful vegetable
Appeal for Greater Precautions in the
Use of Matches.
An article in the Strand Magazineas much as a hymn.—The Bishop of
tells the story of this remarkable in -1 London.
dividual under the title: "The Strange
Case of Dr. Minor." It begins thus:
"It was Sir James Murray's cus-
tom whenever he was ready to start
on a new word Band the genesis of al The true victory will not lie so much
For us, high or low,to whatever
profession we belong, there must be
no holidays till the great task is fin-
ally accomplished—Mr. Walter Long.
single one mostly takes up several in the tactical gains on the battlefield
to -day as in the quality of the men
who have to carry on the work of the
nation after the war is over.—Gen-
eral Sir Robeit Baden-Powell.
On Properly Selected Food. It Pays
Big Dividends.
If parents will give just a little in-
telligent thought to the feeding of
their children the difference in the
health of the little folks will pay,
many times over, for the small trou-
A mother writes: "Our children are
ell So much better and stronger than
they ever were before we made a
change in the character of the food..
We have quit using potatoes three
tines a day with coffee and so much
"Now we give the little folks some
Emit, either fresh, stewed, or canned,
some Grape -Nuts with cream, occa-
sionally some soft-boiled eggs, and
some Postum for breakfast and sup-'
per. Then for dinner they have some
meat and vegetables.
"It would be hard to fully describe
the change in the children, they have
grown so sturdy and strong, and we
attribute this change to the food ele-
ments that; I understand, exist in
Grape -Nuts and Postum.
"A short time ago my baby was
teething and had a great deal of sto-
mach and bowel trouble, Nothing
seemed to agree with Mm until I tried
Grape -Nuts softened and mixed with
rich milk and he improved rapidly
and got sturdy and well."
"Theee'a a Reason."
Name given by Canadian Postum
Co., Windsor, Ont.
Aver road the above lotto] 7 A new
0110 aepoaro from timo to Limo. They
aro genions, too, and fall Of human
pages in the 'New English Diction-
ary') to send ifrout to all of his army
of volunteer readers, who forthwith
supplied the earliest possible quota-
tion which they could discover in
question was used.
"When this had been going on for
a time, Sir James discovered that
some of the most valuable quotations
that reached him, together with some
of the most scholarly comments
thereupon, were forwarded by a cer-
tain Dr. W. C. Minor, who wrote from
Crowthorne, a small village in Berk-
shire. This contributor's identity
puzzled Sir James more than a little,
the more so as he soon came to real-
ize that the latter's knowledge of the
subject of philology could not be far
behind his own. So much did Sir
James esteem the mysterious Dr.
Minor, in fact, that whenever he had
completely finished his analysis of
the history of any one word, he was
in the habit of sending the full notes
connected therewith to his corre-
spondent in Crowthorne for his final
revision, whish, more often than not,
was productive of some important ad-
dition or exceedingly illuminating
criticism or other comment.
"For many months this wont on,
Eventually, so much did Sir James
feel huiisolf mid Oxford University in
the debt of the mysterious savant
(regarding whose social status the
distinguished lexicographer could not
make even a guess) that he one day
approached the university heads and
pointed outthat it would, so he con-
sidered, be a graceful and wellaner-
ited act on their part if an invitation
were sant to the Berkshire savant
of the
asking him to be the guest
university for a wok,
.A popular minister avoids
ing the sore spots of his
No fewer than 683 fires, one million
and a half dollars damage to property
and the loss of -thirty-eight lives oc-
fcurred during the year 1914 as the
direct result of children playing with
Matches should, therefore, receive
attention as a danger of primary im-
portance. Keep the matches away
from the children. Place them on a
high shelf far out of their reach, for
they love to play with fire, and
matches form an ideal toy from their
point of view.
If it were only possible to convey
in its horrid detail the account of the
fires in Canada where thirty-eight hold broke, and he did drop—slashing
children lost their lives, the excite -through the limbs and against them
pent and nervous tension, the loss of in such a way that when he reached
property,noft the anguish child, of somepameasureents, the the ground it was no longer feet fore-
pain of the littlemight most. His outstretched right hand
of reform osoon ever effected. saved his neck; but his right wrist
Mothers should after guard
their children against matches, as was broken.
they would protect them against a The fracture was mistaken for a
terrible and menacing enemy.
miring throng, with a glance at Mugg
and her approving smile, I bent that
obstinate sapling not more"than three
feet from the top, in fishhook shape;
and there I dangled, helpless and
hopeless, almost as much so as if I
had had a noose about my neck and
had been hanging from a gibbet. I
could not clamber back, for the arc
of the circle described by the bending
tree top had a diameter beyond the
swing of my wildly gyrating feet."
His suggestion that half a dozen
boys climb up and add sufficient
weight to bend the tree low enough
for safety was disregarded in the
laughter at his absurd predicament. A
rival called up to him to stay where
he was—he looked better at a dis-
tance; another amid a chorus of gig-
gles suggested that if he would only
drop, the ground would catch him.
Before they realized that his plight
was anything more than funny, his
Forest Protection Methods.
One of the most important features
in connection with the control of for-
est fires is their prompt discovery,
thus rendering it possible in most
cases to extinguish the fire in an in-
cipient stage, at small expense and
With slight damage, One of the re-
cent developments in this work is the
use of a hydro -aeroplane for the dis-
covery of fires in the forest reserves
of Northern Wisconsin, TMs is a
lake region, and excellent results have
been secured, ono fire being accurate-
ly located at a distance of thirty
Girl (reading letter from her bro-
ther at the front)—"John says a bul-
let went through his hat without
touching him." Old Lady—"What a
blessing he had his hat on, dead''
reluctance, but carried away by the
horror of it all—narrated to me
sworn facts about the behavior of
French doctors, not only toward the
Other English banks, it is stated,
now contemplate following the lead of
the Bank of England, which, despite
its former prejudice against women,
enemy, but toward their own purpose, has been historically known as the
Prance is a doomed country. The "Old Lady of Threadneedle Street."
tears which more than once came into
the Kaiser's eyes as he told the tale
were often tears of shame at such
degradation in a people that had been
thought to be still chivalrous and no-
"The second happy point of agree-
ment between the Kaiser and me
showed itself when we talked about
the meaning of the war. The mean- discovery of a method of deodorizmg
ing and purpose is the unification and it, it has become available as a deli -
purification of Germany, so that she cious human food, 25% of it being
may fulfil her world historic task of used in Roman Meal. This food es
being the heart of Europe and of pre- guaranteed to relieve constipation or
paring the way for the spiritualize- money back."It also nourishes indiges-
of European humanity. We are ter than meat and tor.preis ly tion. Ask your doctor. At all gro-
not all good, but we have the will to cars, 10 cents and 25 cents.
be good, and those who are sincereare permitted by God to succeed. Undeniably True.
These were the main ideas about the Among a squad of policemen who
meaning of the war. An inner fire were being examined on their knowl-
illuminated the conversation and it edge of ambulance work was a eer-
was as if outside the garden fresh thin Irishman with whom the doctor
children'a voices were singing, 'Oh, had the following colloquy:
Germany, high in honor, thou sacred Doctor—What would you do to a
land of loyaltyl'" man who had a cut on the foreman?
Policeman—Sure, sorr, I'd bathe it
Spinach was introduced into Eng- with warm, soft water,
land in the reign of Queen Eliza- Doctor—What do you mean by soft
Flaxseed Now a Wonderful Hu-
man Food.
as deodorized and used in Dr, Jack-
son's Roman Meal. It's the most
nourishing seed grown. It has al -1
ways been known as a wonderful i
food for stock, but since Dr. Jackson's,
sprain and was not set, and during beth, as also was the cucumber,
the prolonged pain and weakness that whilst celery was introduced to Eng -
ensued the boy took to using his left lash tables by a French prisoner in
hand and arm. He became fairly 1704. -
ambidextrous; and in after years, ap-
preciating the value of complete am-
bidexterity in his profession, he work-
ed almost wholly with his left hand
while teaching and studying anatomy.
He was finally able, in performing
an operation however delicate, to use
whichever hand was more convenient
or useful, without thinking whether it
were right or left.
Persian carpets were formerly dyed
with indigo, madder, or vine -leaves,
and from these materials shades were
evolved that were impervious to the
action of sunlight. Aniline dyes,
which have been much used in resent
years, give colors which fade more
Nieuwe Listhaont Ouroe Distentoer.
water ?
Policeman—Oehl Just soft water,
sorr; wet water.
Doctor—And what is hard water?
Policeman—Ice, sorr.
atdivard'o 7-C"ment Cures Colds, &o.
The Difference.
Little Molly had been very trying
all day. That evening, when her
grown-up sister was putting her to
bed, she said she hoped the child
Would be a better girl to -morrow,
and not make everybody unhappy
with her naughty temper.
Molly listened in silence, thought
hard for a few moments, and then
Bald, wisely:
• "Yes, when it's me it's temper;
when ti's you it's nerves."
menard's Llnitnent pure- Diphtheria
His Specialty.
"I've got the best memory of any-
body in the community!" triumph-
antly cackled old Uncle Totterly.
"Why, I can remember things on
'most everybody 'round here that
they wish 1'd forgotten!"
In japan tea -leaves ere often
ED. 6. ISSUE 44—'15. ground into powder before use,
Miaard's Liniment Ourea Garret in Cowl
The Prophet.
"Yes," said the colonel pompously,
"I am quite confident that the war
will be over by October."
"What year?" asked Elided.
"Ah," said the colonel, "that 's an-
other question."
A druggist can obtain an imitation
Toronto House at a very low price,
and have it labeled his own product.
This greasy imitation is the poor-
est one we have yet seen of the many
that every Tom, Dick and Harry has
tried to introduce.
Ask for MINARD'S and you will
get it.
The Relationship.
Mrs. Swiftley and her former hus-
band were still friends. Noting
the similarity of names and their
familiar manner towards each other
a lady who was a guest with them
at a week -end party, thought they
must be cousins.
"Is Mr. Swiftley a connection of
yours?" she asked.
"No," laughed Mrs. Swiftley: "A
You will find relief in Zam-Buk
It eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zam-
Buk, means cure. Why not prove
this ? ,425 7)raypi22sbox
ane Stores.
ranels POB, SALE.
A sult n0e. I have over two -hundred on
my list, located in the best sections of
Ontario. All sizes. E. W. Dawson,
Offices for sale In good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information 'on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 West Adelaide St.. "pronto.
iJ internal said external, cured with-
out pain by aur home treatment. Write
us before too late, Dr. BeIlman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingweod, Ont.
Positions at 51100 and 51400 Beeontly
Pineal .
Tango and Charles Ste., Toronto,
la the Best place in Ontario for Superior
Busineee or Shorthand Education. Enter
now, Calendar free.
pppt'Tare or l 0nti
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In sure or 01, Oarmonta, ins
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When you I1.o that we 008
8118' Or RAW STIRS 114 CA.
RADA dime( hem the troPPer,
you willappreciate our Iv.
81102 oyyportenIty to 2oleet the
504,8 ekIne eleat0retba
into dae10ah1 Fum
r Bete eta Per
Garments then by smiling dlre0t
to you by mall. navethemldel1u•
mmen'.00050 by our Odom of
From Trapper to Wearer
80508 WOLF BET Thle In
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000& oe o 008natul0
le hem tong hatred --flood
ggtlality whole skins. The
Stole is cut extra deep and
,Ideevor shoulder and baok-
414ing god protection adeine5
oo18—da Ohrened -with heed nal
Tach and if ,1 illik tail
I ty satin and warmly Interlined,
N Muif2g
Noe 224
The Muff is made In the largo daisy pillow
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We Pay All Delivery Chargee.
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