The Brussels Post, 1915-10-28, Page 8Wan i 0
Blood cot
Make your rooms comfortable and *+rough Oure
homelike for the Wistar by putting
op (reel el Wall Paper, Nothing
rtiairerl i`t iggerdiffereoce to a room,
LI NG itOciirlS,
We have some fine patterns in plain
designs, tan and brown shades, at
from 15c to Son per roll.
See the new dotted patterns with
the narrow out -out borders, also the
many striped patterns with cul -out
floral borders from ec a -roll up.
Odd tots of Paper
We have a number of broken lots of
paper that will suit many small
rooms. These we are clearing out
at Greatly Reduced Prices.
The Old reliable Cough Remedy -
we are still making it, A harmless
yet effective Cough Remedy, easy
to take, stops tickling sensation In
the throat, relieves hoarseness and
cough. '1'wo sizes, 25c and 5oc
bottles. Have a bottle In the house.
Cough Candles
Wild Cherry Cough Drops.
Menthol Cough Drops.
Dark Cough Drops.
All 2 ozs..for 5e.
The Cough Tablet in a convenient
Hallowe'en Post Cards 2 for 5c.
The y Store F. s wil T H
I EaI betvs Pins
GET ready for Winter.
EGGS are soaring in price.
COUNCIL meeting next Monday even-
NEXT Sunday will be the last day of
Soars letters from the "Front" are
crowded out this week.
IJAR(LD LowRY shipped a car of ap-
ples to Toronto this week,
FROSTY nights. Last Friday ice was
formed that lasted up to noon on Satur-
day in shady places.
D. EWAN has leased his cement gar-
age, adjoining the Town Hall, to Jno.
Long for an implement wareroom.
HUNTING seson opens next Monday,
November 1st. Several will go North
from this locality on the look -out for
BRUsSELS bowlers have not let up yet
this season on trundling the spheres,
several games being played on the even-
ing of last week,
A NUMBER of advertisers in THE Pos'r
have been proving the benefit of making
their stock, etc , known in prompt and
satisfactory sales. You are asked to
snake a test also, whether you are a seller
ora bu t er.
RECEIVED AKICx —While standing be -
bind a cow at last Saturday afternoon's
sale at the Central Hotel yards, F. S.
Scott, Auctioneer, received a vicious
kick on his left leg, above the knee, that
has teen very sore.
Donald will hold an Auction Sale of 3o
head of 2 year old steers and heifers, al-
so 8 coins at White's Hotel yards, Gor-
rie, Friday afternoon of this week at r
o'clock. If you rtquire anything in this
line attend the sale.
GOOD CROP. -R W. Jewitt, who is
farming near Rincaid, Saskatchewan,
bas had a .good crop this season thrash-
ing d3Mrso bushTeewttt, He is Brussels,ason of Wm.
and Its been
in the West for a number of years, go•
ing from Constance, Hallett township,
where be kept store for some time.
The Red Cross Circle is intending to
send a Christmas •'Quarter Shower" to
the soldiers. Anyone y wishing to help
will kindly leave their contribution at J,
Fox's Drug store. The Tea on Tues-
day afternoon next will be at the home
of Mrs. J. F. Rowland and proceeds
will be for the Christmas shower.
Txs steam roller has beet busy on
Turnberry street North putting the
broken stone placed upon the King's
highway in good shape. South Turn -
berry street is still locked up but should
surely soon be ready for use. This has
been a bad season for roadmaking owing
to the overplus of wet weather and so
little continuous sunshine to dry out the
street. Contractor McLean's staff stay-
ed with the job
veryfaithfully. Y. Tha
broken stone used is said to be like good
Western wheat -No. x hard.
HELL° I- Here's a notice every Tele-
phone user should read. From Novem-
ber 1st to March 1st the hours at the
Central Telephone, Brussels, will be 7.3o
a. m. to to.30 p m. Only emergency
calls will be answered after hours or on
Sundays. By keeping the above in-
formation before you it may save you
some trouble and will tend to lengthen-
ing' the years and happiness of the young
lady operators at the Central, The
change of bouts commence next Mon-
Hv&ow Co. House of REFUGE. -The
House of Refuge Committee met In
Clinton on Tuesday ot last week to con-
fer regarding wuat was best to be done
as to the management of same until the
meeting of. the Co. Council in Decem-
ber owing to death of Keeper Mutcb.
Mrs, Match will remain as Matron until
the December meeting and Chas.
Wiltse, who has had some experience in
the work, will look after outside affairs.
A assistant matron, Miss Anderson,
Paris, has arrived to take the place of
Mrs. Lawson, who was married a few
weeks ago and will now go to bar own
home a at Crediton,. Iti]
w 1e
b no.easy
job to secure successors to Mr, and Mrs,
Match, although there will no doubt be
many applicants for the positions.
HAD A GOOD TIME. -Thursday after-
noon of last week two loads of 1Srltseals
Women's Institute ladies drove to Ethel
to pay a friendly call with their sister as-
sociates in that place. They were
heartily welcomed, hospitably enter-
tained and arrived home in good season
With kindly feeliugs of the day's outing.
Brussels supplied the program consist-
ing of well sung solos by Misses Ida
Rands, Isabel Strachan, Verne Walker,
Mrs. A. D. Grant ; a paper on "Red
Cross Work" by Mrs. 1. F. Rowland
and a report of an address by Dr. Ryer-
son, read by Mrs, I. Robb, Mrs. P.
Scats presidedA very tasty lunch was
served by the Ethelites who spared ad
pains to smooth the way to make it easy
to go back. Ethel has a fine heed of
practical workers and they ate to be
congratulated on their success.
SURVEYOR ROGER, Mitchell, was here
Wednesday inspecting the macadam
roadway. H'e says more rolling is need-
A sun-cRusER who has been away for
nears in remitting for THE POST Says t --
"Would have cancelled the paper but
there is a warm spot in my beart for
dear old Brussels yet and I love to hear
the news from there."
MRs. BUNSTON, formerly of Brussels,
and mother to Mrs. Will. Leatherdale,
now of Winnipeg, died last Monday
night at her home in Brantford. Fuser -
al takes place Thursday of this week,
Further notice will be made next week.
— o—
APPLES WANTan.-One barrel beat Snows,
one Golden Russets and one Northern Spies.
R. 0. DDAnutN.
26 Goon Heavy Home wanted within the
neat two weeks. Gall on or phone No. 5,
8 ort 0 pigs 5 weeks old for 'sale Good ones.
Lot 18, Con. 6, Grey township. Phone 410.
MonhisT HUT0H114soN.
PIANO TUNING. -R. H. Stewart, piano tuner,
will be in Brussels for a few days, Leave or.
dere at Walker & Black's promptly and the
same will be attended t0 with diapatoh.
nog Clover Honey in 10 lb. pails, $1.05 per
pall, almost es good as aur best which Is
51.20. G.A. DIADMAN.
A 0000 hou-e for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply at THE Poem.
Goon second hand nook stove (wood) for Bale.
0 Pxsoa Parlor Spite; hair cloth, for sale, the
property of the late Mre. (Rev 1 J.1. 'Kerr. A
bargain is offered. Apply at Tee poem,
GOOD brick house on William street for sale
together withood stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair. All conveniences, bath, etc.
For further particulars apply to Gamma
THOMSoN, Brussels.
TAXES. -Brussels taxpayers will have
a County rate, with war tax, of 2 7/to
mills on dollar. Local rate will be y 6/to
mills. Consolida'ed loan rate 4 /to
mills ; General frontage, 1 4/50 mills ;
General school rate 8 mills and School
rate a mill. Above does not include
sidewalk, drain, sewer and telephone
time ago Alex. Fergasoe, died after a
brief illness of
heart trouble, aged 69
years at his home in the city of Chicago.
He is survived by his wife. 3
sons and a daughter. Mr. Ferguson
wasbora in Brussels ttssels end was s e engaged
in journalism for years. He was a fine
spirited mac of no mean ability and was
a brother of D. 81 Ferguson, Stratford,
The latter and his son attended the
funeral. Jno. Ferguson, Brussels, is a
cousin to the late Mr. Ferguson.
OVERLAND, -L. Kennedy, Wingbam,
was in town Tuesday and inserted an
advertisement in THE POST for the
Overland car, for which he bas the
agency. He has some interesting things
to tell all who have a notion of investing
in this car. P. Ament and W, A.
Grewar, Brussels, are owners of Over -
lands so that the style, comfort and
speed may be ascertained by enquiry
from either Mr. Kennedy or our towus-.
men. See what the advt. says,
START woax.-Brussels Council will
proceed to continue the macadamizing
of Turuberry street from the bridge to
the G. 'i'. R. tracks. Pavement will be
26 feet wide with cement muffing along
either side of street. Estimated cost of
work is $3.20o, of which $192o will be
paid by corporation. Special rate front-
age is 55,8 cents and the debt is parable
in r5 annual instalments. Many e
hundred dollars has been expended on
this portion of street for which tbere is
very little to show for it but the new
plan should give permanency. Work
will be done next season.
Lucknow and surrounding country were
greatly shocked Tuesday afternoon, 19th
inst., to hear of the death of ATex,
Stewart, the well and widely known
farmer and cattle dealer, near St.
Helens. He had been found dead on
his farm about noon, having evidently
dropped dead from heart failure. Mr
Stewart had been in Lucknow'Tuesday.
morning and displayed his usual energy
and high spirits. He was to have a
threshing machine on his farm that
a ernoua cad he was unusual) busy.
About noon he undertook to drive the
cattle somewhere on the farm, and as he
failed to return a search Was made and
he wes found dead in the field. He was
about 72 years of age but was more
active and energetic than many younger
men. Mr, Stewart was not only well
but favorably known throughout a large
part ot Huron and Bruce Counties. He
was Secretary and agent for the Wawa -
nosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co,, had
been many years active in municipal af-
fairs, bad been Councillor and Reeve of
the township. Besides a widow, he
leaves 4 sous and a daughter. The sons
are Charles and Joseph, Moosomin,
Sask. ; Gregor, St, Pants, Minn, ;
George and Miss Anna, at home. The
funeral took place Saturday afternoon
aid was largely attended. Deceased
was an uncle to Mrs, Jas, Fox, Brussels,
and she and her son, Stewart, went to
the funeral. Mr, Stewart was held in
high esteem and deservedly so,
East Huron Produce Emporium
Prices Qffered
Selected strictly New Laid Eggs 35c
Fresh gathered Eggs 27c
'"Selected Dairy Print Butter - - 27c
Light -weight Prints and Unlabeled
Wrappers, Solids and Rolls 25c
Dress Chickens, Roasters and Broilers,
crate fatted, showing quality 14c
'Number of Feeding Coops for sale at 75c each
5oo bushels Feeding Wheat wanted.
• 4444.44••®4•••••4 •••••••••44•••••44••4•••44
THE PosT gives the news,
BOY Scouts are being drilled on Vic
toria Park, under the direction of Frill
clpal B S Scott. It is a good training
LANTERN evening with views sent be
the Red Cross Society from the iron
will be exhibited in the Town Hall at an
early dale, to be announced in nex
week'6 PolT. Watch out for it.
WELL eor(E =There is now uearly
$7.60 0o to the credit of the British Red
Cross Fund as the result of Trafalgar
Day canvass, according to Treasurer
Rowland's latest returns. A few people
who were not seen may increase the
Aimee, 815 00. were the' receipts of the
Red Cross Circle Tea at Mrs A. Strac-
han's home 'Tuesday evening. There
are several expressing willingness
to aid in these interesting events. show-
ing an increase of interest on the part
of the people.
THE Auction Sale Salm dee af'ernoon
of cattle at the Central Hotel lard+ at-
tracted quite n crowd but the bidding
was hardly lively enough to put much
moueyin the pocket of Richard John-
ston, Trowbridge, the proprietor, over
the cost of the animals. meeting of. Brussels' W. C.
'1'. U Friday afternoon of this week. at
the Public Library audience room.
Mrs S. Walker will read a paper and an
address will be given by Rev. E G.
Powell, Co. Temperance Secretary,
S. CARTER, local agent. was at Lon-
don this week bringingbacka new'Ford
car which he sold to toe' McKay, Grey
township. Mr. Carter saw the soldier
boys from this_locality while in the
Forest City and says they are enjoying
their drill.
Lively Fall trade
Our Curlers organize.
Industries increase in town.
War ended by Allies winning,
A good Hockey teem in Brussels.
The promised new Postnflice building.
More "juice" given the Electric lights.
ALL the joys of Fall housecleaning
are once more on the program,
Misses CORA BELL and Madge Donald-
. son spent the week end at Atwood.
A CAR of poultry will be shipped to
t New York Friday of this week by R.
t MRs •DUNCAN TAYLOR has i)nproved
considerable la health ' and Miss Juneve
has returned to her school which was
supplied' for a week or so
AMONG the pally proposing to go -
Deer bunting from this locality are !-
Bert and Mrs, Allan, Hariock; B.
Harrington and loo. Melville, Lon-
desboro ; Fraser Embury and Robt.
Nichol, Morris i and W. S. Scott and
Fred, Burchill, Brussels. Parry Sound
District, the sportsmans' paradise, will
be the sceue of their op rations. Sea-
son opens next Monday.
Santa Claus.
Snow flurries.
Winter sports.
Fur garments.
Payment of taxes.
Christmas buying.
Municipal candidates.
New and renewal Pt ST subscriptions.
.Sparking by the parlor stove.
Pon often receives transient advertise-
ments from people at a distance with
the request that we insert, and send the
bill and remittance will be made forth,
with. The instructions are followed to
the letter but no cash is forthcoming.
AE late this practice has been so much
on the increase we are beginning to
lose faith in our fellows at a distance,
hence have decided that cash must RC -
company order and thereby save trouble
and expense in collecting small amounts.
WILL von HELP 7. -The local Red
Cross purpose sending another box of
sweetmeats to the soldiers and to make
it easy for the contributors canvassers
will call on the homes, both country and
town, next Wednesday afternoon, for
what the people may feel free to offer.
Jam, jelly, honey and maple syrup will
be very acceptable. Kindly arrange to
leave your gift where it may be got if
you are not going to be home, 'There
should be a good rally for this interest-
ing crusade and one that is most highly
appreciated by the soldier boys overseas.
With everybody on the job from no to
20o gems should not be a very difficult
undertaking. Will you help
GARy,—DEAR MR KERR. -Enclosed you
will please find P. 0, for the neves' ary
to place my subscription to 'foss POST in
a shape I will not be maimed of it and
must apologlz, for neglect on this im•
portant matter IE you had withheld
my weekly letter you Certainly wou'd
have had your money earlier. You will
notice by the new letterhead I have
into business i r
gone n firm of G Rham &
McCall, Funeral Directors and Embalm-
ers, Ghg-tr Centre street, Calgary) and
settled down at last. Collections are a
trifle slow but if this war Was only set-
tled I believe things would soon right
themselves Weare threshing the great-
est crop the West has ever produced,
A few districts had some hall, which is
hard on the individual but is only a trifle
to the Province as a whole. I noticed
in an Eastern paper crow Hon. Lucas
was criticising the people of the rural
parts of old Ontario for lack of interest
in recruiting. I suppose if I Were a
single man end had gone to the war I
would he said to, represent Calgary.
That is not so a9 dietriot I would have
represented Is Brussels, I do not think
this criticism is coming to Ontario as so
many of ourboys, who have gone from
here, the vacant .cbair and anxious
hearts are in the rural districts of old
Ontario. With kindest regards, I am
yours, D. M. McCAr,L,
°burgh Chimes
Vote will be taken on Church Ucion
in Melville clench, Brussels, on Sabbath
November 14th,
A Hallowe'en social will be held in the
basement of SI John's church by. the
A. Y. P. Q. Friday evening of this
A debate, "Resolved that it is in accord
with Christianity to prosecute this war"
will be dealt, with at the A. Y P. A.
meeting in St, john's church at the
close of the evening service next Sun-
The Upper Canada Bible Society Col-
lectors will call on you shortly for your
annual contribution to this worthy
cause. Books have to be closed so that
remittance may reach the General
Treasurer before the close of ter5.
"God's second best" was Rev. Mr.
Wren's theme Inst Sabbath morning and
the evening subject was "Man's soverei.
guity." Both were excellent sermons.
Next Sunday morning topic will be
"The second blow, or the man easily of
BEs. -A bee is on the program of
Melville church Friday of this week for
the purpose of completing the levelling
of the cburch grounds and attending to
other tidying up before Winter comes
on. If Friday is unfavorable on account
of weather Monday afternoon is the
next choice. It is quite a chore but
many hands will make light work.
evening the Epworth League gave a
Literary and Somal evening that proved
enjoyable, After devotional' exercises
solos were sung by F. H. Gilroy, Miss
Jessie Cunningham and Miss Barks in
good style ; well rendered recitations
were given by Miss Vera Hoover and
Bert Lott and impromptu speeches by
several proved their 'iersatility. Miss
Carrie Hingston presided and the Na.
tional Anthem brought to a conclusion
a pleasant time. An offering was taken
for the benefit of League funds.
People We Talk About
Elmer Ewan is home from Guelph,
Rus. Riddell, Monkton, was a busi-
ness caller in the village last Monday,
Miss J. j. Allan, Elora, eye specialist,
was here last Tuesday on her regular
Mrs. George Lowry has been on the
sick list during the past week but we
hope she will soon he better.
Fred Burchill is back from his work
in the East and will re -open his skating
•rink as soon as ice pan bp made.
Will. Haycroft, of Hamilton, palled
on old friends in Brussels duriug the
past week. He is the picture of good
Jno. and Mrs, Cunningham and Her-
bert and Mrs. Manning and children
visited with Herb. and Mrs. Cunning-
ham at Palmerston.
A trip was made to Berlin on Wed.
nesday by W. A. Grewar, J. Ferguson,
M, Black and Dr, Hamilton in the
former's car with Elmer Ewan as cheer
W. A and Mrs, Grewar, Miss Verne
and Archer were
away on a 3 V p
wa da tri in
which Strafford
Woodstock, Ingersoll
and Loudon wens visited, They went
by motor,
George Heist, who was employed here
for the past few months, .has returned to
Chesley where his wife and children, ex
ceptingone sou who was also in Brussels,
are residing.
Finlay Scott Smart Stratford, A form-
er Brtisselite, has enlisted and is now at
camp on Carling's Heights, London,
Mr. Smart is s nainesake'of Postmaster
Scott, al this place.
Mrs, J. R Grant and slaughters,
Winnipeg, who were to visit Mrs. W. 11.
Kerr, Brussels another daughter, have
been delayed in their coming by the
former'; illness We Lope for speedy
R. A and Mrs, Pryne and children
left Friday afternoon for their new
home in tile Queen city, 'Then will re -
Side at 534' Palmerston Boulevard
While regretting their removal we wish
them the beet of the good things going,
STANOAib AK Fine China
EVERY good Bank has a RESERVE FUND as pro•
vision for lean yeape and the inevitable rainy day.
This Fund hoe been accumulated from Surplus Earnings
and is a source of strength and stability.
Reeryone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without
it no one is in a safe financial condition,.
Our Savings Department offers an ideal opportunity for'
EeT'D lays establishing YOUR RESERVE FUND, 209
J. F. Rowland, O Q -PJ' Manager.
Mrs J Leckie, who went to Toronto
last week, is now lu the hospital ettdeav
oring to build up so as to be able to
come home.
Roy and Mrs: Hastings, Atwood, and
Richard and Mrs Robinson spent Sun•
day last with Mrs. Wm. Robinson,
Queen street, Brussels.
Mrs, W, H. Ptyoe was at Walkerton
Monday A house has been bought,
we understand, and the family ex-
pect to remove there in a couple of
weeks, They will he much missed in
Brussels, especially in the Methodist
Miss Eva McCracken, Miss Ruby
Plum and Miss Laura Leatherdale and
nephew. Vernon Leatherdale, were
visitors with .,Toronto relatives and
friends during the oast week, The
ladies also attended the Provincial
Sabbath School - Convention
Stnle3 Campbell, who has been en-
gaged with the Free Press, London, has
enlisted, joining the Mounted R•fles
He is a son of Annus and Mrs. Camp-
bell, Mill street, Brosse's This is the
.ecoud member of the family to don the
King's colors. We hope both boys will
be able to return home unharmed after
the war is over.
Roy Kingswood, a medical student, of
London, carried oft the palm at the
Western University games,. tak'ng 21
points Kingswood won the loo. 22o,
and 44, yule dashes in good time, was
third in the broad jump, and hop, step,
and jump. and second in the shot put
and hurdles. He is a son of I. and Mrs
Kingswood, London, the tatter being a
daughter of James Sherpa, of Brussels
Roy does not run all to sport but is a
good student and should be well to the
front in his finals.
Howick Council
Council met Oct. 2015 in Township
Hall, Gorrie, pursuant to adjourn,
went. Members all present, except
Councillor Doig. Minutes of last
meeting read and on Locales of Dem-
rnerling and Spotton were adopted.
The question of making a grant to
the Red Oros Fund was considered.
Moved by Spotton and Demmerling
that the Township Council,: glee a;
grant of $600 and that the Reeve and
Treasurer be appointed to look after
the matter. Carried. •
E. D. Bolton, Township Engineer,
presented a certificate for the corn-
pletion of the contract let to 'Hugh
Wright for supplying tile re Nash por-
tion of the Ashton award drain, also
his bili for. $18 00 for his services as
engineer letting contract, advertising,
etc. Moved by Armstrong and Spot.
ton these bills be paid and that have
same placed on the Collectors Rolls
for collection. Carried.
Moved by Armstrong and Demmer -
ling that the following accounts be
paid :-Reuben Harding, selecting
Jurors, $4.00 ; Milton Leonard, select-
ing jurors, $4,00 ; O. E. Walker, se-
lecting jurors, $4:00 Freda Irwin,
gravelling Lot 5 0011. 8 and 9, $51.75;
Wm. Foster, gravel, $6 00 ; R. Haetie,
gravel, $15,65 t R. Haetie, gravel,
$15,50 ; Thos. Bennett, gravel, $2 95 ;
W rn. Foster, gravel,;$8.00 ; Municipal
World assessment rolls, $8.45 ; John
Brown, rep. culvert Lot 84 Con, 6,
$1.60 ; Ed, Mitchell, digging ditch
$10.00 ; Wm. Ferguson, compensation
far change in fence, .$30.00 ; Geo, Gal-
brslith, gravel, J. Weitz, gravel,
$10.50; Peter Diekett, taking stones
off road, $1.60; L, Muriay, compensa-
tion fpr change in fence, 85.00 ; Fred.
Edgar, putting drain across road,
$4 50 ; Elmer Fallis, gravel, $41.20 ;
Hugh Douglas, digging ditch Lots 5
and 6 Oon,18, $41.40 ; Henry Rupert,
for tile, $18 35 ; Thos. Foster, ept•ead-
ing gravel, $9.00 ; C. Stafford, clean-
ing out ditch, $1.00 ; Geo. Robertson,
compensation for change in fence,
$5,00 ; Antos Denny; gravelling Lot
30 Con. 2, $36 00 ; James Rinn, spreltd.
ing gravel, $4 50 ; Aiww Denny, rat-
ting two hills on H. & W. Illy., $62.-
00; John Hy,idnutn, tile and catch
basin, $68.50 ; N.; Feathers, culvert
and rep.. road Lot 80 Don. 12, $4 60 ;
John Weir, spreading gravel and
work on rood H. & M. Bdy., $28.50 ;
Geo. Williamson, ditching road from
Lot 19 to 22 Con. 9, $3.00 ; Harvey
Sperling, nutlet foe road %viler, $3 00 ;
Walkout & Denny, bel. of'contt'art for
floor on Stewart's Bridge, $100.00 ;
Ernest King, gravel, $6.00 ; A. Hill &
Co., hal, in full on Bridge contract,
Moved by Arrnah'nng and Spnttnn
that thin Commit adjourn to meet in
Gook's Hotel, Foidwich; on Wednes-
day; NovemberEWALKER, Carried.
DENNEY.—At Pordwich, on Oot. 28rd, Henry
Denny, aged 8? years and 10 months,
Fana0so5 —In Chicago, Alex; Ferguson, aged
MA1NB In Londesboro, on October 28rd, 1516,
Matthew Mains, aged 66 years, 4 months
and 5 days,
During the past week we have
• aseetl ina to stock ver flue lind
of Hand Painted Nippon 0111110,
The assortment contains a great
variety ()f-
ilen Bone Open Butters
Create and Sugars Fancy Vases '
Dresser Setts - Jelly Dishes
Celery Trays Cake Plates
Biscuit Jars Salad Bowls
&o., &c,
We import these goods direct from
the factory and we think you will
find our price correct,
Stock Patterns
We also have a very complete
'stock of one regular stock patterns
Bridal Rose Green and Gold
White and Gold Scattered IJtoee
Violet Pompadour
Come in any time and see our stock
-under no obligation whatever to
buy. We will be pleased to have you
call at
The Penstar Store
PatoAY, OOT. 20mc.—Farm. stook, Imple.
manta,&o , Lot 6, Con. 12, Elma. Bale at 1
pp m. Sale anreaerved as farm hue been sold.
Sora HALL, Proprietor.
Oats Wheat E 8d $ 8887
Peas Bare t40 150
Eggs e 80 80
Her 12 ..1200 1500
Potatoes per bus - 1.00
Wool waohed 20
For Sale n Wroxeter
Home and lot known as the "Maitland Ter.
race." Brick -veneered dwelling, frame stable,
small orchard, &o. Apply to
17-4 Wroxeter, Out. '
Take Notice That
(1) The Connell of the Corporation of the
Village of Brussels Intends to construct as a
Local Improvement, a 28 foot pavement of
Macadam with curbing on both sides of Turn•
berry street [rota South side of William street
in the Bald Village of Brussels, Northerly to
the G. T R. track, and intends to specially ea.
seas a part of the cost upon the lands abutting
directly on the work.
(21 The estimated cost o[ the work le 52200.00
of which $1920 00 le to be paid by the Corpora-
tion The estimated special rate per Net
frontage la 558 cents. The apeolai asaesemen
Is to be paid in 15 annual instalments.
(81 A petition against the work will not
avail to prevent its eonetruetton.
Dated the 27th day of October, 1516.
P. S. SDOTT, Clerk.
11=MIMIN•lolammeraseftilli NNW /MEN,
4 •4•444•404•4e+4+•+•+e.i••+•+'•'r•+•+•+�••••••+•+o+.+ea'4.r•a•••.R•t•••s••�1••a••+•.!.•+•'real•
1 .ger
+ hexa
• n •+
t 3 c
• Showing different wa which c can, s. your s in whh I I •
i earning 3 per cent at present.
Money for you and the difference that 7 per
will make to you each W►a if oar cone is onl
� � y Y
• In taking advantage of this higher return on your money you take absolutelyno I
+•risk whatever, neither do you have any expense nor - trouble of any kind. Your money
+, s absolutely secured in every way and you hold the security, •
+ ,
Here is a
Record0 th
at Speaks for Itseif .
+ $2 000 more the the•
FIRST -You can allow your Interest to Accumulate.
Invest any amount you like this way at 7 per cent and at the end of twenty years :you can
deduct everything that your money would have earned during the sante tiive at 8 per
cent and you will find that you will still have left' mote than three times the amount that
you started with.
ND You can drawur
yo Interest In cash at regular intervals.'.+�..
In a case of this kind you will receive going along more than twice what you would at 3 +,
per cent and will get back the earu8-amnunt in the end.
TI-HRD—You can draw your Interest and also a part of your Principal each year.
If you require to draw altogether each year an amount equal to say one tenth of your ori-
ginal Priuoi tel thenl' J' y rI
g P your Lunney will7etst for twelve years if it varus 3 per. Gent.. This is
only two years longer than if it did not draw any interest at all. At7 per cent it will last
for seventeen years or five years longer than it will at
g Sper cent, +
No one has, at any time, ever loaf one cent through any investment that I have tnadefor .them,
During the past six months investments that I have made for local people have given a return of
n money invested would have earned at 3 per cent, Not one person is receiving
less than 7 pee cent on the amount invested -
invest now while pH have an opportunity to see me personally.
y Pp Y p rs pally..
R.C. Deadman
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +644.444.44604+4+44•44.444•44 4•44+44•4•4•444 •4.4•' O+.